GI Values Update

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Eureka! A spud with a GI of 58 plus new values for parsnip, pumpkin, nectarines and hummus
Fiona at SUGiRS has been working overtime this month and has sent us the GI values for several popular staple foods. First of all she discovered a lower GI potato thanks to chef and potato expert Graham Liney, owner of restaurant/guest house Willow Vale Mill, near Goulburn. Less than a year ago, Fiona, Jennie and Philippa sat down with Graham and asked him what sort of potato he thought might have a lower GI. He suggested we check out a general purpose, waxy variety called Nicola, which is what’s known in the trade as a ‘hard cooking’ potato (doesn’t go mushy) that’s suitable for potato salads as well as steaming, boiling or baking. He was spot on. Nicola potatoes have a GI of 58. They are available in major supermarkets and produce markets as well as farmers’ markets and from organic growers around the world. Remember, however, to keep those portions moderate. For more information about Nicola potatoes contact: Graham Liney, Willow Vale Mill, Laggan, Ph: 612 4837 3319 Fax: 612 4837 3343


Graham’s tips for baking potatoes

  1. Scrub potatoes clean then boil them for about 16–17 minutes in a pot with the skin on. They needed to be what he called ‘cooked to crunch’.
  2. Drain and pat dry with a clean cloth or kitchen paper.
  3. Place in a baking dish, spray or brush with a little olive oil and bake in a preheated oven (200ºC/400ºF) until golden and crisp on the outside.

Other healthy low GI fruit and vegetables staples for the month include:

Nectarines (fresh): GI 43
Butternut pumpkin/winter squash (boiled): GI 51
Parsnips (boiled): GI 52

As for our favourite low GI spread: hummus. We have just tested Chris brand Traditional Hummus – GI 22. But look at the GL on this one: with a 20 g serve size (about a tablespoon), you get 3.6 g carbohydrate and a GL of 1 (actually 0.8).


The latest North American values
Stonemill Sprouted Grains 3 Grain Bread GI 55
Tested by Glycemic Index Laboratories, Toronto.
Gustav Boehringer, master baker and founder of Stonemill Bakehouse, has been baking great tasting breads for over 50 years. To make the low GI Sprouted Grains 3 Grain Bread, the whole wheat kernel is sprouted for 48 hours. Each grain kernel grows a new shoot then the ‘live’ sprouted whole grains are mashed into the dough. Everything stays, the bran, germ and endosperm. The bread is made with no added sugar and is dairy and egg free. It’s available in major supermarkets across Ontario and greater Montreal. For more information contact: Stonemill Bakehouse on 1 416 757 7567.


Where can I get more information on GI testing?

North America
Dr Alexandra Jenkins
Glycemic Index Laboratories
36 Lombard Street, Suite 100
Toronto, Ontario M5C 2X3 Canada
Phone +1 416 861 0506

Fiona Atkinson
Research Manager, Sydney University Glycemic Index Research Service (SUGiRS)
Human Nutrition Unit, School of Molecular and Microbial Biosciences
Sydney University
NSW 2006 Australia
Phone + 61 2 9351 6018
Fax: + 61 2 9351 6022

New Zealand
Dr Tracy Perry
The Glycemic Research Group, Dept of Human Nutrition
University of Otago
PO Box 56 Dunedin New Zealand
Phone +64 3 479 7508

Where can I get more information on the GI symbol program?


Alan Barclay
Acting CEO, Glycemic Index Ltd
Phone: +61 2 9785 1037
Fax: +61 2 9785 1037

GI Symbol News
Moolgiri medium grain rice (GI 54) branded by Freedom Foods joins the GI Symbol Program. In Australia, you’ll find it in the health or gluten-free section of your supermarket. It will be available worldwide over the coming year.


For more information contact:
Mr Trevor R. Mayhew, Vice President, Moolgiri Rice
Peninsula Food Products Pvt Ltd, Chennai, India
p: + 91 4442613231; m: + 91 + 9840495557