Food NameGIFood ManufacturerProduct CategoryCountry of food productionServing Size (g)Carbohydrate portion (g) or Average Carbohydrate portion (g)GL (based on average carbohydrate potion)Reference:Subjects typeTimeSubjects NumberYear of test
Cake, NS, decreased GI variant, sugar-to-flour ratio: 0.8020Bakery School, Herk-de-Stad, BelgiumBakery ProductsBelgium306Vrolix, R. and R.P. Mensink, Variability of the glycemic response to single food products in healthy subjects. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 2010. 31(1): p. 5-11.Normal 2h102010
Carrot cake, prepared with wheat flour and coconut flour37Bakery ProductsPhilippines3011Trinidad, T.P., et al., Glycaemic index of different coconut (Cocos nucifera)-flour products in normal and diabetic subjects. British Journal of Nutrition, 2003. 90(3): p. 551-556.Normal 2h102002
Chocolate cake made from packet mix with chocolate frosting38Betty Crocker, General Mills Inc., Minneapolis, USABakery ProductsUSA3011Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Chocolate mudcake 43Bakery ProductsAustralia3013Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92009
Christmas fruit cake 53Bakery ProductsAustralia3016Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102009
Cupcake, strawberry-iced73Squiggles, Farmland, Grocery Holdings, Tooronga, AustraliaBakery ProductsAustralia3022Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Plumcake, prepared with wheat flour and yogurt47Mulino Bianco, Barilla, ItalyBakery ProductsItaly3014Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102005
Pound cake 0% 38Bimbo S.A de C.V, MexicoBakery ProductsMexico3011Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122006
Raspberry Coffee cake, President's Choice® Blue Menu™ 50Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaBakery ProductsCanada3015INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Sponge cake, filled with marmalade and yogurt cream 57Yogo brioss, Ferrero, ItalyBakery ProductsItaly3017Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102014
Sponge cake with cocoa, milk cream-filled, coated with chocolate58Kinder Délice, ItalyBakery ProductsItaly3017Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102012
Sponge cake with cocoa, milk cream-filled, coated with chocolate and coconut pieces (Kinder Délice Cocco)56Ferrero, ItalyBakery ProductsItaly3017Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102012
Sponge cake, soft wheat flour, carrots (14%), almonds (7%) (Camille, Mulino Bianco)51Barilla, ItalyBakery ProductsItaly3015Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102007
Sponge cake, soft wheat flour, filled with chocolate cream (Kinder Pan e Cioc Cacao)61Ferrero, ItalyBakery ProductsItaly3018Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102014
Sponge cake, soft wheat flour, ground cereals (rice, barley, rye, oat, wheat) and cocoa, filled with barley malt cream (Kinder colazione più)66Ferrero, ItalyBakery ProductsItaly3020Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102014
Sponge cake, soft wheat flour, orange cream-filled, coated with chocolate, Fiesta60Ferrero, ItalyBakery ProductsItaly3018Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102012
Sponge cake, soft wheat flour, with almond and chocolate pieces (Brioche Cereali e Cioccolato, Grancereale)66Barilla, ItalyBakery ProductsItaly3020Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102012
Sponge cake, wheat flour, rolled barley and oat (2.5%), filled with apricot jam (Brioss Albicocca ecereali)60Ferrero ItalyBakery ProductsItaly3018Cossu, M., et al., A nutritional evaluation of various typical Italian breakfast products: a comparison of macronutrient composition and glycaemic index values. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2018. 69(6): p. 676-681.Normal 2h102012
Vanilla cake, made from packet mix with vanilla frosting42Betty Crocker, General Mills Inc., Minneapolis, USABakery ProductsUSA3013Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Cake, prepared with yoghurt, gluten-free (Plum cake)42Dr Shaer AG/SPA, ItalyBakery ProductsItaly3013Scazzina, F., et al., Glycaemic index of some commercial gluten-free foods. European Journal of Nutrition, 2015. 54(6): p. 1021-6.Normal 2h102015
Cake, prepared with brown rice, corn, millet and buckwheat, gluten-free (Gallette Chicchi al vento, Grancereale)67Barilla, ItalyBakery ProductsItaly3020Scazzina, F., et al., Glycaemic index of some commercial gluten-free foods. European Journal of Nutrition, 2015. 54(6): p. 1021-6.Normal 2h102015
Croissant, all butter 45Coles Supermarkets Pty Ltd, AustraliaBakery ProductsAustralia3014Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102013
Croissant67Bakery ProductsOman3020Ali, A., et al., Glycemic Index of Commonly Consumed Snack Foods in Oman. International Journal of Nutrition, Pharmacology, Neurological Diseases, 2020. 10(2): p. 50-56.Normal 2h122020
Apple Berry crumble, President's Choice® Blue Menu™41Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaBakery ProductsCanada3012INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Bavarian (mousse filling on biscuit base), Chocolate honeycomb, light31Sara Lee Bakery, AustraliaBakery ProductsAustralia309International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h92006-2007
Danish Pastry, Apple & Peach, light 50Sara Lee Bakery, AustraliaBakery ProductsAustralia3015International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h102006-2007
Fruit mince pies, shortcrust pastry case filled with dried fruit 58Bakery ProductsAustralia3017Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h112009
Pavlova, meringue base topped with whipped cream, fresh strawberries, banana and passionfruit pulp 49Bakery ProductsAustralia3015Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92010
Gingerbread81Bakery ProductsFrance3024Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycemic Index and Insulinemic Index of Foods: An Interlaboratory Study Using the ISO 2010 Method. Nutrients, 2019. 11(9).Normal 2h152019
Gingerbread88Bakery ProductsFrance3026Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycemic Index and Insulinemic Index of Foods: An Interlaboratory Study Using the ISO 2010 Method. Nutrients, 2019. 11(9).Normal 2h152019
Gingerbread89Bakery ProductsFrance3027Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycemic Index and Insulinemic Index of Foods: An Interlaboratory Study Using the ISO 2010 Method. Nutrients, 2019. 11(9).Normal 2h132019
Apple Blueberry muffin49Sara Lee Bakery, AustraliaBakery ProductsAustralia3015International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h92006-2007
Apple, oat, sultana muffin54Bakery ProductsAustralia3016Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92000
Apricot, coconut and honey muffin60Bakery ProductsAustralia3018Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92000
Banana, oat and honey muffin65Bakery ProductsAustralia3020Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Blueberry muffin50Sara Lee Bakery, AustraliaBakery ProductsAustralia3015International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h102006-2007
Blueberry (Wild) 10-Grain muffin, President's Choice® Blue Menu™57Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaBakery ProductsCanada3017INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Chocolate butterscotch muffin53Bakery ProductsAustralia3016Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102001
Chocolate chip muffin52Sara Lee Bakery, AustraliaBakery ProductsAustralia3016International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h112006-2007
Cranberry & Orange Soy muffin, President's Choice® Blue Menu™48Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaBakery ProductsCanada3014INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Cranberry Raisin muffin43Bakery ProductsAustralia3013Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102013
Double chocolate muffin46Sara Lee Bakery, AustraliaBakery ProductsAustralia3014International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h102006-2007
Raisin Bran Flax muffin, President's Choice® Blue Menu™52Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaBakery ProductsCanada3016INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Raspberry Pomegranate muffin, President's Choice® Blue Menu™58Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaBakery ProductsCanada3017INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Muffin, made with 14% soft wheat flour, 7% lentil flour, 5% resistant starch and 3% dextrins39Bakery ProductsSpain3012Ferrer-Mairal, A., et al., In vitro and in vivo assessment of the glycemic index of bakery products: influence of the reformulation of ingredients. European Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 51(8): p. 947-54.Normal 2h102009
Muffin made with oat flour54Bakery ProductsSingapore3016Soong, Y.Y., R.Y.C. Quek, and C.J. Henry, Glycemic potency of muffins made with wheat, rice, corn, oat and barley flours: a comparative study between in vivo and in vitro. European Journal of Nutrition, 2015. 54(8): p. 1281-5.Normal 2h122015
Muffin made with barley flour55Bakery ProductsSingapore3017Soong, Y.Y., R.Y.C. Quek, and C.J. Henry, Glycemic potency of muffins made with wheat, rice, corn, oat and barley flours: a comparative study between in vivo and in vitro. European Journal of Nutrition, 2015. 54(8): p. 1281-5.Normal 2h122015
Muffin made with corn flour74Bakery ProductsSingapore3022Soong, Y.Y., R.Y.C. Quek, and C.J. Henry, Glycemic potency of muffins made with wheat, rice, corn, oat and barley flours: a comparative study between in vivo and in vitro. European Journal of Nutrition, 2015. 54(8): p. 1281-5.Normal 2h122015
Muffin made with wheat flour74Bakery ProductsSingapore3022Soong, Y.Y., R.Y.C. Quek, and C.J. Henry, Glycemic potency of muffins made with wheat, rice, corn, oat and barley flours: a comparative study between in vivo and in vitro. European Journal of Nutrition, 2015. 54(8): p. 1281-5.Normal 2h122015
Muffin made with rice flour79Bakery ProductsSingapore3024Soong, Y.Y., R.Y.C. Quek, and C.J. Henry, Glycemic potency of muffins made with wheat, rice, corn, oat and barley flours: a comparative study between in vivo and in vitro. European Journal of Nutrition, 2015. 54(8): p. 1281-5.Normal 2h122015
Pancakes, prepared with wheat flour and coconut flour46Bakery ProductsPhilippines3014Trinidad, T.P., et al., Glycaemic index of different coconut (Cocos nucifera)-flour products in normal and diabetic subjects. British Journal of Nutrition, 2003. 90(3): p. 551-556.Normal 2h102002
Pancakes, prepared from wheat flour and water61Coles Smart Buy Plain Flour, Coles Supermarkets Pty LtdBakery ProductsAustralia3018Dona, A.C., et al., (1)H NMR spectroscopy for the in vitro understanding of the glycaemic index. British Journal of Nutrition, 2013. 109(11): p. 1934-9.Normal 2h102009
Pancakes, prepared from shake mix67Green's General Foods, Glendenning, AustraliaBakery ProductsAustralia3020Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Pancakes, millet (100% foxtail millet flour)76Bakery ProductsChina3023Ren, X., et al., In vitro starch digestibility and in vivo glycemic response of foxtail millet and its products. Food & Function, 2016. 7(1): p. 372-9.Normal 2h102016
Pancakes, prepared from wheat flour80Bakery ProductsChina3024Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h102005
Pancakes, millet (75% foxtail millet flour, 25% extrusion flour (w/w, dry basis)83Bakery ProductsChina3025Ren, X., et al., In vitro starch digestibility and in vivo glycemic response of foxtail millet and its products. Food & Function, 2016. 7(1): p. 372-9.Normal 2h102016
Pancakes, buckwheat, gluten-free, made from packet mix102Orgran Natural Foods, Carrum Downs, AustraliaBakery ProductsAustralia3031Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Pancakes, gluten-free, made from packet mix61Freedom Foods, Cheltenham, AustraliaBakery ProductsAustralia3018International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h102006-2007
Brownies, containing wheat flour and coconut flour43Bakery ProductsPhilippines3013Trinidad, T.P., et al., Glycaemic index of different coconut (Cocos nucifera)-flour products in normal and diabetic subjects. British Journal of Nutrition, 2003. 90(3): p. 551-556.Normal 2h102002
Cinnamon bread, prepared with wheat flour and coconut flour45Bakery ProductsPhilippines3014Trinidad, T.P., et al., Glycaemic index of different coconut (Cocos nucifera)-flour products in normal and diabetic subjects. British Journal of Nutrition, 2003. 90(3): p. 551-556.Normal 2h102002
Doughnut75Bakery ProductsOman3023Ali, A., et al., Glycemic Index of Commonly Consumed Snack Foods in Oman. International Journal of Nutrition, Pharmacology, Neurological Diseases, 2020. 10(2): p. 50-56.Normal 2h122020
Hot cross buns, spiced sweet bun with dried fruit59Tip Top Bakeries, Chatswood, AustraliaBakery ProductsAustralia3018Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102012
Hot cross buns, spiced sweet bun with dried fruit66Bakery ProductsAustralia3020Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92012
Pan de sal (sweet bread roll), containing wheat flour and coconut flour62Bakery ProductsPhilippines3019Trinidad, T.P., et al., Glycaemic index of different coconut (Cocos nucifera)-flour products in normal and diabetic subjects. British Journal of Nutrition, 2003. 90(3): p. 551-556.Normal 2h102002
Pastry, puff 56Pampas™, AustraliaBakery ProductsAustralia3017Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Pastry, puff, with wheat flour and sugar47Nastrine, ItalyBakery ProductsItaly3014Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h92005
Pikelets, Golden brand85Tip Top Bakeries, Chatswood, AustraliaBakery ProductsAustralia3026Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Pizza base, baked in oven at 220oC for 9 min 52Boboli, Orograin Bakeries Manufacturing Inc, PA, USABakery ProductsUSA3016Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102015
Scones, plain, made from packet mix92Defiance Milling Co, AustraliaBakery ProductsAustralia3028Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Sweet bread, with chocolate chips50Pangoccioli, ItalyBakery ProductsItaly3015Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102009
Tarte, made with wheat flour and apricot jam44Crostatina all'albicocca, ItalyBakery ProductsItaly3013Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h92005
Beer (4.5% alcohol by volume) (Nikolai Lager)119Sinebrychoff Ltd, FinlandBeveragesFinland1012Hatonen, K.A., et al., Modifying effects of alcohol on the postprandial glucose and insulin responses in healthy subjects. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2012. 96(1): p. 44-9.Normal 2h102012
Beer (4.4% alcohol by volume), Pilsner Urquell®89Plze?ský Prazdroj, A.S., Czech RepublicBeveragesCzech Republic109Sluik, D., et al., Contributors to dietary glycaemic index and glycaemic load in the Netherlands: the role of beer. British Journal of Nutrition, 2016. 115(7): p. 1218-25.Normal 2h102016
Beer, non-alcoholic (0.0% alcohol by volume) (Nikolai Lager)80Sinebrychoff Ltd, FinlandBeveragesFinland108Hatonen, K.A., et al., Modifying effects of alcohol on the postprandial glucose and insulin responses in healthy subjects. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2012. 96(1): p. 44-9.Normal 2h102012
Coca Cola®, soft drink 53Coca Cola Amatil, Sydney, AustraliaBeveragesAustralia2513Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Coca Cola®, soft drink73BeveragesItaly2518Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h92011
Cola, Pepsi®, sucrose-sweetened72Pepsi, Hartwall Ltd, FinlandBeveragesFinland2518Hatonen, K.A., et al., Coffee does not modify postprandial glycaemic and insulinaemic responses induced by carbohydrates. European Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 51(7): p. 801-6.Normal 2h122011
Ginger beer, carbonated beverage65Bundaberg Brewed Drinks Pty Ltd, AustraliaBeveragesAustralia2516Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102017
Lemon flavored soft drink, Lemonade, Schweppes®54Cadbury Schweppes, Sydney, AustraliaBeveragesAustralia2514Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Lemon flavored soft drink, Solo™, lemon squash58Cadbury Schweppes, AustraliaBeveragesAustralia2515Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102001
Lemon flavored soft drink Sprite™64The Coca-Cola Company, AustraliaBeveragesAustralia2516Luke, D.R., et al., Phase 1 Study of the Pharmacology of BTI320 Before High-Glycemic Meals. Clinical Pharmacology in Drug Development, 2019. 8(3): p. 395-403.Normal 2h102011
Blackcurrant fruit syrup, Ribena™ reconstituted with water52GlaxoSmithKline Group, AustraliaBeveragesAustralia2513Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Fruit drink, decreased GI variant (containing 8% isomaltose)48BeveragesBelgium2512Vrolix, R. and R.P. Mensink, Variability of the glycemic response to single food products in healthy subjects. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 2010. 31(1): p. 5-11.Normal 2h102010
Fruit drink, increased GI variant (containing 8% sucrose)86BeveragesBelgium2522Vrolix, R. and R.P. Mensink, Variability of the glycemic response to single food products in healthy subjects. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 2010. 31(1): p. 5-11.Normal 2h102010
Fruit flavored beverage 67BeveragesAustralia2517Wright, A.G., T.P. Ellis, and L.L. Ilag, Filtered molasses concentrate from sugar cane: natural functional ingredient effective in lowering the glycaemic index and insulin response of high carbohydrate foods. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 2014. 69(4): p. 310-6.Normal 2h102014
Fruit flavored beverage with 0.22 g Filtered Molasses Concentrate added per 100 mL (3.6 g FMC/100 g carbohydrate)58BeveragesAustralia2515Wright, A.G., T.P. Ellis, and L.L. Ilag, Filtered molasses concentrate from sugar cane: natural functional ingredient effective in lowering the glycaemic index and insulin response of high carbohydrate foods. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 2014. 69(4): p. 310-6.Normal 2h102014
Ice Green Tea, ready-to-drink brewed green tea50Pokka Corporation (S) Private Ltd, SingaporeBeveragesSingapore2513Sun, L., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load of selected popular foods consumed in Southeast Asia. British Journal of Nutrition, 2015. 113(5): p. 843-8.Normal 2h132015
Iced Green Tea, 7% lemon juice66Estathè verde, Ferrero, ItalyBeveragesItaly2517Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h92011
Ice Lemon Tea, ready-to-drink black tea with lemon flavor74F&N Foods Private Ltd, Singapore)BeveragesSingapore2519Sun, L., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load of selected popular foods consumed in Southeast Asia. British Journal of Nutrition, 2015. 113(5): p. 843-8.Normal 2h142015
Iced lemon tea, decaffeinated, lemon juice powder 0.2% (7% fructose)38Estathè deteinato limone, Ferrero, ItalyBeveragesItaly2510Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h92011
Iced lemon tea, lemon juice powder 0.2%72Estathè limone, Ferrero, ItalyBeveragesItaly2518Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h92011
Iced peach tea, 9.5% peach juice71Estathè pesca, Ferrero, ItalyBeveragesItaly2518Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h92011
Orange Delight Cocktail with pulp, President's Choice® Blue Menu™44Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaBeveragesCanada2511INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Tropical blend fruit drink, V8 Splash®47Campbell's Soup Company, USABeveragesUSA2512Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102002
Choc Banana flavored drink, Aussie Bodies Start the Day UHT24Aussie Bodies Pty Ltd, AustraliaBeveragesAustralia256International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h102006-2007
Chocolate flavored drink, Aussie Bodies Start the Day UHT 26Aussie Bodies Pty Ltd, AustraliaBeveragesAustralia257International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h112006-2007
Hot Chocolate mix made with hot water, Complete51Nestlé, AustraliaBeveragesAustralia2513Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102001
Chocolate Liquid Breakfast, Devondale Fast Start39Murray Goulburn Co-Operative Company Limited, AustraliaBeveragesAustralia2510Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92012
Coffee Liquid Breakfast, Devondale Fast Start39Murray Goulburn Co-Operative Company Limited, AustraliaBeveragesAustralia2510Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92012
Kellogg’s® Coco Pops Chocolatey Liquid Breakfast35Kellogg’s AustraliaBeveragesAustralia259Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102012
Kellogg‘s® Nutri-Grain Breakfast Fuel 38Kellogg’s AustraliaBeveragesAustralia2510Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102012
Milo™, dissolved in water 55Nestlé, AustraliaBeveragesAustralia2514Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101999
Milo™, dissolved in water52Nestlé, Auckland, New ZealandBeveragesNew Zealand2513Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101999
Milk powder, Jerseyjoy Active Life, prepared with water32Australia Jersey Dairy Group Pty LtdBeveragesAustralia258Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102019
Nesquik™, chocolate, prepared with water53Nestlé, AustraliaBeveragesAustralia2513Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h91998
Nesquik™, strawberry, prepared with water64Nestlé, AustraliaBeveragesAustralia2516Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h91998
Ovaltine®, chocolate, prepared with water50Twinings & Co, AustraliaBeveragesAustralia2513Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102016
Formulated Milk powder for Middle-Aged Adults, Probilove, prepared with water32Australia Jersey Dairy Group Pty LtdBeveragesAustralia258Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102019
Vanilla drink with fiber, Build-Up™ nutrient-fortified drink41Nestlé, AustraliaBeveragesAustralia2510Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102001
Vanilla Liquid Breakfast, Devondale Fast Start49Murray Goulburn Co-Operative Company Limited, AustraliaBeveragesAustralia2512Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102012
Yakult51Yakult ItaliaBeveragesItaly2513Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102011
Yakult, fermented milk drink58Yakult company, Taipei, TaiwanBeveragesTaiwan2515Lin, M.H.A., M.C. Wu, and J. Lin, Variable classifications of glycemic index determined by glucose meters. Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, 2010. 47(1): p. 45-52.Normal 2h102010
Yakult® Light, fermented milk drink with Lactobacillus casei 36Yakult, Dandenong, AustraliaBeveragesAustralia259Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Rice milk drink, low-fat, Australia's Own Natural™92So Natural Foods, Taren Point, AustraliaBeveragesAustralia2523Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Rice milk, low-fat, calcium enriched, Vitasoy®79National Foods Ltd, AustraliaBeveragesAustralia2520Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Smoothie, apple, pear, banana (Frullato mela, pera e banana Storie di frutta, Mulino Bianco)68Barilla, ItalyBeveragesItaly2517Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h92011
Smoothie, banana30BeveragesAustralia258Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Smoothie, Banana & Honey, Devondale brand28Murray Goulburn Co-Operative Company Limited, AustraliaBeveragesAustralia257Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102014
Smoothie, banana and strawberry, V8 Splash®44Campbell's Soup Company, Camden, USABeveragesUSA2511Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102002
Smoothie, mango32BeveragesAustralia258Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Smoothie, mango and passionfruit36Innocent Ltd., UKBeveragesUK259Saltaouras, G., et al., Glycaemic index, glycaemic load and dietary fibre characteristics of two commercially available fruit smoothies. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2019. 70(1): p. 116-123.Normal 2h102019
Smoothie, raspberry33Con Agra Inc, Omaha, USABeveragesUSA258Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101999
Smoothie, strawberry and banana39Innocent Ltd., UKBeveragesUK2510Saltaouras, G., et al., Glycaemic index, glycaemic load and dietary fibre characteristics of two commercially available fruit smoothies. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2019. 70(1): p. 116-123.Normal 2h102019
Smoothie, Tropical, Devondale brand31Murray Goulburn Co-Operative Company Limited, AustraliaBeveragesAustralia258Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102014
Cocoa malt flavor, Up & Go™, soy milk, rice cereal liquid breakfast43Sanitarium Health Foods, AustraliaBeveragesAustralia2511Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102001
Chocolate Daydream™ shake, fructose (Revival Soy®)33Physicians Pharmaceuticals, Inc, USABeveragesUSA258Blair, R.M., E.C. Henley, and A. Tabor, Soy foods have low glycemic and insulin response indices in normal weight subjects. Nutrition Journal, 2006. 5: p. 35.Normal 2h102004
Chocolate flavored soy milk drink, So Good Bliss46Sanitarium Health Foods, AustraliaBeveragesAustralia2512Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102008
Chocolate, Xpress, soy bean, cereal and legume extract drink with fructose39So Natural Foods, AustraliaBeveragesAustralia2510Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102001
Original malt flavor, Up & Go™, soy milk, rice cereal liquid breakfast46Sanitarium Health Foods, AustraliaBeveragesAustralia2512Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102001
Smoothie drink, soy, banana, 1% fat30So Natural Foods, AustraliaBeveragesAustralia258Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Smoothie drink, soy, chocolate hazelnut, 1% fat 34So Natural Foods, AustraliaBeveragesAustralia259Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Soy Beverage, Chocolate flavored, President's Choice® Blue Menu™40Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaBeveragesCanada2510INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
Soy Beverage, Original flavored, President's Choice® Blue Menu™15Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaBeveragesCanada254INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
Soy Beverage, Vanilla flavored, President's Choice® Blue Menu™ 28Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaBeveragesCanada257INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
Sport beverage based on whey protein powder with carbohydrate (CHO:PRO=4:1), orange flavor67Endurox R4, Pacific Health Laboratories, Parsippany, NJ, USABeveragesUSA2517Qin, L., et al., Effects of Three Commercially Available Sports Drinks on Substrate Metabolism and Subsequent Endurance Performance in a Postprandial State. Nutrients, 2017. 9(4).Normal 2h102017
Sustagen® Sport Chocolate, prepared with water36Nestlé Health Science, AustraliaBeveragesAustralia259Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102019
Sustagen® Sport Vanilla, prepared with water37Nestlé Health Science, AustraliaBeveragesAustralia259Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92019
Thorpedo® Advanced Hydration for Kids, all flavors11Thorpedo Foods, AustraliaBeveragesAustralia253International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h102006-2007
Thorpedo® Ultra Low GI Energy Water, all flavors16Thorpedo Foods, AustraliaBeveragesAustralia254Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Ancient Grains Quinoa milk drink with Chia42Freedom Foods, AustraliaBeveragesAustralia2511Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102015
Coconut milk beverage, containing organic coconut milk and organic brown rice68Pure Harvest Coco Quench, AustraliaBeveragesAustralia2517Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102020
Coconut Water, water of green coconut, Nudie™55BeveragesAustralia2514Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92012
Goat Milk Drink, Symbiotics Low GI, powder prepared with water25NIG Nutritionals Pty Ltd, New ZealandBeveragesNew Zealand256Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102019
Oat milk, calcium enriched, Vitasoy®69National Foods Ltd, AustraliaBeveragesAustralia2517Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92009
English Muffin™ bread77Natural Ovens, USABreadsUSA1512Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101999
English Muffin, Whole Grain Multigrain, President's Choice® Blue Menu™45Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaBreadsCanada157INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Fruit and Spice Bread, Vogel’s57Goodman Fielder, New ZealandBreadsNew Zealand159Godley, R., et al., Moderate alcohol consumption the night before glycaemic index testing has no effect on glycaemic response. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2009. 63(5): p. 692-4.Normal 2h202009
Fruit and Spice Bread, Vogel's, tested after a high-CHO evening meal68Goodman Fielder, Auckland, New ZealandBreadsNew Zealand1510Ning, B., et al., The effect of the fat and carbohydrate contents in the evening meal preceding GI testing on GI. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2010. 64(2): p. 224-6.Normal 2h202010
Fruit and Spice Bread, Vogel's, tested after a high-fat evening meal59Goodman Fielder, Auckland, New ZealandBreadsNew Zealand159Ning, B., et al., The effect of the fat and carbohydrate contents in the evening meal preceding GI testing on GI. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2010. 64(2): p. 224-6.Normal 2h202010
Fruit loaf, Bürgen®44Tip Top Bakeries, Chatswood, AustraliaBreadsAustralia157Brand-Miller, J.C., et al., The glycaemic index of more breads, breakfast cereals and snack products. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 1997. 21: p. 144.Normal 2h101997
Fruit and Muesli bread, Bürgen® 53Tip Top Bakeries, AustraliaBreadsAustralia158International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h102006-2007
Fruit and cinnamon bread71Finest, UKBreadsUK1511Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Fruit and Spice Loaf, thick sliced54Buttercup bakeries, Moorebank, AustraliaBreadsAustralia158Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Fruit loaf, sliced57BreadsUK159Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Cinnamon, raisin, pecan bread, Happiness™63Natural Ovens, Manitowoc, USABreadsUSA159Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101999
Muesli bread, made from packet mix in bread making machine54Con Agra Inc., USABreadsUSA158Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101999
Raisin Toast, TipTop™53Tip Top Bakeries, AustraliaBreadsAustralia158Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102016
Whole-wheat bread with dried fruit47BreadsChina157Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h102005
Multigrain bread, gluten-free 79Country Life Bakery, Dandenong, AustraliaBreadsAustralia1512Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
White bread, gluten free40Country Life Bakery, AustraliaBreadsAustralia156Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
White bread, gluten free, sliced61COOP Italia-Soc. Coop a.r.l., ItalyBreadsItaly159Scazzina, F., et al., Glycaemic index of some commercial gluten-free foods. European Journal of Nutrition, 2015. 54(6): p. 1021-6.Normal 2h102015
White roll bread, gluten free 63Dr Schär AG/SPA, ItalyBreadsItaly159Scazzina, F., et al., Glycaemic index of some commercial gluten-free foods. European Journal of Nutrition, 2015. 54(6): p. 1021-6.Normal 2h102015
White sourdough bread, gluten free, sliced52Dr Schär AG/SPA, ItalyBreadsItaly158Scazzina, F., et al., Glycaemic index of some commercial gluten-free foods. European Journal of Nutrition, 2015. 54(6): p. 1021-6.Normal 2h102015
Burger Buns, 100% Whole wheat Gigantico, President's Choice® Blue Menu™62Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaBreadsCanada159INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Herman Brot HermanBurger Protein Bun 31Herman Brot Pty Ltd, AustraliaBreadsAustralia155Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102018
Hot Dog Rolls, 100% Whole wheat Gigantico, President's Choice® Blue Menu™62Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaBreadsCanada159INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Mixed Grain bread roll, Bürgen™52Tip Top Bakeries, Chatswood, AustraliaBreadsAustralia158Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h142008
Soft bread rolls, Pagnottelle classic, soft wheat flour, sugar (5.4%), Mulino Bianco62Barilla, ItalyBreadsItaly159Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h92009
Soft bread rolls, Sfilatini al grano tenero, Mulino Bianco65Barilla, ItalyBreadsItaly1510F Brighenti, unpublished observations.Normal 2h92009
Classic Seed Loaf, Helga's™ 68Quality Bakers, Sydney, AustraliaBreadsAustralia1510Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Hearty 7 Grain bread, Healthy Choice™ 55Con Agra Inc., USABreadsUSA158Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Hearty 100% Whole Grain bread, Healthy Choice™ 62Con Agra Inc., USABreadsUSA159Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Kibbled Konini bread 68Country Fare, New ZealandBreadsNew Zealand1510Perry, T., et al., Glycaemic index of New Zealand foods. New Zealand Medical Journal, 2000. 113(1108): p. 140-2.Normal 2h142000
Kibbled wheat bread, Lawson’s Settlers Grain 65Goodman Fielder, AustraliaBreadsAustralia1510Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92008
Linola seed bread90BreadsChina1514Lok, K.Y., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of a selection of popular foods consumed in Hong Kong. British Journal of Nutrition, 2010. 103(4): p. 556-60.Normal 2h102010
Mixed Grain bread, Bürgen™ 34Tip Top Bakeries, Chatswood, AustraliaBreadsAustralia155Brand-Miller, J.C., et al., The glycaemic index of more breads, breakfast cereals and snack products. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 1997. 21: p. 144.Normal 2h 10 - 121997
Mixed Grain, Bürgen™ 52Tip Top Bakeries, Chatswood, AustraliaBreadsAustralia158B Spratt (George Weston Foods, Australia), unpublished observation.Normal 2h122007
Mixed grain sandwich bread, Molenberg™ 75Goodman Fielder, Auckland, New ZealandBreadsNew Zealand1511Perry, T., et al., Glycaemic index of New Zealand foods. New Zealand Medical Journal, 2000. 113(1108): p. 140-2.Normal 2h152000
Multigrain batch bread62BreadsUK159Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Multigrain bread56High 5 Silver Bird Group Berhad, Shah Alam, Selangor, MalaysiaBreadsMalaysia158Yusof, B.N.M., et al., Glycaemic index of four commercially available breads in Malaysia. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009. 60(6): p. 487-96.Normal 2h112009
Multi-Grain bread, 9-Grain 43Tip Top Bakeries, AustraliaBreadsAustralia156Brand-Miller, J.C., et al., The glycaemic index of more breads, breakfast cereals and snack products. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 1997. 21: p. 144.Normal 2h 10 - 121997
Multigrain loaf, containing wheat flour and coconut flour60BreadsPhilippines159Trinidad, T.P., et al., Glycaemic index of different coconut (Cocos nucifera)-flour products in normal and diabetic subjects. British Journal of Nutrition, 2003. 90(3): p. 551-556.Normal 2h102002
Multiseed bread54BreadsUK158Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of cereal products and weight-management meals available in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2007. 98(1): p. 147-153.Normal 2h102006
Oatbran & Honey bread, Bürgen™49Tip Top Bakeries, AustraliaBreadsAustralia157Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102002
Organic Heavy Wholegrain bread, Golden Hearth™53Gold Coast Bakeries, QLD, AustraliaBreadsAustralia158Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004
Pumpkin Seed bread, containing 6% pumpkin seeds, Bürgen™ 49Tip Top Bakeries, AustraliaBreadsAustralia157B Spratt (George Weston Foods, Australia), unpublished observation.Normal 2h102007
Seeded bread49BreadsUK157Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of cereal products and weight-management meals available in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2007. 98(1): p. 147-153.Normal 2h102006
Soy-Lin, kibbled soy (8%) and linseed (8%) loaf, Bürgen™ 36Tip Top Bakeries, AustraliaBreadsAustralia155Brand-Miller, J.C., et al., The glycaemic index of more breads, breakfast cereals and snack products. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 1997. 21: p. 144.Normal 2h 10-121997
Soy & Linseed bread (made from packet mix cooked in bread maker)50Con Agra Inc., USABreadsUSA158Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101999
Soy & Linseed bread56Coles Supermarkets Pty Ltd, AustraliaBreadsAustralia158Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102015
Sprouted wheat bread, Sprouted 3 Grains bread55Stonemill Bread, Toronto, CanadaBreadsCanada158INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Whole grain bread, Hunger Filler™59Natural Ovens, USABreadsUSA159Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101999
Whole grain bread, Nutty Natural™ 59Natural Ovens, USABreadsUSA159Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101999
Whole grain bread, Stay Trim™ 70Natural Ovens, USABreadsUSA1511Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101999
Wholemeal Country Grain bread, Bakers Delight™ 53Bakers Delight Holdings, AustraliaBreadsAustralia158Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Wholemeal & Seeds bread, Bürgen™ 39Tip Top Bakeries, AustraliaBreadsAustralia156B Spratt (George Weston Foods, Australia), unpublished observation.Normal 2h102007
Herman Brot Lower Carb Bread24Herman Brot Pty Ltd, AustraliaBreadsAustralia154Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102013
Lower Carb 5 Seeds Bread, Helga’s™53Quality Bakers, Sydney, AustraliaBreadsAustralia158Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102018
Lower Carb Soy & Toasted Sesame Bread, Helga’s™ 51Quality Bakers, Sydney, AustraliaBreadsAustralia158Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102018
Lower Carb Wholemeal & Seeds Bread, Helga’s™51Quality Bakers, Sydney, AustraliaBreadsAustralia158Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102018
Bread, short oat (50% wholemeal wheat, 20% rye, 10% oatmeal, 20% white wheat, yeast (1.3% net flour weight), no rising time, 30 min proving time, 220°C baking temperature, 30 min bake77BreadsNew Zealand1512Fredensborg, M.H., et al., Rising methods and leavening agents used in the production of bread do not impact the glycaemic index. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2010. 19(2): p. 188-94.Normal 2h102010
Bread, wholemeal with oatmeal 67High 5 Silver Bird Group Berhad, Shah Alam, Selangor, MalaysiaBreadsMalaysia1510Yusof, B.N.M., et al., Glycaemic index of four commercially available breads in Malaysia. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009. 60(6): p. 487-96.Normal 2h122009
Degraded oat bran concentrate bread (50% oat bran concentrate + 50% wheat, 5 h proving time)64BreadsNorway1510Rieder, A., et al., At a high dose even partially degraded beta-glucan with decreased solubility significantly reduced the glycaemic response to bread. Food & Function, 2019. 10(3): p. 1529-1539.Normal 2h142019
Optimal oat bran concentrate bread (50% oat bran concentrate + 50% wheat, separate proving of wheat dough part)57BreadsNorway159Rieder, A., et al., At a high dose even partially degraded beta-glucan with decreased solubility significantly reduced the glycaemic response to bread. Food & Function, 2019. 10(3): p. 1529-1539.Normal 2h142019
Low oat bran concentrate bread (25% oat bran concentrate + 75% wheat, separate proving of wheat dough part)65BreadsNorway1510Rieder, A., et al., At a high dose even partially degraded beta-glucan with decreased solubility significantly reduced the glycaemic response to bread. Food & Function, 2019. 10(3): p. 1529-1539.Normal 2h142019
Oatmeal batch bread62BreadsUK159Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Soft pretzel, soy39BreadsUSA156Simmons, A.L., et al., A comparison of satiety, glycemic index, and insulinemic index of wheat-derived soft pretzels with or without soy. Food & Function, 2011. 2(11): p. 678-83.Normal 2h122011
Soft pretzel, wheat66BreadsUSA1510Simmons, A.L., et al., A comparison of satiety, glycemic index, and insulinemic index of wheat-derived soft pretzels with or without soy. Food & Function, 2011. 2(11): p. 678-83.Normal 2h122011
Soft pretzel 80Ditsch, Mainz, GermanyBreadsGermany1512Goletzke, J., et al., Glycaemic and insulin index of four common German breads. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2016. 70(7): p. 808-11.Normal 2h112014
Rice bread, high-amylose Doongara rice 61Pav's Allergy Bakery, AustraliaBreadsAustralia159Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h121996
Rice bread, low-amylose Calrose rice 72Pav's Allergy Bakery, Ingleburn, AustraliaBreadsAustralia1511Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h121996
Bread, long rye (50% wholemeal wheat, 30% rye, 20% white wheat, yeast (13% net flour weight), 20 min rising time, 30 min proving time, 220°C baking temperature, 30 min bake time76BreadsNew Zealand1511Fredensborg, M.H., et al., Rising methods and leavening agents used in the production of bread do not impact the glycaemic index. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2010. 19(2): p. 188-94.Normal 2h102010
Bread, short rye (50% wholemeal wheat, 30% rye, 20% white wheat, yeast (1.3% net flour weight), no rising time, 30 min proving time, 220°C baking temperature, 30 min bake time82BreadsNew Zealand1512Fredensborg, M.H., et al., Rising methods and leavening agents used in the production of bread do not impact the glycaemic index. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2010. 19(2): p. 188-94.Normal 2h102010
Rye, Bürgen™ 51Tip Top Bakeries, AustraliaBreadsAustralia158Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102002
Rye, Country Grain Organic53Country Life Bakery, AustraliaBreadsAustralia158International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h122006-2007
Pumpernickel Rye bread49Van der Meulen BV, NetherlandsBreadsNetherlands157Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102015
Rye Hi-Soy with Linseed 55Country Life Bakery, AustraliaBreadsAustralia158International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h132006-2007
Rye wheat sourdough bread62Paderborner, Lieken Urkorn, Dortmund, GermanyBreadsGermany159Goletzke, J., et al., Glycaemic and insulin index of four common German breads. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2016. 70(7): p. 808-11.Normal 2h112014
Sourdough rye bread48BreadsAustralia157Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004
Sourdough bread, made with rye flour, wholemeal rye flour, spelt flour and intact barley kernels and white bean kernels67BreadsSweden1510Hefni, M.E., A. Thomsson, and C.M. Witthoft, Bread making with sourdough and intact cereal and legume grains - effect on glycaemic index and glycaemic load. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2020: p. 1-9.Normal 2h122020
Sourdough bread, made with rye flour, wholemeal rye flour, spelt flour with intact barley kernels and mung bean kernels65BreadsSweden1510Hefni, M.E., A. Thomsson, and C.M. Witthoft, Bread making with sourdough and intact cereal and legume grains - effect on glycaemic index and glycaemic load. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2020: p. 1-9.Normal 2h122020
Sprouted rye bread61BreadsAustralia159Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102008
Rye, made with 30% wholemeal wheat, 20% kibbled rye, 30% wheat flour, and baker’s yeast60BreadsNew Zealand159Fredensborg, M.H., et al., Rising methods and leavening agents used in the production of bread do not impact the glycaemic index. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2010. 19(2): p. 188-94.Normal 2h102010
Wholemeal rye bread with intact grains and sunflower seeds 55Kraftkerni, Lieken Urkorn, Dortmund, GermanyBreadsGermany158Goletzke, J., et al., Glycaemic and insulin index of four common German breads. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2016. 70(7): p. 808-11.Normal 2h122014
Sourdough Cob Bread77Fine Breads of Australia, NSW, AustraliaBreadsAustralia1512Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102008
Sourdough wheat bread 54BreadsAustralia158Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Sourdough bread (50% wholemeal wheat, 50% white wheat, sourdough starter (70% wet weight), 80 min rising time, 60 min proving time, 200°C baking temperature, 60 min baking time82BreadsNew Zealand1512Fredensborg, M.H., et al., Rising methods and leavening agents used in the production of bread do not impact the glycaemic index. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2010. 19(2): p. 188-94.Normal 2h102010
Sourdough bread + oats (50% wholemeal wheat, 50% white wheat, 10% rolled oats; sourdough starter (70% wet weight), 80 min rising time, 60 min proving time, 200°C baking temperature, 60 min baking time71BreadsNew Zealand1511Fredensborg, M.H., et al., Rising methods and leavening agents used in the production of bread do not impact the glycaemic index. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2010. 19(2): p. 188-94.Normal 2h102010
Sourdough Vienna bread, Bakers Delight™66Bakers Delight Holdings, AustraliaBreadsAustralia1510Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Multigrain spelt bread®54Pav's bakery, AustraliaBreadsAustralia158Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h121996
Sprouted Spelt bread62BreadsAustralia159Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102008
White spelt wheat bread66BreadsBelgium1510Marques, C., et al., Comparison of glycemic index of spelt and wheat bread in human volunteers. Food Chemistry, 2007. 100(3): p. 1265-1271.Normal 2h102005
Wholemeal spelt wheat bread (local bakery)63BreadsGermany159Goletzke, J., et al., Glycaemic and insulin index of four common German breads. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2016. 70(7): p. 808-11.Normal 2h122014
Wheat bread, sliced (Pan Bauletto Bianco)59BreadsItaly159Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102009
White bread59BreadsUK159Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of cereal products and weight-management meals available in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2007. 98(1): p. 147-153.Normal 2h102006
White bread, Giant Eagle King Size Enriched bread60Pittsburgh, PA, USABreadsUSA159Simmons, A.L., et al., A comparison of satiety, glycemic index, and insulinemic index of wheat-derived soft pretzels with or without soy. Food & Function, 2011. 2(11): p. 678-83.Normal 2h122011
White bread62Pepperidge Farm Original White Bread, USABreadsUSA159Matthan, N.R., et al., Estimating the reliability of glycemic index values and potential sources of methodological and biological variability. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2016. 104(4): p. 1004-1013.Normal 2h632016
White bread63BreadsFrance159Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycemic Index and Insulinemic Index of Foods: An Interlaboratory Study Using the ISO 2010 Method. Nutrients, 2019. 11(9).Normal 2h132019
White bread65BreadsFrance1510Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycemic Index and Insulinemic Index of Foods: An Interlaboratory Study Using the ISO 2010 Method. Nutrients, 2019. 11(9).Normal 2h152019
White bread66BreadsCanada1510Wolever, T.M.S., et al., The glycaemic index values of foods containing fructose are affected by metabolic differences between subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2009. 63(9): p. 1106-14.Normal 2h Caucasian2009
White bread 68BreadsCanada1510Wolever, T.M.S., et al., The glycaemic index values of foods containing fructose are affected by metabolic differences between subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2009. 63(9): p. 1106-14.Normal 2h lean2009
White bread69BreadsCanada1510Wolever, T.M.S., et al., The glycaemic index values of foods containing fructose are affected by metabolic differences between subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2009. 63(9): p. 1106-14.Normal 2h372009
White bread, WonderWhite™70Goodman Fielder Ltd, NSW, AustraliaBreadsAustralia1511Brand-Miller, J.C., et al., Effects of added PGX R, a novel functional fibre, on the glycaemic index of starchy foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 108(2): p. 245-8.Normal 2h102010
White bread, WonderWhite™, tested by subjects with a low AMY1 copy number70Goodman Fielder Ltd, NSW, AustraliaBreadsAustralia1511Atkinson, F.S., et al., The physiologic and phenotypic significance of variation in human amylase gene copy number. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2018. 108(4): p. 737-748.Normal 2h192014
White bread, Sunblest™ 70Tip Top Bakeries, AustraliaBreadsAustralia1511Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101999
White bread71BreadsTaiwan1511Lin, M.H.A., C.R. Shyr, and J. Lin, Bread containing type 3 resistant starch reduced glycemic index and glycemic response in healthy young adults. Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research, 2012. 10(3-4): p. 143-149.Normal 2h102012
White bread71BreadsMultiple countries1511Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Determination of the glycaemic index of foods: interlaboratory study. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(3): p. 475-82.Normal 2h472001
White bread71Somerfield Plc, Oxford, UKBreadsUK1511Henry, C.J.K., et al., The influence of adding fats of varying saturation on the glycaemic response of white bread. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2008. 59(1): p. 61-9.Normal 2h152007
White bread (Original White Bread)71Pepperidge Farm, Norwalk, CT, USABreadsUSA1511Vega-Lopez, S., et al., Interindividual Variability and Intra-Individual Reproducibility of Glycemic Index Values for Commercial White Bread. Diabetes Care, 2007. 30(6): p. 1412-1417.Normal 2h142006
Wheat bread, bite-sized, soft wheat flour71Bocconcini, Panem, ItalyBreadsItaly1511Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102010
White bread72BreadsCanada1511Wolever, T.M.S., et al., The glycaemic index values of foods containing fructose are affected by metabolic differences between subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2009. 63(9): p. 1106-14.Normal 2h >40 y2009
White bread72BreadsCanada1511Wolever, T.M.S., et al., The glycaemic index values of foods containing fructose are affected by metabolic differences between subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2009. 63(9): p. 1106-14.Normal 2h ?40 y2009
White bread74BreadsAustralia1511Wright, A.G., T.P. Ellis, and L.L. Ilag, Filtered molasses concentrate from sugar cane: natural functional ingredient effective in lowering the glycaemic index and insulin response of high carbohydrate foods. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 2014. 69(4): p. 310-6.Normal 2h102014
White bread75BreadsCanada1511Wolever, T.M.S., et al., The glycaemic index values of foods containing fructose are affected by metabolic differences between subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2009. 63(9): p. 1106-14.Normal 2h402009
White bread75Nishin Shokuhin, JapanBreadsJapan1511Sugiyama, M., et al., Glycemic index of single and mixed meal foods among common Japanese foods with white rice as a reference food. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(6): p. 743-752.Normal 2h102003
White bread (Vodova veka Penam)75Olomouc, Czech RepublicBreadsCzech Republic1511Chlup, R., et al., Determination of the glycaemic index of selected foods (white bread and cereal bars) in healthy persons. Biomedical Papers of the Medical Faculty of the University Palacky, Olomouc, Czech Republic, 2004. 148(1): p. 17-25.Normal 2h112003
White bread76BreadsCanada1511Wolever, T.M.S., et al., The glycaemic index values of foods containing fructose are affected by metabolic differences between subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2009. 63(9): p. 1106-14.Normal 2h overweight2009
White bread76BreadsFrance1511Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycemic Index and Insulinemic Index of Foods: An Interlaboratory Study Using the ISO 2010 Method. Nutrients, 2019. 11(9).Normal 2h152019
White bread, containing 9% sourdough, baked for 30 min at 210°C76BreadsSpain1511Gonzalez-Anton, C., et al., Glycemic responses, appetite ratings and gastrointestinal hormone responses of most common breads consumed in Spain. A randomized control trial in healthy humans. Nutrients, 2015. 7(6): p. 4033-53.Normal 2h222013
White bread76BreadsMultiple countries1511Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Determination of the glycaemic index of foods: interlaboratory study. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(3): p. 475-82.Normal 2h212001
Wheat bread, sliced (Harry's)76BreadsItaly1511Cossu, M., et al., A nutritional evaluation of various typical Italian breakfast products: a comparison of macronutrient composition and glycaemic index values. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2018. 69(6): p. 676-681.Normal 2h2005-2015
White bread78BreadsCanada1512Wolever, T.M.S., et al., The glycaemic index values of foods containing fructose are affected by metabolic differences between subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2009. 63(9): p. 1106-14.Normal 2h Non-Caucasian2009
White bread, WonderWhite™, tested by subjects with a high AMY1 copy number81Goodman Fielder Ltd, NSW, AustraliaBreadsAustralia1512Atkinson, F.S., et al., The physiologic and phenotypic significance of variation in human amylase gene copy number. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2018. 108(4): p. 737-748.Normal 2h192014
White bread83Gardenia Bakeries (KL) Sdn Bhd Shah Alam, SelangorBreadsMalaysia1512Yusof, B.N.M., et al., Glycaemic index of four commercially available breads in Malaysia. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009. 60(6): p. 487-96.Normal 2h122009
White bread 83Gardenia brand, NTUC Fairprice, SingaporeBreadsSingapore1512Sun, L., K. Wei Jie Tan, and C. Jeyakumar Henry, Co-ingestion of essence of chicken to moderate glycaemic response of bread. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2015. 66(8): p. 931-5.Normal 2h112015
Wheat bread84BreadsNorway1513Rieder, A., et al., At a high dose even partially degraded beta-glucan with decreased solubility significantly reduced the glycaemic response to bread. Food & Function, 2019. 10(3): p. 1529-1539.Normal 2h142019
White bread (lab made)87BreadsChina1513China National Research Institute of Food and Fermentation Industries GI Lab (Beijing, China), unpublished observations.Normal 2h162020
White bread88BreadsChina1513Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h102005
Baguette, Whole Grain, President's Choice® Blue Menu™73Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaBreadsCanada1511INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Bread, bakery made from an industrial mix for bread preparation 72Pan Gustavo, Novaterra Zeelandia, ItalyBreadsItaly1511Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102014
Bread, bakery made from an industrial mix for bread preparation87Pan Semola, Novaterra Zeelandia, ItalyBreadsItaly1513Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102014
Bread, sliced, soft wheat flour, low GI and high fiber (Pane a fette a basso indice glicemico e ad alto contenuto di fibre)41Roberto Industria Alimentare, ItalyBreadsItaly156Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h92011
Pan Bauletto 5 cereali e soia, Mulino Bianco60Barilla, ItalyBreadsItaly159Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h92009
Bread, sliced, durum wheat flour (Pan Bauletto al grano duro, Mulino Bianco)68Barilla, ItalyBreadsItaly1510Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h92009
White bread, Alfacar68BreadsSpain1510Gonzalez-Anton, C., et al., Glycemic responses, appetite ratings and gastrointestinal hormone responses of most common breads consumed in Spain. A randomized control trial in healthy humans. Nutrients, 2015. 7(6): p. 4033-53.Normal 2h222013
White bread, candeal-flour86BreadsSpain1513Gonzalez-Anton, C., et al., Glycemic responses, appetite ratings and gastrointestinal hormone responses of most common breads consumed in Spain. A randomized control trial in healthy humans. Nutrients, 2015. 7(6): p. 4033-53.Normal 2h222013
White sandwich bread, low GI, high fiber, Bakers Delight™ Hi Fibre Lo GI52Bakers Delight Holdings, AustraliaBreadsAustralia158Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
White sandwich bread, low GI, high fiber, Tip Top™ EnerGI58Tip Top Bakeries, George Weston Ltd, AustraliaBreadsAustralia159Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations. International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h202007
White bread, low GI, high fiber, Tip Top™ EnerGI54Tip Top Bakeries, George Weston Ltd, AustraliaBreadsAustralia158B Spratt (George Weston Foods, Australia), unpublished observation.Normal 2h112007
White sandwich bread, low GI, high fiber, Vogel's Wonder White 'Low GI' 54Quality Bakers, AustraliaBreadsAustralia158International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h102006-2007
White sandwich bread, low GI, high fiber, Vogel's Wonder White 'Low GI' 59Quality Bakers, AustraliaBreadsAustralia159Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h202007
White sandwich bread, Low GI, high fiber, Low GI Wonder Active52Quality Bakers, Sydney, AustraliaBreadsAustralia158Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102019
White bread, toasted 50Hovis, UKBreadsUK158Henry, C.J.K., et al., The impact of the addition of toppings/fillings on the glycaemic response to commonly consumed carbohydrate foods. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2006. 60(6): p. 763-769.Normal 2h102005
Enriched white bread, Wonder™71Interstate Brands Companies, Kansas City, USABreadsUSA1511Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101999
Enriched white bread, Wonder™ 72Interstate Brands Companies, Kansas City, USABreadsUSA1511Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Enriched white bread, Wonder™77Interstate Brands Companies, Kansas City, USABreadsUSA1512Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Bread, sliced, soft wheat flour, olive oil (2.5%)63Pane Bianco, Roberto Industria Alimentare, ItalyBreadsItaly159Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102011
Bread, sliced, soft wheat flour, extra virgin olive oil73Pane Bianco all'olio d'oliva, Coop, ItalyBreadsItaly1511Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102011
White bread (100% wheat flour) + 2% pectin86George Weston Foods Ltd, AustraliaBreadsAustralia1513Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101998
White bread (100% wheat flour) + 5% fruit fiber 77George Weston Foods Ltd, AustraliaBreadsAustralia1512Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101998
White bread (80% wheat flour + 20% chickpea flour) 80George Weston Foods Ltd, AustraliaBreadsAustralia1512Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101998
White bread (90% wheat flour + 10% modified corn starch) 79George Weston Foods Ltd, AustraliaBreadsAustralia1512Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101998
White bread (90% wheat flour + 10% tapioca starch)78George Weston Foods Ltd, AustraliaBreadsAustralia1512Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101998
White bread (95% wheat flour + 5% oat bran)75George Weston Foods Ltd, AustraliaBreadsAustralia1511Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101998
White bread, containing 2% guar gum 67George Weston Foods Ltd, AustraliaBreadsAustralia1510Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101998
White bread, containing 2% vinegar and 2.5% sourdough80Noble Rise Crunchy Toast, AustraliaBreadsAustralia1512Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101998
Bread, fibre-enriched flour (Pan Bauletto Fior di Fibra, Mulino Bianco)53Barilla, ItalyBreadsItaly158Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102009
White bread, fiber-enriched, Fiber White™77Nature's Fresh, Auckland, New ZealandBreadsNew Zealand1512Perry, T., et al., Glycaemic index of New Zealand foods. New Zealand Medical Journal, 2000. 113(1108): p. 140-2.Normal 2h142000
White bread with 2.5 g Filtered Molasses Concentrate added per 100 g (6.04 g FMC/100 g carbohydrate)59BreadsAustralia159Wright, A.G., T.P. Ellis, and L.L. Ilag, Filtered molasses concentrate from sugar cane: natural functional ingredient effective in lowering the glycaemic index and insulin response of high carbohydrate foods. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 2014. 69(4): p. 310-6.Normal 2h102014
Wheat bread enriched with ß-glucan (6 g per serving)48BreadsGreece157Binou, P., et al., Enrichment of bread with beta-glucans or resistant starch induces similar glucose, insulin and appetite hormone responses in healthy adults. European Journal of Nutrition, 2020.Normal 2h102020
White bread, containing 0.8% Reducose®, lab made42BreadsChina156China National Research Institute of Food and Fermentation Industries GI Lab (Beijing, China), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102020
Wheat bread enriched with resistant starch (high amylose waxy maize starch; 8.8 g/serving)40BreadsGreece156Binou, P., et al., Enrichment of bread with beta-glucans or resistant starch induces similar glucose, insulin and appetite hormone responses in healthy adults. European Journal of Nutrition, 2020.Normal 2h102020
White bread (10% of white bread flour was substituted by resistant starch from tapioca)70BreadsTaiwan1511Lin, M.H.A., C.R. Shyr, and J. Lin, Bread containing type 3 resistant starch reduced glycemic index and glycemic response in healthy young adults. Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research, 2012. 10(3-4): p. 143-149.Normal 2h102012
White bread (30% of white bread flour was substituted by resistant starch from tapioca)68BreadsTaiwan1510Lin, M.H.A., C.R. Shyr, and J. Lin, Bread containing type 3 resistant starch reduced glycemic index and glycemic response in healthy young adults. Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research, 2012. 10(3-4): p. 143-149.Normal 2h102012
White bread (60% of white bread flour was substituted by resistant starch from tapioca)51BreadsTaiwan158Lin, M.H.A., C.R. Shyr, and J. Lin, Bread containing type 3 resistant starch reduced glycemic index and glycemic response in healthy young adults. Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research, 2012. 10(3-4): p. 143-149.Normal 2h102012
White bread, prepared with a 10 min prove and a second 2 min proving (low loaf volume)38BreadsUK156Burton, P. and H.J. Lightowler, Influence of bread volume on glycaemic response and satiety. British Journal of Nutrition, 2006. 96(5): p. 877-882.Normal 2h102006
White bread, prepared with a 30 min prove and a second 12 min proving (moderate loaf volume)72BreadsUK1511Burton, P. and H.J. Lightowler, Influence of bread volume on glycaemic response and satiety. British Journal of Nutrition, 2006. 96(5): p. 877-882.Normal 2h102006
White bread, prepared with a 60 min prove and a second 30 min proving (moderate loaf volume)86BreadsUK1513Burton, P. and H.J. Lightowler, Influence of bread volume on glycaemic response and satiety. British Journal of Nutrition, 2006. 96(5): p. 877-882.Normal 2h102006
White bread, prepared with a 40 min prove, a second 25 min proving and a third 50 min proving (large loaf volume)100BreadsUK1515Burton, P. and H.J. Lightowler, Influence of bread volume on glycaemic response and satiety. British Journal of Nutrition, 2006. 96(5): p. 877-882.Normal 2h102006
Western baked bread, made with high protein flour (15 min resting time, 70 min proving time, 11 min baking at 210°C)71BreadsSingapore1511Lau, E., et al., Can bread processing conditions alter glycaemic response? Food Chemistry, 2015. 173: p. 250-6.Normal 2h132014
White bread, pre-cooked frozen, baked 16 min at 180°C, cooled at 30°C for 18 min; frozen at -30°C for 30 min; preserved at -18°C; 2nd baking at 230°C for 12 min1378BreadsSpain1512Gonzalez-Anton, C., et al., Glycemic responses, appetite ratings and gastrointestinal hormone responses of most common breads consumed in Spain. A randomized control trial in healthy humans. Nutrients, 2015. 7(6): p. 4033-53.Normal 2h222013
Modified steamed bread made with conventional baked bread recipe, using high protein flour (15 min resting time, 40 min proving time, 10 min steaming at 100°C)65BreadsSingapore1510Lau, E., et al., Can bread processing conditions alter glycaemic response? Food Chemistry, 2015. 173: p. 250-6.Normal 2h132014
Oriental steamed bread, made with medium protein flour (15 min resting time, 40 min proving time, 10 min steaming at 100°C)68BreadsSingapore1510Lau, E., et al., Can bread processing conditions alter glycaemic response? Food Chemistry, 2015. 173: p. 250-6.Normal 2h132014
Modified baked bread made with steamed bread recipe, made with medium protein flour (15 min resting time, 70 min proving time, 11 min baking at 210°C)75BreadsSingapore1511Lau, E., et al., Can bread processing conditions alter glycaemic response? Food Chemistry, 2015. 173: p. 250-6.Normal 2h132014
Wholemeal wheat flour bread, sliced59Pan Bauletto Integrale, ItalyBreadsItaly159Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102005-2015
Wholemeal flour bread69BreadsChina1510Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h102005
Wholemeal flour bread75BreadsAustralia1511Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102012
Wholemeal flour bread, short wholemeal (50% whole meal wheat, 50% white wheat, Baker’s yeast (1.3% net flour weight), no rising time, 30 min proving time, 220°C baking temperature, 30 min baking time78BreadsNew Zealand1512Fredensborg, M.H., et al., Rising methods and leavening agents used in the production of bread do not impact the glycaemic index. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2010. 19(2): p. 188-94.Normal 2h102010
Wholemeal bread, long whole meal (50% whole meal wheat, 50% white wheat, Baker’s yeast (13% net flour weight), 20 min rising time, 30 min proving time, 220°C baking temperature, 30 min baking time80BreadsNew Zealand1512Fredensborg, M.H., et al., Rising methods and leavening agents used in the production of bread do not impact the glycaemic index. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2010. 19(2): p. 188-94.Normal 2h102010
Wholemeal bread85Gardenia Bakeries (KL) Sdn Bhd Shah Alam, Selangor, MalaysiaBreadsMalaysia1513Yusof, B.N.M., et al., Glycaemic index of four commercially available breads in Malaysia. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009. 60(6): p. 487-96.Normal 2h112009
Wholemeal bread, yeast (50% wholemeal wheat, 50% white wheat, Baker’s yeast (15% dry weight), 60 min rising time, 40 min proving time, 200°C baking temperature, 40-50 min baking time88BreadsNew Zealand1513Fredensborg, M.H., et al., Rising methods and leavening agents used in the production of bread do not impact the glycaemic index. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2010. 19(2): p. 188-94.Normal 2h102010
Wholemeal bread, smooth milled, Ploughman's™64Quality Bakers, AustraliaBreadsAustralia1510Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h121996
Wholemeal stoneground flour sourdough bread59Bill's Organic Bread, Cardiff, AustraliaBreadsAustralia159Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Wholemeal sliced bread, High fibre Performax™38Country Life Bakery, AustraliaBreadsAustralia156Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101999
Wholemeal bread (wholemeal wheat flour, water, yeast, salt, and 40% sourdough), baked at 200°C for 40 min1361BreadsSpain159Gonzalez-Anton, C., et al., Glycemic responses, appetite ratings and gastrointestinal hormone responses of most common breads consumed in Spain. A randomized control trial in healthy humans. Nutrients, 2015. 7(6): p. 4033-53.Normal 2h222013
Wholemeal bread sticks, crunchy67BreadsCrete1510Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Corn tortilla, made from white corn, Diego's brand49San Diego Tortilla Factory Pty Ltd, Andrews, QLD, Australia)BreadsAustralia157Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92007
Corn tortilla, made from white corn, gluten-free, Mission®52Mission Foods AustraliaBreadsAustralia158Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92010
Herman Brot Protein Wraps27Herman Brot Pty Ltd, AustraliaBreadsAustralia154Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102019
Mixed Grain wraps, Helga’s55Quality Bakers Australia Pty Ltd, AustraliaBreadsAustralia158Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102015
Oat Light Wrap bread62Mountain Bread, VIC, AustraliaBreadsAustralia159Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102008
Whole Grain Tortilla, Old El Paso™50General Mills Australia Pty LtdBreadsAustralia158Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102015
Wholemeal and white flour wrap with chia seeds, Mission brand 50Gruma Oceania Pty Ltd, AustraliaBreadsAustralia158Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102015
Wholemeal and white flour wrap with red quinoa, Mission brand 59Gruma Oceania Pty Ltd, AustraliaBreadsAustralia159Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102015
Chia White bread, Bakers Delight™63Bakers Delight Holdings, AustraliaBreadsAustralia159Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102010
Bread, increased GI variant (sugar-to-flour ratio: 0.24)69Bakery School, Herk-de-Stad, BelgiumBreadsBelgium1510Vrolix, R. and R.P. Mensink, Variability of the glycemic response to single food products in healthy subjects. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 2010. 31(1): p. 5-11.Normal 2h102010
Bread, decreased GI variant (sugar-to-flour ratio: 0.0)40Bakery School, Herk-de-Stad, BelgiumBreadsBelgium156Vrolix, R. and R.P. Mensink, Variability of the glycemic response to single food products in healthy subjects. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 2010. 31(1): p. 5-11.Normal 2h102010
Bread, sliced, soft wheat flour, flaxseeds (4.9%), soy grain (4.3%), Cuor di Lino, Mulino Bianco,58 Barilla, ItalyBreadsItaly159Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h92012
Bread, desem (50% whole meal wheat, 50% white wheat), baker’s yeast (15% dry weight), desem (15% wet weight), 60 min rising time, 40 min proving time, 200°C baking temperature, 40-50 min baking time92BreadsNew Zealand1514Fredensborg, M.H., et al., Rising methods and leavening agents used in the production of bread do not impact the glycaemic index. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2010. 19(2): p. 188-94.Normal 2h102010
Crusty malted wheat bread 52Finest, UKBreadsUK158Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Dried wheat bread rusk63BreadsCrete159Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Focaccia, soft wheat flour, with extra virgin olive oil (8.7%) (Focaccelle con olio di oliva extravergine, Mulino Bianco)63Barilla, ItalyBreadsItaly159Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h92015
Lebanese bread, white75Seda Bakery, Sydney, AustraliaBreadsAustralia1511Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102002
Malt loaf, organic59BreadsUK159Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Naan bread, heated in microwave for 25 sec71True Foods Pty Ltd, VIC, AustraliaBreadsAustralia1511Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102013
Pain au lait 63Pasquier, FranceBreadsFrance159Englyst, K.N., et al., Glycaemic index of cereal products explained by their content of rapidly and slowly available glucose. British Journal of Nutrition, 2003. 89(3): p. 329-339.Normal 2h 11-142002
Pita bread, white, mini68BreadsUK1510Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Pita bread, wholemeal56BreadsUK158Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Pumpkin Cob Gourmet Bread 85Fine Breads of Australia, NSW, Australia)BreadsAustralia1513Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102008
Roti (unleavened flatbread), whole wheat flour45BreadsIndia157Radhika, G., et al., Glycaemic index of Indian flatbreads (rotis) prepared using whole wheat flour and 'atta mix'-added whole wheat flour. British Journal of Nutrition, 2010. 103(11): p. 1642-7.Normal 2h182010
Roti (unleavened flatbread), atta mix containing roasted Bengal flour, psyllium husk powder and fenugreek powder 27BreadsIndia154Radhika, G., et al., Glycaemic index of Indian flatbreads (rotis) prepared using whole wheat flour and 'atta mix'-added whole wheat flour. British Journal of Nutrition, 2010. 103(11): p. 1642-7.Normal 2h182010
Sprouted kamut bread 67BreadsAustralia1510Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102008
Steamed wheat bread88BreadsChina1513Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h92005
Barley bread, containing 40% barley flour and 60% wheat flour, separate proving of wheat dough72BreadsNorway1511Rieder, A., et al., At a high dose even partially degraded beta-glucan with decreased solubility significantly reduced the glycaemic response to bread. Food & Function, 2019. 10(3): p. 1529-1539.Normal 2h142019
Lompe (made from potato, precooked and cooled, and spelt flour) (Speltlompe) 63Buer AS, Askim, NorwayBreadsNorway159Rieder, A., et al., At a high dose even partially degraded beta-glucan with decreased solubility significantly reduced the glycaemic response to bread. Food & Function, 2019. 10(3): p. 1529-1539.Normal 2h142019
Millet steamed bread (75% foxtail-millet flour and 25% extrusion flour (w/w, dry basis)90BreadsChina1514Ren, X., et al., In vitro starch digestibility and in vivo glycemic response of foxtail millet and its products. Food & Function, 2016. 7(1): p. 372-9.Normal 2h102016
Potato mixed flour bread (lab made)55BreadsChina158China National Research Institute of Food and Fermentation Industries GI Lab (Beijing, China), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122020
Soy flour bread40BreadsAustralia156Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Branflakes50Healthy Living, UKBreastfast CerealsUK2010Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Bran Flakes, President's Choice® Blue Menu™65Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaBreastfast CerealsCanada2013INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
Bran Flakes™74Kellogg's, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2015Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122000
Chocapic™, wheat-based flaked cereal70Breastfast CerealsFrance2014Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h112003
Chocapic™, wheat-based flaked cereal74Breastfast CerealsFrance2015Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122003
Chocapic™, wheat-based flaked cereal84Breastfast CerealsFrance2017Englyst, K.N., et al., Glycaemic index of cereal products explained by their content of rapidly and slowly available glucose. British Journal of Nutrition, 2003. 89(3): p. 329-339.Normal 2h 11-142002
Cornflakes, tested in younger adults (19-32 y)64Kellogg's, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2013Venn, B.J., M. Kataoka, and J. Mann, The use of different reference foods in determining the glycemic index of starchy and non-starchy test foods. Nutrition Journal, 2014. 13: p. 50.Normal 2h202014
Cornflakes66Breastfast CerealsFrance2013Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycemic Index and Insulinemic Index of Foods: An Interlaboratory Study Using the ISO 2010 Method. Nutrients, 2019. 11(9).Normal 2h132019
Cornflakes74Breastfast CerealsChina2015Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h92005
Cornflakes77Breastfast CerealsFrance2015Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycemic Index and Insulinemic Index of Foods: An Interlaboratory Study Using the ISO 2010 Method. Nutrients, 2019. 11(9).Normal 2h152019
Cornflakes77Breastfast CerealsFrance2015Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycemic Index and Insulinemic Index of Foods: An Interlaboratory Study Using the ISO 2010 Method. Nutrients, 2019. 11(9).Normal 2h152019
Cornflakes79Breastfast CerealsChina2016Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h92005
Cornflakes, tested in older adults (56-86 y)81Kellogg's, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2016Venn, B.J., M. Kataoka, and J. Mann, The use of different reference foods in determining the glycemic index of starchy and non-starchy test foods. Nutrition Journal, 2014. 13: p. 50.Normal 2h602014
Cornflakes 82Kellogg's, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2016Brand-Miller, J.C., et al., Effects of added PGX R, a novel functional fibre, on the glycaemic index of starchy foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 108(2): p. 245-8.Normal 2h102010
Cornflakes93Kellogg'sBreastfast CerealsThailand2019China National Research Institute of Food and Fermentation Industries GI Lab (Beijing, China), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102019
Cornflakes105Kellogg'sBreastfast CerealsThailand2021China National Research Institute of Food and Fermentation Industries GI Lab (Beijing, China), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122020
Cornflakes, Crunchy Nut™ 72Kellogg’s, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2014Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101999
Fruit and Fibre67Breastfast CerealsUK2013Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Fruit and Fibre68Value, UKBreastfast CerealsUK2014Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Granola, blueberry64Breastfast CerealsCanada2013Jenkins, A.L., et al., Effect of adding the novel fiber, PGX R, to commonly consumed foods on glycemic response, glycemic index and GRIP: a simple and effective strategy for reducing post prandial blood glucose levels--a randomized, controlled trial. Nutrition Journal, 2010. 9: p. 58.Normal 2h102010
Granola Clusters, Original, low fat, President’s Choice® Blue Menu™ 63Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaBreastfast CerealsCanada2013INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
Granola Clusters, Raisin & Almond, low fat, President’s Choice® Blue Menu™ 70Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaBreastfast CerealsCanada2014INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
Granola, whole-grain oat protein 51Breastfast CerealsUSA2010Tan, W.S.K., et al., The glycaemic index and insulinaemic index of commercially available breakfast and snack foods in an Asian population. British Journal of Nutrition, 2018. 119(10): p. 1151-1156.Normal 2h192018
Low GI Granola Golden Almond Crunch49Sanitarium Health and Food Company, New ZealandBreastfast CerealsNew Zealand2010University of Otago (Dunedin, New Zealand), unpublished observations.Normal 2h112019
Low GI Granola Strawberry & Coconut52Sanitarium health and Food CompanyBreastfast CerealsNew Zealand2010University of Otago (Dunedin, New Zealand), unpublished observations.Normal 2h112019
Soy Crunch Multi-Grain Cereal, President’s Choice® Blue Menu™47Loblaw Brands Limited, Canada)Breastfast CerealsCanada209INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Soytana™, Vogel’s, soy and linseed bran crunch with sultanas, 20.1 g fiber/100 g49Specialty Cereals, Mt Ku-ring-gai, NSW, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102001
Vogel’s Cluster Crunch Classic50Specialty Cereals, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Vogel’s Cluster Crunch, Honey Hazelnut43Specialty Cereals, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia209Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Wild Oats Cluster Crunch Hazelnut Chocolate43Specialty Cereals, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia209Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Malted wholewheat cereal56Breastfast CerealsUK2011Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index of common foods tested in the UK and India. British Journal of Nutrition, 2008. 99(4): p. 840-5.Normal Caucasian 2h102008
Malted wholewheat cereal60Breastfast CerealsUK2012Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index of common foods tested in the UK and India. British Journal of Nutrition, 2008. 99(4): p. 840-5.Normal Asian 2h102008
Malted wheat cereal60Breastfast CerealsUK2012Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index of common foods tested in the UK and India. British Journal of Nutrition, 2008. 99(4): p. 840-5.Normal Caucasian 2h102008
Malted wheat cereal68Breastfast CerealsUK2014Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index of common foods tested in the UK and India. British Journal of Nutrition, 2008. 99(4): p. 840-5.Normal Asian 2h102008
Apple & Cinnamon Muesli, Nature’s Source 59Bokomo, Cape Town, South AfricaBreastfast CerealsSouth Africa2012Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102008
Apple & Cranberry Muesli, Balance67Simply Cereal Pty Ltd, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2013Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102008
Bircher Muesli, Apple & Raisin 66Aussie Bodies Pty Ltd, VIC, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2013Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102008
Bircher Muesli, Carman’s Natural 48Carman’s Fine Foods, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102014
Fibre-Rich Muesli, Vogel's Café Style48Specialty Cereals, Mt Ku-ring-gai, NSW, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Fruit Free Muesli, Carman’s Original 45Carman’s Fine Foods, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia209Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102014
Fruit & Muesli, Bürgen® 51George Weston Foods, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2010B Spratt (George Weston Foods, Australia), unpublished observation.Normal 2h102007
Fruit & Nut Muesli, Carman’s Classic 50Carman’s Fine Foods, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102014
Liver Cleansing Muesli 31Food For Health Life Food, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia206Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102008
Muesli64Value, UKBreastfast CerealsUK2013Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Muesli 86Healthy Eating, UKBreastfast CerealsUK2017Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Muesli66Cereali croccanti classic, ItalyBreastfast CerealsItaly2013Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102009
Muesli, fruit67Breastfast CerealsUK2013Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Muesli, with concentrated fruit juices62Cereali croccanti classic, ItalyBreastfast CerealsItaly2012Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102009
Muesli Gluten Free, Carman’s Deluxe49Carman’s Fine Foods, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102014
Muesli, gluten-free with psyllium50Freedom Foods, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2010International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h92007
Muesli, Light, mixed berry & apple flavor, Special K brand64Kellogg's, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2013Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Muesli, made from steamed rolled oats with dried fruit and nuts, Alpen original55Weetabix, UKBreastfast CerealsUK2011Englyst, K.N., et al., Glycaemic index of cereal products explained by their content of rapidly and slowly available glucose. British Journal of Nutrition, 2003. 89(3): p. 329-339.Normal 2h 11-142002
Muesli, Morning Sun Natural Apricot & Almond49Nestlé, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Muesli, Natural40Sanitarium, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia208Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102001
Muesli, Natural57Sanitarium, New ZealandBreastfast CerealsNew Zealand2011Perry, T., et al., Glycaemic index of New Zealand foods. New Zealand Medical Journal, 2000. 113(1108): p. 140-2.Normal 2h102000
Muesli, Natural Style Original Swiss Formula62Uncle Toby's, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2012Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92007
Muesli, Naytura Fruit and Nut48Woolworths, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Muesli, Swiss Bircher52Woolworths Select, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102008
Muesli, toasted, with nuts65Breastfast CerealsAustralia2013Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Muesli, wholewheat56Breastfast CerealsUK2011Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Muesli, yeast & wheat free45Freedom Foods, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia209International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h102007
Rye Muesli, Bürgen® 41George Weston Foods, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia208B Spratt (George Weston Foods, Australia), unpublished observation.Normal 2h102007
Soy-Lin™ Muesli, Bürgen® 51George Weston Foods, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2010International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h102006-2007
Whole-grain oat muesli55Breastfast CerealsUSA2011Tan, W.S.K., et al., The glycaemic index and insulinaemic index of commercially available breakfast and snack foods in an Asian population. British Journal of Nutrition, 2018. 119(10): p. 1151-1156.Normal 2h192018
Herman Brot Chocolate Protein Muesli35Herman Brot Pty Ltd, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia207Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102016
Herman Brot Peanut Candy Protein Muesli 30Herman Brot Pty Ltd, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia206Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102016
Herman Brot Red Fruits Protein Muesli 32Herman Brot Pty Ltd, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia206Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102016
Instant oats, cooked in microwave for 2.5 min 76Quaker Quick Oats; Peterborough, OntarioBreastfast CerealsCanada2015Brand-Miller, J.C., et al., Effects of added PGX R, a novel functional fibre, on the glycaemic index of starchy foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 108(2): p. 245-8.Normal 2h102010
Instant oat porridge, cooked in microwave with water 82Uncle Toby's, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2016Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Instant oat cereal porridge, prepared with water83Breastfast CerealsUK2017Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of cereal products and weight-management meals available in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2007. 98(1): p. 147-153.Normal 2h102006
Instant oat porridge, prepared with water, cooked 87Breastfast CerealsAustralia2017Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Porridge oats50Freedom Foods, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2010International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h122007
Porridge oats, traditional51Lowan Whole Foods, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004
Porridge oats55Breastfast CerealsChina2011Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h92005
Porridge, Traditional Rolled Oats57Woolworths Select brand, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2011Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102008
Porridge 58Hubbards, New ZealandBreastfast CerealsNew Zealand2012Perry, T., et al., Glycaemic index of New Zealand foods. New Zealand Medical Journal, 2000. 113(1108): p. 140-2.Normal 2h102000
Porridge, Scottish, made with water, cooked in microwave63Breastfast CerealsUK2013Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Oat porridge made from 0.5-0.6 mm thick rolled oat flakes, cooked for 10 min76Elovena, Raisio Group Ltd, Raisio, FinlandBreastfast CerealsFinland2015Hätönen, K.A., et al., Methodologic considerations in the measurement of glycemic index: glycemic response to rye bread, oatmeal porridge, and mashed potato. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2006. 84(5): p. 1055-61.Normal 3h122005
Multigrain porridge, containing rolled oats, wheat, triticale, rye, barley and rice, cooked with water 55The Monster Muesli Company, Beecroft, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2011Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92003
Porridge, made from steel-cut oats, cooked in water48Breastfast CerealsAustralia2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Porridge, made from steel-cut oats, Moulamein™, cooked in water51Breastfast CerealsAustralia2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92016
Porridge, made from steel-cut oats, cooked in water 52Breastfast CerealsUSA2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92003
Porridge, made from steel-cut oats, cooked in water53Meebags, Sunny International Trading Pty LtdBreastfast CerealsAustralia2011Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92019
Porridge, made from old-Fashioned Steel Cut Oats, President's Choice® Blue Menu™57Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaBreastfast CerealsCanada2011INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Almond & Cinnamon, Uncle Toby’s® Oats Super Blends Protein, prepared with water57Breastfast CerealsAustralia2011Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102019
Cranberry & Chia, Uncle Toby’s® Oats Super Blends Protein, prepared with water52Breastfast CerealsAustralia2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102019
Multi grain instant oatmeal, Regular and Cinnamon & Spice, President's Choice® Blue Menu™ 55Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaBreastfast CerealsCanada2011INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Rice Bubbles™ 85Kellogg's, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2017Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Rice Bubbles™ 92Kellogg's, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2018Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92007
Special K™ 69Kellogg's, USABreastfast CerealsUSA2014Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Special K™, made from rice 84Kellogg's, FranceBreastfast CerealsFrance2017Englyst, K.N., et al., Glycaemic index of cereal products explained by their content of rapidly and slowly available glucose. British Journal of Nutrition, 2003. 89(3): p. 329-339.Normal 2h 11-142002
Sustain™, Original 55Kellogg's, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2011Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Sustain™, tested in younger adults (19-32 y)56Kellogg'sBreastfast CerealsAustralia2011Venn, B.J., M. Kataoka, and J. Mann, The use of different reference foods in determining the glycemic index of starchy and non-starchy test foods. Nutrition Journal, 2014. 13: p. 50.Normal 2h202014
Sustain™, tested in older adults (56–86 y)66Kellogg'sBreastfast CerealsAustralia2013Venn, B.J., M. Kataoka, and J. Mann, The use of different reference foods in determining the glycemic index of starchy and non-starchy test foods. Nutrition Journal, 2014. 13: p. 50.Normal 2h602014
Vita-Brits™68Uncle Toby's, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2014Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102001
Weet-Bix™69Sanitarium, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2014Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004
Weet-Bix™69Sanitarium, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2014Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122001
Whole wheat Goldies™ 70Kellogg's, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2014Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102001
Wheat based cereal biscuits72Breastfast CerealsUK2014Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of cereal products and weight-management meals available in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2007. 98(1): p. 147-153.Normal 2h102006
Wheat flake cereal biscuits76Breastfast CerealsAustralia2015Wright, A.G., T.P. Ellis, and L.L. Ilag, Filtered molasses concentrate from sugar cane: natural functional ingredient effective in lowering the glycaemic index and insulin response of high carbohydrate foods. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 2014. 69(4): p. 310-6.Normal 2h102014
Good Start™, muesli wheat biscuits68Sanitarium, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2014Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102001
Hi-Bran Weet-Bix™, wheat biscuits with extra wheat bran61Sanitarium, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2012Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102001
Hi-Bran Weet-Bix™ with soy and linseed57Sanitarium, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2011Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102001
Honey Goldies™72Kellogg's AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2014Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102001
Lite-Bix™, plain, no added sugar 70Sanitarium, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2014Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102001
Oat bran Weet-Bix™ 57Sanitarium, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2011Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102001
Sultana Goldies™ 65Kellogg's AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2013Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102001
Wheat flake cereal biscuits with 1.4 g Filtered Molasses Concentrate added per 100 g (2.08 g FMC/100 g carbohydrate)72Breastfast CerealsAustralia2014Wright, A.G., T.P. Ellis, and L.L. Ilag, Filtered molasses concentrate from sugar cane: natural functional ingredient effective in lowering the glycaemic index and insulin response of high carbohydrate foods. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 2014. 69(4): p. 310-6.Normal 2h102014
Wheat flake cereal biscuits with 2.0 g Filtered Molasses Concentrate added per 100g (2.98 g FMC/100 g carbohydrate)70Breastfast CerealsAustralia2014Wright, A.G., T.P. Ellis, and L.L. Ilag, Filtered molasses concentrate from sugar cane: natural functional ingredient effective in lowering the glycaemic index and insulin response of high carbohydrate foods. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 2014. 69(4): p. 310-6.Normal 2h102014
Wheat flakes73Breastfast CerealsAustralia2015Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102019
All-Bran Fruit 'n Oats™ 41Kellogg's, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia208Brand-Miller, J.C., et al., The glycaemic index of more breads, breakfast cereals and snack products. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 1997. 21: p. 144.Normal 2h 10-121997
All-Bran Soy 'n Fiber™ 33Kellogg's, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia207Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101999
All-Bran Wheat Flakes™ 60Kellogg's, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2012Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92007
Bran cereal, high fiber43Breastfast CerealsUK209Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Coco Pops™ 77Kellogg's, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2015Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Corn Pops™ 80Kellogg's, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2016Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Crunchola Apple & Cinnamon Oat & Fruit70Norganic Foods Pty Ltd, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2014Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102008
Energy Mix™, wheat-based flaked cereal 80Quaker, FranceBreastfast CerealsFrance2016Englyst, K.N., et al., Glycaemic index of cereal products explained by their content of rapidly and slowly available glucose. British Journal of Nutrition, 2003. 89(3): p. 329-339.Normal 2h 11-142002
Fibre First Multi-Bran Cereal, President's Choice® Blue Menu™ 56Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaBreastfast CerealsCanada2011INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
Froot Loops™ 69Kellogg's, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2014Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101999
Frosties™, sugar-coated cornflakes 55Kellogg's, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2011Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h121997
Fruity-Bix™, berry 113Sanitarium, New ZealandBreastfast CerealsNew Zealand2023Perry, T., et al., Glycaemic index of New Zealand foods. New Zealand Medical Journal, 2000. 113(1108): p. 140-2.Normal 2h102000
Golden Wheats™ 71Kellogg's, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2014Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101997
Goodness Superfoods Fibre Boost Sprinkles 34Popina Pty Ltd, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia207Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102009
Grapenuts™ 75Kraft Foods Inc, Port Chester, USABreastfast CerealsUSA2015Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101997
Guardian™ 37Kellogg's, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia207Brand-Miller, J.C., et al., The glycaemic index of more breads, breakfast cereals and snack products. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 1997. 21: p. 144.Normal 2h 10-121997
Guardian™ 43Kellogg's, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia209Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h112019
Healthwise™ for bowel health66Uncle Toby's, Wahgunyah, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2013Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
High-fiber cereal52Breastfast CerealsUK2010Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of cereal products and weight-management meals available in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2007. 98(1): p. 147-153.Normal 2h102006
Hi-Lite™, containing 55% rolled barley grains54Freedom Foods, Cheltenham, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2011International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h92006-2007
Honey Rice Bubbles™77Kellogg's, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2015Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Honey Smacks™ 71Kellogg's, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2014Brand-Miller, J.C., et al., The glycaemic index of more breads, breakfast cereals and snack products. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 1997. 21: p. 144.Normal 2h 10-121997
Hot cereal, Sustagrain, apple & cinnamon 37Con Agra Inc, USABreastfast CerealsUSA207Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101999
Hot cereal, Sustagrain, unflavored25Con Agra Inc., USABreastfast CerealsUSA205Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101999
Just Right™60Kellogg's, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2012Brand-Miller, J.C., et al., The glycaemic index of more breads, breakfast cereals and snack products. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 1997. 21: p. 144.Normal 2h 10-121997
Just Right Just Grains™62Kellogg's, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2012Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101999
Komplete™48Kellogg's, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101997
Milo® Protein Clusters Cereal47Nestlé, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia209Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102015
Mini Wheats™, blackcurrant72Kellogg's, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2014Brand-Miller, J.C., et al., The glycaemic index of more breads, breakfast cereals and snack products. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 1997. 21: p. 144.Normal 2h 10-121997
Oat 'n Honey Bake™77Kellogg's, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2015Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101999
Oats, rolled, uncooked59Lowan's Whole Foods, Box Hill, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2012Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Raisin Bran™61Kellogg's, USABreastfast CerealsUSA2012Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Soy Tasty™ (flaked grains, soy nuts, dried fruit)60Sanitarium, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2012Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102001
Sultana Bran™64Kellogg's, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2013Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92007
Ultra-bran™, Vogel's, soy and linseed extruded wheat bran cereal, 30.2 g fiber/100 g41Specialty Cereals, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia208Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102001
Wheat flakes73Breastfast CerealsAustralia2015Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102019
Whole-grain protein cereal49Breastfast CerealsUSA2010Tan, W.S.K., et al., The glycaemic index and insulinaemic index of commercially available breakfast and snack foods in an Asian population. British Journal of Nutrition, 2018. 119(10): p. 1151-1156.Normal 2h192018
Apricot Breakfast Bar, chewy85Norganic Foods Pty Ltd, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2017Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102008
Cereal bar, cranberry flavor42Breastfast CerealsUK208Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of cereal products and weight-management meals available in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2007. 98(1): p. 147-153.Normal 2h102006
Cereal bar, hazelnut flavor33Breastfast CerealsUK207Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of cereal products and weight-management meals available in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2007. 98(1): p. 147-153.Normal 2h102006
Cereal bar, orange flavor33Breastfast CerealsUK207Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of cereal products and weight-management meals available in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2007. 98(1): p. 147-153.Normal 2h102006
Crunchy Nut Cornflakes™ bar72Kellogg's, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2014Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101999
Fruity-Bix™ bar, wheat biscuit cereal with dried fruit and nuts with yoghurt coating56Sanitarium, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2011Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102001
Fruity-Bix™ bar, wild berry, wheat biscuit cereal and dried fruit covered with yoghurt coating51Sanitarium, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102001
Hi-Lite™ breakfast bar53Freedom Foods, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2011International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h102007
K-Time Just Right™ bar72Kellogg's, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2014Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
K-Time Strawberry Crunch™ bar77Kellogg's, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2015Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Muesli breakfast bar, gluten-free 50Freedom Foods, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2010International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h92007
Rice Bubble Treat™ bar63Kellogg's, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2013Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101999
Sustain™ bar57Kellogg's, AustraliaBreastfast CerealsAustralia2011Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101999
Uncle Toby’s® Milk and Oats, Chocolate cereal bar48Breastfast CerealsAustralia2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102019
Uncle Toby’s® Milk and Oats, Strawberry cereal bar50Breastfast CerealsAustralia2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102018
Uncle Toby’s® Milk and Oats, Vanilla cereal bar46Breastfast CerealsAustralia209Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92019
Uncle Toby’s® Breakfast Bakes, Apple and Cinnamon45Breastfast CerealsAustralia209Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92019
Uncle Toby’s® Breakfast Bakes, Classic Peanut Butter47Breastfast CerealsAustralia209Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102019
Uncle Toby’s® Breakfast Bakes, Honey Almond50Breastfast CerealsAustralia2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92019
Uncle Toby’s® Breakfast Bakes, Vanilla & Roasted Cashew44Breastfast CerealsAustralia209Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92019
Adlay (Coix lachryma-jobi L)39Cereal GrainsTaiwan4518Lin, M.-H.A., et al., Glycemic index, glycemic load and insulinemic index of Chinese starchy foods. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2010. 16(39): p. 4973-9.Normal 2h102010
Adlay, Chinese pearl barley (Coix lachryma-Jobi L.), boiled in water for 28 min78Cereal GrainsAustralia4535Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Barley, Celebrity cultivar (six-rowed, hulled, normal barley; high amylose, medium ß-glucan), whole grain (only the husk was removed), boiled for 25 min21Cereal GrainsCanada459Aldughpassi, A., E.-S.M. Abdel-Aal, and T.M.S. Wolever, Barley cultivar, kernel composition, and processing affect the glycemic index. The Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 142(9): p. 1666-71.Normal 2h102012
Barley, Celebrity cultivar (six-rowed, hulled, normal barley; high amylose, medium ß-glucan), pot pearled (all of the bran and most of the germ removed), boiled for 30 min22Cereal GrainsCanada4510Aldughpassi, A., E.-S.M. Abdel-Aal, and T.M.S. Wolever, Barley cultivar, kernel composition, and processing affect the glycemic index. The Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 142(9): p. 1666-71.Normal 2h102012
Barley, CDC Fibar cultivar (two-rowed, hull-less, waxy barley; low amylose, high ß-glucan) whole grain (only the husk was removed), boiled for 25 min22Cereal GrainsCanada4510Aldughpassi, A., E.-S.M. Abdel-Aal, and T.M.S. Wolever, Barley cultivar, kernel composition, and processing affect the glycemic index. The Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 142(9): p. 1666-71.Normal 2h102012
Barley, GB cultivar (two-rowed, hulled, normal barley), whole grain (only the husk was removed), boiled for 25 min24Cereal GrainsCanada4511Aldughpassi, A., E.-S.M. Abdel-Aal, and T.M.S. Wolever, Barley cultivar, kernel composition, and processing affect the glycemic index. The Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 142(9): p. 1666-71.Normal 2h102012
Barley, pot, boiled in salted water 20 min25Goudas Food Products, Concord, CanadaCereal GrainsCanada4511Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101999
Barley, Celebrity cultivar (six-rowed, hulled, normal barley; high amylose, medium ß-glucan), commercial pearled (some bran and germ were also removed), boiled for 25 min25Cereal GrainsCanada4511Aldughpassi, A., E.-S.M. Abdel-Aal, and T.M.S. Wolever, Barley cultivar, kernel composition, and processing affect the glycemic index. The Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 142(9): p. 1666-71.Normal 2h102012
Barley, Celebrity cultivar (six-rowed, hulled, normal barley; high amylose, medium ß-glucan) whole grain (only the husk was removed), boiled for 25 min25Cereal GrainsCanada4511Aldughpassi, A., E.-S.M. Abdel-Aal, and T.M.S. Wolever, Barley cultivar, kernel composition, and processing affect the glycemic index. The Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 142(9): p. 1666-71.Normal 2h102012
Barley, Rattan cultivar (two-rowed, hull-less, waxy barley), whole grain (only the husk was removed), boiled for 25 min26Cereal GrainsCanada4512Aldughpassi, A., E.-S.M. Abdel-Aal, and T.M.S. Wolever, Barley cultivar, kernel composition, and processing affect the glycemic index. The Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 142(9): p. 1666-71.Normal 2h102012
Barley, Kawathra cultivar (six-rowed, hulled, normal barley), whole grain (only the husk was removed), boiled for 25 min28Cereal GrainsCanada4513Aldughpassi, A., E.-S.M. Abdel-Aal, and T.M.S. Wolever, Barley cultivar, kernel composition, and processing affect the glycemic index. The Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 142(9): p. 1666-71.Normal 2h102012
Barley, Chief cultivar (two-rowed, hulled, normal barley), whole grain (only the husk was removed), boiled for 25 min29Cereal GrainsCanada4513Aldughpassi, A., E.-S.M. Abdel-Aal, and T.M.S. Wolever, Barley cultivar, kernel composition, and processing affect the glycemic index. The Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 142(9): p. 1666-71.Normal 2h102012
Barley, AC Alberta cultivar (two-rowed, hull-less, normal barley), whole grain (only the husk was removed), boiled for 25 min29Cereal GrainsCanada4513Aldughpassi, A., E.-S.M. Abdel-Aal, and T.M.S. Wolever, Barley cultivar, kernel composition, and processing affect the glycemic index. The Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 142(9): p. 1666-71.Normal 2h102012
Barley, CDC Fibar cultivar (two-rowed, hull-less, waxy barley; low amylose, high ß-glucan) white pearled (all of the bran and most of the germ and crease removed), boiled for 30 min30Cereal GrainsCanada4514Aldughpassi, A., E.-S.M. Abdel-Aal, and T.M.S. Wolever, Barley cultivar, kernel composition, and processing affect the glycemic index. The Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 142(9): p. 1666-71.Normal 2h102012
Barley, AC Parkhill cultivar (two-rowed, hulled, normal barley; high amylose, low ß-glucan) whole grain (only the husk was removed), boiled for 25 min30Cereal GrainsCanada4514Aldughpassi, A., E.-S.M. Abdel-Aal, and T.M.S. Wolever, Barley cultivar, kernel composition, and processing affect the glycemic index. The Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 142(9): p. 1666-71.Normal 2h102012
Barley, Celebrity cultivar (six-rowed, hulled, normal barley; high amylose, medium ß-glucan), white pearled (all of the bran and most of the germ and crease removed), boiled for 30 min32Cereal GrainsCanada4514Aldughpassi, A., E.-S.M. Abdel-Aal, and T.M.S. Wolever, Barley cultivar, kernel composition, and processing affect the glycemic index. The Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 142(9): p. 1666-71.Normal 2h102012
Barley, Celebrity cultivar (six-rowed, hulled, normal barley; high amylose, medium ß-glucan) white pearled (all of the bran and most of the germ and crease removed), boiled for 30 min33Cereal GrainsCanada4515Aldughpassi, A., E.-S.M. Abdel-Aal, and T.M.S. Wolever, Barley cultivar, kernel composition, and processing affect the glycemic index. The Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 142(9): p. 1666-71.Normal 2h102012
Barley, pot, boiled 35Goudas Food Products, CanadaCereal GrainsCanada4516Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Determination of the glycaemic index of foods: interlaboratory study. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(3): p. 475-82.Normal 2h472001
Barley, pot, boiled33Goudas Food Products, CanadaCereal GrainsCanada4515Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Determination of the glycaemic index of foods: interlaboratory study. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(3): p. 475-82.Normal 2h212001
Barley, AC Klinck cultivar (six-rowed, hulled, normal barley), whole grain (only the husk was removed), boiled for 25 min36Cereal GrainsCanada4516Aldughpassi, A., E.-S.M. Abdel-Aal, and T.M.S. Wolever, Barley cultivar, kernel composition, and processing affect the glycemic index. The Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 142(9): p. 1666-71.Normal 2h102012
Barley, AC Parkhill cultivar (two-rowed, hulled, normal barley; high amylose, low ß-glucan) white pearled (all of the bran and most of the germ and crease removed), boiled for 30 minboiled for 30 min41Cereal GrainsCanada4518Aldughpassi, A., E.-S.M. Abdel-Aal, and T.M.S. Wolever, Barley cultivar, kernel composition, and processing affect the glycemic index. The Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 142(9): p. 1666-71.Normal 2h102012
Barley, pearled58Orzo, Barilla, ItalyCereal GrainsItaly4526Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h92009
Barley tempe (prepared by Lantmännen R&D from whole barley grains (c.v. Karmosé) with high ß-glucan (6%) and high amylose content (~40%) from Svalöf Weibull AB, Sweden)30Cereal GrainsSweden4514Alminger, M. and C. Eklund-Jonsson, Whole-grain cereal products based on a high-fibre barley or oat genotype lower post-prandial glucose and insulin responses in healthy humans. European Journal of Nutrition, 2008. 47(6): p. 294-300.Normal 2h132007
Highland Barley Mixed Flour (20% Highland Barley flour, 80% wheat flour)63Xinwang (Tibet XinWang Biology & Technology, ChinaCereal GrainsChina4528China National Research Institute of Food and Fermentation Industries GI Lab (Beijing, China), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122019
Porridge made from pearl barley (15.6 g fiber/100 g) 44Waitrose Limited, Bracknell, UKCereal GrainsUK4520Thondre, P.S., et al., Glycaemic response to barley porridge varying in dietary fibre content. British Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 107(5): p. 719-24.Normal 2h102012
Porridge made from pearl barley (15.6 g fiber/100 g)39Waitrose Limited, Bracknell, UKCereal GrainsUK4518Thondre, P.S., et al., Glycaemic response to barley porridge varying in dietary fibre content. British Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 107(5): p. 719-24.Normal 2h102012
Porridge made from organic barley grain (9.6 g fiber/100 g)50Suma Whole Foods, UKCereal GrainsUK4523Thondre, P.S., et al., Glycaemic response to barley porridge varying in dietary fibre content. British Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 107(5): p. 719-24.Normal 2h102012
Porridge made from organic barley grain (9.6 g fiber/100 g)43Suma Whole Foods, UKCereal GrainsUK4519Thondre, P.S., et al., Glycaemic response to barley porridge varying in dietary fibre content. British Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 107(5): p. 719-24.Normal 2h102012
Corn granules52Cereal GrainsChina4523Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h102005
Cornmeal porridge68Cereal GrainsChina4531Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h102005
100% waxy corn starch (Amioca™ powder, Ingredion), prepared as a gel with water, heated in microwave for 90 sec92Cereal GrainsAustralia4541Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102016
100% waxy corn starch (Ultra-Sperse™powder, Ingredion), prepared as a gel with water, heated in microwave for 90 sec101Cereal GrainsAustralia4545Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102016
Sweet corn, cooked in microwave for 1.5 min51Cereal GrainsAustralia4523Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102015
Sweet corn, cooked55Cereal GrainsChina4525Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h102005
Couscous, rehydrated with hot water65San Remo, AustraliaCereal GrainsAustralia4529Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92006
Pearl couscous (Israeli couscous), rehydrated with hot water52Blu™ Gourmet brand, Benedikts Imports, AustraliaCereal GrainsAustralia4523Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92008
Pearl couscous (Israeli couscous), whole wheat, rehydrated with hot water53Blu™ brand, Benedikts Imports, AustraliaCereal GrainsAustralia4524Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92013
Foxtail millet, cooked (millet:water ratio 1:1.5)64Cereal GrainsChina4529Ren, X., et al., In vitro starch digestibility and in vivo glycemic response of foxtail millet and its products. Food & Function, 2016. 7(1): p. 372-9.Normal 2h102016
Unpolished little millet, plain cooked89Earth 360, Kadiri, Andhra Pradesh, IndiaCereal GrainsIndia4540Malavika, M., et al., Assessment of quality of minor millets available in the south Indian market & glycaemic index of cooked unpolished little & foxtail millet. Indian Journal of Medical Research, 2020. 152(4): p. 401-409.Normal 2h152017-18
Unpolished foxtail millet, plain cooked 89Earth 360, Kadiri, Andhra Pradesh, IndiaCereal GrainsIndia4540Malavika, M., et al., Assessment of quality of minor millets available in the south Indian market & glycaemic index of cooked unpolished little & foxtail millet. Indian Journal of Medical Research, 2020. 152(4): p. 401-409.Normal 2h152017-18
Foxtail millet porridge (millet:water ratio 1:9)94Cereal GrainsChina4542Ren, X., et al., In vitro starch digestibility and in vivo glycemic response of foxtail millet and its products. Food & Function, 2016. 7(1): p. 372-9.Normal 2h102016
Oat tempe (prepared by Lantmännen R&D from whole oat grains (c.v. Betania) with high ß-glucan content (6%) from Svalöf Weibull AB, Sweden)63Cereal GrainsSweden4528Alminger, M. and C. Eklund-Jonsson, Whole-grain cereal products based on a high-fibre barley or oat genotype lower post-prandial glucose and insulin responses in healthy humans. European Journal of Nutrition, 2008. 47(6): p. 294-300.Normal 2h132007
Quinoa, white, cooked in boiling water for 15 min50Nutritious Foods, AustraliaCereal GrainsAustralia4523Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102017
Quinoa, retort product, Coles Simply Gluten Free Quinoa Cups, microwaved for 70 sec53Coles Supermarkets, AustraliaCereal GrainsAustralia4524Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102013
Quinoa, cooked, refrigerated, reheated in microwave for 1.5 min53Nature First Organic, AustraliaCereal GrainsAustralia4524Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Quinoa, red, cooked in boiling water for 15 min 54Nutritious Foods, AustraliaCereal GrainsAustralia4524Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102017
Quinoa, retort product, Coles Simply Gluten Free Mexican Style Quinoa and Brown Rice Cups, microwaved for 70 sec 49Coles Supermarkets, AustraliaCereal GrainsAustralia4522Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102013
Rice flour, 10% resistant starch, prepared with boiled water56Youtang Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, ChinaCereal GrainsChina4525China National Research Institute of Food and Fermentation Industries GI Lab (Beijing, China), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122020
Basmati, white, polished, cooked 10 min50Cereal GrainsUK4523Ranawana, D.V., et al., Glycaemic index of some commercially available rice and rice products in Great Britain. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009. 60 Suppl 4: p. 99-110.Normal 2h102009
Basmati rice 56Dreamrice, SingaporeCereal GrainsSingapore4525Tan, V.M.H., et al., Glycaemic and insulin responses, glycaemic index and insulinaemic index values of rice between three Asian ethnic groups. British Journal of Nutrition, 2015. 113(8): p. 1228-36.Normal 2h Chinese2015
Basmati rice, SunRice brand57SunRice; Ricegrowers Ltd.; Leeton, NSW, AustraliaCereal GrainsAustralia4526Kataoka, M., et al., Glycaemic responses to glucose and rice in people of Chinese and European ethnicity. Diabetic Medicine: a Journal of the British Diabetic Association, 2013. 30(3): p. e101-7.Normal European 2h312013
Basmati, white, boiled58Mahatma brand, AustraliaCereal GrainsAustralia4526Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h91995
Basmati, white, boiled59SunRice brand, Rice Growers Co-Op., AustraliaCereal GrainsPakistan4527Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Basmati rice60Dreamrice, SingaporeCereal GrainsSingapore4527Tan, V.M.H., et al., Glycaemic and insulin responses, glycaemic index and insulinaemic index values of rice between three Asian ethnic groups. British Journal of Nutrition, 2015. 113(8): p. 1228-36.Normal 2h Asian-Indian2015
Basmati rice63Dreamrice, SingaporeCereal GrainsSingapore4528Tan, V.M.H., et al., Glycaemic and insulin responses, glycaemic index and insulinaemic index values of rice between three Asian ethnic groups. British Journal of Nutrition, 2015. 113(8): p. 1228-36.Normal 2h Malay2015
Basmati, white, boiled, SunRice brand65SunRice; Rice Growers Co-Op., AustraliaCereal GrainsPakistan4529Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Basmati rice66Laila Basmati Rice, Surya Foods, Harwich, UKCereal GrainsUK4530George, R., A.L. Garcia, and C.A. Edwards, Glycaemic responses of staple South Asian foods alone and combined with curried chicken as a mixed meal. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics: the official journal of the British Dietetic Association, 2015. 28(3): p. 283-91.Normal 2h102015
Basmati rice67SunRice; Ricegrowers Ltd.; Leeton, NSWCereal GrainsAustralia4530Kataoka, M., et al., Glycaemic responses to glucose and rice in people of Chinese and European ethnicity. Diabetic Medicine: a Journal of the British Diabetic Association, 2013. 30(3): p. e101-7.Normal Chinese 2h322013
Basmati, parboiled long grain rice, Maharani brand52Chaman Lal Setia Exports Ltd, IndiaCereal GrainsIndia4523Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92012
Basmati, brown (unpolished milled basmati rice), cooked for 25 min75Cereal GrainsUK4534Ranawana, D.V., et al., Glycaemic index of some commercially available rice and rice products in Great Britain. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009. 60 Suppl 4: p. 99-110.Normal 2h102009
Basmati, white and brown (mixture of 60% white and 40% brown basmati rice), cooked for 25 min59Cereal GrainsUK4527Ranawana, D.V., et al., Glycaemic index of some commercially available rice and rice products in Great Britain. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009. 60 Suppl 4: p. 99-110.Normal 2h102009
Basmati with wild rice (mixture of 83% easy-cook basmati and 17% North American wild rice (Zizania palustris L.), cooked 20 min63Cereal GrainsUK4528Ranawana, D.V., et al., Glycaemic index of some commercially available rice and rice products in Great Britain. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009. 60 Suppl 4: p. 99-110.Normal 2h102009
Precooked basmati rice in pouch, white, reheated in microwave, Uncle Ben's Express®57Masterfoods, UKCereal GrainsUK4526Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102001
Quick cooking white basmati, cooked 10 min, Uncle Ben's® Superior 60Masterfoods, BelgiumCereal GrainsBelgium4527Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Basmati, white, express rice, microwaved for 2 min (Uncle Ben’s®)63Masterfoods, AustraliaCereal GrainsAustralia4528Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92011
Basmati, easy-cook (heat-treated white, polished basmati rice), cooked 15 min80Cereal GrainsUK4536Ranawana, D.V., et al., Glycaemic index of some commercially available rice and rice products in Great Britain. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009. 60 Suppl 4: p. 99-110.Normal 2h102009
Doongara, white, cooked in rice cooker48Cereal GrainsAustralia4522Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92007
Doongara, white rice (SunRice CleverRice)48SunRice; Rice Growers Coop, New ZealandCereal GrainsNew Zealand4522Dodd, H., et al., Calculating meal glycemic index by using measured and published food values compared with directly measured meal glycemic index. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2011. 94(4): p. 992-6.Normal 2h302011
Doongara, white53Cereal GrainsAustralia4524Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102015
Doongara, white54Cereal GrainsAustralia4524Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Doongara, white54Cereal GrainsAustralia4524Holt, S.H.A. and J.B. Miller, Increased insulin responses to ingested foods are associated with lessened satiety. Appetite, 1995. 24(1): p. 43-54.Normal 2h91995
Doongara rice, cooked in rice cooker 55Cereal GrainsAustralia4525Kataoka, M., et al., Glycaemic responses to glucose and rice in people of Chinese and European ethnicity. Diabetic Medicine: a Journal of the British Diabetic Association, 2013. 30(3): p. e101-7.Normal European 2h312013
Doongara rice, cooked in rice cooker 67Cereal GrainsAustralia4530Kataoka, M., et al., Glycaemic responses to glucose and rice in people of Chinese and European ethnicity. Diabetic Medicine: a Journal of the British Diabetic Association, 2013. 30(3): p. e101-7.Normal Chinese 2h322013
Jasmine rice, white Thai (Double FP brand), chewed 15 times68NTUC Fairprice Co-operative Ltd., SingaporeCereal GrainsSingapore4531Ranawana, V., M.K.S. Leow, and C.J.K. Henry, Mastication effects on the glycaemic index: impact on variability and practical implications. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2014. 68(1): p. 137-9.Normal 2h152014
Jasmine rice, cooked in rice cooker, SunRice brand68SunRice; Ricegrowers Ltd., NSW, AustraliaCereal GrainsAustralia4531Kataoka, M., et al., Glycaemic responses to glucose and rice in people of Chinese and European ethnicity. Diabetic Medicine: a Journal of the British Diabetic Association, 2013. 30(3): p. e101-7.Normal European 2h312013
Jasmine rice, steamed for 30 min76COFCO ChinaCereal GrainsThailand4534China National Research Institute of Food and Fermentation Industries GI Lab (Beijing, China), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102016
Jasmine Fragrant rice, white, SunRice brand79SunRice; Ricegrowers Limited, AustraliaCereal GrainsAustralia4536Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102008
Jasmine Fragrant rice, SunRice brand80SunRice; Ricegrowers Limited, NSWCereal GrainsAustralia4536Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102011
Jasmine rice, cooked in rice cooker, SunRice brand80SunRice; Ricegrowers Ltd., NSW, AustraliaCereal GrainsAustralia4536Kataoka, M., et al., Glycaemic responses to glucose and rice in people of Chinese and European ethnicity. Diabetic Medicine: a Journal of the British Diabetic Association, 2013. 30(3): p. e101-7.Normal Chinese 2h322013
Jasmine long grain rice82Cereal GrainsCanada4537Jenkins, A.L., et al., Effect of adding the novel fiber, PGX R, to commonly consumed foods on glycemic response, glycemic index and GRIP: a simple and effective strategy for reducing post prandial blood glucose levels--a randomized, controlled trial. Nutrition Journal, 2010. 9: p. 58.Normal 2h102010
Jasmine white rice (Uncle Ben's Jasmine Rice)84Mars Canada, Bolton, Ontario, CanadaCereal GrainsCanada4538Brand-Miller, J.C., et al., Effects of added PGX R, a novel functional fibre, on the glycaemic index of starchy foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 108(2): p. 245-8.Normal 2h102010
Jasmine rice, white Thai (Double FP brand); chewed 30 times88NTUC Fairprice Co-operative Ltd., SingaporeCereal GrainsSingapore4540Ranawana, V., M.K.S. Leow, and C.J.K. Henry, Mastication effects on the glycaemic index: impact on variability and practical implications. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2014. 68(1): p. 137-9.Normal 2h142014
Jasmine Fragrant rice, white, SunRice brand89SunRice; Ricegrowers Limited, AustraliaCereal GrainsAustralia4540Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Jasmine rice (Double FP Thai Hom Mali premium quality fragrant rice, Thailand) 90Cereal GrainsThailand4541Tan, V.M.H., et al., Glycaemic and insulin responses, glycaemic index and insulinaemic index values of rice between three Asian ethnic groups. British Journal of Nutrition, 2015. 113(8): p. 1228-36.Normal 2h Asian-Indian2015
Jasmine rice (Double FP Thai Hom Mali premium quality fragrant rice, Thailand) 91Cereal GrainsThailand4541Tan, V.M.H., et al., Glycaemic and insulin responses, glycaemic index and insulinaemic index values of rice between three Asian ethnic groups. British Journal of Nutrition, 2015. 113(8): p. 1228-36.Normal 2h Chinese2015
Jasmine rice (Double FP Thai Hom Mali premium quality fragrant rice, Thailand) 92Cereal GrainsThailand4541Tan, V.M.H., et al., Glycaemic and insulin responses, glycaemic index and insulinaemic index values of rice between three Asian ethnic groups. British Journal of Nutrition, 2015. 113(8): p. 1228-36.Normal 2h Malay2015
Rice, white, Thai Hom Mali fragrant rice, cooked in rice cooker96NTUC Fairprice, SingaporeCereal GrainsSingapore4543Sun, L., et al., Effect of chicken, fat and vegetable on glycaemia and insulinaemia to a white rice-based meal in healthy adults. European Journal of Nutrition, 2014. 53(8): p. 1719-26.Normal 3h122013
Jasmine rice, Jazzmen, cooked in rice cooker106Jazzmen Rice, Inc., USACereal GrainsUSA4548Truong, T.H., W.C. Yuet, and M.D. Hall, Glycemic index of American-grown jasmine rice classified as high. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2014. 65(4): p. 436-9.Normal 2h122014
Jasmine rice, white, cooked in rice cooker109Golden World Foods, Bangkok, ThailandCereal GrainsThailand4549Chan, H.M.S., et al., The glycaemic index values of Vietnamese foods. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2001. 55(12): p. 1076-1083.Normal 2h122000
Jasmine rice, Mahatma, cooked in rice cooker 115Riviana Foods Inc., ThailandCereal GrainsThailand4552Truong, T.H., W.C. Yuet, and M.D. Hall, Glycemic index of American-grown jasmine rice classified as high. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2014. 65(4): p. 436-9.Normal 2h122014
Jasmine rice, Reindeer, cooked in rice cooker116Oriental Jasmine Rice Co., ThailandCereal GrainsThailand4552Truong, T.H., W.C. Yuet, and M.D. Hall, Glycemic index of American-grown jasmine rice classified as high. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2014. 65(4): p. 436-9.Normal 2h122014
Brown Doongara rice, SunRice brand51SunRice; Ricegrowers Ltd., NSW, AustraliaCereal GrainsAustralia4523Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102016
Brown Doongara rice, SunRice brand54SunRice; Ricegrowers Ltd., NSW, AustraliaCereal GrainsAustralia4524Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Brown rice, boiled in excess water for 25 min, SunRice brand72SunRice brand, Rice Growers Co-op, AustraliaCereal GrainsAustralia4532Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92005
Brown rice87Cereal GrainsChina4539Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h102005
Brown rice, SunRice brand65SunRice, Ricegrowers Ltd., NSW, AustraliaCereal GrainsAustralia4529Kataoka, M., et al., Glycaemic responses to glucose and rice in people of Chinese and European ethnicity. Diabetic Medicine: a Journal of the British Diabetic Association, 2013. 30(3): p. e101-7.Normal European 2h312013
Brown rice, SunRice brand78SunRice, Ricegrowers Ltd., NSW, AustraliaCereal GrainsAustralia4535Kataoka, M., et al., Glycaemic responses to glucose and rice in people of Chinese and European ethnicity. Diabetic Medicine: a Journal of the British Diabetic Association, 2013. 30(3): p. e101-7.Normal Chinese 2h322013
Brown rice, variety Tai Ken #9; Oryza sativa L. japonica, soaked overnight and cooked in a rice cooker58Union Rice Company; TaipeiCereal GrainsTaiwan4526Lin, M.-H.A., et al., Glycemic index, glycemic load and insulinemic index of Chinese starchy foods. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2010. 16(39): p. 4973-9.Normal 2h102010
Brown rice (0% polished), prepared from the Indian rice variety "Bapatla" (BPT-5204), pressure cooked for 8 min58Cereal GrainsIndia4526Shobana, S., et al., Even minimal polishing of an Indian parboiled brown rice variety leads to increased glycemic responses. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2017. 26(5): p. 829-836.Normal 2h122017
Brown Rice, Uncle Ben's® Ready Whole Grain (pouch)48Effem Foods, USACereal GrainsUSA4522Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Brown & Wild, Uncle Ben's® Ready Whole Grain Medley™ (pouch)45Effem Foods, USACereal GrainsUSA4520Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Chicken Flavored Brown Rice, Uncle Ben's® Ready Whole Grain (pouch)46Effem Foods, USACereal GrainsUSA4521Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Medium Grain Brown Rice in 90 sec, microwaved on high, SunRice brand 59SunRice; Rice Growers Co-Op., AustraliaCereal GrainsAustralia4527Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Long grain, white (Uncle Ben’s)56Uncle Ben's, Auckland, New ZealandCereal GrainsNew Zealand4525Perry, T., et al., Glycaemic index of New Zealand foods. New Zealand Medical Journal, 2000. 113(1108): p. 140-2.Normal 2h142000
Premium long grain, white, SunRice brand59SunRice; Rice Growers Co-Op., AustraliaCereal GrainsAustralia4527Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Long grain, white, boiled 7 min (Star bran)64Gouda Food Products, CanadaCereal GrainsCanada4529Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101999
Long grain, boiled (Star Brand)69Goudas Food Products, CanadaCereal GrainsCanada4531Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Determination of the glycaemic index of foods: interlaboratory study. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(3): p. 475-82.Normal 2h472001
Long grain, boiled (Star Brand)76Goudas Food Products, CanadaCereal GrainsCanada4534Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Determination of the glycaemic index of foods: interlaboratory study. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(3): p. 475-82.Normal 2h212001
Long-grain rice (Indica-type long-grain rice, polished), cooked 15 min47Cereal GrainsUK4521Ranawana, D.V., et al., Glycaemic index of some commercially available rice and rice products in Great Britain. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009. 60 Suppl 4: p. 99-110.Normal 2h102009
Long grain, easy-cook (heat-treated white polished long-grain rice), cooked 15 min47Cereal GrainsUK4521Ranawana, D.V., et al., Glycaemic index of some commercially available rice and rice products in Great Britain. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009. 60 Suppl 4: p. 99-110.Normal 2h102009
DGI SunRice Low GI Rice, heated in microwave (Imported by Methuselah Shanghai Medical Technology from SunRice Australia) 49Cereal GrainsAustralia4522Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102018
Instant Doongara, white, cooked 5 min94Rice Growers Co-op, AustraliaCereal GrainsAustralia4542Holt, S.H.A. and J.B. Miller, Increased insulin responses to ingested foods are associated with lessened satiety. Appetite, 1995. 24(1): p. 43-54.Normal 2h91995
Instant rice, white, cooked 3 min46Cereal GrainsChina4521Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h102005
Instant rice, white, cooked 6 min87Cereal GrainsChina4539Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h102005
Long grain, white, pre-cooked, microwaved 2 min (Express Rice, plain, Uncle Ben's)52Masterfoods, UKCereal GrainsUK4523Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102002
Long grain, white, cooked in microwave for 90 sec (Uncle Ben’s®)59Masterfoods, AustraliaCereal GrainsAustralia4527Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92011
Long Grain White Rice in 90 Seconds, microwaved, SunRice brand, 76SunRice; Rice Growers Co-Op., AustraliaCereal GrainsAustralia4534Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Long Grain White Rice, steamed rice, heated in microwave for 40 sec (SunRice® brand)45SunRice; Rice Growers Co-Op., AustraliaCereal GrainsAustralia4520Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102020
Long Grain & Wild, Uncle Ben's® Ready Rice (pouch)49Effem Foods, USACereal GrainsUSA4522Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Original Long Grain, Uncle Ben's® Ready Rice pouch)48Effem Foods, USACereal GrainsUSA4522Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Rice, parboiled, pre-cooked, ready to eat (Riso Blond Espresso)67Riso Gallo, ItalyCereal GrainsItaly4530Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102009
Steamed Low GI White Rice (SunRice® brand), heated in microwave52SunRice; Rice Growers Co-Op., AustraliaCereal GrainsAustralia4523Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102013
Arborio, risotto rice, boiled (SunRice brand)69SunRice; Rice Growers Co-Op., AustraliaCereal GrainsAustralia4531Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal2h102005
Medium grain white rice, boiled 12 min (Sun Rice brand)75SunRice; Rice Growers Co-Op., AustraliaCereal GrainsAustralia4534Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Moolgiri white rice54Tajmahal Agro Industries, IndiaCereal GrainsIndia4524Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
White rice, NS83Cereal GrainsChina4537Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h122005
White rice, fully polished, prepared from the Indian rice variety "Bapatla" (BPT-5204), pressure cooked for 18 min80Cereal GrainsIndia4536Shobana, S., et al., Even minimal polishing of an Indian parboiled brown rice variety leads to increased glycemic responses. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2017. 26(5): p. 829-836.Normal 2h122017
White rice, Carnaroli, regular64Scotti, ItalyCereal GrainsItaly4529Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102009
White rice, Ponni, cooked in rice cooker for 33 min70Cereal GrainsIndia4532Shobana, S., et al., Glycaemic index of three Indian rice varieties. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2012. 63(2): p. 178-83.Normal 2h232012
White rice, Ponni, refined, harvested 2013, pressure-cooked for 30 min81Cereal GrainsIndia4536Mohan, V., et al., Glycemic Index of a Novel High-Fiber White Rice Variety Developed in India--A Randomized Control Trial Study. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, 2016. 18(3): p. 164-70.Normal 2h252013
White rice, Ponni, refined, harvested 2014, pressure-cooked for 30 min77Cereal GrainsIndia4535Mohan, V., et al., Glycemic Index of a Novel High-Fiber White Rice Variety Developed in India--A Randomized Control Trial Study. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, 2016. 18(3): p. 164-70.Normal 2h152014
White rice, Sona Masuri variety, cooked in rice cooker for 35 min72Cereal GrainsIndia4532Shobana, S., et al., Glycaemic index of three Indian rice varieties. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2012. 63(2): p. 178-83.Normal 2h232012
White rice, Surti Kolam variety, cooked in rice cooker for 32 min77Cereal GrainsIndia4535Shobana, S., et al., Glycaemic index of three Indian rice varieties. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2012. 63(2): p. 178-83.Normal 2h232012
Rice porridge, made with Jasmine rice, steamed for 40 min80COFCO China+D633Cereal GrainsThailand4536China National Research Institute of Food and Fermentation Industries GI Lab (Beijing, China), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102016
Rice porridge, NS 66Cereal GrainsChina4530Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h92005
Rice porridge, NS69Cereal GrainsChina4531Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h102005
Rice porridge, NS88Cereal GrainsAustralia4540Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92005
Rice porridge, made from rice bran19Cereal GrainsChina459Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h92005
Rice porridge, made from black rice42Cereal GrainsChina4519Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h92005
Rice porridge, made from sticky rice65Cereal GrainsChina4529Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h92005
Broken rice, white, cooked in rice cooker86Lion foods, Bangkok, ThailandCereal GrainsThailand4539Chan, H.M.S., et al., The glycaemic index values of Vietnamese foods. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2001. 55(12): p. 1076-1083.Normal 2h112000
Glutinous rice, white, cooked in rice cooker94Bangsue Chia Meng Rice Co., Bangkok, ThailandCereal GrainsThailand4542Chan, H.M.S., et al., The glycaemic index values of Vietnamese foods. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2001. 55(12): p. 1076-1083.Normal 2h112000
Glutinous rice, white, cooked in rice cooker98Bangsue Chia Meng Rice Mill, Bangkok, ThailandCereal GrainsThailand4544Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122001
Guilin rice vermicelli (Chinese rice vermicelli), cooked 8 min37Cereal GrainsUK4517Ranawana, D.V., et al., Glycaemic index of some commercially available rice and rice products in Great Britain. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009. 60 Suppl 4: p. 99-110.Normal 2h102009
Hassawi rice59Al-Hassa, Saudi ArabiaCereal GrainsSaudi Arabia4527Al-Mssallem, M.Q., et al., A study of Hassawi rice (Oryza sativa L.) in terms of its carbohydrate hydrolysis (in vitro) and glycaemic and insulinaemic indices (in vivo). European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2011. 65(5): p. 627-34.Normal 2h102011
High-fiber white rice, harvested 2013 (Kharif), pressure-cooked for 32 min59Cereal GrainsIndia4527Mohan, V., et al., Glycemic Index of a Novel High-Fiber White Rice Variety Developed in India--A Randomized Control Trial Study. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, 2016. 18(3): p. 164-70.Normal 2h252013
High-fiber white rice, harvested 2014 (Rabi), pressure-cooked for 32 min64Cereal GrainsIndia4529Mohan, V., et al., Glycemic Index of a Novel High-Fiber White Rice Variety Developed in India--A Randomized Control Trial Study. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, 2016. 18(3): p. 164-70.Normal 2h252013
Japanese Style Sushi rice, white (SunRice brand)85SunRice; Rice Growers Co-Op., AustraliaCereal GrainsAustralia4538Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Jiangxi rice vermicelli (Chinese rice vermicelli), cooked for 8 min40Cereal GrainsUK4518Ranawana, D.V., et al., Glycaemic index of some commercially available rice and rice products in Great Britain. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009. 60 Suppl 4: p. 99-110.Normal 2h102009
Koshihikari rice, white (SunRice brand)73SunRice; Rice Growers Co-Op., AustraliaCereal GrainsAustralia4533Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Mighty Rice, short grain white rice, boiled for 16 min48VitaRice, MauritiusCereal GrainsMauritius4522Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102010
Red Raw rice, Sri Lankan, cooked in rice cooker59Cereal GrainsSri Lanka4527Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Red rice, Thai, unpolished, cooked 25 min76Cereal GrainsUK4534Ranawana, D.V., et al., Glycaemic index of some commercially available rice and rice products in Great Britain. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009. 60 Suppl 4: p. 99-110.Normal 2h102009
Roasted Chicken Flavored, Uncle Ben's® Ready Rice (pouch)51Effem Foods, USACereal GrainsUSA4523Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Santa Fe, Uncle Ben's® Ready Whole Grain Medley™ (pouch)48Effem Foods, USACereal GrainsUSA4522Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Spanish Style, Uncle Ben's® Ready Rice (pouch)51Effem Foods, USACereal GrainsUSA4523Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Sticky rice87Cereal GrainsChina4539Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h102005
Sticky rice88Cereal GrainsChina4540Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h92005
Sticky rice, high-amylose50Cereal GrainsChina4523Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h102005
Sticky rice, Thai glutinous rice, cooked for 10 min92Cereal GrainsUK4541Ranawana, D.V., et al., Glycaemic index of some commercially available rice and rice products in Great Britain. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009. 60 Suppl 4: p. 99-110.Normal 2h102009
Rice, under milled, minimally polished 2.3%, prepared from the Indian rice variety "Bapatla" (BPT-5204), pressure cooked for 10 min73Cereal GrainsIndia4533Shobana, S., et al., Even minimal polishing of an Indian parboiled brown rice variety leads to increased glycemic responses. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2017. 26(5): p. 829-836.Normal 2h122017
Vegetable Harvest, Uncle Ben's® Ready Whole Grain Medley™ (pouch)48Effem Foods, USACereal GrainsUSA4522Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Parboiled brown rice, Uncle Ben’s® Natural Wholegrain Instant brown rice, cooked for 20 min88Cereal GrainsIndia4540RamyaBai, M., et al., Glycemic Index and Microstructure Evaluation of Four Cereal Grain Foods. Journal of Food Science, 2019. 84(12): p. 3373-3382.Normal 2h152019
Parboiled rice, cooked 20 min, Uncle Ben's Natur-reis®64Masterfoods, BelgiumCereal GrainsBelgium4529Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Parboiled rice, long grain white Uncle Ben's®54Cereal GrainsBelgium4524Al-Mssallem, M.Q., et al., A study of Hassawi rice (Oryza sativa L.) in terms of its carbohydrate hydrolysis (in vitro) and glycaemic and insulinaemic indices (in vivo). European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2011. 65(5): p. 627-34.Normal 2h102011
Parboiled, long-grain rice 57Harlem Foods AS, OsloCereal GrainsNorway4526Ballance, S., et al., Predicting mixed-meal measured glycaemic index in healthy subjects. European Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 58(7): p. 2657-2667.Normal 2h132019
Parboiled, long grain, 10 min cooking time (Uncle Ben's)68Masterfoods, BelgiumCereal GrainsBelgium4531Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Parboiled, long grain, 20 min cooking time (Uncle Ben's)75Masterfoods, BelgiumCereal GrainsBelgium4534Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Rice, parboiled, NS51Cereal GrainsCanada4523Kendall, C.W.C., et al., The impact of pistachio intake alone or in combination with high-carbohydrate foods on post-prandial glycemia. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2011. 65(6): p. 696-702.Normal 2h102010
Parboiled rice, NS (Riso Blond Risotti)53Riso Gallo, ItalyCereal GrainsItaly4524Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102009
Parboiled rice, NS (Uncle Ben’s)57Masterfoods Australia New Zealand, NSW, AustraliaCereal GrainsAustralia4526Kataoka, M., et al., Glycaemic responses to glucose and rice in people of Chinese and European ethnicity. Diabetic Medicine: a Journal of the British Diabetic Association, 2013. 30(3): p. e101-7.Normal European 2h312013
Parboiled rice, NS (Riso Blond Veloce e Versatile)61Riso Gallo, ItalyCereal GrainsItaly4527Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102009
Parboiled rice, NS (Uncle Ben's)72Masterfoods Australia New Zealand, NSW, AustraliaCereal GrainsAustralia4532Kataoka, M., et al., Glycaemic responses to glucose and rice in people of Chinese and European ethnicity. Diabetic Medicine: a Journal of the British Diabetic Association, 2013. 30(3): p. e101-7.Normal Chinese 2h322013
Parboiled rice, white, cooked 5 min, Uncle Ben's Snabbris®74Masterfoods, BelgiumCereal GrainsBelgium4533Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Rice, whole-meal, parboiled (Riso Blond Integrale)56Riso Gallo, ItalyCereal GrainsItaly4525Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102009
Durum wheat, precooked, cooked 20 min52Ebly, Chateaudun, FranceCereal GrainsFrance4523Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Durum wheat, precooked, cooked 10 min50Ebly, FranceCereal GrainsFrance4523Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Durum wheat, precooked in pouch, reheated in microwave, Ebly Express40Ebly, FranceCereal GrainsFrance4518Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Wheat, pearled 72Grano, Barilla, ItalyCereal GrainsItaly4532Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h92009
Whole wheat powder42Cereal GrainsChina4519Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h102005
Wheat flour, raw (2005 from Griffith NSW, Chara, Row10, Plot 6:181), consumed suspended in 250 mL water22Cereal GrainsAustralia4510Dona, A.C., et al., (1)H NMR spectroscopy for the in vitro understanding of the glycaemic index. British Journal of Nutrition, 2013. 109(11): p. 1934-9.Normal 2h102009
Wheat flour, raw, consumed suspended in water20Coles Smart Buy Plain Flour, Coles Supermarkets Pty LtdCereal GrainsAustralia459Dona, A.C., et al., (1)H NMR spectroscopy for the in vitro understanding of the glycaemic index. British Journal of Nutrition, 2013. 109(11): p. 1934-9.Normal 2h102009
Beta Flour (oat, flaxseed, buckwheat, pearl barley, soybean and wheat flours), tested prepared with water, steamed27Inner Mongolia Golden Flax Biotech Pty Ltd, ChinaCereal GrainsChina4512Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102019
Mixed cereals powder, NS58Cereal GrainsChina4526Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h92005
3 Cereals (rice, oat, kamut)41Riso Gallo, ItalyCereal GrainsItaly4518Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102009
3 Cereals (rice, spelt, barley)44Riso Gallo, ItalyCereal GrainsItaly4520Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102009
Cereal powder, various cereals NS58Cereal GrainsChina4526Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h92005
Teff, brown, boiled in water for 15 min57Macro brand, Woolworths Australia Pty LtdCereal GrainsAustralia4526Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102016
Spelt, pearled (Farro)63Barilla, ItalyCereal GrainsItaly4528Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h92009
Apricot Temptation fruit cookies, 97% fat-free47Freedom Foods, AustraliaCookiesAustralia209International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h102007
Barquette Abricot71LU, Ris, Orangis, FranceCookiesFrance2014Englyst, K.N., et al., Glycaemic index of cereal products explained by their content of rapidly and slowly available glucose. British Journal of Nutrition, 2003. 89(3): p. 329-339.Normal 2h 11-142002
Bebe Dobre Rano Chocolate46LU, Czech RepublicCookiesCzech Republic209Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122002
Bebe Dobre Rano Chocolate46LU, Czech RepublicCookiesCzech Republic209Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122006
Bebe Dobre Rano Chocolate57Opavia/LU, Czech RepublicCookiesCzech Republic2011V Lang (Danone Vitapole Company, Le Plessis-Robinson, France), unpublished observations, 1996-2000. J Dzieniszewski, J Ciok (National Food and Nutrition Institute, Poland), unpublished observations, 1996-2001.Normal 2h111996-2000
Bebe Dobre Rano Coconut48LU, Czech RepublicCookiesCzech Republic2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122002
Bebe Dobre Rano Four Cereals51LU, Czech RepublicCookiesCzech Republic2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122007
Bebe Dobre Rano Honey and Hazelnuts51Opavia/LU, Czech RepublicCookiesCzech Republic2010V Lang (Danone Vitapole Company, Le Plessis-Robinson, France), unpublished observations, 1996-2000. J Dzieniszewski, J Ciok (National Food and Nutrition Institute, Poland), unpublished observations, 1996-2001.Normal 2h111996-2000
Bebe Dobre Rano Nuts and Honey 41LU, Czech RepublicCookiesCzech Republic208Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122002
Bebe Dobre Rano Nuts and Honey45LU, Czech RepublicCookiesCzech Republic209Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122006
Bebe Dobre Rano with Milk 50LU, Czech RepublicCookiesCzech Republic2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122003
Bebe Jemne Susenky67Opavia/LU, Czech RepublicCookiesCzech Republic2013V Lang (Danone Vitapole Company, Le Plessis-Robinson, France), unpublished observations, 1996-2000. J Dzieniszewski, J Ciok (National Food and Nutrition Institute, Poland), unpublished observations, 1996-2001.Normal 2h111996-2000
Better Choice Multicereals51LU, DenmarkCookiesDenmark2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122004
Better Choice Wholegrain46LU DenmarkCookiesDenmark209Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h112004
Biscuit, Danone, NS39DanoneCookiesChina208Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h92005
Biscuit, Danone, NS47DanoneCookiesChina209Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h92005
Biscuit, NS72CookiesChina2014Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h92005
Biscuit, thin, NS81CookiesChina2016Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h92005
Biscuits, rolled oat, wholemeal wheat flour, wheat fibre 49Gran Cereale Classico, ItalyCookiesItaly2010Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102005
Biscuits, wheat flour, butter, cream 52Macine, ItalyCookiesItaly2010Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102006
Biscuits, wheat flour, oat flour, wholemeal buckwheat flour (6.2%)58Molinetti, ItalyCookiesItaly2012Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102006
Biscuit, wholegrain54CookiesUSA2011Tan, W.S.K., et al., The glycaemic index and insulinaemic index of commercially available breakfast and snack foods in an Asian population. British Journal of Nutrition, 2018. 119(10): p. 1151-1156.Normal 2h192018
Biscuits, wholegrain, filled with peanut butter44CookiesUSA209Tan, W.S.K., et al., The glycaemic index and insulinaemic index of commercially available breakfast and snack foods in an Asian population. British Journal of Nutrition, 2018. 119(10): p. 1151-1156.Normal 2h192018
Breakfast biscuit (Frollino), gluten free37Dr Schär AG/SPA, ItalyCookiesItaly207Scazzina, F., et al., Glycaemic index of some commercial gluten-free foods. European Journal of Nutrition, 2015. 54(6): p. 1021-6.Normal 2h102015
Chocolate chip cookies, containing wheat flour and coconut flour 44CookiesPhilippines209Trinidad, T.P., et al., Glycaemic index of different coconut (Cocos nucifera)-flour products in normal and diabetic subjects. British Journal of Nutrition, 2003. 90(3): p. 551-556.Normal 2h102002
Cookie, fiber enriched42Bahlsen GmbH&Co.KG, Hannover, GermanyCookiesGermany208Schuchardt, J.P., et al., Glycemic index and microstructure analysis of a newly developed fiber enriched cookie. Food & Function, 2016. 7(1): p. 464-74.Normal 2h262016
Cookie, decreased GI variant (sugar-to-flour ratio: 0.45)37CookiesBelgium207Vrolix, R. and R.P. Mensink, Variability of the glycemic response to single food products in healthy subjects. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 2010. 31(1): p. 5-11.Normal 2h102010
Digestives39CookiesUK208Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of cereal products and weight-management meals available in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2007. 98(1): p. 147-153.Normal 2h102006
Evergreen met Krenten66LU, NetherlandsCookiesNetherlands2013V Lang (Danone Vitapole Company, Le Plessis-Robinson, France), unpublished observations, 1996-2000.Normal 2h121996-2000
Fior di Latte (Mulino Bianco)47Barilla, ItalyCookiesItaly209Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h92012
Gemme Integrali (Mulino Bianco)46Barilla, ItalyCookiesItaly209Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h92012
Gingerbread cookies66CookiesAustralia2013Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92016
Golden Flaxseed biscuits36SCIQ Biotech Pty Ltd, AustraliaCookiesAustralia207Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102020
Gran Cereale Cioccolato (Grancereale)52Barilla, ItalyCookiesItaly2010Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h92010
Gran Cereale Frutta (Grancereale)51Barilla, ItalyCookiesItaly2010Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h92010
Gran Cereale Classico (Grancereale)49Barilla, ItalyCookiesItaly2010Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102005
Gran'Dia Banana, Oats and Honey28LU, BrazilCookiesBrazil206Englyst, K.N., et al., Glycaemic index of cereal products explained by their content of rapidly and slowly available glucose. British Journal of Nutrition, 2003. 89(3): p. 329-339.Normal 2h 11-142002
Gran'Dia Chocolate with five cereals39Danone, BrazilCookiesBrazil208Englyst, K.N., et al., Glycaemic index of cereal products explained by their content of rapidly and slowly available glucose. British Journal of Nutrition, 2003. 89(3): p. 329-339.Normal 2h 11-142002
Grany en-cas Abricot55LU, FranceCookiesFrance2011International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h121996-2000
Grany en-cas Fruits des bois50LU, FranceCookiesFrance2010V Lang (Danone Vitapole Company, Le Plessis-Robinson, France), unpublished observations, 1996-2000.Normal 2h141996-2000
Grany Rush Apricot 62LU, NetherlandsCookiesNetherlands2012Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122000
Grain biscuit, Mixed Berry flavor55belVita, Mondel?z, Shanghai, ChinaCookiesChina2011China National Research Institute of Food and Fermentation Industries GI Lab (Beijing, China), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122019
Grain biscuits, Milk & Cereal flavor53belVita, Mondel?z, Shanghai, ChinaCookiesChina2011China National Research Institute of Food and Fermentation Industries GI Lab (Beijing, China), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122020
Györi Édes Jó reggelt! Müzlivel és gyümölccsel / Fruits and Muesli 45LU HungaryCookiesHungary209Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h112002
Györi Édes Jó reggelt! Müzlivel és gyümölccsel / Fruits and Muesli 49LU HungaryCookiesHungary2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h112003
Györi Édes Jó reggelt! Müzlivel és gyümölccsel / Fruits and Muesli47LU HungaryCookiesHungary209Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122004
Jo Reggelt Fruits and Figs41LU HungaryCookiesHungary208Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h112004
Jubilee Nuts and Honey44LU, RussiaCookiesRussia209Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h112002
Jubilee Nuts and Honey 45LU, RussiaCookiesRussia209Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122003
Jyväshyvä Paussi Mysli and Fruits45LU FinlandCookiesFinland209Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h112002
Jyväshyvä Paussi Mysli and Fruits49LU FinlandCookiesFinland2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h112003
Jyväshyvä Paussi Mysli and Fruits47LU FinlandCookiesFinland209Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122004
Jyväshyvä Paussi Vanilla55LU FinlandCookiesFinland2011Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h112004
Jyväshyvä Paussi Vanilla39LU FinlandCookiesFinland208Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122006
Jyväshyvä Paussi Wholegrain46LU FinlandCookiesFinland209Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h112004
Kingston, butternut cookies with chocolate filling48Arnott’s Pty Ltd, AustraliaCookiesAustralia2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102013
Leda Luxury gluten-free chocolate coated cookies35Leda Nutrition, QLD, AustraliaCookiesAustralia207Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004
LU P'tit Déjeuner Chocolat42LU, FranceCookiesFrance208Englyst, K.N., et al., Glycaemic index of cereal products explained by their content of rapidly and slowly available glucose. British Journal of Nutrition, 2003. 89(3): p. 329-339.Normal 2h 11-142002
LU P'tit Déjeuner Miel et Pépites Chocolat45LU, FranceCookiesFrance209Englyst, K.N., et al., Glycaemic index of cereal products explained by their content of rapidly and slowly available glucose. British Journal of Nutrition, 2003. 89(3): p. 329-339.Normal 2h 11-142002
LU P'tit Déjeuner Miel et Pépites Chocolat49LU, FranceCookiesFrance2010V Lang (Danone Vitapole Company, Le Plessis-Robinson, France), unpublished observations, 1996-2000. J Dzieniszewski, J Ciok (National Food and Nutrition Institute, Poland), unpublished observations, 1996-2001.Normal 2h111996-2000
LU P'tit Déjeuner Miel et Pépites Chocolat52LU, FranceCookiesFrance2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122000
LU Petit Dejeuner, Chocolate, low in sugar51LU, FranceCookiesFrance2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h112004
LU Petit Dejeuner Chocolate & Cereals 46LU, FranceCookiesFrance209Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h112003
LU Petit Dejeuner Chocolate & Cereals58LU, FranceCookiesFrance2012Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122006
LU Petit Dejeuner Cereals & Chocolate Chips, low in sugar37LU France, LU Belgium, LU Czech RepublicCookiesNS207Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h112004
LU Petit Dejeuner Coconut, nuts and chocolate55LU FranceCookiesFrance2011Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122005
LU Petit Dejeuner Coconut, nuts and chocolate51LU FranceCookiesFrance2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122006
LU Petit Dejeuner Fruits and Muesli45LU FranceCookiesFrance209Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h112002
LU Petit Dejeuner Fruits and Muesli49LU FranceCookiesFrance2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h112003
LU Petit Dejeuner Fruits and Muesli47LU FranceCookiesFrance209Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122004
LU Petit Dejeuner Honey & Chocolate chips47LU FranceCookiesFrance209Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h112003
LU Petit Dejeuner Honey & Chocolate chips46LU FranceCookiesFrance209Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h112006
LU Petit Dejeuner Milk and Cereals55LU France, LU BelgiumCookiesNS2011Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h112004
LU Petit Dejeuner Milk and Cereals 39LU France, LU BelgiumCookiesNS208Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122006
LU Petit Dejeuner Multicereals46LU France, LU BelgiumCookiesNS209Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h112004
LU Petit Dejeuner with Fruits and Figs41LU France, LU BelgiumCookiesNS208Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h112004
LU Petit Dejeuner with Prunes 51LU, FranceCookiesFrance2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122006
Macaroons, containing wheat flour and with coconut flour32CookiesPhilippines206Trinidad, T.P., et al., Glycaemic index of different coconut (Cocos nucifera)-flour products in normal and diabetic subjects. British Journal of Nutrition, 2003. 90(3): p. 551-556.Normal 2h102002
Maltmeal wafer 50Griffin's Foods Ltd., New ZealandCookiesNew Zealand2010Perry, T., et al., Glycaemic index of New Zealand foods. New Zealand Medical Journal, 2000. 113(1108): p. 140-2.Normal 2h102000
Montana Chocolate Chip Cookies43Kinnikinnic Foods Inc., Edmonton. AB, CanadaCookiesCanada209Wolever, T.M.S., et al., The glycaemic index values of foods containing fructose are affected by metabolic differences between subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2009. 63(9): p. 1106-14.Normal 2h women2009
Montana Chocolate Chip Cookies42Kinnikinnic Foods Inc., Edmonton. AB, CanadaCookiesCanada208Wolever, T.M.S., et al., The glycaemic index values of foods containing fructose are affected by metabolic differences between subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2009. 63(9): p. 1106-14.Normal 2h men2009
Montana Chocolate Chip Cookies42Kinnikinnic Foods Inc., Edmonton. AB, CanadaCookiesCanada208Wolever, T.M.S., et al., The glycaemic index values of foods containing fructose are affected by metabolic differences between subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2009. 63(9): p. 1106-14.Normal 2h Caucasian2009
Montana Chocolate Chip Cookies 42Kinnikinnic Foods Inc., Edmonton. AB, CanadaCookiesCanada208Wolever, T.M.S., et al., The glycaemic index values of foods containing fructose are affected by metabolic differences between subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2009. 63(9): p. 1106-14.Normal 2h Non-Caucasian2009
Montana Chocolate Chip Cookies42Kinnikinnic Foods Inc., Edmonton. AB, CanadaCookiesCanada208Wolever, T.M.S., et al., The glycaemic index values of foods containing fructose are affected by metabolic differences between subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2009. 63(9): p. 1106-14.Normal 2h ?40 y2009
Montana Chocolate Chip Cookies43Kinnikinnic Foods Inc., Edmonton. AB, CanadaCookiesCanada209Wolever, T.M.S., et al., The glycaemic index values of foods containing fructose are affected by metabolic differences between subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2009. 63(9): p. 1106-14.Normal 2h >40 y2009
Montana Chocolate Chip Cookies43Kinnikinnic Foods Inc., Edmonton. AB, CanadaCookiesCanada209Wolever, T.M.S., et al., The glycaemic index values of foods containing fructose are affected by metabolic differences between subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2009. 63(9): p. 1106-14.Normal 2h lean2009
Montana Chocolate Chip Cookies41Kinnikinnic Foods Inc., Edmonton. AB, CanadaCookiesCanada208Wolever, T.M.S., et al., The glycaemic index values of foods containing fructose are affected by metabolic differences between subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2009. 63(9): p. 1106-14.Normal 2h overweight2009
Nutrigrain Fruits des bois57Kellogg's, FranceCookiesFrance2011Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122000
Oat biscuit45CookiesUK209Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of cereal products and weight-management meals available in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2007. 98(1): p. 147-153.Normal 2h102006
Oat biscuit55CookiesChina2011Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h102005
Oat biscuit, Nairn's™ Stem Ginger Oat Biscuit55Nairn's Oatcakes Ltd, Edinburgh, ScotlandCookiesUK2011C Dalaudier (Nairn’s Oatcakes Ltd, Scotland), unpublished observations, 2007.Normal 2h102007
Oro 61Saiwa, ItalyCookiesItaly2012Englyst, K.N., et al., Glycaemic index of cereal products explained by their content of rapidly and slowly available glucose. British Journal of Nutrition, 2003. 89(3): p. 329-339.Normal 2h 11-142002
Pavesini, Pavesi52 Barilla, ItalyCookiesItaly2010Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102004
Petiki Go ! Fruits and Muesli45LU, PolandCookiesPoland209Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h112002
Petiki Go ! Fruits and Muesli49LU, PolandCookiesPoland2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h112003
Petiki Go ! Fruits and Muesli47LU, PolandCookiesPoland209Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122004
Petit brun extra77LU, FranceCookiesFrance2015Englyst, K.N., et al., Glycaemic index of cereal products explained by their content of rapidly and slowly available glucose. British Journal of Nutrition, 2003. 89(3): p. 329-339.Normal 2h 11-142002
Petit LU Normand51LU, FranceCookiesFrance2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122000
Petit LU Roussillon48LU, FranceCookiesFrance2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122000
President's Choice® Blue Menu™ Cranberry Orange Cookies60Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaCookiesCanada2012INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
President's Choice® Blue Menu™ Crunchy Oat Cookies62Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaCookiesCanada2012INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
President's Choice® Blue Menu™ Ginger & Lemon Cookies64Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaCookiesCanada2013INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
Prince Energie+ 73LU, FranceCookiesFrance2015Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122000
Prince fourré chocolat 50LU, FranceCookiesFrance2010V Lang (Danone Vitapole Company, Le Plessis-Robinson, France), unpublished observations, 1996-2000.Normal 2h121996-2000
Prince fourré chocolat 53LU, FranceCookiesFrance2011V Lang (Danone Vitapole Company, Le Plessis-Robinson, France), unpublished observations, 1996-2000.Normal 2h131996-2000
Prince gout chocolat53LU, FranceCookiesFrance2011Englyst, K.N., et al., Glycaemic index of cereal products explained by their content of rapidly and slowly available glucose. British Journal of Nutrition, 2003. 89(3): p. 329-339.Normal 2h 11-142002
Prince Petit Déj Cereals52LU, FranceCookiesFrance2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122003
Prince Petit Déj Cereals and Chocolate51LU, FranceCookiesFrance2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122004
Prince Petit Déjeuner Vanille45LU, France and SpainCookiesNS209V Lang (Danone Vitapole Company, Le Plessis-Robinson, France), unpublished observations, 1996-2000.Normal 2h121996-2000
Principe megamanana vanilla 45LU, SpainCookiesSpain209Englyst, K.N., et al., Glycaemic index of cereal products explained by their content of rapidly and slowly available glucose. British Journal of Nutrition, 2003. 89(3): p. 329-339.Normal 2h 11-142002
Rich Tea Biscuit40CookiesUK208Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of cereal products and weight-management meals available in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2007. 98(1): p. 147-153.Normal 2h102006
Rotary-Molded biscuit48CookiesFrance2010Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycemic Index and Insulinemic Index of Foods: An Interlaboratory Study Using the ISO 2010 Method. Nutrients, 2019. 11(9).Normal 2h152019
Rotary-Molded biscuit47CookiesFrance209Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycemic Index and Insulinemic Index of Foods: An Interlaboratory Study Using the ISO 2010 Method. Nutrients, 2019. 11(9).Normal 2h152019
Rotary-Molded biscuit45CookiesFrance209Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycemic Index and Insulinemic Index of Foods: An Interlaboratory Study Using the ISO 2010 Method. Nutrients, 2019. 11(9).Normal 2h132019
Sablé des Flandres57LU, FranceCookiesFrance2011V Lang (Danone Vitapole Company, Le Plessis-Robinson, France), unpublished observations, 1996-2000.Normal 2h121996-2000
Sandwich Rotary-Molded biscuit44CookiesFrance209Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycemic Index and Insulinemic Index of Foods: An Interlaboratory Study Using the ISO 2010 Method. Nutrients, 2019. 11(9).Normal 2h152019
Sandwich Rotary-Molded biscuit56CookiesFrance2011Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycemic Index and Insulinemic Index of Foods: An Interlaboratory Study Using the ISO 2010 Method. Nutrients, 2019. 11(9).Normal 2h152019
Sandwich Rotary-Molded biscuit52CookiesFrance2010Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycemic Index and Insulinemic Index of Foods: An Interlaboratory Study Using the ISO 2010 Method. Nutrients, 2019. 11(9).Normal 2h132019
Segreti di Bosco (Mulino Bianco)53Barilla, ItalyCookiesItaly2011Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h92012
Snack Right Fruit Pillow, Apple and blackberry43Arnotts, AustraliaCookiesAustralia209Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102002
Snack Right Fruit Pillow, Spicy apple and sultana45Arnotts, AustraliaCookiesAustralia209Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102002
Snack Right Fruit Pillow, Wild berry52Arnott's, AustraliaCookiesAustralia2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102002
Snack Right Fruit Slice, Mango and passionfruit49Arnott's, AustraliaCookiesAustralia2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102002
Snack Right Fruit Slice, Mixed berry50Arnott's, AustraliaCookiesAustralia2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102002
Snack Right Fruit Slice, Original Sultana (97% fat-free) 48Arnott's, AustraliaCookiesAustralia2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102002
Snack Right Fruit Slice, Sultana with chocolate45Arnott's, AustraliaCookiesAustralia209Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102002
Sweet biscuit47CookiesUK209Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index of common foods tested in the UK and India. British Journal of Nutrition, 2008. 99(4): p. 840-5.Normal Caucasian 2h102007
Sweet biscuit63CookiesUK2013Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index of common foods tested in the UK and India. British Journal of Nutrition, 2008. 99(4): p. 840-5.Normal Asian 2h102007
Sweetmeal biscuit39CookiesUK208Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index of common foods tested in the UK and India. British Journal of Nutrition, 2008. 99(4): p. 840-5.Normal Caucasian 2h102007
Sweetmeal biscuit42CookiesUK208Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index of common foods tested in the UK and India. British Journal of Nutrition, 2008. 99(4): p. 840-5.Normal Asian 2h102007
Thé41LU, FranceCookiesFrance208Englyst, K.N., et al., Glycaemic index of cereal products explained by their content of rapidly and slowly available glucose. British Journal of Nutrition, 2003. 89(3): p. 329-339.Normal 2h 11-14202
Véritable Petit Beurre51LU, FranceCookiesFrance2010Englyst, K.N., et al., Glycaemic index of cereal products explained by their content of rapidly and slowly available glucose. British Journal of Nutrition, 2003. 89(3): p. 329-339.Normal 2h 11-142002
Véritable Petit Beurre54LU, FranceCookiesFrance2011Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122002
Véritable Petit Beurre54LU, FranceCookiesFrance2011Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h112006
Vitasnella frollini 59Saiwa, ItalyCookiesItaly2012Englyst, K.N., et al., Glycaemic index of cereal products explained by their content of rapidly and slowly available glucose. British Journal of Nutrition, 2003. 89(3): p. 329-339.Normal 2h 11-142002
BBQ Shapes, savory crackers 48Arnott’s Pty Ltd, Australia)CrackersAustralia157Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102010
Choice grain crackers49Jacob’s Bakery, UKCrackersUK157Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of cereal products and weight-management meals available in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2007. 98(1): p. 147-153.Normal 2h102006
Crispbread, soft wheat flour (54%), rye flour (36%), pumpkin seeds (7.5%) (Spianate croccanti con semi di zucca, Grancereale)53Barilla, ItalyCrackersItaly158Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102012
Corn Thins, puffed corn cakes, gluten-free87Real Foods, St Peters, AustraliaCrackersAustralia1513Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Cracker51CrackersFrance158Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycemic Index and Insulinemic Index of Foods: An Interlaboratory Study Using the ISO 2010 Method. Nutrients, 2019. 11(9).Normal 2h152019
Cracker61CrackersFrance159Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycemic Index and Insulinemic Index of Foods: An Interlaboratory Study Using the ISO 2010 Method. Nutrients, 2019. 11(9).Normal 2h152019
Cracker60CrackersFrance159Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycemic Index and Insulinemic Index of Foods: An Interlaboratory Study Using the ISO 2010 Method. Nutrients, 2019. 11(9).Normal 2h132019
Crackers, soft wheat flour, salty (Cracker integrali Sfoglia di grano, Mulino Bianco)63Barilla, ItalyCrackersItaly159Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102010
Crackers, whole-meal soft wheat flour (Cracker salati Sfoglia di grano, Mulino Bianco)63Barilla, ItalyCrackersItaly159Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102010
Cream cracker 64LU Triumfo, BrazilCrackersBrazil1510Englyst, K.N., et al., Glycaemic index of cereal products explained by their content of rapidly and slowly available glucose. British Journal of Nutrition, 2003. 89(3): p. 329-339.Normal 2h 11-142002
Grain cracker25Bestore, Wuhan, ChinaCrackersChina154China National Research Institute of Food and Fermentation Industries GI Lab (Beijing, China), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122020
Bread stick, Grissini Fibra Activa (with psyllium and oat)52Panmonviso, ItalyCrackersItaly158Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h122008
Bread stick, Grissini classici friabili (Mulino Bianco)66Barilla, ItalyCrackersItaly1510Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102004
Herman Brot Protein Cheese Cracker22Herman Brot Pty Ltd, AustraliaCrackersAustralia153Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102019
Herman Brot Protein Mediterranean Cracker31Herman Brot Pty Ltd, AustraliaCrackersAustralia155Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102019
Herman Brot Protein Natural Cracker 24Herman Brot Pty Ltd, AustraliaCrackersAustralia154Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102019
Herman Brot Protein Olive Cracker29Herman Brot Pty Ltd, AustraliaCrackersAustralia154Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102019
Herman Brot Protein Spice Cracker26Herman Brot Pty Ltd, AustraliaCrackersAustralia154Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102019
Herman Brot Protein Zatar Cracker27Herman Brot Pty Ltd, AustraliaCrackersAustralia154Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102019
High-calcium cracker52Jacob’s, MalaysiaCrackersMalaysia158Englyst, K.N., et al., Glycaemic index of cereal products explained by their content of rapidly and slowly available glucose. British Journal of Nutrition, 2003. 89(3): p. 329-339.Normal 2h 11-142002
Melba toast/Rusk, wheat flour64Fette Biscottate Le Dorate, ItalyCrackersItaly1510Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102005
Melba toast/Rusk, soft wheat flour, whole-meal barley flour (10%), rolled oat (2%) (Fette biscottate Cuori di orzo, Mulino Bianco)45Barilla, ItalyCrackersItaly157Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h92012
Melba toast/Rusk, soft wheat flour, bran and rolled oat, with psyllium and soluble fibers47Fette biscottate Fibra Activa, Panmonviso, ItalyCrackersItaly157Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102009
Melba Toast/Rusk, whole-meal wheat flour (50.1%), soft wheat flour (Fette Biscottate Le Integrali, Mulino Bianco)73Barilla, ItalyCrackersItaly1511Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h92005
Melba Toast/Rusk made with rice, oat, wheat, corn, barley and rye (Fette Biscottate Le cereal, Mulino Bianco)69Barilla, ItalyCrackersItaly1510F Brighenti, unpublished observations.Normal 2h92007
9 Grain cracker68CrackersAustralia1510Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102013
Ancient Grains snack crackers, President's Choice® Blue Menu™65Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaCrackersCanada1510INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
Wheat & Onion snack crackers, President's Choice® Blue Menu™ 60Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaCrackersCanada159INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
Wheat & Sesame snack crackers, President's Choice® Blue Menu™56Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaCrackersCanada158INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
Wheat snack crackers, President's Choice® Blue Menu™ 65Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaCrackersCanada1510INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
Puffed rice cakes, Calrose rice, low-amylose91Rice Growers Co-op, AustraliaCrackersAustralia1514Holt, S.H.A. and J.B. Miller, Increased insulin responses to ingested foods are associated with lessened satiety. Appetite, 1995. 24(1): p. 43-54.Normal 2h91995
Puffed rice cakes, Doongara rice, high-amylose61Rice Growers Co-op, AustraliaCrackersAustralia159Holt, S.H.A. and J.B. Miller, Increased insulin responses to ingested foods are associated with lessened satiety. Appetite, 1995. 24(1): p. 43-54.Normal 2h91995
Puffed rice cakes, caramel flavored82CrackersUSA1512Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102002
Rice cracker, plain91Sakada, JapanCrackersJapan1514Sugiyama, M., et al., Glycemic index of single and mixed meal foods among common Japanese foods with white rice as a reference food. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(6): p. 743-752.Normal 2h102003
Rye crackers with oats64CrackersUK1510Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of cereal products and weight-management meals available in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2007. 98(1): p. 147-153.Normal 2h102006
Rye crackers with sesame57CrackersUK159Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of cereal products and weight-management meals available in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2007. 98(1): p. 147-153.Normal 2h102006
Pumpkin Seeds & Oats cracker, Ryvita®46George Weston Foods, North Ryde, AustraliaCrackersAustralia157B Spratt (George Weston Foods, Australia), unpublished observation.Normal 2h102007
Sunflower Seeds & Oats cracker, Ryvita® 48George Weston Foods, North Ryde, AustraliaCrackersAustralia157B Spratt (George Weston Foods, Australia), unpublished observation.Normal 2h102007
Wholewheat crackers with pumpkin and thyme36CrackersUK155Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of cereal products and weight-management meals available in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2007. 98(1): p. 147-153.Normal 2h102006
Wholegrain crackers with sesame seeds and rosemary53CrackersUK158Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of cereal products and weight-management meals available in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2007. 98(1): p. 147-153.Normal 2h102006
Wholewheat sticks, crunchy, yeast extract flavored50CrackersUK158Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of cereal products and weight-management meals available in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2007. 98(1): p. 147-153.Normal 2h102006
Custard, low-fat, vanilla flavored29Nestlé, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia206International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h102006-2007
No Bake Egg Custard, prepared from powder with whole milk35Nestlé, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia207Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101999
Reduced-fat custard, TRIM™37Pauls Ltd, Brisbane, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia207Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101999
Custard, low-fat, trifle flavored30Nestlé, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia206International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h112006-2007
Crème fraiche dessert, peach28Finest, UKDairy Products and AlternativesUK206Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h92005
Crème fraiche dessert, raspberry 30Finest, UKDairy Products and AlternativesUK206Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Fromage Frais, red fruit: blackcurrant22Healthy Living, UKDairy Products and AlternativesUK204Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Fromage Frais, red fruit: raspberry 31Healthy Living, UKDairy Products and AlternativesUK206Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Fromage Frais, red fruit: red cherry25Healthy Living, UKDairy Products and AlternativesUK205Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Fromage Frais, red fruit: strawberry29Healthy Living, UKDairy Products and AlternativesUK206Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h92005
Fromage Frais, yellow fruit: mandarin and orange19Healthy Living, UK+D875Dairy Products and AlternativesUK204Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h92005
Fruche®, low-fat, apricot vanilla honey34National Foods Ltd, Melbourne, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia207Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Fruche®, low-fat, berry compote37National Foods Ltd, Melbourne, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia207Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Fruche®, low-fat, duet peach on pineapple34National Foods Ltd, Melbourne, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia207Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Fruche®, low-fat, lemon sorbetto 34National Foods Ltd, Melbourne, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia207Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Fruche®, low-fat, orange sorbetto34National Foods Ltd, Melbourne, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia207Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Fruche®, low-fat, peach roulade37National Foods Ltd, Melbourne, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia207Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Fruche® on Fruit, low-fat, toffee apple 47National Foods Ltd, Melbourne, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia209Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Ice-cream, low-fat chocolate flavored, Chocollo™24Wendy's Supa Sundaes Pty Ltd, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia205Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Ice cream, low-fat, Bulla Light Creamy vanilla36Regal Cream Products, VIC, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia207Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Ice cream, low-fat, Bulla Light Real Dairy chocolate27Regal Cream Products, VIC, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia205Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Ice cream, low-fat, Bulla Light Real Dairy English Toffee 27Regal Cream Products, VIC, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia205Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Ice cream, low-fat, Bulla Light Real Dairy Mango 30Regal Cream Products, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia206Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Ice cream, low-fat, Light & Creamy, Raspberry Ripple55Nestlé Peter's, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia2011Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004
Ice-cream, low-fat,1.2% fat, Light Prestige rich vanilla 47Norco, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia209Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102001
Ice-cream, low-fat, 1.4% fat, Light Prestige traditional toffee37Norco, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia207Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102001
Ice-cream, reduced-fat, 7.1% fat, Prestige golden macadamia37Norco, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia207Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102001
Ice cream, low-fat, vanilla, 'Light'46Nestlé Peter's, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia209Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Ice cream, low-fat, Blueberry Pomegranate flavor32ProYo, USADairy Products and AlternativesUSA206INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102017
Ice cream, low-fat, Chocolate Toffee flavor25ProYo, USADairy Products and AlternativesUSA205INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102017
Ice cream, low-fat, Coconut flavor 39ProYo, USADairy Products and AlternativesUSA208INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102017
Ice cream, low-fat, Dutch Chocolate flavor34ProYo, USADairy Products and AlternativesUSA207INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102017
Ice cream, low-fat, Mint Chip flavor 34ProYo, USADairy Products and AlternativesUSA207INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102017
Ice cream, low-fat, Mocha flavor37ProYo, USADairy Products and AlternativesUSA207INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102017
Ice cream, low-fat, Vanilla Bean flavor39ProYo, USADairy Products and AlternativesUSA208INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102017
Ice cream, premium, Ultra chocolate, 15% fat 37Sara Lee, Gosford, NSW, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia207Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Ice cream, premium, French vanilla, 16% fat38Sara Lee, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia208Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Ice-cream, , low-fat chocolate flavored Chocollo™, eaten with a plain cone44Wendy's Supa Sundaes Pty Ltd, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia209Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Ice-cream, low-fat chocolate flavored, Chocollo™, eaten with a waffle cone55Wendy's Supa Sundaes Pty Ltd, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia2011Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Gelati, sucrose-free frozen dessert, chocolate flavor37Alba Foods, Newtown, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia207Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102002
Gelati, sucrose-free frozen dessert, vanilla flavor39Alba Foods, Newtown, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia208Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102002
Ice fruit confection, Frosty Fruits® Orange Mango Splits59Nestlé Peter's, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia2012Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92007
Kefir, low-fat, plain36Lifeway Foods, Chicago, USADairy Products and AlternativesUSA204Kong, K.L. and S. Hendrich, Glycemic index, insulinemic index, and satiety index of kefir. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 2012. 31(4): p. 280-7.Normal 2h102012
Kefir, low-fat strawberry60Lifeway Foods, Chicago, USADairy Products and AlternativesUSA2012Kong, K.L. and S. Hendrich, Glycemic index, insulinemic index, and satiety index of kefir. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 2012. 31(4): p. 280-7.Normal 2h102012
Kefir, orange flavor48Lifeway Foods, Chicago, USADairy Products and AlternativesUSA2010Kong, K.L. and S. Hendrich, Glycemic index, insulinemic index, and satiety index of kefir. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 2012. 31(4): p. 280-7.Normal 2h102012
Milk, condensed, sweetened61Nestlé, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia206Chan, H.M.S., et al., The glycaemic index values of Vietnamese foods. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2001. 55(12): p. 1076-1083.Normal 2h112000
Full-fat, milk30Dairy Products and AlternativesAustralia103Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h132018
Full-fat, pasteurized, fresh, organic milk 34Arla, UKDairy Products and AlternativesUK103Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h92005
Full-fat, standardized, homogenized, pasteurized, British 46Dairy Crest, UKDairy Products and AlternativesUK105Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Banana, honey and malt flavored milk31Dairy Products and AlternativesAustralia206Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102002
Coffee chocolate flavored milk, Masters® mocha32National Foods Ltd, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia206Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Milk, reduced fat26Dairy Farmers Ltd, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia103Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Milk, semi-skimmed, pasteurized, organic34Arla, UKDairy Products and AlternativesUK103Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h92005
Pura™ HiLo milk20National Foods Ltd, Australia)Dairy Products and AlternativesAustralia102Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Pura™ Skimmer milk 20National Foods Ltd, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia102Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Pura™ Light Start milk 30National Foods Ltd, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia103Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Pura™ Tone milk30National Foods Ltd, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia103Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Flavored milk, chocolate or strawberry, Big M™37National Foods Ltd, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia207Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Flavored milk, chocolate or mocha, Masters® Light, 99% fat free27National Foods Ltd, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia205Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Flavored milk, chocolate or strawberry, Masters®, reduced fat35National Foods Ltd, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia207Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Flavored milk, Rush® Heavenly Vanilla Malt milk 31Dairy Products and AlternativesAustralia206Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Flavored milk, Rush® Intense Coffee milk24Dairy Products and AlternativesAustralia205Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Flavored milk, Rush® Ultimate Chocolate milk26Dairy Products and AlternativesAustralia205Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Flavored milk, Rush® Wicked Latte milk26Dairy Products and AlternativesAustralia205Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Milkshake, made from Chocollo™, low-fat chocolate ice cream, skim milk and malted milk powder21Wendy's Supa Sundaes Pty Ltd, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia204Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92006
Nestlé Milo Combo mousse42Nestlé, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia208International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h112006
Nestlé Milo flavored mousse46Nestlé, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia209International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h122006
Butterscotch, 1.9% fat, prepared from commercial mousse mix with water36Nestlé, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia207Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Chocolate, 2% fat, prepared from commercial mousse mix with water31Nestlé, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia206Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101999
Citrus, prepared from commercial mousse mix with water47Nestlé, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia209Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Hazelnut, 2.4% fat, prepared from commercial mousse mix with water36Nestlé, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia207Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Mango, 1.8% fat, prepared from commercial mousse mix with water33Nestlé, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia207Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Mixed berry, 2.2% fat, prepared from commercial mousse mix with water36Nestlé, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia207Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Strawberry, 2.3% fat, prepared from commercial mousse mix with water32Nestlé, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia206Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Flavored milk pudding, chocolate (Danette al cioccolato)51Danone, ItalyDairy Products and AlternativesItaly2010Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h92011
Flavored milk pudding, chocolate, made from powder and whole milk, instant47White Wings, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia209Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Flavored milk pudding, vanilla, made from powder and whole milk, instant 40White Wings, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia208Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Milk rice pudding, Yoplait Le Rice®, Apple & Cinnamon flavor52National Foods Ltd, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Milk rice pudding, Yoplait Le Rice®, Apricot & Almond Muesli flavor45National Foods Ltd, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia209Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Milk rice pudding, Yoplait Le Rice®, Caramel flavor 41National Foods Ltd, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia208Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Milk rice pudding, Yoplait Le Rice®, Forest Berries flavor45National Foods Ltd, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia209Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Milk rice pudding, Yoplait Le Rice®, Lemon Meringue flavor54National Foods Ltd, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia2011Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102010
Milk rice pudding, Yoplait Le Rice®, Mocha flavor46National Foods Ltd, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia209Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102009
Milk rice pudding, Yoplait Le Rice®, Raspberry & Apple flavor52National Foods LtdDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Milk rice pudding, Yoplait Le Rice®, Strawberry flavor54National Foods LtdDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia2011Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Milk rice pudding, Yoplait Le Rice®, Tropical Mango flavor 54National Foods LtdDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia2011Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Milk rice pudding, Yoplait Le Rice®, Vanilla flavor 43National Foods LtdDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia209Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Yoghurt, black cherry17Finest, UKDairy Products and AlternativesUK203Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Yoghurt, black cherry 67Healthy Living Light, UKDairy Products and AlternativesUK2013Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Yoghurt, bourbon vanilla64Finest, UKDairy Products and AlternativesUK2013Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Yoghurt, Devonshire fudge37Finest, UKDairy Products and AlternativesUK207Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Yoghurt, Greek style, honey topped (UK)36Dairy Products and AlternativesUK207Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h92005
Yoghurt, Jalna Premium Creamy Vanilla18Jalna Dairy Foods, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia204Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004
Yoghurt, lemon curd67Finest, UKDairy Products and AlternativesUK2013Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Yoghurt, peach & apricot28Healthy Living Light, UKDairy Products and AlternativesUK206Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h92005
Yoghurt, raspberry43Healthy Living Light, UKDairy Products and AlternativesUK209Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Yoghurt, red fruit: Morello cherry 35Healthy Living Light, UKDairy Products and AlternativesUK207Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h92005
Yoghurt, red fruit: raspberry and black cherry 37Healthy Living Light, UKDairy Products and AlternativesUK207Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h92005
Yoghurt, Scottish raspberry32Finest, UKDairy Products and AlternativesUK206Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Yoghurt, strawberry30Healthy Living Light, UKDairy Products and AlternativesUK206Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Yoghurt, strawberry44Astro yoghurt, CanadaDairy Products and AlternativesCanada209Jenkins, A.L., et al., Effect of adding the novel fiber, PGX R, to commonly consumed foods on glycemic response, glycemic index and GRIP: a simple and effective strategy for reducing post prandial blood glucose levels--a randomized, controlled trial. Nutrition Journal, 2010. 9: p. 58.Normal 2h102010
Yoghurt, strawberry and cream41Finest, UKDairy Products and AlternativesUK208Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Yoghurt, summer fruit: apricot11Healthy Living Light, UKDairy Products and AlternativesUK202Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h92005
Yoghurt, summer fruit: peach and vanilla 26Healthy Living Light, UKDairy Products and AlternativesUK205Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h92005
Yoghurt, summer fruit: raspberry28Healthy Living Light, UKDairy Products and AlternativesUK206Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h92005
Yoghurt, summer fruit: strawberry36Healthy Living Light, UKDairy Products and AlternativesUK207Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h92005
Yoghurt, tropical fruit: guava and passionfruit24Healthy Living Light, UKDairy Products and AlternativesUK205Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h92005
Yoghurt, tropical fruit: mango 32Healthy Living Light, UKDairy Products and AlternativesUK206Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h92005
Yoghurt, tropical fruit: peach and apricot 27Healthy Living Light, UKDairy Products and AlternativesUK205Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h92005
Yoghurt, tropical pineapple38Healthy Living Light, UKDairy Products and AlternativesUK208Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h92005
Yoghurt, Valencia orange34Finest, UKDairy Products and AlternativesUK207Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Yoghurt, Yitangping 21Beijing Sanyuan Foods, Beijing, ChinaDairy Products and AlternativesChina204China National Research Institute of Food and Fermentation Industries GI Lab (Beijing, China), unpublished observations.Normal 2h112020
Mochaccino frozen yoghurt, President's Choice® Blue Menu™ brand51Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaDairy Products and AlternativesCanada2010INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
Strawberry Banana frozen yoghurt, President's Choice® Blue Menu™ brand55Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaDairy Products and AlternativesCanada2011INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
Vanilla frozen yoghurt, President's Choice® Blue Menu™ brand46Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaDairy Products and AlternativesCanada209INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
Diet Passionfruit yoghurt, Dairy Dream21Aldi, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia204Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102010
Diet Raspberry yoghurt, Dairy Dream21Aldi, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia204Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102010
Diet yoghurt, Vaalia™, exotic fruits, sweetened with acesulfame K and Splenda23Pauls Ltd., AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia205Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Diet yoghurt, Vaalia™, mango, sweetened with acesulfame K and Splenda23Pauls Ltd., AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia205Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Diet yoghurt, Vaalia™, mixed berry, sweetened with acesulfame K and Splenda25Pauls Ltd., AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia205Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Diet yoghurt, Vaalia™, strawberry, sweetened with acesulfame K and Splenda23Pauls Ltd., AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia205Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Diet yoghurt, Vaalia™, vanilla, sweetened with acesulfame K and Splenda23Pauls Ltd., AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia205Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Low-fat yoghurt, sugar sweetened, strawberry classic, Yoplait™ Lite33National Foods Ltd, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia207Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102002
Low-fat yoghurt (0.9%), fruit, wild strawberry, Ski d'lite™31Dairy Farmers Ltd, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia206Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92002
Low-fat yoghurt, Nestlé Diet, Blueberry32Nestlé, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia206International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h102006
Low-fat yoghurt, Nestlé Diet, Mixed Berry 28Nestlé, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia206International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h122006
Low-fat yoghurt, Nestlé Diet, Peaches & Cream 28Nestlé, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia206International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h102006
Low-fat yoghurt, apricot42Dairy Products and AlternativesUK208Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Low-fat yoghurt, black cherry41Dairy Products and AlternativesUK208Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Low-fat yoghurt, hazelnut53Dairy Products and AlternativesUK2011Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Low-fat yoghurt, peach melba56Value, UKDairy Products and AlternativesUK2011Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Low-fat yoghurt, raspberry34Dairy Products and AlternativesUK207Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Low-fat yoghurt, strawberry61Dairy Products and AlternativesUK2012Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Low-fat yoghurt, sugar sweetened, Heavenly Honey flavor, Vaalia32Pauls LtdDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia206Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Low-fat yoghurt, sugar sweetened, Lemon Crème flavor, Vaalia43Pauls LtdDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia209Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Low-fat yoghurt, sugar sweetened, Luscious Berries flavor, Vaalia29Pauls LtdDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia206Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Low-fat yoghurt, sugar sweetened, Passionfruit flavor, Vaalia32Pauls LtdDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia206Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Low-fat yoghurt, sugar sweetened, Strawberry flavor, Vaalia28Pauls LtdDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia206Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92003
No Added Sugar Passionfruit yoghurt21Tamar Valley, Aldi, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia204Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102010
No Added Sugar Raspberry yoghurt21Tamar Valley, Aldi, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia204Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102010
Reduced-fat yoghurt, apricot & mango26Vaalia™, Pauls Ltd., AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia205Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101999
Reduced-fat, French vanilla26Vaalia™, Pauls Ltd., AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia205Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101999
Reduced-fat, strawberry28Extra-Lite™, Pauls Ltd., AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia206Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101999
Reduced-fat, strawberry43Dairy Products and AlternativesCzech Republic209Chlup, R., et al., Continuous glucose monitoring -- a novel approach to the determination of the glycaemic index of foods (DEGIF 1) -- determination of the glycaemic index of foods by means of the CGMS. Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes, 2006. 114(2): p. 68-74.Normal 2h202005
Reduced-fat, berry fruit flavors25Yoplait™ Lite, National Foods Ltd, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia205Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Reduced-fat, tropical fruit flavors 37Yoplait™ Lite, National Foods Ltd, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia207Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Reduced-fat, various flavors27Yoplait™ Lite, National Foods Ltd, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia205Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Reduced-fat, Fruit Salad flavor32Yoplait™ Lite, National Foods Ltd, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia206Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Non-fat, Honey flavor, sugar sweetened40Ski™, Dairy Farmers Ltd, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia208Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102002
Non-fat, Vanilla flavor, sugar sweetened40Ski™, Dairy Farmers Ltd, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia208Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102002
No Fat berry fruit flavors, artificially sweetened yoghurts16Yoplait™, National Foods Ltd, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia203Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
No Fat Strawberry Classic flavor, artificially sweetened yoghurts19Yoplait™, National Foods Ltd, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia204Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
No Fat tropical fruit flavors, artificially sweetened yoghurts20Yoplait™, National Foods Ltd, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia204Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
No Fat yoghurt, various flavors, artificially sweetened yoghurts18Yoplait™, National Foods Ltd, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia204Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Fat-free, Passionfruit yoghurt27Jalna Dairy Foods, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia205Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004
No Added Sugar Natural yoghurt17Tamar Valley Dairy, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia202Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102010
Yoghurt, low fat, natural35Dairy Products and AlternativesUK204Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h92005
Yoghurt, probiotic, prune44Dairy Products and AlternativesUK209Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Yoghurt, probiotic, raspberry45Dairy Products and AlternativesUK209Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Probiotic drink, cranberry56Dairy Products and AlternativesUK2011Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Probiotic drink, orange30Dairy Products and AlternativesUK206Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Probiotic drink, original34Dairy Products and AlternativesUK207Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Cultured Multivitamin Milk Fruit Drink, Vitalise24Jalna Dairy Foods, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia205Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004
Yoghurt drink, Wildberry Yoghurt on the Go19Jalna Dairy Foods, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia504Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004
Yoghurt drink, reduced-fat, tropical passionfruit38Vaalia™,Pauls Ltd., AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia208Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101999
Control dairy beverage 70Dairy Products and AlternativesCanada207Au, M.M.C., et al., Effects of soy-soluble fiber and flaxseed gum on the glycemic and insulinemic responses to glucose solutions and dairy products in healthy adult males. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 2013. 32(2): p. 98-110.Normal 2h112013
Dairy beverage with soy-soluble polysaccharides (2.5 g fiber)65Dairy Products and AlternativesCanada207Au, M.M.C., et al., Effects of soy-soluble fiber and flaxseed gum on the glycemic and insulinemic responses to glucose solutions and dairy products in healthy adult males. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 2013. 32(2): p. 98-110.Normal 2h112013
Dairy beverage with flaxseed gum (2.5 g fiber)54Dairy Products and AlternativesCanada205Au, M.M.C., et al., Effects of soy-soluble fiber and flaxseed gum on the glycemic and insulinemic responses to glucose solutions and dairy products in healthy adult males. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 2013. 32(2): p. 98-110.Normal 2h112013
Control dairy pudding (0.25 g fiber)63Dairy Products and AlternativesCanada206Au, M.M.C., et al., Effects of soy-soluble fiber and flaxseed gum on the glycemic and insulinemic responses to glucose solutions and dairy products in healthy adult males. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 2013. 32(2): p. 98-110.Normal 2h112013
Dairy pudding with soy-soluble polysaccharides (2.5 g fiber)61Dairy Products and AlternativesCanada206Au, M.M.C., et al., Effects of soy-soluble fiber and flaxseed gum on the glycemic and insulinemic responses to glucose solutions and dairy products in healthy adult males. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 2013. 32(2): p. 98-110.Normal 2h112013
Dairy pudding with flaxseed gum (2.5 g fiber)57Dairy Products and AlternativesCanada206Au, M.M.C., et al., Effects of soy-soluble fiber and flaxseed gum on the glycemic and insulinemic responses to glucose solutions and dairy products in healthy adult males. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 2013. 32(2): p. 98-110.Normal 2h112013
Soy milk beverage, Original flavored, President's Choice® Blue Menu™15Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaDairy Products and AlternativesCanada202INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
Soy milk, full-fat, with sucrose31Sanitarium, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia203Brand-Miller, J.C., et al., The glycaemic index of more breads, breakfast cereals and snack products. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 1997. 21: p. 144.Normal 2h 10-121997
Soy milk, full-fat (3%), Original, 0 mg calcium, with maltodextrin44So Natural Foods, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia204Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Soy milk, full-fat (3%), Calciforte, 120 mg calcium, with maltodextrin36So Natural Foods, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia204Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Soy milk, full-fat (3%), 120 mg calcium, Calciforte41So Natural Foods, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia204International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h152006
Soy milk, Vitasoy® Organic43National Foods Ltd, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia204Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102008
Soy milk, Vitasoy® So Milky Regular21National Foods Ltd, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia202Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102008
Soy milk, low-fat (0.7%), Vitasoy® Light Original45National Foods Ltd, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia205Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Soy milk, reduced-fat (1.5%), Vitasoy® So Milky Lite17National Foods Ltd, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia202Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102008
Soy milk, reduced-fat (1.5%), 120 mg calcium, Light, containing maltodextrin44So Natural Foods, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia204Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Soy milk, reduced-fat (1.8%), 120 mg calcium, Vitasoy® Premium Vitality+ 18National Foods Ltd, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia202Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Soy Beverage, Chocolate flavored, President's Choice® Blue Menu™40Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaDairy Products and AlternativesCanada208INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
Soy Beverage, Vanilla flavored, President's Choice® Blue Menu™28Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaDairy Products and AlternativesCanada206INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
Soy milk, reduced-fat (1.5%), Vitasoy® Lush, Chocolate31National Foods Ltd, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia206Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102008
Soy milk, reduced-fat (1.5%), Vitasoy® Lush, Vanilla31National Foods Ltd, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia206Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102008
Soy yoghurt, peach and mango, 2% fat, sugar50So Natural Foods, AustraliaDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Apples, raw44Fruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia157Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102020
Apples, canned in juice42Fruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia156Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Sliced Apples, canned, solid packed without juice42Langeberg and Ashton Foods Pty Ltd, South AfricaFruit and Fruit ProductsSouth Africa156Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Apple, dried29Fruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia154Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101998
Apples, dried (Malus pumila Mill.)43Fruit and Fruit ProductsChina156Zhu, R., et al., Postprandial Glycaemic Responses of Dried Fruit-Containing Meals in Healthy Adults: Results from a Randomised Trial. Nutrients, 2018. 10(6).Normal 2h112018
Apricots, raw, NS34Fruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia155Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Apricots, raw, NS42Fruit and Fruit ProductsCanada156Viguiliouk, E., et al., Effect of dried fruit on postprandial glycemia: a randomized acute-feeding trial. Nutrition & Diabetes, 2018. 8(1): p. 59.Normal 2h102018
Apricot Halves canned in fruit juice 51Langeberg and Ashton Foods Pty Ltd, South AfricaFruit and Fruit ProductsSouth Africa158Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Apricots, dried, ready to eat, bite size32Fruit and Fruit ProductsUK155Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Apricots, dried (Armeniaca vulgaris Lam.)56Fruit and Fruit ProductsChina158Zhu, R., et al., Postprandial Glycaemic Responses of Dried Fruit-Containing Meals in Healthy Adults: Results from a Randomised Trial. Nutrients, 2018. 10(6).Normal 2h112018
Banana, raw47Fruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia157Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102008
Banana, lady finger49Moraitis, AustraliaFruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia157Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122014
Banana, lady finger53Moraitis, AustraliaFruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia158Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122014
Banana, raw, overripe57Fruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia159Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92008
Blueberries, wild 53Wild Blueberries Association, CanadaFruit and Fruit ProductsCanada158Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
Breadfruit, peeled, boiled 10 min47Fruit and Fruit ProductsJamaica157Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Food processing methods influence the glycaemic indices of some commonly eaten West Indian carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2006. 96(3): p. 476-481.Normal 2h102005
Breadfruit, roasted on preheated charcoal72Fruit and Fruit ProductsJamaica1511Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Food processing methods influence the glycaemic indices of some commonly eaten West Indian carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2006. 96(3): p. 476-481.Normal 2h102005
Jackfruit365 Green Jackfruit, prepared as a porridge with water65Fruit and Fruit ProductsIndia1510Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102016
Cranberries, sweetened, dried 62Ocean Spray, USAFruit and Fruit ProductsUSA159Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102011
Cherries, sour, pitted, canned 41Always Fresh brand, AustraliaFruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia156Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Custard apple, raw, flesh only54Fruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia158Chan, H.M.S., et al., The glycaemic index values of Vietnamese foods. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2001. 55(12): p. 1076-1083.Normal 2h122000
Dates, Bo ma'an variety 46Al Saad date factory, Al Ain, UAEFruit and Fruit ProductsUAE157Alkaabi, J.M., et al., Glycemic indices of five varieties of dates in healthy and diabetic subjects. Nutrition Journal, 2011. 10: p. 59.Normal 2h132011
Dates, Dabbas variety49Al Saad date factory, Al Ain, UAEFruit and Fruit ProductsUAE157Alkaabi, J.M., et al., Glycemic indices of five varieties of dates in healthy and diabetic subjects. Nutrition Journal, 2011. 10: p. 59.Normal 2h132011
Dates, Deglet noir variety 52Fruit and Fruit ProductsAlgeria158Freha, G., et al., Effect of Algerian varieties dates on glycemic, arterial blood pressure and satiety responses. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Health Care, 2016. 8(2): p. 52-61.Normal 2h102016
Dates, Fara'd variety 54Al Saad date factory, Al Ain, UAEFruit and Fruit ProductsUAE158Alkaabi, J.M., et al., Glycemic indices of five varieties of dates in healthy and diabetic subjects. Nutrition Journal, 2011. 10: p. 59.Normal 2h132011
Dates, H'mira variety 48Fruit and Fruit ProductsAlgeria157Freha, G., et al., Effect of Algerian varieties dates on glycemic, arterial blood pressure and satiety responses. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Health Care, 2016. 8(2): p. 52-61.Normal 2h102016
Dates, Khalas (Rutab, soft early ripened) variety47Fruit and Fruit ProductsUAE157Miller, C.J., E.V. Dunn, and I.B. Hashim, The glycaemic index of dates and date/yoghurt mixed meals. Are dates ‘the candy that grows on trees’? European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(3): p. 427-430.Normal 2h112002
Dates, Khalas variet55Al Saad date factory, Al Ain, UAEFruit and Fruit ProductsUAE158Alkaabi, J.M., et al., Glycemic indices of five varieties of dates in healthy and diabetic subjects. Nutrition Journal, 2011. 10: p. 59.Normal 2h132011
Dates, Khalas (Phoenix dactylifera L.)55Fruit and Fruit ProductsSaudi Arabia158Al-Mssallem, M.Q. and J.E. Brown, Arabic coffee increases the glycemic index but not insulinemic index of dates. Saudi Medical Journal, 2013. 34(9): p. 923-8.Normal 2h102013
Dates, Lulu variety54Al Saad date factory, Al Ain, UAEFruit and Fruit ProductsUAE158Alkaabi, J.M., et al., Glycemic indices of five varieties of dates in healthy and diabetic subjects. Nutrition Journal, 2011. 10: p. 59.Normal 2h132011
Dates, NS68Fruit and Fruit ProductsCanada1510Viguiliouk, E., et al., Effect of dried fruit on postprandial glycemia: a randomized acute-feeding trial. Nutrition & Diabetes, 2018. 8(1): p. 59.Normal 2h102018
Dates, Tinissine variety 44Fruit and Fruit ProductsAlgeria157Freha, G., et al., Effect of Algerian varieties dates on glycemic, arterial blood pressure and satiety responses. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Health Care, 2016. 8(2): p. 52-61.Normal 2h102016
Dates, Ajwah cultivar, Tamer stage60Fruit and Fruit ProductsSaudi Arabia159AlGeffari, M.A., et al., Glycemic indices, glycemic load and glycemic response for seventeen varieties of dates grown in Saudi Arabia. Annals of Saudi Medicine, 2016. 36(6): p. 397-403.Normal 2h102016
Dates, Khalas (Tamer, sun dried stored in traditional Bedu manner) variety 45Fruit and Fruit ProductsUAE157Miller, C.J., E.V. Dunn, and I.B. Hashim, The glycaemic index of dates and date/yoghurt mixed meals. Are dates ‘the candy that grows on trees’? European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(3): p. 427-430.Normal 2h112002
Dates, Khalas variety, dried and vacuum packed36Fruit and Fruit ProductsUAE155Miller, C.J., E.V. Dunn, and I.B. Hashim, The glycaemic index of dates and date/yoghurt mixed meals. Are dates ‘the candy that grows on trees’? European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(3): p. 427-430.Normal 2h112002
Dates, Khudri cultivar, Tamer stage62Fruit and Fruit ProductsSaudi Arabia159AlGeffari, M.A., et al., Glycemic indices, glycemic load and glycemic response for seventeen varieties of dates grown in Saudi Arabia. Annals of Saudi Medicine, 2016. 36(6): p. 397-403.Normal 2h102016
Dates, Maktoomi cultivar, Tamer stage71Fruit and Fruit ProductsSaudi Arabia1511AlGeffari, M.A., et al., Glycemic indices, glycemic load and glycemic response for seventeen varieties of dates grown in Saudi Arabia. Annals of Saudi Medicine, 2016. 36(6): p. 397-403.Normal 2h102016
Dates, Medjool cultivar, Tamer stage55Fruit and Fruit ProductsSaudi Arabia158AlGeffari, M.A., et al., Glycemic indices, glycemic load and glycemic response for seventeen varieties of dates grown in Saudi Arabia. Annals of Saudi Medicine, 2016. 36(6): p. 397-403.Normal 2h102016
Dates, Nabtat-ali cultivar, Tamer stage60Fruit and Fruit ProductsSaudi Arabia159AlGeffari, M.A., et al., Glycemic indices, glycemic load and glycemic response for seventeen varieties of dates grown in Saudi Arabia. Annals of Saudi Medicine, 2016. 36(6): p. 397-403.Normal 2h102016
Dates, Nabtat-seyf cultivar, Tamer stage54Fruit and Fruit ProductsSaudi Arabia158AlGeffari, M.A., et al., Glycemic indices, glycemic load and glycemic response for seventeen varieties of dates grown in Saudi Arabia. Annals of Saudi Medicine, 2016. 36(6): p. 397-403.Normal 2h92016
Dates, Osilah cultivar, Tamer stage57Fruit and Fruit ProductsSaudi Arabia159AlGeffari, M.A., et al., Glycemic indices, glycemic load and glycemic response for seventeen varieties of dates grown in Saudi Arabia. Annals of Saudi Medicine, 2016. 36(6): p. 397-403.Normal 2h92016
Dates, Rashodia cultivar, Tamer stage51Fruit and Fruit ProductsSaudi Arabia158AlGeffari, M.A., et al., Glycemic indices, glycemic load and glycemic response for seventeen varieties of dates grown in Saudi Arabia. Annals of Saudi Medicine, 2016. 36(6): p. 397-403.Normal 2h102016
Dates, Ruthana cultivar, Tamer stage53Fruit and Fruit ProductsSaudi Arabia158AlGeffari, M.A., et al., Glycemic indices, glycemic load and glycemic response for seventeen varieties of dates grown in Saudi Arabia. Annals of Saudi Medicine, 2016. 36(6): p. 397-403.Normal 2h102016
Dates, Sag'ai cultivar, Tamer stage45Fruit and Fruit ProductsSaudi Arabia157AlGeffari, M.A., et al., Glycemic indices, glycemic load and glycemic response for seventeen varieties of dates grown in Saudi Arabia. Annals of Saudi Medicine, 2016. 36(6): p. 397-403.Normal 2h92016
Dates, Sayer, dried, Trident™ brand56Fruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia158Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102014
Dates, Sellaj cultivar, Tamer stage75Fruit and Fruit ProductsSaudi Arabia1511AlGeffari, M.A., et al., Glycemic indices, glycemic load and glycemic response for seventeen varieties of dates grown in Saudi Arabia. Annals of Saudi Medicine, 2016. 36(6): p. 397-403.Normal 2h92016
Dates, Shaqra cultivar, Tamer stage43Fruit and Fruit ProductsSaudi Arabia156AlGeffari, M.A., et al., Glycemic indices, glycemic load and glycemic response for seventeen varieties of dates grown in Saudi Arabia. Annals of Saudi Medicine, 2016. 36(6): p. 397-403.Normal 2h102016
Dates, Shishi cultivar, Tamer stage50Fruit and Fruit ProductsSaudi Arabia158AlGeffari, M.A., et al., Glycemic indices, glycemic load and glycemic response for seventeen varieties of dates grown in Saudi Arabia. Annals of Saudi Medicine, 2016. 36(6): p. 397-403.Normal 2h102016
Dates, Sukkary cultivar, Tamer stage43Fruit and Fruit ProductsSaudi Arabia156AlGeffari, M.A., et al., Glycemic indices, glycemic load and glycemic response for seventeen varieties of dates grown in Saudi Arabia. Annals of Saudi Medicine, 2016. 36(6): p. 397-403.Normal 2h102016
Dates, Um-Kabar cultivar, Tamer stage59Fruit and Fruit ProductsSaudi Arabia159AlGeffari, M.A., et al., Glycemic indices, glycemic load and glycemic response for seventeen varieties of dates grown in Saudi Arabia. Annals of Saudi Medicine, 2016. 36(6): p. 397-403.Normal 2h102016
Dates, Wannanah cultivar, Tamer stage51Fruit and Fruit ProductsSaudi Arabia158AlGeffari, M.A., et al., Glycemic indices, glycemic load and glycemic response for seventeen varieties of dates grown in Saudi Arabia. Annals of Saudi Medicine, 2016. 36(6): p. 397-403.Normal 2h102016
Figs, dried, no added, sugar, organic, Turkish54Woolworths Macro brand, AustraliaFruit and Fruit ProductsTurkey158Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102018
Figs, dried, tenderized, Dessert Maid brand61Ernest Hall & Sons, Sydney, AustraliaFruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia159Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102002
Guava, raw, cut into bite size pieces29Fruit and Fruit ProductsSingapore154Tey, S.L., D.E.M. Lee, and C.J. Henry, Fruit form Influences Postprandial Glycemic Response in Elderly and Young Adults. The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, 2017. 21(8): p. 887-891.Normal 2h192017
Guava, raw, puree47Fruit and Fruit ProductsSingapore157Tey, S.L., D.E.M. Lee, and C.J. Henry, Fruit form Influences Postprandial Glycemic Response in Elderly and Young Adults. The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, 2017. 21(8): p. 887-891.Normal 2h192017
Grapes, Crimson seedless50Fruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia158Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102008
Grapes, green, Menidee, seedless54Fruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia158Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102008
Grapes, black, Waltham Cross59Fruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia159Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h112001
Grapefruit, ruby red segments, canned in juice 47Woolworths Select, AustraliaFruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia157Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102008
Jujubes, dried (Ziziphus jujubu Mill.)55Fruit and Fruit ProductsChina158Zhu, R., et al., Postprandial Glycaemic Responses of Dried Fruit-Containing Meals in Healthy Adults: Results from a Randomised Trial. Nutrients, 2018. 10(6).Normal 2h112018
Lychee, fresh57Fruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia159Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92009
Lychee, canned in syrup and drained, Narcissus brand79Fruit and Fruit ProductsChina1512Chan, H.M.S., et al., The glycaemic index values of Vietnamese foods. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2001. 55(12): p. 1076-1083.Normal 2h122000
Mandarin orange (Citrus reticulata)52Fruit and Fruit ProductsItaly158F Brighenti, unpublished observations.Normal 2h ?92004
Mandarin segments, canned in juice47Woolworths Select, AustraliaFruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia157Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102008
Mango, raw (Chin-Hwang Mango)48Fruit and Fruit ProductsTaiwan157Lin, M.H.A., M.C. Wu, and J. Lin, Variable classifications of glycemic index determined by glucose meters. Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, 2010. 47(1): p. 45-52.Normal 2h102010
Mango, low-fat frozen fruit dessert, Frutia™42Weis Frozen Foods, Toowong, AustraliaFruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia156Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Melon (Cucumis melon)60Fruit and Fruit ProductsItaly159F Brighenti, unpublished observations.Normal 2h ?92004
Watermelon, raw (Citrullus vulgaris-red variety)55Fruit and Fruit ProductsMalaysia158Robert, S.D., et al., Glycemic index of common Malaysian fruits. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2008. 17(1): p. 35-9.Normal 2h102008
Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus), raw, red-fleshed, seeded48Fruit and Fruit ProductsMalaysia157Sabeetha, S., B.M.Y. Nisak, and I. Amin, Glycemic index of selected watermelon (Citrullus lanatus). International Food Research Journal, 2018. 25(6): p. 2547-2552.Normal 2h142017
Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus), raw, red-fleshed, seedless51Fruit and Fruit ProductsMalaysia158Sabeetha, S., B.M.Y. Nisak, and I. Amin, Glycemic index of selected watermelon (Citrullus lanatus). International Food Research Journal, 2018. 25(6): p. 2547-2552.Normal 2h142017
Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus), raw, yellow-fleshed, seedless47Fruit and Fruit ProductsMalaysia157Sabeetha, S., B.M.Y. Nisak, and I. Amin, Glycemic index of selected watermelon (Citrullus lanatus). International Food Research Journal, 2018. 25(6): p. 2547-2552.Normal 2h142017
Nectarines, raw43Fruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia156Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Oranges, navel45Fruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia157Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102020
Orange & Grapefruit segments, canned in juice53Woolworths Select, AustraliaFruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia158Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102008
Passionfruit pulp, canned, 55% passionfruit pulp with added sugar 46Fruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia157Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102016
Papaya/paw paw, raw, cut into bite size pieces38Fruit and Fruit ProductsSingapore156Tey, S.L., D.E.M. Lee, and C.J. Henry, Fruit form Influences Postprandial Glycemic Response in Elderly and Young Adults. The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, 2017. 21(8): p. 887-891.Normal 2h192017
Papaya/paw paw, raw, puree42Fruit and Fruit ProductsSingapore156Tey, S.L., D.E.M. Lee, and C.J. Henry, Fruit form Influences Postprandial Glycemic Response in Elderly and Young Adults. The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, 2017. 21(8): p. 887-891.Normal 2h192017
Peach (Prunus persica)76Fruit and Fruit ProductsItaly1511F Brighenti, unpublished observations.Normal 2h ?92004
Peach, canned in natural juice46SPC Ardmona Ltd, Shepparton, VIC, AustraliaFruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia157Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92007
Peach, canned in heavy syrup64Homebrand, Yennora, NSW, AustraliaFruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia1510Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92007
Peach & Grapes, canned in natural fruit juice 46Woolworths Select, AustraliaFruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia157Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102008
Peach & Pineapple, canned in natural fruit juice45Woolworths Select, AustraliaFruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia157Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102008
Pear, Williams, raw, under ripe/crunchy24Fruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia154Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102015
Pear, Williams, raw, ripe/soft33Fruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia155Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102015
Pear slices, canned in natural juice31SPC Ltd, AustraliaFruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia155Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102015
Persimmon (Diospyros kaki)61Fruit and Fruit ProductsItaly159F Brighenti, unpublished observations.Normal 2h ?92004
Pineapple, raw (Ananas comosa)82Fruit and Fruit ProductsMalaysia1512Robert, S.D., et al., Glycemic index of common Malaysian fruits. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2008. 17(1): p. 35-9.Normal 2h92008
Pineapple pieces, canned in fruit juice (Woolworths Select, Australia)43Fruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia156Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102008
Pineapple pieces, canned in natural fruit juice55Woolworths Select, AustraliaFruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia158Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Pineapple & Papaya pieces, canned in natural juice 53Woolworths Select, AustraliaFruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia158Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102008
Prunes, pitted 29Sunsweet Growers Inc., Yuba City, USAFruit and Fruit ProductsUSA154Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Prunes, pitted, Californian40Sunsweet Growers Inc., Yuba City, USAFruit and Fruit ProductsUSA156Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102009
Raisins 49Sun Maid, USAFruit and Fruit ProductsUSA157Esfahani, A., J. Lam, and C.W. Kendall, Acute effects of raisin consumption on glucose and insulin reponses in healthy individuals. Journal of Nutritional Science, 2014. 3: p. e1.Normal 2h102013
Raisins55Fruit and Fruit ProductsCanada158Viguiliouk, E., et al., Effect of dried fruit on postprandial glycemia: a randomized acute-feeding trial. Nutrition & Diabetes, 2018. 8(1): p. 59.Normal 2h102018
Raisins (Vitis vinifera Linn.)56Fruit and Fruit ProductsChina158Zhu, R., et al., Postprandial Glycaemic Responses of Dried Fruit-Containing Meals in Healthy Adults: Results from a Randomised Trial. Nutrients, 2018. 10(6).Normal 2h112018
Raisins61Fruit and Fruit ProductsUSA159Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102009
Strawberries, fresh, raw40Fruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia156Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102001
Sultanas56Value, UKFruit and Fruit ProductsUK158Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Sultanas51Fruit and Fruit ProductsCanada158Viguiliouk, E., et al., Effect of dried fruit on postprandial glycemia: a randomized acute-feeding trial. Nutrition & Diabetes, 2018. 8(1): p. 59.Normal 2h102018
Fruit Salad canned in fruit juice, containing peach, pear, apricot, pineapple and cherries54Langeberg and Ashton Foods Pty Ltd, South AfricaFruit and Fruit ProductsSouth Africa158Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Mixed fruit, dried60Value, UKFruit and Fruit ProductsUK159Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Frozen fruit dessert, Vitari, wild berry, non-dairy59Nestlé, AustraliaFruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia159Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Apple juice, unsweetened, reconstituted 39Berrivale Orchards Ltd, Berri, AustraliaFruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia158Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101998
Apple juice, Granny Smith, unsweetened44Fruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia159Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Apple juice, green apple (100%)67Pfanner, ItalyFruit and Fruit ProductsItaly1513Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h92011
Apple juice, pure, clear, unsweetened 44The Wild About Fruit Company, Wandin, VIC, AustraliaFruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia159Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102001
Apple juice, pure, cloudy, unsweetened37The Wild About Fruit Company, Wandin, VIC, AustraliaFruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia157Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102001
Apple and blackcurrant juice, no added sugar45Berri Ltd, AustraliaFruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia159Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Apple and cherry juice, pure, unsweetened43The Wild About Fruit Company, Wandin, VIC, AustraliaFruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia159Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102001
Apple and mandarin juice, pure, unsweetened47The Wild About Fruit Company, Wandin, VIC, AustraliaFruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia159Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102002
Apple and mango juice, pure, unsweetened47The Wild About Fruit Company, Wandin, VIC, AustraliaFruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia159Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004
Apple, pineapple and passionfruit juice, unsweetened48The Wild About Fruit Company, Wandin, VIC, AustraliaFruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia1510Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004
Carrot juice, freshly made43Fruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia154Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92002
Cranberry juice cocktail52Ocean Spray, Melbourne, AustraliaFruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia1510Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Cranberry juice cocktail68Ocean Spray Inc., Lakeville-Middleboro, MA, USAFruit and Fruit ProductsUSA1514Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Cranberry juice drink, Ocean Spray® 56Gerber Ltd., Bridgewater, Somerset, UKFruit and Fruit ProductsUK1511Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Grape juice, 100%, Daily C 63Weichuan Shanghai, ChinaFruit and Fruit ProductsChina1513China National Research Institute of Food and Fermentation Industries GI Lab (Beijing, China), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102019
Grape Nectar52Chateau Barossa, Lyndoch, SA, AustraliaFruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia1510Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92003
Orange juice41Fruit and Fruit ProductsNew Zealand158Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102019
Orange juice beverage, President's Choice® Blue Menu™ Oh-Mega j 48Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaFruit and Fruit ProductsCanada1510INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
Orange juice, unsweetened, reconstituted concentrate, Mr Juicy brand 54Berri Ltd, AustraliaFruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia1511Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
POM Pomegranate juice53POM Wonderful LLC, USAFruit and Fruit ProductsUSA1511Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92009
Prune juice43Golden Circle, AustraliaFruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia159Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92004
Tomato juice, low sodium, President's Choice® Blue Menu™23Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaFruit and Fruit ProductsCanada152INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
Tomato juice, canned, no added sugar38Berri Ltd, AustraliaFruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia154Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102002
Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus), raw, red-fleshed, seedless, blended using an automatic juicer to form a juice51Fruit and Fruit ProductsMalaysia1510Sabeetha, S., B.M.Y. Nisak, and I. Amin, Glycemic index of selected watermelon (Citrullus lanatus). International Food Research Journal, 2018. 25(6): p. 2547-2552.Normal 2h142017
SuperJuice Greenzone, containing apple, orange and pineapple juice47Fruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia159Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
SuperJuice Immune, containing apple juice, pineapple juice and guava puree47Fruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia159Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
SuperJuice Kickstart, containing apple juice, blueberry puree and banana puree39Fruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia158Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Apricot 100% Pure Fruit spread, no added sugar43Freedom Foods, AustraliaFruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia156International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h102006-2007
Apricot 100% Fruit Spread, Cottees™50Cadbury Schweppes, AustraliaFruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia158Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92004
Apricot fruit spread, reduced sugar55Glen Ewin Jams, Para Hills, AustraliaFruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia158Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101997
Apricot spread, President's Choice® Blue Menu™ Twice the Fruit Apricot spread56Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaFruit and Fruit ProductsCanada158INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Fruit spread, with thick apricot63Rhapsodie de Fruit Thick Apricot, St Dalfour, ItalyFruit and Fruit ProductsItaly159Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102010
Apricot jam, organic apricot, with apple juice63Fiordifrutta albicocca, Rigoni di Asiago, ItalyFruit and Fruit ProductsItaly159Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102010
Apricot jam69Confettura extra albicocche, Bonne Maman, ItalyFruit and Fruit ProductsItaly1510Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102010
Berry compote, organic 44Fruttosa frutti di bosco, Rigoni di Asiago, ItalyFruit and Fruit ProductsItaly157Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102009
Blackberry 100% Fruit Spread, Cottees™ brand 46Cadbury Schweppes, AustraliaFruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia157Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92004
Blueberry fruit spread, wild blueberry74Rhapsodie de Fruit Wild Blueberry, St. Dalfour, ItalyFruit and Fruit ProductsItaly1511Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102010
Blueberry jam, wild blueberry63Confettura extra mirtilli selvatici, Bonne Maman, ItalyFruit and Fruit ProductsItaly159Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102010
Blueberry jam, organic blueberry, with apple juice51Fiordifrutta Mirtilli neri, Rigoni di Asiago, ItalyFruit and Fruit ProductsItaly158Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102010
Date spread, Divine29Buderim Ginger, Buderim, QLD, AustraliaFruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia154Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Ginger Spread, sucrose-free10Buderim Ginger, AustraliaFruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia152Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Ginger marmalade, Original 50Buderim Ginger, AustraliaFruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia158Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Orange fruit spread, with thick cut orange68Rhapsodie de Fruit Orange Spread, Thick Cut St Dalfour, ItalyFruit and Fruit ProductsItaly1510Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102010
Orange jam, organic bitter orange, with apple juice51Fiordifrutta arance amare, Rigoni di Asiago, ItalyFruit and Fruit ProductsItaly158Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102010
Orange marmalade, bitter orange55Marmellata arance amare, Bonne Maman, ItalyFruit and Fruit ProductsItaly158Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102010
Orange marmalade, orange 100% Pure Fruit spread, no added sugar 27Freedom Foods, AustraliaFruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia154International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h92006
Orange marmalade48Fruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia157Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h91997
Orange marmalade 100% Fruit Spread, Cottees™55Cadbury Schweppes, AustraliaFruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia158Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92004
Peach/Apricot compote, organic 47Fruttosa pesca/albicocca, Rigoni di Asiago, ItalyFruit and Fruit ProductsItaly157Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102009
Raspberry 100% Pure Fruit spread, no added sugar26Freedom Foods, AustraliaFruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia154International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h102006
Raspberry 100% Fruit Spread, Cottees™ brand46Cadbury Schweppes, AustraliaFruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia157Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92004
Strawberry jam51Fruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia158Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h91998
Strawberry 100% Pure Fruit spread, no added sugar 29Freedom Foods, AustraliaFruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia154International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h102006
Strawberry100% Fruit Spread, Cottees™ brand \46Cadbury Schweppes, AustraliaFruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia157Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92004
Strawberry & Rhubarb Fruit Spread, President's Choice® Blue Menu™ Twice the Fruit Spread 69Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaFruit and Fruit ProductsCanada1510INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Breast milk, human, unpasteurized38Infant Formula and Weaning FoodsAustralia104Wright, C.J., et al., Effects of human milk and formula on postprandial glycaemia and insulinaemia. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2015. 69(8): p. 939-43.Normal 2h 10 (adults)2011
Infasoy™, soy-based, milk-free55Wyeth Nutritionals, Baulkham Hills, NSW, AustraliaInfant Formula and Weaning FoodsAustralia106Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h 11 (adults)2001
Karicare from Birth Infant formula, containing 83% lactose, 17% maltodextrins 30Nutricia Australia Pty LtdInfant Formula and Weaning FoodsAustralia103Wright, C.J., et al., Effects of human milk and formula on postprandial glycaemia and insulinaemia. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2015. 69(8): p. 939-43.Normal 2h 10 (adults)2010
Karicare DeLact Formula for special medical needs, containing 100% corn syrup solids67Nutricia Australia Pty LtdInfant Formula and Weaning FoodsAustralia107Wright, C.J., et al., Effects of human milk and formula on postprandial glycaemia and insulinaemia. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2015. 69(8): p. 939-43.Normal 2h 10 (adults)2010
Karicare™ gold starter formula with omega plus LCP oils 35Nutricia, Auckland, New ZealandInfant Formula and Weaning FoodsNew Zealand104Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h 10 (adults)2001
Karicare Soy Formula for special medical needs, containing 51% corn syrup solids, 49% maltodextrins 60Nutricia Australia Pty LtdInfant Formula and Weaning FoodsAustralia106Wright, C.J., et al., Effects of human milk and formula on postprandial glycaemia and insulinaemia. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2015. 69(8): p. 939-43.Normal 2h 10 (adults)2010
Nan-1™ infant formula with iron30Nestlé, AustraliaInfant Formula and Weaning FoodsAustralia103Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h 9 (adults)2001
Novalac Colic Formula for special medical needs, containing maltodextrins, lactose57Bayer Australia LimitedInfant Formula and Weaning FoodsAustralia106Wright, C.J., et al., Effects of human milk and formula on postprandial glycaemia and insulinaemia. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2015. 69(8): p. 939-43.Normal 2h 10 (adults)2010
Novalac Reflux Formula for special medical needs, containing lactose, starch38Bayer Australia LimitedInfant Formula and Weaning FoodsAustralia104Wright, C.J., et al., Effects of human milk and formula on postprandial glycaemia and insulinaemia. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2015. 69(8): p. 939-43.Normal 2h 10 (adults)2010
Novalac Sweet Dreams Formula for special medical needs, containing maltodextrins, lactose, dextrose, starch52Bayer Australia LimitedInfant Formula and Weaning FoodsAustralia105Wright, C.J., et al., Effects of human milk and formula on postprandial glycaemia and insulinaemia. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2015. 69(8): p. 939-43.Normal 2h 10 (adults)2010
S-26™ infant formula36Wyeth Nutritionals, Baulkham Hills, NSW, AustraliaInfant Formula and Weaning FoodsAustralia104Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h 10 (adults)2001
S-26 Gold Newborn Infant formula, containing 100% lactose19Wyeth Nutritionals, Baulkham Hills, NSW, AustraliaInfant Formula and Weaning FoodsAustralia102Wright, C.J., et al., Effects of human milk and formula on postprandial glycaemia and insulinaemia. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2015. 69(8): p. 939-43.Normal 2h 10 (adults)2010
S-26 Gold PremGro Formula for special medical needs, containing 76% lactose, 24% corn syrup solids 26Wyeth Nutritionals, Baulkham Hills, NSW, AustraliaInfant Formula and Weaning FoodsAustralia103Wright, C.J., et al., Effects of human milk and formula on postprandial glycaemia and insulinaemia. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2015. 69(8): p. 939-43.Normal 2h 10 (adults)2010
S-26 Gold Progress Infant formula, containing 100% lactose34Wyeth Nutritionals, Baulkham Hills, NSW, AustraliaInfant Formula and Weaning FoodsAustralia103Wright, C.J., et al., Effects of human milk and formula on postprandial glycaemia and insulinaemia. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2015. 69(8): p. 939-43.Normal 2h 10 (adults)2010
Karicare Follow On Follow-on formula, containing 86% lactose, 14% maltodextrins37Infant Formula and Weaning FoodsAustralia104Wright, C.J., et al., Effects of human milk and formula on postprandial glycaemia and insulinaemia. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2015. 69(8): p. 939-43.Normal 2h 10 (adults)2010
S-26 Gold Progress Follow-on formula, containing 100% lactose23Wyeth Nutritionals, Baulkham Hills, NSW, AustraliaInfant Formula and Weaning FoodsAustralia102Wright, C.J., et al., Effects of human milk and formula on postprandial glycaemia and insulinaemia. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2015. 69(8): p. 939-43.Normal 2h 10 (adults)2010
S-26 Gold Toddler Follow-on formula, containing 86% lactose, 14% maltodextrins 18Wyeth Nutritionals, Baulkham Hills, NSW, AustraliaInfant Formula and Weaning FoodsAustralia102Wright, C.J., et al., Effects of human milk and formula on postprandial glycaemia and insulinaemia. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2015. 69(8): p. 939-43.Normal 2h 10 (adults)2010
Growing up beverage powder, product 166Infant Formula and Weaning FoodsMalaysia107Brand-Miller, J., F. Atkinson, and A. Rowan, Effect of added carbohydrates on glycemic and insulin responses to children's milk products. Nutrients, 2013. 5(1): p. 23-31.Normal 2h 11 (adults)2011
Growing up beverage powder, product 255Infant Formula and Weaning FoodsIndonesia106Brand-Miller, J., F. Atkinson, and A. Rowan, Effect of added carbohydrates on glycemic and insulin responses to children's milk products. Nutrients, 2013. 5(1): p. 23-31.Normal 2h 11 (adults)2011
Growing up beverage powder, product 323Infant Formula and Weaning FoodsMalaysia102Brand-Miller, J., F. Atkinson, and A. Rowan, Effect of added carbohydrates on glycemic and insulin responses to children's milk products. Nutrients, 2013. 5(1): p. 23-31.Normal 2h 11 (adults)2011
Growing up beverage powder, product 451Infant Formula and Weaning FoodsIndonesia105Brand-Miller, J., F. Atkinson, and A. Rowan, Effect of added carbohydrates on glycemic and insulin responses to children's milk products. Nutrients, 2013. 5(1): p. 23-31.Normal 2h 11 (adults)2011
Growing up beverage powder, product 554Infant Formula and Weaning FoodsMalaysia105Brand-Miller, J., F. Atkinson, and A. Rowan, Effect of added carbohydrates on glycemic and insulin responses to children's milk products. Nutrients, 2013. 5(1): p. 23-31.Normal 2h 11 (adults)2011
Growing up beverage powder, product 643Infant Formula and Weaning FoodsIndonesia104Brand-Miller, J., F. Atkinson, and A. Rowan, Effect of added carbohydrates on glycemic and insulin responses to children's milk products. Nutrients, 2013. 5(1): p. 23-31.Normal 2h 11 (adults)2011
Growing up beverage powder, product 768Infant Formula and Weaning FoodsMalaysia107Brand-Miller, J., F. Atkinson, and A. Rowan, Effect of added carbohydrates on glycemic and insulin responses to children's milk products. Nutrients, 2013. 5(1): p. 23-31.Normal 2h 11 (adults)2011
Apple, apricot and banana cereal, Robinsons First Tastes from 4 months 56Nutricia, Wells, UKInfant Formula and Weaning FoodsUK106Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h 11 (adults)2001
Apple baby food46Infant Formula and Weaning FoodsCzech Republic105Chlup, R., et al., Continuous glucose monitoring -- a novel approach to the determination of the glycaemic index of foods (DEGIF 1) -- determination of the glycaemic index of foods by means of the CGMS. Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes, 2006. 114(2): p. 68-74.Normal 2h 20 (adults)2005
Apple, pear and cinnamon fruit puree, homemade, puree consistency29Infant Formula and Weaning FoodsAustralia103Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h 10 (adults)2010
Apple, Pear and Cinnamon fruit puree, Rafferty’s Garden, for ages 4 – 6 months, commercial44Infant Formula and Weaning FoodsAustralia104Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h 10 (adults)2010
Chicken and noodles with vegetables, strained, Heinz for Baby from 4 months67Heinz Wattie's Ltd, AustraliaInfant Formula and Weaning FoodsAustralia107Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h 10 (adults)2001
Creamed rice porridge Robinsons First Tastes from 4 months59Nutricia, Wells, UKInfant Formula and Weaning FoodsUK106Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h 11 (adults)2001
Fruit Muesli, containing wheat germ, rolled oats, apple juice, pear, and orange juice, homemade, porridge with lumps consistency38Infant Formula and Weaning FoodsAustralia104Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h 10 (adults)2010
Fruity Muesli, Farex™, ages 7 – 9 months, prepared with water65Infant Formula and Weaning FoodsAustralia107Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h 10 (adults)2010
Lentils and vegetable puree, containing red lentils, sweet potato, and carrot, homemade, mashed with lumps consistency36Infant Formula and Weaning FoodsAustralia104Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h 10 (adults)2010
Lentils and vegetables puree, commercial, for ages 7 – 9 months, Heinz™ Mum’s Recipe52Heinz Wattie's Ltd, AustraliaInfant Formula and Weaning FoodsAustralia105Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h 10 (adults)2010
Farex™ baby rice, prepared with water74Heinz Wattie's Ltd., Malvern, AustraliaInfant Formula and Weaning FoodsAustralia107Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h 10 (adults)2010
Farex™ baby rice, 7 g cereal with 80 g water95Heinz Wattie's Ltd., Malvern, AustraliaInfant Formula and Weaning FoodsAustralia1010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h 11 (adults)2001
Organix™ organic wholegrain baby rice, prepared with water74Infant Formula and Weaning FoodsAustralia107Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h 10 (adults)2010
Rice pudding, Robinsons First Tastes from 4 months 59Nutricia, Wells, UKInfant Formula and Weaning FoodsUK106Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h 11 (adults)2001
Sweetcorn and rice, Heinz for Baby from 4 months 65Heinz Wattie's Ltd, AustraliaInfant Formula and Weaning FoodsAustralia107Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h 11 (adults)2001
Sweet potato and pumpkin vegetable puree, homemade, puree consistency61Infant Formula and Weaning FoodsAustralia106Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h 10 (adults)2010
Pasta and vegetables puree, containing pasta, tomatoes, sweet potato, carrot and onion, homemade, pureed with soft pieces consistency54Infant Formula and Weaning FoodsAustralia105Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h 10 (adults)2010
Vegetable Mash, Harvest Veggies with Pasta puree, commercial, for ages 7 – 9 months, Heinz™ Mum’s Recipe46Heinz Wattie's Ltd, AustraliaInfant Formula and Weaning FoodsAustralia105Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h 10 (adults)2010
Vegetable Mash, Heinz™ Organic Golden commercial, containing pumpkin and sweet potato puree, for aged 4 – 6 months 43Heinz Wattie's Ltd, AustraliaInfant Formula and Weaning FoodsAustralia104Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h 10 (adults)2010
Baked Beans in Cheesy Tomato sauce44HJ Heinz, AustraliaLegumesAustralia157International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h92006
Baked Beans in Barbecue sauce47HJ Heinz, AustraliaLegumesAustralia157International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h92006
Baked Beans in Ham sauce53HJ Heinz, AustraliaLegumesAustralia158International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h102006
Baked Beans in Sweet Chilli sauce46HJ Heinz, AustraliaLegumesAustralia157International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h102006
Baked Beans in Tomato sauce40HJ Heinz, AustraliaLegumesAustralia156International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h102006
Baked Beans in Tomato sauce, canned, reheated in microwave for 1.5 min57HJ Heinz, AustraliaLegumesAustralia159Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Chickpeas, canned, drained, Edgell35Simplot Australia, AustraliaLegumesAustralia155Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122018
Chickpeas (Garbanzo beans, Bengal gram), canned, drained, Edgell's™ brand 38Simplot Australia, AustraliaLegumesAustralia156Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Chickpeas, dried, roasted (‘chicknuts’)39LegumesCrete156Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Chickpea Hommus dip, Chris' Traditional brand22Capitol Chilled Foods Pty Ltd, ACT, Australia)LegumesAustralia153Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h112007
Hummus (Sabra Classic Hummus; Sabra Dipping Co., S. Chesterfield, VA)15LegumesUSA152Augustin, L.S.A., et al., Post-prandial glucose and insulin responses of hummus alone or combined with a carbohydrate food: a dose-response study. Nutrition Journal, 2016. 15: p. 13.Normal 2h102016
Dark Red Kidney beans, canned in brine, drained, Edgell's™ brand 43Simplot Australia, AustraliaLegumesAustralia156Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Red Kidney beans, canned, drained, Edgell's™ brand36Simplot Australia, AustraliaLegumesAustralia155Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Lentil, Asterix, washed, brought to boil in water (1:2.5 seed:water ratio) at 500°C (~11 min), once boiling was achieved temperature reduced to 280°C and continued to boil until soft 10Saskatchewan Pulse Growers, CanadaLegumesCanada152Ramdath, D.D., et al., Investigating the relationship between lentil carbohydrate fractions and in vivo postprandial blood glucose response by use of the natural variation in starch fractions among 20 lentil varieties. Food & Function, 2017. 8(10): p. 3783-3791.Normal 2h102017
Lentil, Greenland, washed, brought to boil in water (1:2.5 seed:water ratio) at 500°C (~11 min), once boiling was achieved temperature reduced to 280°C and continued to boil until soft 23Saskatchewan Pulse Growers, CanadaLegumesCanada153Ramdath, D.D., et al., Investigating the relationship between lentil carbohydrate fractions and in vivo postprandial blood glucose response by use of the natural variation in starch fractions among 20 lentil varieties. Food & Function, 2017. 8(10): p. 3783-3791.Normal 2h102017
Lentil, Imigreen, washed, brought to boil in water (1:2.5 seed:water ratio) at 500°C (~11 min), once boiling was achieved temperature reduced to 280°C and continued to boil until soft 14Saskatchewan Pulse Growers, CanadaLegumesCanada152Ramdath, D.D., et al., Investigating the relationship between lentil carbohydrate fractions and in vivo postprandial blood glucose response by use of the natural variation in starch fractions among 20 lentil varieties. Food & Function, 2017. 8(10): p. 3783-3791.Normal 2h102017
Lentil, Impower, washed, brought to boil in water (1:2.5 seed:water ratio) at 500°C (~11 min), once boiling was achieved temperature reduced to 280°C and continued to boil until soft 17Saskatchewan Pulse Growers, CanadaLegumesCanada153Ramdath, D.D., et al., Investigating the relationship between lentil carbohydrate fractions and in vivo postprandial blood glucose response by use of the natural variation in starch fractions among 20 lentil varieties. Food & Function, 2017. 8(10): p. 3783-3791.Normal 2h102017
Lentil, Improve, washed, brought to boil in water (1:2.5 seed:water ratio) at 500°C (~11 min), once boiling was achieved temperature reduced to 280°C and continued to boil until soft15Saskatchewan Pulse Growers, CanadaLegumesCanada152Ramdath, D.D., et al., Investigating the relationship between lentil carbohydrate fractions and in vivo postprandial blood glucose response by use of the natural variation in starch fractions among 20 lentil varieties. Food & Function, 2017. 8(10): p. 3783-3791.Normal 2h102017
Lentil, Redberry, washed, brought to boil in water (1:2.5 seed:water ratio) at 500°C (~11 min), once boiling was achieved temperature reduced to 280°C and continued to boil until soft13Saskatchewan Pulse Growers, CanadaLegumesCanada152Ramdath, D.D., et al., Investigating the relationship between lentil carbohydrate fractions and in vivo postprandial blood glucose response by use of the natural variation in starch fractions among 20 lentil varieties. Food & Function, 2017. 8(10): p. 3783-3791.Normal 2h102017
Lentil, Redbow, washed, brought to boil in water (1:2.5 seed:water ratio) at 500°C (~11 min), once boiling was achieved temperature reduced to 280°C and continued to boil until soft18Saskatchewan Pulse Growers, CanadaLegumesCanada153Ramdath, D.D., et al., Investigating the relationship between lentil carbohydrate fractions and in vivo postprandial blood glucose response by use of the natural variation in starch fractions among 20 lentil varieties. Food & Function, 2017. 8(10): p. 3783-3791.Normal 2h102017
Lentil, Redcliff, washed, brought to boil in water (1:2.5 seed:water ratio) at 500°C (~11 min), once boiling was achieved temperature reduced to 280°C and continued to boil until soft18Saskatchewan Pulse Growers, CanadaLegumesCanada153Ramdath, D.D., et al., Investigating the relationship between lentil carbohydrate fractions and in vivo postprandial blood glucose response by use of the natural variation in starch fractions among 20 lentil varieties. Food & Function, 2017. 8(10): p. 3783-3791.Normal 2h102017
Lentils, brown, canned, drained, Edgell's™ brand42Simplot Australia, AustraliaLegumesAustralia156Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102008
Mung bean, fried 53LegumesAustralia158Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101998
Mung bean, germinated 25LegumesAustralia154Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101998
Mung bean, pressure cooked42LegumesAustralia156Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101998
Broad beans, frozen, heated in microwave63Logan Farm Pty Ltd, AustraliaLegumesAustralia159Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Butter beans, canned, drained, Edgell's™ brand 36Simplot Australia, Cheltenham, AustraliaLegumesAustralia155Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Cannellini beans, canned, drained, Edgell's™ brand31Simplot Australia, Cheltenham, AustraliaLegumesAustralia155Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Four bean mix, canned, drained, Edgell's™ brand37Simplot Australia, AustraliaLegumesAustralia156Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Freekeh, Lentils & Beans Superblend Fibre, dried, cooked in boiling water for 15 min29Ward McKenzies Pty Ltd, AustraliaLegumesAustralia154Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102016
Lentils, Quinoa & Beans Superblend Protein, dried, cooked in boiling water for 15 min36Ward McKenzies Pty Ltd, AustraliaLegumesAustralia155Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102017
Refried Pinto beans, Casa Fiesta™ brand, heated in microwave for 1.5 min38Capital Foods Pty Ltd, AustraliaLegumesAustralia156Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Chocolate weight management bar29Shaklee Corporation, Pleasanton, CA, USAMeal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUSA206Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92006
Hazelnut & Apricot bar 42Dietworks, South Yarra, AustraliaMeal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsAustralia208Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101999
L.E.A.N Fibergy™ bar, Harvest Oat45Usana Inc., Salt Lake City, UT, USAMeal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUSA209Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
L.E.A.N (Life long) Nutribar™, Peanut Crunch30Usana Inc., Salt Lake City, UT, USAMeal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUSA206Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
L.E.A.N (Life long) Nutribar™, Chocolate Crunch 32Usana Inc., Salt Lake City, UT, USAMeal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUSA206Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Lemon weight management bar23Shaklee Corporation, Pleasanton, CA, USAMeal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUSA205Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Optifast® VLCD™ Berry Crunch Flavor Bar25Nestlé Health Science, AustraliaMeal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsAustralia205Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102013
Optifast® VLCD™ Cappuccino Flavor Bar29Nestlé Health Science, AustraliaMeal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsAustralia206Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102013
Optifast® VLCD™ Cereal with Cranberry Bar30Nestlé Health Science, AustraliaMeal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsAustralia206Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102018
Optifast® VLCD™ Chocolate Bar20Nestlé Health Science, AustraliaMeal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsAustralia204Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102013
Optifast® VLCD™ Chocolate Dessert27Nestlé Health Science, AustraliaMeal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsAustralia205Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102013
Optifast® VLCD™ Lemon Crème Dessert27Nestlé Health Science, AustraliaMeal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsAustralia205Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102013
Peanut Butter weight management bar22Shaklee Corporation, USAMeal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUSA204Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Protein Meal Replacement Cookies 43Bao Bei Er (Chengdu Tianyi Cuisine Nutritional Food, ChinaMeal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsChina209China National Research Institute of Food and Fermentation Industries GI Lab (Beijing, China), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122019
SlimFast® bar, chocolate caramel meal replacement bar 54SlimFast Foods Ltd, Slough, Berks, UKMeal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUK2011Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
SlimFast® bar, chocolate meal replacement bar 27SlimFast Foods Ltd, UKMeal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUK205Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
SlimFast® bar, Chocolate Muesli snack bar49SlimFast Foods Ltd, UKMeal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUK2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Aussie Bodies Trim Protein Shake, Chocolate flavored39Aussie Bodies Pty Ltd, AustraliaMeal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsAustralia208International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h102006-2007
Aussie Bodies Trim Protein Shake, French Vanilla flavored41Aussie Bodies Pty Ltd, AustraliaMeal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsAustralia208International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h102006-2007
Formula 1 Healthy Meal Nutritional Shake Mix: Doce de leite22Herbalife International of America, Inc.Meal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsBrazil204INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102020
Formula 1 Healthy Meal Nutritional Shake Mix: Caramel Apple15Herbalife International of America, Inc.Meal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUSA203INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102018
Formula 1 Healthy Meal Nutritional Shake Mix: Pralines & Cream15Herbalife International of America, Inc.Meal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUSA203INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102018
Formula 1 Healthy Meal Nutritional Shake Mix: Cookies and Cream (1 serve) + Protein Drink Mix: Vanilla (1/2 serve) + Prolessa Duo (1 serve) 29Herbalife International of America, Inc.Meal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUSA206INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102019
Formula 1 Healthy Meal Nutritional Shake Mix: Cookies and Cream (1 serve) + Protein Drink Mix: Vanilla (1 serve) + Prolessa Duo (1 serve)29Herbalife International of America, Inc.Meal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUSA206INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102019
Formula 1 Healthy Meal Nutritional Shake Mix: French Vanilla (1 serve) + Protein Drink Mix: Vanilla (1/2 serve) + Prolessa Duo (1 serve)32Herbalife International of America, Inc.Meal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUSA206INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102019
Formula 1 Healthy Meal Nutritional Shake Mix: French Vanilla (1 serve) + Protein Drink Mix: Vanilla (1 serve) + Prolessa Duo (1 serve)29Herbalife International of America, Inc.Meal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUSA206INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102019
Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix: Berry, prepared with water21Herbalife Australasia Pty Ltd, AustraliaMeal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsAustralia204Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102014
Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix: Cookies n’ Cream, prepared with water15Herbalife Australasia Pty Ltd, AustraliaMeal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsAustralia203Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102014
Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix: Dutch Chocolate, prepared with water19Herbalife Australasia Pty Ltd, AustraliaMeal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsAustralia204Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102014
Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix: French Vanilla, prepared with water20Herbalife Australasia Pty Ltd, AustraliaMeal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsAustralia204Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h112014
Fruit & Vegetable cereal powder A 35The Fast Diet A, Ebany Biomedical Technology, Beijing, ChinaMeal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsChina207INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102019
Fruit & Vegetable cereal powder B (The Fast Diet A, Ebany Biomedical Technology, Beijing, China)47The Fast Diet A, Ebany Biomedical Technology, Beijing, ChinaMeal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsChina209INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102019
Herbalife24 Achieve Protein Bar: Dark Chocolate Brownie49Herbalife International of America, Inc.Meal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUSA2010INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102017
Herbalife24 Achieve Protein Bar: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough42Herbalife International of America, Inc.Meal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUSA208INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102017
Isowhey Complete Double Chocolate meal replacement beverage powder, prepared with water23FIT Bioceuticals Pty Ltd, AustraliaMeal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsAustralia205Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102009
Isowhey Complete Strawberries & Cream meal replacement beverage powder, prepared with water30FIT Bioceuticals Pty Ltd, AustraliaMeal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsAustralia206Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102009
Isowhey Complete French Vanilla meal replacement beverage powder, prepared with water 30FIT Bioceuticals Pty Ltd, AustraliaMeal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsAustralia206Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102009
Juice Plus+® Complete meal replacement powder, Dutch chocolate flavor35Meal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsAustralia207Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004
Juice Plus+® Complete meal replacement powder, French vanilla flavor32Meal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsAustralia206Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004
Meal Shake Solid Beverage, Lychee Rose44Mary Kay, ChinaMeal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsChina209China National Research Institute of Food and Fermentation Industries GI Lab (Beijing, China), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122020
Nongfu Spring Meal Replacement, low GI27Nongfu Spring Hangzhou, ChinaMeal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsChina205China National Research Institute of Food and Fermentation Industries GI Lab (Beijing, China), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122020
Nutrimeal™, drink powder, Dutch Chocolate 26Usana, Salt Lake City, USAMeal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUSA205Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Nutrimeal™, meal replacement drink, all flavors, prepared with water20Usana Australia Pty Ltd, Baulkham Hills, AustraliaMeal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUSA204Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Nutrimeal™ Free Vanilla vegan meal replacement beverage powder, prepared with water49Usana Australia Pty Ltd, Baulkham Hills, AustraliaMeal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUSA2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102013
Optifast® VLCD™ Shake, Banana, prepared with water24Nestlé Health Science, AustraliaMeal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsAustralia205Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102012
Optifast® VLCD™ Shake, Caramel, prepared with water34Nestlé Health Science, AustraliaMeal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsAustralia207Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102014
Optifast® VLCD™ Shake, Chocolate, prepared with water31Nestlé Health Science, AustraliaMeal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsAustralia206Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102013
Optifast® VLCD™ Shake, Coffee, prepared with water31Nestlé Health Science, AustraliaMeal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsAustralia206Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102013
Optifast® VLCD™ Shake, Strawberry, prepared with water27Nestlé Health Science, AustraliaMeal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsAustralia205Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102013
Optifast® VLCD™ Shake, Vanilla, prepared with water27Nestlé Health Science, AustraliaMeal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsAustralia205Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102013
Provide™ nutritious beverage powder, prepared with water28Indevex AB, SwedenMeal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsSweden206Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004
SICCON D2™ nutritious beverage powder, prepared with water 28Indevex AB, SwedenMeal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsSweden206Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004
SlimFast® beverage, French Vanilla ready-to-drink shake37Slim Fast Foods Company, Englewood, NJ, USAMeal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUSA207Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
SlimFast® beverage, Strawberry Supreme ready-to-drink shake33SlimFast Foods Ltd, UK)Meal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUK207Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92003
Tony Ferguson's Meal Replacement Shake, all flavors, prepared with water22Meal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsAustralia204Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Optifast® VLCD™ Soup, Chicken, prepared with water31Nestlé Health Science, AustraliaMeal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsAustralia206Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92013
Optifast® VLCD™ Soup, Tomato, prepared with water25Nestlé Health Science, AustraliaMeal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsAustralia205Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102014
Optifast® VLCD™ Soup, Vegetable, prepared with water24Nestlé Health Science, AustraliaMeal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsAustralia205Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102013
SlimFast®, Garden vegetable soup with peppers and croutons, prepared with water20SlimFast Foods Ltd, UKMeal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUK204Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Diasip ready-to-drink 34Nutricia Advanced Medical Nutrition, Zoetermeer, NetherlandsNutrition Support ProductsNetherlands3010Tey, S.L., A. Van Helvoort, and C.J. Henry, Glycaemic responses to liquid food supplements among three Asian ethnic groups. European Journal of Nutrition, 2016. 55(8): p. 2493-2498.Normal 2h Chinese2016
Diasip, ready-to-drink33Nutricia Advanced Medical Nutrition, Zoetermeer, NetherlandsNutrition Support ProductsNetherlands3010Tey, S.L., A. Van Helvoort, and C.J. Henry, Glycaemic responses to liquid food supplements among three Asian ethnic groups. European Journal of Nutrition, 2016. 55(8): p. 2493-2498.Normal 2h Indian2016
Diasip, ready-to-drink28Nutricia Advanced Medical Nutrition, Zoetermeer, NetherlandsNutrition Support ProductsNetherlands308Tey, S.L., A. Van Helvoort, and C.J. Henry, Glycaemic responses to liquid food supplements among three Asian ethnic groups. European Journal of Nutrition, 2016. 55(8): p. 2493-2498.Normal 2h Malay2016
Ensure™, vanilla 50Abbott Australasia, Kurnell, NSW, AustraliaNutrition Support ProductsAustralia3015Brand-Miller, J.C., et al. The glycaemic index of further Australian foods. in Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. 1998.Normal 2h101998
Ensure™, vanilla48Abbott AustralasiaNutrition Support ProductsAustralia3014Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101999
Ensure™ bar, chocolate fudge brownie43Abbott AustralasiaNutrition Support ProductsAustralia3013Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Ensure™ Hospital, nutritional supplement powder, prepared with water51Abbott Nutrition InternationalNutrition Support ProductsAustralia3015Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92005
Ensure Plus™, vanilla40Abbott AustralasiaNutrition Support ProductsAustralia3012Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Ensure Pudding™, old fashioned vanilla36Abbott Laboratories Inc, Ashland, USANutrition Support ProductsUSA3011Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
GluCare Gold beverage powder, prepared with water48Nutricare Nutrition, VietnamNutrition Support ProductsVietnam3014Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102018
Glucerna Chocolate Graham nutritional supplement bar 20Ross Nutrition, CanadaNutrition Support ProductsCanada306Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92002
Glucerna, diabetes-specific enteral formula15Abbott Laboratories Inc, USANutrition Support ProductsUSA305Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h9
Glucerna™, vanilla flavor19Abbott Nutrition InternationalNutrition Support ProductsAustralia306Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Glucerna™, vanilla flavor 20Abbott Nutrition InternationalNutrition Support ProductsJapan306Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Glucerna Nutritional Drink, Vanilla Flavor23Abbott LaboratoriesNutrition Support ProductsCanada307INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102018
Glucerna™, vanilla (Abbott Laboratories Inc., USA)31Abbott Laboratories Inc., USANutrition Support ProductsUSA309Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Glucerna Select, enteral nutritional supplement16Abbott Nutrition InternationalNutrition Support ProductsAustralia305Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92006
Glucerna SR, diabetes-specific enteral formula23Abbott Laboratories Inc., USANutrition Support ProductsUSA307Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92002
High protein, high fiber nutritional supplement (flavor 1) mixed in water27Dr. Reddy's Laboratories, IndiaNutrition Support ProductsIndia308Rachana, B., et al., Glycemic Index and Response of a Plant Based Nutritional Supplement and Its Subjective Satiety Following Its Use in Indian Adults. Food and Nurition Sciences, 2019. 10(8): p. 937-946.Normal 2h152019
High protein, high fiber nutritional supplement (flavor 2) mixed in water37Dr. Reddy's Laboratories, IndiaNutrition Support ProductsIndia3011Rachana, B., et al., Glycemic Index and Response of a Plant Based Nutritional Supplement and Its Subjective Satiety Following Its Use in Indian Adults. Food and Nurition Sciences, 2019. 10(8): p. 937-946.Normal 2h152019
HINEX Diabetes Care Vanilla powder, prepared with water36Otsuka Pharmaceutical India Pvt. Ltd.Nutrition Support ProductsIndia3011Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102020
Inslow™25Abbott Nutrition International - JapanNutrition Support ProductsJapan308Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92005
Isocal, ready-to-drink 79Nestlé Nutrition, Tainan, TaiwanNutrition Support ProductsTaiwan3024Tey, S.L., A. Van Helvoort, and C.J. Henry, Glycaemic responses to liquid food supplements among three Asian ethnic groups. European Journal of Nutrition, 2016. 55(8): p. 2493-2498.Normal 2h Chinese2016
Isocal, ready-to-drink82Nestlé Nutrition, Tainan, TaiwanNutrition Support ProductsTaiwan3025Tey, S.L., A. Van Helvoort, and C.J. Henry, Glycaemic responses to liquid food supplements among three Asian ethnic groups. European Journal of Nutrition, 2016. 55(8): p. 2493-2498.Normal 2h Indian2016
Isocal, ready-to-drink85Nestlé Nutrition, Tainan, TaiwanNutrition Support ProductsTaiwan3026Tey, S.L., A. Van Helvoort, and C.J. Henry, Glycaemic responses to liquid food supplements among three Asian ethnic groups. European Journal of Nutrition, 2016. 55(8): p. 2493-2498.Normal 2h Malay2016
Jevity™48Abbott AustralasiaNutrition Support ProductsAustralia3014Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Jevity™ HiCal, enteral nutritional supplement59Abbott Nutrition InternationalNutrition Support ProductsAustralia3018Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92005
Lactona Dia-? beverage powder, prepared with water27PT Mirota KSM, IndonesiaNutrition Support ProductsIndonesia308Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h112010
Nutritional beverage powder52SU YOUTH (Ningbo Yu Fang Tang Biological Science and Technology, ChinaNutrition Support ProductsChina3016China National Research Institute of Food and Fermentation Industries GI Lab (Beijing, China), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122019
Peptide 1.5 Plain nutrition formula (Kate Farms, Inc.)26Kate Farms, Inc.Nutrition Support ProductsUSA308INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102019
Promote with fiber™ nutritional supplement49Ross Nutrition, USANutrition Support ProductsUSA3015Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Prosure™, ready-to-drink supplement, vanilla flavor 54Abbott Nutrition InternationalNutrition Support ProductsUSA3016Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Prosure™, ready-to-drink supplement, vanilla flavor55Abbott Nutrition InternationalNutrition Support ProductsAustralia3017Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92005
Resource Diabetic™, French vanilla, prepared with water34Novartis Nutrition Corp., Young America, USANutrition Support ProductsUSA3010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Resource Diabetic™, Swiss chocolate 16Novartis, Auckland, New ZealandNutrition Support ProductsNew Zealand305Perry, T., et al., Glycaemic index of New Zealand foods. New Zealand Medical Journal, 2000. 113(1108): p. 140-2.Normal 2h112000
Resource™ fruit beverage, peach flavor 40Novartis, New ZealandNutrition Support ProductsNew Zealand3012Perry, T., et al., Glycaemic index of New Zealand foods. New Zealand Medical Journal, 2000. 113(1108): p. 140-2.Normal 2h112000
Resource™ thickened orange juice, honey consistency47Novartis, New ZealandNutrition Support ProductsNew Zealand3014Perry, T., et al., Glycaemic index of New Zealand foods. New Zealand Medical Journal, 2000. 113(1108): p. 140-2.Normal 2h112000
Resource™ thickened orange juice, nectar consistency54Novartis, New ZealandNutrition Support ProductsNew Zealand3016Perry, T., et al., Glycaemic index of New Zealand foods. New Zealand Medical Journal, 2000. 113(1108): p. 140-2.Normal 2h112000
SDC (SDS (SUSTRA™ 2434 slowly digestible carbohydrate; blend of tapioca flour and corn starch), prepared with water27Ingredion Incorporated, Bridgewater, NJNutrition Support ProductsUSA308Gourineni, V., et al., Glycemic Index of Slowly Digestible Carbohydrate Alone and in Powdered Drink-Mix. Nutrients, 2019. 11(6).Normal 2h142019
Sport beverage based on oligosaccharides (low molecular weight carbohydrate), orange flavor118CPT, Competitor Co. Ltd., Beijing, ChinaNutrition Support ProductsChina3035Qin, L., et al., Effects of Three Commercially Available Sports Drinks on Substrate Metabolism and Subsequent Endurance Performance in a Postprandial State. Nutrients, 2017. 9(4).Normal 2h102017
Sport beverage based on hydrolyzed starch (high molecular weight carbohydrate), orange flavor106Vitargo, Swecarb AB, Kalmar, SwedenNutrition Support ProductsSweden3032Qin, L., et al., Effects of Three Commercially Available Sports Drinks on Substrate Metabolism and Subsequent Endurance Performance in a Postprandial State. Nutrients, 2017. 9(4).Normal 2h102017
Standard 1.0 Chocolate nutrition formula31Kate Farms, Inc., USANutrition Support ProductsUSA309INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102019
Standard 1.0 Vanilla nutrition formula26Kate Farms, Inc., USANutrition Support ProductsUSA308INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102019
Standard 1.4 Plain nutrition formula51Kate Farms, Inc., USANutrition Support ProductsUSA3015INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102019
Sustagen® Diabetic, Vanilla, prepared with water34Nestlé Health Science, AustraliaNutrition Support ProductsAustralia3010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102013
Sustagen® Diabetic Ready To Drink, Vanilla30Nestlé Health Science, AustraliaNutrition Support ProductsAustralia309Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102013
Sustagen™, Dutch Chocolate31Mead Johnson, Bristol Myers Squibb, Rydalmere, AustraliaNutrition Support ProductsAustralia309Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101999
Sustagen® Hospital with extra fiber, drink made from powdered mix, prepared with water33Mead Johnson, AustraliaNutrition Support ProductsAustralia3010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101999
Sustagen® Hospital Formula Active, Banana, prepared with water46Nestlé Health Science, AustraliaNutrition Support ProductsAustralia3014Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102018
Sustagen® Hospital Formula Active, Chocolate, prepared with water49Nestlé Health Science, AustraliaNutrition Support ProductsAustralia3015Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102015
Sustagen® Hospital Formula Active, Coffee, prepared with water48Nestlé Health Science, AustraliaNutrition Support ProductsAustralia3014Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102015
Sustagen® Hospital Formula Active, Neutral, prepared with water46Nestlé Health Science, AustraliaNutrition Support ProductsAustralia3014Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92012
Sustagen® Hospital Formula Active, Strawberry, prepared with water37Nestlé Health Science, AustraliaNutrition Support ProductsAustralia3011Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102016
Sustagen® Hospital Formula Active, Vanilla, prepared with water54Nestlé Health Science, AustraliaNutrition Support ProductsAustralia3016Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102015
Sustagen® Hospital Formula Active Plus Fibre, Chocolate, prepared with water42Nestlé Health Science, AustraliaNutrition Support ProductsAustralia3013Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102015
Sustagen® Hospital Formula Active Plus Fibre, Vanilla, prepared with water45Nestlé Health Science, AustraliaNutrition Support ProductsAustralia3014Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102015
Sustagen® Instant Pudding, vanilla, made from powdered mix, prepared with water27Mead Johnson, AustraliaNutrition Support ProductsAustralia308Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101999
Sustagen® Optimum, Vanilla, prepared with water45Nestlé Health Science, AustraliaNutrition Support ProductsAustralia3014Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102014
Sustagen® Ready to Drink, Vanilla39Nestlé Health Science, AustraliaNutrition Support ProductsAustralia3012Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102012
Tapion™ nutritional supplement27Abbott Nutrition International - JapanNutrition Support ProductsJapan308Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92005
TwoCal HN™, high nitrogen nutritional supplement, vanilla flavor 55Abbott Nutrition InternationalNutrition Support ProductsAustralia3017Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
ViPlus Diabetic Formula, Vanilla flavor, prepared with water42Viplus Dairy Pty Ltd, AustraliaNutrition Support ProductsAustralia3013Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102016
Cashew nuts, salted22Coles Supermarkets, AustraliaNutsAustralia51Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102001
Mixed nuts and raisins21NutsUK51Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h92005
Mixed nuts, roasted and salted24NutsUK51Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h92005
Barley pasta (celebrity, whole grain fraction), cooked 5 min71Pasta and NoodlesCanada4028Aldughpassi, A., E.-S.M. Abdel-Aal, and T.M.S. Wolever, Barley cultivar, kernel composition, and processing affect the glycemic index. The Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 142(9): p. 1666-71.Normal 2h102012
Barley pasta (celebrity white pearled fraction), cooked 5 min58Pasta and NoodlesCanada4023Aldughpassi, A., E.-S.M. Abdel-Aal, and T.M.S. Wolever, Barley cultivar, kernel composition, and processing affect the glycemic index. The Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 142(9): p. 1666-71.Normal 2h102012
Barley pasta (AC Parkhill, whole grain fraction), cooked 5 min73Pasta and NoodlesCanada4029Aldughpassi, A., E.-S.M. Abdel-Aal, and T.M.S. Wolever, Barley cultivar, kernel composition, and processing affect the glycemic index. The Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 142(9): p. 1666-71.Normal 2h102012
Barley pasta (AC Parkhill, white pearled fraction), cooked 5 min64Pasta and NoodlesCanada4026Aldughpassi, A., E.-S.M. Abdel-Aal, and T.M.S. Wolever, Barley cultivar, kernel composition, and processing affect the glycemic index. The Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 142(9): p. 1666-71.Normal 2h102012
70%+ Black Highland Barley Noodles46COFCO Flour Industry, Puyang, ChinaPasta and NoodlesChina4018China National Research Institute of Food and Fermentation Industries GI Lab (Beijing, China), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122020
Fusilli pasta twists, boiled 10 min in salted water61Tesco Stores Ltd, UKPasta and NoodlesUK4024Henry, C.J.K., et al., The impact of the addition of toppings/fillings on the glycaemic response to commonly consumed carbohydrate foods. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2006. 60(6): p. 763-769.Normal 2h102005
Fusilli pasta twists, wholewheat, dry pasta, boiled 10 min in unsalted water55Pasta and NoodlesUK4022Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Corn pasta, gluten-free68Orgran Natural Foods, Carrum Downs, VIC, AustraliaPasta and NoodlesAustralia4027Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92007
Corn pasta, gluten-free78Orgran Natural Foods, AustraliaPasta and NoodlesAustralia4031Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Pasta, Penne, gluten free48Dr Schär AG/SPA, ItalyPasta and NoodlesItaly4019Scazzina, F., et al., Glycaemic index of some commercial gluten-free foods. European Journal of Nutrition, 2015. 54(6): p. 1021-6.Normal 2h102015
Rice and Hi-Maize (high-amylose) flour spaghetti, gluten-free 51Freedom Foods, AustraliaPasta and NoodlesAustralia4020International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h102006
Rice and maize pasta, gluten-free, Ris'O'Mais76Orgran Foods, AustraliaPasta and NoodlesAustralia4030Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92000
Rice pasta, gluten-free51Freedom Foods, AustraliaPasta and NoodlesAustralia4020International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h102006
Split pea and soya pasta shells, gluten-free29Orgran Foods, AustraliaPasta and NoodlesAustralia4012Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92000
Tagliatelle pasta, fresh, gluten free61Sine srl, ItalyPasta and NoodlesItaly4024Scazzina, F., et al., Glycaemic index of some commercial gluten-free foods. European Journal of Nutrition, 2015. 54(6): p. 1021-6.Normal 2h102015
Tortellini pasta, fresh, gluten free60Sine srl, ItalyPasta and NoodlesItaly4024Scazzina, F., et al., Glycaemic index of some commercial gluten-free foods. European Journal of Nutrition, 2015. 54(6): p. 1021-6.Normal 2h102015
Spaghetti, gluten-free, rice and split pea, canned in tomato sauce68Pasta and NoodlesAustralia4027Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Instant 'two-minute' noodles, Maggi®48Nestlé, Auckland, New ZealandPasta and NoodlesNew Zealand4019Perry, T., et al., Glycaemic index of New Zealand foods. New Zealand Medical Journal, 2000. 113(1108): p. 140-2.Normal 2h152000
Instant 'two-minute' noodles, Maggi®, all flavors, including noodle broth52Nestlé AustraliaPasta and NoodlesAustralia4021Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92005
Instant noodles, all flavors, including noodle broth52Woolworths Select, AustraliaPasta and NoodlesAustralia4021Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102008
Penne, durum wheat flour50Barilla, ItalyPasta and NoodlesItaly4020Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102006
Penne mezzane, durum wheat flour47De Cecco, ItalyPasta and NoodlesItaly4019Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h92008
Penne pasta, white, tested by subjects with a low AMY1 copy number 44SanRemo Penne, San Remo Macaroni Co. Pty Ltd, SAPasta and NoodlesAustralia4018Atkinson, F.S., et al., The physiologic and phenotypic significance of variation in human amylase gene copy number. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2018. 108(4): p. 737-748.Normal 2h192014
Penne pasta, white, tested by subjects with a high AMY1 copy number 50SanRemo Penne, San Remo Macaroni Co. Pty Ltd, SAPasta and NoodlesAustralia4020Atkinson, F.S., et al., The physiologic and phenotypic significance of variation in human amylase gene copy number. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2018. 108(4): p. 737-748.Normal 2h192014
Pennette integrali, durum wheat wholemeal48Coop, ItalyPasta and NoodlesItaly4019Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102008
Pennette rigate, durum wheat flour53Barilla, ItalyPasta and NoodlesItaly4021Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102008
Pennette rigate integrali, durum wheat wholemeal73Barilla, ItalyPasta and NoodlesItaly4029F Brighenti, unpublished observations.Normal 2h ?92008
Penne rigate, mini, Piccolini59Barilla, ItalyPasta and NoodlesItaly4024Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102009
Penne rigate, mini, durum wheat flour, zucchini and spinach pulps (penne rigate con zucchine e spinaci), Piccolini48Barilla, ItalyPasta and NoodlesItaly4019Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102011
Rice noodles, dried, boiled61Thai World, Bangkok, ThailandPasta and NoodlesThailand4024Chan, H.M.S., et al., The glycaemic index values of Vietnamese foods. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2001. 55(12): p. 1076-1083.Normal 2h122000
Rice noodles, freshly made, boiled40Sydney, NSW, AustraliaPasta and NoodlesAustralia4016Chan, H.M.S., et al., The glycaemic index values of Vietnamese foods. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2001. 55(12): p. 1076-1083.Normal 2h122000
Spaghetti n°533Barilla, ItalyPasta and NoodlesItaly4013Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h92005
Spaghetti, white, boiled 15 min in salted water44Unico, Concord, ON, CanadaPasta and NoodlesCanada4018Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101999
Spaghetti, white45Unico, CanadaPasta and NoodlesCanada4018Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Determination of the glycaemic index of foods: interlaboratory study. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(3): p. 475-82.Normal 2h212001
Spaghetti, white46Nishin Shokuhin, JapanPasta and NoodlesJapan4018Sugiyama, M., et al., Glycemic index of single and mixed meal foods among common Japanese foods with white rice as a reference food. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(6): p. 743-752.Normal 2h102003
Spaghetti, white48Unico, CanadaPasta and NoodlesCanada4019Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Determination of the glycaemic index of foods: interlaboratory study. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(3): p. 475-82.Normal 2h472001
Spaghetti, Svevo 2017 durum wheat line48Pasta and NoodlesItaly4019Sissons, M., et al., Can Manipulation of Durum Wheat Amylose Content Reduce the Glycaemic Index of Spaghetti? Foods, 2020. 9(6).Normal 2h102019
Spaghetti, white, boiled for 12 min49Vetta, Greens Foods, Glendenning, AustraliaPasta and NoodlesAustralia4020Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h121996
Spaghetti n°1250De Cecco, ItalyPasta and NoodlesItaly4020Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102005
Spaghetti classici51Voiello, ItalyPasta and NoodlesItaly4020Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h92010
Spaghetti, Svevo 2016 durum wheat line52Pasta and NoodlesItaly4021Sissons, M., et al., Can Manipulation of Durum Wheat Amylose Content Reduce the Glycaemic Index of Spaghetti? Foods, 2020. 9(6).Normal 2h102017
Spaghetti pasta, dried56Budget, Safeway Traders Ltd, New ZealandPasta and NoodlesNew Zealand4022Dodd, H., et al., Calculating meal glycemic index by using measured and published food values compared with directly measured meal glycemic index. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2011. 94(4): p. 992-6.Normal 2h302011
Spaghetti, Svevo durum wheat line SSIIa (silencing of starch synthases enzymes leading to an 28% increase in amylose and 2.8-fold increase in resistant starch)49Pasta and NoodlesItaly4020Sissons, M., et al., Can Manipulation of Durum Wheat Amylose Content Reduce the Glycaemic Index of Spaghetti? Foods, 2020. 9(6).Normal 2h102017
Spaghetti, Svevo durum wheat line SBEIIa (silencing of starch branching enzymes leading to an 74% increase in amylose and 3.5-fold increase in resistant starch)38Pasta and NoodlesItaly4015Sissons, M., et al., Can Manipulation of Durum Wheat Amylose Content Reduce the Glycaemic Index of Spaghetti? Foods, 2020. 9(6).Normal 2h102019
President's Choice® Blue Menu™ Whole Wheat spaghetti45Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaPasta and NoodlesCanada4018INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
Spaghetti integrali (wholemeal durum wheat flour)35Barilla, ItalyPasta and NoodlesItaly4014Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h92006
Spaghetti integrali (wholemeal durum wheat flour)55De Cecco, ItalyPasta and NoodlesItaly4022Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102005
Spaghetti Integrali (wholemeal durum wheat flour) 53Misura, ItalyPasta and NoodlesItaly4021Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102005
Wholemeal spaghetti, boiled for 8 min62Pasta and NoodlesAustralia4025Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92012
Buckwheat noodles59Pasta and NoodlesChina4024Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h92005
Farfalle, mini, durum wheat flour, carrot and pumpkin pulps (Farfalle con carote e zucca), Piccolini44Barilla, ItalyPasta and NoodlesItaly4018Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h92011
Fettuccine, egg47Mother Earth Fine Foods, Rowville, AustraliaPasta and NoodlesAustralia4019Perry, T., et al., Glycaemic index of New Zealand foods. New Zealand Medical Journal, 2000. 113(1108): p. 140-2.Normal 2h142000
Herman Brot Lower Carb Pasta, boiled in water for 7 min22Herman Brot Pty Ltd, AustraliaPasta and NoodlesAustralia409Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102015
Hokkien noodles58Fantastic Fresh, AustraliaPasta and NoodlesAustralia4023Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102015
Lasagne, egg, dry pasta, boiled in unsalted water for 10 min53Pasta and NoodlesUK4021Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
LGI & HDF Noodles, low GI and high fiber39SCIQ Biotech Pty Ltd, AustraliaPasta and NoodlesAustralia4016Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102020
Linguine, fresh 31Hollywood Foods More than Pasta, CanadaPasta and NoodlesCanada4012Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102011
Low GI Noodles38Holista Biotech Corp., USAPasta and NoodlesUSA4015INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102017
Macaroni short pasta63ANCO professional, Soubry N.V., Roeselare, BelgiumPasta and NoodlesBelgium4025Ballance, S., et al., Predicting mixed-meal measured glycaemic index in healthy subjects. European Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 58(7): p. 2657-2667.Normal 2h132019
Mung bean noodles (Longkou beanthread), dried, boiled39Yantai cereals, ChinaPasta and NoodlesChina4016Chan, H.M.S., et al., The glycaemic index values of Vietnamese foods. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2001. 55(12): p. 1076-1083.Normal 2h112000
Noodles, Jianxi rice vermicelli, boiled 8 min56Pasta and NoodlesChina4022Lok, K.Y., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of a selection of popular foods consumed in Hong Kong. British Journal of Nutrition, 2010. 103(4): p. 556-60.Normal 2h102010
Noodles, potato14Pasta and NoodlesChina406Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h92005
Noodles, Sau tao Beijing noodles, wheat flour and tapioca starch, boiled 3 min61Pasta and NoodlesChina4024Lok, K.Y., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of a selection of popular foods consumed in Hong Kong. British Journal of Nutrition, 2010. 103(4): p. 556-60.Normal 2h102010
Noodles, Taiwan vermicelli, rice and maize starch, boiled 2 min68Pasta and NoodlesChina4027Lok, K.Y., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of a selection of popular foods consumed in Hong Kong. British Journal of Nutrition, 2010. 103(4): p. 556-60.Normal 2h102010
Pasta, NS67Pasta and NoodlesCanada4027Kendall, C.W.C., et al., The impact of pistachio intake alone or in combination with high-carbohydrate foods on post-prandial glycemia. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2011. 65(6): p. 696-702.Normal 2h102010
Pipe rigate, mini, durum wheat flour, tomato and carrot pulps (Pipe rigate con pomodori e carote), Piccolini47Barilla, ItalyPasta and NoodlesItaly4019Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102011
Proti pasta, protein-enriched, boiled in water 28Vital Nature Inc, San Antonio, TX, USAPasta and NoodlesUSA4011Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Ravioli, durum wheat flour, stuffed with calf meat, fresh (Raviolini con Carne di Vitello)58Pastificio Rana SpA, ItalyPasta and NoodlesItaly4023Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102011
Rotini44Banza, LLC, USAPasta and NoodlesUSA4018INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102018
Semolina pasta78Pasta and NoodlesCanada4031Aldughpassi, A., E.-S.M. Abdel-Aal, and T.M.S. Wolever, Barley cultivar, kernel composition, and processing affect the glycemic index. The Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 142(9): p. 1666-71.Normal 2h10
Spaghetti, soy, boiled 4 min (Revival Soy®)47Physicians Pharmaceuticals, Inc, USAPasta and NoodlesUSA4019Blair, R.M., E.C. Henley, and A. Tabor, Soy foods have low glycemic and insulin response indices in normal weight subjects. Nutrition Journal, 2006. 5: p. 35.Normal 2h102004
Tagliatelle all'uovo (durum wheat flour, eggs, dry)55Barilla, ItalyPasta and NoodlesItaly4022Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h92005
Tagliatelle all'uovo (durum wheat flour, eggs) (fresh pasta)51Pastificio Lo Scoiattolo, ItalyPasta and NoodlesItaly4020Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102011
Udon noodles, plain, reheated 5 min 62Fantastic, Windsor Gardens, SA, AustraliaPasta and NoodlesAustralia4025Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102001
Vegie Pumpkin & Spinach Linguine, Latina™ Fresh, made from durum semolina, 25% pumpkin puree and 5% spinach puree, boiled in water for 2 min67Pasta and NoodlesAustralia4027Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102018
Wheat noodle, dried46Pasta and NoodlesChina4018Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h102005
Wheat noodle, dried, boiled for 5 min, drained62Sanlian Food, Shandong, ChinaPasta and NoodlesChina4025China National Research Institute of Food and Fermentation Industries GI Lab (Beijing, China), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102016
Apple Fruit Bar, fat-free, President's Choice® Blue Menu™90Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryCanada2523INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Apple Cinnamon bar, Fruit & Yogurt Apple Cinnamon Chewy Bars (Soy), President's Choice® Blue Menu™34Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryCanada259INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Apricot and Almond bar34Snack Foods and ConfectioneryUK259Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of cereal products and weight-management meals available in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2007. 98(1): p. 147-153.Normal 2h102006
Apricot dried fruit snack42Snack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2511Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102001
Apricot & apple fruit strips, gluten-free29Freedom Foods, AustraliaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia257International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h102006
Apricot filled fruit bar, pureed dried apricot filling in wholemeal pastry50Mother Earth, New ZealandSnack Foods and ConfectioneryNew Zealand2513Perry, T., et al., Glycaemic index of New Zealand foods. New Zealand Medical Journal, 2000. 113(1108): p. 140-2.Normal 2h152000
Apricot & Yoghurt Healtheries Simple Bar, wheat and gluten-free40Aussie Bodies Pty. Ltd., AustraliaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2510International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h162007
Banana chips, dried banana pieces44Snack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2511Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102009
Banana Fruit Fingers, Heinz Kidz™61HJ Heinz, AustraliaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2515Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Banana, processed fruit fingers, Heinz Kidz™ 61HJ Heinz, Malvern, AustraliaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2515Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Berry & Yoghurt Healtheries Simple Bar, wheat and gluten free51Aussie Bodies Pty. Ltd., AustraliaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2513International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h152007
Berry bar, Berrylicious Trim Bar46Aussie Bodies Pty. Ltd., AustraliaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2512International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h102007
Blackberry Sour Buzz dried fruit leather, Sunripe School Straps 35Windsor Farm Foods, AustraliaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia259Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102002
Citrus Lemon Protein Bar31Herbalife of Japan K.K.Snack Foods and ConfectioneryJapan258Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102018
Cranberry, Blueberry bar, Fruit & Yogurt Cranberry Blueberry Bars (Soy), President's Choice® Blue Menu™33Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryCanada258INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Fig Fruit bar, President's Choice® Blue Menu™ 70Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryCanada2518INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Fruit and nut mix 15Finest, UKSnack Foods and ConfectioneryUK254Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Fruit snack processed, Roll-Ups®99Uncle Toby's, AustraliaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2525Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101998
Ginger, candied, sucrose-free 10Buderim Ginger, AustraliaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia253Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Peach & pear fruit strips, gluten-free29Freedom Foods, AustraliaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia257International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h102006
Raspberry Fruit bar, fat-free, President's Choice® Blue Menu™ (Loblaw Brands Limited, Canada)74Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryCanada2519INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Strawberry processed fruit bar, Real Fruit90Uncle Toby's, AustraliaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2523Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101998
Strawberry Fruit Bar, Kettle Valley32SunOpta, Inc., Brampton, ON, CanadaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryCanada258Wolever, T.M.S., et al., The glycaemic index values of foods containing fructose are affected by metabolic differences between subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2009. 63(9): p. 1106-14.Normal 2h402009
Strawberry Fruit Bar, Kettle Valley34SunOpta, Inc., Brampton, ON, CanadaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryCanada259Wolever, T.M.S., et al., The glycaemic index values of foods containing fructose are affected by metabolic differences between subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2009. 63(9): p. 1106-14.Normal 2h372009
Strawberry Fruit Bar, Kettle Valley35SunOpta, Inc., Brampton, ON, CanadaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryCanada259Wolever, T.M.S., et al., The glycaemic index values of foods containing fructose are affected by metabolic differences between subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2009. 63(9): p. 1106-14.Normal 2h Caucasian2009
Strawberry Fruit Bar, Kettle Valley31SunOpta, Inc., Brampton, ON, CanadaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryCanada258Wolever, T.M.S., et al., The glycaemic index values of foods containing fructose are affected by metabolic differences between subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2009. 63(9): p. 1106-14.Normal 2h Non-Caucasian2009
Strawberry Fruit Bar, Kettle Valley35SunOpta, Inc., Brampton, ON, CanadaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryCanada259Wolever, T.M.S., et al., The glycaemic index values of foods containing fructose are affected by metabolic differences between subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2009. 63(9): p. 1106-14.Normal 2h ?40 y2009
Strawberry Fruit Bar, Kettle Valley31SunOpta, Inc., Brampton, ON, CanadaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryCanada258Wolever, T.M.S., et al., The glycaemic index values of foods containing fructose are affected by metabolic differences between subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2009. 63(9): p. 1106-14.Normal 2h >40 y2009
Strawberry Fruit Bar, Kettle Valley36SunOpta, Inc., Brampton, ON, CanadaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryCanada259Wolever, T.M.S., et al., The glycaemic index values of foods containing fructose are affected by metabolic differences between subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2009. 63(9): p. 1106-14.Normal 2h lean2009
Strawberry Fruit Bar, Kettle Valley30SunOpta, Inc., Brampton, ON, CanadaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryCanada258Wolever, T.M.S., et al., The glycaemic index values of foods containing fructose are affected by metabolic differences between subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2009. 63(9): p. 1106-14.Normal 2h overweight2009
Strawberry fruit leather29Stretch Island Fruit Company™, WA, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA257Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122006
Sweet strawberry fruit leather, tested with water25Stretch Island Fruit Company™, WA, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA256Aldughpassi, A. and T.M.S. Wolever, Effect of coffee and tea on the glycaemic index of foods: no effect on mean but reduced variability. British Journal of Nutrition, 2009. 101(9): p. 1282-5.Normal 2h102009
Sweet strawberry fruit leather, tested with coffee or tea22Stretch Island Fruit Company™, WA, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA256Aldughpassi, A. and T.M.S. Wolever, Effect of coffee and tea on the glycaemic index of foods: no effect on mean but reduced variability. British Journal of Nutrition, 2009. 101(9): p. 1282-5.Normal 2h102009
Sweet strawberry fruit leather33Stretch Island Fruit Co, Allyn, WA, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA258Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Measuring the glycemic index of foods: interlaboratory study. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2008. 87(1): p. 247S-257S.Normal 2h2902008
Strawberry & wildberry dried fruit leather, Sunripe School Straps40Windsor Farm Foods, AustraliaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2510Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102002
Tropical dried fruit snack41Snack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2510Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102001
Tropical fruit and nut mix 49Finest, UKSnack Foods and ConfectioneryUK2512Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h92005
Wild berry dried fruit snack35Snack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia259Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102001
Chick Pea chips44Freedom Foods, AustraliaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2511International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h92006
Combos Snacks Cheddar Cheese Crackers 54M&M/Mars, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA2514Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Combos Snacks Cheddar Cheese Pretzels 52M&M/Mars, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA2513Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Cheese Puffs, made from rice and corn puffs, aged white cheddar extruded snack, Pirate's Booty brand 70Robert's American Gourmet, Sea Cliff, NY, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA2518Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122006
Cheese Puffs, Pirates Booty brand74Robert’s American Gourmet, Sea Cliff, NY, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA2519Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Measuring the glycemic index of foods: interlaboratory study. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2008. 87(1): p. 247S-257S.Normal 2h2902008
Cheese Puffs, Pirates Booty brand, tested with water53Robert’s American Gourmet, Sea Cliff, NY, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA2513Aldughpassi, A. and T.M.S. Wolever, Effect of coffee and tea on the glycaemic index of foods: no effect on mean but reduced variability. British Journal of Nutrition, 2009. 101(9): p. 1282-5.Normal 2h102009
Cheese Puffs, Pirates Booty brand, tested with coffee or tea53Robert’s American Gourmet, Sea Cliff, NY, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA2513Aldughpassi, A. and T.M.S. Wolever, Effect of coffee and tea on the glycaemic index of foods: no effect on mean but reduced variability. British Journal of Nutrition, 2009. 101(9): p. 1282-5.Normal 2h102009
Rice and corn cheese flavored extruded snack, Twisties™74Smith's Snackfood Co., AustraliaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2519Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101999
Brown rice chips with wild rice, gluten-free, SunRice™70Snack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2518Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102018
Corn chips, plain, salted (Doritos™ original)42 Smith's Snack Food Co., AustraliaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2511Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101998
Grain Waves Original flavored wholegrain chips, Smith’s™ 51Snack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2513Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102010
Finger millet extruded snack65Snack Foods and ConfectioneryIndia2516Shobana, S., et al., Development and evaluation of nutritional, sensory and glycemic properties of finger millet (Eleusine coracana L.) based food products. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2018. 27(1): p. 84-91.Normal 2h122018
Flaxseed Tortilla chips, Sea Salt, President's Choice® Blue Menu™45Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryCanada2511INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Flaxseed Tortilla chips, Spicy, President's Choice® Blue Menu™ 34Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryCanada259INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Japanese Tamari Rice & Corn Crisps, President's Choice® Blue Menu™ 91Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryCanada2523INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
Japanese Wasabi & Honey Rice & Corn Crisps, President's Choice® Blue Menu™82Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryCanada2521INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
Prawn crackers, BBQ Rib flavor, Infuzions™, made from tapioca and wheat 74Majans Pty Ltd, QLD, AustraliaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2519Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102017
Pretzels, oven-baked, traditional wheat flavor, 97% fat free (Parker's)84Smith's Snack Food Co., AustraliaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2521Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Thai Curry Rice & Corn Crisps, President's Choice® Blue Menu™84Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryCanada2521INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
Poppin Microwave Popcorn, butter flavor51Green's Foods, AustraliaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2513Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102013
Microwave Popping Corn, natural flavor, President's Choice® Blue Menu™ 58Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryCanada2515INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
Poppin Microwave Popcorn, butter flavor62Green's Foods, AustraliaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2516Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92007
Poppin Lite Microwave Popcorn, butter flavor, 50% reduced fat67Green's Foods, AustraliaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2517Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92007
Microwave Popping Corn, butter flavor, President's Choice® Blue Menu™ 72Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryCanada2518INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
Potato chips, crinkle cut, Smith’s™ Original48Snack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2512Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102012
Potato chips, Pringles™ Original57Snack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2514Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102012
Potato crisps60Snack Foods and ConfectioneryChina2515Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h102005
Baked potato chips (Baked Lays, Original Potato Crisps)72Snack Foods and ConfectioneryCanada2518Kinnear, T., et al., Effect of preparation method on the glycaemic index of novel potato clones. Food & Function, 2011. 2(8): p. 438-44.Normal 2h102009
Baked potato chips (Baked Lays, Original Potato Crisps)71Snack Foods and ConfectioneryCanada2518Kinnear, T., et al., Effect of preparation method on the glycaemic index of novel potato clones. Food & Function, 2011. 2(8): p. 438-44.Normal 2h102009
Sweet potato crisps, Red Rock Deli™ 41The Red Rock Deli Chip Company, VIC, AustraliaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2510Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102016
Soy based snack product, SoyCarat Cheese flavor 44Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co, Ltd, JapanSnack Foods and ConfectioneryJapan2511Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102014
Soy based snack product, SoyCarat Olive Oil & Garlic flavor41Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co, Ltd, JapanSnack Foods and ConfectioneryJapan2510Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102014
Soy based snack product, SoyCarat Nori & Natto flavor37Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co, Ltd, JapanSnack Foods and ConfectioneryJapan259Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102014
Sunshine™ soy protein chips, lightly salted (Revival Soy®)87Physicians Pharmaceuticals, Inc., USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA2522Blair, R.M., E.C. Henley, and A. Tabor, Soy foods have low glycemic and insulin response indices in normal weight subjects. Nutrition Journal, 2006. 5: p. 35.Normal 2h102004
Puffed rice squares77Snack Foods and ConfectioneryCzech Republic2519Chlup, R., et al., Continuous glucose monitoring -- a novel approach to the determination of the glycaemic index of foods (DEGIF 1) -- determination of the glycaemic index of foods by means of the CGMS. Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes, 2006. 114(2): p. 68-74.Normal 2h202005
Wasabi peas41Snack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2510Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102018
Almond Chocolate24Meiji Co. Ltd, JapanSnack Foods and ConfectioneryJapan256Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102019
Chocolate crinkles, containing wheat flour and coconut flour 44Snack Foods and ConfectioneryPhilippines2511Trinidad, T.P., et al., Glycaemic index of different coconut (Cocos nucifera)-flour products in normal and diabetic subjects. British Journal of Nutrition, 2003. 90(3): p. 551-556.Normal 2h102002
Chocolate, dark, Dove®23M&M/Mars, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA256Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Chocolate, dark, 74% Cocoa44Alpes d'Or, Hangzhou Qiaokemei, ChinaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryChina2511China National Research Institute of Food and Fermentation Industries GI Lab (Beijing, China), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122019
Chocolate Kouka Cacao 86% 18Meiji Co. Ltd, JapanSnack Foods and ConfectioneryJapan255Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102018
Chocolate Kouka Cacao 72%29Meiji Co. Ltd, JapanSnack Foods and ConfectioneryJapan257Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102018
Chocolate, dark with raisins, peanuts and jam44Snack Foods and ConfectioneryCzech Republic2511Chlup, R., et al., Continuous glucose monitoring -- a novel approach to the determination of the glycaemic index of foods (DEGIF 1) -- determination of the glycaemic index of foods by means of the CGMS. Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes, 2006. 114(2): p. 68-74.Normal 2h202005
Chocolate, milk, Meiji brand39Meiji Co. Ltd, JapanSnack Foods and ConfectioneryJapan2510Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102018
Chocolate, milk, Dove®45Mars Confectionery, Ballarat, AustraliaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2511Brand-Miller, J.C., et al., The glycaemic index of more breads, breakfast cereals and snack products. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 1997. 21: p. 144.Normal 2h 10-121997
Chocolate, milk54Milka, Mondelez, ItalySnack Foods and ConfectioneryItaly2514Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102012
Chocolate, milk42Nestlé, Sydney, NSW, AustraliaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2511Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Milk chocolate egg 48Ovetto cioccolato, Dolci Preziosi, ItalySnack Foods and ConfectioneryItaly2512Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102012
Chocolate, NS49Snack Foods and ConfectioneryChina2512Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h102005
Chocolate, white, Lindt™ Lindor34Snack Foods and ConfectionerySwitzerland259Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102012
Chocolate, white, Milky Bar® 41Nestlé, AustraliaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2510Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102012
Chocolate, white, Milky Bar® 44Nestlé, AustraliaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2511Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
White chocolate bar (Galak)44Nestlè, ItalySnack Foods and ConfectioneryItaly2511Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102012
Chocolate candy, sugar free, Dove®23M&M/Mars, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA256Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Cocoavia™ high flavanol chocolate covered almonds21M&M/Mars, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA255Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Chocolate coated wafer, with whole hazelnut and chocolate cream filling, Duplo nocciolato 59Ferrero, ItalySnack Foods and ConfectioneryItaly2515Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102012
Chocolate coated chocolate soaked cookie, Galbo Chocolate 37Meiji Co. Ltd, JapanSnack Foods and ConfectioneryJapan259Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102019
Jelly, made from commercial jelly crystals, Raspberry Razzle flavor, prepared with water53Aeroplane Jelly Company, West Ryde, AustraliaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2513Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Jelly beans, assorted colors76Savings, Grocery Holdings, Tooronga, AustraliaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2519Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h121998
Kinder Joy/ Merendero (Hazelnut and vanilla cream, with wafer balls coated with chocolate and hazelnut crumbs) 42Ferrero, ItalySnack Foods and ConfectioneryItaly2511Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102012
Kinder Softy nocciola (Praline with hazelnut cream)43Ferrero, ItalySnack Foods and ConfectioneryItaly2511Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102012
Licorice pieces69Snack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2517Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102012
Licorice, soft 78Coles Supermarkets, AustraliaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2520Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Macadamia Chocolate24Meiji Co. Ltd, JapanSnack Foods and ConfectioneryJapan256Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h1030
M&M's®, peanut33Mars Confectionery, AustraliaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia258Brand-Miller, J.C., et al., The glycaemic index of more breads, breakfast cereals and snack products. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 1997. 21: p. 144.Normal 2h 10-121997
Mars Bar® 62Mars Confectionery, AustraliaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2516Brand-Miller, J.C., et al., The glycaemic index of more breads, breakfast cereals and snack products. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 1997. 21: p. 144.Normal 2h 10-121997
Marshmallows62Candy Lane, AustraliaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2516Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Marshmallows67Woolworths Homebrand, AustraliaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2517Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102012
Nutella®, chocolate hazelnut spread 33Ferrero Australia, Milson's Point, NSW, AustraliaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia258Brand-Miller, J.C., et al., The glycaemic index of more breads, breakfast cereals and snack products. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 1997. 21: p. 144.Normal 2h 10-121997
Nutella®, chocolate hazelnut spread 30Ferrero Australia, AustraliaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia258Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Nutella®, chocolate hazelnut spread25Ferrero Australia, AustraliaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia256Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Nutella®45Ferrero, ItalySnack Foods and ConfectioneryItaly2511Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102012
Nutella & Go (Hazelnut chocolate spread with breadsticks)57Ferrero, ItalySnack Foods and ConfectioneryItaly2514Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102012
Nutella B-ready (Wafer bar, hazelnut cream-filled)55Ferrero, ItalySnack Foods and ConfectioneryItaly2514Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102012
Pocket Coffee (Praline, with coffee cream) (Ferrero, Italy)58Ferrero, ItalySnack Foods and ConfectioneryItaly2515Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102014
Pop Tarts™, double choc70Kellogg's, AustraliaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2518Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Raffaello52Ferrero, ItalySnack Foods and ConfectioneryItaly2513Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102014
Rocher 53Ferrero, ItalySnack Foods and ConfectioneryItaly2513Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102014
Rondnoir53Ferrero, ItalySnack Foods and ConfectioneryItaly2513Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102014
Rum balls, containing dark chocolate and coconut50Snack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2513Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102009
Skittles® 70Mars Confectionery, AustraliaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2518Brand-Miller, J.C., et al., The glycaemic index of more breads, breakfast cereals and snack products. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 1997. 21: p. 144.Normal 2h 10-121997
Slush, lemon (Granigel la granita classica siciliana)66Dolfin, ItalySnack Foods and ConfectioneryItaly2517Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102009
Sorbet, caffè/cappuccino (GranSoleil Gran dessert Caffè/Cappuccino)62Ferrero, ItalySnack Foods and ConfectioneryItaly2516Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h92009
Sorbet, lemon (GranSoleil Gran dessert Limone)58Ferrero, ItalySnack Foods and ConfectioneryItaly2515Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h92009
Sorbet, lemon (Sorbetto al limone, Carte d’or)72Algida, ItalySnack Foods and ConfectioneryItaly2518Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h92009
Sorbet, vanilla (GranSoleil Gran dessert Vaniglia)57Ferrero, ItalySnack Foods and ConfectioneryItaly2514Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h92009
Sour Straws, strawberry flavor, gummy/chewy confectionery76Snack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2519Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102017
Yummiees lollies 43Allseps Pty. Ltd., AustraliaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2511International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h142006
Cold-pressed bar, made with 22.1 g maltodextrin (Globe Plus 10 DE maltodextrin) and 21.8 g corn syrup (Globe Plus 63 DE Maltodextrin)93Snack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA2523Gourineni, V., et al., Slowly Digestible Carbohydrate for Balanced Energy: In Vitro and In Vivo Evidence. Nutrients, 2017. 9(11).Normal 2h142017
Cold-pressed bar, made with 24.9 g SDS (SUSTRA™ 2434 slowly digestible carbohydrate) (Ingredion Incorporated, Bridgewater, NJ) and 18.9 g corn syrup (Globe Plus 63 DE Maltodextrin)50Snack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA2513Gourineni, V., et al., Slowly Digestible Carbohydrate for Balanced Energy: In Vitro and In Vivo Evidence. Nutrients, 2017. 9(11).Normal 2h142017
Chewy Chocolate Chip & Marshmallow Granola bar, President's Choice® Blue Menu™78Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryCanada2520INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Chewy Cranberry Apple Granola Bar, President's Choice® Blue Menu™58Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryCanada2515INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Chocolate Healtheries Simple bar, wheat and gluten free35Aussie Bodies Pty. Ltd., AustraliaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia259International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h152007
Cocoavia™ high flavanol chocolate almond Snack bar 63M&M/Mars, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA2516Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Cocoavia™ Crispy Chocolate bar 33M&M/Mars, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA258Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
ExtendBar™ Apple Cinnamon Delight bar33ExtendBar, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA258Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004
ExtendBar™ Chocolate Delight bar 41ExtendBar, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA2510Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004
ExtendBar™ Peanut Delight bar32ExtendBar, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA258Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004
Fruit and Nuts Superfoods bar40SoLo GI Nutrition, Inc, CanadaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryCanada2510INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102018
Granola bar, containing wheat flour and coconut flour46Snack Foods and ConfectioneryPhilippines2512Trinidad, T.P., et al., Glycaemic index of different coconut (Cocos nucifera)-flour products in normal and diabetic subjects. British Journal of Nutrition, 2003. 90(3): p. 551-556.Normal 2h102002
Griffin's Fruitli bar, apricot 54Griffins, Auckland, New ZealandSnack Foods and ConfectioneryNew Zealand2514Trompers, W., et al., Glycemic and insulinemic response to selected snack bars in trained versus sedentary individuals. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 2010. 20(1): p. 27-33.Normal 2h202010
Kinder Bueno white (Wafer bar, milk and hazelnut spread-filled, coated white chocolate)47Ferrero, ItalySnack Foods and ConfectioneryItaly2512Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102012
Kinder Choco fresh (Chocolate bar, milk cream-filled, fresh)55Ferrero, ItalySnack Foods and ConfectioneryItaly2514Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102012
Kinder Happy Hippo (Wafer bar, milk and hazelnut spread-filled, partially coated with white chocolate)47Ferrero, ItalySnack Foods and ConfectioneryItaly2512Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102014
Kinder Maxi king (Milk cream bar, sponge cake-filled, coated with chocolate and hazelnut crumbs, fresh) 58Ferrero, ItalySnack Foods and ConfectioneryItaly2515Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102012
Kinder Pinguì cacao (Milk cream bar, sponge cake-filled, coated with chocolate, fresh) 51Ferrero, ItalySnack Foods and ConfectioneryItaly2513Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102012
Kinder Pinguì cocco (Milk cream bar, sponge cake-filled, coated with chocolate and coconut, fresh)53Ferrero, ItalySnack Foods and ConfectioneryItaly2513Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102012
KitKat 50Nestlè, ItalySnack Foods and ConfectioneryItaly2513Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102012
Kudos Milk Chocolate Granola bar with M&M's Milk Chocolate Mini Baking Bits 52M&M/Mars, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA2513Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Kudos Whole-Grain bars, chocolate chip 62M&M/Mars, Hackettstown, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA2516Brand-Miller, J.C., et al., The glycaemic index of more breads, breakfast cereals and snack products. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 1997. 21: p. 144.Normal 2h 10-121997
Kudos Milk Chocolate Granola bars, Peanut Butter flavor45M&M/Mars, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA2511Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Milky Way® bar 62M&M/Mars, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA2516Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h 10-121997
Milky Way® Lite bar 45M&M/Mars, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA2511Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h 10-121997
Munch Peanut Butter bar27M&M/Mars, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA257Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004
Nuts and Seeds Superfoods bar 33SoLo GI Nutrition, Inc, CanadaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryCanada258INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102018
Nutbutter bar 22SoLo GI Nutrition, Inc, CanadaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryCanada256INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102018
Omega bar, containing linseeds, sunflower kernels and nuts, gluten-free21Freedom Foods, AustraliaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia255International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h92007
Peak Fuel Summit bar, Peanut Brownie60Peak Fuel, Hamner Springs, New ZealandSnack Foods and ConfectioneryNew Zealand2515Trompers, W., et al., Glycemic and insulinemic response to selected snack bars in trained versus sedentary individuals. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 2010. 20(1): p. 27-33.Normal 2h202010
Peanut Butter Chocolate Pal™ bar (Revival Soy®)52Physicians Pharmaceuticals, Inc., USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA2513Blair, R.M., E.C. Henley, and A. Tabor, Soy foods have low glycemic and insulin response indices in normal weight subjects. Nutrition Journal, 2006. 5: p. 35.Normal 2h102004
60% Whole Wheat Fig Fruit bar, President's Choice® Blue Menu™72Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryCanada2518INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Snack bar, Apple Cinnamon40Con Agra Inc., Omaha, NE, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA2510Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101999
Snack bar, Peanut Butter and Choc-Chip 37Con Agra Inc., USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA259Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101999
Soy Joy Fruit & Soy Bar®, Apple19Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co Ltd, Tokyo, JapanSnack Foods and ConfectioneryJapan255Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Soy Joy Fruit & Soy Bar®, Apricot27Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co Ltd, Tokyo, JapanSnack Foods and ConfectioneryJapan257Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Soy Joy Fruit & Soy Bar®, Chocolate Orange41Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co Ltd, Tokyo, JapanSnack Foods and ConfectioneryJapan2510Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Soy Joy Fruit & Soy Bar®, Mango Coconut28Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co Ltd, Tokyo, JapanSnack Foods and ConfectioneryJapan257Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Soy Joy Fruit & Soy Bar®, Plum + Fe 25Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co Ltd, Tokyo, JapanSnack Foods and ConfectioneryJapan256Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Soy Joy Fruit & Soy Bar®, Plum + Folic acid27Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co Ltd, Tokyo, JapanSnack Foods and ConfectioneryJapan257Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Soy Joy Fruit & Soy Bar®, Raisin Almond 28Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co Ltd, Tokyo, JapanSnack Foods and ConfectioneryJapan257Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Soy Joy Fruit & Soy Bar®, Sanzashi29Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co Ltd, Tokyo, JapanSnack Foods and ConfectioneryJapan257Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Soy Joy Fruit & Soy Bar®, Strawberry33Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co Ltd, Tokyo, JapanSnack Foods and ConfectioneryJapan258Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92007
Trim bar, Chocorama 31Aussie Bodies Pty. Ltd., AustraliaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia258International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h102007
Trim bar, Mocha flavor25Aussie Bodies Pty. Ltd., AustraliaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia256International Diabetes Institute (Melbourne, Australia), unpublished observations, 2006-2007.Normal 2h102007
Tronky Nocciola (Wafer bar, hazelnut cream-filled)61M&M/Mars, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryItaly2515Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102012
Twix® Cookie Bar, caramel 44Snack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA2511Brand-Miller, J.C., et al., The glycaemic index of more breads, breakfast cereals and snack products. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 1997. 21: p. 144.Normal 2h 10-121997
Chocolate Cherry Almond bar22Beachbody, LLC, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA256INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102019
Clif bar, Chocolate Brownie Energy bar57Clif Bar Inc., Berkeley, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA2514Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Energy bar, containing with soy protein isolate, peanut butter and corn syrup45Snack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2511Wright, A.G., T.P. Ellis, and L.L. Ilag, Filtered molasses concentrate from sugar cane: natural functional ingredient effective in lowering the glycaemic index and insulin response of high carbohydrate foods. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 2014. 69(4): p. 310-6.Normal 2h102014
Energy bar with 2.0 g Filtered Molasses Concentrate added per 100 g (4.01 g FMC/100 g carbohydrate)40Snack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2510Wright, A.G., T.P. Ellis, and L.L. Ilag, Filtered molasses concentrate from sugar cane: natural functional ingredient effective in lowering the glycaemic index and insulin response of high carbohydrate foods. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 2014. 69(4): p. 310-6.Normal 2h102014
Peanut Butter Chocolate bar 32Beachbody, LLCSnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA258INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102019
Performance Chocolate Energy bar53Power Bar, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA2513Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92006
Power Bar®, chocolate 58Powerfood Inc., Berkeley, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA2515Brand-Miller, J.C., et al., The glycaemic index of more breads, breakfast cereals and snack products. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 1997. 21: p. 144.Normal 2h101997
SmartZone Chocolate flavor, Nutrition bar16Hershey's Food Corporation, Hershey, PA, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA254Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004
SmartZone Crunchy Blueberry flavor, Nutrition bar 15Hershey's Food Corporation, Hershey, PA, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA254Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
SmartZone Crunchy Chocolate Brownie flavor, Nutrition bar23Hershey's Food Corporation, Hershey, PA, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA256Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
SmartZone Crunchy Chocolate Caramel flavor, Nutrition bar 16Hershey's Food Corporation, Hershey, PA, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA254Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
SmartZone Crunchy Chocolate Peanut Butter flavor, Nutrition bar14Hershey's Food Corporation, Hershey, PA, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA254Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
SmartZone Crunchy Key Lime flavor, Nutrition bar14Hershey's Food Corporation, Hershey, PA, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA254Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
SmartZone Peanut Butter flavor, Nutrition bar 18Hershey's Food Corporation, Hershey, PA, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA255Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Snickers® Marathon Energy bar, Chewy Chocolate Peanut flavor36M&M/Mars, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA259Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Snickers® Marathon Energy bar, Cookies & Crème flavor 50M&M/Mars, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA2513Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Snickers® Marathon Energy bar, Multi Grain Crunch flavor 50M&M/Mars, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA2513Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Snickers® Marathon Energy bar, Peanut Butter flavor34M&M/Mars, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA259Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102005
Snickers® Marathon Low Carb Lifestyle Energy bar, Chocolate Fudge Brownie flavor20M&M/Mars, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA255Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Snickers® Marathon Low Carb Lifestyle Energy bar, Peanut Butter flavor21M&M/Mars, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA255Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Snickers® Marathon Nutrition bar, Dark Chocolate Crunch flavor49M&M/Mars, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA2512Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Snickers® Marathon Nutrition bar, Honey & Roasted Almond flavor 41M&M/Mars, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA2510Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Snickers® Marathon Protein Performance bar, Caramel Nut Rush flavor26M&M/Mars, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA257Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Snickers® Marathon Protein Performance bar, Chocolate Nut Burst flavor 32M&M/Mars, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA258Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
SoLo GI Berry Bliss Nutrition bar29New Era Nutrition Inc, Alberta, CanadaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryCanada257INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
SoLo GI Chocolate Charger Nutrition bar 28New Era Nutrition Inc, Alberta, CanadaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryCanada257INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
SoLo GI Lemon Lift Nutrition bar29New Era Nutrition Inc, Alberta, CanadaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryCanada257INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
SoLo GI Mint Mania Nutrition bar23New Era Nutrition Inc, Alberta, CanadaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryCanada256INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
SoLo GI Peanut Power Nutrition bar27New Era Nutrition Inc, Alberta, CanadaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryCanada257INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
SoLo GI Berry Bliss Snack bar29New Era Nutrition Inc, Alberta, CanadaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryCanada257INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
SoLo GI Chocolate Charger Snack bar28New Era Nutrition Inc, Alberta, CanadaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryCanada257INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
SoLo GI Lemon Lift Snack bar29New Era Nutrition Inc, Alberta, CanadaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryCanada257INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
SoLo GI Mint Mania Snack bar23New Era Nutrition Inc, Alberta, CanadaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryCanada256INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
SoLo GI Peanut Power Snack bar27New Era Nutrition Inc, Alberta, CanadaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryCanada257INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
VO2 Max Chocolate Energy bar49M&M/Mars, USASnack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA2512Brand-Miller, J.C., et al., The glycaemic index of more breads, breakfast cereals and snack products. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 1997. 21: p. 144.Normal 2h 10-121997
Barley Vegetable Instant soup, low-fat, President's Choice® Blue Menu™41Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaSoupsCanada208INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
Black Bean Instant soup, low-fat, spicy, President's Choice® Blue Menu™57Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaSoupsCanada2011INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
Black Bean with Vegetables soup, spicy, President's Choice® Blue Menu™ 46Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaSoupsCanada209INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Carrot soup, President's Choice® Blue Menu™ Soupreme35Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaSoupsCanada207INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Chicken & Vegetable with wholegrain pasta, Country Ladle® 43Campbell's Soups, Homebush, NSW, AustraliaSoupsAustralia209Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92008
Chunky Roast Chicken and Vegetable soup52Campbell's Soups, Homebush, NSW, AustraliaSoupsAustralia2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92016
Lentil Instant soup, low-fat, Indian, President's Choice® Blue Menu™ 62Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaSoupsCanada2012INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
Lentil, ready-to-serve, President's Choice® Blue Menu™57Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaSoupsCanada2011INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
Minestrone, condensed, prepared with water48Campbell's Soup Company, Camden, NJ, USASoupsUSA2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102002
Minestrone, Traditional, Country Ladle®39Campbell's Soups, AustraliaSoupsAustralia208Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102001
Minestrone & Pasta Instant soup, low-fat, President's Choice® Blue Menu™54Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaSoupsCanada2011INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
Mushroom Barley, ready-to-serve, President's Choice® Blue Menu™45Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaSoupsCanada209INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
Pasta & Fagioli soup, ready-to-serve, President's Choice® Blue Menu™ 52Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaSoupsCanada2010INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
Potato & Bacon soup, chunky41Campbell's Soups, Homebush, NSW, AustraliaSoupsAustralia208Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102016
Pumpkin Soup, creamy, Heinz® Very Special™, with pumpkin, cream, potatoes76Heinz Wattie's Ltd, AustraliaSoupsAustralia2015Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004
Thai Instant soup, low-fat, President's Choice® Blue Menu™56Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaSoupsCanada2011INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
Tomato soup, condensed, prepared with water52Campbell's Soup Company, Camden, NJ, USASoupsUSA2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102002
Tomato & Herb, President's Choice® Blue Menu™ Soupreme47Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaSoupsCanada209INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Vegetable Couscous Instant soup, low-fat, President's Choice® Blue Menu™ 57Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaSoupsCanada2011INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
Vegetarian Chili Instant soup, low-fat, President's Choice® Blue Menu™ (Loblaw Brands Limited, Canada)36Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaSoupsCanada207INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004-2007
Winter Squash, President's Choice® Blue Menu™ Soupreme41Loblaw Brands Limited, CanadaSoupsCanada208INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Organic Agave Cactus Nectar, light, 90% fructose11Western Commerce Corp., City of Industry, CA, USASugars and SyrupsUSA51Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92001
Organic Agave Cactus Nectar, light, 97% fructose10Western Commerce Corp., USASugars and SyrupsUSA51Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92001
Premium Agave nectar 19Sweet Cactus Farms, USASugars and SyrupsUSA51Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92005
Fructose23Sugars and SyrupsChina51Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h102005
Fructose from corn25Despar, ItalySugars and SyrupsItaly51Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102013
High fructose corn syrup56Sugars and SyrupsAustralia53Wright, A.G., T.P. Ellis, and L.L. Ilag, Filtered molasses concentrate from sugar cane: natural functional ingredient effective in lowering the glycaemic index and insulin response of high carbohydrate foods. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 2014. 69(4): p. 310-6.Normal 2h102014
High fructose corn syrup with 3.3 g Filtered Molasses Concentrate added per 100 g (4.16 g FMC/100 g carbohydrate)50Sugars and SyrupsAustralia53Wright, A.G., T.P. Ellis, and L.L. Ilag, Filtered molasses concentrate from sugar cane: natural functional ingredient effective in lowering the glycaemic index and insulin response of high carbohydrate foods. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 2014. 69(4): p. 310-6.Normal 2h102014
Glucose syrup107Sugars and SyrupsAustralia55Wright, A.G., T.P. Ellis, and L.L. Ilag, Filtered molasses concentrate from sugar cane: natural functional ingredient effective in lowering the glycaemic index and insulin response of high carbohydrate foods. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 2014. 69(4): p. 310-6.Normal 2h102014
Yellow box honey (46% fructose)35Sugars and SyrupsAustralia52Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102001
Stringy Bark honey (52% fructose)44Sugars and SyrupsAustralia52Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92001
Red Gum honey (35% fructose)46Sugars and SyrupsAustralia52Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92001
Iron Bark honey (34% fructose)48Sugars and SyrupsAustralia52Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102001
Capilano Premium Honey, blend of eucalypt & floral honeys51Capilano Honey Limited, QLD, AustraliaSugars and SyrupsAustralia53Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h112006
Yapunya honey (42 % fructose)52Sugars and SyrupsAustralia53Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92001
HDI Clover Honey with Bee Pollen53PT. Harmoni DinamikSugars and SyrupsNew Zealand53Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102020
Leabrook Farms Yellow box honey60Spring Gully Foods Pty Ltd, SA, AustraliaSugars and SyrupsAustralia53Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h112006
Commercial Blend honey (38% fructose), WA blend62Capilano Honey Ltd., AustraliaSugars and SyrupsAustralia53Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92001
Salvation Jane honey (32% fructose)64Sugars and SyrupsAustralia53Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102001
Manuka honey, MGO 440+ 65Manuka Health New Zealand LtdSugars and SyrupsNew Zealand53Perry, T., S. Richardson, and M. Peddie, Report on the Glycemic Index of Two Honey Products. 2011, University of Otago.Normal 2h102011
Clover honey, ratio of fructose: glucose, 1.0969Vazza Farms, Hermiston, OR, USASugars and SyrupsUSA53Ischayek, J.I. and M. Kern, US Honeys Varying in Glucose and Fructose Content Elicit Similar Glycemic Indexes. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 2006. 106(8): p. 1260-1262.Normal 2h122006
Commercial Blend honey (28% fructose), NSW blend72Capilano Honey Ltd., AustraliaSugars and SyrupsAustralia54Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92001
Buckwheat honey, ratio of fructose:glucose, 1.12 73Vazza Farms, USASugars and SyrupsUSA54Ischayek, J.I. and M. Kern, US Honeys Varying in Glucose and Fructose Content Elicit Similar Glycemic Indexes. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 2006. 106(8): p. 1260-1262.Normal 2h112006
Cotton honey, ratio of fructose:glucose, 1.03 74Gene Brandi Apiaries, Los Banos, CA, USASugars and SyrupsUSA54Ischayek, J.I. and M. Kern, US Honeys Varying in Glucose and Fructose Content Elicit Similar Glycemic Indexes. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 2006. 106(8): p. 1260-1262.Normal 2h112006
Honey, NS74Sugars and SyrupsChina54Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h102005
Tupelo honey, ratio of fructose:glucose, 1.5474Tropical Blossom Honey Co, Edgewater, FL, USASugars and SyrupsUSA54Ischayek, J.I. and M. Kern, US Honeys Varying in Glucose and Fructose Content Elicit Similar Glycemic Indexes. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 2006. 106(8): p. 1260-1262.Normal 2h122006
Lactose46Sugars and SyrupsChina52Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h102005
Maltose75Sugars and SyrupsChina54Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h102005
Maltose105Sugars and SyrupsChina55Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h102005
Sucrose59Sugars and SyrupsAustralia53Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h112007
Sucrose, cane sugar60Sugars and SyrupsAustralia53Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102016
Sucrose61Sugars and SyrupsAustralia53Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h112007
Sucrose64Sugars and SyrupsGermany53Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h112004
Sucrose66Sugars and SyrupsGermany53Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102002
Sugar, cane (Panela)69Sugars and SyrupsItaly53Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h92005
Sucrose84Sugars and SyrupsChina54Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h102005
Sucrose (LoGiCane)60Horizon Science, AustraliaSugars and SyrupsAustralia53Venn, B.J., M. Kataoka, and J. Mann, The use of different reference foods in determining the glycemic index of starchy and non-starchy test foods. Nutrition Journal, 2014. 13: p. 50.Normal 2h European2014
Sucrose (LoGiCane)62Horizon Science, AustraliaSugars and SyrupsAustralia53Venn, B.J., M. Kataoka, and J. Mann, The use of different reference foods in determining the glycemic index of starchy and non-starchy test foods. Nutrition Journal, 2014. 13: p. 50.Normal 2h Chinese2014
Sugar, refined91Sadam-Eridania, ItalySugars and SyrupsItaly55Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102013
Arabinose Sugar (95% sucrose + 5% L-arabinose) 52Healtang Biotech Co., Ltd, ChinaSugars and SyrupsChina53China National Research Institute of Food and Fermentation Industries GI Lab (Beijing, China), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102020
Coconut sugar, organic, Loving Earth™ brand54Sugars and SyrupsIndonesia53Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92014
Dates Syrup, Gurun Emas54Omni Mal Agencies Sdn. Bhd, MalaysiaSugars and SyrupsMalaysia53Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102018
Fruit Up sweetener syrup 39Rudolf Wild Gmbh & Co, GermanySugars and SyrupsGermany52Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102008
Golden Syrup63Sugars and SyrupsAustralia53Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92003
Karo Dark Corn Syrup90Sugars and SyrupsUSA55Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102013
Maple flavored syrup68Cottee's Foods, AustraliaSugars and SyrupsAustralia53Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92003
Maple syrup, pure Canadian54Queen Foods, AustraliaSugars and SyrupsCanada53Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Rice malt syrup 98Pure Harvest Organic, AustraliaSugars and SyrupsAustralia55Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102013
Sugar, from organic fruits (Dolcedì, zucchero da frutta biologica)23Rigoni di Asiago, ItalySugars and SyrupsItaly51Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102009
Snow Pear Red Ginseng Brown Sugar, contains 2.2% Phytolin® 45Queen's Joy, Wuzuo Technology, Tianjin, ChinaSugars and SyrupsChina52China National Research Institute of Food and Fermentation Industries GI Lab (Beijing, China), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122020
Xylose Sugar (90% sucrose + 10% D-Xylose) 52Healtang Biotech Co., Ltd, ChinaSugars and SyrupsChina53China National Research Institute of Food and Fermentation Industries GI Lab (Beijing, China), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102020
Green banana, peeled, boiled 10 min37VegetablesJamaica207Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Food processing methods influence the glycaemic indices of some commonly eaten West Indian carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2006. 96(3): p. 476-481.Normal 2h102005
Green banana, peeled, fried in vegetable oil35VegetablesJamaica207Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Food processing methods influence the glycaemic indices of some commonly eaten West Indian carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2006. 96(3): p. 476-481.Normal 2h102005
Green plantain (Musa paradisiaca), peeled, boiled 10 min39VegetablesJamaica208Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Food processing methods influence the glycaemic indices of some commonly eaten West Indian carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2006. 96(3): p. 476-481.Normal 2h102005
Green plantain (Musa paradisiaca), peeled, fried in vegetable oil40VegetablesJamaica208Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Food processing methods influence the glycaemic indices of some commonly eaten West Indian carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2006. 96(3): p. 476-481.Normal 2h102005
Plantain (Musa spp. Ameletiha) chips (made from green plantain), sliced 0.8-1.2 mm thick, deep-fried45VegetablesCo?te d’Ivoire209Kouamé, C.A., et al., Glycemic Responses, Glycemic Index, and Glycemic Load Values of Some Street Foods Prepared from Plantain (Musa spp., AAB Genome) in Côte d'Ivoire. Foods, 2017. 6(9): p. 83.Normal 2h282017
Ripe plantain (Musa paradisiaca), peeled, boiled 10 min66VegetablesJamaica2013Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Food processing methods influence the glycaemic indices of some commonly eaten West Indian carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2006. 96(3): p. 476-481.Normal 2h102005
Ripe plantain (Musa paradisiaca), peeled, fried in vegetable oil90VegetablesJamaica2018Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Food processing methods influence the glycaemic indices of some commonly eaten West Indian carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2006. 96(3): p. 476-481.Normal 2h102005
Peas, plain and frozen 29Talleys Group Ltd, New ZealandVegetablesNew Zealand203Dodd, H., et al., Calculating meal glycemic index by using measured and published food values compared with directly measured meal glycemic index. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2011. 94(4): p. 992-6.Normal 2h302011
Peas, frozen, heated in the microwave 42McCain Foods Aust. Pty Ltd, AustraliaVegetablesAustralia204Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102020
Butternut pumpkin, boiled51VegetablesAustralia205Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata), peeled, cubed, boiled 30 min66VegetablesJamaica207Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Food processing methods influence the glycaemic indices of some commonly eaten West Indian carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2006. 96(3): p. 476-481.Normal 2h102005
Sweet corn, cooked in microwave for 1.5 min51VegetablesAustralia2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102015
Sweet corn55VegetablesChina2011Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h102005
Eddoe (Colocasia esculenta var. antiquorum), peeled, boiled 30 min, refrigerated, reheated for 1 min61VegetablesCanada2012Ramdath, D.D., et al., Glycaemic index of selected staples commonly eaten in the Caribbean and the effects of boiling v. crushing. British Journal of Nutrition, 2004. 91(6): p. 971-7.Normal 2h102003
Carrots, unpeeled, boiled32VegetablesAustralia203Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102020
Carrots, diced, frozen (Talleys Group Ltd) 31Talleys Group Ltd)VegetablesNew Zealand203Dodd, H., et al., Calculating meal glycemic index by using measured and published food values compared with directly measured meal glycemic index. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2011. 94(4): p. 992-6.Normal 2h302011
Parsnips, peeled, boiled52VegetablesAustralia205Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Tannia (Xanthosoma sagittifolium), peeled, boiled 30 min, refrigerated, reheated for 1 min60VegetablesCanada2012Ramdath, D.D., et al., Glycaemic index of selected staples commonly eaten in the Caribbean and the effects of boiling v. crushing. British Journal of Nutrition, 2004. 91(6): p. 971-7.Normal 2h102003
Irish potato (Solanum tuberosum), peeled, baked 45 min83VegetablesJamaica2017Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Food processing methods influence the glycaemic indices of some commonly eaten West Indian carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2006. 96(3): p. 476-481.Normal 2h102005
Pontiac potato, peeled and baked93VegetablesAustralia2019Soh, N.L. and J. Brand-Miller, The glycaemic index of potatoes: the effect of variety, cooking method and maturity. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1999. 53(4): p. 249-254.Normal 2h101998
Bintje potato, peeled, cut into 5 cm by 5 cm slices, at a thickness of 0.5 cm, boiled for 8-9 min 94VegetablesAustralia2019Ek, K.L., et al., Discovery of a low-glycaemic index potato and relationship with starch digestion in vitro. British Journal of Nutrition, 2014. 111(4): p. 699-705.Normal 2h102012
Carisma potato, peeled, cut into 5 cm by 5 cm slices, at a thickness of 0.5 cm, boiled for 8-9 min53VegetablesAustralia2011Ek, K.L., et al., Discovery of a low-glycaemic index potato and relationship with starch digestion in vitro. British Journal of Nutrition, 2014. 111(4): p. 699-705.Normal 2h102011
Carisma potato, baby, peeled, cut into slices 1 cm thick, boiled for 8 min57VegetablesAustralia2011Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102016
Charlotte potato, peeled, quartered, boiled 15 min66VegetablesUK2013Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index values for commercially available potatoes in Great Britain. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 917-921.Normal 2h102005
Charlotte potato, unpeeled, cut into slices 1 cm thick, boiled for 8 min68VegetablesAustralia2014Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h112009
Desiree potato, peeled, boiled 35 min101VegetablesAustralia2020Soh, N.L. and J. Brand-Miller, The glycaemic index of potatoes: the effect of variety, cooking method and maturity. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1999. 53(4): p. 249-254.Normal 2h101998
Desiree potato, peeled, cut into 5 cm by 5 cm slices, at a thickness of 0.5 cm, boiled for 8-9 min74VegetablesAustralia2015Ek, K.L., et al., Discovery of a low-glycaemic index potato and relationship with starch digestion in vitro. British Journal of Nutrition, 2014. 111(4): p. 699-705.Normal 2h102011
Desiree potato, peeled, cut into 5 cm by 5 cm slices, at a thickness of 0.5 cm, boiled for 8-9 min79VegetablesAustralia2016Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102016
Estima potato, peeled, quartered, boiled 15 min66VegetablesUK2013Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index values for commercially available potatoes in Great Britain. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 917-921.Normal 2h102005
King Edward potato, peeled, quartered, boiled 15 min in unsalted water75VegetablesUK2015Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index values for commercially available potatoes in Great Britain. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 917-921.Normal 2h102005
Maiflower potato, peeled, cut into 5 cm by 5 cm slices, at a thickness of 0.5 cm, boiled for 8-9 min103VegetablesAustralia2021Ek, K.L., et al., Discovery of a low-glycaemic index potato and relationship with starch digestion in vitro. British Journal of Nutrition, 2014. 111(4): p. 699-705.Normal 2h102012
Marfona potato, peeled, quartered, boiled 15 min in unsalted water56VegetablesUK2011Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index values for commercially available potatoes in Great Britain. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 917-921.Normal 2h102005
Maris Piper potato, peeled, quartered, boiled 15 min in unsalted water85VegetablesUK2017Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index values for commercially available potatoes in Great Britain. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 917-921.Normal 2h102005
Nicola potato, peeled, quartered, boiled 15 min59VegetablesUK2012Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index values for commercially available potatoes in Great Britain. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 917-921.Normal 2h102005
Nicola potato, unpeeled, boiled whole for 15 min58VegetablesAustralia2012Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Nicola potato, peeled, cut into 5 cm by 5 cm slices, at a thickness of 0.5 cm, boiled for 8-9 min69VegetablesAustralia2014Ek, K.L., et al., Discovery of a low-glycaemic index potato and relationship with starch digestion in vitro. British Journal of Nutrition, 2014. 111(4): p. 699-705.Normal 2h102012
Pontiac potato, peeled, boiled 35 min88VegetablesAustralia2018Soh, N.L. and J. Brand-Miller, The glycaemic index of potatoes: the effect of variety, cooking method and maturity. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1999. 53(4): p. 249-254.Normal 2h101998
Russet Burbank potato, peeled, cut into 5 cm by 5 cm slices, at a thickness of 0.5 cm, boiled for 8-9 min82VegetablesAustralia2016Ek, K.L., et al., Discovery of a low-glycaemic index potato and relationship with starch digestion in vitro. British Journal of Nutrition, 2014. 111(4): p. 699-705.Normal 2h102012
Sebago potato, peeled, boiled for 35 min87VegetablesAustralia2017Soh, N.L. and J. Brand-Miller, The glycaemic index of potatoes: the effect of variety, cooking method and maturity. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1999. 53(4): p. 249-254.Normal 2h101998
Virginia Rose potato, peeled, cut into 5 cm by 5 cm slices, at a thickness of 0.5 cm, boiled for 8-9 min93VegetablesAustralia2019Ek, K.L., et al., Discovery of a low-glycaemic index potato and relationship with starch digestion in vitro. British Journal of Nutrition, 2014. 111(4): p. 699-705.Normal 2h102012
Potato, novel clone, selection 1 (CV92056-4, grown to maturity in Alberta, harvested Oct. 2008), unpeeled, cut into 2.5-3 cm cubes, boiled in salted water for 15 min 60VegetablesCanada2012Kinnear, T., et al., Effect of preparation method on the glycaemic index of novel potato clones. Food & Function, 2011. 2(8): p. 438-44.Normal 2h92009
Potato, novel clone, selection 1 (CV92056-4, grown to maturity in Alberta; harvested Oct. 2008), boiled for 15 min, reheated in microwave for 2-3 min 75VegetablesCanada2015Kinnear, T., et al., Effect of preparation method on the glycaemic index of novel potato clones. Food & Function, 2011. 2(8): p. 438-44.Normal 2h102009
Potato, novel clone, selection 1 (CV92056-4, grown in Ontario; harvested Oct. 2009), unpeeled, cut into 2.5-3 cm cubes, boiled in salted water for 15 min82VegetablesCanada2016Kinnear, T., et al., Effect of preparation method on the glycaemic index of novel potato clones. Food & Function, 2011. 2(8): p. 438-44.Normal 2h92009-2010
Potato, novel clone, selection 2 (CV1102-1, grown in Alberta; harvested prior to maturity Oct. 2009), unpeeled, cut into 2.5-3 cm cubes, boiled in salted water for 15 min38VegetablesCanada208Kinnear, T., et al., Effect of preparation method on the glycaemic index of novel potato clones. Food & Function, 2011. 2(8): p. 438-44.Normal 2h102009-2010
Potato, novel clone, selection 3 (F03031, grown in New Brunswick), unpeeled, cut into 2.5-3 cm cubes, boiled in salted water for 15 min79VegetablesCanada2016Kinnear, T., et al., Effect of preparation method on the glycaemic index of novel potato clones. Food & Function, 2011. 2(8): p. 438-44.Normal 2h102009
Potato, novel clone, selection 3 (F03031, grown in New Brunswick), boiled 15 min, reheated in microwave 2-3 min79VegetablesCanada2016Kinnear, T., et al., Effect of preparation method on the glycaemic index of novel potato clones. Food & Function, 2011. 2(8): p. 438-44.Normal 2h102009
Potato, novel clone, selection 3 (F03031, grown to maturity in Ontario), boiled 15 min, reheated in microwave 2-3 min73VegetablesCanada2015Kinnear, T., et al., Effect of preparation method on the glycaemic index of novel potato clones. Food & Function, 2011. 2(8): p. 438-44.Normal 2h102009-2010
Potato, novel clone, selection 4 (F03028, grown in New Brunswick), unpeeled, cut into 2.5-3 cm cubes, boiled in salted water for 15 min72VegetablesCanada2014Kinnear, T., et al., Effect of preparation method on the glycaemic index of novel potato clones. Food & Function, 2011. 2(8): p. 438-44.Normal 2h102009
Potato, novel clone, selection 4 (F03028, grown in New Brunswick), boiled 15 min, reheated in microwave 2-3 min 58VegetablesCanada2012Kinnear, T., et al., Effect of preparation method on the glycaemic index of novel potato clones. Food & Function, 2011. 2(8): p. 438-44.Normal 2h102009
Irish potato (Solanum tuberosum), peeled, cubed, boiled 30 min59VegetablesJamaica2012Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Food processing methods influence the glycaemic indices of some commonly eaten West Indian carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2006. 96(3): p. 476-481.Normal 2h102005
Irish potato (Solanum tuberosum), peeled, boiled 30 min, refrigerated, reheated for 1 min71VegetablesCanada2014Ramdath, D.D., et al., Glycaemic index of selected staples commonly eaten in the Caribbean and the effects of boiling v. crushing. British Journal of Nutrition, 2004. 91(6): p. 971-7.Normal 2h102003
New potato, unpeeled and boiled 20 min78VegetablesAustralia20Soh, N.L. and J. Brand-Miller, The glycaemic index of potatoes: the effect of variety, cooking method and maturity. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1999. 53(4): p. 249-254.Normal 2h101998
Potato, NS, boiled66VegetablesChina2013Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h102005
Red potatoes, boiled with skin on in salted water for 12 min89VegetablesCanada2018Fernandes, G., A. Velangi, and T.M.S. Wolever, Glycemic index of potatoes commonly consumed in North America. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 2005. 105(4): p. 557-62.Normal 2h122005
Potato, frozen peeled cubes, boiled 70McCain Purely Potato Cubes, McCains, Wendouree, VIC, AustraliaVegetablesAustralia2014Brand-Miller, J.C., et al., Effects of added PGX R, a novel functional fibre, on the glycaemic index of starchy foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 108(2): p. 245-8.Normal 2h102010
Potato, novel clone, selection 1 (CV92056-4, grown to maturity in Alberta; harvested Oct. 2008), boiled for 15 min, refrigerated at 4°C for 24-28 h, served cold55VegetablesCanada2011Kinnear, T., et al., Effect of preparation method on the glycaemic index of novel potato clones. Food & Function, 2011. 2(8): p. 438-44.Normal 2h102009
Potato, novel clone, selection 1 (CV92056-4, grown in Ontario; harvested Oct. 2009), boiled for 15 min, refrigerated at 4°C for 24-28 h, served cold48VegetablesCanada2010Kinnear, T., et al., Effect of preparation method on the glycaemic index of novel potato clones. Food & Function, 2011. 2(8): p. 438-44.Normal 2h102009-2010
Potato, novel clone, selection 2 (CV1102-1, grown to maturity in Alberta, harvested Oct. 2008), boiled for 15 min, refrigerated at 4°C for 24-28 h, served cold55VegetablesCanada2011Kinnear, T., et al., Effect of preparation method on the glycaemic index of novel potato clones. Food & Function, 2011. 2(8): p. 438-44.Normal 2h92009
Potato, novel clone, selection 2 (CV1102-1, grown in Alberta, harvested prior to maturity Oct. 2009), boiled for 15 min, refrigerated at 4°C for 24-28 h, served cold41VegetablesCanada208Kinnear, T., et al., Effect of preparation method on the glycaemic index of novel potato clones. Food & Function, 2011. 2(8): p. 438-44.Normal 2h102009-2010
Potato, novel clone, selection 3 (F03031, grown in New Brunswick), boiled for 15 min, refrigerated at 4°C for 24-28 h, served cold40VegetablesCanada208Kinnear, T., et al., Effect of preparation method on the glycaemic index of novel potato clones. Food & Function, 2011. 2(8): p. 438-44.Normal 2h102009
Potato, novel clone, selection 3 (F03031, grown to maturity in Ontario), boiled for 15 min, refrigerated at 4°C for 24-28 h, served cold49VegetablesCanada2010Kinnear, T., et al., Effect of preparation method on the glycaemic index of novel potato clones. Food & Function, 2011. 2(8): p. 438-44.Normal 2h102009-2010
Potato, novel clone, selection 4 (F03028, grown in New Brunswick), boiled for 15 min, refrigerated at 4°C for 44VegetablesCanada209Kinnear, T., et al., Effect of preparation method on the glycaemic index of novel potato clones. Food & Function, 2011. 2(8): p. 438-44.Normal 2h102009
Potato, red, cubed, boiled in salted water 12 min, stored overnight in refrigerator, consumed cold56VegetablesCanada2011Fernandes, G., A. Velangi, and T.M.S. Wolever, Glycemic index of potatoes commonly consumed in North America. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 2005. 105(4): p. 557-62.Normal 2h122005
New potatoes, canned, heated in microwave 3 min65Mint Tiny Taters™, Edgell's™ brand, Cheltenham, AustraliaVegetablesAustralia2013Soh, N.L. and J. Brand-Miller, The glycaemic index of potatoes: the effect of variety, cooking method and maturity. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1999. 53(4): p. 249-254.Normal 2h101998
French Fries, baked 15 min (OreIda Golden Fries)64H.J. Heinz Co, Pittsburgh, PA, USAVegetablesUSA2013Fernandes, G., A. Velangi, and T.M.S. Wolever, Glycemic index of potatoes commonly consumed in North America. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 2005. 105(4): p. 557-62.Normal 2h122005
French Fries, cooked in oven for 20 min from frozen, McCain Superfries65McCains, Wendouree, VIC, AustraliaVegetablesAustralia2013Brand-Miller, J.C., et al., Effects of added PGX R, a novel functional fibre, on the glycaemic index of starchy foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 108(2): p. 245-8.Normal 2h102010
Instant mashed potato88Idahoan Foods, Lewisville, ID, USAVegetablesUSA2018Fernandes, G., A. Velangi, and T.M.S. Wolever, Glycemic index of potatoes commonly consumed in North America. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 2005. 105(4): p. 557-62.Normal 2h122005
Instant mashed potato, prepared with water92Idahoan Foods, Lewisville, ID, USAVegetablesUSA2018Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Determination of the glycaemic index of foods: interlaboratory study. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(3): p. 475-82.Normal 2h472001
Instant mashed potato, prepared with water69Idahoan Foods, Lewisville, ID, USAVegetablesUSA2014Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Determination of the glycaemic index of foods: interlaboratory study. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(3): p. 475-82.Normal 2h212001
Instant mashed potato97Idahoan Foods, Lewisville, ID, USAVegetablesUSA2019Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101998
Potato mash (Homestyle, continental)72Unilever, AustralasiaVegetablesNew Zealand2014Dodd, H., et al., Calculating meal glycemic index by using measured and published food values compared with directly measured meal glycemic index. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2011. 94(4): p. 992-6.Normal 2h302011
Mashed potato, NS73VegetablesChina2015Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h102005
Mashed potato, Aviko B.V. 76VegetablesUK2015Lightowler, H.J. and C.J.K. Henry, Glycemic response of mashed potato containing high-viscocity hydroxypropylmethylcellulose. Nutrition Research, 2009. 29(8): p. 551-7.Normal 2h152009
Mashed potato, NS76VegetablesUK2015Lightowler, H.J. and C.J.K. Henry, Glycemic response of mashed potato containing high-viscocity hydroxypropylmethylcellulose. Nutrition Research, 2009. 29(8): p. 551-7.Normal 2h152009
Potato, Folva, precooked, peeled, salted, vacuum packed and then boiled until soft to the center, drained and mashed81Superior Potet, Hoff SA, Gjøvik, NorwayVegetablesNorway2016Ballance, S., et al., Predicting mixed-meal measured glycaemic index in healthy subjects. European Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 58(7): p. 2657-2667.Normal 2h132019
Pontiac potato, peeled, cubed, boiled 15 min, mashed91VegetablesAustralia2018Soh, N.L. and J. Brand-Miller, The glycaemic index of potatoes: the effect of variety, cooking method and maturity. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1999. 53(4): p. 249-254.Normal 2h101998
Estima potato, cooked in microwave 6 min then baked 10 min93VegetablesUK2019Henry, C.J.K., et al., The impact of the addition of toppings/fillings on the glycaemic response to commonly consumed carbohydrate foods. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2006. 60(6): p. 763-769.Normal 2h102005
Pontiac potato, peeled, cooked in microwave on high for 6-7.5 min79VegetablesAustralia2016Soh, N.L. and J. Brand-Miller, The glycaemic index of potatoes: the effect of variety, cooking method and maturity. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1999. 53(4): p. 249-254.Normal 2h101998
Prince Edward Island white potato, cooked in microwave for 18 min73VegetablesCanada2015Fernandes, G., A. Velangi, and T.M.S. Wolever, Glycemic index of potatoes commonly consumed in North America. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 2005. 105(4): p. 557-62.Normal 2h122005
Russet Burbank Norkotah potato, unpeeled, cooked in microwave for 18 min77VegetablesUSA2015Fernandes, G., A. Velangi, and T.M.S. Wolever, Glycemic index of potatoes commonly consumed in North America. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 2005. 105(4): p. 557-62.Normal 2h122005
California white potatoes, cubed, roasted in soybean oil72VegetablesUSA2014Fernandes, G., A. Velangi, and T.M.S. Wolever, Glycemic index of potatoes commonly consumed in North America. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 2005. 105(4): p. 557-62.Normal 2h122005
Irish potato (Solanum tuberosum), peeled, fried in vegetable oil 70VegetablesJamaica2014Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Food processing methods influence the glycaemic indices of some commonly eaten West Indian carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2006. 96(3): p. 476-481.Normal 2h102005
Hash Browns, crispy shredded potato cakes, frozen, baked at 230oC for 17 min, Birds Eye™56VegetablesAustralia2011Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102012
Potato, NS, steamed62VegetablesChina2012Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h102005
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), Dor cultivar, baked with skin on at 175°C for 45 min 83VegetablesJamaica2017Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Relationship between Processing Method and the Glycemic Indices of Ten Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Cultivars Commonly Consumed in Jamaica. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2011. 2011: p. 584832-6.Normal 2h102008
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), Clarendon cultivar, baked with skin on at 175°C for 45 min83VegetablesJamaica2017Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Relationship between Processing Method and the Glycemic Indices of Ten Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Cultivars Commonly Consumed in Jamaica. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2011. 2011: p. 584832-6.Normal 2h102008
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), Eustace cultivar, baked with skin on at 175°C for 45 min93VegetablesJamaica2019Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Relationship between Processing Method and the Glycemic Indices of Ten Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Cultivars Commonly Consumed in Jamaica. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2011. 2011: p. 584832-6.Normal 2h102008
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), Fire on Land cultivar, baked with skin on at 175°C for 45 min87VegetablesJamaica2017Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Relationship between Processing Method and the Glycemic Indices of Ten Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Cultivars Commonly Consumed in Jamaica. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2011. 2011: p. 584832-6.Normal 2h102008
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), Ganja cultivar, baked with skin on at 175°C for 45 min82VegetablesJamaica2016Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Relationship between Processing Method and the Glycemic Indices of Ten Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Cultivars Commonly Consumed in Jamaica. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2011. 2011: p. 584832-6.Normal 2h102008
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), Ms Mac cultivar, baked with skin on at 175°C for 45 min87VegetablesJamaica2017Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Relationship between Processing Method and the Glycemic Indices of Ten Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Cultivars Commonly Consumed in Jamaica. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2011. 2011: p. 584832-6.Normal 2h102008
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), Minda cultivar, baked with skin on at 175°C for 45 min91VegetablesJamaica2018Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Relationship between Processing Method and the Glycemic Indices of Ten Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Cultivars Commonly Consumed in Jamaica. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2011. 2011: p. 584832-6.Normal 2h102008
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), Quarter Million cultivar, baked with skin on at 175°C for 45 min94VegetablesJamaica2019Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Relationship between Processing Method and the Glycemic Indices of Ten Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Cultivars Commonly Consumed in Jamaica. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2011. 2011: p. 584832-6.Normal 2h102008
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), Watson cultivar, baked with skin on at 175°C for 45 min85VegetablesJamaica2017Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Relationship between Processing Method and the Glycemic Indices of Ten Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Cultivars Commonly Consumed in Jamaica. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2011. 2011: p. 584832-6.Normal 2h102008
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), Yellow Belly cultivar, baked with skin on at 175°C for 45 min86VegetablesJamaica2017Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Relationship between Processing Method and the Glycemic Indices of Ten Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Cultivars Commonly Consumed in Jamaica. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2011. 2011: p. 584832-6.Normal 2h102008
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), NS, peeled, baked 45 min94VegetablesJamaica2019Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Relationship between Processing Method and the Glycemic Indices of Ten Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Cultivars Commonly Consumed in Jamaica. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2011. 2011: p. 584832-6.Normal 2h102005
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), Dor cultivar, peeled, cut into 25 mm slices, boiled in water for 20 min47VegetablesJamaica209Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Relationship between Processing Method and the Glycemic Indices of Ten Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Cultivars Commonly Consumed in Jamaica. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2011. 2011: p. 584832-6.Normal 2h102008
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), Clarendon cultivar, peeled, cut into 25 mm slices, boiled in water for 20 min46VegetablesJamaica209Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Relationship between Processing Method and the Glycemic Indices of Ten Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Cultivars Commonly Consumed in Jamaica. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2011. 2011: p. 584832-6.Normal 2h102008
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), Eustace cultivar, peeled, cut into 25 mm slices, boiled in water for 20 min49VegetablesJamaica2010Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Relationship between Processing Method and the Glycemic Indices of Ten Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Cultivars Commonly Consumed in Jamaica. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2011. 2011: p. 584832-6.Normal 2h102008
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), Fire on Land cultivar, peeled, cut into 25 mm slices, boiled in water for 20 min46VegetablesJamaica209Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Relationship between Processing Method and the Glycemic Indices of Ten Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Cultivars Commonly Consumed in Jamaica. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2011. 2011: p. 584832-6.Normal 2h102008
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), Ganja cultivar, peeled, cut into 25 mm slices, boiled in water for 20 min41VegetablesJamaica208Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Relationship between Processing Method and the Glycemic Indices of Ten Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Cultivars Commonly Consumed in Jamaica. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2011. 2011: p. 584832-6.Normal 2h102008
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), Ms Mac cultivar, peeled, cut into 25 mm slices, boiled in water for 20 min45VegetablesJamaica209Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Relationship between Processing Method and the Glycemic Indices of Ten Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Cultivars Commonly Consumed in Jamaica. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2011. 2011: p. 584832-6.Normal 2h102008
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), Minda cultivar, peeled, cut into 25 mm slices, boiled in water for 20 min49VegetablesJamaica2010Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Relationship between Processing Method and the Glycemic Indices of Ten Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Cultivars Commonly Consumed in Jamaica. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2011. 2011: p. 584832-6.Normal 2h102008
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), Quarter Million cultivar, peeled, cut into 25 mm slices, boiled in water for 20 min49VegetablesJamaica2010Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Relationship between Processing Method and the Glycemic Indices of Ten Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Cultivars Commonly Consumed in Jamaica. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2011. 2011: p. 584832-6.Normal 2h102008
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), Watson cultivar, peeled, cut into 25 mm slices, boiled in water for 20 min43VegetablesJamaica209Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Relationship between Processing Method and the Glycemic Indices of Ten Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Cultivars Commonly Consumed in Jamaica. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2011. 2011: p. 584832-6.Normal 2h102008
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), Yellow Belly cultivar, peeled, cut into 25 mm slices, boiled in water for 20 min50VegetablesJamaica2010Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Relationship between Processing Method and the Glycemic Indices of Ten Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Cultivars Commonly Consumed in Jamaica. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2011. 2011: p. 584832-6.Normal 2h102008
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), NS, peeled, cubed, boiled 30 min46VegetablesJamaica209Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Relationship between Processing Method and the Glycemic Indices of Ten Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Cultivars Commonly Consumed in Jamaica. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2011. 2011: p. 584832-6.Normal 2h102005
Sweet potato, orange flesh, NS, peeled, cut into pieces, boiled for 8 min61VegetablesAustralia2012Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102006
Sweet potato, purple skin white flesh, peeled, cut into pieces, boiled for 8 min75VegetablesAustralia2015Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92006
Red sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), NS, cooking method NS84VegetablesNew Zealand2017Dodd, H., et al., Calculating meal glycemic index by using measured and published food values compared with directly measured meal glycemic index. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2011. 94(4): p. 992-6.Normal 2h302011
Sweet potato, kumara, cooking method NS77VegetablesNew Zealand2015Perry, T., et al., Glycaemic index of New Zealand foods. New Zealand Medical Journal, 2000. 113(1108): p. 140-2.Normal 2h92000
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), Dor cultivar, peeled, cut into 10 mm wedges, fried in pre-heated vegetable oil76VegetablesJamaica2015Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Relationship between Processing Method and the Glycemic Indices of Ten Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Cultivars Commonly Consumed in Jamaica. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2011. 2011: p. 584832-6.Normal 2h102008
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), Clarendon cultivar, peeled, cut into 10 mm wedges, fried in pre-heated vegetable oil73VegetablesJamaica2015Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Relationship between Processing Method and the Glycemic Indices of Ten Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Cultivars Commonly Consumed in Jamaica. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2011. 2011: p. 584832-6.Normal 2h102008
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), Eustace cultivar, peeled, cut into 10 mm wedges, fried in pre-heated vegetable oil77VegetablesJamaica2015Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Relationship between Processing Method and the Glycemic Indices of Ten Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Cultivars Commonly Consumed in Jamaica. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2011. 2011: p. 584832-6.Normal 2h102008
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), Fire on Land cultivar, peeled, cut into 10 mm wedges, fried in pre-heated vegetable oil75VegetablesJamaica2015Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Relationship between Processing Method and the Glycemic Indices of Ten Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Cultivars Commonly Consumed in Jamaica. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2011. 2011: p. 584832-6.Normal 2h102008
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), Ganja cultivar, peeled, cut into 10 mm wedges, fried in pre-heated vegetable oil69VegetablesJamaica2014Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Relationship between Processing Method and the Glycemic Indices of Ten Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Cultivars Commonly Consumed in Jamaica. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2011. 2011: p. 584832-6.Normal 2h102008
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), Ms Mac cultivar, peeled, cut into 10 mm wedges, fried in pre-heated vegetable oil63VegetablesJamaica2013Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Relationship between Processing Method and the Glycemic Indices of Ten Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Cultivars Commonly Consumed in Jamaica. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2011. 2011: p. 584832-6.Normal 2h102008
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), Minda cultivar, peeled, cut into 10 mm wedges, fried in pre-heated vegetable oil68VegetablesJamaica2014Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Relationship between Processing Method and the Glycemic Indices of Ten Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Cultivars Commonly Consumed in Jamaica. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2011. 2011: p. 584832-6.Normal 2h102008
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), Quarter Million cultivar, peeled, cut into 10 mm wedges, fried in pre-heated vegetable oil70VegetablesJamaica2014Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Relationship between Processing Method and the Glycemic Indices of Ten Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Cultivars Commonly Consumed in Jamaica. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2011. 2011: p. 584832-6.Normal 2h102008
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), Watson cultivar, peeled, cut into 10 mm wedges, fried in pre-heated vegetable oil67VegetablesJamaica2013Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Relationship between Processing Method and the Glycemic Indices of Ten Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Cultivars Commonly Consumed in Jamaica. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2011. 2011: p. 584832-6.Normal 2h102008
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), Yellow Belly cultivar, peeled, cut into 10 mm wedges, fried in pre-heated vegetable oil72VegetablesJamaica2014Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Relationship between Processing Method and the Glycemic Indices of Ten Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Cultivars Commonly Consumed in Jamaica. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2011. 2011: p. 584832-6.Normal 2h102008
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), NS, peeled, fried in vegetable oil 76VegetablesJamaica2015Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Food processing methods influence the glycaemic indices of some commonly eaten West Indian carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2006. 96(3): p. 476-481.Normal 2h102005
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), Dor cultivar, skin on, roasted on pre-heated charcoal for 45 min86VegetablesJamaica2017Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Relationship between Processing Method and the Glycemic Indices of Ten Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Cultivars Commonly Consumed in Jamaica. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2011. 2011: p. 584832-6.Normal 2h102008
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), Clarendon cultivar, skin on, roasted on pre-heated charcoal for 45 min81VegetablesJamaica2016Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Relationship between Processing Method and the Glycemic Indices of Ten Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Cultivars Commonly Consumed in Jamaica. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2011. 2011: p. 584832-6.Normal 2h102008
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), Eustace cultivar, skin on, roasted on pre-heated charcoal for 45 min93VegetablesJamaica2019Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Relationship between Processing Method and the Glycemic Indices of Ten Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Cultivars Commonly Consumed in Jamaica. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2011. 2011: p. 584832-6.Normal 2h102008
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), Fire on Land cultivar, skin on, roasted on pre-heated charcoal for 45 min90VegetablesJamaica2018Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Relationship between Processing Method and the Glycemic Indices of Ten Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Cultivars Commonly Consumed in Jamaica. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2011. 2011: p. 584832-6.Normal 2h102008
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), Ganja cultivar, skin on, roasted on pre-heated charcoal for 45 min79VegetablesJamaica2016Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Relationship between Processing Method and the Glycemic Indices of Ten Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Cultivars Commonly Consumed in Jamaica. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2011. 2011: p. 584832-6.Normal 2h102008
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), Ms Mac cultivar, skin on, roasted on pre-heated charcoal for 45 min85VegetablesJamaica2017Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Relationship between Processing Method and the Glycemic Indices of Ten Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Cultivars Commonly Consumed in Jamaica. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2011. 2011: p. 584832-6.Normal 2h102008
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), Minda cultivar, skin on, roasted on pre-heated charcoal for 45 min89VegetablesJamaica2018Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Relationship between Processing Method and the Glycemic Indices of Ten Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Cultivars Commonly Consumed in Jamaica. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2011. 2011: p. 584832-6.Normal 2h102008
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), Quarter Million cultivar, skin on, roasted on pre-heated charcoal for 45 min91VegetablesJamaica2018Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Relationship between Processing Method and the Glycemic Indices of Ten Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Cultivars Commonly Consumed in Jamaica. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2011. 2011: p. 584832-6.Normal 2h102008
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), Watson cultivar, skin on, roasted on pre-heated charcoal for 45 min87VegetablesJamaica2017Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Relationship between Processing Method and the Glycemic Indices of Ten Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Cultivars Commonly Consumed in Jamaica. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2011. 2011: p. 584832-6.Normal 2h102008
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), Yellow Belly cultivar, skin on, roasted on pre-heated charcoal for 45 min85VegetablesJamaica2017Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Relationship between Processing Method and the Glycemic Indices of Ten Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Cultivars Commonly Consumed in Jamaica. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2011. 2011: p. 584832-6.Normal 2h102008
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), NS, peeled, roasted on preheated charcoal 82VegetablesJamaica2016Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Food processing methods influence the glycaemic indices of some commonly eaten West Indian carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2006. 96(3): p. 476-481.Normal 2h102005
Sweet potato lattices, processed sweet potato product, baked at 210°C for 18 min 51Simplot Australia Pty Ltd, AustraliaVegetablesAustralia2010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102012
Dasheen (Taro), peeled, cubed, boiled 30 min72VegetablesJamaica2014Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Food processing methods influence the glycaemic indices of some commonly eaten West Indian carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2006. 96(3): p. 476-481.Normal 2h102005
Dasheen, peeled, boiled 30 min, refrigerated, reheated for 1 min77VegetablesCanada2015Ramdath, D.D., et al., Glycaemic index of selected staples commonly eaten in the Caribbean and the effects of boiling v. crushing. British Journal of Nutrition, 2004. 91(6): p. 971-7.Normal 2h102003
Coco yam (Xanthosoma spp.), peeled, cubed, boiled 30 min61VegetablesJamaica2012Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Food processing methods influence the glycaemic indices of some commonly eaten West Indian carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2006. 96(3): p. 476-481.Normal 2h102005
Lucea Yam (Dioscorea rotundata), peeled, cubed, boiled 30 min74VegetablesJamaica2015Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Food processing methods influence the glycaemic indices of some commonly eaten West Indian carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2006. 96(3): p. 476-481.Normal 2h102005
Lucea Yam (Dioscorea rotundata), peeled, roasted on preheated charcoal77VegetablesJamaica2015Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Food processing methods influence the glycaemic indices of some commonly eaten West Indian carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2006. 96(3): p. 476-481.Normal 2h102005
Negro yam (Dioscorea rotundata), peeled, cubed, boiled 30 min73VegetablesJamaica2015Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Food processing methods influence the glycaemic indices of some commonly eaten West Indian carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2006. 96(3): p. 476-481.Normal 2h102005
Negro yam (Dioscorea rotundata), peeled, roasted on preheated charcoal 73VegetablesJamaica2015Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Food processing methods influence the glycaemic indices of some commonly eaten West Indian carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2006. 96(3): p. 476-481.Normal 2h102005
Round leaf yellow yam (Dioscorea cayenensis), peeled, cubed, boiled 30 min 68VegetablesJamaica2014Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Food processing methods influence the glycaemic indices of some commonly eaten West Indian carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2006. 96(3): p. 476-481.Normal 2h102005
Round leaf yellow yam (Dioscorea cayenensis), peeled, roasted on preheated charcoal80VegetablesJamaica2016Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Food processing methods influence the glycaemic indices of some commonly eaten West Indian carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2006. 96(3): p. 476-481.Normal 2h102005
Sweet yam (Dioscorea alata), peeled, cubed, boiled 30 min79VegetablesJamaica2016Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Food processing methods influence the glycaemic indices of some commonly eaten West Indian carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2006. 96(3): p. 476-481.Normal 2h102005
Sweet yam (Dioscorea alata), peeled, roasted on preheated charcoal 82VegetablesJamaica2016Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Food processing methods influence the glycaemic indices of some commonly eaten West Indian carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2006. 96(3): p. 476-481.Normal 2h102005
White yam (Dioscorea alata), peeled, cubed, boiled 30 min75VegetablesJamaica2015Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Food processing methods influence the glycaemic indices of some commonly eaten West Indian carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2006. 96(3): p. 476-481.Normal 2h102005
White yam (Dioscorea alata), peeled, roasted on preheated charcoal 80VegetablesJamaica2016Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Food processing methods influence the glycaemic indices of some commonly eaten West Indian carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2006. 96(3): p. 476-481.Normal 2h102005
White yam (Dioscorea alata), peeled, boiled 30 min, refrigerated, reheated for 1 min62VegetablesCanada2012Ramdath, D.D., et al., Glycaemic index of selected staples commonly eaten in the Caribbean and the effects of boiling v. crushing. British Journal of Nutrition, 2004. 91(6): p. 971-7.Normal 2h102003
Yam (Chinese sweet potato; Ipomoea batatas L. Lam), skin peeled, cut into 5 cm cubes, steamed by rice cooker37VegetablesTaiwan207Lin, M.-H.A., et al., Glycemic index, glycemic load and insulinemic index of Chinese starchy foods. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2010. 16(39): p. 4973-9.Normal 2h102010
Yam (Dioscorea cayenensis), round leaf yellow yam, cut into 25 mm chunks, boiled for 20 min, simmered for 10 min68VegetablesJamaica2014Riley, C.K., et al., Relationship between the physicochemical properties of starches and the glycemic indices of some Jamaican yams (Dioscorea spp.). Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 2008. 52(11): p. 1372-6.Normal 2h102008
Yam (Dioscorea alata), white yam, cut into 25 mm chunks, boiled for 20 min, simmered for 10 min75VegetablesJamaica2015Riley, C.K., et al., Relationship between the physicochemical properties of starches and the glycemic indices of some Jamaican yams (Dioscorea spp.). Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 2008. 52(11): p. 1372-6.Normal 2h102008
Yam (Dioscorea esculenta), Chinese yam, cut into 25 mm chunks, boiled for 20 min, simmered for 10 min97VegetablesJamaica2019Riley, C.K., et al., Relationship between the physicochemical properties of starches and the glycemic indices of some Jamaican yams (Dioscorea spp.). Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 2008. 52(11): p. 1372-6.Normal 2h102008
Yam (Dioscorea rotundata), Lucea yam, cut into 25 mm chunks, boiled for 20 min, simmered for 10 min74VegetablesJamaica2015Riley, C.K., et al., Relationship between the physicochemical properties of starches and the glycemic indices of some Jamaican yams (Dioscorea spp.). Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 2008. 52(11): p. 1372-6.Normal 2h102008
Yam, cooked, NS54VegetablesChina2011Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h102005
Yam, peeled, boiled35VegetablesNew Zealand207Perry, T., et al., Glycaemic index of New Zealand foods. New Zealand Medical Journal, 2000. 113(1108): p. 140-2.Normal 2h142000
Yam, steamed51VegetablesChina2010Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h102005
Tomato sauce, with extra cheese (Pasta Bake, Dolmio)35Mars Foods, New ZealandVegetablesNew Zealand204Dodd, H., et al., Calculating meal glycemic index by using measured and published food values compared with directly measured meal glycemic index. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2011. 94(4): p. 992-6.Normal 2h302011
Tomato and vegetable pasta sauce, commercially-prepared23VegetablesFrance202Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102007
Aloco, plantain (Musa spp. Agnrin) slices (yellow stage of ripeness aag6), salted and fried in vegetable oil39Regional or Traditional FoodsCo?te d’Ivoire5014Kouamé, C.A., et al., Glycemic Responses, Glycemic Index, and Glycemic Load Values of Some Street Foods Prepared from Plantain (Musa spp., AAB Genome) in Côte d'Ivoire. Foods, 2017. 6(9): p. 83.Normal 2h282017
Aloco, plantain (Musa spp. Agnrin) slices (yellow with black spots stage of ripeness aag7), salted and fried in vegetable oil39Regional or Traditional FoodsCo?te d’Ivoire5014Kouamé, C.A., et al., Glycemic Responses, Glycemic Index, and Glycemic Load Values of Some Street Foods Prepared from Plantain (Musa spp., AAB Genome) in Côte d'Ivoire. Foods, 2017. 6(9): p. 83.Normal 2h282017
Banane braise (blissi), unripe or half-ripe plantain (Musa spp. Afoto), roasted on heated charcoal88Regional or Traditional FoodsCo?te d’Ivoire5031Kouamé, C.A., et al., Glycemic Responses, Glycemic Index, and Glycemic Load Values of Some Street Foods Prepared from Plantain (Musa spp., AAB Genome) in Côte d'Ivoire. Foods, 2017. 6(9): p. 83.Normal 2h282017
Klaclo, plantain fritters made from blended over-ripe plantain (Musa spp. Ameletiha) mixed with cornflour, fried in vegetable oil44Regional or Traditional FoodsCo?te d’Ivoire5015Kouamé, C.A., et al., Glycemic Responses, Glycemic Index, and Glycemic Load Values of Some Street Foods Prepared from Plantain (Musa spp., AAB Genome) in Côte d'Ivoire. Foods, 2017. 6(9): p. 83.Normal 2h282017
Meat and okra soup, with fermented cassava dough75Regional or Traditional FoodsNigeria5026Nnadi, I.M. and O.O. Keshinro, The effect of the glycaemic response of three commonly consumed meals on postprandial plasma glucose in type 2 diabetics at the university of Nigeria teaching hospital,Enugu. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2016. 29(2): p. 90-94.Normal 2h1002015
Meat, beans and corn pottage with spinach33Regional or Traditional FoodsNigeria5012Nnadi, I.M. and O.O. Keshinro, The effect of the glycaemic response of three commonly consumed meals on postprandial plasma glucose in type 2 diabetics at the university of Nigeria teaching hospital,Enugu. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2016. 29(2): p. 90-94.Normal 2h1002015
Pap and Bambara nut pudding40Regional or Traditional FoodsNigeria5014Nnadi, I.M. and O.O. Keshinro, The effect of the glycaemic response of three commonly consumed meals on postprandial plasma glucose in type 2 diabetics at the university of Nigeria teaching hospital,Enugu. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2016. 29(2): p. 90-94.Normal 2h1002015
Ugali porridge (corn foofoo, pap) made from whole maize flour, cooked for 15 min71Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia5025RamyaBai, M., et al., Glycemic Index and Microstructure Evaluation of Four Cereal Grain Foods. Journal of Food Science, 2019. 84(12): p. 3373-3382.Normal 2h152019
Ugali porridge (corn foofoo, pap) made from refined maize flour, cooked for 15 min75Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia5026RamyaBai, M., et al., Glycemic Index and Microstructure Evaluation of Four Cereal Grain Foods. Journal of Food Science, 2019. 84(12): p. 3373-3382.Normal 2h152019
Arabic bread (baked bread)67Regional or Traditional FoodsUAE5023Al Dhaheri, A.S., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commonly consumed foods in the United Arab Emirates. British Journal of Nutrition, 2017. 117(8): p. 1110-1117.Normal 2h252017
Arseyah (Basmati rice with chicken)72Regional or Traditional FoodsUAE5025Al Dhaheri, A.S., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commonly consumed foods in the United Arab Emirates. British Journal of Nutrition, 2017. 117(8): p. 1110-1117.Normal 2h152017
Balalet (Sweet vermicelli)63Regional or Traditional FoodsUAE5022Al Dhaheri, A.S., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commonly consumed foods in the United Arab Emirates. British Journal of Nutrition, 2017. 117(8): p. 1110-1117.Normal 2h152017
Batheetha (Khalas date paste)59Regional or Traditional FoodsUAE5021Al Dhaheri, A.S., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commonly consumed foods in the United Arab Emirates. British Journal of Nutrition, 2017. 117(8): p. 1110-1117.Normal 2h202017
Biryani, chicken (Basmati rice with chicken)52Regional or Traditional FoodsUAE5018Al Dhaheri, A.S., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commonly consumed foods in the United Arab Emirates. British Journal of Nutrition, 2017. 117(8): p. 1110-1117.Normal 2h152017
Boiled vermicelli (Swayweih/Ballaleet), cooked with sugar, served with Omani coffee (130 mL, 225 mg caffeine)64Regional or Traditional FoodsOman5022Ali, A., et al., Glycemic Index of Commonly Consumed Snack Foods in Oman. International Journal of Nutrition, Pharmacology, Neurological Diseases, 2020. 10(2): p. 50-56.Normal 2h122020
Boiled vermicelli (Swayweih/Ballaleet), cooked with sugar, served with water67Regional or Traditional FoodsOman5023Ali, A., et al., Glycemic Index of Commonly Consumed Snack Foods in Oman. International Journal of Nutrition, Pharmacology, Neurological Diseases, 2020. 10(2): p. 50-56.Normal 2h122020
Chami (cottage cheese)60Regional or Traditional FoodsUAE2521Al Dhaheri, A.S., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commonly consumed foods in the United Arab Emirates. British Journal of Nutrition, 2017. 117(8): p. 1110-1117.Normal 2h162017
Chebab bread (Emirati pancake)54Regional or Traditional FoodsUAE5019Al Dhaheri, A.S., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commonly consumed foods in the United Arab Emirates. British Journal of Nutrition, 2017. 117(8): p. 1110-1117.Normal 2h152017
Croissant, served with Omani coffee (130 mL, 225 mg caffeine)65Regional or Traditional FoodsOman5023Ali, A., et al., Glycemic Index of Commonly Consumed Snack Foods in Oman. International Journal of Nutrition, Pharmacology, Neurological Diseases, 2020. 10(2): p. 50-56.Normal 2h122020
Dates, Khalas (Rutab, soft early ripened) (91.1 g), eaten with full-fat plain yoghurt (125 g)37Regional or Traditional FoodsUAE5013Miller, C.J., E.V. Dunn, and I.B. Hashim, The glycaemic index of dates and date/yoghurt mixed meals. Are dates ‘the candy that grows on trees’? European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(3): p. 427-430.Normal 2h92002
Dates, Khalas variety (Al Saad date factory, Al Ain), served with Arabic coffee53Regional or Traditional FoodsUAE5019Alkaabi, J., et al., Effect of traditional Arabic coffee consumption on the glycemic index of Khalas dates tested in healthy and diabetic subjects. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2013. 22(4): p. 565-73.Normal 2h132010
Doughnut, served with Omani coffee (130 mL, 225 mg caffeine)77Regional or Traditional FoodsOman5027Ali, A., et al., Glycemic Index of Commonly Consumed Snack Foods in Oman. International Journal of Nutrition, Pharmacology, Neurological Diseases, 2020. 10(2): p. 50-56.Normal 2h122020
Fendal (boiled sweet potato, dates added to cooking water)74Regional or Traditional FoodsUAE5026Al Dhaheri, A.S., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commonly consumed foods in the United Arab Emirates. British Journal of Nutrition, 2017. 117(8): p. 1110-1117.Normal 2h202017
Fried vermicelli (Swayweih/Ballaleet), cooked with sugar, served with Omani coffee (130 mL, 225 mg caffeine)65Regional or Traditional FoodsOman5023Ali, A., et al., Glycemic Index of Commonly Consumed Snack Foods in Oman. International Journal of Nutrition, Pharmacology, Neurological Diseases, 2020. 10(2): p. 50-56.Normal 2h122020
Fried vermicelli (Swayweih/Ballaleet), cooked with sugar, served with water72Regional or Traditional FoodsOman5025Ali, A., et al., Glycemic Index of Commonly Consumed Snack Foods in Oman. International Journal of Nutrition, Pharmacology, Neurological Diseases, 2020. 10(2): p. 50-56.Normal 2h122020
Habba Hamra (red seed drink, containing evaporated milk)47Regional or Traditional FoodsUAE5016Al Dhaheri, A.S., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commonly consumed foods in the United Arab Emirates. British Journal of Nutrition, 2017. 117(8): p. 1110-1117.Normal 2h152017
Harees, beef (whole wheat served with meat)42Regional or Traditional FoodsUAE5015Al Dhaheri, A.S., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commonly consumed foods in the United Arab Emirates. British Journal of Nutrition, 2017. 117(8): p. 1110-1117.Normal 2h152017
Khabisa (semolina pudding with cardamom)67Regional or Traditional FoodsUAE5023Al Dhaheri, A.S., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commonly consumed foods in the United Arab Emirates. British Journal of Nutrition, 2017. 117(8): p. 1110-1117.Normal 2h152017
Khameer bread (baked bread)47Regional or Traditional FoodsUAE5016Al Dhaheri, A.S., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commonly consumed foods in the United Arab Emirates. British Journal of Nutrition, 2017. 117(8): p. 1110-1117.Normal 2h152017
Khanfaroosh (Doughnut cake)45Regional or Traditional FoodsUAE5016Al Dhaheri, A.S., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commonly consumed foods in the United Arab Emirates. British Journal of Nutrition, 2017. 117(8): p. 1110-1117.Normal 2h152017
Legemat (Doughnut cake)44Regional or Traditional FoodsUAE5015Al Dhaheri, A.S., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commonly consumed foods in the United Arab Emirates. British Journal of Nutrition, 2017. 117(8): p. 1110-1117.Normal 2h152017
Machbous, fish (Basmati rice with fish)60Regional or Traditional FoodsUAE5021Al Dhaheri, A.S., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commonly consumed foods in the United Arab Emirates. British Journal of Nutrition, 2017. 117(8): p. 1110-1117.Normal 2h202017
Muhalla bread (Emirati sweet crepe)77Regional or Traditional FoodsUAE5027Al Dhaheri, A.S., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commonly consumed foods in the United Arab Emirates. British Journal of Nutrition, 2017. 117(8): p. 1110-1117.Normal 2h152017
Regag bread (Thin crispy crepe)76Regional or Traditional FoodsUAE5027Al Dhaheri, A.S., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commonly consumed foods in the United Arab Emirates. British Journal of Nutrition, 2017. 117(8): p. 1110-1117.Normal 2h252017
Sambosa vegetable, fried in oil, served with water60Regional or Traditional FoodsOman5021Ali, A., et al., Glycemic Index of Commonly Consumed Snack Foods in Oman. International Journal of Nutrition, Pharmacology, Neurological Diseases, 2020. 10(2): p. 50-56.Normal 2h122020
Sambosa vegetable, fried in oil, served with Omani coffee (130 mL, 225 mg caffeine)57Regional or Traditional FoodsOman5020Ali, A., et al., Glycemic Index of Commonly Consumed Snack Foods in Oman. International Journal of Nutrition, Pharmacology, Neurological Diseases, 2020. 10(2): p. 50-56.Normal 2h122020
Thareed, beef (Regag bread served with meat stew)74Regional or Traditional FoodsUAE5026Al Dhaheri, A.S., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commonly consumed foods in the United Arab Emirates. British Journal of Nutrition, 2017. 117(8): p. 1110-1117.Normal 2h152017
Baked Barbecued Pork Puff, instant 55Hoixe Cake Shop, H.K.Regional or Traditional FoodsChina5019Chen, Y.-J., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of selected Chinese traditional foods. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2010. 16(12): p. 1512-7.Normal 2h152010
Barbecue pork bun, instant 69Maxim's MX, H.K.Regional or Traditional FoodsChina5024Chen, Y.-J., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of selected Chinese traditional foods. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2010. 16(12): p. 1512-7.Normal 2h152010
Barley Drink (ready-to-drink packet drink made from pearl barley and dried winter melon) 62F&N Foods Private Limited, SingaporeRegional or Traditional FoodsSingapore5022Sun, L., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load of selected popular foods consumed in Southeast Asia. British Journal of Nutrition, 2015. 113(5): p. 843-8.Normal 2h112015
Beehoon (rice vermicelli), cooked for 1.5 min 35NTUC Fairprice, SingaporeRegional or Traditional FoodsSingapore5012Sun, L., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load of selected popular foods consumed in Southeast Asia. British Journal of Nutrition, 2015. 113(5): p. 843-8.Normal 2h112015
Bread, Garden milk bar bun73Regional or Traditional FoodsChina5026Lok, K.Y., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of a selection of popular foods consumed in Hong Kong. British Journal of Nutrition, 2010. 103(4): p. 556-60.Normal 2h102010
Bun, white, filled with red bean paste58Regional or Traditional FoodsSingapore5020Tan, W.S.K., et al., The glycaemic index and insulinaemic index of commercially available breakfast and snack foods in an Asian population. British Journal of Nutrition, 2018. 119(10): p. 1151-1156.Normal 2h192018
Bun, steamed, made from wheat flour85Regional or Traditional FoodsChina2530China National Research Institute of Food and Fermentation Industries GI Lab (Beijing, China), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102016
Bun, white, steamed Chinese58Regional or Traditional FoodsMalaysia5020Tan, W.S.K., et al., The glycaemic index and insulinaemic index of commercially available breakfast and snack foods in an Asian population. British Journal of Nutrition, 2018. 119(10): p. 1151-1156.Normal 2h192018
Butter rice, warm white rice and 10 g butter79Regional or Traditional FoodsJapan5028Sugiyama, M., et al., Glycemic index of single and mixed meal foods among common Japanese foods with white rice as a reference food. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(6): p. 743-752.Normal 2h102003
Cake crisp59Regional or Traditional FoodsChina5021Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h102005
Cereal Solid Beverage, common type53LVSHOU Health Indystry Group, Guangzhou, ChinaRegional or Traditional FoodsChina2519China National Research Institute of Food and Fermentation Industries GI Lab (Beijing, China), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122020
Cereal Solid Beverage, fortified type42LVSHOU Health Indystry Group, Guangzhou, ChinaRegional or Traditional FoodsChina2515China National Research Institute of Food and Fermentation Industries GI Lab (Beijing, China), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122020
Char Siew Pau, steamed barbecue pork bun66Tanjong Rhu Pau & Confectionary, SingaporeRegional or Traditional FoodsSingapore5023Sun, L., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load of selected popular foods consumed in Southeast Asia. British Journal of Nutrition, 2015. 113(5): p. 843-8.Normal 2h102015
Chee Cheong Fun, rice noodle roll or steamed rice roll, plain served with sweet soya sauce 81Hock Seng Food Private Ltd, SingaporeRegional or Traditional FoodsSingapore5028Sun, L., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load of selected popular foods consumed in Southeast Asia. British Journal of Nutrition, 2015. 113(5): p. 843-8.Normal 2h102015
Chinese Carrot Cake, turnip cake, daikon cake or radish cake, pan-fired shredded radish with plain rice flour 77Wei Cian Foods Private Ltd, SingaporeRegional or Traditional FoodsSingapore5027Sun, L., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load of selected popular foods consumed in Southeast Asia. British Journal of Nutrition, 2015. 113(5): p. 843-8.Normal 2h102015
Chinese herbal jelly, instant, prepared freshly in the morning47Guang Jian Tang Brand, Kwong Tai Agency Co., Ltd., ChinaRegional or Traditional FoodsChina5016Chen, Y.-J., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of selected Chinese traditional foods. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2010. 16(12): p. 1512-7.Normal 2h152010
Chinese Yam Cake, taro cake or pan-fried shredded yam with plan rice four86Wei Cian Foods Private LimitedRegional or Traditional FoodsSingapore5030Sun, L., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load of selected popular foods consumed in Southeast Asia. British Journal of Nutrition, 2015. 113(5): p. 843-8.Normal 2h102015
Curry Puff, deep-fried pastry dough stuffed with curry, chicken and potatoes41Old Chang Kee (S) Private LimitedRegional or Traditional FoodsSingapore5014Sun, L., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load of selected popular foods consumed in Southeast Asia. British Journal of Nutrition, 2015. 113(5): p. 843-8.Normal 2h112015
Curry rice67Regional or Traditional FoodsJapan5023Sugiyama, M., et al., Glycemic index of single and mixed meal foods among common Japanese foods with white rice as a reference food. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(6): p. 743-752.Normal 2h102003
Curry rice with processed cheese55Regional or Traditional FoodsJapan5019Sugiyama, M., et al., Glycemic index of single and mixed meal foods among common Japanese foods with white rice as a reference food. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(6): p. 743-752.Normal 2h102003
Dumpling, containing meat and shallots28Regional or Traditional FoodsChina5010Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h102005
Dumpling, highland buckwheat flour & beef vegetables fillings43Tibet Jingu Agricultural High Tech. Tibet, ChinaRegional or Traditional FoodsChina5015China National Research Institute of Food and Fermentation Industries GI Lab (Beijing, China), unpublished observations.Normal 2h122020
Egg tart, instant, freshly prepared in the morning45Maxim's MX, Hong KongRegional or Traditional FoodsChina5016Chen, Y.-J., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of selected Chinese traditional foods. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2010. 16(12): p. 1512-7.Normal 2h152010
Fried Fritter, instant 69Ocean Empire International Ltd., H.K.Regional or Traditional FoodsChina5024Chen, Y.-J., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of selected Chinese traditional foods. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2010. 16(12): p. 1512-7.Normal 2h152010
Fried Rice in Yangzhou-style, instant80Regional or Traditional FoodsChina5028Chen, Y.-J., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of selected Chinese traditional foods. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2010. 16(12): p. 1512-7.Normal 2h152010
Fried rice vermicelli in Singapore-style54Regional or Traditional FoodsChina5019Chen, Y.-J., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of selected Chinese traditional foods. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2010. 16(12): p. 1512-7.Normal 2h152010
Fried rice vermicelli in Singapore-style58Regional or Traditional FoodsChina2520Chen, Y.-J., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of selected Chinese traditional foods. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2010. 16(12): p. 1512-7.Normal 2h152010
Glutaminous rice flour, instant, served warm with roasted ground soybean65Satou Co. LtdRegional or Traditional FoodsJapan5023Sugiyama, M., et al., Glycemic index of single and mixed meal foods among common Japanese foods with white rice as a reference food. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(6): p. 743-752.Normal 2h92003
Glutinous rice, white, cooked in rice cooker 94Bangsue Chia Meng Rice Co., Bangkok, ThailandRegional or Traditional FoodsThailand5033Chan, H.M.S., et al., The glycaemic index values of Vietnamese foods. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2001. 55(12): p. 1076-1083.Normal 2h112000
Glutinous rice ball with cut glutinous cake (mochi)48Regional or Traditional FoodsJapan5017Sugiyama, M., et al., Glycemic index of single and mixed meal foods among common Japanese foods with white rice as a reference food. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(6): p. 743-752.Normal 2h92003
Glutinous rice ball, Lee Chun Brand, Boiled 61Lee Chun Food Ltd., H.K.Regional or Traditional FoodsChina5021Chen, Y.-J., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of selected Chinese traditional foods. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2010. 16(12): p. 1512-7.Normal 2h152010
Green Bean dessert, instant, NISSIN Brand54Nissin Foods Co., LTD., ChinaRegional or Traditional FoodsChina5019Chen, Y.-J., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of selected Chinese traditional foods. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2010. 16(12): p. 1512-7.Normal 2h152010
Hokkien noodles58Fantastic Fresh, AustraliaRegional or Traditional FoodsAustralia5020Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102015
Instant cereal, Quaker oatmeal (anchovy flavor), with boiled water67Regional or Traditional FoodsChina5023Lok, K.Y., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of a selection of popular foods consumed in Hong Kong. British Journal of Nutrition, 2010. 103(4): p. 556-60.Normal 2h102010
Instant cereal, Nestlé Vita (red date flavor, high FE), with boiled water 94Regional or Traditional FoodsChina5033Lok, K.Y., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of a selection of popular foods consumed in Hong Kong. British Journal of Nutrition, 2010. 103(4): p. 556-60.Normal 2h102010
Instant cereal, Nestlé Vita (green tea flavor, high Ca), with boiled water 108Regional or Traditional FoodsChina5038Lok, K.Y., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of a selection of popular foods consumed in Hong Kong. British Journal of Nutrition, 2010. 103(4): p. 556-60.Normal 2h102010
Kaya Butter Toast 49Just Acia Private LimitedRegional or Traditional FoodsSingapore5017Sun, L., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load of selected popular foods consumed in Southeast Asia. British Journal of Nutrition, 2015. 113(5): p. 843-8.Normal 2h112015
Lo Mai Gai 106Hock Seng Food Private LimitedRegional or Traditional FoodsSingapore5037Sun, L., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load of selected popular foods consumed in Southeast Asia. British Journal of Nutrition, 2015. 113(5): p. 843-8.Normal 2h122015
Low-protein white rice with dried sea algae70Regional or Traditional FoodsJapan5025Sugiyama, M., et al., Glycemic index of single and mixed meal foods among common Japanese foods with white rice as a reference food. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(6): p. 743-752.Normal 2h102003
"Mai-Lai" Cake, Instant, prepared freshly in the morning61Regional or Traditional FoodsChina5021Chen, Y.-J., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of selected Chinese traditional foods. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2010. 16(12): p. 1512-7.Normal 2h152010
Moon cake, Maxim’s Low Sugar Lotus Seed Paste (salted egg yolk)30Maxim’s Caterers Limited, Hong KongRegional or Traditional FoodsHong Kong5011Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102014
Moon cake, Maxim’s Low Sugar White Lotus Seed Paste (salted egg yolk) 29Maxim’s Caterers Limited, Hong KongRegional or Traditional FoodsHong Kong5010Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102014
Moon cake, Maxim’s Low Sugar Lotus Seed Paste (with pine nut)40Maxim’s Caterers Limited, Hong KongRegional or Traditional FoodsHong Kong5014Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102014
Moon cake, Maxim’s Low Sugar White Lotus Seed Paste (with pine nut) 33Maxim’s Caterers Limited, Hong KongRegional or Traditional FoodsHong Kong5012Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102014
Moon cakes, Instant, prepared freshly in the morning56Kee Wah Bakery Shop, Hong KongRegional or Traditional FoodsChina5020Chen, Y.-J., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of selected Chinese traditional foods. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2010. 16(12): p. 1512-7.Normal 2h152010
Mung bean noodles (Lungkow bean thread or vermicelli noodles), dried, boiled39Regional or Traditional FoodsChina5014Chan, H.M.S., et al., The glycaemic index values of Vietnamese foods. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2001. 55(12): p. 1076-1083.Normal 2h122000
Mung bean noodles, glass or cellophane noodles, boiled20Longkow Company, Taipei, TaiwanRegional or Traditional FoodsTaiwan507Lin, M.-H.A., et al., Glycemic index, glycemic load and insulinemic index of Chinese starchy foods. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2010. 16(39): p. 4973-9.Normal 2h102010
Nasi Lemak66Old Chang Kee (S) Private LimitedRegional or Traditional FoodsSingapore5023Sun, L., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load of selected popular foods consumed in Southeast Asia. British Journal of Nutrition, 2015. 113(5): p. 843-8.Normal 2h122015
Noodles, sau tao chicken-flavored Sichuan spicy noodles (wheat flour), boiled 3 min65Regional or Traditional FoodsChina5023Lok, K.Y., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of a selection of popular foods consumed in Hong Kong. British Journal of Nutrition, 2010. 103(4): p. 556-60.Normal 2h102010
Noodles, doll fried noodles (wheat flour and tapioca starch), boiled 3 min88Regional or Traditional FoodsChina5031Lok, K.Y., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of a selection of popular foods consumed in Hong Kong. British Journal of Nutrition, 2010. 103(4): p. 556-60.Normal 2h102010
Noodles, potato, served with meat, NS17Regional or Traditional FoodsChina506Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h92005
Pandan Waffle (waffle batter prepared with pandan leaves, coconut milk, eggs, and oil) 46Dilys Creation, SingaporeRegional or Traditional FoodsSingapore5016Sun, L., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load of selected popular foods consumed in Southeast Asia. British Journal of Nutrition, 2015. 113(5): p. 843-8.Normal 2h112015
Pill potato and yam powder35Regional or Traditional FoodsChina5012Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h92005
"Pineapple" bun, instant65Hoixe Cake Shop, H.K.Regional or Traditional FoodsChina5023Chen, Y.-J., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of selected Chinese traditional foods. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2010. 16(12): p. 1512-7.Normal 2h152010
Pink Rice Cake (teochew rice cake or Png Kueh), steamed rice pastry stuffed with pan-fried glutinous rice 97Dilys Creation, SingaporeRegional or Traditional FoodsSingapore5034Sun, L., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load of selected popular foods consumed in Southeast Asia. British Journal of Nutrition, 2015. 113(5): p. 843-8.Normal 2h112015
Plain steamed vermicelli roll, instant90Regional or Traditional FoodsChina5032Chen, Y.-J., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of selected Chinese traditional foods. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2010. 16(12): p. 1512-7.Normal 2h152010
Potato noodles with meat17Regional or Traditional FoodsChina506Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h92005
Red bean dessert, instant, Nissin Brand75Nissin Foods Co., LTD., ChinaRegional or Traditional FoodsChina5026Chen, Y.-J., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of selected Chinese traditional foods. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2010. 16(12): p. 1512-7.Normal 2h152010
Rice gruel with dried algae81Satou Co Ltd., JapanRegional or Traditional FoodsJapan5028Sugiyama, M., et al., Glycemic index of single and mixed meal foods among common Japanese foods with white rice as a reference food. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(6): p. 743-752.Normal 2h102003
Roasted rice ball77Satou Co Ltd., JapanRegional or Traditional FoodsJapan5027Sugiyama, M., et al., Glycemic index of single and mixed meal foods among common Japanese foods with white rice as a reference food. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(6): p. 743-752.Normal 2h92003
Salted meat rice dumpling, instant69Ocean Empire International Ltd., H.K.Regional or Traditional FoodsChina5024Chen, Y.-J., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of selected Chinese traditional foods. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2010. 16(12): p. 1512-7.Normal 2h152010
Salted meat rice dumpling, instant81Ocean Empire International Ltd., H.K.Regional or Traditional FoodsChina2528Chen, Y.-J., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of selected Chinese traditional foods. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2010. 16(12): p. 1512-7.Normal 2h152010
Soba noodles, instant, reheated in hot water, served with soup46Regional or Traditional FoodsJapan5016Sugiyama, M., et al., Glycemic index of single and mixed meal foods among common Japanese foods with white rice as a reference food. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(6): p. 743-752.Normal 2h92003
Spring roll, instant50Regional or Traditional FoodsChina2518Chen, Y.-J., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of selected Chinese traditional foods. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2010. 16(12): p. 1512-7.Normal 2h152010
Stuffed bun, with shallots and meat, steamed39Regional or Traditional FoodsChina5014Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h102005
Sushi, brown rice, vegetable and tofu 45Regional or Traditional FoodsAustralia5016Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102010
Sushi, salmon 48I Love Sushi', Sydney, AustraliaRegional or Traditional FoodsAustralia2517Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102001
Steamed glutinous rice roll, instant89Regional or Traditional FoodsChina5031Chen, Y.-J., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of selected Chinese traditional foods. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2010. 16(12): p. 1512-7.Normal 2h152010
Sticky rice wrapped in lotus leaf, instant 83Maxim's MX, H.K.Regional or Traditional FoodsChina5029Chen, Y.-J., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of selected Chinese traditional foods. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2010. 16(12): p. 1512-7.Normal 2h152010
Sweet milky bun, instant67Regional or Traditional FoodsChina5023Chen, Y.-J., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of selected Chinese traditional foods. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2010. 16(12): p. 1512-7.Normal 2h152010
Sweet milky bun, frozen, steamed, (AMOY Brand72Amoy Food Ltd., H.K.Regional or Traditional FoodsChina5025Chen, Y.-J., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of selected Chinese traditional foods. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2010. 16(12): p. 1512-7.Normal 2h152010
Taro (Colocasia esculenta L. Schott), skin peeled, cut into 5 cm cubes, steamed by rice cooker49Regional or Traditional FoodsTaiwan5017Lin, M.-H.A., et al., Glycemic index, glycemic load and insulinemic index of Chinese starchy foods. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2010. 16(39): p. 4973-9.Normal 2h102010
Tuna Fish Bun, instant46Maxim's MX, H.K.Regional or Traditional FoodsChina5016Chen, Y.-J., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of selected Chinese traditional foods. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2010. 16(12): p. 1512-7.Normal 2h152010
Udon noodles, instant, with sauce and fried bean curd 48Nishin Shokuhin, JapanRegional or Traditional FoodsJapan5017Sugiyama, M., et al., Glycemic index of single and mixed meal foods among common Japanese foods with white rice as a reference food. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(6): p. 743-752.Normal 2h92003
White rice (Satou Co. Ltd, Japan), dried sea algae and milk (Snow Brand, Japan), eaten together48Regional or Traditional FoodsJapan5017Sugiyama, M., et al., Glycemic index of single and mixed meal foods among common Japanese foods with white rice as a reference food. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(6): p. 743-752.Normal 2h9203
White rice (Satou Co. Ltd, Japan), dried sea algae and milk (Snow Brand, Japan), milk eaten before rice56Regional or Traditional FoodsJapan5020Sugiyama, M., et al., Glycemic index of single and mixed meal foods among common Japanese foods with white rice as a reference food. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(6): p. 743-752.Normal 2h9203
White rice (Satou Co. Ltd, Japan), dried sea algae and milk (Snow Brand, Japan), milk eaten after rice55Regional or Traditional FoodsJapan5019Sugiyama, M., et al., Glycemic index of single and mixed meal foods among common Japanese foods with white rice as a reference food. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(6): p. 743-752.Normal 2h92003
White rice (Satou Co. Ltd, Japan) with fermented soybean (natto)56Regional or Traditional FoodsJapan5020Sugiyama, M., et al., Glycemic index of single and mixed meal foods among common Japanese foods with white rice as a reference food. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(6): p. 743-752.Normal 2h102003
White rice (Satou Co. Ltd with instant miso soup (soybean paste soup) 61Regional or Traditional FoodsJapan5021Sugiyama, M., et al., Glycemic index of single and mixed meal foods among common Japanese foods with white rice as a reference food. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(6): p. 743-752.Normal 2h102003
White rice (Satou Co. Ltd, Japan) with low-fat milk (Kemrakuren, Japan)69Regional or Traditional FoodsJapan5024Sugiyama, M., et al., Glycemic index of single and mixed meal foods among common Japanese foods with white rice as a reference food. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(6): p. 743-752.Normal 2h92003
White rice (Satou Co. Ltd, Japan) and non-sugar yoghurt (Meiji Dairy, Japan), yoghurt eaten before rice59Regional or Traditional FoodsJapan5021Sugiyama, M., et al., Glycemic index of single and mixed meal foods among common Japanese foods with white rice as a reference food. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(6): p. 743-752.Normal 2h102003
White rice (Satou Co. Ltd, Japan) and non-sugar yoghurt (Meiji Dairy, Japan), yoghurt eaten after rice58Regional or Traditional FoodsJapan5020Sugiyama, M., et al., Glycemic index of single and mixed meal foods among common Japanese foods with white rice as a reference food. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(6): p. 743-752.Normal 2h102003
White rice (Satou Co. Ltd, Japan) with pickled vinegar and pickled cucumber, pickled foods eaten before rice60Regional or Traditional FoodsJapan5021Sugiyama, M., et al., Glycemic index of single and mixed meal foods among common Japanese foods with white rice as a reference food. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(6): p. 743-752.Normal 2h92003
White rice (Satou Co. Ltd, Japan) with pickled vinegar and pickled cucumber, consumed together61Regional or Traditional FoodsJapan5021Sugiyama, M., et al., Glycemic index of single and mixed meal foods among common Japanese foods with white rice as a reference food. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(6): p. 743-752.Normal 2h112003
White rice (Satou Co. Ltd, Japan) with roasted ground soybean (Mitake Food Ind. Japan) 56Regional or Traditional FoodsJapan5020Sugiyama, M., et al., Glycemic index of single and mixed meal foods among common Japanese foods with white rice as a reference food. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(6): p. 743-752.Normal 2h92003
White rice (Satou Co. Ltd, Japan) with salted dried plum (umeboshi) 80Regional or Traditional FoodsJapan5028Sugiyama, M., et al., Glycemic index of single and mixed meal foods among common Japanese foods with white rice as a reference food. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(6): p. 743-752.Normal 2h102003
WoTao, made from corn and wheat65Regional or Traditional FoodsChina5023Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h102005
Yoghurt, Yitangping21Beijing Sanyuan Foods, Beijing, ChinaRegional or Traditional FoodsChina257China National Research Institute of Food and Fermentation Industries GI Lab (Beijing, China), unpublished observations.Normal 2h112020
Youtiao (deep-fried breadstick)55Koufu Private Ltd, SingaporeRegional or Traditional FoodsSingapore5019Sun, L., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load of selected popular foods consumed in Southeast Asia. British Journal of Nutrition, 2015. 113(5): p. 843-8.Normal 2h112015
Basmati rice pilau, with onion and curry powder60Regional or Traditional FoodsUK5021George, R., A.L. Garcia, and C.A. Edwards, Glycaemic responses of staple South Asian foods alone and combined with curried chicken as a mixed meal. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics: the official journal of the British Dietetic Association, 2015. 28(3): p. 283-91.Normal 2h112015
Bun82Regional or Traditional FoodsMalaysia5029Robert, S.D., A.A.-S. Ismail, and W.I.W. Rosli, Reduction of postprandial blood glucose in healthy subjects by buns and flatbreads incorporated with fenugreek seed powder. European Journal of Nutrition, 2016. 55(7): p. 2275-80.Normal 2h102016
Bun with 10% fenugreek51Regional or Traditional FoodsMalaysia5018Robert, S.D., A.A.-S. Ismail, and W.I.W. Rosli, Reduction of postprandial blood glucose in healthy subjects by buns and flatbreads incorporated with fenugreek seed powder. European Journal of Nutrition, 2016. 55(7): p. 2275-80.Normal 2h102016
Chapatti, frozen, heated in dry pan for 3 min until browned50Kawan Food Manufacturing, MalaysiaRegional or Traditional FoodsMalaysia5018Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102019
Chapatti (made from Chapatti flour (Elephant Atta Medium Chapatti flour)68Rank Hovis Ltd., Manchester, UKRegional or Traditional FoodsUK5024George, R., A.L. Garcia, and C.A. Edwards, Glycaemic responses of staple South Asian foods alone and combined with curried chicken as a mixed meal. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics: the official journal of the British Dietetic Association, 2015. 28(3): p. 283-91.Normal 2h102015
Chapatti58Regional or Traditional FoodsUK5020Thondre, P.S. and C.J.K. Henry, Effect of a low molecular weight, high-purity beta-glucan on in vitro digestion and glycemic response. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2011. 62(7): p. 678-84.Normal 2h102011
Chapatti with 4% ß-glucan55Regional or Traditional FoodsUK5019Thondre, P.S. and C.J.K. Henry, Effect of a low molecular weight, high-purity beta-glucan on in vitro digestion and glycemic response. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2011. 62(7): p. 678-84.Normal 2h102011
Chapatti with 8% ß-glucan52Regional or Traditional FoodsUK5018Thondre, P.S. and C.J.K. Henry, Effect of a low molecular weight, high-purity beta-glucan on in vitro digestion and glycemic response. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2011. 62(7): p. 678-84.Normal 2h102011
Chapati, flatbread63Regional or Traditional FoodsMalaysia5022Robert, S.D., A.A.-S. Ismail, and W.I.W. Rosli, Reduction of postprandial blood glucose in healthy subjects by buns and flatbreads incorporated with fenugreek seed powder. European Journal of Nutrition, 2016. 55(7): p. 2275-80.Normal 2h102016
Chapati, flatbread with 10% fenugreek43Regional or Traditional FoodsMalaysia5015Robert, S.D., A.A.-S. Ismail, and W.I.W. Rosli, Reduction of postprandial blood glucose in healthy subjects by buns and flatbreads incorporated with fenugreek seed powder. European Journal of Nutrition, 2016. 55(7): p. 2275-80.Normal 2h102016
Naan bread, heated in microwave for 25 sec71True Foods Pty Ltd, VIC, AustraliaRegional or Traditional FoodsAustralia5025Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102013
Paratha, frozen, heated in dry pan for 1.5 min until browned53Kawan Food Manufacturing, MalaysiaRegional or Traditional FoodsMalaysia5019Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102019
Pilaf porridge, whole grain (minimally processed whole grains: oats, long grain brown rice, rye, hard red winter wheat, triticale, buckwheat, barley, sesame seeds), cooked for 30 min 59Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia5021RamyaBai, M., et al., Glycemic Index and Microstructure Evaluation of Four Cereal Grain Foods. Journal of Food Science, 2019. 84(12): p. 3373-3382.Normal 2h152019
Rice dosa76Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia5027Tan, W.S.K., et al., The glycaemic index and insulinaemic index of commercially available breakfast and snack foods in an Asian population. British Journal of Nutrition, 2018. 119(10): p. 1151-1156.Normal 2h192018
Rice idli (commercially available dry mix)85Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia5030Tan, W.S.K., et al., The glycaemic index and insulinaemic index of commercially available breakfast and snack foods in an Asian population. British Journal of Nutrition, 2018. 119(10): p. 1151-1156.Normal 2h192018
Finger millet, decorticated, with lower degree of polish, in the form of upma (savory meal and traditional Indian breakfast choice)85Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia5030Shobana, S., et al., Development and evaluation of nutritional, sensory and glycemic properties of finger millet (Eleusine coracana L.) based food products. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2018. 27(1): p. 84-91.Normal 2h162018
Finger millet flakes in the form of upma82Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia5029Shobana, S., et al., Development and evaluation of nutritional, sensory and glycemic properties of finger millet (Eleusine coracana L.) based food products. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2018. 27(1): p. 84-91.Normal 2h162018
Finger millet vermicelli in the form of upma66Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia5023Shobana, S., et al., Development and evaluation of nutritional, sensory and glycemic properties of finger millet (Eleusine coracana L.) based food products. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2018. 27(1): p. 84-91.Normal 2h162018
Upma71Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia5025Tan, W.S.K., et al., The glycaemic index and insulinaemic index of commercially available breakfast and snack foods in an Asian population. British Journal of Nutrition, 2018. 119(10): p. 1151-1156.Normal 2h192018
Angel food cake (Loblaw's, Toronto, Canada) #67Bakery ProductsCanada3020Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h91984-1992
Banana cake, made with sugar #47Bakery ProductsAustralia3014Brand-Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Broomhead, The glycaemic index of foods containing sugars: comparison of foods with naturally-occurring v. added sugars. British Journal of Nutrition, 1995. 73(4): p. 613-23.Normal 2h81994
Banana cake, made without sugar #55Bakery ProductsAustralia3017Brand-Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Broomhead, The glycaemic index of foods containing sugars: comparison of foods with naturally-occurring v. added sugars. British Journal of Nutrition, 1995. 73(4): p. 613-23.Normal 2h71994
Carrot cake, prepared with wheat flour and coconut flour #39Bakery ProductsPhilippines3012Trinidad, T.P., et al., Glycaemic index of different coconut (Cocos nucifera)-flour products in normal and diabetic subjects. British Journal of Nutrition, 2003. 90(3): p. 551-556.Type 2 3h102002
Cake, NS, sugar-to-flour ratio: 2.25 (Bakery School, Herk-de-Stad) #51Bakery ProductsBelgium3015Vrolix, R. and R.P. Mensink, Variability of the glycemic response to single food products in healthy subjects. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 2010. 31(1): p. 5-11.Normal 2h102010
Pound cake (Sara Lee Canada, Bramalea, Canada) #55Bakery ProductsCanada3017Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h101984-1992
Sponge cake, plain #46Bakery ProductsCanada3014Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h51981
Croissant (Food City, Toronto, Canada) #68Bakery ProductsCanada3020Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h131984-1992
Apple muffin, made with rolled oats and sugar #44Bakery ProductsAustralia3013Brand-Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Broomhead, The glycaemic index of foods containing sugars: comparison of foods with naturally-occurring v. added sugars. British Journal of Nutrition, 1995. 73(4): p. 613-23.Normal 2h81994
Apple muffin, made rolled oats and without sugar #48Bakery ProductsAustralia3014Brand-Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Broomhead, The glycaemic index of foods containing sugars: comparison of foods with naturally-occurring v. added sugars. British Journal of Nutrition, 1995. 73(4): p. 613-23.Normal 2h81994
Blueberry muffin (Culinar Inc., Canada) #60Bakery ProductsCanada3018Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h101984-1992
Bran muffin (Culinar Inc., Grandma Martin's Muffins, Aurora, Canada) #60Bakery ProductsCanada3018Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h141984-1992
Carrot muffin (Culinar Inc., Canada) #62Bakery ProductsCanada3019Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h111984-1992
Corn muffin, low-amylose (0-7%, Waxy-Amioca) #102Bakery ProductsUSA3031Krezowski, P.A., et al., Insulin and glucose responses to various starch-containing foods in type II diabetic subjects. Diabetes Care, 1987. 10(2): p. 205-212.Type 2 5h691987
Corn muffin, high-amylose (65-75% Amylomaize VII) #49Bakery ProductsUSA3015Krezowski, P.A., et al., Insulin and glucose responses to various starch-containing foods in type II diabetic subjects. Diabetes Care, 1987. 10(2): p. 205-212.Type 2 5h691987
Oatmeal, muffin, made from mix (Quaker Oats Co. of Canada, Peterborough, Canada) #70Bakery ProductsCanada3021Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h91984-1992
Muffin, NS #63Bakery ProductsSpain3019Ferrer-Mairal, A., et al., In vitro and in vivo assessment of the glycemic index of bakery products: influence of the reformulation of ingredients. European Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 51(8): p. 947-54.Normal 2h102009
Muffin, plain, made from wheat flour #46Bakery ProductsSpain3014Quílez, J., M. Bulló, and J. Salas-Salvadó, Improved postprandial response and feeling of satiety after consumption of low-calorie muffins with maltitol and high-amylose corn starch. Journal of Food Science, 2007. 72(6): p. S407-11.Normal 2h142007
Muffin, reduced-fat, low-calorie, made from high-amylose corn starch and maltitol #37Bakery ProductsSpain3011Quílez, J., M. Bulló, and J. Salas-Salvadó, Improved postprandial response and feeling of satiety after consumption of low-calorie muffins with maltitol and high-amylose corn starch. Journal of Food Science, 2007. 72(6): p. S407-11.Normal 2h142007
Pancakes, buckwheat, cooked in pan with 5 g oil on high heat for 4 min #50Bakery ProductsSouth Korea3015Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h132018
Pancakes, prepared with wheat flour and coconut flour #51Bakery ProductsPhilippines3015Trinidad, T.P., et al., Glycaemic index of different coconut (Cocos nucifera)-flour products in normal and diabetic subjects. British Journal of Nutrition, 2003. 90(3): p. 551-556.Type 2 3h102002
Pancakes, wheat, cooked in pan with 1 g oil on high heat for 4 min #57Bakery ProductsSouth Korea3017Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h142018
Pancakes, homemade #66Bakery ProductsFiji3020Lako, J., et al., The glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load (GL) of five commonly consumed foods of the South Pacific. Pacific Health Dialogue, 2004. 11(1): p. 47-54.Normal 2h82004
Pancakes, nutritional #66Bakery ProductsChina3020Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h82005
Sweet roll, made from Bengal gram flour, wheat flour, ghee, and cane sugar #38Bakery ProductsIndia3011Seema, R. and K. Charu, Evaluation of honey incorporated food preparation on the basis of glycemic index and their advocacy in impaired glucose tolerance. International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy, 2013. 4(5): p. 787-790.IGT 2h102013
Sweet roll, made from Bengal gram flour, wheat flour, ghee, and cane sugar #65Bakery ProductsIndia3020Seema, R. and K. Charu, Evaluation of honey incorporated food preparation on the basis of glycemic index and their advocacy in impaired glucose tolerance. International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy, 2013. 4(5): p. 787-790.Normal 2h102013
Sweet roll, made from Bengal gram flour, wheat flour, ghee, and honey #38Bakery ProductsIndia3011Seema, R. and K. Charu, Evaluation of honey incorporated food preparation on the basis of glycemic index and their advocacy in impaired glucose tolerance. International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy, 2013. 4(5): p. 787-790.IGT 2h102013
Sweet roll, made from Bengal gram flour, wheat flour, ghee, and honey #45Bakery ProductsIndia3014Seema, R. and K. Charu, Evaluation of honey incorporated food preparation on the basis of glycemic index and their advocacy in impaired glucose tolerance. International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy, 2013. 4(5): p. 787-790.Normal 2h102013
Sweet roll, made from Bengal gram flour, wheat flour, ghee, and jaggery #38Bakery ProductsIndia3011Seema, R. and K. Charu, Evaluation of honey incorporated food preparation on the basis of glycemic index and their advocacy in impaired glucose tolerance. International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy, 2013. 4(5): p. 787-790.IGT 2h102013
Sweet roll, made from Bengal gram flour, wheat flour, ghee, and jaggery #62Bakery ProductsIndia3019Seema, R. and K. Charu, Evaluation of honey incorporated food preparation on the basis of glycemic index and their advocacy in impaired glucose tolerance. International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy, 2013. 4(5): p. 787-790.Normal 2h102013
Banana bread, made with 100% whole wheat flour #54Bakery ProductsCanada3016Marinangeli, C.P.F., A.N. Kassis, and P.J.H. Jones, Glycemic responses and sensory characteristics of whole yellow pea flour added to novel functional foods. Journal of Food Science, 2009. 74(9): p. S385-9.Normal 2.5h192009
Banana bread, made with 100% whole yellow pea flour (Best Cooking Pulses Inc, MB, Canada) #36Bakery ProductsCanada3011Marinangeli, C.P.F., A.N. Kassis, and P.J.H. Jones, Glycemic responses and sensory characteristics of whole yellow pea flour added to novel functional foods. Journal of Food Science, 2009. 74(9): p. S385-9.Normal 2.5h192009
Cinnamon bread, prepared with wheat flour and coconut flour #51Bakery ProductsPhilippines3015Trinidad, T.P., et al., Glycaemic index of different coconut (Cocos nucifera)-flour products in normal and diabetic subjects. British Journal of Nutrition, 2003. 90(3): p. 551-556.Type 2 3h102002
Crumpet (Dempster's Corporate Foods Ltd., Etobicoke, Canada) #70Bakery ProductsCanada3021Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h131984-1992
Doughnut, wheat dough, deep-fried #75Bakery ProductsChina3023Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h82005
Doughnut, cake type (Loblaw's, Canada) #77Bakery ProductsCanada3023Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h101984-1992
Flan cake (Weston's Bakery, Toronto, Canada) #66Bakery ProductsCanada3020Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h101984-1992
Lamingtons, sponge dipped in chocolate and coconut (Farmland, Grocery Holdings, Australia) #87Bakery ProductsAustralia3026Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Pan de sal (sweet bread roll), containing wheat flour and coconut flour #68Bakery ProductsPhilippines3020Trinidad, T.P., et al., Glycaemic index of different coconut (Cocos nucifera)-flour products in normal and diabetic subjects. British Journal of Nutrition, 2003. 90(3): p. 551-556.Type 2 3h102002
Pastry #59Bakery ProductsCanada3018Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h51981
Waffles, Aunt Jemima (Quaker Oats Co. of Canada) #77Bakery ProductsCanada3023Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h101984-1992
Beer, Toohey's New (Tooheys Pty Limited, Australia) #66BeveragesAustralia257Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92003
Coca-Cola® (Coca Cola, Atlanta, GA, USA) #63BeveragesUSA2516Liu, S. and J.E. Manson, Dietary carbohydrates, physical inactivity, obesity, and the 'metabolic syndrome' as predictors of coronary heart disease. Curr Opin Lipidol, 2001. 12(4): p. 395-404.Normal 2h102000
Coca-Cola® (Coca Cola, Atlanta, GA, USA) #77BeveragesUSA2519Solomi, L., G.A. Rees, and K.M. Redfern, The acute effects of the non-nutritive sweeteners aspartame and acesulfame-K in UK diet cola on glycaemic response. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2019. 70(7): p. 894-900.Normal 2h102019
Cola, sucrose-sweetened, Pepsi® (Pepsi; Hartwell Ltd., Finland) #90BeveragesFinland2523Hatonen, K.A., et al., Coffee does not modify postprandial glycaemic and insulinaemic responses induced by carbohydrates. European Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 51(7): p. 801-6.Normal 2h112012
Fanta®, orange soft drink (Coca Cola Amatil, Australia) #68BeveragesAustralia2517Brand-Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Broomhead, The glycaemic index of foods containing sugars: comparison of foods with naturally-occurring v. added sugars. British Journal of Nutrition, 1995. 73(4): p. 613-23.Normal 2h71994
Lucozade®, original (sparkling glucose drink) (Glaxo Wellcome Ltd., Uxbridge, Middlesex, UK) #95BeveragesUK2524Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h51981
Fruit punch #67BeveragesUSA2517Liu, S. and J.E. Manson, Dietary carbohydrates, physical inactivity, obesity, and the 'metabolic syndrome' as predictors of coronary heart disease. Curr Opin Lipidol, 2001. 12(4): p. 395-404.Normal 2h102000
Cordial, orange, reconstituted (Berri Ltd, Berri, Australia) #66BeveragesAustralia2517Brand-Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Broomhead, The glycaemic index of foods containing sugars: comparison of foods with naturally-occurring v. added sugars. British Journal of Nutrition, 1995. 73(4): p. 613-23.Normal 2h81994
Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) drink, ProVita®, fermented with Lactobacillus plantarum 299v, containing 10% bilberry and 5% oatmeal (Skanemejerier, Malmo, Sweden) #67BeveragesSweden2517Granfeldt, Y.E. and I.M. Bjorck, A bilberry drink with fermented oatmeal decreases postprandial insulin demand in young healthy adults. Nutrition Journal, 2011. 10: p. 57.Normal 2h92010
Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) drink, ProVita®, fermented with Lactobacillus plantarum 299v, containing 10% bilberry and 5% oatmeal (Skanemejerier, Malmo, Sweden) #67BeveragesSweden2517Granfeldt, Y.E. and I.M. Bjorck, A bilberry drink with fermented oatmeal decreases postprandial insulin demand in young healthy adults. Nutrition Journal, 2011. 10: p. 57.Normal 2h112010
Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) drink, ProVita®, fermented with Lactobacillus plantarum 299v, containing 10% bilberry and 5% oatmeal, with added frozen, thawed and homogenized bilberries #56BeveragesSweden2514Granfeldt, Y.E. and I.M. Bjorck, A bilberry drink with fermented oatmeal decreases postprandial insulin demand in young healthy adults. Nutrition Journal, 2011. 10: p. 57.Normal 2h112010
Oatmeal drink, ProVita®, fermented with Lactobacillus plantarum 299v, with added glucose, sucrose and fructose (Skanemejerier, Malmo, Sweden) #67BeveragesSweden2517Granfeldt, Y.E. and I.M. Bjorck, A bilberry drink with fermented oatmeal decreases postprandial insulin demand in young healthy adults. Nutrition Journal, 2011. 10: p. 57.Normal 2h112010
Rosehip (Rosa canina) drink, ProVita®, fermented with Lactobacillus plantarum 299v, containing 10% rosehip and 5% oatmeal #62BeveragesSweden2516Granfeldt, Y.E. and I.M. Bjorck, A bilberry drink with fermented oatmeal decreases postprandial insulin demand in young healthy adults. Nutrition Journal, 2011. 10: p. 57.Normal 2h92010
Chocolate Daydream™ shake, sucralose (Revival Soy®, Physicians Pharmaceuticals, Inc, USA) (70 g powder + 500 mL water) #25BeveragesUSA256Blair, R.M., E.C. Henley, and A. Tabor, Soy foods have low glycemic and insulin response indices in normal weight subjects. Nutrition Journal, 2006. 5: p. 35.Normal 2h102004
Soy beverage (Grupo Leche Pascual, Aranda de Duero, Spain)8 #17BeveragesSpain254Serrano, J.C., et al., Characterization of the post-prandial insulinemic response and low glycaemic index of a soy beverage. PloS one, 2017. 12(8): p. e0182762.Normal 2h272015
Allsport®, orange (PepsiCo Inc., Somers, NY, USA) #53BeveragesUSA2513Gretebeck, R.J., K.A. Gretebeck, and T.J. Tittelbach, Glycemic Index of Popular Sport Drinks and Energy Foods. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 2002. 102(3): p. 415-417.Normal 2h52002
Cytomax®, orange (Cytosport, Concordia, CA, USA) #62BeveragesUSA2516Gretebeck, R.J., K.A. Gretebeck, and T.J. Tittelbach, Glycemic Index of Popular Sport Drinks and Energy Foods. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 2002. 102(3): p. 415-417.Normal 2h52002
Gatorade®, orange flavor, US formula (Gatorade, Chicago, IL, USA) #89BeveragesUSA2522Gretebeck, R.J., K.A. Gretebeck, and T.J. Tittelbach, Glycemic Index of Popular Sport Drinks and Energy Foods. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 2002. 102(3): p. 415-417.Normal 2h52002
GatorLode®, orange flavor (Gatorade, Chicago, IL, USA) #100BeveragesUSA2525Gretebeck, R.J., K.A. Gretebeck, and T.J. Tittelbach, Glycemic Index of Popular Sport Drinks and Energy Foods. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 2002. 102(3): p. 415-417.Normal 2h52002
Poweraid®, orange (Coca-Cola Company, Atlanta, GA, USA) #65BeveragesUSA2516Gretebeck, R.J., K.A. Gretebeck, and T.J. Tittelbach, Glycemic Index of Popular Sport Drinks and Energy Foods. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 2002. 102(3): p. 415-417.Normal 2h52002
XLR8®, orange flavor (Softpac Industries Inc., Plymouth, MN, USA) #68BeveragesUSA2517Gretebeck, R.J., K.A. Gretebeck, and T.J. Tittelbach, Glycemic Index of Popular Sport Drinks and Energy Foods. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 2002. 102(3): p. 415-417.Normal 2h52002
Bagel, white #61BreadsUSA159Parcell, A.C., et al., Glycemic and insulinemic responses to protein supplements. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 2004. 104(12): p. 1800-1804.Normal 2h9122004
Bagel, white, frozen (Lender's Bakery, Montreal, Canada) #73BreadsCanada1511Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h131984-1992
Bagel #77BreadsSouth Korea1512Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h112018
Baguette, white, plain, industrially produced #95BreadsFrance1514Bornet, F.R., et al., Insulinemic and glycemic indexes of six starch-rich foods taken alone and in a mixed meal by type 2 diabetics. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1987. 45(3): p. 588-595.Type 2 3h31987
Classic French baguette (prepared with wheat flour, ascorbic acid, water, salt & 50 g yeast) #83BreadsFrance1512Rizkalla, S.W., et al., Effect of baking process on postprandial metabolic consequences: randomized trials in normal and type 2 diabetic subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2007. 61(2): p. 175-183.Type 2 3h82005
Classic French baguette (prepared with wheat flour, ascorbic acid, water, salt & 50 g yeast) #75BreadsFrance1511Rizkalla, S.W., et al., Effect of baking process on postprandial metabolic consequences: randomized trials in normal and type 2 diabetic subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2007. 61(2): p. 175-183.Type 2 3h82005
Classic French baguette (prepared with wheat flour, ascorbic acid, water, salt & 50 g yeast) #78BreadsFrance1512Rizkalla, S.W., et al., Effect of baking process on postprandial metabolic consequences: randomized trials in normal and type 2 diabetic subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2007. 61(2): p. 175-183.Normal 3h92005
French baguette, traditional (prepared with wheat flour, water, salt and 20 g yeast) #57BreadsFrance159Rizkalla, S.W., et al., Effect of baking process on postprandial metabolic consequences: randomized trials in normal and type 2 diabetic subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2007. 61(2): p. 175-183.Normal 3h92005
French baguette, traditional (prepared with wheat flour, water, salt and 20 g yeast) #69BreadsFrance1510Rizkalla, S.W., et al., Effect of baking process on postprandial metabolic consequences: randomized trials in normal and type 2 diabetic subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2007. 61(2): p. 175-183.Type 2 3h82005
French baguette, traditional (prepared with wheat flour, water, salt and 20 g yeast) #70BreadsFrance1511Rizkalla, S.W., et al., Effect of baking process on postprandial metabolic consequences: randomized trials in normal and type 2 diabetic subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2007. 61(2): p. 175-183.Type 2 3h82005
French bread loaf, fermented with leaven #80BreadsFrance1512Rizkalla, S.W., et al., Effect of baking process on postprandial metabolic consequences: randomized trials in normal and type 2 diabetic subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2007. 61(2): p. 175-183.Normal 3h92005
French bread loaf, fermented with yeast #81BreadsFrance1512Rizkalla, S.W., et al., Effect of baking process on postprandial metabolic consequences: randomized trials in normal and type 2 diabetic subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2007. 61(2): p. 175-183.Normal 3h92005
Barley flour bread, 100% barley flour #68BreadsCanada1510Jenkins, D.J., et al., Wholemeal versus wholegrain breads: proportion of whole or cracked grain and the glycaemic response. British Medical Journal (Clinical Research Edition), 1988. 297(6654): p. 958-60.Type 2 3h61988
Barley flour bread, made from 50% wheat flour and 50% coarse sieved barley flour (containing 4.2% total 1-3, 1-4 ß-glucan of which 2.8% soluble) #74BreadsItaly1511Cavallero, A., et al., High (1?3,1?4)-?-Glucan Barley Fractions in Bread Making and their Effects on Human Glycemic Response. Journal of Cereal Science, 2002. 36(1): p. 59-66.Normal 2h82001
Barley flour bread, made from 80% wheat flour and 20% water-extracted barley flour (containing 6.3% total 1-3, 1-4 ß-glucan of which 5.7% soluble) #70BreadsItaly1511Cavallero, A., et al., High (1?3,1?4)-?-Glucan Barley Fractions in Bread Making and their Effects on Human Glycemic Response. Journal of Cereal Science, 2002. 36(1): p. 59-66.Normal 2h72001
Barley flour bread, whole-grain, made from 50% barley flour and 50% wheat flour (containing 2.4% total 1-3, 1-4 ß-glucan of which 2.0% soluble) #85BreadsItaly1513Cavallero, A., et al., High (1?3,1?4)-?-Glucan Barley Fractions in Bread Making and their Effects on Human Glycemic Response. Journal of Cereal Science, 2002. 36(1): p. 59-66.Normal 2h82001
Barley bread, 70% high-amylose barley flour and 30% white wheat flour, baked 20 h at low temperature of 120oC10 #50BreadsSweden158Akerberg, A., H. Liljeberg, and I. Bjorck, Effects of amylose/amylopectin ratio and baking conditions on resistant starch formation and glycaemic indices. Journal of Cereal Science, 1998. 28(1): p. 71-80.Normal 1.6h91997
Barley bread, 70% high-amylose barley flour & 30% white wheat flour, conventionally baked for 45 min at 200°C #71BreadsSweden1511Akerberg, A., H. Liljeberg, and I. Bjorck, Effects of amylose/amylopectin ratio and baking conditions on resistant starch formation and glycaemic indices. Journal of Cereal Science, 1998. 28(1): p. 71-80.Normal 1.6h91997
Barley bread, whole-wheat #75BreadsCanada1511Najjar, A.M., et al., The acute impact of ingestion of breads of varying composition on blood glucose, insulin and incretins following first and second meals. British Journal of Nutrition, 2009. 101(3): p. 391-398.Obese 3h6102007
Sunflower and barley bread (Riga bakeries, Sydney, Australia) #57BreadsAustralia159Brand-Miller, J., et al., In search of more low glycaemic index foods. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 1995. 19: p. 177.Normal 2h81995
Coarse barley kernel bread, 80% scalded intact kernels and 20% white wheat flour #34BreadsSweden155Liljeberg, H., Y. Granfeldt, and I. Björck, Metabolic responses to starch in bread containing intact kernels versus milled flour. European Jounral of Clinical Nutrition, 1992. 46(8): p. 561-75.Normal 2h101991
Coarse barley kernel bread, 80% intact kernels and 20% white wheat flour #41BreadsSweden156Liljeberg, H., Y. Granfeldt, and I. Björck, Metabolic responses to starch in bread containing intact kernels versus milled flour. European Jounral of Clinical Nutrition, 1992. 46(8): p. 561-75.Normal 2h101991
Coarse barley kernel bread, 75% barley kernels and 25% barley flour #28BreadsCanada154Jenkins, D.J., et al., Wholemeal versus wholegrain breads: proportion of whole or cracked grain and the glycaemic response. British Medical Journal (Clinical Research Edition), 1988. 297(6654): p. 958-60.Type 2 3h51988
Barley kernel bread, 50% barley kernels and 50% barley flour #44BreadsCanada157Jenkins, D.J., et al., Wholemeal versus wholegrain breads: proportion of whole or cracked grain and the glycaemic response. British Medical Journal (Clinical Research Edition), 1988. 297(6654): p. 958-60.Type 2 3h51988
Barley kernel bread, 50% kibbled barley and 50% wheat flour #49BreadsAustralia157Brown, D., D. Tomlinson, and J. Brand-Miller, The development of low glycaemic index breads. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 1992. 17: p. 62.Normal 2h81992
Wholemeal barley bread, flat, thin, soft (50% regular barley flour, 50% high-fiber barley flour) #50BreadsSweden158Liljeberg, H.G.M., Y.E. Granfeldt, and I.M.E. Bjorck, Products based on a high fiber barley genotype, but not on common barley or oats, lower postprandial glucose and insulin responses in healthy humans. The Journal of Nutrition, 1996. 126(2): p. 458-66.Normal 2h91995
Wholemeal barley bread, flat, thin, soft (20% regular barley flour, 80% high-fiber barley flour) #43BreadsSweden156Liljeberg, H.G.M., Y.E. Granfeldt, and I.M.E. Bjorck, Products based on a high fiber barley genotype, but not on common barley or oats, lower postprandial glucose and insulin responses in healthy humans. The Journal of Nutrition, 1996. 126(2): p. 458-66.Normal 2h91995
Wholemeal barley bread, 80% wholemeal barley flour and 20% white wheat flour #67BreadsSweden1510Liljeberg, H., Y. Granfeldt, and I. Björck, Metabolic responses to starch in bread containing intact kernels versus milled flour. European Jounral of Clinical Nutrition, 1992. 46(8): p. 561-75.Normal 2h101991
Wholemeal barley flour bread, 80% wholemeal barley flour and 20% white wheat flour with sourdough (lactic acid) #54BreadsSweden158Liljeberg, H.G.M., C.H. Lönner, and I.M.E. Björck, Sourdough Fermentation or Addition of Organic Acids or Corresponding Salts to Bread Improves Nutritional Properties of Starch in Healthy Humans. The Journal of Nutrition, 1995. 125(6): p. 1503-1511.Normal 2h9111994
Wholemeal barley flour bread, 80% wholemeal barley flour and 20% white wheat flour with lactic acid #67BreadsSweden1510Liljeberg, H.G.M., C.H. Lönner, and I.M.E. Björck, Sourdough Fermentation or Addition of Organic Acids or Corresponding Salts to Bread Improves Nutritional Properties of Starch in Healthy Humans. The Journal of Nutrition, 1995. 125(6): p. 1503-1511.Normal 2h9111994
Wholemeal barley flour bread, 80% wholemeal barley flour and 20% white wheat flour with calcium lactate #60BreadsSweden159Liljeberg, H.G.M., C.H. Lönner, and I.M.E. Björck, Sourdough Fermentation or Addition of Organic Acids or Corresponding Salts to Bread Improves Nutritional Properties of Starch in Healthy Humans. The Journal of Nutrition, 1995. 125(6): p. 1503-1511.Normal 2h9111994
Wholemeal barley flour bread, 80% wholemeal barley flour and 20% white wheat flour with sodium propionate #66BreadsSweden1510Liljeberg, H.G.M., C.H. Lönner, and I.M.E. Björck, Sourdough Fermentation or Addition of Organic Acids or Corresponding Salts to Bread Improves Nutritional Properties of Starch in Healthy Humans. The Journal of Nutrition, 1995. 125(6): p. 1503-1511.Normal 2h9111994
Wholemeal barley flour bread, 80% wholemeal barley flour and 20% white wheat flour with higher dose sodium propionate #58BreadsSweden159Liljeberg, H.G.M., C.H. Lönner, and I.M.E. Björck, Sourdough Fermentation or Addition of Organic Acids or Corresponding Salts to Bread Improves Nutritional Properties of Starch in Healthy Humans. The Journal of Nutrition, 1995. 125(6): p. 1503-1511.Normal 2h9111994
Barley tortilla, made with straight-grade barley flour (low ß-glucan/low insoluble dietary fiber) and water, frozen and reheated #52BreadsCanada158Ames, N., et al., A double-blind randomised controlled trial testing the effect of a barley product containing varying amounts and types of fibre on the postprandial glucose response of healthy volunteers. British Journal of Nutrition, 2015. 113(9): p. 1373-83.Normal 3h122010
Barley tortilla, made with wholegrain barley flour (medium ß-glucan/low insoluble dietary fiber) and water, frozen and reheated #57BreadsCanada159Ames, N., et al., A double-blind randomised controlled trial testing the effect of a barley product containing varying amounts and types of fibre on the postprandial glucose response of healthy volunteers. British Journal of Nutrition, 2015. 113(9): p. 1373-83.Normal 3h122010
Barley tortilla, made with bran flour (high ß-glucan/low insoluble dietary fiber) and water, frozen and reheated #23BreadsCanada153Ames, N., et al., A double-blind randomised controlled trial testing the effect of a barley product containing varying amounts and types of fibre on the postprandial glucose response of healthy volunteers. British Journal of Nutrition, 2015. 113(9): p. 1373-83.Normal 3h122010
Barley tortilla, made with bran flour (medium ß-glucan/high insoluble dietary fiber) and water, frozen and reheated #41BreadsCanada156Ames, N., et al., A double-blind randomised controlled trial testing the effect of a barley product containing varying amounts and types of fibre on the postprandial glucose response of healthy volunteers. British Journal of Nutrition, 2015. 113(9): p. 1373-83.Normal 3h122010
Barley tortilla, made with high-amylose dusted flour fractions (medium ß-glucan/low insoluble dietary fiber) and water, frozen and reheated #39BreadsCanada156Ames, N., et al., A double-blind randomised controlled trial testing the effect of a barley product containing varying amounts and types of fibre on the postprandial glucose response of healthy volunteers. British Journal of Nutrition, 2015. 113(9): p. 1373-83.Normal 3h122010
Buckwheat bread, 50% dehusked buckwheat groats and 50% white wheat flour #47BreadsSweden157Skrabanja, V., et al., Nutritional Properties of Starch in Buckwheat Products:? Studies in Vitro and in Vivo. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2001. 49(1): p. 490-496.Normal 3h14102001
Buckwheat bread #67BreadsChina1510Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h82005
Chapatti, unleavened flatbread, made from whole-wheat flour #54BreadsUK158Thondre, P.S. and C.J.K. Henry, High-molecular-weight barley beta-glucan in chapatis (unleavened Indian flatbread) lowers glycemic index. Nutrition Research, 2009. 29(7): p. 480-6.Normal 2h82009
Chapatti, unleavened flatbread, made from whole-wheat flour and Barley Balance (Polycell Technologies, MN, USA) containing 2 g high-molecular-weight barley ß-glucan #54BreadsUK158Thondre, P.S. and C.J.K. Henry, High-molecular-weight barley beta-glucan in chapatis (unleavened Indian flatbread) lowers glycemic index. Nutrition Research, 2009. 29(7): p. 480-6.Normal 2h82009
Chapatti, unleavened flatbread, made from whole-wheat flour and Barley Balance (Polycell Technologies, MN, USA) containing 4 g high-molecular-weight barley ß-glucan #31BreadsUK155Thondre, P.S. and C.J.K. Henry, High-molecular-weight barley beta-glucan in chapatis (unleavened Indian flatbread) lowers glycemic index. Nutrition Research, 2009. 29(7): p. 480-6.Normal 2h82009
Chapatti, unleavened flatbread, made from whole-wheat flour and Barley Balance (Polycell Technologies, MN, USA) containing 6 g high-molecular-weight barley ß-glucan #45BreadsUK157Thondre, P.S. and C.J.K. Henry, High-molecular-weight barley beta-glucan in chapatis (unleavened Indian flatbread) lowers glycemic index. Nutrition Research, 2009. 29(7): p. 480-6.Normal 2h82009
Chapatti, unleavened flatbread, made from whole-wheat flour and Barley Balance (Polycell Technologies, MN, USA) containing 8 g high-molecular-weight barley ß-glucan #29BreadsUK154Thondre, P.S. and C.J.K. Henry, High-molecular-weight barley beta-glucan in chapatis (unleavened Indian flatbread) lowers glycemic index. Nutrition Research, 2009. 29(7): p. 480-6.Normal 2h82009
Chickpea flour bread, made from Amethyst-type desi chickpeas (JK International Pty Ltd, Rocklea, Australia) #55BreadsAustralia158Johnson, S.K., S.J. Thomas, and R.S. Hall, Palatability and glucose, insulin and satiety responses of chickpea flour and extruded chickpea flour bread eaten as part of a breakfast. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2005. 59(2): p. 169-176.Normal 2h112004
Chickpea flour bread, made from extruded chickpea flour #68BreadsAustralia1510Johnson, S.K., S.J. Thomas, and R.S. Hall, Palatability and glucose, insulin and satiety responses of chickpea flour and extruded chickpea flour bread eaten as part of a breakfast. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2005. 59(2): p. 169-176.Normal 2h112004
English muffin (Home Oven, Corporate Foods Ltd, Etobicoke, Canada) #61BreadsCanada159Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h81984-1992
Fruit loaf, Continental, wheat bread with dried fruit #47BreadsAustralia157Brand-Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Broomhead, The glycaemic index of foods containing sugars: comparison of foods with naturally-occurring v. added sugars. British Journal of Nutrition, 1995. 73(4): p. 613-23.Normal 2h81994
Gluten-free buckwheat bread, made with buckwheat meal & rice flour (Naturis Organic Bread, NSW, Australia) #72BreadsAustralia1511Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h82006
Gluten-free bread, made from 100% anthocyanin-rich Riceberry rice flour #69BreadsThailand1510Chusak, C., et al., Postprandial glycemia, insulinemia, and antioxidant status in healthy subjects after ingestion of bread made from anthocyanin-rich riceberry rice. Nutrients, 2020. 12(3): p. 782.Normal 3h162020
Gluten-free bread, made from 100% Hom Mali 105 rice flour #131BreadsThailand1520Chusak, C., et al., Postprandial glycemia, insulinemia, and antioxidant status in healthy subjects after ingestion of bread made from anthocyanin-rich riceberry rice. Nutrients, 2020. 12(3): p. 782.Normal 3h162020
Gluten-free white bread, unsliced (gluten-free wheat starch) #72BreadsUK1511Packer, S.C., A. Dornhorst, and G.S. Frost, The glycaemic index of a range of gluten?free foods. Diabetic Medicine, 2000. 17(9): p. 657-660.Type 2 3h82000
Gluten-free white bread, sliced (gluten-free wheat starch) #81BreadsUK1512Packer, S.C., A. Dornhorst, and G.S. Frost, The glycaemic index of a range of gluten?free foods. Diabetic Medicine, 2000. 17(9): p. 657-660.Type 2 3h82000
Gluten-free fiber-enriched, unsliced (gluten-free wheat starch, soya bran) #70BreadsUK1511Packer, S.C., A. Dornhorst, and G.S. Frost, The glycaemic index of a range of gluten?free foods. Diabetic Medicine, 2000. 17(9): p. 657-660.Type 2 3h82000
Gluten-free fiber-enriched, sliced (gluten-free wheat starch, soya bran) #77BreadsUK1512Packer, S.C., A. Dornhorst, and G.S. Frost, The glycaemic index of a range of gluten?free foods. Diabetic Medicine, 2000. 17(9): p. 657-660.Type 2 3h82000
Gluten free bread (rice flour and potato starch) #71BreadsBrazil1511Capriles, V.D. and J.A.G. Areas, Effects of prebiotic inulin-type fructans on structure, quality, sensory acceptance and glycemic response of gluten-free breads. Food & Function, 2013. 4(1): p. 104-10.Normal 2h102011
Gluten-free bread with 12% inulin-type fructans (rice flour and potato starch) #48BreadsBrazil157Capriles, V.D. and J.A.G. Areas, Effects of prebiotic inulin-type fructans on structure, quality, sensory acceptance and glycemic response of gluten-free breads. Food & Function, 2013. 4(1): p. 104-10.Normal 2h102011
Hamburger bun (Loblaw's, Toronto, Canada) #62BreadsCanada159Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h121984-1992
Kaiser rolls (Loblaw's, Canada) #74BreadsCanada1511Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h121984-1992
White bread roll, soft #56BreadsSouth Korea158Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h102018
Oat bread #32BreadsFinland155Rokka, S., et al., The glycaemic and C-peptide responses of foods rich in dietary fibre from oat, buckwheat and lingonberry. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2013. 64(5): p. 528-34.Normal 2h82012
Oat bread, with added lingonberry fiber (Kiantama Ltd, Suomussalmi, Finland) #47BreadsFinland157Rokka, S., et al., The glycaemic and C-peptide responses of foods rich in dietary fibre from oat, buckwheat and lingonberry. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2013. 64(5): p. 528-34.Normal 2h62012
Oat and buckwheat bread #58BreadsFinland159Rokka, S., et al., The glycaemic and C-peptide responses of foods rich in dietary fibre from oat, buckwheat and lingonberry. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2013. 64(5): p. 528-34.Normal 2h82012
Coarse oat kernel bread, 80% intact oat kernels and 20% white wheat flour #66BreadsSweden1510Liljeberg, H., Y. Granfeldt, and I. Björck, Metabolic responses to starch in bread containing intact kernels versus milled flour. European Jounral of Clinical Nutrition, 1992. 46(8): p. 561-75.Normal 2h101991
Bread, long oat (50% wholemeal wheat, 20% rye, 10% oatmeal, 20% white wheat) #68BreadsNew Zealand1510Fredensborg, M.H., et al., Rising methods and leavening agents used in the production of bread do not impact the glycaemic index. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2010. 19(2): p. 188-94.Normal 2h82010
50% oat bran and 50% wheat flour bread #45BreadsAustralia157Brown, D., D. Tomlinson, and J. Brand-Miller, The development of low glycaemic index breads. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 1992. 17: p. 62.Normal 2h81992
45% oat bran and 50% wheat flour bread #51BreadsSweden158Granfeldt, Y., et al., An in vitro procedure based on chewing to predict metabolic response to starch in cereal and legume products. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1992. 46(9): p. 649-60.Normal 1.5h101991
Rice bread #73BreadsSouth Korea1511Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h112018
Roti, made from industrially-milled finger millet (Eucenea coracana) flour #59BreadsSri Lanka159Jayasinghe, M.A., S. Ekanayake, and D.B. Nugegoda, Effect of different milling methods on glycaemic response of foods made with finger millet (Eucenea coracana) flour. The Ceylon Medical Journal, 2013. 58(4): p. 148-52.Normal 2h112013
Roti, made from stone-ground finger millet (Eucenea coracana) flour #44BreadsSri Lanka157Jayasinghe, M.A., S. Ekanayake, and D.B. Nugegoda, Effect of different milling methods on glycaemic response of foods made with finger millet (Eucenea coracana) flour. The Ceylon Medical Journal, 2013. 58(4): p. 148-52.Normal 2h112013
Roti, made from Azam maize (Zea mays L.) flour #69BreadsPakistan1510Aziz, M.S., et al., Starch composition, antioxidant potential, and glycemic indices of various varieties of Triticum aesitivum L. and Zea mays L. available in Pakistan. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2019. 43(8): p. e12943.Normal 3h52018
Roti, made from Babar maize (Zea mays L.) flour #63BreadsPakistan159Aziz, M.S., et al., Starch composition, antioxidant potential, and glycemic indices of various varieties of Triticum aesitivum L. and Zea mays L. available in Pakistan. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2019. 43(8): p. e12943.Normal 3h52018
Roti, made from CHT1W maize (Zea mays L.) flour #71BreadsPakistan1511Aziz, M.S., et al., Starch composition, antioxidant potential, and glycemic indices of various varieties of Triticum aesitivum L. and Zea mays L. available in Pakistan. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2019. 43(8): p. e12943.Normal 3h52018
Roti, made from CHT3W maize (Zea mays L.) flour #62BreadsPakistan159Aziz, M.S., et al., Starch composition, antioxidant potential, and glycemic indices of various varieties of Triticum aesitivum L. and Zea mays L. available in Pakistan. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2019. 43(8): p. e12943.Normal 3h52018
Roti, made from CZP132011 maize (Zea mays L.) flour #64BreadsPakistan1510Aziz, M.S., et al., Starch composition, antioxidant potential, and glycemic indices of various varieties of Triticum aesitivum L. and Zea mays L. available in Pakistan. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2019. 43(8): p. e12943.Normal 3h52018
Roti, made from Iqbal maize (Zea mays L.) flour #57BreadsPakistan159Aziz, M.S., et al., Starch composition, antioxidant potential, and glycemic indices of various varieties of Triticum aesitivum L. and Zea mays L. available in Pakistan. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2019. 43(8): p. e12943.Normal 3h52018
Roti, made from Jalal maize (Zea mays L.) flour #61BreadsPakistan159Aziz, M.S., et al., Starch composition, antioxidant potential, and glycemic indices of various varieties of Triticum aesitivum L. and Zea mays L. available in Pakistan. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2019. 43(8): p. e12943.Normal 3h52018
Roti, made from Pahari maize (Zea mays L.) flour #67BreadsPakistan1510Aziz, M.S., et al., Starch composition, antioxidant potential, and glycemic indices of various varieties of Triticum aesitivum L. and Zea mays L. available in Pakistan. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2019. 43(8): p. e12943.Normal 3h52018
Roti, made from Sarhad white maize (Zea mays L.) flour #56BreadsPakistan158Aziz, M.S., et al., Starch composition, antioxidant potential, and glycemic indices of various varieties of Triticum aesitivum L. and Zea mays L. available in Pakistan. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2019. 43(8): p. e12943.Normal 3h52018
Roti, made from ZM309 (Zea mays L.) flour #66BreadsPakistan1510Aziz, M.S., et al., Starch composition, antioxidant potential, and glycemic indices of various varieties of Triticum aesitivum L. and Zea mays L. available in Pakistan. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2019. 43(8): p. e12943.Normal 3h52018
Roti, made from Amin 2008 wheat (Triticum aesitivum L.) flour #65BreadsPakistan1510Aziz, M.S., et al., Starch composition, antioxidant potential, and glycemic indices of various varieties of Triticum aesitivum L. and Zea mays L. available in Pakistan. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2019. 43(8): p. e12943.Normal 3h52018
Roti, made from Barsat 2010 wheat (Triticum aesitivum L.) flour #65BreadsPakistan1510Aziz, M.S., et al., Starch composition, antioxidant potential, and glycemic indices of various varieties of Triticum aesitivum L. and Zea mays L. available in Pakistan. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2019. 43(8): p. e12943.Normal 3h52018
Roti, made from Bathoor wheat (Triticum aesitivum L.) flour #67BreadsPakistan1510Aziz, M.S., et al., Starch composition, antioxidant potential, and glycemic indices of various varieties of Triticum aesitivum L. and Zea mays L. available in Pakistan. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2019. 43(8): p. e12943.Normal 3h52018
Roti, made from Fakhr-e-Sarhadwheat (Triticum aesitivum L.) flour #67BreadsPakistan1510Aziz, M.S., et al., Starch composition, antioxidant potential, and glycemic indices of various varieties of Triticum aesitivum L. and Zea mays L. available in Pakistan. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2019. 43(8): p. e12943.Normal 3h52018
Roti, made from Faisalabad wheat (Triticum aesitivum L.) flour #69BreadsPakistan1510Aziz, M.S., et al., Starch composition, antioxidant potential, and glycemic indices of various varieties of Triticum aesitivum L. and Zea mays L. available in Pakistan. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2019. 43(8): p. e12943.Normal 3h52018
Roti, made from Hashim wheat (Triticum aesitivum L.) flour #63BreadsPakistan159Aziz, M.S., et al., Starch composition, antioxidant potential, and glycemic indices of various varieties of Triticum aesitivum L. and Zea mays L. available in Pakistan. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2019. 43(8): p. e12943.Normal 3h52018
Roti, made from Insaf wheat (Triticum aesitivum L.) flour #71BreadsPakistan1511Aziz, M.S., et al., Starch composition, antioxidant potential, and glycemic indices of various varieties of Triticum aesitivum L. and Zea mays L. available in Pakistan. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2019. 43(8): p. e12943.Normal 3h52018
Roti, made from KPK 2015 wheat (Triticum aesitivum L.) flour #64BreadsPakistan1510Aziz, M.S., et al., Starch composition, antioxidant potential, and glycemic indices of various varieties of Triticum aesitivum L. and Zea mays L. available in Pakistan. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2019. 43(8): p. e12943.Normal 3h52018
Roti, made from Millat wheat (Triticum aesitivum L.) flour #65BreadsPakistan1510Aziz, M.S., et al., Starch composition, antioxidant potential, and glycemic indices of various varieties of Triticum aesitivum L. and Zea mays L. available in Pakistan. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2019. 43(8): p. e12943.Normal 3h52018
Roti, made from Pirsabaq 2004 wheat (Triticum aesitivum L.) flour #66BreadsPakistan1510Aziz, M.S., et al., Starch composition, antioxidant potential, and glycemic indices of various varieties of Triticum aesitivum L. and Zea mays L. available in Pakistan. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2019. 43(8): p. e12943.Normal 3h52018
Roti, made from Pirsabaq 2005 wheat (Triticum aesitivum L.) flour #70BreadsPakistan1511Aziz, M.S., et al., Starch composition, antioxidant potential, and glycemic indices of various varieties of Triticum aesitivum L. and Zea mays L. available in Pakistan. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2019. 43(8): p. e12943.Normal 3h52018
Roti, made from Pirsabaq 2008 wheat (Triticum aesitivum L.) flour #65BreadsPakistan1510Aziz, M.S., et al., Starch composition, antioxidant potential, and glycemic indices of various varieties of Triticum aesitivum L. and Zea mays L. available in Pakistan. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2019. 43(8): p. e12943.Normal 3h52018
Roti, made from Pirsabaq 2013 wheat (Triticum aesitivum L.) flour #69BreadsPakistan1510Aziz, M.S., et al., Starch composition, antioxidant potential, and glycemic indices of various varieties of Triticum aesitivum L. and Zea mays L. available in Pakistan. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2019. 43(8): p. e12943.Normal 3h52018
Roti, made from Pirsabaq 2015 wheat (Triticum aesitivum L.) flour #65BreadsPakistan1510Aziz, M.S., et al., Starch composition, antioxidant potential, and glycemic indices of various varieties of Triticum aesitivum L. and Zea mays L. available in Pakistan. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2019. 43(8): p. e12943.Normal 3h52018
Roti, made from Saleem 2000 wheat (Triticum aesitivum L.) flour #67BreadsPakistan1510Aziz, M.S., et al., Starch composition, antioxidant potential, and glycemic indices of various varieties of Triticum aesitivum L. and Zea mays L. available in Pakistan. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2019. 43(8): p. e12943.Normal 3h52018
Roti, made from Shahkar 2013 wheat (Triticum aesitivum L.) flour #70BreadsPakistan1511Aziz, M.S., et al., Starch composition, antioxidant potential, and glycemic indices of various varieties of Triticum aesitivum L. and Zea mays L. available in Pakistan. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2019. 43(8): p. e12943.Normal 3h52018
Roti, made from Tatara 96 wheat (Triticum aesitivum L.) flour #66BreadsPakistan1510Aziz, M.S., et al., Starch composition, antioxidant potential, and glycemic indices of various varieties of Triticum aesitivum L. and Zea mays L. available in Pakistan. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2019. 43(8): p. e12943.Normal 3h52018
Roti/chapatti #59BreadsFiji159Lako, J., et al., The glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load (GL) of five commonly consumed foods of the South Pacific. Pacific Health Dialogue, 2004. 11(1): p. 47-54.Normal 2h82004
Roti, made from 75% rice flour and 25% soy flour #36BreadsSri Lanka155Perera, M.P.M.S.H., et al., Effect of vegetable mixed curry on glycaemic index and glycaemic load of soy flour incorporated traditional sri lankan breakfast foods in healthy adults. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2014. 13(11): p. 616-621.Normal 2h132014
Sadha roti (leavened wheat-based bread) #65BreadsTrinidad1510Ramdath, D.D., et al., Glycaemic index of selected staples commonly eaten in the Caribbean and the effects of boiling v. crushing. British Journal of Nutrition, 2004. 91(6): p. 971-7.Normal 2h82003
Rye kernel bread (Pumpernickel) #41BreadsGermany156Otto, H. and L. Niklas, Differences d'action sur la glycemie d'aliments contenant des hydrated de carbone: consequences pour le traitment dietetique du diabete sucre. (Differences in the action of foods containing carbohydrate on blood glucose levels: implications for the dietetic treatment of diabetes mellitus). Med Hyg, 1980. 38: p. 3424-29.DiabeticNS NS1980
Coarse rye kernel bread, 80% intact kernels and 20% white wheat flour #41BreadsSweden156Liljeberg, H., Y. Granfeldt, and I. Björck, Metabolic responses to starch in bread containing intact kernels versus milled flour. European Jounral of Clinical Nutrition, 1992. 46(8): p. 561-75.Normal 2h101991
Wholegrain pumpernickel (Holtzheuser Brothers Ltd., Toronto, Canada) #47BreadsCanada157Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h91984-1992
Wholemeal rye bread (75% rye flour with 25% cracked rye grains) (Schilstad bread, Aarhus, Denmark) #55BreadsDenmark158Rasmussen, O., E. Winther, and K. Hermansen, Glycaemic responses to different types of bread in insulin-dependent diabetic subjects (IDDM): studies at constant insulinaemia. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1991. 45(2): p. 97-103.Type 1 3h71990
Rye kernel bread, Pumpernickel (80% kernels, 20% flour) #55BreadsCanada158Jenkins, D.J., et al., Low glycemic response to traditionally processed wheat and rye products: bulgur and pumpernickel bread. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 1986. 43(4): p. 516-20.Type 1 & Type 2 3h 5 & 91985
Pumpernickel bread, Cocktail, sliced (Kasselar Food Products, Toronto, Canada) #56BreadsCanada158Wolever, T.M., et al., The glycemic index: similarity of values derived in insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 1987. 6(4): p. 295-305.Type 2 3h91985
Pumpernickel bread, Cocktail, sliced (Kasselar Food Products, Canada) #62BreadsCanada159Wolever, T.M., et al., The glycemic index: similarity of values derived in insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 1987. 6(4): p. 295-305.Type 1 3h61985
Pumpernickel bread #57BreadsCanada159Jenkins, D.J., et al., Low glycemic index carbohydrate foods in the management of hyperlipidemia. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1985. 42(4): p. 604-617.Type 2 3h131984
Pumpernickel Rye bread (Prunte Marken Pumpernickle, Northrine-Westphalia, Germany) #58BreadsGermany159Breen, C., et al., Glycemic, insulinemic, and appetite responses of patients with type 2 diabetes to commonly consumed breads. The Diabetes Educator, 2013. 39(3): p. 376-86.Type 2 4.5h19102013
Whole-kernel rye bread, 60% whole rye kernels and 40% rye flour20 #58BreadsFinland159Juntunen, K.S., et al., Postprandial glucose, insulin, and incretin responses to grain products in healthy subjects. The American Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 2002. 75(2): p. 254-62.Normal 3h6202000
Bread, rye, made from whole grain rye flour (Lantma?nnen R&D, Ja?rna, Sweden) with lactic acid (88-92% extra purity, Riedel-de Hae?n, Morris Township, NJ, USA), frozen and thawed #45BreadsSweden157Rosen, L.A., E.M. Ostman, and I.M. Bjorck, Effects of cereal breakfasts on postprandial glucose, appetite regulation and voluntary energy intake at a subsequent standardized lunch; focusing on rye products. Nutrition Journal, 2011. 10: p. 7.Normal 4.5h102007
Bread, rye, made from 75% whole grain rye flour (Lantma?nnen R&D, Ja?rna, Sweden) and 25% wheat flour, frozen and thawed #50BreadsSweden158Rosen, L.A.H., et al., Endosperm and whole grain rye breads are characterized by low post-prandial insulin response and a beneficial blood glucose profile. Nutrition Journal, 2009. 8: p. 42.Normal 3h112005
Bread, rye, made from 75% whole grain rye flour (Lantma?nnen R&D, Ja?rna, Sweden), 25% wheat flour and lactic acid (88-92% extra purity, Riedel-de Hae?n, Morris Township, NJ, USA), frozen and thawed #53BreadsSweden158Rosen, L.A.H., et al., Endosperm and whole grain rye breads are characterized by low post-prandial insulin response and a beneficial blood glucose profile. Nutrition Journal, 2009. 8: p. 42.Normal 3h112005
Bread, rye, made from whole grain rye flour (Lantma?nnen R&D, Ja?rna, Sweden), frozen and thawed #56BreadsSweden158Rosen, L.A., E.M. Ostman, and I.M. Bjorck, Effects of cereal breakfasts on postprandial glucose, appetite regulation and voluntary energy intake at a subsequent standardized lunch; focusing on rye products. Nutrition Journal, 2011. 10: p. 7.Normal 4.5h92007
Wholemeal rye bread #42BreadsGermany156Schauberger, G., et al., Exchange of carbohydrates according to their effect on blood glucose. Diabetes, 1977. 26: p. 415 (abstr).Type 2NS NS1977
Wholemeal rye bread, made from milled flour #63BreadsCanada159Jenkins, D.J., et al., Low glycemic response to traditionally processed wheat and rye products: bulgur and pumpernickel bread. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 1986. 43(4): p. 516-20.Type 1 & Type 2 3h 5 & 91985
Wholemeal rye bread #64BreadsCanada1510Wolever, T.M., et al., The glycemic index: similarity of values derived in insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 1987. 6(4): p. 295-305.Type 2 3h91985
Wholemeal rye bread #67BreadsCanada1510Wolever, T.M., et al., The glycemic index: similarity of values derived in insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 1987. 6(4): p. 295-305.Type 1 3h61985
Wholemeal rye, Klosterbrot (Dimpflemeier Bakery Ltd., Canada) #67BreadsCanada1510Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h101984-1992
Wholemeal rye bread, Volkornbrot (Dimpflemeier Bakery Ltd., Canada) #57BreadsCanada159Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h101984-1992
Wholemeal rye bread (75% rye flour with 25% cracked rye grains), with dried figs (Schilstad bread, Aarhus, Denmark) #54BreadsDenmark158Rasmussen, O., E. Winther, and K. Hermansen, Glycaemic responses to different types of bread in insulin-dependent diabetic subjects (IDDM): studies at constant insulinaemia. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1991. 45(2): p. 97-103.Type 1 3h71990
Blackbread, Riga (Berzin's Specialty Bakery, Sydney, Australia) #76BreadsAustralia1511Brand, J.C., et al., The glycaemic and insulin indices of realistic meals and rye breads tested in healthy subjects. Diabetes, Nutrition & Metabolism, 1990. 3: p. 137-42.Normal 2h71989
Bread, rye and whole wheat flours, enriched with 2% oat ß-glucan #27BreadsGreece154Yanni, A.E., et al., Cr-enriched yeast: beyond fibers for the management of postprandial glycemic response to bread. European Journal of Nutrition, 2017. 56(4): p. 1445-1453.Normal 2h122015
Bread, rye, made from 75% endosperm rye flour (Lantma?nnen R&D, Ja?rna, Sweden) and 25% wheat flour, frozen and thawed #45BreadsSweden157Rosen, L.A.H., et al., Endosperm and whole grain rye breads are characterized by low post-prandial insulin response and a beneficial blood glucose profile. Nutrition Journal, 2009. 8: p. 42.Normal 3h112005
Bread, rye, made from endosperm rye flour (Lantma?nnen R&D, Ja?rna, Sweden) with lactic acid (88-92% extra purity, Riedel-de Hae?n, Morris Township, NJ, USA), frozen and thawed #45BreadsSweden157Rosen, L.A., E.M. Ostman, and I.M. Bjorck, Effects of cereal breakfasts on postprandial glucose, appetite regulation and voluntary energy intake at a subsequent standardized lunch; focusing on rye products. Nutrition Journal, 2011. 10: p. 7.Normal 4.5h102007
Bread, rye made from endosperm rye flour (Lantma?nnen R&D, Ja?rna, Sweden), frozen and thawed #55BreadsSweden158Rosen, L.A., E.M. Ostman, and I.M. Bjorck, Effects of cereal breakfasts on postprandial glucose, appetite regulation and voluntary energy intake at a subsequent standardized lunch; focusing on rye products. Nutrition Journal, 2011. 10: p. 7.Normal 4.5h102007
Dark rye bread, Schinkenbrot, Riga, (Berzin's Specialty Bakery, Sydney, Australia) #86BreadsAustralia1513Brand, J.C., et al., The glycaemic and insulin indices of realistic meals and rye breads tested in healthy subjects. Diabetes, Nutrition & Metabolism, 1990. 3: p. 137-42.Normal 2h71989
Dark/Swiss rye, Bürgen™ (Tip Top Bakeries, Australia) #55BreadsAustralia158Perry, T., et al., Glycaemic index of New Zealand foods. New Zealand Medical Journal, 2000. 113(1108): p. 140-2.Normal 2h92000
Dark/Swiss rye, Bürgen™ (Tip Top Bakeries, Australia) #74BreadsAustralia1511Perry, T., et al., Glycaemic index of New Zealand foods. New Zealand Medical Journal, 2000. 113(1108): p. 140-2.Type 2 3h142000
Light rye (Silverstein's Bakery, Toronto, Canada) #69BreadsCanada1510Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h121984-1992
Linseed rye bread (Rudolph's Specialty Bakery Ltd., Toronto, Canada) #55BreadsCanada158Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h91984-1992
Rye bread, Roggenbrot, Vogel's (Stevns & Co, Sydney, NSW, Australia) #59BreadsAustralia159Brand-Miller, J., et al., In search of more low glycaemic index foods. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 1995. 19: p. 177.Normal 2h81995
Rye bread (50% rye flour + 50% wheat flour) #51BreadsTurkey158Nehir El, S., Determination of glycemic index for some breads. Food chemistry, 1999. 67(1): p. 67-69.Normal 2h101998
Rye bread (80% rye flour + 20% oat ß-glucan concentrate) #67BreadsFinland1510Juntunen, K.S., et al., Postprandial glucose, insulin, and incretin responses to grain products in healthy subjects. The American Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 2002. 75(2): p. 254-62.Normal 3h6202000
Rye bread, made from 65% wheat flour and 35% rye bran (Lantma?nnen R&D, Ja?rna, Sweden) #62BreadsSweden159Rosen, L.A.H., et al., Endosperm and whole grain rye breads are characterized by low post-prandial insulin response and a beneficial blood glucose profile. Nutrition Journal, 2009. 8: p. 42.Normal 3h112005
Rye bread #65BreadsSouth Korea1510Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h102018
Sourdough rye bread #59BreadsCanada159Jenkins, D.J., et al., Low glycemic index carbohydrate foods in the management of hyperlipidemia. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1985. 42(4): p. 604-617.Type 2 3h131984
Wheat and rye bread (75% wheat flour + 10% rye flour + 15% wheat bran) #40BreadsTurkey156Nehir El, S., Determination of glycemic index for some breads. Food chemistry, 1999. 67(1): p. 67-69.Normal 2h101998
50% cracked wheat kernel #59BreadsCanada159Jenkins, D.J., et al., Wholemeal versus wholegrain breads: proportion of whole or cracked grain and the glycaemic response. British Medical Journal (Clinical Research Edition), 1988. 297(6654): p. 958-60.Type 2 3h61988
75% cracked wheat kernels #49BreadsCanada157Jenkins, D.J., et al., Wholemeal versus wholegrain breads: proportion of whole or cracked grain and the glycaemic response. British Medical Journal (Clinical Research Edition), 1988. 297(6654): p. 958-60.Type 2 3h61988
Coarse wheat kernel bread, 80% intact kernels and 20% white wheat flour #52BreadsSweden158Liljeberg, H., Y. Granfeldt, and I. Björck, Metabolic responses to starch in bread containing intact kernels versus milled flour. European Jounral of Clinical Nutrition, 1992. 46(8): p. 561-75.Normal 2h101991
White bread #63BreadsCanada159Lan-Pidhainy, X. and T.M.S. Wolever, Are the glycemic and insulinemic index values of carbohydrate foods similar in healthy control, hyperinsulinemic and type 2 diabetic patients? European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2011. 65(6): p. 727-34.Normal 2h92011
White bread #64BreadsSpain1510Ferrer-Mairal, A., et al., In vitro and in vivo assessment of the glycemic index of bakery products: influence of the reformulation of ingredients. European Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 51(8): p. 947-54.Normal 2h82009
White bread #67BreadsChina1510Lu, F., Y. Liu, and B. Li, Okara dietary fiber and hypoglycemic effect of okara foods. Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre, 2013. 2(2): p. 126-132.Normal 2h102013
White bread, refined #68BreadsIndia1510Chhavi, A. and S. Sarita, Evaluation of composite millet breads for sensory and nutritional qualities and glycemic response. Malaysian Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 18(1): p. 89-101.Normal 2.5h102012
White bread #69BreadsThailand1510Chusak, C., et al., Postprandial glycemia, insulinemia, and antioxidant status in healthy subjects after ingestion of bread made from anthocyanin-rich riceberry rice. Nutrients, 2020. 12(3): p. 782.Normal 3h162020
White bread #69BreadsCanada1510Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h101981
White bread #70BreadsCanada1511Lan-Pidhainy, X. and T.M.S. Wolever, Are the glycemic and insulinemic index values of carbohydrate foods similar in healthy control, hyperinsulinemic and type 2 diabetic patients? European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2011. 65(6): p. 727-34.High fast insulin 2h122011
White bread #70BreadsUSA1511Crapo, P.A., et al., Postprandial hormonal responses to different types of complex carbohydrate in individuals with impaired glucose tolerance. The American Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 1980. 33(8): p. 1723-8.Type 2 & IGT 3h65 & 61980
White bread #71BreadsCanada1511Lan-Pidhainy, X. and T.M.S. Wolever, Are the glycemic and insulinemic index values of carbohydrate foods similar in healthy control, hyperinsulinemic and type 2 diabetic patients? European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2011. 65(6): p. 727-34.Type 2 3h102011
White bread (Dempster's Corporate Foods Ltd., Canada) #72BreadsCanada1511Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h121984-1992
White bread #71BreadsSouth Africa1511Walker, A.R. and B.F. Walker, Glycaemic index of South African foods determined in rural blacks--a population at low risk of diabetes. Human Nutrition. Clinical Nutrition, 1984. 38(3): p. 215-22.Normal young adult 17-18 y) 2h71984
White bread #71BreadsSouth Korea1511Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h102018
White bread #72BreadsCanada1511Jenkins, D.J.A., et al., The glycaemic index of foods tested in diabetic patients: A new basis for carbohydrate exchange favouring the use of legumes. Diabetologia, 1983. 24(4): p. 257-264.Type 2 3h61983
White bread #72BreadsItaly1511De Angelis, M., et al., Use of sourdough lactobacilli and oat fibre to decrease the glycaemic index of white wheat bread. British Journal of Nutrition, 2007. 98(6): p. 1196-1205.Normal 2h152006
White bread #76BreadsItaly1511Marangoni, F. and A. Poli, The glycemic index of bread and biscuits is markedly reduced by the addition of a proprietary fiber mixture to the ingredients. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2008. 18(9): p. 602-5.Normal 2h152007
White bread, commercially-manufactured #77BreadsSri Lanka1512Hettiaratchi, U.P.K., S. Ekanayake, and J. Welihinda, Glycaemic indices of three Sri Lankan wheat bread varieties and a bread-lentil meal. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009. 60 Suppl 4: p. 21-30.Normal 2h102009
White bread #78BreadsIsrael1512Lock, D.R., et al., Glycemic indices of various foods given to pregnant diabetic subjects. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1988. 71(2): p. 180-3.GDM 2h81988
White bread #80BreadsSri Lanka1512Hettiaratchi, U.P.K., S. Ekanayake, and J. Welihinda, Glycaemic indices of three Sri Lankan wheat bread varieties and a bread-lentil meal. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009. 60 Suppl 4: p. 21-30.Normal 2h102009
White bread (Hovis Classic, British Bakeries Ltd, UK) #87BreadsUK1513Burton, P. and H.J. Lightowler, The impact of freezing and toasting on the glycaemic response of white bread. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2008. 62(5): p. 594-599.Normal 2h9102006
White bread, homemade #89BreadsUK1513Burton, P. and H.J. Lightowler, The impact of freezing and toasting on the glycaemic response of white bread. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2008. 62(5): p. 594-599.Normal 2h9102006
White bread #89BreadsItaly1513Cavallero, A., et al., High (1?3,1?4)-?-Glucan Barley Fractions in Bread Making and their Effects on Human Glycemic Response. Journal of Cereal Science, 2002. 36(1): p. 59-66.Normal 2h82001
White bread #93BreadsCzech Republic1514Fajkusova, Z., et al., Glycaemic index of selected foodstuffs in healthy persons. Biomedical Papers of the Medical Faculty of the University Palacky, Olomouc, Czech Republic, 2007. 151(2): p. 257-61.Normal 2h202007
White bread #94BreadsNigeria1514Okafor, E.N., et al., Cassava Flour Substitution Modulates Glycemic Responses and Glycemic Index of Wheat Breads in Apparent Healthy Volunteers. Journal of Dietary Supplements, 2017. 14(4): p. 446-452.Normal 2h2502017
White bread with butter incorporated into dough #59BreadsSingapore159Lau, E., W. Zhou, and C.J. Henry, Effect of fat type in baked bread on amylose-lipid complex formation and glycaemic response. British Journal of Nutrition, 2016. 115(12): p. 2122-9.Normal 3h6152015
White bread with coconut oil incorporated into dough #52BreadsSingapore158Lau, E., W. Zhou, and C.J. Henry, Effect of fat type in baked bread on amylose-lipid complex formation and glycaemic response. British Journal of Nutrition, 2016. 115(12): p. 2122-9.Normal 3h6152015
White bread with grapeseed oil incorporated into dough #59BreadsSingapore159Lau, E., W. Zhou, and C.J. Henry, Effect of fat type in baked bread on amylose-lipid complex formation and glycaemic response. British Journal of Nutrition, 2016. 115(12): p. 2122-9.Normal 3h6152015
White bread with olive oil incorporated into dough #55BreadsSingapore158Lau, E., W. Zhou, and C.J. Henry, Effect of fat type in baked bread on amylose-lipid complex formation and glycaemic response. British Journal of Nutrition, 2016. 115(12): p. 2122-9.Normal 3h6152015
White bread, frozen and defrosted (British Bakeries Ltd, UK) #75BreadsUK1511Burton, P. and H.J. Lightowler, The impact of freezing and toasting on the glycaemic response of white bread. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2008. 62(5): p. 594-599.Normal 2h9102006
White bread, homemade, frozen and defrosted #62BreadsUK159Burton, P. and H.J. Lightowler, The impact of freezing and toasting on the glycaemic response of white bread. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2008. 62(5): p. 594-599.Normal 2h9102006
Bread, made from 100% white wheat flour, frozen and thawed #83BreadsItaly1512Finocchiaro, F., et al., Effects of barley beta-glucan-enriched flour fractions on the glycaemic index of bread. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2012. 63(1): p. 23-9.Normal 2h92011
White wheat bread, frozen, defrosted and toasted (British Bakeries Ltd, UK) #64BreadsUK1510Burton, P. and H.J. Lightowler, The impact of freezing and toasting on the glycaemic response of white bread. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2008. 62(5): p. 594-599.Normal 2h9102006
White bread, homemade, frozen, defrosted and toasted #54BreadsUK158Burton, P. and H.J. Lightowler, The impact of freezing and toasting on the glycaemic response of white bread. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2008. 62(5): p. 594-599.Normal 2h9102006
Bread, made from wheat flour, steamed #86BreadsChina1513Lu, F., Y. Liu, and B. Li, Okara dietary fiber and hypoglycemic effect of okara foods. Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre, 2013. 2(2): p. 126-132.Normal 2h102013
Bread, made from mixed white wheat flour (50% Shi4185 and 50% Shixin733 flours), steamed for 20 min #93BreadsChina1514Su-Que, L., et al., Effect of consumption of micronutrient enriched wheat steamed bread on postprandial plasma glucose in healthy and type 2 diabetic subjects. Nutrition Journal, 2013. 12: p. 64.Normal 2h102012
White bread, fresh, toasted (British Bakeries Ltd, UK) #63BreadsUK159Burton, P. and H.J. Lightowler, The impact of freezing and toasting on the glycaemic response of white bread. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2008. 62(5): p. 594-599.Normal 2h9102006
White bread, homemade, fresh, toasted #66BreadsUK1510Burton, P. and H.J. Lightowler, The impact of freezing and toasting on the glycaemic response of white bread. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2008. 62(5): p. 594-599.Normal 2h9102006
White wheat flour bread, hard, toasted #74BreadsItaly1511Giacco, R., et al., Characteristics of some wheat-based foods of the Italian diet in relation to their influence on postprandial glucose metabolism in patients with type 2 diabetes. British Journal of Nutrition, 2001. 85(1): p. 33-40.Type 2 3h91999
Bread, made from wheat flour and 10% cassava flour #93BreadsNigeria1514Okafor, E.N., et al., Cassava Flour Substitution Modulates Glycemic Responses and Glycemic Index of Wheat Breads in Apparent Healthy Volunteers. Journal of Dietary Supplements, 2017. 14(4): p. 446-452.Normal 2h2502017
Bread, made from wheat flour and 15% cassava flour #91BreadsNigeria1514Okafor, E.N., et al., Cassava Flour Substitution Modulates Glycemic Responses and Glycemic Index of Wheat Breads in Apparent Healthy Volunteers. Journal of Dietary Supplements, 2017. 14(4): p. 446-452.Normal 2h2502017
Bread, made from wheat flour and 20% cassava flour #92BreadsNigeria1514Okafor, E.N., et al., Cassava Flour Substitution Modulates Glycemic Responses and Glycemic Index of Wheat Breads in Apparent Healthy Volunteers. Journal of Dietary Supplements, 2017. 14(4): p. 446-452.Normal 2h2502017
White bread containing 7 g whole Salba #63BreadsCanada159Ho, H., et al., Effect of whole and ground Salba seeds (Salvia Hispanica L.) on postprandial glycemia in healthy volunteers: a randomized controlled, dose-response trial. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2013. 67(7): p. 786-8.Normal 2h9132013
White bread containing 15 g whole Salba #56BreadsCanada158Ho, H., et al., Effect of whole and ground Salba seeds (Salvia Hispanica L.) on postprandial glycemia in healthy volunteers: a randomized controlled, dose-response trial. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2013. 67(7): p. 786-8.Normal 2h9132013
White bread containing 24 g whole Salba #54BreadsCanada158Ho, H., et al., Effect of whole and ground Salba seeds (Salvia Hispanica L.) on postprandial glycemia in healthy volunteers: a randomized controlled, dose-response trial. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2013. 67(7): p. 786-8.Normal 2h9132013
White bread containing 7 g ground Salba #63BreadsCanada159Ho, H., et al., Effect of whole and ground Salba seeds (Salvia Hispanica L.) on postprandial glycemia in healthy volunteers: a randomized controlled, dose-response trial. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2013. 67(7): p. 786-8.Normal 2h9132013
White bread containing 15 g ground Salba #59BreadsCanada159Ho, H., et al., Effect of whole and ground Salba seeds (Salvia Hispanica L.) on postprandial glycemia in healthy volunteers: a randomized controlled, dose-response trial. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2013. 67(7): p. 786-8.Normal 2h9132013
White bread containing 24 g ground Salba #56BreadsCanada158Ho, H., et al., Effect of whole and ground Salba seeds (Salvia Hispanica L.) on postprandial glycemia in healthy volunteers: a randomized controlled, dose-response trial. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2013. 67(7): p. 786-8.Normal 2h9132013
Bread, made from 90% wheat flour and 10% jatoba?-do-cerrado (Hymenaea stigonocarpa Mart.) flour #63BreadsBrazil159Pereira Silva, C., et al., Identification and action of phenolic compounds of Jatoba-do-cerrado (Hymenaea stignocarpa Mart.) on alpha-amylase and alpha-glucosidase activities and flour effect on glycemic response and nutritional quality of breads. Food Research International, 2019. 116: p. 1076-1083.Normal 2h112018
Bread, made from 80% wheat flour and 20% jatoba?-do-cerrado (Hymenaea stigonocarpa Mart.) flour #54BreadsBrazil158Pereira Silva, C., et al., Identification and action of phenolic compounds of Jatoba-do-cerrado (Hymenaea stignocarpa Mart.) on alpha-amylase and alpha-glucosidase activities and flour effect on glycemic response and nutritional quality of breads. Food Research International, 2019. 116: p. 1076-1083.Normal 2h112018
Bread, made from 70% wheat flour and 30% jatoba?-do-cerrado (Hymenaea stigonocarpa Mart.) flour #57BreadsBrazil159Pereira Silva, C., et al., Identification and action of phenolic compounds of Jatoba-do-cerrado (Hymenaea stignocarpa Mart.) on alpha-amylase and alpha-glucosidase activities and flour effect on glycemic response and nutritional quality of breads. Food Research International, 2019. 116: p. 1076-1083.Normal 2h112018
Bread made from 30% finger millet (VL-146) flour and 70% refined wheat flour16 #41BreadsIndia156Chhavi, A. and S. Sarita, Evaluation of composite millet breads for sensory and nutritional qualities and glycemic response. Malaysian Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 18(1): p. 89-101.Normal 2.5h102012
Bread made from 30% finger millet (PRM-601) flour and 70% refined wheat flour #43BreadsIndia156Chhavi, A. and S. Sarita, Evaluation of composite millet breads for sensory and nutritional qualities and glycemic response. Malaysian Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 18(1): p. 89-101.Normal 2.5h102012
Bread made from 30% foxtail millet flour and 70% refined wheat flour #50BreadsIndia158Chhavi, A. and S. Sarita, Evaluation of composite millet breads for sensory and nutritional qualities and glycemic response. Malaysian Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 18(1): p. 89-101.Normal 2.5h102012
White bread roll + 3 mg trestatin (pancreatic alpha-amylase inhibitor) #48BreadsSwitzerland157Golay, A., et al., Effect of trestatin, an amylase inhibitor, incorporated into bread, on glycemic responses in normal and diabetic patients. The American Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 1991. 53(1): p. 61-5.Type 2 4h2161990
White bread roll + 6 mg trestatin #29BreadsSwitzerland154Golay, A., et al., Effect of trestatin, an amylase inhibitor, incorporated into bread, on glycemic responses in normal and diabetic patients. The American Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 1991. 53(1): p. 61-5.Type 2 4h2161990
White bread roll + 3 mg trestatin (pancreatic alpha-amylase inhibitor) #40BreadsSwitzerland156Golay, A., et al., Effect of trestatin, an amylase inhibitor, incorporated into bread, on glycemic responses in normal and diabetic patients. The American Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 1991. 53(1): p. 61-5.Normal 4h2161990
White bread roll + 6 mg trestatin #42BreadsSwitzerland156Golay, A., et al., Effect of trestatin, an amylase inhibitor, incorporated into bread, on glycemic responses in normal and diabetic patients. The American Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 1991. 53(1): p. 61-5.Normal 4h2161990
White bread, enriched with 9 g lupin kernel fiber (viscous insoluble fiber) (Australasian Natural Ingredients Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia) #75BreadsAustralia1511Johnson, S.K., et al., Sensory acceptability of white bread with added Australian sweet lupin (Lupinus angustifolius) kernel fibre and its glycaemic and insulinaemic responses when eaten as a breakfast. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2003. 83(13): p. 1366-1372.Normal 2h212002
Wonderwhite™, resistant starch-enriched bread (Buttercup Bakeries, Australia) #80BreadsAustralia1512Brand-Miller, J., et al., In search of more low glycaemic index foods. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 1995. 19: p. 177.Normal 2h81995
White bread with added wheatgerm and fiber #49BreadsUK157Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of cereal products and weight-management meals available in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2007. 98(1): p. 147-153.Normal 2h102006
Bread, made with 50% wheat flour, 6% added resistant starch (ActiStar 11700, Cargill, France) and 3% dextrins (Nutriose FB076, Roquette, France) #60BreadsSpain159Ferrer-Mairal, A., et al., In vitro and in vivo assessment of the glycemic index of bakery products: influence of the reformulation of ingredients. European Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 51(8): p. 947-54.Normal 2h82009
White, high-fiber (Dempster's Corporate Foods Ltd., Canada) #68BreadsCanada1510Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h131984-1992
White, high-fiber (Weston's Bakery, Toronto, Canada) #70BreadsCanada1511Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h121984-1992
Bread, made from wheat flour and freeze-dried okara, a by-product of soy beans (Glycine max L.) #49BreadsChina157Lu, F., Y. Liu, and B. Li, Okara dietary fiber and hypoglycemic effect of okara foods. Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre, 2013. 2(2): p. 126-132.Normal 2h102013
Bread, steamed, made from wheat flour and freeze-dried okara, a soy bean by-product (Glycine max L.) #54BreadsChina158Lu, F., Y. Liu, and B. Li, Okara dietary fiber and hypoglycemic effect of okara foods. Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre, 2013. 2(2): p. 126-132.Normal 2h102013
Bread, white, enriched with fiber blend (70% inulin, 20% guar gum, 5% glucomannan and 5% wheat fiber) #60BreadsItaly159Marangoni, F. and A. Poli, The glycemic index of bread and biscuits is markedly reduced by the addition of a proprietary fiber mixture to the ingredients. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2008. 18(9): p. 602-5.Normal 2h152007
Bread, made from wheat flour with 2.25 g oat ß-glucan incorporated into the test portion (5 g oat ß-glucan/100 g wheat flour), steamed #53BreadsChina158Wang, L., et al., The effects of oat beta-glucan incorporation on the quality, structure, consumer acceptance and glycaemic response of steamed bread. Journal of Texture Studies, 2017. 48(6): p. 562-570.Normal 2h9102016
White bread, enriched with 12 g Arabinoxylan fiber (soluble fiber), lightly toasted #42BreadsAustralia156Lu, Z.X., et al., Arabinoxylan fiber, a byproduct of wheat flour processing, reduces the postprandial glucose response in normoglycemic subjects. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2000. 71(5): p. 1123-1128.Normal 2h141999
White bread, enriched with 6 g Arabinoxylan fiber (soluble fiber), lightly toasted #57BreadsAustralia159Lu, Z.X., et al., Arabinoxylan fiber, a byproduct of wheat flour processing, reduces the postprandial glucose response in normoglycemic subjects. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2000. 71(5): p. 1123-1128.Normal 2h141999
White bread + 15 g psyllium fiber (Plantago psyllium) #66BreadsMexico1510Frati Munari, A.C., et al., Lowering glycemic index of food by acarbose and Plantago psyllium mucilage. Archives of Medical Research, 1998. 29(2): p. 137-141.Normal 3h101998
White bread + 15 g psyllium fiber (Plantago psyllium) #42BreadsMexico156Frati Munari, A.C., et al., Lowering glycemic index of food by acarbose and Plantago psyllium mucilage. Archives of Medical Research, 1998. 29(2): p. 137-141.Type 2 3h121998
Bread, made with 40% ß-glucan-enriched barley flour (Priora hull-less, 11.2% ß-glucan, high amylose) and 60% white wheat flour, frozen and thawed #57BreadsItaly159Finocchiaro, F., et al., Effects of barley beta-glucan-enriched flour fractions on the glycaemic index of bread. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2012. 63(1): p. 23-9.Normal 2h92011
Bread, made with 40% ß-glucan-enriched barley waxy flour (CDC Alamo, hull-less and waxy, 15.6% ß-glucan, low amylose) and 60% white wheat flour, frozen and thawed #70BreadsItaly1511Finocchiaro, F., et al., Effects of barley beta-glucan-enriched flour fractions on the glycaemic index of bread. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2012. 63(1): p. 23-9.Normal 2h92011
Bread, white, wheat, enriched with barley dietary fiber (Lyckeby Starkelsen, Kristianstad, Sweden) #66BreadsSweden1510Nilsson, A.C., et al., Effect of cereal test breakfasts differing in glycemic index and content of indigestible carbohydrates on daylong glucose tolerance in healthy subjects. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2008. 87(3): p. 645-54.Normal 2h122007
Bread, made from Hi-Maize® whole grain corn flour (Ingredion, Bridgewater, NJ, USA), white wheat flour and 3% added medium molecular weight guar gum (MEYPRODOR®50, Danisco A/S, Denmark), prepared in an automatic bread machine, frozen and thawed #62BreadsSweden159Ekstrom, L.M.N.K., I.M.E. Bjorck, and E.M. Ostman, On the possibility to affect the course of glycaemia, insulinaemia, and perceived hunger/satiety to bread meals in healthy volunteers. Food & Function, 2013. 4(4): p. 522-9.Normal 3h14102010
Bread, made from Hi-Maize® wholegrain corn flour (Ingredion, Bridgewater, NJ, USA), white wheat flour and 6% added medium molecular weight guar gum (MEYPRODOR®50, Danisco A/S, Denmark), prepared in an automatic bread machine, frozen and thawed #42BreadsSweden156Ekstrom, L.M.N.K., I.M.E. Bjorck, and E.M. Ostman, On the possibility to affect the course of glycaemia, insulinaemia, and perceived hunger/satiety to bread meals in healthy volunteers. Food & Function, 2013. 4(4): p. 522-9.Normal 3h14102010
Bread, made from Hi-Maize® wholegrain corn flour (Ingredion, Bridgewater, NJ, USA), white wheat flour and 9% added medium molecular weight guar gum (MEYPRODOR®50, Danisco A/S, Denmark), prepared in an automatic bread machine, frozen and thawed #48BreadsSweden157Ekstrom, L.M.N.K., I.M.E. Bjorck, and E.M. Ostman, On the possibility to affect the course of glycaemia, insulinaemia, and perceived hunger/satiety to bread meals in healthy volunteers. Food & Function, 2013. 4(4): p. 522-9.Normal 3h14102010
White bread with 3 g Sunfibre (Indian cluster guar beans), viscosity 1 (Taiyo Kagaku Co., Ltd, Yokaichi Mie, Japan) #63BreadsJapan159Trinidad, T., et al., Glycemic index of Sunfibre (Cyamoposis tetragonolobus) products in normal and diabetic subjects. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2004. 39(10): p. 1093-1098.Normal 2h112003
White bread with 5 g Sunfibre (Indian cluster guar beans, viscosity 1 (Taiyo Kagaku Co., Ltd, Yokaichi Mie, Japan) #64BreadsJapan1510Trinidad, T., et al., Glycemic index of Sunfibre (Cyamoposis tetragonolobus) products in normal and diabetic subjects. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2004. 39(10): p. 1093-1098.Normal 2h112003
White bread with 10 g Sunfibre (Indian cluster guar beans, viscosity 1 (Taiyo Kagaku Co., Ltd, Yokaichi Mie, Japan) #68BreadsJapan1510Trinidad, T., et al., Glycemic index of Sunfibre (Cyamoposis tetragonolobus) products in normal and diabetic subjects. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2004. 39(10): p. 1093-1098.Normal 2h112003
White bread with 15 g Sunfibre (Indian cluster guar beans, viscosity 1 (Taiyo Kagaku Co., Ltd, Yokaichi Mie, Japan) #56BreadsJapan158Trinidad, T., et al., Glycemic index of Sunfibre (Cyamoposis tetragonolobus) products in normal and diabetic subjects. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2004. 39(10): p. 1093-1098.Normal 2h112003
White bread with 5 g Sunfibre (Indian cluster guar beans, viscosity 2 (Taiyo Kagaku Co., Ltd, Yokaichi Mie, Japan) #55BreadsJapan158Trinidad, T., et al., Glycemic index of Sunfibre (Cyamoposis tetragonolobus) products in normal and diabetic subjects. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2004. 39(10): p. 1093-1098.Normal 2h112003
White bread with 3 g Sunfibre, viscosity 1 (Taiyo Kagaku Co., Ltd, Yokaichi Mie, Japan) #53BreadsJapan158Trinidad, T., et al., Glycemic index of Sunfibre (Cyamoposis tetragonolobus) products in normal and diabetic subjects. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2004. 39(10): p. 1093-1098.Type 2 3h92003
White bread with 5 g Sunfibre (Indian cluster guar beans, viscosity 1 (Taiyo Kagaku Co., Ltd, Yokaichi Mie, Japan) #50BreadsJapan158Trinidad, T., et al., Glycemic index of Sunfibre (Cyamoposis tetragonolobus) products in normal and diabetic subjects. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2004. 39(10): p. 1093-1098.Type 2 3h92003
White bread with 10 g Sunfibre (Indian cluster guar beans, viscosity 1 (Taiyo Kagaku Co., Ltd, Yokaichi Mie, Japan) #48BreadsJapan157Trinidad, T., et al., Glycemic index of Sunfibre (Cyamoposis tetragonolobus) products in normal and diabetic subjects. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2004. 39(10): p. 1093-1098.Type 2 3h92003
White bread with 15 g Sunfibre (Indian cluster guar beans, viscosity 1 (Taiyo Kagaku Co., Ltd, Yokaichi Mie, Japan) #37BreadsJapan156Trinidad, T., et al., Glycemic index of Sunfibre (Cyamoposis tetragonolobus) products in normal and diabetic subjects. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2004. 39(10): p. 1093-1098.Type 2 3h92003
White bread with 5 g Sunfibre (Indian cluster guar beans, viscosity 2 (Taiyo Kagaku Co., Ltd, Japan) #39BreadsJapan156Trinidad, T., et al., Glycemic index of Sunfibre (Cyamoposis tetragonolobus) products in normal and diabetic subjects. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2004. 39(10): p. 1093-1098.Type 2 3h92003
Wholemeal bread #75BreadsCanada1511Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic response to wheat products: reduced response to pasta but no effect of fiber. Diabetes Care, 1983. 6(2): p. 155-9.Type 2 3h91983
Wholemeal bread #65BreadsCanada1510Jenkins, D.J., et al., Wholemeal versus wholegrain breads: proportion of whole or cracked grain and the glycaemic response. British Medical Journal (Clinical Research Edition), 1988. 297(6654): p. 958-60.Type 2 3h61988
Wholemeal bread #66BreadsGermany1510Otto, H. and L. Niklas, Differences d'action sur la glycemie d'aliments contenant des hydrated de carbone: consequences pour le traitment dietetique du diabete sucre. (Differences in the action of foods containing carbohydrate on blood glucose levels: implications for the dietetic treatment of diabetes mellitus). Med Hyg, 1980. 38: p. 3424-29.DiabeticNSNS1980
Wholemeal bread #67BreadsCanada1510Wolever, T.M., et al., The glycemic index: similarity of values derived in insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 1987. 6(4): p. 295-305.Type 2 3h111985
Wholemeal bread #68BreadsCanada1510Jenkins, D.J., et al., Low glycemic response to traditionally processed wheat and rye products: bulgur and pumpernickel bread. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 1986. 43(4): p. 516-20.Type 1 & Type 2 3h4 & 111985
Wholemeal bread #70BreadsCanada1511Wolever, T.M., et al., The glycemic index: similarity of values derived in insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 1987. 6(4): p. 295-305.Type 1 3h51985
Wholemeal bread #70BreadsCanada1511Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic responses to foods: possible differences between insulin-dependent and noninsulin-dependent diabetics. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1984. 40(5): p. 971-81.Type 2 3h61983
Wholemeal bread, Helga's™ Traditional (Quality Bakers, Australia) #70BreadsAustralia1511Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h82001
Wholemeal flour bread #72BreadsCanada1511Jenkins, D.J.A., et al., The glycaemic index of foods tested in diabetic patients: A new basis for carbohydrate exchange favouring the use of legumes. Diabetologia, 1983. 24(4): p. 257-264.Type 2 3h61983
Wholemeal bread #72BreadsDenmark1511Rasmussen, O., E. Winther, and K. Hermansen, Glycaemic responses to different types of bread in insulin-dependent diabetic subjects (IDDM): studies at constant insulinaemia. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1991. 45(2): p. 97-103.Type 1 3h71990
Wholemeal flour/100% whole wheat bread #73BreadsUSA1511Krezowski, P.A., et al., Insulin and glucose responses to various starch-containing foods in type II diabetic subjects. Diabetes Care, 1987. 10(2): p. 205-212.Type 2 5h681987
Wholemeal bread #75BreadsAustralia1511Fitz-Henry, A., In vitro and in vivo rates of carbohydrates digestion in Aboriginal bushfoods and contemporary Western Foods., in Human Nutrition Unit. 1982, University of Sydney: Australia.Normal 2h71981
Wholemeal bread (Barilla G.eR. Fratelli S.p.A., Parma, Italy) #75BreadsItaly1511Kristensen, M., et al., Wholegrain vs. refined wheat bread and pasta. Effect on postprandial glycemia, appetite, and subsequent ad libitum energy intake in young healthy adults. Appetite, 2010. 54(1): p. 163-9.Normal 3h102009
Wholemeal bread, tested in young adults (17-18 y) #75BreadsSouth Africa1511Walker, A.R. and B.F. Walker, Glycaemic index of South African foods determined in rural blacks--a population at low risk of diabetes. Human Nutrition. Clinical Nutrition, 1984. 38(3): p. 215-22.Normal 2h81984
Wholemeal bread, commercially-manufactured #77BreadsSri Lanka1512Hettiaratchi, U.P.K., S. Ekanayake, and J. Welihinda, Glycaemic indices of three Sri Lankan wheat bread varieties and a bread-lentil meal. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009. 60 Suppl 4: p. 21-30.Normal 2h102009
Wholemeal bread (Tip Top Bakeries, Australia) #77BreadsAustralia1512Ross, S.W., et al., Glycemic index of processed wheat products. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1987. 46(4): p. 631-5.Normal 2h81986
Wholemeal bread (Tip Top Bakeries, Australia) #78BreadsAustralia1512Brand, J.C., et al., The glycaemic and insulin indices of realistic meals and rye breads tested in healthy subjects. Diabetes, Nutrition & Metabolism, 1990. 3: p. 137-42.Normal 2h71989
Wholemeal loaf, high fiber #85BreadsFrance1513Rizkalla, S.W., et al., Effect of baking process on postprandial metabolic consequences: randomized trials in normal and type 2 diabetic subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2007. 61(2): p. 175-183.Normal (men) 3h92005
Wholemeal bread #88BreadsKenya1513Ayuo, P.O. and G.A. Ettyang, Glycaemic responses after ingestion of some local foods by non-insulin dependent diabetic subjects. East African Medical Journal, 1996. 73(12): p. 782-5.Type 2 2.5h2491996
White and wholemeal bread (ratio 1:1), fermented by sourdough lactobacilli (? pH 1.5) and fiber-enriched with oat fiber #54BreadsItaly158De Angelis, M., et al., Use of sourdough lactobacilli and oat fibre to decrease the glycaemic index of white wheat bread. British Journal of Nutrition, 2007. 98(6): p. 1196-1205.Normal 2h152006
Wholemeal stoneground bread (Dempster’s, Corporate Foods Ltd, Etobicoke, Canada) #62BreadsCanada159Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h141984-1992
Whole wheat bread #96BreadsCanada1514Najjar, A.M., et al., The acute impact of ingestion of breads of varying composition on blood glucose, insulin and incretins following first and second meals. British Journal of Nutrition, 2009. 101(3): p. 391-398.Obese 3h6102007
Wheaten wholegrain bread, Brennans Wholegrain Sliced Loaf (Brennans Bakeries Ltd, Ireland) #75BreadsIreland1511Breen, C., et al., Glycemic, insulinemic, and appetite responses of patients with type 2 diabetes to commonly consumed breads. The Diabetes Educator, 2013. 39(3): p. 376-86.Type 2 4.5h19102013
100% Whole Grain™ bread (Natural Ovens, USA) #51BreadsUSA158Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h101999
Aproten® bread roll, protein-free, enriched with 4.56 g soluble fiber (50% psyllium and 50% inulin) #83BreadsItaly1512Tubili, C., et al., Fiber enriched protein-free pasta and bread: Is it a useful tool in chronic kidney disease in type 2 diabetes? Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2016. 9(2): p. 95-99.Type 2 3h142016
Biobread, made from whole wheat flour, wheat bran, rye flour, soy powder and linseed powder #50BreadsUK158Takruri, H.R. and R.A. Alkurd, The glycemic index of a new bread brand (biobread). Jordan Medical Journal, 2008. 42(2): p. 117-123.Normal 2h82007
Bread, made from Hi-Maize® whole grain corn flour (Ingredion, Bridgewater, NJ, USA) and white wheat flour, prepared in an automatic bread machine, frozen and thawed #76BreadsSweden1511Ekstrom, L.M.N.K., I.M.E. Bjorck, and E.M. Ostman, On the possibility to affect the course of glycaemia, insulinaemia, and perceived hunger/satiety to bread meals in healthy volunteers. Food & Function, 2013. 4(4): p. 522-9.Normal 3h14102010
Bread, made from purple-grain wheat flour (Jizi439 wheat variety), steamed for 20 min #75BreadsChina1511Su-Que, L., et al., Effect of consumption of micronutrient enriched wheat steamed bread on postprandial plasma glucose in healthy and type 2 diabetic subjects. Nutrition Journal, 2013. 12: p. 64.Normal 2h102012
Bread, made from purple-grain wheat flour (Chu20 wheat variety), steamed for 20 min #84BreadsChina1513Su-Que, L., et al., Effect of consumption of micronutrient enriched wheat steamed bread on postprandial plasma glucose in healthy and type 2 diabetic subjects. Nutrition Journal, 2013. 12: p. 64.Normal 2h102012
Bread stuffing, Paxo (Campbell Soup Co Ltd., Toronto, Canada) #75BreadsCanada1511Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h101984-1992
Bread, white wheat, with chromium-enriched yeast #24BreadsGreece154Yanni, A.E., et al., Cr-enriched yeast: beyond fibers for the management of postprandial glycemic response to bread. European Journal of Nutrition, 2017. 56(4): p. 1445-1453.Normal 2h122015
Bread, whole wheat, with chromium-enriched yeast #44BreadsGreece157Yanni, A.E., et al., Cr-enriched yeast: beyond fibers for the management of postprandial glycemic response to bread. European Journal of Nutrition, 2017. 56(4): p. 1445-1453.Normal 2h122015
Brioche #70BreadsFrance1511Englyst, K.N., et al., Glycaemic index of cereal products explained by their content of rapidly and slowly available glucose. British Journal of Nutrition, 2003. 89(3): p. 329-339.Normal 2h 11-142002
Castella, bread enriched with egg and milk #60BreadsSouth Korea159Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h102018
Fibread (Weston’s Bakery, Toronto, Canada) #61BreadsCanada159Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h101984-1992
Flax bread, made from flax meal & wheat flour #67BreadsCanada1510Dahl, W.J., et al., Effects of flax fiber on laxation and glycemic response in healthy volunteers. Journal of Medicinal Food, 2005. 8(4): p. 508-11.Normal 2h9112004
Honey & Oats bread, Vogel's (Stevns & Co, Sydney, Australia) #55BreadsAustralia158Brand-Miller, J., et al., In search of more low glycaemic index foods. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 1995. 19: p. 177.Normal 2h81995
Melba toast, Old London (Best Foods Canada Inc., Etobicoke, Canada) #71BreadsCanada1511Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h111984-1992
Mixed Grain, Bürgen™ (Tip Top Bakeries, Chatswood, NSW, Australia) #45BreadsAustralia157Perry, T., et al., Glycaemic index of New Zealand foods. New Zealand Medical Journal, 2000. 113(1108): p. 140-2.Normal 2h102000
Mixed Grain, Bürgen® (Tip Top Bakeries, Chatswood, NSW, Australia) #69BreadsAustralia1510Perry, T., et al., Glycaemic index of New Zealand foods. New Zealand Medical Journal, 2000. 113(1108): p. 140-2.Type 2 3h132000
Mixed grain bread, Molenberg™ (Goodman Fielder, New Zealand) #84BreadsNew Zealand1513Perry, T., et al., Glycaemic index of New Zealand foods. New Zealand Medical Journal, 2000. 113(1108): p. 140-2.Type 2 3h142000
Multigrain bread, 50% kibbled wheat grains and 50% wheat flour bread #43BreadsAustralia156Brown, D., D. Tomlinson, and J. Brand-Miller, The development of low glycaemic index breads. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 1992. 17: p. 62.Normal 2h81992
Multigrain loaf, containing wheat flour and coconut flour #66BreadsPhilippines1510Trinidad, T.P., et al., Glycaemic index of different coconut (Cocos nucifera)-flour products in normal and diabetic subjects. British Journal of Nutrition, 2003. 90(3): p. 551-556.Type 2 3h102002
Oat Bran & Honey Loaf with Barley, Bürgen™ (Tip Top Bakeries, Australia) #31BreadsAustralia155Brand-Miller, J., et al., In search of more low glycaemic index foods. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 1995. 19: p. 177.Normal 2h81995
Wholegrain, Ploughman's™ original recipe (Quality Bakers, Australia) #48BreadsAustralia157Brown, D., D. Tomlinson, and J. Brand-Miller, The development of low glycaemic index breads. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 1992. 17: p. 62.Normal 2h81992
Semolina bread25 #65BreadsAustralia1510d'Emden, M.C., et al., Post-prandial glucose and insulin responses to different types of spaghetti and bread. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 1987. 3(4): p. 221-6.Type 2 3h101986
Sourdough bread #55BreadsCanada158Najjar, A.M., et al., The acute impact of ingestion of breads of varying composition on blood glucose, insulin and incretins following first and second meals. British Journal of Nutrition, 2009. 101(3): p. 391-398.Obese 3h6102007
Stoneground wholewheat buttermilk/soda bread, McCambridge Stoneground Wholewheat (McCambridge Ltd, Ireland) #69BreadsIreland1510Breen, C., et al., Glycemic, insulinemic, and appetite responses of patients with type 2 diabetes to commonly consumed breads. The Diabetes Educator, 2013. 39(3): p. 376-86.Type 2 4.5h19102013
Turkish bread, white #87BreadsTurkey1513Donduran, S., et al., Glycaemic index of different kinds of carbohydrates in type 2 diabetes. Eat Weight Disord, 1999. 4(4): p. 203-6.Type 2 & Normal 2h52 & 311998
Turkish bread, wholemeal #49BreadsTurkey157Donduran, S., et al., Glycaemic index of different kinds of carbohydrates in type 2 diabetes. Eat Weight Disord, 1999. 4(4): p. 203-6.Type 2 & Normal 2h52 & 311998
Wheat bread, Einkorn (Triticum monococcum) wheat, leavened with crushed whole grains #72BreadsDenmark1511Bakhoj, S., et al., Lower glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide , glycaemic, and insulinaemic response to ancient wheat compared to modern wheat depends on processing. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(10): p. 1254.Normal 3h112001
Wheat bread, Einkorn (Triticum monococcum) wheat, leavened with honey and salt #66BreadsDenmark1510Bakhoj, S., et al., Lower glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide , glycaemic, and insulinaemic response to ancient wheat compared to modern wheat depends on processing. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(10): p. 1254.Normal 3h112001
Wheat bread, Einkorn (Triticum monococcum) wheat, leavened with yeast #67BreadsDenmark1510Bakhoj, S., et al., Lower glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide , glycaemic, and insulinaemic response to ancient wheat compared to modern wheat depends on processing. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(10): p. 1254.Normal 3h112001
White bread containing Eurylon® high-amylose maize starch (65-75% amylose15 (INRA, Nantes, France) #43BreadsFrance156Hoebler, C., et al., Bioavailability of starch in bread rich in amylose: metabolic responses in healthy subjects and starch structure. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1999. 53(5): p. 360-6.Normal 2.8h81998
White wheat flour bread, steamed #88BreadsChina1513Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h92005
Middle Eastern flatbread #97BreadsLebanon1515Mehio, Z. and N.H. Hwalla Baba, Z., Glycemic and Insulinemic Responses of Normal Subjects to Selected Meals Commonly Consumed in the Middle East. Journal of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine, 1997. 7(4): p. 275-286.Normal 2h121997
Pita bread, white, homemade #58BreadsCanada159Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h71984-1992
Pita bread, white (Value, UK) #69BreadsUK1510Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Flatbread, made from wheat flour #71BreadsMalaysia1511Robert, S.D. and A.A.-S. Ismail, Glycemic responses of patients with type 2 diabetes to individual carbohydrate-rich foods and mixed meals. Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism, 2012. 60(1): p. 27-32.Type 2 3h102011
Wheat tortilla #30BreadsMexico155Noriega, E., L. Rivera, and E. Peralta, Glycaemic and insulinaemic indices of Mexican foods high in complex carbohydrates. Diabetes, Nutrition & Metabolism, 2000. 13(1): p. 13-9.Normal 3.5h81999
Wheat tortilla, made from wheat white flour #38BreadsMexico156Noriega, E., et al., Glycaemic and insulinaemic indices of Mexican foods high in complex carbohydrates in Type 2 diabetic subjects. Diabetes, Nutrition & Metabolism, 2001. 14(1): p. 43-50.Type 2 3.5h72000
White wheat flour flatbread12 #80BreadsSweden1512Liljeberg, H.G.M., Y.E. Granfeldt, and I.M.E. Bjorck, Products based on a high fiber barley genotype, but not on common barley or oats, lower postprandial glucose and insulin responses in healthy humans. The Journal of Nutrition, 1996. 126(2): p. 458-66.Normal 2h91995
All-Bran™ (Kellogg's, Battle Creek, MI, USA) #38Breakfast CerealsUSA208Potter, J.G., et al., Effect of test meals of varying dietary fiber content on plasma insulin and glucose response. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 328-34.Normal 3h681981
All-Bran™ (Kellogg's Inc., Canada) #51Breakfast CerealsCanada2010Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h61981
All-Bran™ (Kellogg's Inc., South Korea) #51Breakfast CerealsSouth Korea2010Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h112018
All-Bran™, high-fiber, extruded wheat bran cereal (Kellogg's Inc., Etobicoke, Canada) #51Breakfast CerealsCanada2010Jenkins, D.J.A., et al., The glycaemic index of foods tested in diabetic patients: A new basis for carbohydrate exchange favouring the use of legumes. Diabetologia, 1983. 24(4): p. 257-264.Type 2 3h61983
All-Bran™ (Kellogg's, Battle Creek, MI, USA) #55Breakfast CerealsUSA2011Schenk, S., et al., Different glycemic indexes of breakfast cereals are not due to glucose entry into blood but to glucose removal by tissue. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 78(4): p. 742-8.Normal 3h62002
Barley flakes #69Breakfast CerealsChina2014Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h72005
Barley flour porridge, made from milled high-amylose (covered) barley kernels (flour:water = 1:3), boiled for 2.5 min #39Breakfast CerealsSweden208Granfeldt, Y., et al., Glucose and insulin responses to barley products: influence of food structure and amylose-amylopectin ratio. The American Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 1994. 59(5): p. 1075-82.Normal 3h1491993
Barley flour porridge, made from milled dehulled barley kernels (flour:water = 1:3) boiled for 2.5 min #46Breakfast CerealsSweden209Granfeldt, Y., et al., Glucose and insulin responses to barley products: influence of food structure and amylose-amylopectin ratio. The American Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 1994. 59(5): p. 1075-82.Normal 3h1491993
Barley porridge made from steamed thin (0.5 mm) dehulled barley flakes #62Breakfast CerealsSweden2012Granfeldt, Y., A.C. Eliasson, and I. Björck, An examination of the possibility of lowering the glycemic index of oat and barley flakes by minimal processing. The Journal of Nutrition, 2000. 130(9): p. 2207-2214.Normal 3h14101999
Barley porridge made from steamed thick (1.0 mm) dehulled barley flakes #66Breakfast CerealsSweden2013Granfeldt, Y., A.C. Eliasson, and I. Björck, An examination of the possibility of lowering the glycemic index of oat and barley flakes by minimal processing. The Journal of Nutrition, 2000. 130(9): p. 2207-2214.Normal 3h14101999
Wholemeal high-fiber barley flour porridge (50% barley flour: 50% high-fiber barley flour) #55Breakfast CerealsSweden2011Liljeberg, H.G.M., Y.E. Granfeldt, and I.M.E. Bjorck, Products based on a high fiber barley genotype, but not on common barley or oats, lower postprandial glucose and insulin responses in healthy humans. The Journal of Nutrition, 1996. 126(2): p. 458-66.Normal 2h81995
Wholemeal barley flour porridge (100% regular barley) (flour:water = 1:3), boiled 2.5 min #69Breakfast CerealsSweden2014Liljeberg, H.G.M., Y.E. Granfeldt, and I.M.E. Bjorck, Products based on a high fiber barley genotype, but not on common barley or oats, lower postprandial glucose and insulin responses in healthy humans. The Journal of Nutrition, 1996. 126(2): p. 458-66.Normal 2h81995
Bran Buds™ (Kellogg's Inc., Canada) #59Breakfast CerealsCanada2012Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h81984-1992
Bran Buds with psyllium (Kellogg's Inc., Canada) #48Breakfast CerealsCanada2010Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h131984-1992
Cornflakes™ (Kellogg's Inc., South Korea) #52Breakfast CerealsSouth Korea2010Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h142018
Cornflakes™ (Kellogg's, Auckland, New Zealand) #72Breakfast CerealsNew Zealand2014Perry, T., et al., Glycaemic index of New Zealand foods. New Zealand Medical Journal, 2000. 113(1108): p. 140-2.Normal 2h112000
Cornflakes #74Breakfast CerealsChina2015Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h92005
Cornflakes #79Breakfast CerealsChina2016Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h92005
Cornflakes™ (Kellogg's, Australia) #77Breakfast CerealsAustralia2015Brand, J.C., et al., Food processing and the glycemic index. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1985. 42(6): p. 1192-6.Normal 2h61984
Cornflakes™ (Kellogg's Inc., Canada) #80Breakfast CerealsCanada2016Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h61981
Cornflakes™ (Kellogg's Inc., Canada) #87Breakfast CerealsCanada2017Jenkins, D.J.A., et al., The glycaemic index of foods tested in diabetic patients: A new basis for carbohydrate exchange favouring the use of legumes. Diabetologia, 1983. 24(4): p. 257-264.Type 2 3h71983
Cornflakes #88Breakfast CerealsNigeria2018Dada, A., et al., Glycaemic responses to corn meals in type 2 diabetics and non-diabetic controls. 2015. 19(3): p. 79-82.Normal 2h162015
Cornflakes™ (Kellogg's, USA) #92Breakfast CerealsUSA2018Krezowski, P.A., et al., Insulin and glucose responses to various starch-containing foods in type II diabetic subjects. Diabetes Care, 1987. 10(2): p. 205-212.Type 2 5h691987
Cornflakes (Kellogg's, France) #93Breakfast CerealsFrance2019Englyst, K.N., et al., Glycaemic index of cereal products explained by their content of rapidly and slowly available glucose. British Journal of Nutrition, 2003. 89(3): p. 329-339.Normal 2h 11-142002
Cornflakes (Kellogg's, MI, USA) #132Breakfast CerealsUSA2026Schenk, S., et al., Different glycemic indexes of breakfast cereals are not due to glucose entry into blood but to glucose removal by tissue. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 78(4): p. 742-8.Normal 3h62002
Cornflakes, high-fiber (Presidents Choice, Sunfresh Ltd., Toronto, Canada #75Breakfast CerealsCanada2015Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h91984-1992
Cream of Wheat™ (Nabisco Brands Ltd., Canada) #67Breakfast CerealsCanada2013Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h91984-1992
Cream of Wheat™, Instant (Nabisco Brands Ltd., Canada) #75Breakfast CerealsCanada2015Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h91984-1992
Grapenuts™(Post, Kraft General Foods Inc., Canada) #68Breakfast CerealsCanada2014Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h111984-1992
Grapenuts™ Flakes (Post, Kraft General Foods Inc., Canada) #81Breakfast CerealsCanada2016Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h101984-1992
Muesli, Lite (Sanitarium, New Zealand) #54Breakfast CerealsNew Zealand2011Perry, T., et al., Glycaemic index of New Zealand foods. New Zealand Medical Journal, 2000. 113(1108): p. 140-2.Normal 2h102000
Muesli, fruit and nut #59Breakfast CerealsUK2012Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h82005
Muesli, No Name (Sunfresh Ltd., Toronto, Canada) #60Breakfast CerealsCanada2012Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h91984-1992
Muesli #66Breakfast CerealsCanada2013Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h61981
Oat bran, raw (Quaker Oats Co., Canada) #51Breakfast CerealsCanada2010Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h111984-1992
Oat bran, raw #60Breakfast CerealsCanada2012Jenkins, D.J., et al., Low glycemic index carbohydrate foods in the management of hyperlipidemia. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1985. 42(4): p. 604-617.Type 2 3h131984
Oat Bran cereal (Quaker Oats Co, Peterborough, ON, Canada) #61Breakfast CerealsCanada2012Jenkins, A.L., et al., Depression of the glycemic index by high levels of beta-glucan fiber in two functional foods tested in type 2 diabetes. European Jounal of Clinical Nutrition, 2002. 56(7): p. 622-8.Type 2 3h162000
Oat bran crisp (Natureal® GI-crisp, Finn Cereal, Vantaa, Finland) #79Breakfast CerealsFinland2016Tapola, N., et al., Glycemic responses of oat bran products in type 2 diabetic patients. Nutrition Metabaloism and Cardiovascular Disease, 2005. 15(4): p. 255-61.Type 2 2h9122004
Oat bran flour (Natureal® GI-flour, Finn Cereal, Vantaa, Finland), consumed mixed with cold water #40Breakfast CerealsFinland208Tapola, N., et al., Glycemic responses of oat bran products in type 2 diabetic patients. Nutrition Metabaloism and Cardiovascular Disease, 2005. 15(4): p. 255-61.Type 2 2h9122004
Quick Oats (Quaker Oats Co., Canada) #66Breakfast CerealsCanada2013Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Lactose in the diabetic diet: A comparison with other carbohydrates. Nutrition Research, 1985. 5(12): p. 1335-1345.Type 2 3h961985
One Minute Oats (Quaker Oats Co., Canada) #67Breakfast CerealsCanada2013Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h71984-1992
Instant porridge #69Breakfast CerealsChina2014Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h82005
Instant oatmeal porridge, made from packet #83Breakfast CerealsChina2017Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h82005
Oat porridge made from roasted thick (1.0 mm) dehulled oat flakes #51Breakfast CerealsSweden2010Granfeldt, Y., A.C. Eliasson, and I. Björck, An examination of the possibility of lowering the glycemic index of oat and barley flakes by minimal processing. The Journal of Nutrition, 2000. 130(9): p. 2207-2214.Normal 3h14101999
Oat porridge made from steamed thick (1.0 mm) dehulled oat flakes #54Breakfast CerealsSweden2011Granfeldt, Y., A.C. Eliasson, and I. Björck, An examination of the possibility of lowering the glycemic index of oat and barley flakes by minimal processing. The Journal of Nutrition, 2000. 130(9): p. 2207-2214.Normal 3h14101999
Oat porridge made from raw thick (1.0 mm) dehulled oat flakes #55Breakfast CerealsSweden2011Granfeldt, Y., A.C. Eliasson, and I. Björck, An examination of the possibility of lowering the glycemic index of oat and barley flakes by minimal processing. The Journal of Nutrition, 2000. 130(9): p. 2207-2214.Normal 3h14101999
Oat porridge made from roasted thin (0.5 mm) dehulled oat flakes #70Breakfast CerealsSweden2014Granfeldt, Y., A.C. Eliasson, and I. Björck, An examination of the possibility of lowering the glycemic index of oat and barley flakes by minimal processing. The Journal of Nutrition, 2000. 130(9): p. 2207-2214.Normal 3h14101999
Oat porridge made from roasted and steamed thin (0.5 mm) dehulled oat flakes #81Breakfast CerealsSweden2016Granfeldt, Y., A.C. Eliasson, and I. Björck, An examination of the possibility of lowering the glycemic index of oat and barley flakes by minimal processing. The Journal of Nutrition, 2000. 130(9): p. 2207-2214.Normal 3h14101999
Porridge, made from rolled oats cooked for 20 min #49Breakfast CerealsCanada2010Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h61981
Porridge #55Breakfast CerealsChina2011Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h92005
Porridge #58Breakfast CerealsAustralia2012Brand Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Bramall, Rice: a high or low glycemic index food? The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1992. 56(6): p. 1034-6.Normal 2h71991
Porridge (Value, UK) #63Breakfast CerealsUK2013Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h82005
Porridge, organic #63Breakfast CerealsUK2013Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h82005
Porridge, oat #62Breakfast CerealsGermany2012Otto, H. and L. Niklas, Differences d'action sur la glycemie d'aliments contenant des hydrated de carbone: consequences pour le traitment dietetique du diabete sucre. (Differences in the action of foods containing carbohydrate on blood glucose levels: implications for the dietetic treatment of diabetes mellitus). Med Hyg, 1980. 38: p. 3424-29.DiabeticNSNS1980
Porridge, oatmeal #64Breakfast CerealsGermany2013Schauberger, G., et al., Exchange of carbohydrates according to their effect on blood glucose. Diabetes, 1977. 26: p. 415 (abstr).Type 2NSNS1977
Porridge, oat #70Breakfast CerealsCanada2014Jenkins, D.J.A., et al., The glycaemic index of foods tested in diabetic patients: A new basis for carbohydrate exchange favouring the use of legumes. Diabetologia, 1983. 24(4): p. 257-264.Type 2 3h61983
Porridge, oat #76Breakfast CerealsUSA2015Krezowski, P.A., et al., Insulin and glucose responses to various starch-containing foods in type II diabetic subjects. Diabetes Care, 1987. 10(2): p. 205-212.Type 2 5h681987
Buckwheat porridge, made from buckwheat flakes (Myllyn Paras, Hyvinkää, Finland) and water, cooked in microwave for 5 min #71Breakfast CerealsFinland2014Rokka, S., et al., The glycaemic and C-peptide responses of foods rich in dietary fibre from oat, buckwheat and lingonberry. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2013. 64(5): p. 528-34.Normal 2h72012
Oat kernels, boiled in 100 mL water for 18 min, 0.5 g salt in water #60Breakfast CerealsSweden2012Nilsson, A.C., et al., Effect of cereal test breakfasts differing in glycemic index and content of indigestible carbohydrates on daylong glucose tolerance in healthy subjects. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2008. 87(3): p. 645-54.Normal 2h122007
Porridge, made from white wheat flour, cooked with 231.6 g water in microwave for 3 min, 0.5 g NaCl added #55Breakfast CerealsSweden2011Rosen, L.A.H., et al., Endosperm and whole grain rye breads are characterized by low post-prandial insulin response and a beneficial blood glucose profile. Nutrition Journal, 2009. 8: p. 42.Normal 3h112005
Porridge, made from 75% endosperm rye flour and 25% white wheat flour, cooked with 182 g water in microwave for 3 min, 0.5 g NaCl added #50Breakfast CerealsSweden2010Rosen, L.A.H., et al., Endosperm and whole grain rye breads are characterized by low post-prandial insulin response and a beneficial blood glucose profile. Nutrition Journal, 2009. 8: p. 42.Normal 3h112005
Porridge, made from 75% whole grain rye flour and 25% white wheat flour, cooked with 204.5 g water in microwave for 3 min, 0.6 g NaCl added #51Breakfast CerealsSweden2010Rosen, L.A.H., et al., Endosperm and whole grain rye breads are characterized by low post-prandial insulin response and a beneficial blood glucose profile. Nutrition Journal, 2009. 8: p. 42.Normal 3h102005
Wholemeal oat flour porridge (flour:water = 1:3), boiled 2.5 min #75Breakfast CerealsSweden2015Liljeberg, H.G.M., Y.E. Granfeldt, and I.M.E. Bjorck, Products based on a high fiber barley genotype, but not on common barley or oats, lower postprandial glucose and insulin responses in healthy humans. The Journal of Nutrition, 1996. 126(2): p. 458-66.Normal 2h81995
Puffed Wheat (Quaker Oats Co., Canada) #68Breakfast CerealsCanada2014Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h101984-1992
Puffed Wheat (Sanitarium, Australia) #80Breakfast CerealsAustralia2016Ross, S.W., et al., Glycemic index of processed wheat products. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1987. 46(4): p. 631-5.Normal 2h81986
Rice Bubbles™ (Kellogg's, Australia) #95Breakfast CerealsAustralia2019Brand, J.C., et al., Food processing and the glycemic index. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1985. 42(6): p. 1192-6.Normal 2h61984
Rice Krispies™ (Kellogg's Inc., Canada) #83Breakfast CerealsCanada2017Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h121984-1992
Shredded Wheat #67Breakfast CerealsCanada2013Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h61981
Shredded Wheat™ (Nabisco Brands Ltd., Canada) #84Breakfast CerealsCanada2017Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h141984-1992
Sultana Bran (Healthy Living, UK) #90Breakfast CerealsUK2018Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Weetabix™ (Weetabix of Canada Ltd., Canada) #75Breakfast CerealsCanada2015Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h61981
Weetabix™, plain flaked wheat biscuits (Weetabix of Canada Ltd., Thornhill, Canada) #75Breakfast CerealsCanada2015Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h111984-1992
Bran Chex™ (Nabisco Brands Ltd., Toronto, Canada) #59Breakfast CerealsCanada2012Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h101984-1992
Cheerios™ (General Mills Inc., Etobicoke, Canada) #75Breakfast CerealsCanada2015Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h101984-1992
Corn Bran™ (Quaker Oats Co. of Canada, Peterborough, Canada) #76Breakfast CerealsCanada2015Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h101984-1992
Corn Chex™ (Nabisco Brands Ltd., Canada) #84Breakfast CerealsCanada2017Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h91984-1992
Crispix™ (Kellogg's Inc., Canada) #88Breakfast CerealsCanada2018Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h121984-1992
Fruitful Lite™ (Hubbards, Auckland, New Zealand) #61Breakfast CerealsNew Zealand2012Perry, T., et al., Glycaemic index of New Zealand foods. New Zealand Medical Journal, 2000. 113(1108): p. 140-2.Normal 2h92000
Golden Grahams™ (General Mills Inc., Canada) #72Breakfast CerealsCanada2014Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h91984-1992
Kashi Seven Whole Grain Puffs (Kashi Company, USA) #65Breakfast CerealsUSA2013Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h82007
Life™ (Quaker Oats Co., Canada) #67Breakfast CerealsCanada2013Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h91984-1992
Mini Wheats™ (Kellogg's, Australia) #58Breakfast CerealsAustralia2012Brand-Miller, J., et al., In search of more low glycaemic index foods. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 1995. 19: p. 177.Normal 2h81995
Pro Stars™ (General Mills Inc., Canada) #72Breakfast CerealsCanada2014Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h101984-1992
Red River Cereal (Maple Leaf Mills, Toronto, Canada) #50Breakfast CerealsCanada2010Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h91984-1992
Rice Bran, extruded (Rice Growers Co-Operative Ltd, #19Breakfast CerealsAustralia204Brand Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Bramall, Rice: a high or low glycemic index food? The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1992. 56(6): p. 1034-6.Normal 2h81991
Rice Chex™ (Nabisco Brands Ltd., Canada) #90Breakfast CerealsCanada2018Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h111984-1992
Special K™ (Kellogg's, Australia) #54Breakfast CerealsAustralia2011Brand-Miller, J., et al., In search of more low glycaemic index foods. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 1995. 19: p. 177.Normal 2h81995
Team™ (Nabisco Brands Ltd., Canada) #83Breakfast CerealsCanada2017Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h101984-1992
Thank Goodness™ (Hubbards, New Zealand) #65Breakfast CerealsNew Zealand2013Perry, T., et al., Glycaemic index of New Zealand foods. New Zealand Medical Journal, 2000. 113(1108): p. 140-2.Normal 2h112000
Total™ (General Mills Inc., Canada) #77Breakfast CerealsCanada2015Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h101984-1992
Wheat-bites™ (Uncle Toby's, Australia) #72Breakfast CerealsAustralia2014Brand-Miller, J., et al., In search of more low glycaemic index foods. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 1995. 19: p. 177.Normal 2h81995
Wheat flakes #67Breakfast CerealsFrance2013Lioger, D., et al., Influence of sourdough prefermentation, of steam cooking suppression and of decreased sucrose content during wheat flakes processing on the plasma glucose and insulin responses and satiety of healthy subjects. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 2009. 28(1): p. 30-6.Normal 3h112007
Wheat flakes, enriched with extruded oat-bran concentrate (8.1% ß-glucan) #37Breakfast CerealsCanada207Jenkins, A.L., et al., Depression of the glycemic index by high levels of beta-glucan fiber in two functional foods tested in type 2 diabetes. European Jounal of Clinical Nutrition, 2002. 56(7): p. 622-8.Type 2 3h162000
Wheat flakes, prepared with sourdough pre-fermentation step, suppressed steam cooking and reduced sucrose content #59Breakfast CerealsFrance2012Lioger, D., et al., Influence of sourdough prefermentation, of steam cooking suppression and of decreased sucrose content during wheat flakes processing on the plasma glucose and insulin responses and satiety of healthy subjects. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 2009. 28(1): p. 30-6.Normal 3h112007
FibrePlus™ breakfast cereal bar (Uncle Toby's, Australia) #78Breakfast CerealsAustralia2016Brand-Miller, J., et al., In search of more low glycaemic index foods. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 1995. 19: p. 177.Normal 2h81995
Granola bar, containing wheat flour and coconut flour #51Breakfast CerealsPhilippines2010Trinidad, T.P., et al., Glycaemic index of different coconut (Cocos nucifera)-flour products in normal and diabetic subjects. British Journal of Nutrition, 2003. 90(3): p. 551-556.Type 2 3h102002
Juicy cereal bar (stavnata tycinka FIT, Usovsko, Czech Republic) #85Breakfast CerealsCzech Republic2017Chlup, R., et al., Determination of the glycaemic index of selected foods (white bread and cereal bars) in healthy persons. Biomedical Papers of the Medical Faculty of the University Palacky, Olomouc, Czech Republic, 2004. 148(1): p. 17-25.Normal 2h112004
Muesli bar, crunchy, containing dried apricot (Uncle Toby's, Australia) #61Breakfast CerealsAustralia2012Brand-Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Broomhead, The glycaemic index of foods containing sugars: comparison of foods with naturally-occurring v. added sugars. British Journal of Nutrition, 1995. 73(4): p. 613-23.Normal 2h71994
Oat bar, made from oat flour and bran starch #60Breakfast CerealsCanada2012Wolever, T.M.S., V. Vuksan, and C. Palmason, Less variation of postprandial blood glucose after starchy test meals than oral glucose. Nutrition Research, 1996. 16(6): p. 899-905.Normal 2h9101995
Wheat flake bar, containing fructose and extruded oat bran concentrate (6.5% ß-glucan) #31Breakfast CerealsCanada206Jenkins, A.L., et al., Depression of the glycemic index by high levels of beta-glucan fiber in two functional foods tested in type 2 diabetes. European Jounal of Clinical Nutrition, 2002. 56(7): p. 622-8.Type 2 3h162000
Adlay (Coix lacryma-jobi Linn.), pre-soaked at 4oC for 12 h, steamed for 30 min #91Cereal GrainsChina4541Zhu, R., et al., Acute Effects of Three Cooked Non-Cereal Starchy Foods on Postprandial Glycemic Responses and in Vitro Carbohydrate Digestion in Comparison with Whole Grains: A Randomized Trial. Nutrients, 2019. 11(3).Normal 2h102019
Adlay (Coix lacryma-jobi Linn.), pre-soaked at 4oC for 12 h, steamed for 60 min #100Cereal GrainsChina4545Zhu, R., et al., Acute Effects of Three Cooked Non-Cereal Starchy Foods on Postprandial Glycemic Responses and in Vitro Carbohydrate Digestion in Comparison with Whole Grains: A Randomized Trial. Nutrients, 2019. 11(3).Normal 2h102019
Barley, pearled #23Cereal GrainsCanada4510Wolever, T.M., et al., The glycemic index: similarity of values derived in insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 1987. 6(4): p. 295-305.Type 2 3h121985
Barley #22Cereal GrainsCanada4510Jenkins, D.J., et al., Low glycemic index carbohydrate foods in the management of hyperlipidemia. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1985. 42(4): p. 604-617.Type 2 3h131984
Barley #28Cereal GrainsCanada4513Jenkins, D.J., et al., Wholemeal versus wholegrain breads: proportion of whole or cracked grain and the glycaemic response. British Medical Journal (Clinical Research Edition), 1988. 297(6654): p. 958-60.Type 2 3h41988
Barley, pearled #29Cereal GrainsCanada4513Wolever, T.M., et al., The glycemic index: similarity of values derived in insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 1987. 6(4): p. 295-305.Type 1 3h71985
Barley, pearled #33Cereal GrainsCanada4515Wolever, T.M., et al., The glycemic index: similarity of values derived in insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 1987. 6(4): p. 295-305.Type 2 3h111985
Barley, pearled #33Cereal GrainsCanada4515Wolever, T.M., et al., The glycemic index: similarity of values derived in insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 1987. 6(4): p. 295-305.Type 1 3h71985
Barley, pearled, boiled 60 min #35Cereal GrainsUK4516Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h82005
Barley, pearled #44Cereal GrainsCanada4520Lan-Pidhainy, X. and T.M.S. Wolever, Are the glycemic and insulinemic index values of carbohydrate foods similar in healthy control, hyperinsulinemic and type 2 diabetic patients? European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2011. 65(6): p. 727-34.High fast insulin 2h122011
Barley, pearled #47Cereal GrainsCanada4521Lan-Pidhainy, X. and T.M.S. Wolever, Are the glycemic and insulinemic index values of carbohydrate foods similar in healthy control, hyperinsulinemic and type 2 diabetic patients? European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2011. 65(6): p. 727-34.Type 2 3h102011
Barley, pearled #58Cereal GrainsCanada4526Lan-Pidhainy, X. and T.M.S. Wolever, Are the glycemic and insulinemic index values of carbohydrate foods similar in healthy control, hyperinsulinemic and type 2 diabetic patients? European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2011. 65(6): p. 727-34.Normal 2h92011
Barley, cracked (Malthouth, Tunisia) #51Cereal GrainsTunisia4523Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h101984-1992
Barley grains, steamed #35Cereal GrainsSouth Korea4516Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h92018
Barley grains, puffed for 10 min #63Cereal GrainsSouth Korea4528Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h92018
Barley, pot, boiled 20 min (Goudas Food Products, Canada) #38Cereal GrainsCanada4517Granfeldt, Y., X. Wu, and I. Björck, Determination of glycaemic index; some methodological aspects related to the analysis of carbohydrate load and characteristics of the previous evening meal. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2006. 60(1): p. 104-112.Normal 2h102004
Barley kernels, high-amylose (hull-less) boiled in water for 25 min (kernel:water = 1:2.5) #21Cereal GrainsSweden459Granfeldt, Y., et al., Glucose and insulin responses to barley products: influence of food structure and amylose-amylopectin ratio. The American Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 1994. 59(5): p. 1075-82.Normal 3h14101993
Barley kernels, waxy (hull-less), boiled in water for 25 min (kernel:water = 1:2.5) #22Cereal GrainsSweden4510Granfeldt, Y., et al., Glucose and insulin responses to barley products: influence of food structure and amylose-amylopectin ratio. The American Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 1994. 59(5): p. 1075-82.Normal 3h14101993
Barley kernels, boiled in water for 25 min (kernel:water = 1:2) #25Cereal GrainsSweden4511Granfeldt, Y., et al., Glucose and insulin responses to barley products: influence of food structure and amylose-amylopectin ratio. The American Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 1994. 59(5): p. 1075-82.Normal 3h14101993
Barley kernels, high-amylose (covered), boiled in water for 25 min (kernel:water = 1:2) #26Cereal GrainsSweden4512Granfeldt, Y., et al., Glucose and insulin responses to barley products: influence of food structure and amylose-amylopectin ratio. The American Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 1994. 59(5): p. 1075-82.Normal 3h14101993
Barley kernels, boiled in 110 mL water for 23 min, 0.5 g salt in water #35Cereal GrainsSweden4516Nilsson, A.C., et al., Effect of cereal test breakfasts differing in glycemic index and content of indigestible carbohydrates on daylong glucose tolerance in healthy subjects. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2008. 87(3): p. 645-54.Normal 2h122007
Porridge, made from wholegrain barley flour, cooked in microwave for 5 min, stirred twice during cooking #80Cereal GrainsSweden4536Nilsson, A.C., et al., Effect of cereal test breakfasts differing in glycemic index and content of indigestible carbohydrates on daylong glucose tolerance in healthy subjects. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2008. 87(3): p. 645-54.Normal 2h122007
Barley flour, prepared with water and baked #70Cereal GrainsSouth Korea4532Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h112018
Barley, rolled #66Cereal GrainsAustralia4530Brand Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Bramall, Rice: a high or low glycemic index food? The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1992. 56(6): p. 1034-6.Normal 2h81991
Barley, rolled, boiled #49Cereal GrainsJapan4522Sakuma, M., et al., Dose-dependent effects of barley cooked with white rice on postprandial glucose and desacyl ghrelin levels. Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, 2009. 44(2): p. 151-159.Normal 4h992008
Buckwheat groats, hydrothermally treated, dehusked, boiled 12 min #46Cereal GrainsSweden4521Skrabanja, V., et al., Nutritional Properties of Starch in Buckwheat Products:? Studies in Vitro and in Vivo. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2001. 49(1): p. 490-496.Normal 2h14102001
Buckwheat #50Cereal GrainsCanada4523Wolever, T.M., et al., The glycemic index: similarity of values derived in insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 1987. 6(4): p. 295-305.Type 2 3h121985
Buckwheat, boiled in water with 2 g salt #51Cereal GrainsCanada4523Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h51981
Buckwheat #64Cereal GrainsCanada4529Wolever, T.M., et al., The glycemic index: similarity of values derived in insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 1987. 6(4): p. 295-305.Type 1 3h61985
Porridge, made from buckwheat flakes (Myllyn Paras, Hyvinkää, Finland) and water, cooked in microwave for 5 min17 #71Cereal GrainsFinland4532Rokka, S., et al., The glycaemic and C-peptide responses of foods rich in dietary fibre from oat, buckwheat and lingonberry. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2013. 64(5): p. 528-34.Normal 2h72012
Buckwheat powder #54Cereal GrainsChina4524Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h82005
Maize, ground, simmered with water for 20 min to make a gruel #92Cereal GrainsSouth Korea4541Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h92018
Maize meal porridge/gruel, prepared with water #111Cereal GrainsKenya4550Ayuo, P.O. and G.A. Ettyang, Glycaemic responses after ingestion of some local foods by non-insulin dependent diabetic subjects. East African Medical Journal, 1996. 73(12): p. 782-5.Type 2 2.5h131996
Maize meal porridge, unrefined, maize-meal:water = 1:3, cooked for 20-30 min, tested in young adults (17-18 y) #71Cereal GrainsSouth Africa4532Walker, A.R. and B.F. Walker, Glycaemic index of South African foods determined in rural blacks--a population at low risk of diabetes. Human Nutrition. Clinical Nutrition, 1984. 38(3): p. 215-22.Normal 2h81984
Maize meal porridge, refined, maize-meal:water = 1:3, cooked for 20-30 min, tested in young adults (17-18 y) #74Cereal GrainsSouth Africa4533Walker, A.R. and B.F. Walker, Glycaemic index of South African foods determined in rural blacks--a population at low risk of diabetes. Human Nutrition. Clinical Nutrition, 1984. 38(3): p. 215-22.Normal 2h81984
Maize, steamed for 40 min #73Cereal GrainsSouth Korea4533Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h112018
Cornmeal, boiled in salted water 2 min (McNair Products Co. Ltd., Toronto, Canada) #69Cereal GrainsCanada4531Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h121984-1992
Cornmeal, boiled in salted water 2 min (McNair Products Co. Ltd., Toronto, Canada) + 27.8 g margarine #70Cereal GrainsCanada4532Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h121984-1992
Taco shells, cornmeal-based, baked (Old El Paso Foods Co., Toronto, Canada) #69Cereal GrainsCanada4531Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h101984-1992
Waxy maize (Amioca) starch, 0.5% amylose (Ingredion, Bridgewater, NJ, USA), raw, suspended in 298 mL water #50Cereal GrainsUSA4523Brewer, L.R., et al., Glycemic Response and Fermentation of Crystalline Short Linear alpha-Glucans from Debranched Waxy Maize Starch. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2015. 63(43): p. 9528-35.Normal 2h102015
Crystalline short-chain ?-glucan (CSCA) starch, made from waxy maize starch (Ingredion, Bridgewater, NJ, USA), suspended in 298 mL water #21Cereal GrainsUSA459Brewer, L.R., et al., Glycemic Response and Fermentation of Crystalline Short Linear alpha-Glucans from Debranched Waxy Maize Starch. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2015. 63(43): p. 9528-35.Normal 2h102015
Modified cornstarch thickener (hydroxypropyldiamylosephosphate, E1443) (Thick & Easy, Hormel Health Labs, Inc., USA), consumed in 150 g water, pudding consistency #55Cereal GrainsUSA4525Olausson, E.A. and A. Kilander, Glycaemic index of modified cornstarch in solutions with different viscosity. A study in subjects with diabetes mellitus type 2. Clinical Nutrition, 2008. 27(2): p. 254-7.Type 2 3h82007
Modified cornstarch thickener (hydroxypropyldiamylosephosphate, E1443) (Thick & Easy, Hormel Health Labs, Inc., USA), consumed in 300 g water, stew consistency #62Cereal GrainsUSA4528Olausson, E.A. and A. Kilander, Glycaemic index of modified cornstarch in solutions with different viscosity. A study in subjects with diabetes mellitus type 2. Clinical Nutrition, 2008. 27(2): p. 254-7.Type 2 3h82007
Corn starch hydrolysate solution, 10% solution (M40, Grain Processing Corporation, IA, USA), tested by subjects with high AMY1 copy number #94Cereal GrainsUSA4542Mandel, A.L. and P.A.S. Breslin, High endogenous salivary amylase activity is associated with improved glycemic homeostasis following starch ingestion in adults. The Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 142(5): p. 853-8.Normal 2h72011
Corn starch hydrolysate solution, 10% solution (M40, Grain Processing Corporation, IA, USA), tested by subjects with high AMY1 copy number #111Cereal GrainsUSA4550Mandel, A.L. and P.A.S. Breslin, High endogenous salivary amylase activity is associated with improved glycemic homeostasis following starch ingestion in adults. The Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 142(5): p. 853-8.Normal 2h72011
Waxy maize starch (Tate & Lyle, Decatur, IL, USA), uncooked, suspended in 55.1 g water #63Cereal GrainsUSA4528Sands, A.L., et al., Consumption of the slow-digesting waxy maize starch leads to blunted plasma glucose and insulin response but does not influence energy expenditure or appetite in humans. Nutrition Research, 2009. 29(6): p. 383-90.Normal 4h122009
Sweet corn, whole kernel, canned, diet-pack, drained (Featherweight, USA) #47Cereal GrainsUSA4521Crapo, P.A., et al., Comparison of serum glucose, insulin, and glucagon responses to different types of complex carbohydrate in noninsulin-dependent diabetic patients. The American Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 1981. 34(2): p. 184-90.Type 2 3h6201981
Sweet corn, frozen, reheated in microwave (Green Giant Pillsbury Ltd., Toronto, Canada) #48Cereal GrainsCanada4522Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h91984-1992
Sweet corn, canned, drained #60Cereal GrainsUSA4527Crapo, P.A., G. Reaven, and J. Olefsky, Postprandial plasma-glucose and -insulin responses to different complex carbohydrates. Diabetes, 1977. 26(12): p. 1178-1183.Normal 3h161977
Sweet corn, canned, drained #60Cereal GrainsUSA4527Crapo, P.A., et al., Postprandial hormonal responses to different types of complex carbohydrate in individuals with impaired glucose tolerance. The American Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 1980. 33(8): p. 1723-8.Type 2 & IGT 3h65 & 61980
Sweet corn, 'Honey & Pearl' variety #37Cereal GrainsNew Zealand4517Perry, T., et al., Glycaemic index of New Zealand foods. New Zealand Medical Journal, 2000. 113(1108): p. 140-2.Normal 2h92000
Sweet corn, on the cob, boiled 20 min #48Cereal GrainsAustralia4522Brand, J.C., et al., Food processing and the glycemic index. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1985. 42(6): p. 1192-6.Normal 2h61984
Sweet corn, cooked #52Cereal GrainsIsrael4523Lock, D.R., et al., Glycemic indices of various foods given to pregnant diabetic subjects. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1988. 71(2): p. 180-3.GDM 2h81988
Sweet corn, boiled in water with 2 g salt #59Cereal GrainsCanada4527Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h51981
Sweet corn, boiled in water for 30 min with 2 g salt, tested in young adults (17-18 y) #62Cereal GrainsSouth Africa4528Walker, A.R. and B.F. Walker, Glycaemic index of South African foods determined in rural blacks--a population at low risk of diabetes. Human Nutrition. Clinical Nutrition, 1984. 38(3): p. 215-22.Normal 2h71984
Corn, fresh, roasted #77Cereal GrainsNigeria4535Dada, A., et al., Glycaemic responses to corn meals in type 2 diabetics and non-diabetic controls. 2015. 19(3): p. 79-82.Normal 2h162015
Corn, fresh, boiled #82Cereal GrainsNigeria4537Dada, A., et al., Glycaemic responses to corn meals in type 2 diabetics and non-diabetic controls. 2015. 19(3): p. 79-82.Normal 2h162015
Couscous, boiled 5 min (Near East Food Products Co., Leominster, MA, USA) #62Cereal GrainsUSA4528Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h91984-1992
Couscous, boiled 5 min #70Cereal GrainsTunisia4532Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h91984-1992
Millet porridge #62Cereal GrainsChina4528Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h82005
Millet/Ragi (Eleucine coracana), dehusked, soaked 12 h, stored moist 24 h, steamed 1 h #68Cereal GrainsIndia4531Kurup, P.G. and S. Krishnamurthy, Glycemic index of selected foodstuffs commonly used in south India. International Journal of Vitamin and Nutrition Resarch, 1992. 62(3): p. 266-8.Normal 3h 12-151991
Millet, NS, boiled in water with 2 g salt #71Cereal GrainsCanada4532Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h51981
Foxtail millet (Setaria italica), pre-soaked at 4°C for 12 h, steamed for 60 min #89Cereal GrainsChina4540Zhu, R., et al., Acute Effects of Three Cooked Non-Cereal Starchy Foods on Postprandial Glycemic Responses and in Vitro Carbohydrate Digestion in Comparison with Whole Grains: A Randomized Trial. Nutrients, 2019. 11(3).Normal 2h102019
Foxtail millet (Setaria italica), pre-soaked at 4°C for 12 h, steamed for 30 min #93Cereal GrainsChina4542Zhu, R., et al., Acute Effects of Three Cooked Non-Cereal Starchy Foods on Postprandial Glycemic Responses and in Vitro Carbohydrate Digestion in Comparison with Whole Grains: A Randomized Trial. Nutrients, 2019. 11(3).Normal 2h102019
Millet flour porridge, prepared with water #109Cereal GrainsKenya4549Ayuo, P.O. and G.A. Ettyang, Glycaemic responses after ingestion of some local foods by non-insulin dependent diabetic subjects. East African Medical Journal, 1996. 73(12): p. 782-5.Type 2 2.5h131996
Basmati, white, boiled 12 min (Value, UK) #52Cereal GrainsUK4523Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h82005
Basmati, white, organic, boiled 10 min #57Cereal GrainsUK4526Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h82005
Basmati, white, boiled 8 min #69Cereal GrainsUK4531Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h82005
Basmati rice, white, cooked by absorption method #84Cereal GrainsQatar4538Hassan, A., et al., Glycemic index of selected carbohydrate-based foods consumed in Qatar. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2010. 61(5): p. 512-8.Normal 2h192010
Basmati, easy cook, boiled 9 min #67Cereal GrainsUK4530Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h82005
Rice, black Adan #64Cereal GrainsIndonesia4529Saragih, B., N.M. Naibaho, and B. Saragih, Nutritional, functional properties, glycemic index and glycemic load of indigenous rice from North and East Borneo. Food Research, 2019. 3(5): p. 537-545.Normal 2h102019
Rice, black waxy (Oryza sativa Linn. spp.), pre-soaked at 4°C for 12 h, steamed for 30 min #100Cereal GrainsChina4545Zhu, R., et al., Acute Effects of Three Cooked Non-Cereal Starchy Foods on Postprandial Glycemic Responses and in Vitro Carbohydrate Digestion in Comparison with Whole Grains: A Randomized Trial. Nutrients, 2019. 11(3).Normal 2h102019
Rice, black waxy (Oryza sativa Linn. spp.), pre-soaked at 4°C for 12 h, steamed for 60 min #109Cereal GrainsChina4549Zhu, R., et al., Acute Effects of Three Cooked Non-Cereal Starchy Foods on Postprandial Glycemic Responses and in Vitro Carbohydrate Digestion in Comparison with Whole Grains: A Randomized Trial. Nutrients, 2019. 11(3).Normal 2h102019
Rice, brown, polished, boiled for 15 min #52Cereal GrainsGermany4523Otto, H. and L. Niklas, Differences d'action sur la glycemie d'aliments contenant des hydrated de carbone: consequences pour le traitment dietetique du diabete sucre. (Differences in the action of foods containing carbohydrate on blood glucose levels: implications for the dietetic treatment of diabetes mellitus). Med Hyg, 1980. 38: p. 3424-29.DiabeticNSNS1980
Brown (Oryza Sativa), boiled #50Cereal GrainsIndia4523Kurup, P.G. and S. Krishnamurthy, Glycemic index of selected foodstuffs commonly used in south India. International Journal of Vitamin and Nutrition Resarch, 1992. 62(3): p. 266-8.Normal 3h12 12-151991
Brown, high amylose (IR42) rice, boiled 30 min #59Cereal GrainsPhilippines4527Panlasigui, L.N. and L.U. Thompson, Blood glucose lowering effects of brown rice in normal and diabetic subjects. International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, 2006. 57(3-4): p. 151-8.Normal 1h102006
Brown, high amylose (IR42) rice, boiled 30 min #40Cereal GrainsPhilippines4518Panlasigui, L.N. and L.U. Thompson, Blood glucose lowering effects of brown rice in normal and diabetic subjects. International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, 2006. 57(3-4): p. 151-8.Type 2 3h92006
Brown rice #66Cereal GrainsCanada4530Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h71981
Brown, steamed #50Cereal GrainsUSA4523Potter, J.G., et al., Effect of test meals of varying dietary fiber content on plasma insulin and glucose response. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 328-34.Normal 3h681981
Calrose brown (Rice Growers Co-op, Australia) #87Cereal GrainsAustralia4539Brand Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Bramall, Rice: a high or low glycemic index food? The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1992. 56(6): p. 1034-6.Normal 2h81991
Brown rice (Carolina Natural whole grain brown rice), prepared in rice cooker #95Cereal GrainsUSA4543Geliebter, A., et al., Satiety following intake of potatoes and other carbohydrate test meals. Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism, 2013. 62(1): p. 37-43.Normal 2h122012
Doongara brown rice, high amylose #66Cereal GrainsAustralia4530Brand Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Bramall, Rice: a high or low glycemic index food? The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1992. 56(6): p. 1034-6.Normal 2h81991
Pelde brown rice (Rice Growers Co-op, Australia) #76Cereal GrainsAustralia4534Brand Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Bramall, Rice: a high or low glycemic index food? The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1992. 56(6): p. 1034-6.Normal 2h81991
Rice, brown (cross between wild rice O. sativa rufipogon Griff. And O. sativa L. subsp. indica cv. MR219), cooked in an electronic rice cooker with 2 mL water/g rice #51Cereal GrainsMalaysia4523Karupaiah, T., et al., A transgressive brown rice mediates favourable glycaemic and insulin responses. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2011. 91(11): p. 1951-6.Normal 3h92011
Rice, brown, polished, cooked in an electronic rice cooker with 2 mL water/g rice #79Cereal GrainsMalaysia4536Karupaiah, T., et al., A transgressive brown rice mediates favourable glycaemic and insulin responses. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2011. 91(11): p. 1951-6.Normal 3h92011
Sunbrown Quick™ (Rice Growers Co-op, Australia) #80Cereal GrainsAustralia4536Brand Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Bramall, Rice: a high or low glycemic index food? The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1992. 56(6): p. 1034-6.Normal 2h81991
Doongara, white, (SunRice CleverRice™ brand, Rice Growers Co-Op., Australia) #50Cereal GrainsAustralia4523Holt, S.H.A. and J.B. Miller, Increased insulin responses to ingested foods are associated with lessened satiety. Appetite, 1995. 24(1): p. 43-54.Normal 2h81995
Doongara, white, (SunRice CleverRice™ brand, Rice Growers Co-Op., Australia) #64Cereal GrainsAustralia4529Brand Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Bramall, Rice: a high or low glycemic index food? The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1992. 56(6): p. 1034-6.Normal 2h81991
Doongara, parboiled, high-amylose (28%) (SunRice CleverRice™ brand, Rice Growers Co-Op., Australia) #50Cereal GrainsAustralia4523Holt, S.H.A. and J.B. Miller, Increased insulin responses to ingested foods are associated with lessened satiety. Appetite, 1995. 24(1): p. 43-54.Normal 2h81995
Instant rice, white, boiled 1 min #46Cereal GrainsCanada4521Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Comparison of regular and parboiled rices: explanation of discrepancies between reported glycemic responses to rice. Nutrition Research, 1986. 6(4): p. 349-357.Type 2 3h131986
Rice, white, puffed for 10 min #72Cereal GrainsSouth Korea4532Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h102018
Instant rice, white, cooked 6 min (Trice brand, Australia) #87Cereal GrainsAustralia4539Brand, J.C., et al., Food processing and the glycemic index. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1985. 42(6): p. 1192-6.Normal 2h61984
White rice, NS, boiled #17Cereal GrainsTurkey458Donduran, S., et al., Glycaemic index of different kinds of carbohydrates in type 2 diabetes. Eat Weight Disord, 1999. 4(4): p. 203-6.Type 2 & Normal 2h52 & 311998
White rice, NS, boiled #43Cereal GrainsFrance4519Le Floch, J.P., et al., Influence of non-carbohydrate foods on glucose and insulin responses to carbohydrates of different glycaemic index in type 2 diabetic patients. Diabet Med, 1992. 9(1): p. 44-8.Type 2 3h141991
White rice, NS #43Cereal GrainsIndia4519Dilawari, J.B., et al., Reduction of postprandial plasma glucose by Bengal gram dal (Cicer arietinum) and rajmah (Phaseolus vulgaris). The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(11): p. 2450-3.Normal 2h961981
White rice, NS, boiled #47Cereal GrainsFrance4521Le Floch, J.P., et al., Influence of non-carbohydrate foods on glucose and insulin responses to carbohydrates of different glycaemic index in type 2 diabetic patients. Diabet Med, 1992. 9(1): p. 44-8.Type 2 3h161991
White rice, NS #48Cereal GrainsMalaysia4522Robert, S.D. and A.A.-S. Ismail, Glycemic responses of patients with type 2 diabetes to individual carbohydrate-rich foods and mixed meals. Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism, 2012. 60(1): p. 27-32.Type 2 3h102011
White rice, NS #52Cereal GrainsFrance4523Mourot, J., et al., Glycaemic and insulinaemic indices of four starchy foods, in Advances in Diet and Nutrition, S. Leff, Editor. 1988, John Libbey & Co: London.Normal 3h121988
White rice, NS #57Cereal GrainsCanada4526Jenkins, D.J.A., et al., The glycaemic index of foods tested in diabetic patients: A new basis for carbohydrate exchange favouring the use of legumes. Diabetologia, 1983. 24(4): p. 257-264.Type 2 3h61983
White rice, NS #70Cereal GrainsPakistan4532Rahman, M., M.A. Malik, and S. al Mubarak, Glycaemic index of Pakistani staple foods in mixed meals for diabetics. Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 1992. 42(3): p. 60-2.Type 2 3h221992
White rice, NS #72Cereal GrainsCanada4532Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h71981
Rice, NS, boiled in water for 15 min, 76.9% starch gelatinization #72Cereal GrainsSouth Korea4532Jung, E.Y., et al., Uncooked rice of relatively low gelatinization degree resulted in lower metabolic glucose and insulin responses compared with cooked rice in female college students. Nutrition Research, 2009. 29(7): p. 457-61.Normal 2h122009
White rice, NS, boiled in water with 1 g salt #73Cereal GrainsIndia4533Kanan, W., et al., Glycaemic and insulinaemic responses to natural foods, frozen foods and their laboratory equivalents. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 1998. 42(1): p. 81-9.Normal 3h81998
Rice (Oryza sativa), white #77Cereal GrainsChina4535Li, M., et al., Postprandial glycaemic and insulinaemic responses to GM-resistant starch-enriched rice and the production of fermentation-related H2 in healthy Chinese adults. British Journal of Nutrition, 2010. 103(7): p. 1029-34.Normal 4h162009
Rice, white, polished (Cap Rambutan, Malaysia), cooked in an electronic rice cooker with 2 mL water/g rice #86Cereal GrainsMalaysia4539Karupaiah, T., et al., A transgressive brown rice mediates favourable glycaemic and insulin responses. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2011. 91(11): p. 1951-6.Normal 3h92011
Rice, white, NS, boiled 13 min in salted water #89Cereal GrainsItaly4540Gatti, E., et al., Plasma glucose and insulin responses to carbohydrate food (rice) with different thermal processing. Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism, 1987. 31(5): p. 296-303.Normal 3h14141986
White rice, NS, boiled #92Cereal GrainsJapan4541Sakuma, M., et al., Dose-dependent effects of barley cooked with white rice on postprandial glucose and desacyl ghrelin levels. Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, 2009. 44(2): p. 151-159.Normal 4h992008
White rice, NS, boiled in salted water #114Cereal GrainsKenya4551Ayuo, P.O. and G.A. Ettyang, Glycaemic responses after ingestion of some local foods by non-insulin dependent diabetic subjects. East African Medical Journal, 1996. 73(12): p. 782-5.Type 2 2.5h101996
Bangladeshi rice variety BR16 (28% amylose), boiled in salted water for 17 min #38Cereal GrainsBangladesh4517Larsen, H.N., et al., Influence of parboiling and physico-chemical characteristics of rice on the glycaemic index in non-insulin-dependent diabetic subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1996. 50(1): p. 22-7.Type 2 3h121995
Bangladeshi rice variety BR16, white, long-grain (27% amylose), boiled in salted water for 17.5 min #39Cereal GrainsBangladesh4518Larsen, H.N., et al., Glycaemic index of parboiled rice depends on the severity of processing: study in type 2 diabetic subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2000. 54(5): p. 380-5.Type 2 3h91999
Rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. Te-Qing), high amylose, enriched with resistant starch #48Cereal GrainsChina4522Li, M., et al., Postprandial glycaemic and insulinaemic responses to GM-resistant starch-enriched rice and the production of fermentation-related H2 in healthy Chinese adults. British Journal of Nutrition, 2010. 103(7): p. 1029-34.Normal 4h162009
Milled (white), high amylose (IR42) rice, boiled 22 min #60Cereal GrainsPhilippines4527Panlasigui, L.N., et al., Extruded rice noodles: Starch digestibility and glycemic response of healthy and diabetic subjects with different habitual diets. Nutrition Research, 1992. 12(10): p. 1195-1204.Type 2 3h101992
Milled (white), high amylose (IR42) rice, boiled 22 min #62Cereal GrainsPhilippines4528Panlasigui, L.N., et al., Extruded rice noodles: Starch digestibility and glycemic response of healthy and diabetic subjects with different habitual diets. Nutrition Research, 1992. 12(10): p. 1195-1204.Type 2 3h71992
Milled (white), high amylose (IR42) rice, boiled 22 min #62Cereal GrainsPhilippines4528Panlasigui, L.N. and L.U. Thompson, Blood glucose lowering effects of brown rice in normal and diabetic subjects. International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, 2006. 57(3-4): p. 151-8.Type 2 3h92006
Milled (white), high amylose (IR42) rice, boiled 22 min #67Cereal GrainsPhilippines4530Panlasigui, L.N. and L.U. Thompson, Blood glucose lowering effects of brown rice in normal and diabetic subjects. International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, 2006. 57(3-4): p. 151-8.Normal 1h102006
Milled (white), high amylose (IR42) rice, boiled 22 min #65Cereal GrainsPhilippines4529Panlasigui, L.N., et al., Extruded rice noodles: Starch digestibility and glycemic response of healthy and diabetic subjects with different habitual diets. Nutrition Research, 1992. 12(10): p. 1195-1204.Normal 1h71992
Milled (white), high amylose (IR42) rice, boiled 22 min #65Cereal GrainsPhilippines4529Panlasigui, L.N., et al., Rice varieties with similar amylose content differ in starch digestibility and glycemic response in humans. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1991. 54(5): p. 871-7.Normal 1h111991
Milled (white), high amylose (IR62) rice, boiled 22 min #43Cereal GrainsPhilippines4519Panlasigui, L.N., et al., Rice varieties with similar amylose content differ in starch digestibility and glycemic response in humans. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1991. 54(5): p. 871-7.Normal 1h111991
Milled (white), high amylose (IR36) rice, boiled 22 min #51Cereal GrainsPhilippines4523Panlasigui, L.N., et al., Rice varieties with similar amylose content differ in starch digestibility and glycemic response in humans. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1991. 54(5): p. 871-7.Normal 1h111991
Milled (white), high amylose (IR62) rice, cooked in rice cooker 20 min #53Cereal GrainsPhilippines4524Panlasigui, L.N., et al., Rice varieties with similar amylose content differ in starch digestibility and glycemic response in humans. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1991. 54(5): p. 871-7.Normal 1h111991
Milled (white), high amylose (IR36) rice, cooked in rice cooker 19 min #55Cereal GrainsPhilippines4525Panlasigui, L.N., et al., Rice varieties with similar amylose content differ in starch digestibility and glycemic response in humans. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1991. 54(5): p. 871-7.Normal 1h111991
Milled (white), high amylose (IR42) rice, cooked in rice cooker 14 min #58Cereal GrainsPhilippines4526Panlasigui, L.N., et al., Rice varieties with similar amylose content differ in starch digestibility and glycemic response in humans. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1991. 54(5): p. 871-7.Normal 1h111991
Japonica, short-grain brown rice, cooked in electric rice cooker #62Cereal GrainsJapan4528Ito, Y., et al., Postprandial blood glucose and insulin responses to pre-germinated brown rice in healthy subjects. The Journal of Medical Investigation, 2005. 52(3,4): p. 159-164.Normal 2h192005
Japonica short-grain brown rice, pre-germinated, cooked in electric rice cooker #54Cereal GrainsJapan4524Ito, Y., et al., Postprandial blood glucose and insulin responses to pre-germinated brown rice in healthy subjects. The Journal of Medical Investigation, 2005. 52(3,4): p. 159-164.Normal 2h132005
Japonica short-grain brown rice, pre-germinated, cooked in electric rice cooker #57Cereal GrainsJapan4526Ito, Y., et al., Postprandial blood glucose and insulin responses to pre-germinated brown rice in healthy subjects. The Journal of Medical Investigation, 2005. 52(3,4): p. 159-164.Normal 2h192005
Koshihikari (Japonica), white, short-grain, boiled 15 min, then steamed 10 min #48Cereal GrainsJapan4522Matsuo, T., et al., Estimation of glycemic and insulinemic responses to short-grain rice (Japonica) and a short-grain rice-mixed meal in healthy young subjects. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1999. 8(3): p. 190-4.Normal 3h81999
Japonica, short-grain white rice, cooked in electric rice cooker #76Cereal GrainsJapan4534Ito, Y., et al., Postprandial blood glucose and insulin responses to pre-germinated brown rice in healthy subjects. The Journal of Medical Investigation, 2005. 52(3,4): p. 159-164.Normal 2h192005
Japonica, short-grain white rice, cooked in electric rice cooker #75Cereal GrainsJapan4534Ito, Y., et al., Postprandial blood glucose and insulin responses to pre-germinated brown rice in healthy subjects. The Journal of Medical Investigation, 2005. 52(3,4): p. 159-164.Normal 2h132005
Japonica white rice and pre-germinated Japonica brown rice (ratio 1:2), cooked in electric rice cooker #64Cereal GrainsJapan4529Ito, Y., et al., Postprandial blood glucose and insulin responses to pre-germinated brown rice in healthy subjects. The Journal of Medical Investigation, 2005. 52(3,4): p. 159-164.Normal 2h132005
Japonica white rice and pre-germinated Japonica brown rice (ratio 2:1), cooked in electric rice cooker #67Cereal GrainsJapan4530Ito, Y., et al., Postprandial blood glucose and insulin responses to pre-germinated brown rice in healthy subjects. The Journal of Medical Investigation, 2005. 52(3,4): p. 159-164.Normal 2h132005
Japonica rice (Oryza sativa spp. japonica), white, steamed for 30 min #83Cereal GrainsChina4537Zhu, R., et al., Acute Effects of Three Cooked Non-Cereal Starchy Foods on Postprandial Glycemic Responses and in Vitro Carbohydrate Digestion in Comparison with Whole Grains: A Randomized Trial. Nutrients, 2019. 11(3).Normal 2h102019
Japonica rice (Matsusakabeikoku Incorporated Ltd, Matsusaka Mie, Japan), boiled in water #88Cereal GrainsJapan4540Trinidad, T., et al., Glycemic index of Sunfibre (Cyamoposis tetragonolobus) products in normal and diabetic subjects. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2004. 39(10): p. 1093-1098.Normal 2h112003
Japonica rice (Matsusakabeikoku Incorporated Ltd, Matsusaka Mie, Japan), boiled in water #63Cereal GrainsJapan4528Trinidad, T., et al., Glycemic index of Sunfibre (Cyamoposis tetragonolobus) products in normal and diabetic subjects. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2004. 39(10): p. 1093-1098.Type 2 3h92003
Japonica, white rice (Koshihikari) #89Cereal GrainsJapan4540Sato, S., et al., Glycemic index and glucose utilization of rice vermicelli in healthy subjects. Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2010. 33(8): p. 1385-93.Normal 2h152010
Japonica rice (Matsusakabeikoku Incorporated Ltd, Matsusaka Mie, Japan), boiled in water with 3 g Sunfibre, viscosity 1 (Taiyo Kagaku Co., Ltd, Japan) #68Cereal GrainsJapan4531Trinidad, T., et al., Glycemic index of Sunfibre (Cyamoposis tetragonolobus) products in normal and diabetic subjects. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2004. 39(10): p. 1093-1098.Normal 2h112003
Japonica rice (Matsusakabeikoku Incorporated Ltd, Matsusaka Mie, Japan), boiled in water with 5 g Sunfibre, viscosity 1 (Taiyo Kagaku Co., Ltd, Japan) #66Cereal GrainsJapan4530Trinidad, T., et al., Glycemic index of Sunfibre (Cyamoposis tetragonolobus) products in normal and diabetic subjects. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2004. 39(10): p. 1093-1098.Normal 2h112003
Japonica rice (Matsusakabeikoku Incorporated Ltd, Matsusaka Mie, Japan), boiled in water with 3 g Sunfibre, viscosity 1 (Taiyo Kagaku Co., Ltd, Japan) #54Cereal GrainsJapan4524Trinidad, T., et al., Glycemic index of Sunfibre (Cyamoposis tetragonolobus) products in normal and diabetic subjects. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2004. 39(10): p. 1093-1098.Type 2 3h92003
Japonica rice (Matsusakabeikoku Incorporated Ltd, Matsusaka Mie, Japan), boiled in water with 5 g Sunfibre, viscosity 1 (Taiyo Kagaku Co., Ltd, Japan) #55Cereal GrainsJapan4525Trinidad, T., et al., Glycemic index of Sunfibre (Cyamoposis tetragonolobus) products in normal and diabetic subjects. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2004. 39(10): p. 1093-1098.Type 2 3h92003
Long grain, boiled 5 min #41Cereal GrainsCanada4518Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Comparison of regular and parboiled rices: explanation of discrepancies between reported glycemic responses to rice. Nutrition Research, 1986. 6(4): p. 349-357.Type 2 3h131986
Long grain, white, unconverted, boiled 15 min (Mahatma brand, Riviana Foods, Wetherill Park, Australia) #50Cereal GrainsAustralia4523Brand, J.C., et al., Food processing and the glycemic index. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1985. 42(6): p. 1192-6.Normal 2h61984
Long grain, Gem (Dainty Food Inc., Toronto, Canada) #52Cereal GrainsCanada4523Wolever, T.M., et al., Prediction of the relative blood glucose response of mixed meals using the white bread glycemic index. Diabetes Care, 1985. 8(5): p. 418-28.Type 2 3h101985
Long grain, boiled 25 min #56Cereal GrainsSuriname4525Bornet, F.R., et al., Insulinemic and glycemic indexes of six starch-rich foods taken alone and in a mixed meal by type 2 diabetics. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1987. 45(3): p. 588-595.Type 2 3h31987
Long grain, Gem (Dainty Food Inc., Canada) #58Cereal GrainsCanada4526Wolever, T.M., et al., Prediction of the relative blood glucose response of mixed meals using the white bread glycemic index. Diabetes Care, 1985. 8(5): p. 418-28.Type 1 3h61985
Long grain, boiled 15 min #59Cereal GrainsCanada4527Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Comparison of regular and parboiled rices: explanation of discrepancies between reported glycemic responses to rice. Nutrition Research, 1986. 6(4): p. 349-357.Type 1 & Type 2 3h5 & 131986
Long grain, Gem (Dainty Food Inc., Canada) #61Cereal GrainsCanada4527Wolever, T.M., et al., The glycemic index: similarity of values derived in insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 1987. 6(4): p. 295-305.Type 2 3h131985
Long grain, Gem (Dainty Food Inc., Canada) #61Cereal GrainsCanada4527Wolever, T.M., et al., The glycemic index: similarity of values derived in insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 1987. 6(4): p. 295-305.Type 1 3h61985
Long grain rice (Indica rice) #60Cereal GrainsJapan4527Sato, S., et al., Glycemic index and glucose utilization of rice vermicelli in healthy subjects. Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2010. 33(8): p. 1385-93.Normal 2h152010
Long grain, non-glutinous (non-waxy) rice variety RD 21/23 (low amylose), boiled for 20 min #71Cereal GrainsThailand4532Juliano, B.O., et al., Properties of Thai cooked rice and noodles differing in glycemic index in noninsulin-dependent diabetics. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 1989. 39(4): p. 369-74.Type 2 3h81989
Long-grain white, fragrant, steamed for 40 min #91Cereal GrainsChina4541Zhu, R., et al., Acute effects of non-homogenized and homogenized vegetables added to rice-based meals on postprandial glycaemic responses and in vitro carbohydrate digestion. British Journal of Nutrition, 2018. 120(9): p. 1023-1033.Normal 4h162018
Glutinous (waxy) rice, low-amylose, boiled for 20 min #75Cereal GrainsThailand4534Juliano, B.O., et al., Properties of Thai cooked rice and noodles differing in glycemic index in noninsulin-dependent diabetics. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 1989. 39(4): p. 369-74.Type 2 3h81989
Glutinous rice, steamed #76Cereal GrainsSouth Korea4534Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h102018
Calrose, white, medium grain, boiled (Rice Growers Co-op., Australia) #83Cereal GrainsAustralia4537Brand Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Bramall, Rice: a high or low glycemic index food? The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1992. 56(6): p. 1034-6.Normal 2h81991
Sungold, Pelde, parboiled (Rice Growers Co-op., Australia) #87Cereal GrainsAustralia4539Brand Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Bramall, Rice: a high or low glycemic index food? The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1992. 56(6): p. 1034-6.Normal 2h81991
Waxy (0-2% amylose) (Rice Growers Co-op., Australia) #88Cereal GrainsAustralia4540Brand Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Bramall, Rice: a high or low glycemic index food? The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1992. 56(6): p. 1034-6.Normal 2h71991
Pelde, white (Rice Growers Co-op., Australia) #93Cereal GrainsAustralia4542Brand Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Bramall, Rice: a high or low glycemic index food? The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1992. 56(6): p. 1034-6.Normal 2h71991
Parboiled (converted), white, boiled 20-30 min, Uncle Ben's® (Masterfoods, USA) #38Cereal GrainsUSA4517Crapo, P.A., G. Reaven, and J. Olefsky, Postprandial plasma-glucose and -insulin responses to different complex carbohydrates. Diabetes, 1977. 26(12): p. 1178-1183.Normal 3h161977
Parboiled rice (Uncle Ben's Converted rice, Effem Foods Ltd., Rexdale, Ontario, Canada) #48Cereal GrainsCanada4522Wolever, T.M., et al., The glycemic index: similarity of values derived in insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 1987. 6(4): p. 295-305.Type 2 3h131985
Parboiled rice #72Cereal GrainsUSA4532Crapo, P.A., et al., Postprandial hormonal responses to different types of complex carbohydrate in individuals with impaired glucose tolerance. The American Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 1980. 33(8): p. 1723-8.Type 2 & IGT 3h65 & 61980
Parboiled rice (Uncle Ben's Converted rice, Effem Foods Ltd., Rexdale, Ontario, Canada) #45Cereal GrainsCanada4520Wolever, T.M., et al., The glycemic index: similarity of values derived in insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 1987. 6(4): p. 295-305.Type 1 3h51985
Parboiled (converted), white, long grain, boiled 20-30 min, Uncle Ben's® (Masterfoods USA) #51Cereal GrainsUSA4523Crapo, P.A., et al., Comparison of serum glucose, insulin, and glucagon responses to different types of complex carbohydrate in noninsulin-dependent diabetic patients. The American Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 1981. 34(2): p. 184-90.Type 2 3h6201981
Parboiled white rice, boiled 12 min #39Cereal GrainsDenmark4518Rasmussen, O., S. Gregersen, and K. Hermansen, Influence of the amount of starch on the glycaemic index to rice in non-insulin-dependent diabetic subjects. British Journal of Nutrition, 1992. 67(3): p. 371-7.Type 2 4h71990
Parboiled white rice, boiled 12 min #43Cereal GrainsDenmark4519Rasmussen, O., S. Gregersen, and K. Hermansen, Influence of the amount of starch on the glycaemic index to rice in non-insulin-dependent diabetic subjects. British Journal of Nutrition, 1992. 67(3): p. 371-7.Type 2 4h71990
Parboiled white rice, boiled 12 min #44Cereal GrainsDenmark4520Rasmussen, O.W., et al., Blood glucose and insulin responses to different meals in non-insulin-dependent diabetic subjects of both sexes. The American Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 1992. 56(4): p. 712-5.Type 2 5h111991
Parboiled white rice, boiled 12 min #47Cereal GrainsDenmark4521Rasmussen, O.W., et al., Blood glucose and insulin responses to different meals in non-insulin-dependent diabetic subjects of both sexes. The American Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 1992. 56(4): p. 712-5.Type 2 5h121991
Long grain, parboiled, boiled 5 min #38Cereal GrainsCanada4517Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Comparison of regular and parboiled rices: explanation of discrepancies between reported glycemic responses to rice. Nutrition Research, 1986. 6(4): p. 349-357.Type 2 3h131986
Long grain, boiled, 10 min #61Cereal GrainsUSA4527Krezowski, P.A., et al., Insulin and glucose responses to various starch-containing foods in type II diabetic subjects. Diabetes Care, 1987. 10(2): p. 205-212.Type 2 5h681987
Long grain, parboiled, boiled 15 min #48Cereal GrainsCanada4522Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Comparison of regular and parboiled rices: explanation of discrepancies between reported glycemic responses to rice. Nutrition Research, 1986. 6(4): p. 349-357.Type 1 3h51986
Long grain. parboiled, boiled 25 min #47Cereal GrainsCanada4521Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Comparison of regular and parboiled rices: explanation of discrepancies between reported glycemic responses to rice. Nutrition Research, 1986. 6(4): p. 349-357.Type 2 3h131986
Bangladeshi rice variety BR16, parboiled (28% amylose), boiled in salted water for 22 min #36Cereal GrainsBangladesh4516Larsen, H.N., et al., Influence of parboiling and physico-chemical characteristics of rice on the glycaemic index in non-insulin-dependent diabetic subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1996. 50(1): p. 22-7.Type 2 3h121995
Bangladeshi rice variety BR16, traditionally parboiled (27% amylose), boiled in salted water for 21 min #33Cereal GrainsBangladesh4515Larsen, H.N., et al., Glycaemic index of parboiled rice depends on the severity of processing: study in type 2 diabetic subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2000. 54(5): p. 380-5.Type 2 3h91999
Bangladeshi rice variety BR16, pressure parboiled (27% amylose), boiled in salted water for 21 min #28Cereal GrainsBangladesh4513Larsen, H.N., et al., Glycaemic index of parboiled rice depends on the severity of processing: study in type 2 diabetic subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2000. 54(5): p. 380-5.Type 2 3h91999
Bangladeshi rice variety BR4, parboiled (27% amylose), boiled in salted water for 21 min #33Cereal GrainsBangladesh4515Larsen, H.N., et al., Influence of parboiling and physico-chemical characteristics of rice on the glycaemic index in non-insulin-dependent diabetic subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1996. 50(1): p. 22-7.Type 2 3h121995
Bangladeshi rice variety BR2, parboiled (12% amylose), boiled in salted water for 20.5 min #52Cereal GrainsBangladesh4523Larsen, H.N., et al., Influence of parboiling and physico-chemical characteristics of rice on the glycaemic index in non-insulin-dependent diabetic subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1996. 50(1): p. 22-7.Type 2 3h121995
Parboiled, low-amylose, Pelde, Sungold (Rice Growers Co-op, Australia) #87Cereal GrainsAustralia4539Brand Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Bramall, Rice: a high or low glycemic index food? The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1992. 56(6): p. 1034-6.Normal 2h81991
Polished rice #61Cereal GrainsCanada4527Lan-Pidhainy, X. and T.M.S. Wolever, Are the glycemic and insulinemic index values of carbohydrate foods similar in healthy control, hyperinsulinemic and type 2 diabetic patients? European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2011. 65(6): p. 727-34.Normal 2h92011
Polished rice #70Cereal GrainsCanada4532Lan-Pidhainy, X. and T.M.S. Wolever, Are the glycemic and insulinemic index values of carbohydrate foods similar in healthy control, hyperinsulinemic and type 2 diabetic patients? European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2011. 65(6): p. 727-34.Type 2 3h102011
Polished rice #72Cereal GrainsCanada4532Lan-Pidhainy, X. and T.M.S. Wolever, Are the glycemic and insulinemic index values of carbohydrate foods similar in healthy control, hyperinsulinemic and type 2 diabetic patients? European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2011. 65(6): p. 727-34.High fast insulin 2h122011
Polished rice #82Cereal GrainsChina4537Lu, J., et al., Apple Preload Halved the Postprandial Glycaemic Response of Rice Meal on in Healthy Subjects. Nutrients, 2019. 11(12).Normal 4h182019
Rice powder (80 mm mesh), raw, 3.5% starch gelatinization #50Cereal GrainsSouth Korea4523Jung, E.Y., et al., Uncooked rice of relatively low gelatinization degree resulted in lower metabolic glucose and insulin responses compared with cooked rice in female college students. Nutrition Research, 2009. 29(7): p. 457-61.Normal 2h122009
Rice powder (80 mm mesh), raw, freeze-dried for 24 h at -50°C pressure <1 mbar, 5.4% gelatinization #60Cereal GrainsSouth Korea4527Jung, E.Y., et al., Uncooked rice of relatively low gelatinization degree resulted in lower metabolic glucose and insulin responses compared with cooked rice in female college students. Nutrition Research, 2009. 29(7): p. 457-61.Normal 2h122009
Rice, boiled in water for 15 min, 76.9% starch gelatinization #72Cereal GrainsSouth Korea4532Jung, E.Y., et al., Uncooked rice of relatively low gelatinization degree resulted in lower metabolic glucose and insulin responses compared with cooked rice in female college students. Nutrition Research, 2009. 29(7): p. 457-61.Normal 2h122009
Rice, red Adan #69Cereal GrainsIndonesia4531Saragih, B., N.M. Naibaho, and B. Saragih, Nutritional, functional properties, glycemic index and glycemic load of indigenous rice from North and East Borneo. Food Research, 2019. 3(5): p. 537-545.Normal 2h102019
Rice (Oryza sativa L.), red Mayas #68Cereal GrainsIndonesia4531Saragih, B., N.M. Naibaho, and B. Saragih, Nutritional, functional properties, glycemic index and glycemic load of indigenous rice from North and East Borneo. Food Research, 2019. 3(5): p. 537-545.Normal 2h102019
Jasmine rice, Della, cooked in rice cooker (Specialty Rice Inc., USA) #96Cereal GrainsUSA4543Truong, T.H., W.C. Yuet, and M.D. Hall, Glycemic index of American-grown jasmine rice classified as high. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2014. 65(4): p. 436-9.Normal 2h122014
Rice, white Adan #72Cereal GrainsIndonesia4532Saragih, B., N.M. Naibaho, and B. Saragih, Nutritional, functional properties, glycemic index and glycemic load of indigenous rice from North and East Borneo. Food Research, 2019. 3(5): p. 537-545.Normal 2h102019
Rice (Oryza sativa L.), white Mayas #74Cereal GrainsIndonesia4533Saragih, B., N.M. Naibaho, and B. Saragih, Nutritional, functional properties, glycemic index and glycemic load of indigenous rice from North and East Borneo. Food Research, 2019. 3(5): p. 537-545.Normal 2h102019
White rice, NS, boiled in water with 1 g salt, refrigerated 16-20 h, reheated #54Cereal GrainsIndia4524Kanan, W., et al., Glycaemic and insulinaemic responses to natural foods, frozen foods and their laboratory equivalents. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 1998. 42(1): p. 81-9.Normal 3h81998
White rice, NS, boiled 13 min, then baked 10 min at 160°C #94Cereal GrainsItaly4542Gatti, E., et al., Plasma glucose and insulin responses to carbohydrate food (rice) with different thermal processing. Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism, 1987. 31(5): p. 296-303.Normal 3h14141986
White rice, steamed #70Cereal GrainsSouth Korea4532Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h82018
Rice, white, containing PPB-R-203 resistant starch (Pharma Power Biotec, Taipei, Taiwan) #38Cereal GrainsTaiwan4517Lin, C.H., et al., Assessment of blood glucose regulation and safety of resistant starch formula-based diet in healthy normal and subjects with type 2 diabetes. Medicine, 2015. 94(33): p. e1332.Normal 2h82009
Rice, white, gruel, simmered over low heat with water for 45 min #93Cereal GrainsSouth Korea4542Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h102018
Rice cakes, white, prepared by steaming white rice flour over high heat for 30 min #81Cereal GrainsSouth Korea4536Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h102018
Rice cakes, rounded, prepared by steaming white rice flour over high heat for 30 min and then forming into cylindrical rice cakes #51Cereal GrainsSouth Korea4523Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h92018
Cajun Style, Uncle Ben's® (Effem Foods Ltd., Bolton, Canada) #51Cereal GrainsCanada4523Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h81984-1992
Garden Style, Uncle Ben's® (Effem Foods Ltd., Canada) #56Cereal GrainsCanada4525Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h111984-1992
Glutinous rice balls, boiled rice cake balls in water for 15 min #97Cereal GrainsSouth Korea4544Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h102018
Long Grain and Wild, Uncle Ben's® (Effem Foods Ltd., Canada) #55Cereal GrainsCanada4525Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h81984-1992
Mexican Fast and Fancy, Uncle Ben's® (Effem Foods Ltd., Canada) #59Cereal GrainsCanada4527Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h111984-1992
Saskatchewan wild rice #58Cereal GrainsCanada4526Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h91984-1992
Rice, long grain, high resistant starch (4.4 g RS/50 g avCHO), prepared in rice cooker, refrigerated #84Cereal GrainsUSA4538Chiu, Y.-T. and M.L. Stewart, Effect of variety and cooking method on resistant starch content of white rice and subsequent postprandial glucose response and appetite in humans. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2013. 22(3): p. 372-9.Normal 2h212013
Rice, short grain, low resistant starch (0.4 g RS/50 g avCHO), prepared in pressure cooker, refrigerated #78Cereal GrainsUSA4535Chiu, Y.-T. and M.L. Stewart, Effect of variety and cooking method on resistant starch content of white rice and subsequent postprandial glucose response and appetite in humans. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2013. 22(3): p. 372-9.Normal 2h212013
Rye, whole kernels #30Cereal GrainsCanada4514Wolever, T.M., et al., The glycemic index: similarity of values derived in insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 1987. 6(4): p. 295-305.Type 2 3h91985
Rye, whole kernels, pressure cooked (15 psi) 30 min in 2 L water #33Cereal GrainsCanada4515Jenkins, D.J., et al., Low glycemic response to traditionally processed wheat and rye products: bulgur and pumpernickel bread. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 1986. 43(4): p. 516-20.Type 1 & Type 2 3h5 & 91985
Rye, whole kernels #40Cereal GrainsCanada4518Wolever, T.M., et al., The glycemic index: similarity of values derived in insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 1987. 6(4): p. 295-305.Type 1 3h71985
Rye kernels (Lantma?nnen R&D, Ja?rna, Sweden), boiled in 189.5 g water for 35 min, 0.5 g NaCl added #52Cereal GrainsSweden4523Rosen, L.A., E.M. Ostman, and I.M. Bjorck, Effects of cereal breakfasts on postprandial glucose, appetite regulation and voluntary energy intake at a subsequent standardized lunch; focusing on rye products. Nutrition Journal, 2011. 10: p. 7.Normal 4.5h102007
Rye kernels (Nord Mills AB, Malmo, Sweden), boiled in 110 mL water for 35 min, 0.5 g salt in water #52Cereal GrainsSweden4523Nilsson, A.C., et al., Effect of cereal test breakfasts differing in glycemic index and content of indigestible carbohydrates on daylong glucose tolerance in healthy subjects. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2008. 87(3): p. 645-54.Normal 2h122007
Sago starch (Metroxylon spp.), prepared as a rice analogue by extrusion and drying at 50°C for 12 h #41Cereal GrainsIndonesia4518Wahjuningsih, S.B., et al., Resistant starch content and glycaemic index of Sago (Metroxylon spp.) starch and red bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris) based analogue rice. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2016. 15(7): p. 667-672.Normal 2h202016
Sago starch (Metroxylon spp.) with the addition of 5% red bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) flour, prepared as a rice analogue by extrusion and drying at 50°C for 12 h #48Cereal GrainsIndonesia4522Wahjuningsih, S.B., et al., Resistant starch content and glycaemic index of Sago (Metroxylon spp.) starch and red bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris) based analogue rice. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2016. 15(7): p. 667-672.Normal 2h202016
Sago starch (Metroxylon spp.) with the addition of 10% red bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) flour, prepared as a rice analogue by extrusion and drying at 50°C for 12 h #50Cereal GrainsIndonesia4523Wahjuningsih, S.B., et al., Resistant starch content and glycaemic index of Sago (Metroxylon spp.) starch and red bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris) based analogue rice. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2016. 15(7): p. 667-672.Normal 2h202016
Sago starch (Metroxylon spp.) with the addition of 15% red bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) flour, prepared as a rice analogue by extrusion and drying at 50°C for 12 h #69Cereal GrainsIndonesia4531Wahjuningsih, S.B., et al., Resistant starch content and glycaemic index of Sago (Metroxylon spp.) starch and red bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris) based analogue rice. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2016. 15(7): p. 667-672.Normal 2h202016
Sago starch (Metroxylon spp.) with the addition of 20% red bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) flour, prepared as a rice analogue by extrusion and drying at 50°C for 12 h #70Cereal GrainsIndonesia4532Wahjuningsih, S.B., et al., Resistant starch content and glycaemic index of Sago (Metroxylon spp.) starch and red bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris) based analogue rice. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2016. 15(7): p. 667-672.Normal 2h202016
Sago starch (Metroxylon spp.) with the addition of 25% red bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) flour, prepared as a rice analogue by extrusion and drying at 50°C for 12 h #77Cereal GrainsIndonesia4535Wahjuningsih, S.B., et al., Resistant starch content and glycaemic index of Sago (Metroxylon spp.) starch and red bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris) based analogue rice. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2016. 15(7): p. 667-672.Normal 2h202016
Bulgur, boiled #47Cereal GrainsCanada4521Jenkins, D.J., et al., Wholemeal versus wholegrain breads: proportion of whole or cracked grain and the glycaemic response. British Medical Journal (Clinical Research Edition), 1988. 297(6654): p. 958-60.Type 2 3h61988
Bulgur, boiled in 800 mL water 20 min #46Cereal GrainsCanada4521Jenkins, D.J., et al., Low glycemic response to traditionally processed wheat and rye products: bulgur and pumpernickel bread. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 1986. 43(4): p. 516-20.Type 1 & Type 2 3h5 & 121985
Bulgur, boiled #46Cereal GrainsCanada4521Jenkins, D.J., et al., Low glycemic index carbohydrate foods in the management of hyperlipidemia. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1985. 42(4): p. 604-617.Type 2 3h131984
Bulgur, boiled 20 min #46Cereal GrainsCanada4521Wolever, T.M., et al., The glycemic index: similarity of values derived in insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 1987. 6(4): p. 295-305.Type 2 3h121985
Bulgur, boiled 20 min #53Cereal GrainsCanada4524Wolever, T.M., et al., The glycemic index: similarity of values derived in insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 1987. 6(4): p. 295-305.Type 1 3h61985
Semolina, roasted at 105°C then gelatinized with water, with 5 g groundnut oil #76Cereal GrainsIndia4534Mani, U.V., et al., Glycaemic index of conventional carbohydrate meals. British Journal of Nutrition, 1992. 68(2): p. 445-50.Type 2 2h61991
Semolina, steamed and gelatinized, with 5 g groundnut oil #55Cereal GrainsIndia4525Mani, U.V., et al., Glycaemic index of conventional carbohydrate meals. British Journal of Nutrition, 1992. 68(2): p. 445-50.Type 2 2h61991
Wheat, whole kernels (Triticum aestivum), soaked 12 h, stored moist 24 h, steamed 1 h #30Cereal GrainsIndia4514Kurup, P.G. and S. Krishnamurthy, Glycemic index of selected foodstuffs commonly used in south India. International Journal of Vitamin and Nutrition Resarch, 1992. 62(3): p. 266-8.Normal 3h 12-151991
Wheat, whole kernels #43Cereal GrainsCanada4519Wolever, T.M., et al., The glycemic index: similarity of values derived in insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 1987. 6(4): p. 295-305.Type 2 3h111985
Wheat, whole kernels, pressure cooked (15 psi) 30 min in 2 L water #45Cereal GrainsCanada4520Jenkins, D.J., et al., Low glycemic response to traditionally processed wheat and rye products: bulgur and pumpernickel bread. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 1986. 43(4): p. 516-20.Type 1 & Type 2 3h6 & 111985
Wheat kernels (BFEL, Germany), boiled in 156.4 g water for 40 min, 0.5 g NaCl added #48Cereal GrainsGermany4522Rosen, L.A., E.M. Ostman, and I.M. Bjorck, Effects of cereal breakfasts on postprandial glucose, appetite regulation and voluntary energy intake at a subsequent standardized lunch; focusing on rye products. Nutrition Journal, 2011. 10: p. 7.Normal 4.5h102007
Wheat, whole kernels #49Cereal GrainsCanada4522Wolever, T.M., et al., The glycemic index: similarity of values derived in insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 1987. 6(4): p. 295-305.Type 1 3h71985
Wheat kernels (Nord Mills AB, Malmo, Sweden), boiled in 100 mL water for 30 min, 0.5 g salt in water #56Cereal GrainsSweden4525Nilsson, A.C., et al., Effect of cereal test breakfasts differing in glycemic index and content of indigestible carbohydrates on daylong glucose tolerance in healthy subjects. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2008. 87(3): p. 645-54.Normal 2h122007
Wheat, NS #63Cereal GrainsIndia4528Dilawari, J.B., et al., Reduction of postprandial plasma glucose by Bengal gram dal (Cicer arietinum) and rajmah (Phaseolus vulgaris). The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(11): p. 2450-3.Normal 2h951981
Wheat, quick cooking (White Wings, Sydney, Australia) #54Cereal GrainsAustralia4524Ross, S.W., et al., Glycemic index of processed wheat products. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1987. 46(4): p. 631-5.Normal 2h81986
Arrowroot (Maranta Arundinaceae) cookies, containing cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) and porang (Amorphophallus oncophyllus) glucomannan, My Cookies® #48CookiesIndonesia2010Lestari, L.A., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of arrowroot (Maranta arundinaceae) cookies with the addition of cinnamon (cinnamomum verum) and porang (amorphophallus oncophyllus) glucomannan. Food Research, 2020. 4(3): p. 866-872.Normal 2h102019
Arrowroot (McCormick's, Interbare Foods, Toronto, Canada) #64CookiesCanada2013Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h131984-1992
Arrowroot plus (McCormick's, Canada) #62CookiesCanada2012Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h91984-1992
Milk Arrowroot™ (Arnotts, Sydney, NSW, Australia) #69CookiesAustralia2014Brand-Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Broomhead, The glycaemic index of foods containing sugars: comparison of foods with naturally-occurring v. added sugars. British Journal of Nutrition, 1995. 73(4): p. 613-23.Normal 2h81994
Biscotti, made with 100% whole wheat flour #45CookiesCanada209Marinangeli, C.P.F., A.N. Kassis, and P.J.H. Jones, Glycemic responses and sensory characteristics of whole yellow pea flour added to novel functional foods. Journal of Food Science, 2009. 74(9): p. S385-9.Normal 2.5h192009
Biscotti, made with 100% whole yellow pea flour (Best Cooking Pulses Inc, MB, Canada) #32CookiesCanada206Marinangeli, C.P.F., A.N. Kassis, and P.J.H. Jones, Glycemic responses and sensory characteristics of whole yellow pea flour added to novel functional foods. Journal of Food Science, 2009. 74(9): p. S385-9.Normal 2.5h192009
Biscuits (Dicofarm Spa, Rome, Italy)17 #67CookiesItaly2013Jenkins, A.L., et al., Comparable postprandial glucose reductions with viscous fiber blend enriched biscuits in healthy subjects and patients with diabetes mellitus: acute randomized controlled clinical trial. Croatian Medical Journal, 2008. 49(6): p. 772-82.Type 2 3h92008
Biscuits (Dicofarm Spa, Rome, Italy) #72CookiesItaly2014Jenkins, A.L., et al., Comparable postprandial glucose reductions with viscous fiber blend enriched biscuits in healthy subjects and patients with diabetes mellitus: acute randomized controlled clinical trial. Croatian Medical Journal, 2008. 49(6): p. 772-82.Normal 1.5h102008
Biscuits, containing 9.9 g highly viscous fiber blend (70% glucomannan, 30% xanthan) (Dicofarm Spa, Rome, Italy) #26CookiesItaly205Jenkins, A.L., et al., Comparable postprandial glucose reductions with viscous fiber blend enriched biscuits in healthy subjects and patients with diabetes mellitus: acute randomized controlled clinical trial. Croatian Medical Journal, 2008. 49(6): p. 772-82.Type 2 3h92008
Biscuits, containing 9.9 g highly viscous fiber blend (70% glucomannan, 30% xanthan) (Dicofarm Spa, Rome, Italy) #18CookiesItaly204Jenkins, A.L., et al., Comparable postprandial glucose reductions with viscous fiber blend enriched biscuits in healthy subjects and patients with diabetes mellitus: acute randomized controlled clinical trial. Croatian Medical Journal, 2008. 49(6): p. 772-82.Normal 1.5h102008
Biscuit, commercially-available #80CookiesNigeria2016Gbenga-Fabusiwa, F.J., et al., Glycemic Response in Diabetic Subjects to Biscuits Produced from Blends of Pigeon Pea and Wheat Flour. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 2019. 74(4): p. 553-559.Type 2 3h102019
Biscuit, made from wheat flour, flavored with ginger #60CookiesNigeria2012Gbenga-Fabusiwa, F.J., et al., Glycemic Response in Diabetic Subjects to Biscuits Produced from Blends of Pigeon Pea and Wheat Flour. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 2019. 74(4): p. 553-559.Type 2 3h102019
Biscuit, made from 100% pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan fabaceae) flour, flavored with ginger #41CookiesNigeria208Gbenga-Fabusiwa, F.J., et al., Glycemic Response in Diabetic Subjects to Biscuits Produced from Blends of Pigeon Pea and Wheat Flour. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 2019. 74(4): p. 553-559.Type 2 3h102019
Biscuit, made from 75% pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan fabaceae) flour and 25% wheat flour, flavored with ginger #45CookiesNigeria209Gbenga-Fabusiwa, F.J., et al., Glycemic Response in Diabetic Subjects to Biscuits Produced from Blends of Pigeon Pea and Wheat Flour. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 2019. 74(4): p. 553-559.Type 2 3h102019
Biscuit, made from 50% pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan fabaceae) flour and 50% wheat flour, flavored with ginger #51CookiesNigeria2010Gbenga-Fabusiwa, F.J., et al., Glycemic Response in Diabetic Subjects to Biscuits Produced from Blends of Pigeon Pea and Wheat Flour. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 2019. 74(4): p. 553-559.Type 2 3h102019
Biscuit, made from 25% pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan fabaceae) flour and 75% wheat flour, flavored with ginger #56CookiesNigeria2011Gbenga-Fabusiwa, F.J., et al., Glycemic Response in Diabetic Subjects to Biscuits Produced from Blends of Pigeon Pea and Wheat Flour. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 2019. 74(4): p. 553-559.Type 2 3h102019
Biscuit, NS #70CookiesChina2014Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h72005
Biscuits, plain, sweet #44CookiesItaly209Marangoni, F. and A. Poli, The glycemic index of bread and biscuits is markedly reduced by the addition of a proprietary fiber mixture to the ingredients. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2008. 18(9): p. 602-5.Normal 2h152007
Biscuits, plain, sweet, enriched with fiber blend (70% inulin, 20% guar gum, 5% glucomannan and 5% wheat fiber) #26CookiesItaly205Marangoni, F. and A. Poli, The glycemic index of bread and biscuits is markedly reduced by the addition of a proprietary fiber mixture to the ingredients. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2008. 18(9): p. 602-5.Normal 2h152007
Chocolate chip cookies, containing wheat flour and coconut flour #51CookiesPhilippines2010Trinidad, T.P., et al., Glycaemic index of different coconut (Cocos nucifera)-flour products in normal and diabetic subjects. British Journal of Nutrition, 2003. 90(3): p. 551-556.Type 2 3h102002
Cookie, increased GI variant (sugar-to-flour ratio: 1.84) #63CookiesBelgium2013Vrolix, R. and R.P. Mensink, Variability of the glycemic response to single food products in healthy subjects. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 2010. 31(1): p. 5-11.Normal 2h102010
Digestives #56CookiesCanada2011Jenkins, D.J.A., et al., The glycaemic index of foods tested in diabetic patients: A new basis for carbohydrate exchange favouring the use of legumes. Diabetologia, 1983. 24(4): p. 257-264.Type 2 3h61983
Digestives #59CookiesCanada2012Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h61981
Digestives, Peak Frean’s (Nabisco Ltd., Toronto, Canada) #62CookiesCanada2012Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h131984-1992
Digestives, gluten-free (maize starch) (Nutricia Dietary Care Ltd., Redish, Stockport, UK) #59CookiesUK2012Packer, S.C., A. Dornhorst, and G.S. Frost, The glycaemic index of a range of gluten?free foods. Diabetic Medicine, 2000. 17(9): p. 657-660.Type 2 3h82000
Fette Biscottate Le malto d'orzo (Mulino Bianco, Barilla) #84CookiesItaly2017-Normal 2h92007
Golden Fruit biscuit (Griffin's Foods Ltd., Auckland, New Zealand) #77CookiesNew Zealand2015Perry, T., et al., Glycaemic index of New Zealand foods. New Zealand Medical Journal, 2000. 113(1108): p. 140-2.Normal 2h102000
Graham Wafers (Christie Brown & Co., Toronto, Canada) #75CookiesCanada2015Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h91984-1992
Highland Oatcakes (Walker's Shortbread Ltd., Aberlour-on-Spey, Scotland) #58CookiesUK2012Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h121984-1992
Highland Oatmeal™(Westons Biscuits, Australia) #55CookiesAustralia2011Brand-Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Broomhead, The glycaemic index of foods containing sugars: comparison of foods with naturally-occurring v. added sugars. British Journal of Nutrition, 1995. 73(4): p. 613-23.Normal 2h71994
Macaroons, prepared with wheat flour and coconut flour #33CookiesPhilippines207Trinidad, T.P., et al., Glycaemic index of different coconut (Cocos nucifera)-flour products in normal and diabetic subjects. British Journal of Nutrition, 2003. 90(3): p. 551-556.Type 2 3h102002
Morning Coffee™(Arnotts, Australia) #79CookiesAustralia2016Brand-Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Broomhead, The glycaemic index of foods containing sugars: comparison of foods with naturally-occurring v. added sugars. British Journal of Nutrition, 1995. 73(4): p. 613-23.Normal 2h81994
Oatmeal biscuit #54CookiesCanada2011Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h61981
Oro (Saiwa, Italy) #67CookiesItaly2013-Normal 2h131998
Prince Meganana Chocolate (LU, Spain) #49CookiesSpain2010-Normal 2h111996-2000
Rich Tea (Canada) #55CookiesCanada2011Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h61981
Shortbread (Arnotts, Australia) #64CookiesAustralia2013Ross, S.W., et al., Glycemic index of processed wheat products. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1987. 46(4): p. 631-5.Normal 2h81986
Shredded Wheatmeal™ (Arnotts, Australia) #62CookiesAustralia2012Brand-Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Broomhead, The glycaemic index of foods containing sugars: comparison of foods with naturally-occurring v. added sugars. British Journal of Nutrition, 1995. 73(4): p. 613-23.Normal 2h71994
Vanilla Wafers (Christie Brown & Co., Canada) #78CookiesCanada2016Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h81984-1992
Breton wheat crackers (Dare Foods Ltd., Kitchener, Canada) #68CrackersCanada1510Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h101984-1992
Crackers, enriched with 1.9% ß-glucan #75CrackersItaly1511Tubili, C., et al., Addition of different soluble fiber fractions to oven baked products is not always a successful tool for reducing the Glycemic Index. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2010. 20(2): p. e2-3.Normal 3h122009
Jatz™, plain salted cracker biscuits (Arnotts, Australia) #55CrackersAustralia158Brand-Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Broomhead, The glycaemic index of foods containing sugars: comparison of foods with naturally-occurring v. added sugars. British Journal of Nutrition, 1995. 73(4): p. 613-23.Normal 2h81994
Kavli™ Norwegian Crispbread (Players Biscuits, Sydney, Australia) #71CrackersAustralia1511Brand-Miller, J., et al., In search of more low glycaemic index foods. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 1995. 19: p. 177.Normal 2h81995
Lees Cabin Crackers #60CrackersFiji159Lako, J., et al., The glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load (GL) of five commonly consumed foods of the South Pacific. Pacific Health Dialogue, 2004. 11(1): p. 47-54.Normal 2h82004
Premium Soda Crackers (Christie Brown & Co., Canada) #75CrackersCanada1511Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h101984-1992
Puffed Crispbread (Westons, Australia) #81CrackersAustralia1512Ross, S.W., et al., Glycemic index of processed wheat products. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1987. 46(4): p. 631-5.Normal 2h81986
Puffed rice cakes, white (Rice Growers Co-op, Australia) #82CrackersAustralia1512Brand Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Bramall, Rice: a high or low glycemic index food? The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1992. 56(6): p. 1034-6.Normal 2h61991
Rice cake #82CrackersChina1512Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h82005
Rye crispbread #64CrackersGermany1510Otto, H. and L. Niklas, Differences d'action sur la glycemie d'aliments contenant des hydrated de carbone: consequences pour le traitment dietetique du diabete sucre. (Differences in the action of foods containing carbohydrate on blood glucose levels: implications for the dietetic treatment of diabetes mellitus). Med Hyg, 1980. 38: p. 3424-29.Type 2NSNS1980
Rye crispbread (Ryvita Company Ltd., UK) #64CrackersUK1510Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h121984-1992
Ryvita, High-fiber rye crispbread (Ryvita Company Ltd., Poole, Dorset, UK) #60CrackersUK159Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h91984-1992
Ryvita® #69CrackersCanada1510Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h71981
Ryvita, whole-wheat snack bread (Ryvita Co Ltd., Poole, Dorset, UK) #75CrackersUK1511Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h111984-1992
Sao™, plain square crackers (Arnotts, Australia) #70CrackersAustralia1511Brand-Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Broomhead, The glycaemic index of foods containing sugars: comparison of foods with naturally-occurring v. added sugars. British Journal of Nutrition, 1995. 73(4): p. 613-23.Normal 2h81994
Stoned Wheat Thins (Christie Brown & Co., Canada) #68CrackersCanada1510Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h111984-1992
Water cracker #63CrackersCanada159Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h61981
Water cracker (Arnotts, Australia) #78CrackersAustralia1512Ross, S.W., et al., Glycemic index of processed wheat products. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1987. 46(4): p. 631-5.Normal 2h81986
Custard, home made from milk, egg, wheat starch, and sugar #43Dairy Products and AlternativesAustralia209Ross, S.W., et al., Glycemic index of processed wheat products. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1987. 46(4): p. 631-5.Normal 2h81986
Fromage Frais, yellow fruit: mango and papaya (Healthy Living, UK) #25Dairy Products and AlternativesUK207Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h82005
Fromage Frais, yellow fruit: passionfruit and pineapple (Healthy Living, UK) #18Dairy Products and AlternativesUK204Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h82005
Fromage Frais, yellow fruit: peach and apricot (Healthy Living, UK) #22Dairy Products and AlternativesUK204Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h82005
Ice cream, NS #36Dairy Products and AlternativesCanada207Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h51981
Ice cream (half vanilla, half chocolate) #58Dairy Products and AlternativesItaly2012Bucalossi, A., et al., Glycaemic and insulinaemic responses to different carbohydrates in Type II (NIDD) diabetic patients. Diabetes, Nutrition & Metabolism, 1990. 3(2): p. 143-51.Normal 2h71989
Ice cream, NS #62Dairy Products and AlternativesUSA2012Gannon, M.C., et al., The serum insulin and plasma glucose responses to milk and fruit products in type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetic patients. Diabetologia, 1986. 29(11): p. 784-91.Type 2 5h3471986
Ice cream, chocolate flavored #68Dairy Products and AlternativesUSA2014Bukar, J., et al., Frozen desserts and glycemic response in well-controlled NIDDM patients. Diabetes Care, 1990. 13(4): p. 382-5.Type 2 3h121989
Ice cream (half vanilla, half chocolate) #81Dairy Products and AlternativesItaly2016Bucalossi, A., et al., Glycaemic and insulinaemic responses to different carbohydrates in Type II (NIDD) diabetic patients. Diabetes, Nutrition & Metabolism, 1990. 3(2): p. 143-51.Type 2 2h141989
Ice cream, low carbohydrate, chocolate #32Dairy Products and AlternativesAustralia203Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004
Ice cream, low carbohydrate, vanilla #7Dairy Products and AlternativesAustralia201Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004
Ice cream, low fat (Light™ Peters, Nestle Australia) #50Dairy Products and AlternativesAustralia2010Brand-Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Broomhead, The glycaemic index of foods containing sugars: comparison of foods with naturally-occurring v. added sugars. British Journal of Nutrition, 1995. 73(4): p. 613-23.Normal 2h71994
Full-fat milk, NS, tested in young adults (17-18 y) #3Dairy Products and AlternativesSouth Africa100.3Walker, A.R. and B.F. Walker, Glycaemic index of South African foods determined in rural blacks--a population at low risk of diabetes. Human Nutrition. Clinical Nutrition, 1984. 38(3): p. 215-22.Normal 2h71984
Full-fat milk #11Dairy Products and AlternativesItaly101Bucalossi, A., et al., Glycaemic and insulinaemic responses to different carbohydrates in Type II (NIDD) diabetic patients. Diabetes, Nutrition & Metabolism, 1990. 3(2): p. 143-51.Normal 2h71989
Full-fat (3% fat, Skånemejerier, Malmö, Sweden) #21Dairy Products and AlternativesSweden102Ostman, E.M., H.G. Liljeberg Elmståhl, and I.M. Björck, Inconsistency between glycemic and insulinemic responses to regular and fermented milk products. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2001. 74(1): p. 96-100.Normal 2h102000
Full-fat milk #24Dairy Products and AlternativesItaly102Bucalossi, A., et al., Glycaemic and insulinaemic responses to different carbohydrates in Type II (NIDD) diabetic patients. Diabetes, Nutrition & Metabolism, 1990. 3(2): p. 143-51.Type 2 2h141989
Full-fat milk (Dairy Farmers Ltd, Sydney, Australia) #31Dairy Products and AlternativesAustralia103Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Full-fat milk #34Dairy Products and AlternativesCanada103Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h61981
Full-fat milk #41Dairy Products and AlternativesUSA104Hoyt, G., M.S. Hickey, and L. Cordain, Dissociation of the glycaemic and insulinaemic responses to whole and skimmed milk. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 93(2): p. 175-7.Normal 2h92004
Fermented cow's milk (ropy milk, långfil, 3% fat) (Arla, Gävle, Sweden) #11Dairy Products and AlternativesSweden101Ostman, E.M., H.G. Liljeberg Elmståhl, and I.M. Björck, Inconsistency between glycemic and insulinemic responses to regular and fermented milk products. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2001. 74(1): p. 96-100.Normal 2h102000
Fermented cow's milk (filmjölk, 3% fat) (Skånemejerier, Malmö, Sweden) #11Dairy Products and AlternativesSweden101Ostman, E.M., H.G. Liljeberg Elmståhl, and I.M. Björck, Inconsistency between glycemic and insulinemic responses to regular and fermented milk products. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2001. 74(1): p. 96-100.Normal 2h102000
Milk, reduced fat with added omega 3 (Take Care™, Dairy Farmers Ltd, Australia) #23Dairy Products and AlternativesAustralia102Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Milk, semi-skimmed, British (Dairycrest, UK) #25Dairy Products and AlternativesUK103Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h82005
Milk, reduced fat (98% fat free) with added omega 3 (Farmers Best™, Dairy Farmers Ltd, Australia) #27Dairy Products and AlternativesAustralia103Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Milk, reduced fat (1.4%) (Lite White™, Dairy Farmers Ltd, Australia) #30Dairy Products and AlternativesAustralia103Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Milk, reduced-fat (1.5% fat w/v) #31Dairy Products and AlternativesSweden103Gunnerud, U., et al., The glycemic, insulinemic and plasma amino acid responses to equi-carbohydrate milk meals, a pilot- study of bovine and human milk. Nutrition Journal, 2012. 11: p. 83.Normal 2h92012
Reconstituted bovine casein drink, 1.5% fat w/v, with added lactose #31Dairy Products and AlternativesSweden103Gunnerud, U., et al., The glycemic, insulinemic and plasma amino acid responses to equi-carbohydrate milk meals, a pilot- study of bovine and human milk. Nutrition Journal, 2012. 11: p. 83.Normal 2h92012
Reconstituted bovine whey drink, 1.5% fat w/v, with added lactose #43Dairy Products and AlternativesSweden104Gunnerud, U., et al., The glycemic, insulinemic and plasma amino acid responses to equi-carbohydrate milk meals, a pilot- study of bovine and human milk. Nutrition Journal, 2012. 11: p. 83.Normal 2h92012
Milk, skim, made from powder (Arla Foods, Sweden) #27Dairy Products and AlternativesSweden103Nilsson, M., et al., Glycemia and insulinemia in healthy subjects after lactose-equivalent meals of milk and other food proteins: the role of plasma amino acids and incretins. The American Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 2004. 80(5): p. 1246-53.Normal 2h122004
Milk, skim #32Dairy Products and AlternativesCanada103Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h61981
Milk, skim (Dairy Farmers Ltd, Australia) #32Dairy Products and AlternativesAustralia103Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Milk, skim, Shape™ fat free (Dairy Farmers Ltd, Australia) #34Dairy Products and AlternativesAustralia103Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Milk, skim #37Dairy Products and AlternativesUSA104Hoyt, G., M.S. Hickey, and L. Cordain, Dissociation of the glycaemic and insulinaemic responses to whole and skimmed milk. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 93(2): p. 175-7.Normal 2h82004
Milk, skim #40Dairy Products and AlternativesUSA104Gannon, M.C., et al., The serum insulin and plasma glucose responses to milk and fruit products in type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetic patients. Diabetologia, 1986. 29(11): p. 784-91.Type 2 5h3471986
Milk, skimmed, pasteurized, British (Dairycrest, UK) #48Dairy Products and AlternativesUK105Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Milk, low-fat, chocolate, with aspartame, Lite White™ (Dairy Farmers Ltd, Australia) #24Dairy Products and AlternativesAustralia105Brand-Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Broomhead, The glycaemic index of foods containing sugars: comparison of foods with naturally-occurring v. added sugars. British Journal of Nutrition, 1995. 73(4): p. 613-23.Normal 2h81994
Milk, low-fat, chocolate, with sugar, Lite White™ (Dairy Farmers Ltd, Australia) #34Dairy Products and AlternativesAustralia107Brand-Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Broomhead, The glycaemic index of foods containing sugars: comparison of foods with naturally-occurring v. added sugars. British Journal of Nutrition, 1995. 73(4): p. 613-23.Normal 2h81994
Yoghurt, champagne rhubarb (Finest, UK) #49Dairy Products and AlternativesUK2010Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Yoghurt, Jalna Bush Honey Bio Dynamic (Jalna Dairy Foods, VIC, Australia) #26Dairy Products and AlternativesAustralia205Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004
Yoghurt, NS #36Dairy Products and AlternativesCanada207Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h51981
Yoghurt, orange blossom (Finest, UK) #42Dairy Products and AlternativesUK208Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Yoghurt, red fruit: raspberry and cranberry (Healthy Living Light, UK) #42Dairy Products and AlternativesUK208Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h92005
Yoghurt, Strawberry #38Dairy Products and AlternativesCzech Republic208Peterson, K., et al., Influence of oral antidiabetic drugs on hyperglycemic response to foods in persons with type 2 diabetes mellitus as assessed by continuous glucose monitoring system: a pilot study. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 2010. 4(4): p. 983-92.Normal 2h202010
Yoghurt, Strawberry (Healthy Living Light, UK) #45Dairy Products and AlternativesUK209Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h92005
Yoghurt, Strawberry #51Dairy Products and AlternativesCzech Republic2010Peterson, K., et al., Influence of oral antidiabetic drugs on hyperglycemic response to foods in persons with type 2 diabetes mellitus as assessed by continuous glucose monitoring system: a pilot study. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 2010. 4(4): p. 983-92.Type 2 2h162010
Yoghurt, toffee (Healthy Living Light, UK) #41Dairy Products and AlternativesUK208Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Yoghurt, vanilla (Healthy Living Light, UK) #47Dairy Products and AlternativesUK209Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Yoghurt, white peach (Finest, UK) #54Dairy Products and AlternativesUK2011Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Youghurt, low-fat, fruit, aspartame, Ski™ (Dairy Farmers, Australia) #14Dairy Products and AlternativesAustralia203Brand-Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Broomhead, The glycaemic index of foods containing sugars: comparison of foods with naturally-occurring v. added sugars. British Journal of Nutrition, 1995. 73(4): p. 613-23.Normal 2h71994
Yoghurt, low-fat, fruit, sugar, Ski™ (Dairy Farmers, Australia) #33Dairy Products and AlternativesAustralia207Brand-Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Broomhead, The glycaemic index of foods containing sugars: comparison of foods with naturally-occurring v. added sugars. British Journal of Nutrition, 1995. 73(4): p. 613-23.Normal 2h81994
Yoghurt, low-fat, toffee #51Dairy Products and AlternativesUK2010Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Yoghurt, reduced-fat, strawberry #38Dairy Products and AlternativesCzech Republic208Chlup, R., et al., Continuous glucose monitoring -- a novel approach to the determination of the glycaemic index of foods (DEGIF 1) -- determination of the glycaemic index of foods by means of the CGMS. Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes, 2006. 114(2): p. 68-74.Normal 2h202005
Fat-Free Natural yoghurt (Jalna Dairy Foods, Australia) #19Dairy Products and AlternativesAustralia102Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004
Greek Style yoghurt, Premium blend (Jalna Dairy Foods, Australia) #12Dairy Products and AlternativesAustralia101Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004
Leben European Style yoghurt (Jalna Dairy Foods, Australia) #11Dairy Products and AlternativesAustralia101Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004
Yoghurt, probiotic, strawberry #52Dairy Products and AlternativesUK2010Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Probiotic drink, pink grapefruit #60Dairy Products and AlternativesUK2012Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Whey protein, consumed with 19.4 g lactose in water #31Dairy Products and AlternativesSweden103Nilsson, M., et al., Glycemia and insulinemia in healthy subjects after lactose-equivalent meals of milk and other food proteins: the role of plasma amino acids and incretins. The American Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 2004. 80(5): p. 1246-53.Normal 2h122004
Tofu-based frozen dessert, chocolate with high-fructose (24%) corn syrup #115Dairy Products and AlternativesUSA2023Bukar, J., et al., Frozen desserts and glycemic response in well-controlled NIDDM patients. Diabetes Care, 1990. 13(4): p. 382-5.Type 2 3h121989
Apple, NS #28Fruit and Fruit ProductsDenmark154Gregersen, S., et al., Glycaemic and insulinaemic responses to orange and apple compared with white bread in non-insulin-dependent diabetic subjects. European Jounal of Clinical Nutrition, 1992. 46(4): p. 301-3.Type 2 4h81991
Apple, Braeburn #32Fruit and Fruit ProductsNew Zealand155Ha, M.A., et al., Relationship between the glycaemic index and sugar content of fruits. Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolism, 1992. 5: p. 199-203.Type 2 & IGT 3h151991
Apple, Golden Delicious #39Fruit and Fruit ProductsCanada156Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h61981
Apple, Golab, raw #39Fruit and Fruit ProductsIran156Afaghi, A., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic loads of variety of fruits: Clinical implementation of fruits' serving size in low glycemic load diet. Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research, 2009. 7(3-4): p. 157-160.Normal 2h82009
Apple, NS #41Fruit and Fruit ProductsRomania156Ionescu-Tîrgovi?te, C., et al., Blood glucose and plasma insulin responses to various carbohydrates in type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes. Diabetologia, 1983. 24(2): p. 80-4.Type 2 2h981982
Apple, Green, raw #41Fruit and Fruit ProductsIran156Afaghi, A., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic loads of variety of fruits: Clinical implementation of fruits' serving size in low glycemic load diet. Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research, 2009. 7(3-4): p. 157-160.Normal 2h82009
Apple, NS #34Fruit and Fruit ProductsGermany155Otto, H. and L. Niklas, Differences d'action sur la glycemie d'aliments contenant des hydrated de carbone: consequences pour le traitment dietetique du diabete sucre. (Differences in the action of foods containing carbohydrate on blood glucose levels: implications for the dietetic treatment of diabetes mellitus). Med Hyg, 1980. 38: p. 3424-29.Type 2NSNS1980
Apple, NS #40Fruit and Fruit ProductsUSA156Gannon, M.C., et al., The serum insulin and plasma glucose responses to milk and fruit products in type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetic patients. Diabetologia, 1986. 29(11): p. 784-91.Type 2 5h3471986
Apple, NS #45Fruit and Fruit ProductsItaly157Lunetta, M., et al., No important differences in glycaemic responses to common fruits in type 2 diabetic patients. Diabet Med, 1995. 12(8): p. 674-8.Type 2 3h71995
Apricots, NS #50Fruit and Fruit ProductsIran158Afaghi, A., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic loads of variety of fruits: Clinical implementation of fruits' serving size in low glycemic load diet. Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research, 2009. 7(3-4): p. 157-160.Normal 2h82009
Apricots, NS #58Fruit and Fruit ProductsItaly159Lunetta, M., et al., No important differences in glycaemic responses to common fruits in type 2 diabetic patients. Diabet Med, 1995. 12(8): p. 674-8.Type 2 3h71995
Apricots, canned in light syrup (Riviera, Aliments Caneast Foods, Montreal, Canada) #65Fruit and Fruit ProductsCanada1510Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of fruits and fruit products in patients with diabetes. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 1993. 43(4): p. 205-212.Type 2 3h91993
Apricots, dried #30Fruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia155Brand-Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Broomhead, The glycaemic index of foods containing sugars: comparison of foods with naturally-occurring v. added sugars. British Journal of Nutrition, 1995. 73(4): p. 613-23.Normal 2h81994
Apricots, dried, ready to eat #31Fruit and Fruit ProductsUK155Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h82005
Apricots, dried (Wasco foods, Montreal, Canada) #33Fruit and Fruit ProductsCanada155Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of fruits and fruit products in patients with diabetes. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 1993. 43(4): p. 205-212.Type 2 3h91993
Banana Chapa kola variety (Musa sp.) #30Fruit and Fruit ProductsBangladesh155Fatema, K., et al., Glycemic index determination of vegetable and fruits in healthy Bangladeshi subjects. Malaysian Journal of Nutrition, 2011. 17(3): p. 393-9.Normal 2h142011
Banana, under-ripe (yellow with some green skin) #31Fruit and Fruit ProductsDenmark155Hermansen, K., et al., Influence of ripeness of banana on the blood glucose and insulin response in type 2 diabetic subjects. Diabet Med, 1992. 9(8): p. 739-43.Type 2 4h101992
Banana, NS #35Fruit and Fruit ProductsTaiwan155Chen, Y.Y., et al., Glycemia and peak incremental indices of six popular fruits in Taiwan: Healthy and type 2 diabetes subjects compared. Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, 2011. 49(3): p. 195-199.Normal 2h202010
Banana, NS #41Fruit and Fruit ProductsTaiwan156Chen, Y.Y., et al., Glycemia and peak incremental indices of six popular fruits in Taiwan: Healthy and type 2 diabetes subjects compared. Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, 2011. 49(3): p. 195-199.Type 2 2h172010
Banana, slightly under-ripe (yellow with green tips) #41Fruit and Fruit ProductsUSA156Ercan, N., et al., Plasma glucose and insulin responses to bananas of varying ripeness in persons with noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 1993. 12(6): p. 703-9.Type 2 5h3471992
Banana, slightly under-ripe (yellow with green sections) #42Fruit and Fruit ProductsUSA156Ercan, N., et al., Plasma glucose and insulin responses to bananas of varying ripeness in persons with noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 1993. 12(6): p. 703-9.Type 2 5h3471992
Banana (Musa spp.), Kolikuttu-Silk AAB variety, ripe, raw #43Fruit and Fruit ProductsSri Lanka156Hettiaratchi, U.P.K., S. Ekanayake, and J. Welihinda, Chemical compositions and glycemic responses to banana varieties. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2011. 62(4): p. 307-9.Normal 2h102011
Banana (Musa spp.), embul-Mysore AAB variety, ripe, raw #43Fruit and Fruit ProductsSri Lanka156Hettiaratchi, U.P.K., S. Ekanayake, and J. Welihinda, Chemical compositions and glycemic responses to banana varieties. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2011. 62(4): p. 307-9.Normal 2h102011
Banana (Musa paradisiaca) #44Fruit and Fruit ProductsNigeria157Edo, A., et al., Postprandial glucose response to selected tropical fruits in normal glucose-tolerant Nigerians. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice, 2011. 14(1): p. 79-82.Type 2 2h992002
Banana, NS #47Fruit and Fruit ProductsGermany157Otto, H. and L. Niklas, Differences d'action sur la glycemie d'aliments contenant des hydrated de carbone: consequences pour le traitment dietetique du diabete sucre. (Differences in the action of foods containing carbohydrate on blood glucose levels: implications for the dietetic treatment of diabetes mellitus). Med Hyg, 1980. 38: p. 3424-29.DiabeticNSNS1980
Banana (Musa spp.), anamalu-Gros Michel AAA variety, ripe, raw #48Fruit and Fruit ProductsSri Lanka157Hettiaratchi, U.P.K., S. Ekanayake, and J. Welihinda, Chemical compositions and glycemic responses to banana varieties. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2011. 62(4): p. 307-9.Normal 2h102011
Banana, over-ripe (yellow flecked with brown) #48Fruit and Fruit ProductsUSA157Ercan, N., et al., Plasma glucose and insulin responses to bananas of varying ripeness in persons with noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 1993. 12(6): p. 703-9.Type 2 5h3471992
Banana (Musa spp.), seeni kesel-Pisang Awak ABB variety, ripe, raw #49Fruit and Fruit ProductsSri Lanka157Hettiaratchi, U.P.K., S. Ekanayake, and J. Welihinda, Chemical compositions and glycemic responses to banana varieties. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2011. 62(4): p. 307-9.Normal 2h102011
Banana, NS #49Fruit and Fruit ProductsIsrael157Lock, D.R., et al., Glycemic indices of various foods given to pregnant diabetic subjects. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1988. 71(2): p. 180-3.GDM 2h91988
Banana, ripe (all yellow) #51Fruit and Fruit ProductsUSA158Ercan, N., et al., Plasma glucose and insulin responses to bananas of varying ripeness in persons with noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 1993. 12(6): p. 703-9.Type 2 5h3471992
Banana, over-ripe (yellow with 1-2 mm brown spots) #53Fruit and Fruit ProductsDenmark158Hermansen, K., et al., Influence of ripeness of banana on the blood glucose and insulin response in type 2 diabetic subjects. Diabet Med, 1992. 9(8): p. 739-43.Type 2 4h101992
Banana, NS #59Fruit and Fruit ProductsItaly159Lunetta, M., et al., No important differences in glycaemic responses to common fruits in type 2 diabetic patients. Diabet Med, 1995. 12(8): p. 674-8.Type 2 3h81995
Banana, NS #59Fruit and Fruit ProductsCanada159Jenkins, D.J.A., et al., The glycaemic index of foods tested in diabetic patients: A new basis for carbohydrate exchange favouring the use of legumes. Diabetologia, 1983. 24(4): p. 257-264.Type 2 3h61983
Banana #62Fruit and Fruit ProductsCanada159Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h61981
Banana, NS #70Fruit and Fruit ProductsSouth Africa1511Walker, A.R. and B.F. Walker, Glycaemic index of South African foods determined in rural blacks--a population at low risk of diabetes. Human Nutrition. Clinical Nutrition, 1984. 38(3): p. 215-22.Normal young adult 17-18 y) 2h81984
Banana (Musa paradisiaca), yellow skin without green or brown discoloration #75Fruit and Fruit ProductsNigeria1511Edo, A., et al., Postprandial glucose response to selected tropical fruits in normal glucose-tolerant Nigerians. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice, 2011. 14(1): p. 79-82.Normal 2h102010
Blueberries (sour cherry), raw #28Fruit and Fruit ProductsIran154Afaghi, A., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic loads of variety of fruits: Clinical implementation of fruits' serving size in low glycemic load diet. Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research, 2009. 7(3-4): p. 157-160.Normal 2h82009
Breadfruit, peeled, boiled 26 min #60Fruit and Fruit ProductsJamaica159Bahado-Singh, P.S., et al., Food processing methods influence the glycaemic indices of some commonly eaten West Indian carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2006. 96(3): p. 476-481.Normal 2h82005
Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis), peeled, boiled 26 min, frozen, thawed and reheated for 1 min #60Fruit and Fruit ProductsTrinidad159Ramdath, D.D., et al., Glycaemic index of selected staples commonly eaten in the Caribbean and the effects of boiling v. crushing. British Journal of Nutrition, 2004. 91(6): p. 971-7.Normal 2h82003
Breadfruit, raw #68Fruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia1510Thorburn, A., Digestion and absorption of carbohydrate in Australian Aboriginal, Pacific Island and Western Foods., in Human Nutrition Unit. 1986, University of Sydney: Australia.Normal 3h71986
Cherries, raw #29Fruit and Fruit ProductsIran154Afaghi, A., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic loads of variety of fruits: Clinical implementation of fruits' serving size in low glycemic load diet. Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research, 2009. 7(3-4): p. 157-160.Normal 2h82009
Cherries, raw, sour #22Fruit and Fruit ProductsGermany153Schauberger, G., et al., Exchange of carbohydrates according to their effect on blood glucose. Diabetes, 1977. 26: p. 415 (abstr).Type 2NSNS1977
Cherries, dark, raw, pitted #63Fruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia159Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Chico (Zapota zapotilla coville), raw #40Fruit and Fruit ProductsPhilippines156Guevarra, M.T. and L.N. Panlasigui, Blood glucose responses of diabetes mellitus type II patients to some local fruits. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2000. 9(4): p. 303-8.Type 2 3h102000
Dates, Barhi variety, dried and vacuum packed #50Fruit and Fruit ProductsSaudi Arabia158Miller, C.J., E.V. Dunn, and I.B. Hashim, Glycemic index of 3 varieties of dates. Saudi Medical Journal, 2002. 23(5): p. 536-8.Normal 2h82000-2001
Dates, Bo ma'an variety, dried and vacuum packed #31Fruit and Fruit ProductsSaudi Arabia155Miller, C.J., E.V. Dunn, and I.B. Hashim, Glycemic index of 3 varieties of dates. Saudi Medical Journal, 2002. 23(5): p. 536-8.Normal 2h82000-2001
Dates, Bo ma'an, Tamer stage (Al Saad Date factory, Al Ain, UAE) #52Fruit and Fruit ProductsUAE158Alkaabi, J.M., et al., Glycemic indices of five varieties of dates in healthy and diabetic subjects. Nutrition Journal, 2011. 10: p. 59.Type 2 3h102010
Dates, Dabbas, Tamer stage (Al Saad Date factory, Al Ain, UAE) #50Fruit and Fruit ProductsUAE158Alkaabi, J.M., et al., Glycemic indices of five varieties of dates in healthy and diabetic subjects. Nutrition Journal, 2011. 10: p. 59.Type 2 3h102010
Dates, Fardh variety, from A'Dhahira #48Fruit and Fruit ProductsOman157Ali, A., Y.S.M. Al-Kindi, and F. Al-Said, Chemical composition and glycemic index of three varieties of Omani dates. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009. 60 Suppl 4: p. 51-62.Normal 2h102008
Dates, Fardh variety, from A'Dakhlia #57Fruit and Fruit ProductsOman159Ali, A., Y.S.M. Al-Kindi, and F. Al-Said, Chemical composition and glycemic index of three varieties of Omani dates. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009. 60 Suppl 4: p. 51-62.Normal 2h102008
Dates, Fardh variety, from Al Batinah #51Fruit and Fruit ProductsOman158Ali, A., Y.S.M. Al-Kindi, and F. Al-Said, Chemical composition and glycemic index of three varieties of Omani dates. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009. 60 Suppl 4: p. 51-62.Normal 2h102008
Dates, Fardh variety, mean of 3 regions #52Fruit and Fruit ProductsOman158Ali, A., Y.S.M. Al-Kindi, and F. Al-Said, Chemical composition and glycemic index of three varieties of Omani dates. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009. 60 Suppl 4: p. 51-62.Normal 2h102008
Dates, Fara'd, Tamer stage (Al Saad Date factory, Al Ain, UAE) #46Fruit and Fruit ProductsUAE157Alkaabi, J.M., et al., Glycemic indices of five varieties of dates in healthy and diabetic subjects. Nutrition Journal, 2011. 10: p. 59.Type 2 3h102010
Dates, Khalas variety, from A'Dhahira #50Fruit and Fruit ProductsOman158Ali, A., Y.S.M. Al-Kindi, and F. Al-Said, Chemical composition and glycemic index of three varieties of Omani dates. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009. 60 Suppl 4: p. 51-62.Normal 2h102008
Dates, Khalas variety, from A'Dakhlia #51Fruit and Fruit ProductsOman158Ali, A., Y.S.M. Al-Kindi, and F. Al-Said, Chemical composition and glycemic index of three varieties of Omani dates. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009. 60 Suppl 4: p. 51-62.Normal 2h102008
Dates, Khalas variety, from Al Batinah #56Fruit and Fruit ProductsOman158Ali, A., Y.S.M. Al-Kindi, and F. Al-Said, Chemical composition and glycemic index of three varieties of Omani dates. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009. 60 Suppl 4: p. 51-62.Normal 2h102008
Dates, Khalas variety, mean of 3 regions #52Fruit and Fruit ProductsOman158Ali, A., Y.S.M. Al-Kindi, and F. Al-Said, Chemical composition and glycemic index of three varieties of Omani dates. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009. 60 Suppl 4: p. 51-62.Normal 2h102008
Dates, Khalas, Tamer stage (Al Saad Date factory, Al Ain, UAE) #53Fruit and Fruit ProductsUAE158Alkaabi, J.M., et al., Glycemic indices of five varieties of dates in healthy and diabetic subjects. Nutrition Journal, 2011. 10: p. 59.Type 2 3h102010
Dates, Khsab variety, from A'Dhahira #52Fruit and Fruit ProductsOman158Ali, A., Y.S.M. Al-Kindi, and F. Al-Said, Chemical composition and glycemic index of three varieties of Omani dates. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009. 60 Suppl 4: p. 51-62.Normal 2h102008
Dates, Khsab variety, from A'Dakhlia #58Fruit and Fruit ProductsOman159Ali, A., Y.S.M. Al-Kindi, and F. Al-Said, Chemical composition and glycemic index of three varieties of Omani dates. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009. 60 Suppl 4: p. 51-62.Normal 2h102008
Dates, Khsab variety, from Al Batinah #55Fruit and Fruit ProductsOman158Ali, A., Y.S.M. Al-Kindi, and F. Al-Said, Chemical composition and glycemic index of three varieties of Omani dates. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009. 60 Suppl 4: p. 51-62.Normal 2h102008
Dates, Khsab variety, mean of 3 regions #55Fruit and Fruit ProductsOman158Ali, A., Y.S.M. Al-Kindi, and F. Al-Said, Chemical composition and glycemic index of three varieties of Omani dates. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009. 60 Suppl 4: p. 51-62.Normal 2h102008
Dates, Lulu, Tamer stage (Al Saad Date factory, Al Ain, UAE) #44Fruit and Fruit ProductsUAE157Alkaabi, J.M., et al., Glycemic indices of five varieties of dates in healthy and diabetic subjects. Nutrition Journal, 2011. 10: p. 59.Type 2 3h102010
Dates, NS #62Fruit and Fruit ProductsIsrael159Lock, D.R., et al., Glycemic indices of various foods given to pregnant diabetic subjects. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1988. 71(2): p. 180-3.GDM 2h71988
Dates, Sabaka cultivar #55Fruit and Fruit ProductsSaudi Arabia158AlGeffari, M.A., et al., Glycemic indices, glycemic load and glycemic response for seventeen varieties of dates grown in Saudi Arabia. Annals of Saudi Medicine, 2016. 36(6): p. 397-403.Normal 2h102016
Dates, Sabaka, Tamer stage #55Fruit and Fruit ProductsSaudi Arabia158AlGeffari, M.A., et al., Glycemic indices, glycemic load and glycemic response for seventeen varieties of dates grown in Saudi Arabia. Annals of Saudi Medicine, 2016. 36(6): p. 397-403.Normal 2h102016
Durian (Durio zibethinus) #49Fruit and Fruit ProductsMalaysia157Robert, S.D., et al., Glycemic index of common Malaysian fruits. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2008. 17(1): p. 35-9.Normal 2h82008
Grapefruit, raw #26Fruit and Fruit ProductsGermany154Schauberger, G., et al., Exchange of carbohydrates according to their effect on blood glucose. Diabetes, 1977. 26: p. 415 (abstr).Type 2NSNS1977
Grapes, NS #43Fruit and Fruit ProductsGermany156Schauberger, G., et al., Exchange of carbohydrates according to their effect on blood glucose. Diabetes, 1977. 26: p. 415 (abstr).Type 2NSNS1977
Grapes, Golden no-seed, raw #48Fruit and Fruit ProductsIran157Afaghi, A., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic loads of variety of fruits: Clinical implementation of fruits' serving size in low glycemic load diet. Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research, 2009. 7(3-4): p. 157-160.Normal 2h82009
Grapes, NS #49Fruit and Fruit ProductsTaiwan157Chen, Y.Y., et al., Glycemia and peak incremental indices of six popular fruits in Taiwan: Healthy and type 2 diabetes subjects compared. Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, 2011. 49(3): p. 195-199.Type 2 2h172010
Grapes, NS #49Fruit and Fruit ProductsTaiwan157Chen, Y.Y., et al., Glycemia and peak incremental indices of six popular fruits in Taiwan: Healthy and type 2 diabetes subjects compared. Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, 2011. 49(3): p. 195-199.Normal 2h202010
Grapes, NS #50Fruit and Fruit ProductsItaly158Lunetta, M., et al., No important differences in glycaemic responses to common fruits in type 2 diabetic patients. Diabet Med, 1995. 12(8): p. 674-8.Type 2 3h91995
Guava, raw, cut into bite size pieces #31Fruit and Fruit ProductsSingapore155Tey, S.L., D.E.M. Lee, and C.J. Henry, Fruit form Influences Postprandial Glycemic Response in Elderly and Young Adults. The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, 2017. 21(8): p. 887-891.Normal (elderly) 2h92016
Guava, raw #31Fruit and Fruit ProductsTaiwan155Chen, Y.Y., et al., Glycemia and peak incremental indices of six popular fruits in Taiwan: Healthy and type 2 diabetes subjects compared. Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, 2011. 49(3): p. 195-199.Normal 2h202010
Guava, raw #33Fruit and Fruit ProductsTaiwan155Chen, Y.Y., et al., Glycemia and peak incremental indices of six popular fruits in Taiwan: Healthy and type 2 diabetes subjects compared. Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, 2011. 49(3): p. 195-199.Type 2 2h172010
Guava, raw, puree #49Fruit and Fruit ProductsSingapore157Tey, S.L., D.E.M. Lee, and C.J. Henry, Fruit form Influences Postprandial Glycemic Response in Elderly and Young Adults. The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, 2017. 21(8): p. 887-891.Normal (elderly) 2h92016
Guava (Psidium guajava), raw #54Fruit and Fruit ProductsJamaica158Francis, R.D., et al., Glycemic index of selected foods in Jamaica. Pharmacovigil and Pharmacoepi, 2019. 2: p. 13-16.Normal 2h102019
Kiwi fruit, Hayward #47Fruit and Fruit ProductsNew Zealand157Ha, M.A., et al., Relationship between the glycaemic index and sugar content of fruits. Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolism, 1992. 5: p. 199-203.Type 2 & IGT 3h151991
Kiwifruit, Golden, raw #47Fruit and Fruit ProductsTaiwan157Chen, Y.Y., et al., Glycemia and peak incremental indices of six popular fruits in Taiwan: Healthy and type 2 diabetes subjects compared. Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, 2011. 49(3): p. 195-199.Type 2 2h172010
Kiwifruit, Golden, raw #47Fruit and Fruit ProductsTaiwan157Chen, Y.Y., et al., Glycemia and peak incremental indices of six popular fruits in Taiwan: Healthy and type 2 diabetes subjects compared. Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, 2011. 49(3): p. 195-199.Normal 2h202010
Kiwi fruit, NS #58Fruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia159Brand-Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Broomhead, The glycaemic index of foods containing sugars: comparison of foods with naturally-occurring v. added sugars. British Journal of Nutrition, 1995. 73(4): p. 613-23.Normal 2h71994
Lychee, NS #48Fruit and Fruit ProductsTaiwan157Chen, Y.Y., et al., Glycemia and peak incremental indices of six popular fruits in Taiwan: Healthy and type 2 diabetes subjects compared. Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, 2011. 49(3): p. 195-199.Normal 2h202010
Lychee, NS #60Fruit and Fruit ProductsTaiwan159Chen, Y.Y., et al., Glycemia and peak incremental indices of six popular fruits in Taiwan: Healthy and type 2 diabetes subjects compared. Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, 2011. 49(3): p. 195-199.Type 2 2h172010
Mango, frozen and thawed #31Fruit and Fruit ProductsUK155Redfern, K.M., et al., Nutrient-extraction blender preparation reduces postprandial glucose responses from fruit juice consumption. Nutrition & Diabetes, 2017. 7(10): p. e288.Normal 2h92017
Mango (Magnifera inidica) #34Fruit and Fruit ProductsNigeria155Edo, A., et al., Postprandial glucose response to selected tropical fruits in normal glucose-tolerant Nigerians. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice, 2011. 14(1): p. 79-82.Type 2 2h962002
Mango (Mangifera indica) #42Fruit and Fruit ProductsPhilippines156Guevarra, M.T. and L.N. Panlasigui, Blood glucose responses of diabetes mellitus type II patients to some local fruits. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2000. 9(4): p. 303-8.Type 2 3h102000
Mango (Mangifera indica) #51Fruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia158Brand-Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Broomhead, The glycaemic index of foods containing sugars: comparison of foods with naturally-occurring v. added sugars. British Journal of Nutrition, 1995. 73(4): p. 613-23.Normal 2h71994
Mango, ripe (Mangifera indica) #60Fruit and Fruit ProductsIndia159Kurup, P.G. and S. Krishnamurthy, Glycemic index of selected foodstuffs commonly used in south India. International Journal of Vitamin and Nutrition Resarch, 1992. 62(3): p. 266-8.Normal 3h12 12-151991
Mango puree, unprocessed #43Fruit and Fruit ProductsMexico156Elizondo-Montemayor, L., et al., High hydrostatic pressure processing reduces the glycemic index of fresh mango puree in healthy subjects. Food & Function, 2015. 6(4): p. 1352-60.Normal 2h382015
Mango puree, high hydrostatic pressure processed #33Fruit and Fruit ProductsMexico155Elizondo-Montemayor, L., et al., High hydrostatic pressure processing reduces the glycemic index of fresh mango puree in healthy subjects. Food & Function, 2015. 6(4): p. 1352-60.Normal 2h382015
Oranges, NS #31Fruit and Fruit ProductsDenmark155Gregersen, S., et al., Glycaemic and insulinaemic responses to orange and apple compared with white bread in non-insulin-dependent diabetic subjects. European Jounal of Clinical Nutrition, 1992. 46(4): p. 301-3.Type 2 4h81991
Oranges, NS, tested in young adults (17-18 y) #33Fruit and Fruit ProductsSouth Africa155Walker, A.R. and B.F. Walker, Glycaemic index of South African foods determined in rural blacks--a population at low risk of diabetes. Human Nutrition. Clinical Nutrition, 1984. 38(3): p. 215-22.Normal 2h61984
Oranges (Citrus sinensis) #36Fruit and Fruit ProductsNigeria155Edo, A., et al., Postprandial glucose response to selected tropical fruits in normal glucose-tolerant Nigerians. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice, 2011. 14(1): p. 79-82.Type 2 2h992002
Oranges, NS #40Fruit and Fruit ProductsCanada156Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h61981
Oranges, NS #47Fruit and Fruit ProductsIsrael157Lock, D.R., et al., Glycemic indices of various foods given to pregnant diabetic subjects. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1988. 71(2): p. 180-3.GDM 2h81988
Oranges, NS #48Fruit and Fruit ProductsItaly157Lunetta, M., et al., No important differences in glycaemic responses to common fruits in type 2 diabetic patients. Diabet Med, 1995. 12(8): p. 674-8.Type 2 3h81995
Oranges (Sunkist, Van Nuys, CA, USA) #49Fruit and Fruit ProductsUSA157Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of fruits and fruit products in patients with diabetes. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 1993. 43(4): p. 205-212.Type 2 3h101993
Oranges NS #52Fruit and Fruit ProductsGermany158Otto, H. and L. Niklas, Differences d'action sur la glycemie d'aliments contenant des hydrated de carbone: consequences pour le traitment dietetique du diabete sucre. (Differences in the action of foods containing carbohydrate on blood glucose levels: implications for the dietetic treatment of diabetes mellitus). Med Hyg, 1980. 38: p. 3424-29.Type 2NSNS1980
Papaya/paw paw, raw, cut into bite size pieces #39Fruit and Fruit ProductsSingapore156Tey, S.L., D.E.M. Lee, and C.J. Henry, Fruit form Influences Postprandial Glycemic Response in Elderly and Young Adults. The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, 2017. 21(8): p. 887-891.Normal (elderly) 2h92016
Papaya/Paw paw (Carica papaya) #42Fruit and Fruit ProductsNigeria156Edo, A., et al., Postprandial glucose response to selected tropical fruits in normal glucose-tolerant Nigerians. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice, 2011. 14(1): p. 79-82.Type 2 2h952002
Papaya (Carica papaya), raw #46Fruit and Fruit ProductsJamaica157Francis, R.D., et al., Glycemic index of selected foods in Jamaica. Pharmacovigil and Pharmacoepi, 2019. 2: p. 13-16.Normal 2h102019
Papaya/paw paw, raw, puree #46Fruit and Fruit ProductsSingapore157Tey, S.L., D.E.M. Lee, and C.J. Henry, Fruit form Influences Postprandial Glycemic Response in Elderly and Young Adults. The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, 2017. 21(8): p. 887-891.Normal (elderly) 2h92016
Paw paw (Carica papaya) #56Fruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia158Brand-Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Broomhead, The glycaemic index of foods containing sugars: comparison of foods with naturally-occurring v. added sugars. British Journal of Nutrition, 1995. 73(4): p. 613-23.Normal 2h71994
Papaya (Carica papaya) #58Fruit and Fruit ProductsMalaysia159Robert, S.D., et al., Glycemic index of common Malaysian fruits. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2008. 17(1): p. 35-9.Normal 2h82008
Papaya/Paw paw, raw (Carica papaya) #61Fruit and Fruit ProductsPhilippines159Guevarra, M.T. and L.N. Panlasigui, Blood glucose responses of diabetes mellitus type II patients to some local fruits. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2000. 9(4): p. 303-8.Type 2 3h6102000
Paw paw (papaya), ripe #60Fruit and Fruit ProductsIndia159Kurup, P.G. and S. Krishnamurthy, Glycemic index of selected foodstuffs commonly used in south India. International Journal of Vitamin and Nutrition Resarch, 1992. 62(3): p. 266-8.Normal 3h12 12-151991
Paw paw (Carica papaya), raw #86Fruit and Fruit ProductsNigeria1513Edo, A., et al., Postprandial glucose response to selected tropical fruits in normal glucose-tolerant Nigerians. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice, 2011. 14(1): p. 79-82.Normal 2h92010
Peach, raw #28Fruit and Fruit ProductsGermany154Schauberger, G., et al., Exchange of carbohydrates according to their effect on blood glucose. Diabetes, 1977. 26: p. 415 (abstr).Type 2NSNS1977
Peach, raw #57Fruit and Fruit ProductsItaly159Lunetta, M., et al., No important differences in glycaemic responses to common fruits in type 2 diabetic patients. Diabet Med, 1995. 12(8): p. 674-8.Type 2 3h71995
Peach, canned in natural juice (Goulburn Valley brand, Ardmona Foods, Mooroopna, Australia) #30Fruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia155Brand-Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Broomhead, The glycaemic index of foods containing sugars: comparison of foods with naturally-occurring v. added sugars. British Journal of Nutrition, 1995. 73(4): p. 613-23.Normal 2h81994
Peach, canned in light syrup (Delmonte, Canadian Canners Ltd., Canada) #53Fruit and Fruit ProductsCanada158Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of fruits and fruit products in patients with diabetes. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 1993. 43(4): p. 205-212.Type 2 3h111993
Peach, canned in heavy syrup (Letona Foods, Hawthorn East, VIC, Australia) #58Fruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia159Brand-Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Broomhead, The glycaemic index of foods containing sugars: comparison of foods with naturally-occurring v. added sugars. British Journal of Nutrition, 1995. 73(4): p. 613-23.Normal 2h81994
Peach, dried #35Fruit and Fruit ProductsUK155Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h82005
Peach palm fruit (Bactris gasipaes), red-orange peel, boiled at 96oC for 30 min, frozen, thawed at room temperature, peeled and deseeded #35Fruit and Fruit ProductsCosta Rica155Jimenez, G., et al., Estimation of glycaemic index of peach palm (Bactris gasipaes) cooked fruits and chips, and pitahaya (Hylocereus spp.) pulp. Archivos latinoamericanos de Nutricion, 2012. 62(3): p. 242-8.Normal 2h82012
Peach palm (Bactris gasipaes), chips made from pulp, water and salt, then baked at 125°C for 25 min #60Fruit and Fruit ProductsCosta Rica159Jimenez, G., et al., Estimation of glycaemic index of peach palm (Bactris gasipaes) cooked fruits and chips, and pitahaya (Hylocereus spp.) pulp. Archivos latinoamericanos de Nutricion, 2012. 62(3): p. 242-8.Normal 2h82012
Pear, Asian, raw #18Fruit and Fruit ProductsTaiwan153Chen, Y.Y., et al., Glycemia and peak incremental indices of six popular fruits in Taiwan: Healthy and type 2 diabetes subjects compared. Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, 2011. 49(3): p. 195-199.Normal 2h202010
Pear, Asian, raw #26Fruit and Fruit ProductsTaiwan154Chen, Y.Y., et al., Glycemia and peak incremental indices of six popular fruits in Taiwan: Healthy and type 2 diabetes subjects compared. Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, 2011. 49(3): p. 195-199.Type 2 2h172010
Pear, raw, NS #33Fruit and Fruit ProductsGermany155Schauberger, G., et al., Exchange of carbohydrates according to their effect on blood glucose. Diabetes, 1977. 26: p. 415 (abstr).Type 2NSNS1977
Pear, Winter Nellis, raw #34Fruit and Fruit ProductsNew Zealand155Ha, M.A., et al., Relationship between the glycaemic index and sugar content of fruits. Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolism, 1992. 5: p. 199-203.Type 2 & IGT 3h151991
Pear, Bartlett, raw #41Fruit and Fruit ProductsCanada156Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of fruits and fruit products in patients with diabetes. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 1993. 43(4): p. 205-212.Type 2 3h131993
Pear, raw, NS #43Fruit and Fruit ProductsItaly156Lunetta, M., et al., No important differences in glycaemic responses to common fruits in type 2 diabetic patients. Diabet Med, 1995. 12(8): p. 674-8.Type 2 3h81995
Pear halves, canned in natural juice (SPC Ltd, Australia) #43Fruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia156Brand-Miller, J.C., et al. The glycaemic index of further Australian foods. in Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. 1998.Normal 2h 7-101997
Pear, canned in pear juice, Bartlett (Delmonte, Canadian Canners Ltd., Canada) #45Fruit and Fruit ProductsCanada157Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of fruits and fruit products in patients with diabetes. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 1993. 43(4): p. 205-212.Type 2 3h101993
Pear, dried #43Fruit and Fruit ProductsUK156Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h82005
Phalsa/Falsa (Grewia asiatica) extract #5Fruit and Fruit ProductsPakistan151Mesaik, M.A., et al., Effect of Grewia asiatica fruit on glycemic index and phagocytosis tested in healthy human subjects. Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2013. 26(1): p. 85-9.Normal 2h152013
Pineapple (Ananas comosus), raw #39Fruit and Fruit ProductsNigeria156Edo, A., et al., Postprandial glucose response to selected tropical fruits in normal glucose-tolerant Nigerians. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice, 2011. 14(1): p. 79-82.Type 2 2h9102002
Pineapple (Ananas comosus), raw #51Fruit and Fruit ProductsPhilippines158Guevarra, M.T. and L.N. Panlasigui, Blood glucose responses of diabetes mellitus type II patients to some local fruits. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2000. 9(4): p. 303-8.Type 2 3h102000
Pineapple (Ananas comosus), raw #65Fruit and Fruit ProductsNigeria1510Edo, A., et al., Postprandial glucose response to selected tropical fruits in normal glucose-tolerant Nigerians. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice, 2011. 14(1): p. 79-82.Normal 2h102010
Pineapple, raw #66Fruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia1510Brand-Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Broomhead, The glycaemic index of foods containing sugars: comparison of foods with naturally-occurring v. added sugars. British Journal of Nutrition, 1995. 73(4): p. 613-23.Normal 2h81994
Pitahaya (Hylocereus spp.), pulp, raw, frozen, thawed #48Fruit and Fruit ProductsCosta Rica157Jimenez, G., et al., Estimation of glycaemic index of peach palm (Bactris gasipaes) cooked fruits and chips, and pitahaya (Hylocereus spp.) pulp. Archivos latinoamericanos de Nutricion, 2012. 62(3): p. 242-8.Normal 2h82012
Plum, NS #24Fruit and Fruit ProductsGermany154Schauberger, G., et al., Exchange of carbohydrates according to their effect on blood glucose. Diabetes, 1977. 26: p. 415 (abstr).Type 2NSNS1977
Plum, Bau Kul variety (Zizyphus mauritiana), raw #32Fruit and Fruit ProductsBangladesh155Fatema, K., et al., Glycemic index determination of vegetable and fruits in healthy Bangladeshi subjects. Malaysian Journal of Nutrition, 2011. 17(3): p. 393-9.Normal 2h142011
Plum, NS #53Fruit and Fruit ProductsItaly158Lunetta, M., et al., No important differences in glycaemic responses to common fruits in type 2 diabetic patients. Diabet Med, 1995. 12(8): p. 674-8.Type 2 3h71995
Pomelo, Majia variety (Citrus grandis cv. Majiayou), fresh #72Fruit and Fruit ProductsChina1511Shao, S.-Y., et al., Glycemic index, glycemic load, and glycemic response to pomelo in patients with type 2 diabetes. Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Medical sciences), 2017. 37(5): p. 711-718.Type 2 2h202013
Pomelo, Majia variety (Citrus grandis cv. Majiayou), fresh #78Fruit and Fruit ProductsChina1512Shao, S.-Y., et al., Glycemic index, glycemic load, and glycemic response to pomelo in patients with type 2 diabetes. Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Medical sciences), 2017. 37(5): p. 711-718.Normal 2h202013
Prunes #34Fruit and Fruit ProductsIran155Afaghi, A., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic loads of variety of fruits: Clinical implementation of fruits' serving size in low glycemic load diet. Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research, 2009. 7(3-4): p. 157-160.Normal 2h82009
Raisins (Sun-Maid, Kingsburg, CA, USA) #49Fruit and Fruit ProductsUSA157Kim, Y., et al., Raisins are a low to moderate glycemic index food with a correspondingly low insulin index. Nutrition Research, 2008. 28(5): p. 304-8.Normal 2h102008
Raisins (Sun-Maid, Kingsburg, CA, USA) #50Fruit and Fruit ProductsUSA158Kim, Y., et al., Raisins are a low to moderate glycemic index food with a correspondingly low insulin index. Nutrition Research, 2008. 28(5): p. 304-8.Pre-diabetes 3h102008
Raisins, Corinthian (Agricultural Cooperatives Union-Aeghion, Greece) #51Fruit and Fruit ProductsGreece158Kanellos, P.T., et al., A study of glycemic response to Corinthian raisins in healthy subjects and in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 2013. 68(2): p. 145-8.Type 2 3h152013
Raisins (Sun-Maid, Kingsburg, CA, USA) #62Fruit and Fruit ProductsUSA159Kim, Y., et al., Raisins are a low to moderate glycemic index food with a correspondingly low insulin index. Nutrition Research, 2008. 28(5): p. 304-8.Normal athletes 2h112008
Raisins, Corinthian (Agricultural Cooperatives Union-Aeghion, Greece) #66Fruit and Fruit ProductsGreece1510Kanellos, P.T., et al., A study of glycemic response to Corinthian raisins in healthy subjects and in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 2013. 68(2): p. 145-8.Normal 3h152013
Raisins, NS #64Fruit and Fruit ProductsCanada1510Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h61981
Raisins, NS #66Fruit and Fruit ProductsIsrael1510Lock, D.R., et al., Glycemic indices of various foods given to pregnant diabetic subjects. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1988. 71(2): p. 180-3.GDM 2h91988
Rockmelon/Cantaloupe, raw #65Fruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia1510Brand-Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Broomhead, The glycaemic index of foods containing sugars: comparison of foods with naturally-occurring v. added sugars. British Journal of Nutrition, 1995. 73(4): p. 613-23.Normal 2h81994
Rockmelon/Cantaloupe, raw #70Fruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia1511Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Sultanas, red #49Fruit and Fruit ProductsIran157Afaghi, A., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic loads of variety of fruits: Clinical implementation of fruits' serving size in low glycemic load diet. Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research, 2009. 7(3-4): p. 157-160.Normal 2h82009
Sultanas #56Fruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia158Brand-Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Broomhead, The glycaemic index of foods containing sugars: comparison of foods with naturally-occurring v. added sugars. British Journal of Nutrition, 1995. 73(4): p. 613-23.Normal 2h81994
Sultanas #58Fruit and Fruit ProductsUK159Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h82005
Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), raw #23Fruit and Fruit ProductsJamaica153Francis, R.D., et al., Glycemic index of selected foods in Jamaica. Pharmacovigil and Pharmacoepi, 2019. 2: p. 13-16.Normal 2h102019
Watermelon (Citrullus vulgaris), raw #50Fruit and Fruit ProductsJamaica158Francis, R.D., et al., Glycemic index of selected foods in Jamaica. Pharmacovigil and Pharmacoepi, 2019. 2: p. 13-16.Normal 2h102019
Watermelon, raw #72Fruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia1511Brand-Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Broomhead, The glycaemic index of foods containing sugars: comparison of foods with naturally-occurring v. added sugars. British Journal of Nutrition, 1995. 73(4): p. 613-23.Normal 2h81994
Watermelon, raw #80Fruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia1512Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h82003
Fruit Cocktail, canned (Delmonte Canadian Canners Ltd., Hamilton, Canada) #56Fruit and Fruit ProductsCanada158Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of fruits and fruit products in patients with diabetes. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 1993. 43(4): p. 205-212.Type 2 3h81993
Mixed fruit, fresh, containing banana (10%), mango (10%), passion fruit (20%), pineapple (20%), kiwi (20%) and raspberries (20%), frozen and thawed #33Fruit and Fruit ProductsUK155Redfern, K.M., et al., Nutrient-extraction blender preparation reduces postprandial glucose responses from fruit juice consumption. Nutrition & Diabetes, 2017. 7(10): p. e288.Normal 2h192017
Vitari, frozen fruit dessert, non-dairy (Nestlé, Australia) #28Fruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia154Brand-Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Broomhead, The glycaemic index of foods containing sugars: comparison of foods with naturally-occurring v. added sugars. British Journal of Nutrition, 1995. 73(4): p. 613-23.Normal 2h81994
Apple juice, unsweetened #41Fruit and Fruit ProductsUSA208Gannon, M.C., et al., The serum insulin and plasma glucose responses to milk and fruit products in type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetic patients. Diabetologia, 1986. 29(11): p. 784-91.Type 2 5h3471986
Apple juice, unsweetened (Allens, Toronto, Canada) #42Fruit and Fruit ProductsCanada208Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of fruits and fruit products in patients with diabetes. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 1993. 43(4): p. 205-212.Type 2 3h61993
Grapefruit juice, unsweetened (Sunpac, Toronto, Canada) #49Fruit and Fruit ProductsCanada2010Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of fruits and fruit products in patients with diabetes. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 1993. 43(4): p. 205-212.Type 2 3h131993
Mango, processed in a blender for 30 sec with 125 mL water, frozen and thawed, consumed as a nutrient-extracted juice #38Fruit and Fruit ProductsUK208Redfern, K.M., et al., Nutrient-extraction blender preparation reduces postprandial glucose responses from fruit juice consumption. Nutrition & Diabetes, 2017. 7(10): p. e288.Normal 2h92017
Orange juice #46Fruit and Fruit ProductsCanada209Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h61981
Orange juice, unsweetened, reconstituted concentrate, Quelch brand (Berri Ltd, Australia) #53Fruit and Fruit ProductsAustralia2011Brand-Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Broomhead, The glycaemic index of foods containing sugars: comparison of foods with naturally-occurring v. added sugars. British Journal of Nutrition, 1995. 73(4): p. 613-23.Normal 2h81994
Orange juice, reconstituted from frozen concentrate #57Fruit and Fruit ProductsUSA2011Gannon, M.C., et al., The serum insulin and plasma glucose responses to milk and fruit products in type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetic patients. Diabetologia, 1986. 29(11): p. 784-91.Type 2 5h3471986
Pineapple juice, unsweetened (Dole Packaged Foods, Toronto, Canada) #47Fruit and Fruit ProductsCanada209Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of fruits and fruit products in patients with diabetes. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 1993. 43(4): p. 205-212.Type 2 3h131993
Tomato juice, no added sugar (Campbell's Soup Company, Camden, USA) #33Fruit and Fruit ProductsUSA103Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92002
Mixed fruit, containing banana (10%), mango (10%), passion fruit (20%), pineapple (20%), kiwi (20%) and raspberries (20%), processed in a blender for 30 sec with 125 mL water, frozen and thawed, consumed as a nutrient-extracted juice #66Fruit and Fruit ProductsUK2013Redfern, K.M., et al., Nutrient-extraction blender preparation reduces postprandial glucose responses from fruit juice consumption. Nutrition & Diabetes, 2017. 7(10): p. e288.Normal 2h192017
Raspberry (162 g) and Mango (114.2 g), processed in a blender for 30 sec with 125 mL water, consumed as a nutrient-extracted juice #40Fruit and Fruit ProductsUK208Alkutbe, R., et al., Nutrient extraction lowers postprandial glucose response of fruit in adults with obesity as well as healthy weight adults. Nutrients, 2020. 12(3): p. 766.Normal 2h152020
Raspberry (162 g) and Mango (114.2 g), processed in a blender for 30 sec with 125 mL water, consumed as a nutrient-extracted juice #25Fruit and Fruit ProductsUK205Alkutbe, R., et al., Nutrient extraction lowers postprandial glucose response of fruit in adults with obesity as well as healthy weight adults. Nutrients, 2020. 12(3): p. 766.Obese 2h112020
Passionfruit (150 g) and Mango (114.2 g), processed in a blender for 30 sec with 125 mL water, consumed as a nutrient-extracted juice #31Fruit and Fruit ProductsUK206Alkutbe, R., et al., Nutrient extraction lowers postprandial glucose response of fruit in adults with obesity as well as healthy weight adults. Nutrients, 2020. 12(3): p. 766.Normal 2h102020
Passionfruit (150 g) and Mango (114.2 g), processed in a blender for 30 sec with 125 mL water, consumed as a nutrient-extracted juice #26Fruit and Fruit ProductsUK205Alkutbe, R., et al., Nutrient extraction lowers postprandial glucose response of fruit in adults with obesity as well as healthy weight adults. Nutrients, 2020. 12(3): p. 766.Obese 2h112020
V8® 100% vegetable juice (Campbell's Soup Company, USA) #43Fruit and Fruit ProductsUSA104Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h92002
Breast milk, human, reduced-fat (1.5% fat w/v), pasteurized (Arla Foods, Stockholm, Sweden) #40Infant Formula and Weaning FoodsSweden104Gunnerud, U., et al., The glycemic, insulinemic and plasma amino acid responses to equi-carbohydrate milk meals, a pilot- study of bovine and human milk. Nutrition Journal, 2012. 11: p. 83.Normal (adults) 2h92012
Apple baby food #28Infant Formula and Weaning FoodsCzech Republic103Peterson, K., et al., Influence of oral antidiabetic drugs on hyperglycemic response to foods in persons with type 2 diabetes mellitus as assessed by continuous glucose monitoring system: a pilot study. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 2010. 4(4): p. 983-92.Normal (adults) 2h162010
Apple baby food #54Infant Formula and Weaning FoodsCzech Republic105Peterson, K., et al., Influence of oral antidiabetic drugs on hyperglycemic response to foods in persons with type 2 diabetes mellitus as assessed by continuous glucose monitoring system: a pilot study. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 2010. 4(4): p. 983-92.Normal (adults) 2h202010
Apple baby food #54Infant Formula and Weaning FoodsCzech Republic105Chlup, R., et al., Continuous glucose monitoring -- a novel approach to the determination of the glycaemic index of foods (DEGIF 1) -- determination of the glycaemic index of foods by means of the CGMS. Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes, 2006. 114(2): p. 68-74.Normal (adults) 2h202005
Beef and white beans infant meal, canned, heated in microwave #34Infant Formula and Weaning FoodsSweden103Ostman, E., et al., On the Importance of Processing Conditions for the Nutritional Characteristics of Homogenized Composite Meals Intended for Infants. Nutrients, 2016. 8(6).Normal (adults) 2h92000
Boiled cracked spaghetti (ICA Italia) served with commercially canned meat sauce (Felix Kottfarsas Original, Orkla Foods, Eslov, Sweden), heated in microwave #27Infant Formula and Weaning FoodsSweden103Ostman, E., et al., On the Importance of Processing Conditions for the Nutritional Characteristics of Homogenized Composite Meals Intended for Infants. Nutrients, 2016. 8(6).Normal (adults) 4h212013
Bolognese pasta infant meal (puree with some soft intact pieces), canned, heated in microwave #56Infant Formula and Weaning FoodsSweden106Ostman, E., et al., On the Importance of Processing Conditions for the Nutritional Characteristics of Homogenized Composite Meals Intended for Infants. Nutrients, 2016. 8(6).Normal (adults) 2h92000
Bolognese pasta infant meal (puree with some soft intact pieces), canned, heated in microwave #56Infant Formula and Weaning FoodsSweden106Ostman, E., et al., On the Importance of Processing Conditions for the Nutritional Characteristics of Homogenized Composite Meals Intended for Infants. Nutrients, 2016. 8(6).Normal (adults) 4h212013
Bolognese pasta meal (cracked spaghetti with minced meat and vegetables), microwave heat-treated for pasteurization, heated in microwave before consumption #43Infant Formula and Weaning FoodsSweden104Ostman, E., et al., On the Importance of Processing Conditions for the Nutritional Characteristics of Homogenized Composite Meals Intended for Infants. Nutrients, 2016. 8(6).Normal (adults) 4h212013
Gruel (wholemeal wheat, rye, rice, wheat and oat flour) (Semper Foods AB, Sweden), made with whole milk and water #48Infant Formula and Weaning FoodsSweden105Nilsson, M., H. Elmståhl, and I. Björck, Glucose and insulin responses to porridge and gruel meals intended for infants. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2005. 59(5): p. 646-50.Normal (adults) 2h102004
Porridge (rice & wheat flour), apple-pear flavored (Semper Foods AB, Sweden), made with whole milk and water #47Infant Formula and Weaning FoodsSweden105Nilsson, M., H. Elmståhl, and I. Björck, Glucose and insulin responses to porridge and gruel meals intended for infants. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2005. 59(5): p. 646-50.Normal (adults) 2h102004
Porridge (wholemeal wheat, oat, rice & wheat flour), fruit flavored (Semper Foods AB, Sweden), made with whole milk and water #52Infant Formula and Weaning FoodsSweden105Nilsson, M., H. Elmståhl, and I. Björck, Glucose and insulin responses to porridge and gruel meals intended for infants. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2005. 59(5): p. 646-50.Normal (adults) 2h102004
Porridge (rice and wheat flour), made with whole milk and water #55Infant Formula and Weaning FoodsSweden106Nilsson, M., H. Elmståhl, and I. Björck, Glucose and insulin responses to porridge and gruel meals intended for infants. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2005. 59(5): p. 646-50.Normal (adults) 2h102004
Rice porridge (Semper Foods AB, Sweden), made with whole milk and water #52Infant Formula and Weaning FoodsSweden105Nilsson, M., H. Elmståhl, and I. Björck, Glucose and insulin responses to porridge and gruel meals intended for infants. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2005. 59(5): p. 646-50.Normal (adults) 2h102004
Adzuki beans (Vigna angularis var. angularis), pre-soaked at 4°C for 12 h, steamed for 40 min #21LegumesChina153Zhu, R., et al., Acute Effects of Three Cooked Non-Cereal Starchy Foods on Postprandial Glycemic Responses and in Vitro Carbohydrate Digestion in Comparison with Whole Grains: A Randomized Trial. Nutrients, 2019. 11(3).Normal 2h102019
Adzuki beans (Vigna angularis var. angularis), pre-soaked at 4o°C for 12 h, steamed for 70 min #29LegumesChina154Zhu, R., et al., Acute Effects of Three Cooked Non-Cereal Starchy Foods on Postprandial Glycemic Responses and in Vitro Carbohydrate Digestion in Comparison with Whole Grains: A Randomized Trial. Nutrients, 2019. 11(3).Normal 2h102019
Haricot beans, home-cooked, soaked overnight, boiled 1h in water, baked in tomato sauce 2 h (HJ Heinz, Australia) #23LegumesAustralia153Traianedes, K. and K. O'Dea, Commercial canning increases the digestibility of beans in vitro and postprandial metabolic responses to them in vivo. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1986. 44(3): p. 390-7.Normal 3h661985
Baked Beans, canned #40LegumesCanada156Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h71981
Baked Beans, Heinz Vegetarian baked haricot beans (HJ Heinz Company, Dandenong, VIC, Australia) #40LegumesAustralia156Traianedes, K. and K. O'Dea, Commercial canning increases the digestibility of beans in vitro and postprandial metabolic responses to them in vivo. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1986. 44(3): p. 390-7.Normal 3h661985
Baked Beans in Mild Curry sauce (HJ Heinz, Australia) #49LegumesAustralia157-Normal 2h82006
Baked beans, canned haricot/navy beans in tomato sauce (Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chatham, Canada) #57LegumesCanada159Wolever, T.M., et al., Effect of canning on the blood glucose response to beans in patients with type 2 diabetes. Human Nutrition. Clinical Nutrition, 1987. 41(2): p. 135-40.Type 2 3h71986
Beans, dried, boiled, NS #20LegumesItaly153Bucalossi, A., et al., Glycaemic and insulinaemic responses to different carbohydrates in Type II (NIDD) diabetic patients. Diabetes, Nutrition & Metabolism, 1990. 3(2): p. 143-51.Type 2 2h141989
Beans, dried, boiled, NS #37LegumesItaly156Bucalossi, A., et al., Glycaemic and insulinaemic responses to different carbohydrates in Type II (NIDD) diabetic patients. Diabetes, Nutrition & Metabolism, 1990. 3(2): p. 143-51.Normal 2h71989
Beans (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp), oloyin variety, boiled for 2 h17 #12LegumesNigeria152Olopade, O.B., et al., Comparison of glycaemic indices of some local beans (Vigna unguiculata [Linn] Walp varieties) in Nigerians. Journal of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes of South Africa, 2017. 22(3): p. 51-55.Normal 2h122012
Beans (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp), drum variety, boiled for 2 h17 #18LegumesNigeria153Olopade, O.B., et al., Comparison of glycaemic indices of some local beans (Vigna unguiculata [Linn] Walp varieties) in Nigerians. Journal of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes of South Africa, 2017. 22(3): p. 51-55.Normal 2h122012
Beans (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp), Sokoto white variety, boiled for 2 h17 #12LegumesNigeria152Olopade, O.B., et al., Comparison of glycaemic indices of some local beans (Vigna unguiculata [Linn] Walp varieties) in Nigerians. Journal of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes of South Africa, 2017. 22(3): p. 51-55.Normal 2h122012
Black bean (Phaseolus vulgaris Linn), soaked overnight, cooked 40 min #20LegumesPhilippines153Panlasigui, L.N., L.M. Panlilio, and J.C. Madrid, Glycaemic response in normal subjects to five different legumes commonly used in the Philippines. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 1995. 46(2): p. 155-60.Normal 1h111995
Black Beans #31LegumesMexico155Frati-Munari, A.C., et al., The glycemic index of some foods common in Mexico. Gaceta medica de Mexico, 1991. 127(2): p. 163-70; discussion 170-1.Type 2 & Normal 3h27 & 211991
Blackeyed beans, boiled in water with 2 g salt #33LegumesCanada155Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h61981
Blackeyed peas (Vigna unguiculata), boiled, consumed with 4.24 g salt #38LegumesNigeria156Akanji, A.O., et al., Dietary salt and the glycaemic response to meals of different fibre content. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1989. 43(10): p. 699-703.Normal 3h6101989
Blackeyed beans/peas (Cowpeas), boiled #50LegumesCanada158Jenkins, D.J.A., et al., The glycaemic index of foods tested in diabetic patients: A new basis for carbohydrate exchange favouring the use of legumes. Diabetologia, 1983. 24(4): p. 257-264.Type 2 3h61983
Blackeyed peas (Vigna unguiculata), boiled #52LegumesNigeria158Akanji, A.O., et al., Dietary salt and the glycaemic response to meals of different fibre content. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1989. 43(10): p. 699-703.Normal 3h6101989
Cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.), soaked overnight, boiled, cooled overnight, microwaved #7LegumesPhilippines151Trinidad, T.P., et al., The potential health benefits of legumes as a good source of dietary fibre. British Journal of Nutrition, 2010. 103(4): p. 569-74.Type 2 3h62009
Cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.), soaked overnight, boiled, cooled overnight, microwaved #11LegumesPhilippines152Trinidad, T.P., et al., The potential health benefits of legumes as a good source of dietary fibre. British Journal of Nutrition, 2010. 103(4): p. 569-74.Normal 2h72009
Brown beans, dried, soaked overnight, cooked in water with 2 g salt, tested in young adults (17-18 y) #24LegumesSouth Africa154Walker, A.R. and B.F. Walker, Glycaemic index of South African foods determined in rural blacks--a population at low risk of diabetes. Human Nutrition. Clinical Nutrition, 1984. 38(3): p. 215-22.Normal 2h71984
Brown beans #38LegumesMexico156Frati-Munari, A.C., et al., The glycemic index of some foods common in Mexico. Gaceta medica de Mexico, 1991. 127(2): p. 163-70; discussion 170-1.Type 2 & Normal 3h27 & 211991
Butter beans, dried, soaked overnight, boiled 50 min #26LegumesUK154Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h82005
Butter beans, dried, soaked overnight, cooked in water with 2 g salt, tested in young adults (17-18 y) #28LegumesSouth Africa154Walker, A.R. and B.F. Walker, Glycaemic index of South African foods determined in rural blacks--a population at low risk of diabetes. Human Nutrition. Clinical Nutrition, 1984. 38(3): p. 215-22.Normal 2h81984
Butter beans, dried, soaked, cooked 1.25 h #29LegumesSouth Africa154Vorster, H.H., et al., Effects of graded sucrose additions on taste preference, acceptability, glycemic index, and insulin response to butter beans. The American Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 1987. 45(3): p. 575-9.Normal 2h111986
Butter beans, boiled in water with 2 g salt #36LegumesCanada155Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h61981
Butter beans, dried, boiled + 5 g sucrose #30LegumesSouth Africa155Vorster, H.H., et al., Effects of graded sucrose additions on taste preference, acceptability, glycemic index, and insulin response to butter beans. The American Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 1987. 45(3): p. 575-9.Normal 2h111986
Butter beans, dried, boiled + 10 g sucrose #31LegumesSouth Africa155Vorster, H.H., et al., Effects of graded sucrose additions on taste preference, acceptability, glycemic index, and insulin response to butter beans. The American Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 1987. 45(3): p. 575-9.Normal 2h111986
Butter beans, dried, boiled + 15 g sucrose #54LegumesSouth Africa158Vorster, H.H., et al., Effects of graded sucrose additions on taste preference, acceptability, glycemic index, and insulin response to butter beans. The American Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 1987. 45(3): p. 575-9.Type 2, Type 1 & Normal 2h21, 8 & 111986
Chickpeas, canned, drained, heated in microwave for 90 sec (Giant Chickpeas with Chilies, Al-Daniah, Kuwait)38 #51LegumesKuwait158Zafar, T.A. and A.R. Allafi, Dynamics of blood glucose concentration after a food determines subsequent energy consumption. Progress in Nutrition, 2019. 21(2): p. 382-390.Normal 2h9142019
Chickpeas (Cicer arietinum), soaked overnight, boiled, cooled overnight, microwaved #5LegumesPhilippines151Trinidad, T.P., et al., The potential health benefits of legumes as a good source of dietary fibre. British Journal of Nutrition, 2010. 103(4): p. 569-74.Type 2 3h62009
Chickpeas (Cicer arietinum), soaked overnight, boiled, cooled overnight, microwaved #6LegumesPhilippines151Trinidad, T.P., et al., The potential health benefits of legumes as a good source of dietary fibre. British Journal of Nutrition, 2010. 103(4): p. 569-74.Normal 2h72009
Chickpeas (Cicer arietinum Linn), dried, soaked, boiled 35 min #10LegumesPhilippines152Panlasigui, L.N., L.M. Panlilio, and J.C. Madrid, Glycaemic response in normal subjects to five different legumes commonly used in the Philippines. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 1995. 46(2): p. 155-60.Normal 1h111995
Chickpeas, brown, Chana dhal, boiled in salted water #13LegumesPakistan152Khan, I., F. Tabassum, and A. Khan, Glycemic indices and glycemic loads of various types of pulses. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2008. 7(1): p. 104-108.Normal 2h72008
Chickpeas, dried, boiled #31LegumesCanada155Wolever, T.M., et al., Effect of canning on the blood glucose response to beans in patients with type 2 diabetes. Human Nutrition. Clinical Nutrition, 1987. 41(2): p. 135-40.Type 2 3h61986
Chickpeas #33LegumesCanada155Jenkins, D.J.A., et al., The glycaemic index of foods tested in diabetic patients: A new basis for carbohydrate exchange favouring the use of legumes. Diabetologia, 1983. 24(4): p. 257-264.Type 2 3h71983
Chickpeas, boiled in water with 2 g salt #36LegumesCanada155Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h61981
Chickpeas, boiled in salted water #36LegumesPakistan155Khan, I., F. Tabassum, and A. Khan, Glycemic indices and glycemic loads of various types of pulses. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2008. 7(1): p. 104-108.Normal 2h72008
Chickpeas, canned in brine (Lancia-Bravo Foods Ltd., Toronto, Canada) #43LegumesCanada156Wolever, T.M., et al., Effect of canning on the blood glucose response to beans in patients with type 2 diabetes. Human Nutrition. Clinical Nutrition, 1987. 41(2): p. 135-40.Type 2 3h111986
Bengal gram dhal, chickpea, boiled #11LegumesIndia152Dilawari, J.B., et al., Reduction of postprandial plasma glucose by Bengal gram dal (Cicer arietinum) and rajmah (Phaseolus vulgaris). The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(11): p. 2450-3.Normal 2h961981
Chickpeas, curry, canned (Canasia Foods Ltd., Scarborough, Canada) #41LegumesCanada156Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h71984-1992
Hummus (chickpea salad dip) #6LegumesLebanon151Mehio, Z. and N.H. Hwalla Baba, Z., Glycemic and Insulinemic Responses of Normal Subjects to Selected Meals Commonly Consumed in the Middle East. Journal of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine, 1997. 7(4): p. 275-286.Normal 2h121997
Green peas (Pisum sativum L.), soaked overnight, boiled, cooled overnight, microwaved #9LegumesPhilippines151Trinidad, T.P., et al., The potential health benefits of legumes as a good source of dietary fibre. British Journal of Nutrition, 2010. 103(4): p. 569-74.Type 2 3h62009
Green peas (Pisum sativum L.), soaked overnight, boiled, cooled overnight, microwaved #9LegumesPhilippines151Trinidad, T.P., et al., The potential health benefits of legumes as a good source of dietary fibre. British Journal of Nutrition, 2010. 103(4): p. 569-74.Normal 2h72009
Haricot/Navy beans, pressure cooked at 15 psi for 25 min (King Grains, Toronto, Canada) #29LegumesCanada154Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic responses to foods: possible differences between insulin-dependent and noninsulin-dependent diabetics. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1984. 40(5): p. 971-81.Type 2 3h71983
Haricot/Navy beans, dried, boiled #31LegumesCanada155Wolever, T.M., et al., Effect of canning on the blood glucose response to beans in patients with type 2 diabetes. Human Nutrition. Clinical Nutrition, 1987. 41(2): p. 135-40.Type 2 3h71986
Haricot/Navy beans, boiled in water with 2 g salt #31LegumesCanada155Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h61981
Haricot/Navy beans (King Grains, Canada) #40LegumesCanada156Wolever, T.M., et al., Prediction of the relative blood glucose response of mixed meals using the white bread glycemic index. Diabetes Care, 1985. 8(5): p. 418-28.Normal 1h61985
Haricot/Navy beans, pressure cooked at15 psi for 25 min (King Grains, Canada) #60LegumesCanada159Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic responses to foods: possible differences between insulin-dependent and noninsulin-dependent diabetics. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1984. 40(5): p. 971-81.Type 1 3h61983
Kidney beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), soaked overnight, boiled, cooled overnight, microwaved #9LegumesPhilippines151Trinidad, T.P., et al., The potential health benefits of legumes as a good source of dietary fibre. British Journal of Nutrition, 2010. 103(4): p. 569-74.Type 2 3h62009
Kidney beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), soaked overnight, boiled, cooled overnight, microwaved #13LegumesPhilippines152Trinidad, T.P., et al., The potential health benefits of legumes as a good source of dietary fibre. British Journal of Nutrition, 2010. 103(4): p. 569-74.Normal 2h72009
Kidney/white bean (Phaseolus vulgaris Linn), soaked, boiled 17 min #14LegumesPhilippines152Panlasigui, L.N., L.M. Panlilio, and J.C. Madrid, Glycaemic response in normal subjects to five different legumes commonly used in the Philippines. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 1995. 46(2): p. 155-60.Normal 1h111995
Kidney beans, boiled 2 min, soaked 60 min, simmered 60 min, reheated in microwave #23LegumesUSA153Krezowski, P.A., et al., Insulin and glucose responses to various starch-containing foods in type II diabetic subjects. Diabetes Care, 1987. 10(2): p. 205-212.Type 2 5h681987
Kidney beans, dried, boiled #23LegumesFrance153Bornet, F.R., et al., Insulinemic and glycemic indexes of six starch-rich foods taken alone and in a mixed meal by type 2 diabetics. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1987. 45(3): p. 588-595.Type 2 3h31987
Kidney beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), red, soaked 20 min, boiled 70 min #26LegumesSweden154Granfeldt, Y., et al., An in vitro procedure based on chewing to predict metabolic response to starch in cereal and legume products. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1992. 46(9): p. 649-60.Normal 1.5h101991
Kidney beans, boiled in water with 2 g salt #29LegumesCanada154Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h61981
Kidney beans, boiled in salted water #32LegumesPakistan155Khan, I., F. Tabassum, and A. Khan, Glycemic indices and glycemic loads of various types of pulses. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2008. 7(1): p. 104-108.Normal 2h72008
Kidney beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), autoclaved #35LegumesSweden155Granfeldt, Y., et al., An in vitro procedure based on chewing to predict metabolic response to starch in cereal and legume products. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1992. 46(9): p. 649-60.Normal 1.5h101991
Kidney beans, dried, boiled #43LegumesCanada156Wolever, T.M., et al., Effect of canning on the blood glucose response to beans in patients with type 2 diabetes. Human Nutrition. Clinical Nutrition, 1987. 41(2): p. 135-40.Type 2 3h81986
Kidney beans #47LegumesCanada157Jenkins, D.J.A., et al., The glycaemic index of foods tested in diabetic patients: A new basis for carbohydrate exchange favouring the use of legumes. Diabetologia, 1983. 24(4): p. 257-264.Type 2 3h71983
Red Kidney beans, dried, soaked overnight, boiled 60 min #51LegumesUK158Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h82005
Kidney beans, dried, soaked 12 h, stored moist 24 h, steamed 1 h #70LegumesIndia1511Kurup, P.G. and S. Krishnamurthy, Glycemic index of selected foodstuffs commonly used in south India. International Journal of Vitamin and Nutrition Resarch, 1992. 62(3): p. 266-8.Normal 3h 12-151991
Kidney beans, canned (Lancia-Bravo Foods Ltd., Canada) #53LegumesCanada158Wolever, T.M., et al., Effect of canning on the blood glucose response to beans in patients with type 2 diabetes. Human Nutrition. Clinical Nutrition, 1987. 41(2): p. 135-40.Type 2 3h111986
Lentils, NS, boiled in water with 2 g salt #29LegumesCanada154Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h71981
Lentils, NS, simmered 20 min, refrigerated, reheated in microwave #28LegumesUSA154Krezowski, P.A., et al., Insulin and glucose responses to various starch-containing foods in type II diabetic subjects. Diabetes Care, 1987. 10(2): p. 205-212.Type 2 5h681987
Lentils, green, dried, boiled #22LegumesCanada153Wolever, T.M., et al., Effect of canning on the blood glucose response to beans in patients with type 2 diabetes. Human Nutrition. Clinical Nutrition, 1987. 41(2): p. 135-40.Type 2 3h111986
Lentils, green, dried, boiled #30LegumesFrance155Bornet, F.R., et al., Insulinemic and glycemic indexes of six starch-rich foods taken alone and in a mixed meal by type 2 diabetics. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1987. 45(3): p. 588-595.Type 2 3h31987
Lentils, green, dried, boiled #37LegumesAustralia156Fitz-Henry, A., In vitro and in vivo rates of carbohydrates digestion in Aboriginal bushfoods and contemporary Western Foods., in Human Nutrition Unit. 1982, University of Sydney: Australia.Normal 2h71982
Lentils, green, canned in brine (Lancia-Bravo Foods Ltd., Canada) #53LegumesCanada158Wolever, T.M., et al., Effect of canning on the blood glucose response to beans in patients with type 2 diabetes. Human Nutrition. Clinical Nutrition, 1987. 41(2): p. 135-40.Type 2 3h111986
Lentils, red, dried, boiled #18LegumesCanada153Wolever, T.M., et al., Ileal loss of available carbohydrate in man: comparison of a breath hydrogen method with direct measurement using a human ileostomy model. The American Journal of Gastroenterology, 1986. 81(2): p. 115-22.Normal 1h81986
Lentils, red, dried, boiled #21LegumesCanada153Wolever, T.M., et al., The glycemic index: similarity of values derived in insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 1987. 6(4): p. 295-305.Type 2 3h141985
Lentils, red, split, dried, boiled 25 min #21LegumesUK153Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h82005
Lentils, red, dried, boiled #31LegumesCanada155Jenkins, D.J.A., et al., The glycaemic index of foods tested in diabetic patients: A new basis for carbohydrate exchange favouring the use of legumes. Diabetologia, 1983. 24(4): p. 257-264.Type 2 3h71983
Lentils, red, dried, boiled #32LegumesCanada155Wolever, T.M., et al., The glycemic index: similarity of values derived in insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 1987. 6(4): p. 295-305.Type 1 3h111985
Marrowfat peas, dried, boiled in water with 2 g salt #47LegumesCanada157Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h61981
Marrowfat peas, dried, boiled #31LegumesGermany155Schauberger, G., et al., Exchange of carbohydrates according to their effect on blood glucose. Diabetes, 1977. 26: p. 415 (abstr).Type 2NSNS1997
Mung beans (Vigna radiata L. R. Wilczek), soaked overnight, boiled, cooled overnight, microwaved #11LegumesPhilippines152Trinidad, T.P., et al., The potential health benefits of legumes as a good source of dietary fibre. British Journal of Nutrition, 2010. 103(4): p. 569-74.Type 2 3h62009
Mung beans (Vigna radiata L. R. Wilczek), soaked overnight, boiled, cooled overnight, microwaved #15LegumesPhilippines152Trinidad, T.P., et al., The potential health benefits of legumes as a good source of dietary fibre. British Journal of Nutrition, 2010. 103(4): p. 569-74.Normal 2h72009
Mung bean (Phaseolus areus Roxb), soaked, boiled 20 min #32LegumesPhilippines155Panlasigui, L.N., L.M. Panlilio, and J.C. Madrid, Glycaemic response in normal subjects to five different legumes commonly used in the Philippines. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 1995. 46(2): p. 155-60.Normal 1h111995
Mung bean, boiled in salted water #42LegumesPakistan156Khan, I., F. Tabassum, and A. Khan, Glycemic indices and glycemic loads of various types of pulses. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2008. 7(1): p. 104-108.Normal 2h72008
Peas, boiled in salted water #25LegumesPakistan154Khan, I., F. Tabassum, and A. Khan, Glycemic indices and glycemic loads of various types of pulses. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2008. 7(1): p. 104-108.Normal 2h72008
Peas, dried, boiled #23LegumesGermany153Otto, H. and L. Niklas, Differences d'action sur la glycemie d'aliments contenant des hydrated de carbone: consequences pour le traitment dietetique du diabete sucre. (Differences in the action of foods containing carbohydrate on blood glucose levels: implications for the dietetic treatment of diabetes mellitus). Med Hyg, 1980. 38: p. 3424-29.Type 2NSNS1980
Pigeon peas (Cajanus cajan), soaked overnight, boiled, cooled overnight, microwaved #7LegumesPhilippines151Trinidad, T.P., et al., The potential health benefits of legumes as a good source of dietary fibre. British Journal of Nutrition, 2010. 103(4): p. 569-74.Type 2 3h62009
Pigeon peas (Cajanus cajan), soaked overnight, boiled, cooled overnight, microwaved #9LegumesPhilippines151Trinidad, T.P., et al., The potential health benefits of legumes as a good source of dietary fibre. British Journal of Nutrition, 2010. 103(4): p. 569-74.Normal 2h72009
Pigeon Pea (Cajanus cajan Linn. Huth.), soaked, boiled 45 min #22LegumesPhilippines153Panlasigui, L.N., L.M. Panlilio, and J.C. Madrid, Glycaemic response in normal subjects to five different legumes commonly used in the Philippines. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 1995. 46(2): p. 155-60.Normal 1h111995
Pigeon Pea/Gungo (Cajanus cajan) #43LegumesJamaica156Francis, R.D., et al., Glycemic index of selected foods in Jamaica. Pharmacovigil and Pharmacoepi, 2019. 2: p. 13-16.Normal 2h102019
Pinto beans, boiled in salted water #14LegumesMexico152Noriega, E., L. Rivera, and E. Peralta, Glycaemic and insulinaemic indices of Mexican foods high in complex carbohydrates. Diabetes, Nutrition & Metabolism, 2000. 13(1): p. 13-9.Normal 3.5h81999
Pinto beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), boiled in salted water #28LegumesMexico154Noriega, E., et al., Glycaemic and insulinaemic indices of Mexican foods high in complex carbohydrates in Type 2 diabetic subjects. Diabetes, Nutrition & Metabolism, 2001. 14(1): p. 43-50.Type 2 3.5h72000
Pinto beans, steamed #33LegumesUSA155Potter, J.G., et al., Effect of test meals of varying dietary fiber content on plasma insulin and glucose response. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 328-34.Normal 3h681981
Pinto beans, dried, boiled #39LegumesCanada156Wolever, T.M., et al., Effect of canning on the blood glucose response to beans in patients with type 2 diabetes. Human Nutrition. Clinical Nutrition, 1987. 41(2): p. 135-40.Type 2 3h91986
Pinto beans, canned in brine (Lancia-Bravo Foods Ltd., Canada) #45LegumesCanada157Wolever, T.M., et al., Effect of canning on the blood glucose response to beans in patients with type 2 diabetes. Human Nutrition. Clinical Nutrition, 1987. 41(2): p. 135-40.Type 2 3h91986
Pole sitao (Vigna unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis L. Verde), soaked overnight, boiled, cooled overnight, microwaved #6LegumesPhilippines151Trinidad, T.P., et al., The potential health benefits of legumes as a good source of dietary fibre. British Journal of Nutrition, 2010. 103(4): p. 569-74.Type 2 3h62009
Pole sitao (Vigna unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis L. Verde), soaked overnight, boiled, cooled overnight, microwaved #9LegumesPhilippines151Trinidad, T.P., et al., The potential health benefits of legumes as a good source of dietary fibre. British Journal of Nutrition, 2010. 103(4): p. 569-74.Normal 2h72009
Red beans, dried, boiled with water for 80 min #27LegumesSouth Korea154Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h92018
Red beans, dried, boiled in water for 100 min, mashed and served as gruel #39LegumesSouth Korea156Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h102018
Soya beans, dried, boiled in water with 2 g salt #15LegumesCanada152Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h71981
Soya beans, dried, boiled #20LegumesAustralia153Fitz-Henry, A., In vitro and in vivo rates of carbohydrates digestion in Aboriginal bushfoods and contemporary Western Foods., in Human Nutrition Unit. 1982, University of Sydney: Australia.Normal 2h71982
Soya beans, canned #14LegumesCanada152Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h71981
Soya beans, canned in brine, drained, Edgell's™ brand (Simplot Australia, Australia) #14LegumesAustralia152Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102003
Split peas, yellow, boiled 20 min (Nupack, Mississauga, Canada)18 #32LegumesCanada155Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h81984-1992
Split peas, yellow, dried, soaked overnight, boiled 55 min #25LegumesUK154Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h82005
Yellow peas, boiled #43LegumesCanada156Marinangeli, C.P.F., A.N. Kassis, and P.J.H. Jones, Glycemic responses and sensory characteristics of whole yellow pea flour added to novel functional foods. Journal of Food Science, 2009. 74(9): p. S385-9.Normal 2.5h192009
Black gram, (Phaseolus mungo), soaked 12 h, stored moist 24 h, steamed 1 h #43LegumesIndia156Kurup, P.G. and S. Krishnamurthy, Glycemic index of selected foodstuffs commonly used in south India. International Journal of Vitamin and Nutrition Resarch, 1992. 62(3): p. 266-8.Normal 3h20 12-151991
Broad beans, boiled in water with 2 g salt #79LegumesCanada1512Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h61981
Gram dhal, dried, soaked overnight, cooked water with 2 g salt, tested in young adults (17-18 y) #5LegumesSouth Africa151Walker, A.R. and B.F. Walker, Glycaemic index of South African foods determined in rural blacks--a population at low risk of diabetes. Human Nutrition. Clinical Nutrition, 1984. 38(3): p. 215-22.Normal 2h71984
Green gram (Phaseolus aureus), soaked 12 h, stored moist 24 h, steamed 1 h #38LegumesIndia156Kurup, P.G. and S. Krishnamurthy, Glycemic index of selected foodstuffs commonly used in south India. International Journal of Vitamin and Nutrition Resarch, 1992. 62(3): p. 266-8.Normal 3h20 12-151991
Horse gram, (Dolichos biflorus) soaked 12 h, stored moist 24 h, steamed 1 h #51LegumesIndia158Kurup, P.G. and S. Krishnamurthy, Glycemic index of selected foodstuffs commonly used in south India. International Journal of Vitamin and Nutrition Resarch, 1992. 62(3): p. 266-8.Normal 3h20 12-151991
Lima beans, baby, frozen, reheated in microwave oven (York, Canada Packers, Toronto, Canada) #33LegumesCanada155Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h51984-1992
Mash bean, boiled in salted water #43LegumesPakistan156Khan, I., F. Tabassum, and A. Khan, Glycemic indices and glycemic loads of various types of pulses. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2008. 7(1): p. 104-108.Normal 2h72008
Romano beans #46LegumesCanada157Jenkins, D.J.A., et al., The glycaemic index of foods tested in diabetic patients: A new basis for carbohydrate exchange favouring the use of legumes. Diabetologia, 1983. 24(4): p. 257-264.Type 2 3h61983
Burn-it™ bars, Chocolate deluxe (Worldwide Sport Nutritional Supplements Inc., Largo, FL, USA) #29Meal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUSA206Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Burn-it™ bars, Peanut butter (Worldwide Sport Nutritional Supplements Inc., Largo, FL, USA) #23Meal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUSA205Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Designer chocolate, sugar-free, reduced carbohydrate (Worldwide Sport Nutritional Supplements Inc., Largo, FL, USA) #14Meal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUSA203Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Lemon weight management bar #32Meal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUK206Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of cereal products and weight-management meals available in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2007. 98(1): p. 147-153.Normal 2h102006
Malt toffee weight management bar #43Meal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUK209Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of cereal products and weight-management meals available in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2007. 98(1): p. 147-153.Normal 2h102006
Pure-protein™ bars, Chewy choc-chip (Worldwide Sport Nutritional Supplements Inc., Largo, FL, USA) #30Meal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUSA206Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Pure-protein™ bars, Chocolate deluxe (Worldwide Sport Nutritional Supplements Inc., Largo, FL, USA) #38Meal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUSA208Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Pure-protein™ bars, Peanut butter (Worldwide Sport Nutritional Supplements Inc., Largo, FL, USA) #22Meal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUSA204Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Pure-protein™ bars, Strawberry shortcake (Worldwide Sport Nutritional Supplements Inc., Largo, FL, USA) #43Meal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUSA209Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Pure-protein™ bars, White chocolate mousse (Worldwide Sport Nutritional Supplements Inc., Largo, FL, USA) #40Meal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUSA208Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Pure-protein™ cookies, Choc-chip cookie dough (Worldwide Sport Nutritional Supplements Inc., Largo, FL, USA) #25Meal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUSA205Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Pure-protein™ cookies, Coconut (Worldwide Sport Nutritional Supplements Inc., Largo, FL, USA) #42Meal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUSA208Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
Pure-protein™ cookies, Peanut butter (Worldwide Sport Nutritional Supplements Inc., Largo, FL, USA) #37Meal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUSA207Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102000
SlimFast® Meal Options bar, rich chocolate brownie (SlimFast Foods Co, West Palm Beach, USA) #64Meal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUSA2013Miller, C.K., et al., The effect of three snack bars on glycemic response in healthy adults. Journal of the American Dietetics Association, 2006. 106(5): p. 745-8.Normal 2h102006
Boost High-Protein®, vanilla flavor (Mead Johnson, Evansville, Ind, USA) #59Meal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUSA2012Gretebeck, R.J., K.A. Gretebeck, and T.J. Tittelbach, Glycemic Index of Popular Sport Drinks and Energy Foods. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 2002. 102(3): p. 415-417.Normal 2h52002
Boost®, vanilla flavor (Mead Johnson, Evansville, Ind, USA) #53Meal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUSA2011Gretebeck, R.J., K.A. Gretebeck, and T.J. Tittelbach, Glycemic Index of Popular Sport Drinks and Energy Foods. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 2002. 102(3): p. 415-417.Normal 2h52002
Chocolate, lactose-free, weight management drink #29Meal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUK206Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of cereal products and weight-management meals available in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2007. 98(1): p. 147-153.Normal 2h102006
Chocolate soya weight management drink #73Meal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUK2015Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of cereal products and weight-management meals available in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2007. 98(1): p. 147-153.Normal 2h102006
Chocolate weight management drink #23Meal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUK205Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of cereal products and weight-management meals available in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2007. 98(1): p. 147-153.Normal 2h102006
Chocolate weight management drink #39Meal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUK208Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of cereal products and weight-management meals available in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2007. 98(1): p. 147-153.Normal 2h102006
GatorPro®, chocolate flavor (Gatorade, Chicago, IL, USA) #89Meal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUSA2018Gretebeck, R.J., K.A. Gretebeck, and T.J. Tittelbach, Glycemic Index of Popular Sport Drinks and Energy Foods. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 2002. 102(3): p. 415-417.Normal 2h52002
InZone™ nutritious beverage powder, prepared with water (Indevex AB, Sweden) #28Meal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsSweden206Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004
Met-RX®, vanilla (Met-RX substrate Technology Inc., Irvine, CA, USA) #58Meal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUSA2012Gretebeck, R.J., K.A. Gretebeck, and T.J. Tittelbach, Glycemic Index of Popular Sport Drinks and Energy Foods. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 2002. 102(3): p. 415-417.Normal 2h52002
Optifuel (Twin Laboratories Inc, Ronkonkowa, NY, USA) #78Meal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUSA2016Gretebeck, R.J., K.A. Gretebeck, and T.J. Tittelbach, Glycemic Index of Popular Sport Drinks and Energy Foods. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 2002. 102(3): p. 415-417.Normal 2h52002
ReduceXS™ Chocolate Deluxe formulated meal replacement powder, prepared with 430.3 g water #10Meal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsAustralia202Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004
Chicken and mushroom soup #46Meal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUK209Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of cereal products and weight-management meals available in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2007. 98(1): p. 147-153.Normal 2h102006
Chicken and mushroom soup #69Meal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUK2014Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of cereal products and weight-management meals available in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2007. 98(1): p. 147-153.Normal 2h102006
Vegetable soup #60Meal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsUK2012Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of cereal products and weight-management meals available in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2007. 98(1): p. 147-153.Normal 2h102006
Biosorb® drink, standard (Nutricia N.V., Netherlands) #50Nutrition Support ProductsNetherlands3015Hofman, Z., J. De Van nen, and H. Kuipers, The Glycemic Index of standard and diabetes-specific enteral formulas. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2006. 15(3): p. 412-417.Normal 3h92005
Diasip®, diabetes-specific enteral formula (Nutricia N.V., Netherlands) #12Nutrition Support ProductsNetherlands304Hofman, Z., J. De Van nen, and H. Kuipers, The Glycemic Index of standard and diabetes-specific enteral formulas. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2006. 15(3): p. 412-417.Normal 3h72005
Diasip® (Nutricia Advanced, Medical Nutrition, Dublin, Ireland) #51Nutrition Support ProductsIreland3015Angarita Davila, L., et al., Effect of Oral Nutritional Supplements with Sucromalt and Isomaltulose versus Standard Formula on Glycaemic Index, Entero-Insular Axis Peptides and Subjective Appetite in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomised Cross-Over Study. Nutrients, 2019. 11(7).Type 2 3h232019
Diason®/Nutrison Diabetes, diabetes-specific enteral formula (Nutricia N.V., Netherlands) #17Nutrition Support ProductsNetherlands305Hofman, Z., J. De Van nen, and H. Kuipers, The Glycemic Index of standard and diabetes-specific enteral formulas. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2006. 15(3): p. 412-417.Normal 3h92005
Diben®, diabetes-specific enteral formula (Fresenius Kabi AG, Germany) #22Nutrition Support ProductsGermany307Hofman, Z., J. De Van nen, and H. Kuipers, The Glycemic Index of standard and diabetes-specific enteral formulas. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2006. 15(3): p. 412-417.Normal 3h72005
Enercal Plus™, made from powder (Wyeth-Ayerst International Inc, Madison, USA) #61Nutrition Support ProductsUSA3018Edes, T.E. and J.H. Shah, Glycemic Index and Insulin Response to a Liquid Nutritional Formula Compared with a Standard Meal. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 1998. 17(1): p. 30-35.Normal 5h121997
Ensure™ (Abbott Nutrition, Columbus, Ohio, USA) #56Nutrition Support ProductsUSA3017Angarita Davila, L., et al., Effect of Oral Nutritional Supplements with Sucromalt and Isomaltulose versus Standard Formula on Glycaemic Index, Entero-Insular Axis Peptides and Subjective Appetite in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomised Cross-Over Study. Nutrients, 2019. 11(7).Type 2 3h232019
Ensure™, vanilla flavor (Abbott Laboratories, Columbus, Ohio, USA) #75Nutrition Support ProductsUSA3023Gretebeck, R.J., K.A. Gretebeck, and T.J. Tittelbach, Glycemic Index of Popular Sport Drinks and Energy Foods. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 2002. 102(3): p. 415-417.Normal 2h52002
Fortimel® enteral formula (Nutricia N.V., Netherlands) #25Nutrition Support ProductsNetherlands308Hofman, Z., J. De Van nen, and H. Kuipers, The Glycemic Index of standard and diabetes-specific enteral formulas. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2006. 15(3): p. 412-417.Normal 3h82005
Gen-Premium clinical nutrition formula powder (Thai Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.), dissolved in 400 mL water #27Nutrition Support ProductsThailand308Boonyavarakul, A., The study of glycemic index of Gen-Premium. Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand, 2013. 96(8): p. 911-6.Normal 2h102013
Glucerna, diabetes-specific enteral formula (Abbott Laboratories Inc, USA) #15Nutrition Support ProductsUSA305Hofman, Z., J. De Van nen, and H. Kuipers, The Glycemic Index of standard and diabetes-specific enteral formulas. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2006. 15(3): p. 412-417.Normal 3h92005
Glucerna™ enteral nutritional supplement, vanilla flavor (Ross Nutrition, Canada) #26Nutrition Support ProductsCanada308Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h82007
Glucerna SR® (Abbott Nutrition, Columbus, Ohio, USA) #48Nutrition Support ProductsUSA3014Angarita Davila, L., et al., Effect of Oral Nutritional Supplements with Sucromalt and Isomaltulose versus Standard Formula on Glycaemic Index, Entero-Insular Axis Peptides and Subjective Appetite in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomised Cross-Over Study. Nutrients, 2019. 11(7).Type 2 3h232019
Glucerna SR®, diabetes-specific enteral formula (Abbott Laboratories Inc, USA) #23Nutrition Support ProductsUSA307Hofman, Z., J. De Van nen, and H. Kuipers, The Glycemic Index of standard and diabetes-specific enteral formulas. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2006. 15(3): p. 412-417.Normal 3h92005
Glucerna SR®, enteral powder formula with extended release carbohydrates, prepared with 370 mL water #45Nutrition Support ProductsVenezuela3014Angarita, L., et al., Consumption effect of a formula with extended release carbohydrates on the glycemic response and post prandial insulin in healthy individuals. Archivos Latinoamericanos De Nutricion, 2016. 66(2): p. 113-120.Normal 2h212016
Novasource Diabet®, diabetes-specific enteral formula (Novartis Consumer Health SA, Switzerland) #26Nutrition Support ProductsSwitzerland308Hofman, Z., J. De Van nen, and H. Kuipers, The Glycemic Index of standard and diabetes-specific enteral formulas. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2006. 15(3): p. 412-417.Normal 3h102005
Nutridrink (Nutricia N.V., Netherlands) #25Nutrition Support ProductsNetherlands308Visek, J., et al., Influence of Fiber on Glycemic Index of Enteral Nutrition. JPEN. Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, 2007. 31(6): p. 491-495.Normal 2h9102007
Nutridrink® enteral formula (Nutricia N.V., Netherlands) #61Nutrition Support ProductsNetherlands3018Hofman, Z., J. De Van nen, and H. Kuipers, The Glycemic Index of standard and diabetes-specific enteral formulas. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2006. 15(3): p. 412-417.Normal 3h102005
Nutridrink Multi Fibre®, containing 2.3 g fiber/100 mL (Nutricia N.V., Netherlands) #22Nutrition Support ProductsNetherlands307Visek, J., et al., Influence of Fiber on Glycemic Index of Enteral Nutrition. JPEN. Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, 2007. 31(6): p. 491-495.Normal 2h9102007
Nutridrink Multi Fibre® enteral formula (Nutricia N.V., Netherlands) #53Nutrition Support ProductsNetherlands3016Hofman, Z., J. De Van nen, and H. Kuipers, The Glycemic Index of standard and diabetes-specific enteral formulas. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2006. 15(3): p. 412-417.Normal 3h102005
Nutrison Multi Fibre® enteral formula (Nutricia N.V., Netherlands) #28Nutrition Support ProductsNetherlands308Hofman, Z., J. De Van nen, and H. Kuipers, The Glycemic Index of standard and diabetes-specific enteral formulas. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2006. 15(3): p. 412-417.Normal 3h102005
Nutrison Standard® enteral formula (Nutricia N.V., Netherlands) #34Nutrition Support ProductsNetherlands3010Hofman, Z., J. De Van nen, and H. Kuipers, The Glycemic Index of standard and diabetes-specific enteral formulas. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2006. 15(3): p. 412-417.Normal 3h102005
Riceberry rice pudding, liquidized texture, dysphagia diet level 3 texture classification (Vichwai Group, Co. Ltd., Thailand) #41Nutrition Support ProductsThailand3012Suttireung, P., et al., Riceberry rice puddings: rice-based low glycemic dysphagia diets. Asia Pacific journal of clinical nutrition, 2019. 28(3): p. 467-475.Normal 3h122018
Riceberry rice pudding, high-fiber, pureed texture, dysphagia diet level 4 texture classification (Vichwai Group, Co. Ltd., Thailand) #36Nutrition Support ProductsThailand3011Suttireung, P., et al., Riceberry rice puddings: rice-based low glycemic dysphagia diets. Asia Pacific journal of clinical nutrition, 2019. 28(3): p. 467-475.Normal 3h122018
T-Diet Plus® Diabet NP (Vegenat S.A., Spain) #27Nutrition Support ProductsSpain308Garcia-Rodriguez, C.E., et al., Postprandial glucose, insulin and gastrointestinal hormones in healthy and diabetic subjects fed a fructose-free and resistant starch type IV-enriched enteral formula. European Journal of Nutrition, 2013. 52(6): p. 1569-78.Normal 2h102012
Ultracal™ with fiber (Mead Johnson, Evansville, IN, USA) #39Nutrition Support ProductsUSA3012Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h82000
Cashew nuts #25NutsUK51Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h82005
Cashew nuts, organic, roasted and salted #25NutsUK51Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h82005
Cashew nut halves #27NutsUK51Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h82005
Cashew nuts, roasted and salted #27NutsUK51Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h82005
Chestnuts, baked for 30 min #54NutsSouth Korea53Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h112018
Chestnuts, steamed for 25 min #58NutsSouth Korea53Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h132018
Peanuts/Groundnuts (Arachis hypogaea L.), soaked overnight, boiled, cooled overnight, microwaved #5NutsPhilippines50.3Trinidad, T.P., et al., The potential health benefits of legumes as a good source of dietary fibre. British Journal of Nutrition, 2010. 103(4): p. 569-74.Type 2 3h62009
Peanuts/Groundnuts (Arachis hypogaea L.), soaked overnight, boiled, cooled overnight, microwaved #7NutsPhilippines50.4Trinidad, T.P., et al., The potential health benefits of legumes as a good source of dietary fibre. British Journal of Nutrition, 2010. 103(4): p. 569-74.Normal 2h72009
Peanuts, crushed, tested in young adults (17-18 y) #7NutsSouth Africa50.4Walker, A.R. and B.F. Walker, Glycaemic index of South African foods determined in rural blacks--a population at low risk of diabetes. Human Nutrition. Clinical Nutrition, 1984. 38(3): p. 215-22.Normal 2h61984
Peanuts #13NutsCanada51Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h51981
Peanuts #23NutsMexico51Frati-Munari, A.C., et al., The glycemic index of some foods common in Mexico. Gaceta medica de Mexico, 1991. 127(2): p. 163-70; discussion 170-1.Type 2 & Normal 3h27 & 211991
Pistachio nuts #28NutsCanada51Kendall, C.W.C., et al., Acute effects of pistachio consumption on glucose and insulin, satiety hormones and endothelial function in the metabolic syndrome. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2014. 68(3): p. 370-375.Metabolic syndrome 2h9202014
Fusilli pasta, gluten-free, containing corn flour, rice flour and pea protein isolate (Dr Schär AG, Italy), boiled in unsalted water #46Pasta and NoodlesItaly4018Bacchetti, T., et al., The postprandial glucose response to some varieties of commercially available gluten-free pasta: a comparison between healthy and celiac subjects. Food & Function, 2014. 5(11): p. 3014-7.Normal 2h82014
Fusilli pasta, gluten-free, containing corn flour, rice flour and pea protein isolate (Dr Schär AG, Italy), boiled in unsalted water #50Pasta and NoodlesItaly4020Bacchetti, T., et al., The postprandial glucose response to some varieties of commercially available gluten-free pasta: a comparison between healthy and celiac subjects. Food & Function, 2014. 5(11): p. 3014-7.Coeliac 2h102014
Fusilli pasta, gluten-free, Le eliche, containing corn flour (Le Veneziane, Molino di Ferro, Italy), boiled in unsalted water #46Pasta and NoodlesItaly4018Bacchetti, T., et al., The postprandial glucose response to some varieties of commercially available gluten-free pasta: a comparison between healthy and celiac subjects. Food & Function, 2014. 5(11): p. 3014-7.Normal 2h82014
Fusilli pasta, gluten-free, Le eliche, containing corn flour (Le Veneziane, Molino di Ferro, Italy), boiled in unsalted water #48Pasta and NoodlesItaly4019Bacchetti, T., et al., The postprandial glucose response to some varieties of commercially available gluten-free pasta: a comparison between healthy and celiac subjects. Food & Function, 2014. 5(11): p. 3014-7.Coeliac 2h102014
Fusilli pasta, gluten-free, Pasta Riso, containing rice flour and rice germ (Scotti, Italy), boiled in unsalted water #66Pasta and NoodlesItaly4026Bacchetti, T., et al., The postprandial glucose response to some varieties of commercially available gluten-free pasta: a comparison between healthy and celiac subjects. Food & Function, 2014. 5(11): p. 3014-7.Normal 2h82014
Fusilli pasta, gluten-free, Pasta Riso, containing rice flour and rice germ (Scotti, Italy), boiled in unsalted water #75Pasta and NoodlesItaly4030Bacchetti, T., et al., The postprandial glucose response to some varieties of commercially available gluten-free pasta: a comparison between healthy and celiac subjects. Food & Function, 2014. 5(11): p. 3014-7.Coeliac 2h102014
Pasta, Fusilli, gluten free (Sam Mills, Sam Group, USA) #54Pasta and NoodlesUSA4022Scazzina, F., et al., Glycaemic index of some commercial gluten-free foods. European Journal of Nutrition, 2015. 54(6): p. 1021-6.Normal 2h102015
Macaroni, gluten free, prepared with rice flour (Oryza sativa Indica), double extrusion process, boiled in water for 9 min, no salt added #71Pasta and NoodlesItaly4028Barbiroli, A., et al., Process conditions affect starch structure and its interactions with proteins in rice pasta. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2013. 92(2): p. 1865-72.Normal 2h102012
Macaroni, gluten free, prepared with parboiled rice flour (Oryza sativa Indica), conventional extrusion process, boiled in water for 10 min, no salt added #61Pasta and NoodlesItaly4024Barbiroli, A., et al., Process conditions affect starch structure and its interactions with proteins in rice pasta. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2013. 92(2): p. 1865-72.Normal 2h102012
Macaroni, gluten free, prepared with rice flour (Oryza sativa Indica), double extrusion process, boiled in water for 9 min, no salt added #65Pasta and NoodlesItaly4026Barbiroli, A., et al., Process conditions affect starch structure and its interactions with proteins in rice pasta. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2013. 92(2): p. 1865-72.Normal 2h102012
Pasta, gluten free, made from maize starch, boiled in water for 8 min #55Pasta and NoodlesUK4022Packer, S.C., A. Dornhorst, and G.S. Frost, The glycaemic index of a range of gluten?free foods. Diabetic Medicine, 2000. 17(9): p. 657-660.Type 2 3h82000
Instant 'two-minute' noodles, Maggi® (Nestlé, Australia) #46Pasta and NoodlesAustralia4018Brand-Miller, J., et al., In search of more low glycaemic index foods. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 1995. 19: p. 177.Normal 2h81995
Instant noodles (Mr Noodle, Vancouver, Canada) #48Pasta and NoodlesCanada4019Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h101984-1992
Lasagne sheets, dry pasta, boiled in unsalted water (Value, UK) #55Pasta and NoodlesUK4022Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h82005
Lasagne, egg, verdi, dry pasta, boiled in unsalted water #52Pasta and NoodlesUK4021Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h82005
Linguine, thick, durum wheat, white, fresh #44Pasta and NoodlesSweden4018Granfeldt, Y., et al., An in vitro procedure based on chewing to predict metabolic response to starch in cereal and legume products. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1992. 46(9): p. 649-60.Normal 1.5h101991
Linguine, thick, fresh, durum wheat flour, 0.6% w/w monoglycerides, boiled 8 min #48Pasta and NoodlesSweden4019Granfeldt, Y., I. Björck, and B. Hagander, On the importance of processing conditions, product thickness and egg addition for the glycaemic and hormonal responses to pasta: a comparison with bread made from 'pasta ingredients'. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1991. 45(10): p. 489-99.Normal 3h1491991
Linguine, thin, fresh, durum wheat with 39% w/w egg, boiled 3 min #45Pasta and NoodlesSweden4018Granfeldt, Y., et al., An in vitro procedure based on chewing to predict metabolic response to starch in cereal and legume products. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1992. 46(9): p. 649-60.Normal 1.5h101991
Linguine, thin, durum wheat #50Pasta and NoodlesSweden4020Granfeldt, Y., et al., An in vitro procedure based on chewing to predict metabolic response to starch in cereal and legume products. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1992. 46(9): p. 649-60.Normal 1.5h101991
Linguine, thin, fresh, with 0.6% w/w monoglycerides and 30% w/w egg, boiled 3 min #54Pasta and NoodlesSweden4022Granfeldt, Y., I. Björck, and B. Hagander, On the importance of processing conditions, product thickness and egg addition for the glycaemic and hormonal responses to pasta: a comparison with bread made from 'pasta ingredients'. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1991. 45(10): p. 489-99.Normal 3h1491991
Linguine, thin, fresh, durum wheat flour, 0.6% w/w monoglycerides, boiled 3 min #62Pasta and NoodlesSweden4025Granfeldt, Y., I. Björck, and B. Hagander, On the importance of processing conditions, product thickness and egg addition for the glycaemic and hormonal responses to pasta: a comparison with bread made from 'pasta ingredients'. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1991. 45(10): p. 489-99.Normal 3h1491991
Spaghetti, white, durum wheat semolina (Panzani, Marseilles, France), boiled in 0.7% salted water for 11 min #59Pasta and NoodlesFrance4024Bornet, F.R., et al., Pasta cooking time: influence on starch digestion and plasma glucose and insulin responses in healthy subjects. The American Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 1990. 51(3): p. 421-7.Normal 3h121988
Spaghetti, white, durum wheat semolina (Panzani, Marseilles, France), boiled in 0.7% salted water for 16.5 min #65Pasta and NoodlesFrance4026Bornet, F.R., et al., Pasta cooking time: influence on starch digestion and plasma glucose and insulin responses in healthy subjects. The American Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 1990. 51(3): p. 421-7.Normal 3h121988
Spaghetti, white, durum wheat semolina (Panzani, Marseilles, France) #46Pasta and NoodlesFrance4018Bornet, F.R., et al., Pasta cooking time: influence on starch digestion and plasma glucose and insulin responses in healthy subjects. The American Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 1990. 51(3): p. 421-7.Normal 3h121988
Lungkow bean thread noodles (National Cereals, Oils & Foodstuffs, Qingdao & Guangdong, China) #26Pasta and NoodlesChina4010Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h91984-1992
Mung bean noodles, boiled for 20 min #45Pasta and NoodlesThailand4018Juliano, B.O., et al., Properties of Thai cooked rice and noodles differing in glycemic index in noninsulin-dependent diabetics. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 1989. 39(4): p. 369-74.Type 2 3h81989
Imitation mung bean noodles, boiled for 20 min #51Pasta and NoodlesThailand4020Juliano, B.O., et al., Properties of Thai cooked rice and noodles differing in glycemic index in noninsulin-dependent diabetics. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 1989. 39(4): p. 369-74.Type 2 3h81989
Macaroni, plain, boiled 5 min (Lancia-Bravo Foods Ltd., Canada) #45Pasta and NoodlesCanada4018Wolever, T.M., et al., Glycemic response to pasta: effect of surface area, degree of cooking, and protein enrichment. Diabetes Care, 1986. 9(4): p. 401-4.Type 1 & Type 2 3h131986
Macaroni, plain, boiled #48Pasta and NoodlesTurkey4019Donduran, S., et al., Glycaemic index of different kinds of carbohydrates in type 2 diabetes. Eat Weight Disord, 1999. 4(4): p. 203-6.Type 2 & Normal 2h52 & 311988
Macaroni, boiled #57Pasta and NoodlesItaly4023Lunetta, M. and M. DiMauro, Different effect of acute and chronic oral metformin administration on glucose and insulin response to bread and to pasta in non-insulin dependent diabetic patients. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 1996. 33(1): p. 53-8.Type 1 4h21121996
Rice noodles made from IR42 (high amylose) rice flour, boiled for 22 min #41Pasta and NoodlesPhilippines4016Panlasigui, L.N., et al., Extruded rice noodles: Starch digestibility and glycemic response of healthy and diabetic subjects with different habitual diets. Nutrition Research, 1992. 12(10): p. 1195-1204.Normal 1h71992
Rice noodles made from IR42 (high amylose) rice flour, boiled for 22 min #45Pasta and NoodlesPhilippines4018Panlasigui, L.N., et al., Extruded rice noodles: Starch digestibility and glycemic response of healthy and diabetic subjects with different habitual diets. Nutrition Research, 1992. 12(10): p. 1195-1204.Type 2 3h101992
Rice noodles made from IR42 (high amylose) rice flour, boiled for 22 min #47Pasta and NoodlesPhilippines4019Panlasigui, L.N., et al., Extruded rice noodles: Starch digestibility and glycemic response of healthy and diabetic subjects with different habitual diets. Nutrition Research, 1992. 12(10): p. 1195-1204.Type 2 3h71992
Noodles, rice, boiled in water #52Pasta and NoodlesSouth Korea4021Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h92018
Flat rice noodles, boiled for 20 min #53Pasta and NoodlesThailand4021Juliano, B.O., et al., Properties of Thai cooked rice and noodles differing in glycemic index in noninsulin-dependent diabetics. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 1989. 39(4): p. 369-74.Type 2 3h81989
Extruded fine rice noodles, boiled for 20 min #55Pasta and NoodlesThailand4022Juliano, B.O., et al., Properties of Thai cooked rice and noodles differing in glycemic index in noninsulin-dependent diabetics. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 1989. 39(4): p. 369-74.Type 2 3h81989
Extruded fermented rice noodles, boiled for 20 min #54Pasta and NoodlesThailand4022Juliano, B.O., et al., Properties of Thai cooked rice and noodles differing in glycemic index in noninsulin-dependent diabetics. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 1989. 39(4): p. 369-74.Type 2 3h81989
Rice vermicelli, Kongmoon (National Cereals, Oils & Foodstuffs, China) #59Pasta and NoodlesChina4024Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h91984-1992
Rice pasta, brown, boiled 16 min (Rice Grower's Co-op, Australia) #92Pasta and NoodlesAustralia4037Brand Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Bramall, Rice: a high or low glycemic index food? The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1992. 56(6): p. 1034-6.Normal 2h61991
Rice vermicelli (produced from 100% long grain rice) (Kenmin Food Co., Ltd.) #55Pasta and NoodlesJapan4022Sato, S., et al., Glycemic index and glucose utilization of rice vermicelli in healthy subjects. Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2010. 33(8): p. 1385-93.Normal 2h152010
Rice vermicelli (produced from 99% long grain rice + 1% calcium) (Kenmin Food Co., Ltd., Japan) #50Pasta and NoodlesJapan4020Sato, S., et al., Glycemic index and glucose utilization of rice vermicelli in healthy subjects. Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2010. 33(8): p. 1385-93.Normal 2h152010
Rice vermicelli: “sidedish” made from long grain rice, tapioca and corn starch (Kenmin Food Co., Ltd., Japan) #35Pasta and NoodlesJapan4014Sato, S., et al., Glycemic index and glucose utilization of rice vermicelli in healthy subjects. Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2010. 33(8): p. 1385-93.Normal 2h152010
Rice vermicelli: "instant" made from long grain rice, tapioca, and potato starch (Kenmin Food Co., Ltd., Japan) #59Pasta and NoodlesJapan4024Sato, S., et al., Glycemic index and glucose utilization of rice vermicelli in healthy subjects. Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2010. 33(8): p. 1385-93.Normal 2h152010
Rice vermicelli: flat type noodle "kway teow" (made from long grain rice and potato starch) (Kenmin Food Co., Ltd., Japan) #60Pasta and NoodlesJapan4024Sato, S., et al., Glycemic index and glucose utilization of rice vermicelli in healthy subjects. Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2010. 33(8): p. 1385-93.Normal 2h152010
Rice vermicelli: flat type noodle "pho" (made from long grain rice and tapioca starch) (Kenmin Food Co., Ltd., Japan) #62Pasta and NoodlesJapan4025Sato, S., et al., Glycemic index and glucose utilization of rice vermicelli in healthy subjects. Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2010. 33(8): p. 1385-93.Normal 2h152010
Spaghetti, boiled 5 min (Lancia-Bravo Foods Ltd., Canada) #32Pasta and NoodlesCanada4013Wolever, T.M., et al., Glycemic response to pasta: effect of surface area, degree of cooking, and protein enrichment. Diabetes Care, 1986. 9(4): p. 401-4.Type 1 & Type 2 3h131986
Spaghetti, boiled 5 min #35Pasta and NoodlesCanada4014Wolever, T.M., et al., Glycemic response to pasta: effect of surface area, degree of cooking, and protein enrichment. Diabetes Care, 1986. 9(4): p. 401-4.Type 2 3h111986
Spaghetti, boiled 5 min #40Pasta and NoodlesCanada4016Wolever, T.M., et al., Glycemic response to pasta: effect of surface area, degree of cooking, and protein enrichment. Diabetes Care, 1986. 9(4): p. 401-4.Type 1 3h61986
Spaghetti, boiled 5 min (Lancia-Bravo Foods, Toronto, Canada) #35Pasta and NoodlesCanada4014Wolever, T.M., et al., The glycemic index: similarity of values derived in insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 1987. 6(4): p. 295-305.Type 2 3h111985
Spaghetti, boiled 5 min (Lancia-Bravo Foods, Toronto, Canada) #45Pasta and NoodlesCanada4018Wolever, T.M., et al., The glycemic index: similarity of values derived in insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 1987. 6(4): p. 295-305.Type 1 3h71985
Spaghetti, durum wheat semolina, boiled for 5 min #62Pasta and NoodlesUK4025Chillo, S., et al., Glycemic response and glycemic index of semolina spaghetti enriched with barley beta-glucan. Nutrition, 2011. 27(6): p. 653-8.Normal 2h992009
Spaghetti, white, boiled for 10 min #33Pasta and NoodlesDenmark4013Rasmussen, O., et al., Comparison of blood glucose and insulin responses in non-insulin dependent diabetic patients. Studies with spaghetti and potato taken alone and as part of a mixed meal. European Jounal of Clinical Nutrition, 1988. 42(11): p. 953-61.Type 2 3h61988
White, boiled for 10 min (Rio Dulce SA, Guadalajara, Spain) #52Pasta and NoodlesSpain4021Goñi, I. and C. Valent??n-Gamazo, Chickpea flour ingredient slows glycemic response to pasta in healthy volunteers. Food Chemistry, 2003. 81(4): p. 511-515.Normal 2h122002
White, durum wheat, boiled 10 min in salt water (Barilla, Parma, Italy) #59Pasta and NoodlesItaly4024Hoebler, C., et al., Bioavailability of starch in bread rich in amylose: metabolic responses in healthy subjects and starch structure. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1999. 53(5): p. 360-6.Normal 2.8h81998
Pasta, white, boiled for 11 min (Barilla, Parma, Italy) #27Pasta and NoodlesItaly4011Kristensen, M., et al., Wholegrain vs. refined wheat bread and pasta. Effect on postprandial glycemia, appetite, and subsequent ad libitum energy intake in young healthy adults. Appetite, 2010. 54(1): p. 163-9.Normal 3h102009
Spaghetti, white, durum wheat, boiled 12 min #35Pasta and NoodlesDenmark4014Rasmussen, O., et al., Effects of processing, flour type and emulgator on the glycaemic response to spaghetti in non-insulin dependent diabetic subjects. Diabetes, Nutrition & Metabolism, 1992. 5: p. 107-12.Type 2 3h71990
Spaghetti, white, durum wheat flour, boiled 12 min (Starhushålls, Kungsörnen AB, Järna, Sweden) #48Pasta and NoodlesSweden4019Granfeldt, Y., et al., An in vitro procedure based on chewing to predict metabolic response to starch in cereal and legume products. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1992. 46(9): p. 649-60.Normal 1.5h101991
Spaghetti, white, durum wheat flour, 0.6% w/w monoglycerides, boiled 12 min #54Pasta and NoodlesSweden4022Granfeldt, Y., I. Björck, and B. Hagander, On the importance of processing conditions, product thickness and egg addition for the glycaemic and hormonal responses to pasta: a comparison with bread made from 'pasta ingredients'. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1991. 45(10): p. 489-99.Normal 3h1491991
Spaghetti, boiled 15 min (Lancia-Bravo Foods Ltd., Canada) #33Pasta and NoodlesCanada4013Wolever, T.M., et al., Glycemic response to pasta: effect of surface area, degree of cooking, and protein enrichment. Diabetes Care, 1986. 9(4): p. 401-4.Type 1 & Type 2 3h131986
Spaghetti, boiled 15 min (Lancia-Bravo Foods Ltd., Canada) #37Pasta and NoodlesCanada4015Wolever, T.M., et al., The glycemic index: similarity of values derived in insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 1987. 6(4): p. 295-305.Type 2 3h71985
Spaghetti, boiled 15 min (Lancia-Bravo Foods Ltd., Canada) #42Pasta and NoodlesCanada4017Wolever, T.M., et al., The glycemic index: similarity of values derived in insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 1987. 6(4): p. 295-305.Type 1 3h41985
100% durum semolina spaghetti, boiled 15 min (Unico, Canada) #41Pasta and NoodlesCanada4016Granfeldt, Y., X. Wu, and I. Björck, Determination of glycaemic index; some methodological aspects related to the analysis of carbohydrate load and characteristics of the previous evening meal. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2006. 60(1): p. 104-112.Normal 2h102004
White, durum wheat, boiled 20 min #58Pasta and NoodlesAustralia4023Brand Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Bramall, Rice: a high or low glycemic index food? The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1992. 56(6): p. 1034-6.Normal 2h61991
Spaghetti, durum wheat, boiled 20 min #64Pasta and NoodlesFrance4026Bornet, F.R., et al., Insulinemic and glycemic indexes of six starch-rich foods taken alone and in a mixed meal by type 2 diabetics. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1987. 45(3): p. 588-595.Type 2 3h31987
Spaghetti, white, durum wheat (Catelli Ltd, Montreal, Canada) #48Pasta and NoodlesCanada4019Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic response to wheat products: reduced response to pasta but no effect of fiber. Diabetes Care, 1983. 6(2): p. 155-9.Type 2 3h91983
Spaghetti, made from durum wheat (Triticum durum), cooked in boiling water #39Pasta and NoodlesItaly4016Simonato, B., A. Curioni, and G. Pasini, Digestibility of pasta made with three wheat types: A preliminary study. Food Chemistry, 2015. 174: p. 219-225.Normal 2h102014
Spaghetti, white #39Pasta and NoodlesFrance4016Mourot, J., et al., Glycaemic and insulinaemic indices of four starchy foods, in Advances in Diet and Nutrition, S. Leff, Editor. 1988, John Libbey & Co: London.Normal 3h121988
Spaghetti, white, boiled #38Pasta and NoodlesAustralia4015d'Emden, M.C., et al., Post-prandial glucose and insulin responses to different types of spaghetti and bread. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 1987. 3(4): p. 221-6.Type 2 3h101986
Spaghetti, white #42Pasta and NoodlesIsrael4017Lock, D.R., et al., Glycemic indices of various foods given to pregnant diabetic subjects. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1988. 71(2): p. 180-3.GDM 2h71988
Spaghetti, white #43Pasta and NoodlesCanada4017Jenkins, D.J.A., et al., The glycaemic index of foods tested in diabetic patients: A new basis for carbohydrate exchange favouring the use of legumes. Diabetologia, 1983. 24(4): p. 257-264.Type 2 3h61983
Spaghetti, white #42Pasta and NoodlesItaly4017Parillo, M., et al., Different glycaemic responses to pasta, bread, and potatoes in diabetic patients. Diabetic Medicine, 1985. 2(5): p. 374-7.Type 2 5h71985
Spaghetti, white #45Pasta and NoodlesCanada4018Vuksan, V., et al., Effect of varying meal fat and carbohydrate content on the glycemic index of spaghetti in patients with NIDDM. Diabetes, 1990. 39((Suppl 1)): p. 47A.Type 2 2h71990
Spaghetti, white #48Pasta and NoodlesGermany4019Otto, H. and L. Niklas, Differences d'action sur la glycemie d'aliments contenant des hydrated de carbone: consequences pour le traitment dietetique du diabete sucre. (Differences in the action of foods containing carbohydrate on blood glucose levels: implications for the dietetic treatment of diabetes mellitus). Med Hyg, 1980. 38: p. 3424-29.DiabeticNSNS1980
Spaghetti, white #50Pasta and NoodlesCanada4020Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h61981
Spaghetti, durum wheat, boiled in water #55Pasta and NoodlesSouth Korea4022Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h112018
Spaghetti with 2% added Glucagel ß-glucan barley concentrate (79.4% b-glucan) (DKSH Great Britain Ltd., London, UK), boiled for 5 min #64Pasta and NoodlesUK4026Chillo, S., et al., Glycemic response and glycemic index of semolina spaghetti enriched with barley beta-glucan. Nutrition, 2011. 27(6): p. 653-8.Normal 2h92009
Spaghetti with 4% added Glucagel ß-glucan barley concentrate (79.4% b-glucan) (DKSH Great Britain Ltd., London, UK), boiled for 5 min #58Pasta and NoodlesUK4023Chillo, S., et al., Glycemic response and glycemic index of semolina spaghetti enriched with barley beta-glucan. Nutrition, 2011. 27(6): p. 653-8.Normal 2h992009
Spaghetti with 6% added Glucagel ß-glucan barley concentrate (79.4% b-glucan) (DKSH Great Britain Ltd., London, UK), boiled for 5 min #41Pasta and NoodlesUK4016Chillo, S., et al., Glycemic response and glycemic index of semolina spaghetti enriched with barley beta-glucan. Nutrition, 2011. 27(6): p. 653-8.Normal 2h992009
Spaghetti with 8% added Glucagel ß-glucan barley concentrate (79.4% b-glucan) (DKSH Great Britain Ltd., London, UK), boiled for 5 min #59Pasta and NoodlesUK4024Chillo, S., et al., Glycemic response and glycemic index of semolina spaghetti enriched with barley beta-glucan. Nutrition, 2011. 27(6): p. 653-8.Normal 2h992009
Spaghetti with 10% added Glucagel ß-glucan barley concentrate (79.4% b-glucan) (DKSH Great Britain Ltd., London, UK), boiled for 5 min #51Pasta and NoodlesUK4020Chillo, S., et al., Glycemic response and glycemic index of semolina spaghetti enriched with barley beta-glucan. Nutrition, 2011. 27(6): p. 653-8.Normal 2h92009
Spaghetti with 2% added Barley Balance ß-glucan barley concentrate (26.5% b-glucan) (DKSH Great Britain Ltd., London, UK), boiled for 5 min #51Pasta and NoodlesUK4020Chillo, S., et al., Glycemic response and glycemic index of semolina spaghetti enriched with barley beta-glucan. Nutrition, 2011. 27(6): p. 653-8.Normal 2h92009
Spaghetti with 4% added Barley Balance ß-glucan barley concentrate (26.5% b-glucan) (DKSH Great Britain Ltd., London, UK), boiled for 5.5 min #45Pasta and NoodlesUK4018Chillo, S., et al., Glycemic response and glycemic index of semolina spaghetti enriched with barley beta-glucan. Nutrition, 2011. 27(6): p. 653-8.Normal 2h992009
Spaghetti with 6% added Barley Balance ß-glucan barley concentrate (26.5% b-glucan) (DKSH Great Britain Ltd., London, UK), boiled for 5.5 min #41Pasta and NoodlesUK4016Chillo, S., et al., Glycemic response and glycemic index of semolina spaghetti enriched with barley beta-glucan. Nutrition, 2011. 27(6): p. 653-8.Normal 2h992009
Spaghetti with 8% added Barley Balance ß-glucan barley concentrate (26.5% b-glucan) (DKSH Great Britain Ltd., London, UK), boiled for 6 min #35Pasta and NoodlesUK4014Chillo, S., et al., Glycemic response and glycemic index of semolina spaghetti enriched with barley beta-glucan. Nutrition, 2011. 27(6): p. 653-8.Normal 2h992009
Spaghetti with 10% added Barley Balance ß-glucan barley concentrate (26.5% b-glucan) (DKSH Great Britain Ltd., London, UK), boiled for 6.5 min #29Pasta and NoodlesUK4012Chillo, S., et al., Glycemic response and glycemic index of semolina spaghetti enriched with barley beta-glucan. Nutrition, 2011. 27(6): p. 653-8.Normal 2h92009
Spaghetti, homemade, durum wheat, no monoglyceride, boiled 6 min #60Pasta and NoodlesDenmark4024Rasmussen, O., et al., Effects of processing, flour type and emulgator on the glycaemic response to spaghetti in non-insulin dependent diabetic subjects. Diabetes, Nutrition & Metabolism, 1992. 5: p. 107-12.Type 2 3h71990
Spaghetti, 75% durum wheat flour and 25% chickpea flour boiled 10 min (Rio Dulce SA, Guadalajara, Spain) #42Pasta and NoodlesSpain4017Goñi, I. and C. Valent??n-Gamazo, Chickpea flour ingredient slows glycemic response to pasta in healthy volunteers. Food Chemistry, 2003. 81(4): p. 511-515.Normal 2h122002
Spaghetti, protein enriched, boiled 7 min (Catelli Plus, Catelli Ltd., Montreal, Canada) #27Pasta and NoodlesCanada4011Wolever, T.M., et al., Glycemic response to pasta: effect of surface area, degree of cooking, and protein enrichment. Diabetes Care, 1986. 9(4): p. 401-4.Type 1 & Type 2 3h131986
Spaghetti, made with white durum wheat and whole yellow pea flour (Best Cooking Pulses Inc, MB, Canada) #66Pasta and NoodlesCanada4026Marinangeli, C.P.F., A.N. Kassis, and P.J.H. Jones, Glycemic responses and sensory characteristics of whole yellow pea flour added to novel functional foods. Journal of Food Science, 2009. 74(9): p. S385-9.Normal 2.5h192009
Spaghetti, wholemeal, boiled #33Pasta and NoodlesAustralia4013d'Emden, M.C., et al., Post-prandial glucose and insulin responses to different types of spaghetti and bread. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 1987. 3(4): p. 221-6.Type 2 3h101986
Wholemeal spaghetti #42Pasta and NoodlesCanada4017Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h61981
Pasta, wholemeal, boiled for 12 min (Barilla, Parma, Italy) #56Pasta and NoodlesItaly4022Kristensen, M., et al., Wholegrain vs. refined wheat bread and pasta. Effect on postprandial glycemia, appetite, and subsequent ad libitum energy intake in young healthy adults. Appetite, 2010. 54(1): p. 163-9.Normal 3h102009
Spaghetti, made with 100% whole wheat durum #59Pasta and NoodlesCanada4024Marinangeli, C.P.F., A.N. Kassis, and P.J.H. Jones, Glycemic responses and sensory characteristics of whole yellow pea flour added to novel functional foods. Journal of Food Science, 2009. 74(9): p. S385-9.Normal 2.5h192009
Wholemeal pasta, dark durum wheat, boiled 10 min in salted water (Melia Ltd, Raisio, Finland) #59Pasta and NoodlesFinland4024Juntunen, K.S., et al., Postprandial glucose, insulin, and incretin responses to grain products in healthy subjects. The American Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 2002. 75(2): p. 254-62.Normal 3h6202000
Wheat (egg) noodles, boiled for 20 min #57Pasta and NoodlesThailand4023Juliano, B.O., et al., Properties of Thai cooked rice and noodles differing in glycemic index in noninsulin-dependent diabetics. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 1989. 39(4): p. 369-74.Type 2 3h81989
Noodles, wheat #60Pasta and NoodlesMalaysia4024Robert, S.D. and A.A.-S. Ismail, Glycemic responses of patients with type 2 diabetes to individual carbohydrate-rich foods and mixed meals. Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism, 2012. 60(1): p. 27-32.Type 2 3h102011
Noodles, made from wheat flour, boiled in water #77Pasta and NoodlesChina4031Lu, F., Y. Liu, and B. Li, Okara dietary fiber and hypoglycemic effect of okara foods. Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre, 2013. 2(2): p. 126-132.Normal 2h102013
Wheat noodle, fresh #82Pasta and NoodlesChina4033Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h82005
Buckwheat noodles, instant #53Pasta and NoodlesChina4021Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h82005
Capellini (Primo Foods Ltd., Toronto, Canada) #45Pasta and NoodlesCanada4018Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h81984-1992
Fettucine, egg #32Pasta and NoodlesAustralia4013Foster, K.A., Glucose and insulin response to legumes, pastas and rye breads, in Human Nutrition Unit, Department of Biochemistry. 1987, University of Sydney: Australia.Normal 2h71987
Fusilli pasta twists, dry pasta, boiled 10 min in unsalted water #54Pasta and NoodlesUK4022Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h102005
Fusilli pasta twists, tricolor, dry pasta, boiled 10 min in unsalted water #51Pasta and NoodlesUK4020Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h82005
Gnocchi (Latina, Pillsbury Australia Ltd, Mt. Waverley, Australia) #68Pasta and NoodlesAustralia4027Brand-Miller, J., et al., In search of more low glycaemic index foods. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 1995. 19: p. 177.Normal 2h81995
Macaroni and Cheese, boxed (Kraft General Foods Inc., Don Mills, Ontario, Canada) #65Pasta and NoodlesCanada4026Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h91984-1992
Pasta, made from Emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccum), cooked in boiling water #40Pasta and NoodlesItaly4016Simonato, B., A. Curioni, and G. Pasini, Digestibility of pasta made with three wheat types: A preliminary study. Food Chemistry, 2015. 174: p. 219-225.Normal 2h102014
Pasta, made from Kamut® wheat (Triticum polonicum), cooked in boiling water #30Pasta and NoodlesItaly4012Simonato, B., A. Curioni, and G. Pasini, Digestibility of pasta made with three wheat types: A preliminary study. Food Chemistry, 2015. 174: p. 219-225.Normal 2h102014
Pasta, organic (Bionature), cooked in boiling water for 15 min #78Pasta and NoodlesUSA4031Geliebter, A., et al., Satiety following intake of potatoes and other carbohydrate test meals. Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism, 2013. 62(1): p. 37-43.Normal 2h122012
Penne pasta, Aproten®, protein-free, enriched with 1.35 g inulin, boiled for 7 min #50Pasta and NoodlesItaly4020Tubili, C., et al., Fiber enriched protein-free pasta and bread: Is it a useful tool in chronic kidney disease in type 2 diabetes? Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2016. 9(2): p. 95-99.Type 2 3h142016
Ramyeon noodles, made from wheat, boiled in water #49Pasta and NoodlesSouth Korea4020Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h92018
Star Pastina, white, boiled 5 min (Lancia-Bravo Foods Ltd., Canada) #38Pasta and NoodlesCanada4015Wolever, T.M., et al., Glycemic response to pasta: effect of surface area, degree of cooking, and protein enrichment. Diabetes Care, 1986. 9(4): p. 401-4.Type 1 & Type 2 3h131986
Tagliatelle, egg pasta, boiled in water for 7 min #46Pasta and NoodlesUK4018Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 922-930.Normal 2h82005
Tortellini, cheese (Stouffer, Nestlé, Don Mills, Canada) #50Pasta and NoodlesCanada4020Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h81984-1992
Udon noodles, boiled in water #57Pasta and NoodlesSouth Korea4023Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h82018
Vermicelli, made from sweet potato starch, boiled in water #60Pasta and NoodlesSouth Korea4024Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h112018
Noodles, made from wheat flour and freeze-dried okara, a byproduct of soy beans (Glycine max L.), boiled in water #52Pasta and NoodlesChina4021Lu, F., Y. Liu, and B. Li, Okara dietary fiber and hypoglycemic effect of okara foods. Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre, 2013. 2(2): p. 126-132.Normal 2h102013
Naturo Natural Fruit bar, Apple #39Snack Foods and ConfectioneryIndia2510Reddy, K.K.R., et al., Determination of glycemic index value of Naturo fruit bars. The Journal of the Association of Physicians of India, 2009. 57: p. 748-50.Normal 2h112009
SOYJOY® bar, Raisin Almond (Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd, Tokyo, Japan), made from whole soy powder #22Snack Foods and ConfectioneryJapan256Oku, T., et al., Effects of cake made from whole soy powder on postprandial blood glucose and insulin levels in human subjects. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009. 60 Suppl 4: p. 224-31.Normal 4h202009
Corn chips, plain, salted (Doritos™ original, Smith's Snack Food Co., Australia) #72Snack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2518Brand, J.C., et al., Food processing and the glycemic index. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1985. 42(6): p. 1192-6.Normal 2h61984
Corn chips, Nachips™ (Old El Paso Foods Co., Canada) #75Snack Foods and ConfectioneryCanada2519Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h91984-1992
Popcorn #55Snack Foods and ConfectioneryChina2514Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h62005
Popcorn, plain, cooked in microwave oven (Green's Foods, Glendenning, NSW, Australia) #55Snack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2514Brand-Miller, J., et al., In search of more low glycaemic index foods. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 1995. 19: p. 177.Normal 2h81995
Popcorn, maize grains puffed for 10 min #70Snack Foods and ConfectionerySouth Korea2518Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h92018
Popcorn, plain, cooked in microwave oven (Uncle Toby's, Australia) #89Snack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2522Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h121999
Potato crisps, plain, salted #51Snack Foods and ConfectioneryCanada2513Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h61981
Potato crisps, plain, salted (Arnott's, Australia) #57Snack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2514Brand, J.C., et al., Food processing and the glycemic index. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1985. 42(6): p. 1192-6.Normal 2h61984
Burger Rings™, barbeque-flavored (Smith's Snack Food Co, Chatswood, NSW, Australia) #90Snack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2523-Normal 2h102000
Lo-GI balls, made from 25 g barley, 20 g roasted bengal gram, 15 g defatted soy flour, 15 g carrot powder, 15 g tomato powder and 10 g roasted groundnut powder #50Snack Foods and ConfectioneryIndia2513Raajeswari, P.A. and S. Sindhu, Assessment of glycemic index of a specially developed food supplement for adolescent girls with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Research, 2014. 6(2): p. 1-6.Normal teen 2h102013
Mocaf-black rice flakes, made with black soybean flour, steamed and baked #50Snack Foods and ConfectioneryIndonesia2513Agustia, F.C., et al., Glycemic index of flakes made from mocaf-black rice and bean flour as alternative snacks for people with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, 2019. 22(11): p. S333.Normal 2h102019
Mocaf-black rice flakes, made with jack bean flour, steamed and baked #53Snack Foods and ConfectioneryIndonesia2513Agustia, F.C., et al., Glycemic index of flakes made from mocaf-black rice and bean flour as alternative snacks for people with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, 2019. 22(11): p. S333.Normal 2h102019
Pretzels, oven-baked, traditional wheat flavor (Parker's, Smith's Snack Food Co., Australia) #83Snack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2521Brand-Miller, J., et al., In search of more low glycaemic index foods. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 1995. 19: p. 177.Normal 2h81995
Puffed rice squares #76Snack Foods and ConfectioneryCzech Republic2519Peterson, K., et al., Influence of oral antidiabetic drugs on hyperglycemic response to foods in persons with type 2 diabetes mellitus as assessed by continuous glucose monitoring system: a pilot study. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 2010. 4(4): p. 983-92.Type 2 2h162010
Puffed rice squares #77Snack Foods and ConfectioneryCzech Republic2519Peterson, K., et al., Influence of oral antidiabetic drugs on hyperglycemic response to foods in persons with type 2 diabetes mellitus as assessed by continuous glucose monitoring system: a pilot study. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 2010. 4(4): p. 983-92.Normal 2h202010
Puffed rice squares #78Snack Foods and ConfectioneryCzech Republic2520Chlup, R., et al., Continuous glucose monitoring -- a novel approach to the determination of the glycaemic index of foods (DEGIF 1) -- determination of the glycaemic index of foods by means of the CGMS. Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes, 2006. 114(2): p. 68-74.Normal 2h202005
Puffed rice square #105Snack Foods and ConfectioneryCzech Republic2526Fajkusova, Z., et al., Glycaemic index of selected foodstuffs in healthy persons. Biomedical Papers of the Medical Faculty of the University Palacky, Olomouc, Czech Republic, 2007. 151(2): p. 257-61.Normal 2h202007
Brownies, containing wheat flour and coconut flour #44Snack Foods and ConfectioneryPhilippines2511Trinidad, T.P., et al., Glycaemic index of different coconut (Cocos nucifera)-flour products in normal and diabetic subjects. British Journal of Nutrition, 2003. 90(3): p. 551-556.Type 2 3h102002
Carob (ceratonia siliqua L) (Carob House, Brazil), consumed as tablets #39Snack Foods and ConfectioneryBrazil2510Milek Dos Santos, L., et al., Glycemic response to carob (ceratonia siliqua L) in healthy subjects and with the in vitro hydrolysis index. Nutricion hospitalaria, 2014. 31(1): p. 482-7.Normal 2h72014
Chocolate crinkles, containing wheat flour and coconut flour #55Snack Foods and ConfectioneryPhilippines2514Trinidad, T.P., et al., Glycaemic index of different coconut (Cocos nucifera)-flour products in normal and diabetic subjects. British Journal of Nutrition, 2003. 90(3): p. 551-556.Type 2 3h102002
Chocolate, dark #35Snack Foods and ConfectioneryCzech Republic259Fajkusova, Z., et al., Glycaemic index of selected foodstuffs in healthy persons. Biomedical Papers of the Medical Faculty of the University Palacky, Olomouc, Czech Republic, 2007. 151(2): p. 257-61.Normal 2h202007
Chocolate, dark #44Snack Foods and ConfectioneryCzech Republic2511Peterson, K., et al., Influence of oral antidiabetic drugs on hyperglycemic response to foods in persons with type 2 diabetes mellitus as assessed by continuous glucose monitoring system: a pilot study. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 2010. 4(4): p. 983-92.Normal 2h202010
Chocolate, dark #56Snack Foods and ConfectioneryCzech Republic2514Peterson, K., et al., Influence of oral antidiabetic drugs on hyperglycemic response to foods in persons with type 2 diabetes mellitus as assessed by continuous glucose monitoring system: a pilot study. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 2010. 4(4): p. 983-92.Type 2 2h162010
Chocolate, dark with raisins, peanuts and jam #44Snack Foods and ConfectioneryCzech Republic2511Chlup, R., et al., Continuous glucose monitoring -- a novel approach to the determination of the glycaemic index of foods (DEGIF 1) -- determination of the glycaemic index of foods by means of the CGMS. Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes, 2006. 114(2): p. 68-74.Normal 2h202005
Chocolate, milk, plain with sucrose #34Snack Foods and ConfectioneryBelgium259Pelletier, X., et al., Glycaemic and insulinaemic responses in healthy volunteers upon ingestion of maltitol and hydrogenated glucose syrups. Diabete Metab, 1994. 20(3): p. 291-6.Normal 3h81993
Chocolate, milk (Cadbury's Confectionery, Ringwood, Australia) #49Snack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2512Brand-Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Broomhead, The glycaemic index of foods containing sugars: comparison of foods with naturally-occurring v. added sugars. British Journal of Nutrition, 1995. 73(4): p. 613-23.Normal 2h81994
Chocolate, milk, plain, low-sugar with maltitol #35Snack Foods and ConfectioneryBelgium259Pelletier, X., et al., Glycaemic and insulinaemic responses in healthy volunteers upon ingestion of maltitol and hydrogenated glucose syrups. Diabete Metab, 1994. 20(3): p. 291-6.Normal 3h81993
Jelly beans, assorted colors (Allen's, Nestlé, Australia) #80Snack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2520Brand-Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Broomhead, The glycaemic index of foods containing sugars: comparison of foods with naturally-occurring v. added sugars. British Journal of Nutrition, 1995. 73(4): p. 613-23.Normal 2h81994
Life Savers®, peppermint candy (Nestlé, Australia) #70Snack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2518Brand-Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Broomhead, The glycaemic index of foods containing sugars: comparison of foods with naturally-occurring v. added sugars. British Journal of Nutrition, 1995. 73(4): p. 613-23.Normal 2h81994
Mon Chéri (Ferrero, Italy) #66Snack Foods and ConfectioneryItaly2517Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102012
Nougat, Jijona (La Fama, Spain) #33Snack Foods and ConfectionerySpain258Riestra, A., G. Cubas, and J.A. Amado, [The effect of the ingestion of nougat on blood glucose and insulin in healthy subjects]. Nutricion hospitalaria, 1995. 10(6): p. 354-7.Normal 3h1471994
Pocket Espresso to GO (Liquid praline, chocolate and coffee cream) (Ferrero, Italy) #71Snack Foods and ConfectioneryItaly2518Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102014
Sago, with added sugar, cooked at low temperature to a jelly consistency #80Snack Foods and ConfectioneryQatar2520Hassan, A., et al., Glycemic index of selected carbohydrate-based foods consumed in Qatar. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2010. 61(5): p. 512-8.Normal 2h192010
Tic Tac orange (Ferrero, Italy) #68Snack Foods and ConfectioneryItaly2517Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102014
Tic Tac peppermint (Ferrero, Italy) #67Snack Foods and ConfectioneryItaly2517Scazzina, F., et al., Glycemic index and glycemic load of commercial Italian foods. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases : NMCD, 2016. 26(5): p. 419-29.Normal 2h102014
Chocolate Raspberry Zing™ bar (Revival Soy®, Physicians Pharmaceuticals, Inc., USA) #47Snack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA2512Blair, R.M., E.C. Henley, and A. Tabor, Soy foods have low glycemic and insulin response indices in normal weight subjects. Nutrition Journal, 2006. 5: p. 35.Normal 2h102004
Mars Bar® (M&M/Mars, USA) #68Snack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA2517Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h61981
Snack bar, control #53Snack Foods and ConfectioneryCanada2513Panahi, S., et al., Glycemic effect of oat and barley beta-glucan when incorporated into a snack bar: a dose escalation study. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 2014. 33(6): p. 442-9.Normal 2h122014
Snickers Bar® (M&M/Mars, USA) #69Snack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA2517Hertzler, S., Glycemic index of "energy" snack bars in normal volunteers. Journal of the American Dietetics Association, 2000. 100(1): p. 97-100.Normal 2h9122005
Snack bar with 1.5g ß-glucan from oat concentrate #55Snack Foods and ConfectioneryCanada2514Panahi, S., et al., Glycemic effect of oat and barley beta-glucan when incorporated into a snack bar: a dose escalation study. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 2014. 33(6): p. 442-9.Normal 2h122014
Snack bar with 3g ß-glucan from oat concentrate #57Snack Foods and ConfectioneryCanada2514Panahi, S., et al., Glycemic effect of oat and barley beta-glucan when incorporated into a snack bar: a dose escalation study. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 2014. 33(6): p. 442-9.Normal 2h122014
Snack bar with 6g ß-glucan from oat concentrate #50Snack Foods and ConfectioneryCanada2513Panahi, S., et al., Glycemic effect of oat and barley beta-glucan when incorporated into a snack bar: a dose escalation study. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 2014. 33(6): p. 442-9.Normal 2h122014
Snack bar with 1.5g ß-glucan from barley concentrate #55Snack Foods and ConfectioneryCanada2514Panahi, S., et al., Glycemic effect of oat and barley beta-glucan when incorporated into a snack bar: a dose escalation study. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 2014. 33(6): p. 442-9.Normal 2h122014
Snack bar with 3g ß-glucan from barley concentrate #53Snack Foods and ConfectioneryCanada2513Panahi, S., et al., Glycemic effect of oat and barley beta-glucan when incorporated into a snack bar: a dose escalation study. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 2014. 33(6): p. 442-9.Normal 2h122014
Snack bar with 6g ß-glucan from barley concentrate #53Snack Foods and ConfectioneryCanada2513Panahi, S., et al., Glycemic effect of oat and barley beta-glucan when incorporated into a snack bar: a dose escalation study. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 2014. 33(6): p. 442-9.Normal 2h122014
Clif bar, Cookies & Cream flavor (Clif Bar Inc, Berkeley, CA, USA) #101Snack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA2525Gretebeck, R.J., K.A. Gretebeck, and T.J. Tittelbach, Glycemic Index of Popular Sport Drinks and Energy Foods. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 2002. 102(3): p. 415-417.Normal 2h52002
50/50 Feta protein bar, chocolate biscuit with orange flavor, organic (Eatwalk Hellas, Greece) #5Snack Foods and ConfectioneryGreece251Manthou, E., et al., Glycemic response of a carbohydrate-protein bar with ewe-goat whey. Nutrients, 2014. 6(6): p. 2240-50.Normal 2h92014
FitJoy™ Protein bar, containing whey protein and isomaltooligosaccharides (Nutrabolt, TX, USA) #34Snack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA259Grubic, T.J., et al., Glycemic and insulinemic response to ingestion of a novel food bar containing whey protein and isomalto-oligosaccharides. FASEB Journal, 2018. 32(1 Supplement 1).Normal 2h102017
Ironman PR bar®, chocolate (PR Nutrition, San Diego, CA, USA) #39Snack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA2510Hertzler, S., Glycemic index of "energy" snack bars in normal volunteers. Journal of the American Dietetics Association, 2000. 100(1): p. 97-100.Normal 2h9122005
MET-Rx bar, vanilla flavor (Met-Rx Substrate Technology Inc, Irvine, CA, USA) #74Snack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA2519Gretebeck, R.J., K.A. Gretebeck, and T.J. Tittelbach, Glycemic Index of Popular Sport Drinks and Energy Foods. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 2002. 102(3): p. 415-417.Normal 2h52002
Power Bar®, chocolate #53Snack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA2513Hertzler, S., Glycemic index of "energy" snack bars in normal volunteers. Journal of the American Dietetics Association, 2000. 100(1): p. 97-100.Normal 2h9122005
Power Bar®, chocolate (Powerfood Inc, Berkeley, CA, USA) #83Snack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA2521Gretebeck, R.J., K.A. Gretebeck, and T.J. Tittelbach, Glycemic Index of Popular Sport Drinks and Energy Foods. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 2002. 102(3): p. 415-417.Normal 2h52002
PR-bar, Cookies 'N Cream flavor (Twin Laboratories Inc, Ronkonkowa, NY, USA) #81Snack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA2520Gretebeck, R.J., K.A. Gretebeck, and T.J. Tittelbach, Glycemic Index of Popular Sport Drinks and Energy Foods. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 2002. 102(3): p. 415-417.Normal 2h52002
SmartZone bar, Chocolate flavor #11Snack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA253Miller, C.K., et al., The effect of three snack bars on glycemic response in healthy adults. Journal of the American Dietetics Association, 2006. 106(5): p. 745-8.Normal 2h102006
ZonePerfect Nutrition bar, Double Chocolate flavor (Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, USA) #44Snack Foods and ConfectioneryUSA2511Miller, C.K., et al., The effect of three snack bars on glycemic response in healthy adults. Journal of the American Dietetics Association, 2006. 106(5): p. 745-8.Normal 2h102006
Black Bean soup (Wil-Pack Foods, San Pedro, CA, USA) #65SoupsUSA2013Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h61984-1992
Green Pea, canned (Campbell Soup Co Ltd., Toronto, Canada) #67SoupsCanada2013Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h101984-1992
Lentil, canned (Unico, Concord, Canada) #45SoupsCanada209Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h91984-1992
Noodle soup, traditional Turkish soup with stock and noodles #34SoupsTurkey207Donduran, S., et al., Glycaemic index of different kinds of carbohydrates in type 2 diabetes. Eat Weight Disord, 1999. 4(4): p. 203-6.Type 2 & Normal 2h52 & 311998
Split Pea (Wil-Pak Foods, USA) #61SoupsUSA2012Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h51984-1992
Tarhana soup, traditional Turkish soup with wheat flour, yoghurt, tomato, peppers #20SoupsTurkey204Donduran, S., et al., Glycaemic index of different kinds of carbohydrates in type 2 diabetes. Eat Weight Disord, 1999. 4(4): p. 203-6.Type 2 & Normal 2h52 & 311998
Tomato soup #38SoupsCanada208Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h51981
Fructose (Sweeten Less, Maximum Nutrition Inc., Toronto, Canada) #11Sugars and SyrupsCanada51Lee, B.M. and T.M. Wolever, Effect of glucose, sucrose and fructose on plasma glucose and insulin responses in normal humans: comparison with white bread. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1998. 52(12): p. 924-8.Normal 2h81998
Fructose (Sweeten Less, Canada) #12Sugars and SyrupsCanada51Lee, B.M. and T.M. Wolever, Effect of glucose, sucrose and fructose on plasma glucose and insulin responses in normal humans: comparison with white bread. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1998. 52(12): p. 924-8.Normal 2h81998
Fructose #20Sugars and SyrupsCanada51Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h51981
Fructose #21Sugars and SyrupsGermany51Otto, H. and L. Niklas, Differences d'action sur la glycemie d'aliments contenant des hydrated de carbone: consequences pour le traitment dietetique du diabete sucre. (Differences in the action of foods containing carbohydrate on blood glucose levels: implications for the dietetic treatment of diabetes mellitus). Med Hyg, 1980. 38: p. 3424-29.Type 2NSNS1980
Fructose (Sigma Chemical Company, St. Louis, MO, USA) #24Sugars and SyrupsUSA51Gannon, M.C., et al., The serum insulin and plasma glucose responses to milk and fruit products in type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetic patients. Diabetologia, 1986. 29(11): p. 784-91.Type 2 5h3471986
Fructose, 25 g portion, fed with 37.7 g oats40 #25Sugars and SyrupsCanada51Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Lactose in the diabetic diet: A comparison with other carbohydrates. Nutrition Research, 1985. 5(12): p. 1335-1345.Type 2 3h61985
25 g fructose portion + 25 g glucose portion (Sigma Chemical Company, St. Louis, MO, USA) #65Sugars and SyrupsUSA53Gannon, M.C., et al., The serum insulin and plasma glucose responses to milk and fruit products in type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetic patients. Diabetologia, 1986. 29(11): p. 784-91.Type 2 5h3471986
Glucose #86Sugars and SyrupsUSA54Crapo, P.A., et al., Comparison of serum glucose, insulin, and glucagon responses to different types of complex carbohydrate in noninsulin-dependent diabetic patients. The American Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 1981. 34(2): p. 184-90.Type 2 3h6201981
Glucose #93Sugars and SyrupsUSA55Crapo, P.A., et al., Postprandial hormonal responses to different types of complex carbohydrate in individuals with impaired glucose tolerance. The American Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 1980. 33(8): p. 1723-8.Type 2 & IGT 3h65 & 61980
Glucose #97Sugars and SyrupsGermany55Otto, H. and L. Niklas, Differences d'action sur la glycemie d'aliments contenant des hydrated de carbone: consequences pour le traitment dietetique du diabete sucre. (Differences in the action of foods containing carbohydrate on blood glucose levels: implications for the dietetic treatment of diabetes mellitus). Med Hyg, 1980. 38: p. 3424-29.DiabeticNSNS1980
Glucose #96Sugars and SyrupsUSA55Crapo, P.A., G. Reaven, and J. Olefsky, Postprandial plasma-glucose and -insulin responses to different complex carbohydrates. Diabetes, 1977. 26(12): p. 1178-1183.Normal 3h161977
Glucose (Bio-Health, Dawson Traders Ltd., Toronto, Canada) #97Sugars and SyrupsCanada55Lee, B.M. and T.M. Wolever, Effect of glucose, sucrose and fructose on plasma glucose and insulin responses in normal humans: comparison with white bread. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1998. 52(12): p. 924-8.Normal 2h81998
Glucose (Glucodin™ tablets, Australia) #102Sugars and SyrupsAustralia55Brand-Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Broomhead, The glycaemic index of foods containing sugars: comparison of foods with naturally-occurring v. added sugars. British Journal of Nutrition, 1995. 73(4): p. 613-23.Normal 2h71994
Glucose (Bio-Health, Canada) #104Sugars and SyrupsCanada55Lee, B.M. and T.M. Wolever, Effect of glucose, sucrose and fructose on plasma glucose and insulin responses in normal humans: comparison with white bread. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1998. 52(12): p. 924-8.Normal 2h81998
Glucose (Bio-Health, Canada) #116Sugars and SyrupsCanada56Lee, B.M. and T.M. Wolever, Effect of glucose, sucrose and fructose on plasma glucose and insulin responses in normal humans: comparison with white bread. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1998. 52(12): p. 924-8.Normal 2h81998
Glucose, 25 g portion, fed with 37.7 g oats #93Sugars and SyrupsCanada55Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Lactose in the diabetic diet: A comparison with other carbohydrates. Nutrition Research, 1985. 5(12): p. 1335-1345.Type 2 3h61985
25 g glucose (Glucodex) 40 min before 3 g dried ginseng (Chai-Na-Ta Corp, Langley, BC, Canada) #76Sugars and SyrupsCanada54Vuksan, V., et al., American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius L) reduces postprandial glycemia in nondiabetic subjects and subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Archives of Internal Medicine, 2000. 160(7): p. 1009-13.Normal 1.5h41101999
25 g glucose (Glucodex solution, Rougier Inc., Chambly, Quebec) with 3 g dried ginseng (Chai-Na-Ta Corp, Langley, BC, Canada) #78Sugars and SyrupsCanada54Vuksan, V., et al., American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius L) reduces postprandial glycemia in nondiabetic subjects and subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Archives of Internal Medicine, 2000. 160(7): p. 1009-13.Type 2 2h991999
25 g glucose (Glucodex) 40 min after 3 g dried ginseng (Chai-Na-Ta Corp, Langley, BC, Canada) #80Sugars and SyrupsCanada54Vuksan, V., et al., American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius L) reduces postprandial glycemia in nondiabetic subjects and subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Archives of Internal Medicine, 2000. 160(7): p. 1009-13.Type 2 2h991999
100 g Glucose + 20 g acacia gum #85Sugars and SyrupsIndia54Sharma, R.D., Hypoglycemic effect of gum acacia in healthy human subjects. Nutrition Research, 1985. 5(12): p. 1437-1441.Normal 2.5h24121985
100 g glucose + 20 g cellulose (CSIR Biochemical Unit, New Delhi, India) #103Sugars and SyrupsIndia55Siddhu, A., et al., Modulation of postprandial glycaemia and insulinaemia by cellulose in mixed nutrient combinations. British Journal of Nutrition, 1989. 62(1): p. 131-7.Normal 2h51988
75 g glucose solution, consumed with capsules containing 6 g Cinnamomum zeylanicum #109Sugars and SyrupsSweden55Wickenberg, J., et al., Ceylon cinnamon does not affect postprandial plasma glucose or insulin in subjects with impaired glucose tolerance. British Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 107(12): p. 1845-9.IGT 3h102009
25 g glucose + 25 g crystalline short-chain ?-glucan (CSCA) starch, suspended in 298 mL water #71Sugars and SyrupsUSA54Brewer, L.R., et al., Glycemic Response and Fermentation of Crystalline Short Linear alpha-Glucans from Debranched Waxy Maize Starch. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2015. 63(43): p. 9528-35.Normal 2h102015
25 g glucose solution, consumed with 236 mL diet cola sweetened with aspartame and acesulfame-K (Caffeine-Free Diet Coke®, Atlanta, GA, USA) #104Sugars and SyrupsUSA55Solomi, L., G.A. Rees, and K.M. Redfern, The acute effects of the non-nutritive sweeteners aspartame and acesulfame-K in UK diet cola on glycaemic response. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2019. 70(7): p. 894-900.Normal 2h102019
Glucose solution with 0.7% (1.8 g) flaxseed gum (Nutunola health Biosciences Inc. Winchester, ON, Canada) #124Sugars and SyrupsCanada56Au, M.M.C., et al., Effects of soy-soluble fiber and flaxseed gum on the glycemic and insulinemic responses to glucose solutions and dairy products in healthy adult males. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 2013. 32(2): p. 98-110.Normal 2h112013
50 g Glucose + 14.5 g guar gum #62Sugars and SyrupsCanada53Braaten, J.T., et al., Oat gum lowers glucose and insulin after an oral glucose load. The American Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 1991. 53(6): p. 1425-30.Normal 2h101990
50 g Glucose + 14.5 g guar gum, gel-like pudding texture #62Sugars and SyrupsCanada53Braaten, J.T., et al., Oat gum lowers glucose and insulin after an oral glucose load. The American Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 1991. 53(6): p. 1425-30.Normal 3h14101990
50 g Glucose + 14.5 g oat gum (78% oat ß-glucan) #57Sugars and SyrupsCanada53Braaten, J.T., et al., Oat gum lowers glucose and insulin after an oral glucose load. The American Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 1991. 53(6): p. 1425-30.Normal 2h91990
50 g Glucose + 14.5 g oat gum (78% oat ß-glucan), gel-like pudding texture #57Sugars and SyrupsCanada53Braaten, J.T., et al., Oat gum lowers glucose and insulin after an oral glucose load. The American Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 1991. 53(6): p. 1425-30.Normal 3h1491990
25 g glucose + 30 g oat bran flour (Natureal® GI-flour, Finn Cereal, Vantaa, Finland) (oat bran flour contributed an additional 6.1 g avail carb) #80Sugars and SyrupsFinland54Tapola, N., et al., Glycemic responses of oat bran products in type 2 diabetic patients. Nutrition Metabaloism and Cardiovascular Disease, 2005. 15(4): p. 255-61.Type 2 2h9122004
75 g Glucose + 4.24 g salt #86Sugars and SyrupsNigeria54Akanji, A.O., et al., Dietary salt and the glycaemic response to meals of different fibre content. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1989. 43(10): p. 699-703.Normal 3h6101989
Acacia honey (provided by German beekeeper association) #53Sugars and SyrupsGermany53Deibert, P., et al., Glycaemic and insulinaemic properties of some German honey varieties. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2010. 64(7): p. 762-4.Normal 2h102010
Australian honey (Wescobee Limited, Australia) #59Sugars and SyrupsMalaysia53Robert, S.D. and A.A.-S. Ismail, Two varieties of honey that are available in Malaysia gave intermediate glycemic index values when tested among healthy individuals. Biomedical Papers of the Medical Faculty of the University Palacky, Olomouc, Czech Republic, 2009. 153(2): p. 145-7.Normal 2h82008
Chestnut honey (Apivita S.A., Greece) #66Sugars and SyrupsGreece53Gourdomichali, T. and E. Papakonstantinou, Short-term effects of six Greek honey varieties on glycemic response: a randomized clinical trial in healthy subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2018. 72(12): p. 1709-1716.Normal 2h112018
Christ thorn honey #32Sugars and SyrupsJordan52Abu Rajab, A.M., et al., Glycemic and insulinemic response of different types of jordanian honey in healthy and type 2 diabetic volunteers. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2017. 16(2): p. 61-68.Normal 2h142016
Christ thorn honey #78Sugars and SyrupsJordan54Abu Rajab, A.M., et al., Glycemic and insulinemic response of different types of jordanian honey in healthy and type 2 diabetic volunteers. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2017. 16(2): p. 61-68.Type 2 2h92016
Citrus honey #46Sugars and SyrupsJordan52Abu Rajab, A.M., et al., Glycemic and insulinemic response of different types of jordanian honey in healthy and type 2 diabetic volunteers. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2017. 16(2): p. 61-68.Normal 2h142016
Citrus honey #62Sugars and SyrupsJordan53Abu Rajab, A.M., et al., Glycemic and insulinemic response of different types of jordanian honey in healthy and type 2 diabetic volunteers. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2017. 16(2): p. 61-68.Type 2 2h92016
Citrus honey (Apivita S.A., Greece) #81Sugars and SyrupsGreece54Gourdomichali, T. and E. Papakonstantinou, Short-term effects of six Greek honey varieties on glycemic response: a randomized clinical trial in healthy subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2018. 72(12): p. 1709-1716.Normal 2h112018
Clover honey, raw #59Sugars and SyrupsEgypt53Abdulrhman, M., et al., Effects of honey, sucrose and glucose on blood glucose and C-peptide in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 2013. 19(1): p. 15-9.Type 1 (children) 2h302013
Clover honey, raw #61Sugars and SyrupsEgypt53Abdulrhman, M., et al., Effects of honey, sucrose and glucose on blood glucose and C-peptide in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 2013. 19(1): p. 15-9.Normal children 2h502013
Fir honey (Apivita S.A., Greece) #59Sugars and SyrupsGreece53Gourdomichali, T. and E. Papakonstantinou, Short-term effects of six Greek honey varieties on glycemic response: a randomized clinical trial in healthy subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2018. 72(12): p. 1709-1716.Normal 2h112018
Forest honey (provided by German beekeeper association) #89Sugars and SyrupsGermany54Deibert, P., et al., Glycaemic and insulinaemic properties of some German honey varieties. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2010. 64(7): p. 762-4.Normal 2h102010
Heather honey (provided by German beekeeper association) #53Sugars and SyrupsGermany53Deibert, P., et al., Glycaemic and insulinaemic properties of some German honey varieties. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2010. 64(7): p. 762-4.Normal 2h102010
Heather honey (Apivita S.A.) #75Sugars and SyrupsGreece54Gourdomichali, T. and E. Papakonstantinou, Short-term effects of six Greek honey varieties on glycemic response: a randomized clinical trial in healthy subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2018. 72(12): p. 1709-1716.Normal 2h112018
Lime-blossom honey #77Sugars and SyrupsCzech Republic54Fajkusova, Z., et al., Glycaemic index of selected foodstuffs in healthy persons. Biomedical Papers of the Medical Faculty of the University Palacky, Olomouc, Czech Republic, 2007. 151(2): p. 257-61.Normal 2h202007
Honey, Linden (heated) (provided by German beekeeper association) #49Sugars and SyrupsGermany52Deibert, P., et al., Glycaemic and insulinaemic properties of some German honey varieties. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2010. 64(7): p. 762-4.Normal 2h102010
Honey, Linden (not heated) (provided by German beekeeper association) #60Sugars and SyrupsGermany53Deibert, P., et al., Glycaemic and insulinaemic properties of some German honey varieties. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2010. 64(7): p. 762-4.Normal 2h102010
Locust honey #32Sugars and SyrupsRomania52Ionescu-Tîrgovi?te, C., et al., Blood glucose and plasma insulin responses to various carbohydrates in type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes. Diabetologia, 1983. 24(2): p. 80-4.Type 2 2h981982
Locust pod honey #48Sugars and SyrupsJordan52Abu Rajab, A.M., et al., Glycemic and insulinemic response of different types of jordanian honey in healthy and type 2 diabetic volunteers. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2017. 16(2): p. 61-68.Normal 2h142016
Locust pod honey #67Sugars and SyrupsJordan53Abu Rajab, A.M., et al., Glycemic and insulinemic response of different types of jordanian honey in healthy and type 2 diabetic volunteers. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2017. 16(2): p. 61-68.Type 2 2h92016
Madu Tualang, wild honey (AgroMas, FAMA, Malaysia) #65Sugars and SyrupsMalaysia53Robert, S.D. and A.A.-S. Ismail, Two varieties of honey that are available in Malaysia gave intermediate glycemic index values when tested among healthy individuals. Biomedical Papers of the Medical Faculty of the University Palacky, Olomouc, Czech Republic, 2009. 153(2): p. 145-7.Normal 2h82008
Manuka honey, BR15-11-154 (Levin, NZ) #59Sugars and SyrupsNew Zealand53Chepulis, L. and E. Francis, The glycaemic index of Manuka honey. e-SPEN Journal, 2013. 8(1): p. e21-e24.Normal 2h102012
Manuka honey, MED WM38-10 (Wairarapa, NZ) #55Sugars and SyrupsNew Zealand53Chepulis, L. and E. Francis, The glycaemic index of Manuka honey. e-SPEN Journal, 2013. 8(1): p. e21-e24.Normal 2h102012
Manuka honey, M75-11 (East Cape, NZ) #54Sugars and SyrupsNew Zealand53Chepulis, L. and E. Francis, The glycaemic index of Manuka honey. e-SPEN Journal, 2013. 8(1): p. e21-e24.Normal 2h102012
Manuka honey, PORD3-11 (Central North Island, NZ) #57Sugars and SyrupsNew Zealand53Chepulis, L. and E. Francis, The glycaemic index of Manuka honey. e-SPEN Journal, 2013. 8(1): p. e21-e24.Normal 2h92012
Manuka honey, WINPDW 60-11 (Northland, NZ) #57Sugars and SyrupsNew Zealand53Chepulis, L. and E. Francis, The glycaemic index of Manuka honey. e-SPEN Journal, 2013. 8(1): p. e21-e24.Normal 2h82012
Mixed flora honey #37Sugars and SyrupsJordan52Abu Rajab, A.M., et al., Glycemic and insulinemic response of different types of jordanian honey in healthy and type 2 diabetic volunteers. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2017. 16(2): p. 61-68.Normal 2h142016
Mixed flora honey #84Sugars and SyrupsJordan54Abu Rajab, A.M., et al., Glycemic and insulinemic response of different types of jordanian honey in healthy and type 2 diabetic volunteers. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2017. 16(2): p. 61-68.Type 2 2h92016
Monofloral honey, chestnut (Castanea spp.), from Bursa #56Sugars and SyrupsTurkey53Atayoglu, A.T., et al., Glycemic index values of monofloral turkish honeys and the effect of their consumption on glucose metabolism. Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences, 2016. 46(2): p. 483-488.Normal 2h202015
Monofloral honey, citrus (Citrus spp.), from Mersin #45Sugars and SyrupsTurkey52Atayoglu, A.T., et al., Glycemic index values of monofloral turkish honeys and the effect of their consumption on glucose metabolism. Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences, 2016. 46(2): p. 483-488.Normal 2h202016
Monofloral honey, lime (Tilia spp.), from Zonguldak #55Sugars and SyrupsTurkey53Atayoglu, A.T., et al., Glycemic index values of monofloral turkish honeys and the effect of their consumption on glucose metabolism. Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences, 2016. 46(2): p. 483-488.Normal 2h202015
Monofloral honey, milk-vetch (Astragalus spp.), from Kayseri #69Sugars and SyrupsTurkey53Atayoglu, A.T., et al., Glycemic index values of monofloral turkish honeys and the effect of their consumption on glucose metabolism. Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences, 2016. 46(2): p. 483-488.Normal 2h202020
Monofloral honey, pine, honeydew (Pinus spp.), from Mugla #59Sugars and SyrupsTurkey53Atayoglu, A.T., et al., Glycemic index values of monofloral turkish honeys and the effect of their consumption on glucose metabolism. Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences, 2016. 46(2): p. 483-488.Normal 2h202015
Monofloral honey, thyme (Thyme spp.), from Aydin #53Sugars and SyrupsTurkey53Atayoglu, A.T., et al., Glycemic index values of monofloral turkish honeys and the effect of their consumption on glucose metabolism. Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences, 2016. 46(2): p. 483-488.Normal 2h202015
Multifloral honey (provided by German beekeeper association) #51Sugars and SyrupsGermany53Deibert, P., et al., Glycaemic and insulinaemic properties of some German honey varieties. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2010. 64(7): p. 762-4.Normal 2h102010
Oilseed-rape honey (provided by German beekeeper association) #64Sugars and SyrupsGermany53Deibert, P., et al., Glycaemic and insulinaemic properties of some German honey varieties. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2010. 64(7): p. 762-4.Normal 2h102010
Pine honey (Apivita S.A., Greece) #101Sugars and SyrupsGreece55Gourdomichali, T. and E. Papakonstantinou, Short-term effects of six Greek honey varieties on glycemic response: a randomized clinical trial in healthy subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2018. 72(12): p. 1709-1716.Normal 2h112018
Spanish thistle honey #61Sugars and SyrupsJordan53Abu Rajab, A.M., et al., Glycemic and insulinemic response of different types of jordanian honey in healthy and type 2 diabetic volunteers. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2017. 16(2): p. 61-68.Normal 2h142016
Spanish thistle honey #76Sugars and SyrupsJordan54Abu Rajab, A.M., et al., Glycemic and insulinemic response of different types of jordanian honey in healthy and type 2 diabetic volunteers. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2017. 16(2): p. 61-68.Type 2 2h62016
Sugar honey, non-floral, bees feed sugar solution 2:1 sugar in water #36Sugars and SyrupsJordan52Abu Rajab, A.M., et al., Glycemic and insulinemic response of different types of jordanian honey in healthy and type 2 diabetic volunteers. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2017. 16(2): p. 61-68.Normal 2h142016
Sugar honey, non-floral, bees feed sugar solution 2:1 sugar in water #81Sugars and SyrupsJordan54Abu Rajab, A.M., et al., Glycemic and insulinemic response of different types of jordanian honey in healthy and type 2 diabetic volunteers. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2017. 16(2): p. 61-68.Type 2 2h92016
Honey, sweet chestnut (provided by German beekeeper association) #53Sugars and SyrupsGermany53Deibert, P., et al., Glycaemic and insulinaemic properties of some German honey varieties. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2010. 64(7): p. 762-4.Normal 2h102010
Thyme honey (Apivita S.A., Greece) #85Sugars and SyrupsGreece54Gourdomichali, T. and E. Papakonstantinou, Short-term effects of six Greek honey varieties on glycemic response: a randomized clinical trial in healthy subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2018. 72(12): p. 1709-1716.Normal 2h112018
Honey, NS #61Sugars and SyrupsEgypt53Abdulrhman, M., et al., The glycemic and peak incremental indices of honey, sucrose and glucose in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus: effects on C-peptide level-a pilot study. Acta Diabetologica, 2011. 48(2): p. 89-94.Type 1 (children) 2h202011
Honey, NS, test portion adjusted based on body weight #69Sugars and SyrupsEgypt53Abdulrhman, M., et al., The glycemic and peak incremental indices of honey, sucrose and glucose in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus: effects on C-peptide level-a pilot study. Acta Diabetologica, 2011. 48(2): p. 89-94.Normal children 2h102011
Honey, NS #87Sugars and SyrupsCanada54Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h61981
Honey, pure (Capilano Honey Limited, QLD, Australia) #58Sugars and SyrupsAustralia53Brand-Miller, J., E. Pang, and L. Broomhead, The glycaemic index of foods containing sugars: comparison of foods with naturally-occurring v. added sugars. British Journal of Nutrition, 1995. 73(4): p. 613-23.Normal 2h81994
Isomaltulose, Palatinose™ (Sudzucker AG, Mannheim, Germany) #32Sugars and SyrupsGermany52Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102002
Isomaltulose (Cargill, Belgium) #45Sugars and SyrupsBelgium52van Can, J.G.P., et al., Reduced glycaemic and insulinaemic responses following trehalose and isomaltulose ingestion: implications for postprandial substrate use in impaired glucose-tolerant subjects. British Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 108(7): p. 1210-7.IGT 3h102011
Lactose (Sigma Chemical Company, USA) #43Sugars and SyrupsUSA52Gannon, M.C., et al., The serum insulin and plasma glucose responses to milk and fruit products in type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetic patients. Diabetologia, 1986. 29(11): p. 784-91.Type 2 5h3471986
Lactose (Lactose 101394S, BDH, Poole, UK) #48Sugars and SyrupsUK52Ostman, E.M., H.G. Liljeberg Elmståhl, and I.M. Björck, Inconsistency between glycemic and insulinemic responses to regular and fermented milk products. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2001. 74(1): p. 96-100.Normal 2h102000
Lactose, 25 g portion, fed with 37.7 g oats #49Sugars and SyrupsCanada52Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Lactose in the diabetic diet: A comparison with other carbohydrates. Nutrition Research, 1985. 5(12): p. 1335-1345.Type 2 3h61985
Maltose #105Sugars and SyrupsCanada55Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h61981
Sucrose (Cargill, Belgium) #48Sugars and SyrupsBelgium52van Can, J.G.P., et al., Reduced glycaemic and insulinaemic responses following trehalose and isomaltulose ingestion: implications for postprandial substrate use in impaired glucose-tolerant subjects. British Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 108(7): p. 1210-7.IGT 3h6102011
Sucrose8 #58Sugars and SyrupsIran53Mohsenpour, M.A., et al., The effect of a new mixture of sugar and sugar-alcohols compared to sucrose and glucose on blood glucose increase and the possible adverse reactions: A phase I double-blind, three-way randomized cross-over clinical trial. Endocrinologia, Diabetes y Nutricion, 2019. 66(10): p. 647-653.Type 2 2h192016
Sucrose #59Sugars and SyrupsCanada53Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h51981
Sucrose (Redpath Sugars, Toronto, Canada) #59Sugars and SyrupsCanada53Lee, B.M. and T.M. Wolever, Effect of glucose, sucrose and fructose on plasma glucose and insulin responses in normal humans: comparison with white bread. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1998. 52(12): p. 924-8.Normal 2h81998
Sucrose (Sigma Chemical Company, USA) #59Sugars and SyrupsUSA53Gannon, M.C., et al., The serum insulin and plasma glucose responses to milk and fruit products in type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetic patients. Diabetologia, 1986. 29(11): p. 784-91.Type 2 5h3471986
Sucrose #60Sugars and SyrupsJapan53Matsuo, T., Estimation of glycemic response to maltitol and mixture of maltitol and sucrose in healthy young subjects. Tech Bull Fac Agr Kagawa Univ 2003. 55: p. 57-61.Normal 2h162002
Sucrose (Redpath Sugars, Canada) #61Sugars and SyrupsCanada53Lee, B.M. and T.M. Wolever, Effect of glucose, sucrose and fructose on plasma glucose and insulin responses in normal humans: comparison with white bread. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1998. 52(12): p. 924-8.Normal 2h81998
Sucrose #62Sugars and SyrupsGermany53Schauberger, G., et al., Exchange of carbohydrates according to their effect on blood glucose. Diabetes, 1977. 26: p. 415 (abstr).Type 2NSNS1977
Sucrose, tested in young adults (17-18 y) #65Sugars and SyrupsSouth Africa53Walker, A.R. and B.F. Walker, Glycaemic index of South African foods determined in rural blacks--a population at low risk of diabetes. Human Nutrition. Clinical Nutrition, 1984. 38(3): p. 215-22.Normal 2h71984
Sucrose (Redpath Sugars, Canada) #66Sugars and SyrupsCanada53Lee, B.M. and T.M. Wolever, Effect of glucose, sucrose and fructose on plasma glucose and insulin responses in normal humans: comparison with white bread. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1998. 52(12): p. 924-8.Normal 2h81998
Sucrose #68Sugars and SyrupsCanada53Lan-Pidhainy, X. and T.M.S. Wolever, Are the glycemic and insulinemic index values of carbohydrate foods similar in healthy control, hyperinsulinemic and type 2 diabetic patients? European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2011. 65(6): p. 727-34.Type 2 3h102011
Sucrose #68Sugars and SyrupsCanada53Lan-Pidhainy, X. and T.M.S. Wolever, Are the glycemic and insulinemic index values of carbohydrate foods similar in healthy control, hyperinsulinemic and type 2 diabetic patients? European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2011. 65(6): p. 727-34.Normal 2h92011
Sucrose #69Sugars and SyrupsCanada53Lan-Pidhainy, X. and T.M.S. Wolever, Are the glycemic and insulinemic index values of carbohydrate foods similar in healthy control, hyperinsulinemic and type 2 diabetic patients? European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2011. 65(6): p. 727-34.High fast insulin 2h122011
Sucrose #74Sugars and SyrupsIran54Mohsenpour, M.A., et al., The effect of a new mixture of sugar and sugar-alcohols compared to sucrose and glucose on blood glucose increase and the possible adverse reactions: A phase I double-blind, three-way randomized cross-over clinical trial. Endocrinologia, Diabetes y Nutricion, 2019. 66(10): p. 647-653.Normal 2h162016
Sucrose #78Sugars and SyrupsSouth Korea54Lee, K., et al., Glycemic index of sucrose with D-xylose (XF) in humans. Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research, 2013. 11(1-2): p. 35-39.Normal 2h132012
Sucrose #81Sugars and SyrupsJordan54Abu Rajab, A.M., et al., Glycemic and insulinemic response of different types of jordanian honey in healthy and type 2 diabetic volunteers. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2017. 16(2): p. 61-68.Normal 2h92016
Sucrose #82Sugars and SyrupsItaly54Bucalossi, A., et al., Glycaemic and insulinaemic responses to different carbohydrates in Type II (NIDD) diabetic patients. Diabetes, Nutrition & Metabolism, 1990. 3(2): p. 143-51.Type 2 2h141989
Sucrose #94Sugars and SyrupsJordan55Abu Rajab, A.M., et al., Glycemic and insulinemic response of different types of jordanian honey in healthy and type 2 diabetic volunteers. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2017. 16(2): p. 61-68.Type 2 2h72016
Sucrose #110Sugars and SyrupsBelgium56Pelletier, X., et al., Glycaemic and insulinaemic responses in healthy volunteers upon ingestion of maltitol and hydrogenated glucose syrups. Diabete Metab, 1994. 20(3): p. 291-6.Normal 3h81993
Sucrose, portion adjusted based on kg body weight #132Sugars and SyrupsEgypt57Abdulrhman, M., et al., Effects of honey, sucrose and glucose on blood glucose and C-peptide in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 2013. 19(1): p. 15-9.Normal children 2h102011
Sucrose, portion adjusted based on kg body weight #119Sugars and SyrupsEgypt56Abdulrhman, M., et al., Effects of honey, sucrose and glucose on blood glucose and C-peptide in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 2013. 19(1): p. 15-9.Type 1 (children) 2h202011
Sucrose, portion adjusted based on kg body weight #139Sugars and SyrupsEgypt57Abdulrhman, M., et al., Effects of honey, sucrose and glucose on blood glucose and C-peptide in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 2013. 19(1): p. 15-9.Normal children 2h502013
Sucrose, portion adjusted based on kg body weight #128Sugars and SyrupsEgypt56Abdulrhman, M., et al., Effects of honey, sucrose and glucose on blood glucose and C-peptide in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 2013. 19(1): p. 15-9.Type 1 (children) 2h302013
Brown Sugar (HongMian, Guangzhou Light Industry & Trade Group, Guangzhou, China) #71Sugars and SyrupsChina54-Normal 2h62020
Sucrose, 47.5 g portion with 2.5 g D-xylose #60Sugars and SyrupsSouth Korea53Lee, K., et al., Glycemic index of sucrose with D-xylose (XF) in humans. Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research, 2013. 11(1-2): p. 35-39.Normal 2h132012
Sucrose, 25 g portion, fed with 37.7 g oats #65Sugars and SyrupsCanada53Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Lactose in the diabetic diet: A comparison with other carbohydrates. Nutrition Research, 1985. 5(12): p. 1335-1345.Type 2 3h61985
Sugar blend, 78% maltodextrin and 22% sucrose, dissolved in water #163Sugars and SyrupsUSA58Sands, A.L., et al., Consumption of the slow-digesting waxy maize starch leads to blunted plasma glucose and insulin response but does not influence energy expenditure or appetite in humans. Nutrition Research, 2009. 29(6): p. 383-90.Normal 4h122009
Trehalose #77Sugars and SyrupsBelgium54van Can, J.G.P., et al., Reduced glycaemic and insulinaemic responses following trehalose and isomaltulose ingestion: implications for postprandial substrate use in impaired glucose-tolerant subjects. British Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 108(7): p. 1210-7.IGT 3h6102011
Trehalose #81Sugars and SyrupsUSA54Maki, K.C., et al., Acute effects of low insulinemic sweeteners on postprandial insulin and glucose concentrations in obese men. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009. 60 Suppl 3: p. 48-55.Obese 2h212009
Trehalose #95Sugars and SyrupsBelgium55Van Can, J.G.P., et al., Reduced glycaemic and insulinaemic responses following trehalose ingestion: Implications for postprandial substrate use. British Journal of Nutrition, 2009. 102(10): p. 1395-1399.Overweight 3h6102008
Trehalose (50 g) + fructose (25 g) #66Sugars and SyrupsUSA53Maki, K.C., et al., Acute effects of low insulinemic sweeteners on postprandial insulin and glucose concentrations in obese men. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009. 60 Suppl 3: p. 48-55.Obese 2h212009
Isomalt (Sudzucker AG, Mannheim, Germany) #2Sugars and SyrupsGermany2.50.1Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102002
Lacritose, mixture containing 54.13% erythritol, 27.4% lactose, 12.9% fructose, and 5.57% sucrose #11Sugars and Syrups-2.50.3Mohsenpour, M.A., et al., The effect of a new mixture of sugar and sugar-alcohols compared to sucrose and glucose on blood glucose increase and the possible adverse reactions: A phase I double-blind, three-way randomized cross-over clinical trial. Endocrinologia, Diabetes y Nutricion, 2019. 66(10): p. 647-653.Type 2 2h182016
Lacritose, mixture containing 54.13% erythritol, 27.4% lactose, 12.9% fructose, and 5.57% sucrose #18Sugars and Syrups-2.50.5Mohsenpour, M.A., et al., The effect of a new mixture of sugar and sugar-alcohols compared to sucrose and glucose on blood glucose increase and the possible adverse reactions: A phase I double-blind, three-way randomized cross-over clinical trial. Endocrinologia, Diabetes y Nutricion, 2019. 66(10): p. 647-653.Normal 2h162016
Lactitol #-1Sugars and SyrupsFinland2.50Natah, S.S., et al., Metabolic response to lactitol and xylitol in healthy men. The American Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 1997. 65(4): p. 947-50.Normal 3h81996
Lactitol MC (Danisco sweeteners, Surrey, UK) #3Sugars and SyrupsUK2.50.1-Normal 2h102004
Litesse II, bulking agent with polydextrose and sorbitol (Danisco Sweeteners, UK) #7Sugars and SyrupsUK2.50.2Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102001
Litesse III ultra, bulking agent with polydextrose and sorbitol (Danisco Sweeteners, UK) #4Sugars and SyrupsUK2.50.1Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102001
Lycasin® HBC, syrup containing 50-55% maltitol, 5-8% sorbitol and 35-40% hydrogenated oligo-saccharides (lab 2212, Roquette, France) #47Sugars and SyrupsFrance2.51Rizkalla, S.W., et al., Glycaemic and insulinaemic responses to a new hydrogenated starch hydrolysate in healthy and type 2 diabetic subjects. Diabetes & Metabolisme, 2002. 28(5): p. 385-90.Normal 3h62002
Lycasin® HBC, syrup containing 50-55% maltitol, 5-8% sorbitol and 35-40% hydrogenated oligo-saccharides (lab 2212, Roquette, France) #25Sugars and SyrupsFrance2.51Rizkalla, S.W., et al., Glycaemic and insulinaemic responses to a new hydrogenated starch hydrolysate in healthy and type 2 diabetic subjects. Diabetes & Metabolisme, 2002. 28(5): p. 385-90.Type 2 3h62002
Maltitol #26Sugars and SyrupsJapan2.51Matsuo, T., Estimation of glycemic response to maltitol and mixture of maltitol and sucrose in healthy young subjects. Tech Bull Fac Agr Kagawa Univ 2003. 55: p. 57-61.Normal 2h162002
Maltitol (Roquette, Lestrem, France), dissolved in 200 mL water #34Sugars and SyrupsFrance2.51Pratt, M., et al., No observable differences in glycemic response to maltitol in human subjects from 3 ethnically diverse groups. Nutrition Research, 2011. 31(3): p. 223-8.Normal Caucasian 3h102010
Maltitol (Roquette, Lestrem, France), dissolved in 200 mL water #23Sugars and SyrupsFrance2.51Pratt, M., et al., No observable differences in glycemic response to maltitol in human subjects from 3 ethnically diverse groups. Nutrition Research, 2011. 31(3): p. 223-8.Normal South Indian 3h102010
Maltitol (Roquette, Lestrem, France), dissolved in 200 mL water #33Sugars and SyrupsFrance2.51Pratt, M., et al., No observable differences in glycemic response to maltitol in human subjects from 3 ethnically diverse groups. Nutrition Research, 2011. 31(3): p. 223-8.Normal Chinese 3h102010
Malbit CR (87% maltitol) (Cerestar, Vilvoorde, Belgium) #30Sugars and SyrupsBelgium2.51Pelletier, X., et al., Glycaemic and insulinaemic responses in healthy volunteers upon ingestion of maltitol and hydrogenated glucose syrups. Diabete Metab, 1994. 20(3): p. 291-6.Normal 3h81993
Maltidex 100 (> 72% maltitol) (Cerestar, Vilvoorde, Belgium) #44Sugars and SyrupsBelgium2.51Pelletier, X., et al., Glycaemic and insulinaemic responses in healthy volunteers upon ingestion of maltitol and hydrogenated glucose syrups. Diabete Metab, 1994. 20(3): p. 291-6.Normal 3h81993
Maltitol and Sucrose mixture (25 g Maltitol + 25 g Sucrose) #46Sugars and SyrupsJapan2.51Matsuo, T., Estimation of glycemic response to maltitol and mixture of maltitol and sucrose in healthy young subjects. Tech Bull Fac Agr Kagawa Univ 2003. 55: p. 57-61.Normal 2h192002
Malbit CH (99% maltitol) (Cerestar, Vilvoorde, Belgium) #73Sugars and SyrupsBelgium2.52Pelletier, X., et al., Glycaemic and insulinaemic responses in healthy volunteers upon ingestion of maltitol and hydrogenated glucose syrups. Diabete Metab, 1994. 20(3): p. 291-6.Normal 3h81993
Maltidex 200 (50% maltitol) (Cerestar, Vilvoorde, Belgium) #89Sugars and SyrupsBelgium2.52Pelletier, X., et al., Glycaemic and insulinaemic responses in healthy volunteers upon ingestion of maltitol and hydrogenated glucose syrups. Diabete Metab, 1994. 20(3): p. 291-6.Normal 3h81993
SUITENA™ sweetener (Fiatec Biosystem Sdn Bhd, Malaysia), containing erythritol, xylitol and stevia #8Sugars and SyrupsMalaysia2.50.2Ng, A.W.R., et al., A polyol-stevia blended sugar replacer exhibits low glycemic response among human subjects. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, 2019. 33: p. 39-41.Normal 1.5h62019
Tagatose sugar replacement, Gaio® (Arla Foods, Germany) #3Sugars and SyrupsGermany2.50.1Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102004
25 g xylitol #7Sugars and SyrupsFinland2.50.2Natah, S.S., et al., Metabolic response to lactitol and xylitol in healthy men. The American Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 1997. 65(4): p. 947-50.Normal 3h81996
25 g Xylitol C (Danisco Sweeteners, UK) #8Sugars and SyrupsUK2.50.2Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102001
Zùsto® sweetener (Zùsto, NV), containing polydextrose, erythritol, inulin, fructo-oligosaccharides, maltodextrins, isomaltulose and sucralose #22Sugars and SyrupsBelgium2.51Pen, J.J., et al., Zusto: A new sweetening agent with low glycemic index. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, 2018. 23: p. 103-106.Normal 3h102017
Green banana, boiled #38VegetablesNew Zealand208Perry, T., et al., Glycaemic index of New Zealand foods. New Zealand Medical Journal, 2000. 113(1108): p. 140-2.Normal 2h82000
Green banana/plantain, boiled 23 min, frozen, thawed and reheated for 1 min #65VegetablesTrinidad2013Ramdath, D.D., et al., Glycaemic index of selected staples commonly eaten in the Caribbean and the effects of boiling v. crushing. British Journal of Nutrition, 2004. 91(6): p. 971-7.Normal 2h82003
Plantain (Musa AAB) #68VegetablesFiji2014Lako, J., et al., The glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load (GL) of five commonly consumed foods of the South Pacific. Pacific Health Dialogue, 2004. 11(1): p. 47-54.Normal 2h82004
Banana, (Musa sapientum), Nendra variety, unripe, steamed 1 h #70VegetablesIndia2014Kurup, P.G. and S. Krishnamurthy, Glycemic index of selected foodstuffs commonly used in south India. International Journal of Vitamin and Nutrition Resarch, 1992. 62(3): p. 266-8.Normal 3h20 12-151991
Pea, cooked #35VegetablesIsrael204Lock, D.R., et al., Glycemic indices of various foods given to pregnant diabetic subjects. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1988. 71(2): p. 180-3.GDM 2h81988
Pea, frozen, boiled #39VegetablesGermany204Otto, H. and L. Niklas, Differences d'action sur la glycemie d'aliments contenant des hydrated de carbone: consequences pour le traitment dietetique du diabete sucre. (Differences in the action of foods containing carbohydrate on blood glucose levels: implications for the dietetic treatment of diabetes mellitus). Med Hyg, 1980. 38: p. 3424-29.Type 2NSNS1980
Pea, frozen, boiled #51VegetablesCanada205Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h61981
Pea, green (Pisum Sativum) #54VegetablesIndia205Kurup, P.G. and S. Krishnamurthy, Glycemic index of selected foodstuffs commonly used in south India. International Journal of Vitamin and Nutrition Resarch, 1992. 62(3): p. 266-8.Normal 3h 12-151991
Pumpkin, steamed for 15 min #52VegetablesSouth Korea205Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h112018
Pumpkin, boiled in water for 20 min, mashed and served as gruel #53VegetablesSouth Korea205Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h92018
Pumpkin, boiled for 30 min in water with 2 g salt, tested in young adults (17-18 y) #75VegetablesSouth Africa208Walker, A.R. and B.F. Walker, Glycaemic index of South African foods determined in rural blacks--a population at low risk of diabetes. Human Nutrition. Clinical Nutrition, 1984. 38(3): p. 215-22.Normal 2h61984
Sweet corn, whole kernel, canned, diet-pack, drained (Featherweight, USA) #47VegetablesUSA209Crapo, P.A., et al., Comparison of serum glucose, insulin, and glucagon responses to different types of complex carbohydrate in noninsulin-dependent diabetic patients. The American Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 1981. 34(2): p. 184-90.Type 2 3h6201981
Sweet corn, frozen, reheated in microwave (Green Giant Pillsbury Ltd., Toronto, Canada) #48VegetablesCanada2010Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h91984-1992
Sweet corn, canned, drained #60VegetablesUSA2012Crapo, P.A., G. Reaven, and J. Olefsky, Postprandial plasma-glucose and -insulin responses to different complex carbohydrates. Diabetes, 1977. 26(12): p. 1178-1183.Normal 3h161977
Sweet corn, canned, drained #60VegetablesUSA2012Crapo, P.A., et al., Postprandial hormonal responses to different types of complex carbohydrate in individuals with impaired glucose tolerance. The American Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 1980. 33(8): p. 1723-8.Type 2 & IGT 3h65 & 61980
Sweet corn, 'Honey & Pearl' variety #37VegetablesNew Zealand207Perry, T., et al., Glycaemic index of New Zealand foods. New Zealand Medical Journal, 2000. 113(1108): p. 140-2.Normal 2h92000
Sweet corn, on the cob, boiled 20 min #48VegetablesAustralia2010Brand, J.C., et al., Food processing and the glycemic index. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1985. 42(6): p. 1192-6.Normal 2h61984
Sweet corn, cooked #52VegetablesIsrael2010Lock, D.R., et al., Glycemic indices of various foods given to pregnant diabetic subjects. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1988. 71(2): p. 180-3.GDM 2h81988
Sweet corn, boiled in water with 2 g salt #59VegetablesCanada2012Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h51981
Sweet corn, boiled in water for 30 min with 2 g salt, tested in young adults (17-18 y) #62VegetablesSouth Africa2012Walker, A.R. and B.F. Walker, Glycaemic index of South African foods determined in rural blacks--a population at low risk of diabetes. Human Nutrition. Clinical Nutrition, 1984. 38(3): p. 215-22.Normal 2h71984
Corn, fresh, roasted #77VegetablesNigeria2015Dada, A., et al., Glycaemic responses to corn meals in type 2 diabetics and non-diabetic controls. 2015. 19(3): p. 79-82.Normal 2h162015
Corn, fresh, boiled #82VegetablesNigeria2016Dada, A., et al., Glycaemic responses to corn meals in type 2 diabetics and non-diabetic controls. 2015. 19(3): p. 79-82.Normal 2h162015
Beetroot, boiled in water with 2 g salt #64VegetablesCanada206Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h51981
Carrots, boiled in water with 2 g salt #92VegetablesCanada209Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h51981
Carrots, peeled, boiled #33VegetablesAustralia203Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h82000
Carrots, peeled, diced, boiled #49VegetablesAustralia205Fitz-Henry, A., In vitro and in vivo rates of carbohydrates digestion in Aboriginal bushfoods and contemporary Western Foods., in Human Nutrition Unit. 1982, University of Sydney: Australia.Normal 2h71982
Carrots, peeled, boiled, ground to smooth paste #60VegetablesAustralia206Fitz-Henry, A., In vitro and in vivo rates of carbohydrates digestion in Aboriginal bushfoods and contemporary Western Foods., in Human Nutrition Unit. 1982, University of Sydney: Australia.Normal 2h72000
Carrots, raw #16VegetablesRomania202Ionescu-Tîrgovi?te, C., et al., Blood glucose and plasma insulin responses to various carbohydrates in type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes. Diabetologia, 1983. 24(2): p. 80-4.Type 2 2h991982
Carrots (Daucas carota) #23VegetablesBangladesh202Fatema, K., et al., Glycemic index determination of vegetable and fruits in healthy Bangladeshi subjects. Malaysian Journal of Nutrition, 2011. 17(3): p. 393-9.Normal 2h142011
Carrots, raw, diced #35VegetablesAustralia204Fitz-Henry, A., In vitro and in vivo rates of carbohydrates digestion in Aboriginal bushfoods and contemporary Western Foods., in Human Nutrition Unit. 1982, University of Sydney: Australia.Normal 2h71982
Carrots, raw, ground #39VegetablesAustralia204Fitz-Henry, A., In vitro and in vivo rates of carbohydrates digestion in Aboriginal bushfoods and contemporary Western Foods., in Human Nutrition Unit. 1982, University of Sydney: Australia.Normal 2h71982
Cassava, boiled, with salt #46VegetablesKenya209Ayuo, P.O. and G.A. Ettyang, Glycaemic responses after ingestion of some local foods by non-insulin dependent diabetic subjects. East African Medical Journal, 1996. 73(12): p. 782-5.Type 2 2.5h141996
Cassava (Manihot esculenta), peeled, boiled 30 min, frozen, thawed and reheated for 1 min #94VegetablesTrinidad2019Ramdath, D.D., et al., Glycaemic index of selected staples commonly eaten in the Caribbean and the effects of boiling v. crushing. British Journal of Nutrition, 2004. 91(6): p. 971-7.Normal 2h82003
Parsnips, boiled in water with 2 g salt #97VegetablesCanada2010Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h51981
Swede (rutabaga), boiled in water with 2 g salt #72VegetablesCanada2014Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h51981
Tannia (Xanthosoma sagittifolium) #63VegetablesFiji2013Lako, J., et al., The glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load (GL) of five commonly consumed foods of the South Pacific. Pacific Health Dialogue, 2004. 11(1): p. 47-54.Normal 2h82004
Tannia, peeled, boiled 30 min, crushed, refrigerated, reheated for 1 min #52VegetablesCanada2010Ramdath, D.D., et al., Glycaemic index of selected staples commonly eaten in the Caribbean and the effects of boiling v. crushing. British Journal of Nutrition, 2004. 91(6): p. 971-7.Normal 2h62003
Tannia, peeled, boiled 30 min, uncrushed (whole), refrigerated, reheated for 1 min #50VegetablesCanada2010Ramdath, D.D., et al., Glycaemic index of selected staples commonly eaten in the Caribbean and the effects of boiling v. crushing. British Journal of Nutrition, 2004. 91(6): p. 971-7.Normal 2h62003
Ontario potato, white, baked in skin #60VegetablesCanada2012Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h161984-1992
Potatoes, NS, baked for 30 min #78VegetablesSouth Korea2016Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h92018
Purple Majesty potato, purple skin and flesh, skin on, cut into cubes, oven baked for 40 min #77VegetablesCanada2015Ramdath, D.D., et al., The glycemic index of pigmented potatoes is related to their polyphenol content. Food & Function, 2014. 5(5): p. 909-15.Normal 2h92009
Potato, Red-Y38 variety, red skin and flesh, skin on, cut into cubes, oven baked for 40 min #78VegetablesCanada2016Ramdath, D.D., et al., The glycemic index of pigmented potatoes is related to their polyphenol content. Food & Function, 2014. 5(5): p. 909-15.Normal 2h92009
Russet potatoes, baked without fat #111VegetablesUSA2022Crapo, P.A., G. Reaven, and J. Olefsky, Postprandial plasma-glucose and -insulin responses to different complex carbohydrates. Diabetes, 1977. 26(12): p. 1178-1183.Normal 3h161977
Russet potatoes, baked without fat #57VegetablesCanada2011Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Effect of processing/preparation on the blood glucose response to potatoes. Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology Journal, 1985. 18(3): p. 35.DiabeticNS71985
Russet potatoes, cut into quarters, baked in foil for 1 h at 230oC, peeled #85VegetablesUSA2017Geliebter, A., et al., Satiety following intake of potatoes and other carbohydrate test meals. Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism, 2013. 62(1): p. 37-43.Normal 2h122012
Russet potatoes, baked without fat, 45-60 min #80VegetablesUSA2016Crapo, P.A., et al., Comparison of serum glucose, insulin, and glucagon responses to different types of complex carbohydrate in noninsulin-dependent diabetic patients. The American Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 1981. 34(2): p. 184-90.Type 2 3h6201981
Russet potatoes, baked without fat #94VegetablesUSA2019Crapo, P.A., et al., Postprandial hormonal responses to different types of complex carbohydrate in individuals with impaired glucose tolerance. The American Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 1980. 33(8): p. 1723-8.Type 2 & IGT 3h65 & 61980
Snowden potato, white skin and flesh, skin on, cut into cubes, oven baked for 40 min #93VegetablesCanada2019Ramdath, D.D., et al., The glycemic index of pigmented potatoes is related to their polyphenol content. Food & Function, 2014. 5(5): p. 909-15.Normal 2h92009
Yukon Gold potato, white skin and yellow flesh, skin on, cut into cubes, oven baked for 40 min #81VegetablesCanada2016Ramdath, D.D., et al., The glycemic index of pigmented potatoes is related to their polyphenol content. Food & Function, 2014. 5(5): p. 909-15.Normal 2h92009
Asterix potato, peeled, boiled for 18-20 min, served with 0.5 g NaCl #79VegetablesSweden2016Leeman, M., E. Ostman, and I. Björck, Glycaemic and satiating properties of potato products. European Jounal of Clinical Nutrition, 2008. 62(1): p. 87-95.Normal 3h14142006
Desiree potato, peeled, quartered, boiled 15 min in unsalted water #77VegetablesUK2015Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index values for commercially available potatoes in Great Britain. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 917-921.Normal 2h102005
Maris Peer potato, peeled, quartered, boiled 15 min in unsalted water #94VegetablesUK2019Henry, C.J.K., et al., Glycaemic index values for commercially available potatoes in Great Britain. British Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 94(6): p. 917-921.Normal 2h102005
Nardine potato, boiled #70VegetablesNew Zealand2014Perry, T., et al., Glycaemic index of New Zealand foods. New Zealand Medical Journal, 2000. 113(1108): p. 140-2.Normal 2h82000
Ontario potato, white, peeled, cut into cubes, boiled in salted water 15 min #59VegetablesCanada2012Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h161984-1992
Pontiac potato, peeled, boiled whole for 30 min #56VegetablesAustralia2011Brand, J.C., et al., Food processing and the glycemic index. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1985. 42(6): p. 1192-6.Normal 2h61984
Prince Edward Island potato, peeled, cubed, boiled in salted water 15 min #64VegetablesCanada2013Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h121984-1992
Sava potato, peeled, boiled 21-30 min #119VegetablesSweden2024Leeman, M., E. Östman, and I. Björck, Vinegar dressing and cold storage of potatoes lowers postprandial glycaemic and insulinaemic responses in healthy subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2005. 59(11): p. 1266-1271.Normal 2h132004
Potatoes, NS, boiled with salt #24VegetablesKenya205Ayuo, P.O. and G.A. Ettyang, Glycaemic responses after ingestion of some local foods by non-insulin dependent diabetic subjects. East African Medical Journal, 1996. 73(12): p. 782-5.Type 2 2.5h141996
Potatoes, white, NS, cooked #41VegetablesRomania208Ionescu-Tîrgovi?te, C., et al., Blood glucose and plasma insulin responses to various carbohydrates in type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes. Diabetologia, 1983. 24(2): p. 80-4.Type 2 2h961982
Potatoes #49VegetablesGermany2010Schauberger, G., et al., Exchange of carbohydrates according to their effect on blood glucose. Diabetes, 1977. 26: p. 415 (abstr).DiabeticNSNS1977
Potatoes, white, boiled #55VegetablesCanada2011Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Effect of processing/preparation on the blood glucose response to potatoes. Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology Journal, 1985. 18(3): p. 35.DiabeticNS71985
Potatoes, white, NS, boiled 19 min #57VegetablesDenmark2011Rasmussen, O., et al., Comparison of blood glucose and insulin responses in non-insulin dependent diabetic patients. Studies with spaghetti and potato taken alone and as part of a mixed meal. European Jounal of Clinical Nutrition, 1988. 42(11): p. 953-61.Type 2 3h61988
Potatoes, white, NS, boiled in water with 1 g salt #77VegetablesIndia2015Kanan, W., et al., Glycaemic and insulinaemic responses to natural foods, frozen foods and their laboratory equivalents. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 1998. 42(1): p. 81-9.Normal 3h51998
Potatoes, NS, peeled, boiled #87VegetablesLebanon2017Najjar, N., N. Adra, and N. Hwalla, Glycemic and insulinemic responses to hot vs cooled potato in males with varied insulin sensitivity. Nutrition Research, 2004. 24(12): p. 993-1004.Normal 3h52003
Potato, NS, peeled, boiled and then cooled to 26°C #55VegetablesLebanon2011Najjar, N., N. Adra, and N. Hwalla, Glycemic and insulinemic responses to hot vs cooled potato in males with varied insulin sensitivity. Nutrition Research, 2004. 24(12): p. 993-1004.Normal 3h52003
Sava potato, peeled, boiled 21-30 min, refrigerated 24 h, consumed cold #89VegetablesSweden2018Leeman, M., E. Östman, and I. Björck, Vinegar dressing and cold storage of potatoes lowers postprandial glycaemic and insulinaemic responses in healthy subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2005. 59(11): p. 1266-1271.Normal 2h132004
Potatoes, white, NS, boiled in water with 1 g salt, refrigerated for 16-20 h, reheated #23VegetablesIndia205Kanan, W., et al., Glycaemic and insulinaemic responses to natural foods, frozen foods and their laboratory equivalents. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 1998. 42(1): p. 81-9.Normal 3h51998
Irish potato, peeled, boiled 30 min, crushed, refrigerated, reheated for 1 min #66VegetablesCanada2013Ramdath, D.D., et al., Glycaemic index of selected staples commonly eaten in the Caribbean and the effects of boiling v. crushing. British Journal of Nutrition, 2004. 91(6): p. 971-7.Normal 2h62003
Irish potato, peeled, boiled 30 min, uncrushed (whole), refrigerated, reheated for 1 min #66VegetablesCanada2013Ramdath, D.D., et al., Glycaemic index of selected staples commonly eaten in the Caribbean and the effects of boiling v. crushing. British Journal of Nutrition, 2004. 91(6): p. 971-7.Normal 2h62003
Prince Edward Island potato, canned, heated in microwave (Avon, Cobi Foods Inc., Port Williams, Canada) #62VegetablesCanada2012Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h91984-1992
French Fries, deep-fried in oil for 10 min #42VegetablesSouth Korea208Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h82018
French fries (Ica Handlarna, Solna, Sweden), heated in oven at 250°C for 9 min, served with 0.5 g NaCl #55VegetablesSweden2011Leeman, M., E. Ostman, and I. Björck, Glycaemic and satiating properties of potato products. European Jounal of Clinical Nutrition, 2008. 62(1): p. 87-95.Normal 3h14142006
French fries, frozen, reheated in microwave (Cavendish Farms, New Annan, Canada) #76VegetablesCanada2015Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h61984-1992
Potatoes, blended, excess water drained, then pan-fried with 50 mL oil for 15 min #28VegetablesSouth Korea206Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h72018
Instant, prepared with warm water #74VegetablesFrance2015Bornet, F.R., et al., Insulinemic and glycemic indexes of six starch-rich foods taken alone and in a mixed meal by type 2 diabetics. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1987. 45(3): p. 588-595.Type 2 3h31987
Instant potatoes, prepared with water #80VegetablesCanada2016Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h81981
Instant mashed potatoes #81VegetablesCanada2016Lan-Pidhainy, X. and T.M.S. Wolever, Are the glycemic and insulinemic index values of carbohydrate foods similar in healthy control, hyperinsulinemic and type 2 diabetic patients? European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2011. 65(6): p. 727-34.High fast insulin 2h122011
Instant mashed potatoes (Edgell's Potato Whip, Edgell's, Australia), prepared with water #86VegetablesAustralia2017Brand, J.C., et al., Food processing and the glycemic index. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1985. 42(6): p. 1192-6.Normal 2h61984
Instant mashed potatoes (Carnation Foods Co. Ltd., Manitoba, Canada) #87VegetablesCanada2017Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h161984-1992
Instant mashed potatoes #89VegetablesCanada2018Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Effect of processing/preparation on the blood glucose response to potatoes. Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology Journal, 1985. 18(3): p. 35.DiabeticNS71985
Instant mashed potatoes #98VegetablesCanada2020Lan-Pidhainy, X. and T.M.S. Wolever, Are the glycemic and insulinemic index values of carbohydrate foods similar in healthy control, hyperinsulinemic and type 2 diabetic patients? European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2011. 65(6): p. 727-34.Type 2 3h102011
Instant mashed potatoes #101VegetablesCanada2020Lan-Pidhainy, X. and T.M.S. Wolever, Are the glycemic and insulinemic index values of carbohydrate foods similar in healthy control, hyperinsulinemic and type 2 diabetic patients? European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2011. 65(6): p. 727-34.Normal 2h92011
Potato, instant (Betty Crocker Idaho Potato Buds), prepared as mash with water #120VegetablesUSA2024Geliebter, A., et al., Satiety following intake of potatoes and other carbohydrate test meals. Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism, 2013. 62(1): p. 37-43.Normal 2h122012
Mashed potato, NS #84VegetablesFrance2017Mourot, J., et al., Glycaemic and insulinaemic indices of four starchy foods, in Advances in Diet and Nutrition, S. Leff, Editor. 1988, John Libbey & Co: London.Normal 3h121988
Mashed potato, NS #68VegetablesCanada2014Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Effect of processing/preparation on the blood glucose response to potatoes. Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology Journal, 1985. 18(3): p. 35.DiabeticNS71985
Mashed potato, NS, tested in young adults (17-18 y) #71VegetablesSouth Africa2014Walker, A.R. and B.F. Walker, Glycaemic index of South African foods determined in rural blacks--a population at low risk of diabetes. Human Nutrition. Clinical Nutrition, 1984. 38(3): p. 215-22.Normal 2h71984
Ontario potato, white, peeled, cubed, boiled 15 min, mashed #74VegetablesCanada2015Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h141984-1992
Prince Edward Island potato, peeled, cubed, boiled 15 min, mashed #74VegetablesCanada2015Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h141984-1992
Potato, NS, peeled, sliced, cooked in microwave for 2.5-3 min #82VegetablesUSA2016Krezowski, P.A., et al., Insulin and glucose responses to various starch-containing foods in type II diabetic subjects. Diabetes Care, 1987. 10(2): p. 205-212.Type 2 5h681987
New potatoes #47VegetablesGermany209Otto, H. and L. Niklas, Differences d'action sur la glycemie d'aliments contenant des hydrated de carbone: consequences pour le traitment dietetique du diabete sucre. (Differences in the action of foods containing carbohydrate on blood glucose levels: implications for the dietetic treatment of diabetes mellitus). Med Hyg, 1980. 38: p. 3424-29.DiabeticNSNS1980
New potatoes #55VegetablesCanada2011Jenkins, D.J.A., et al., The glycaemic index of foods tested in diabetic patients: A new basis for carbohydrate exchange favouring the use of legumes. Diabetologia, 1983. 24(4): p. 257-264.Type 2 3h61983
New potatoes #63VegetablesItaly2013Parillo, M., et al., Different glycaemic responses to pasta, bread, and potatoes in diabetic patients. Diabetic Medicine, 1985. 2(5): p. 374-7.Type 2 5h71985
New potatoes, boiled in water with 2 g salt #70VegetablesCanada2014Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h81981
Potatoes, NS, steamed in high heat for 35 min #94VegetablesSouth Korea2019Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h92018
Potato starch, made into paste with water, steamed for 25 min #53VegetablesSouth Korea2011Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h122018
Potato (Solanum Tuberosum), peeled, steamed 1 h #65VegetablesIndia2013Kurup, P.G. and S. Krishnamurthy, Glycemic index of selected foodstuffs commonly used in south India. International Journal of Vitamin and Nutrition Resarch, 1992. 62(3): p. 266-8.Normal 3h 12-151991
Potato dumplings (60% white potatoes, 40% white wheat flour, boiled in salted water) #53VegetablesItaly2011Giacco, R., et al., Characteristics of some wheat-based foods of the Italian diet in relation to their influence on postprandial glucose metabolism in patients with type 2 diabetes. British Journal of Nutrition, 2001. 85(1): p. 33-40.Type 2 3h81999
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), boiled #44VegetablesAustralia209Thorburn, A., Digestion and absorption of carbohydrate in Australian Aboriginal, Pacific Island and Western Foods., in Human Nutrition Unit. 1986, University of Sydney: Australia.Normal 3h71986
Sweet potato, boiled in water with 2 g salt #48VegetablesCanada2010Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h51981
Sweet potato, peeled, cubed, boiled in salted water 15 min #60VegetablesCanada2012Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h131984-1992
Sweet potatoes, steamed in high heat for 35 min #71VegetablesSouth Korea2014Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h92018
Sweet potato, orange #77VegetablesChina2015Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h82005
Sweet potato, kumara #78VegetablesNew Zealand2016Perry, T., et al., Glycaemic index of New Zealand foods. New Zealand Medical Journal, 2000. 113(1108): p. 140-2.Type 2 3h142000
Sweet potatoes, baked for 30 min #91VegetablesSouth Korea2018Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h102018
Sweet potatoes, sliced, deep-fried in oil for 5 min #58VegetablesSouth Korea2012Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h92018
Tapioca (Manihot Utilissima), steamed 1 h #70VegetablesIndia2014Kurup, P.G. and S. Krishnamurthy, Glycemic index of selected foodstuffs commonly used in south India. International Journal of Vitamin and Nutrition Resarch, 1992. 62(3): p. 266-8.Normal 3h 12-151991
Tapioca boiled with milk (General Mills Canada Inc., Etobicoke, Canada) #82VegetablesCanada2016Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h101984-1992
Tapioca, boiled #93VegetablesIndia2019Vijayan, L. and S. Sumathi, Glycaemic response to selected Kerala breakfast items in people with diabetes. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1997. 6(2): p. 80-83.Type 2 2h61997
Taro, cooked #48VegetablesChina2010Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h72005
Taro (Colocasia esculenta) peeled, boiled #54VegetablesAustralia2011Thorburn, A., Digestion and absorption of carbohydrate in Australian Aboriginal, Pacific Island and Western Foods., in Human Nutrition Unit. 1986, University of Sydney: Australia.Normal 3h71986
Taro, peeled, boiled #56VegetablesNew Zealand2011Perry, T., et al., Glycaemic index of New Zealand foods. New Zealand Medical Journal, 2000. 113(1108): p. 140-2.Normal 2h92000
Dasheen, peeled, boiled 30 min, crushed, refrigerated, reheated for 1 min #66VegetablesCanada2013Ramdath, D.D., et al., Glycaemic index of selected staples commonly eaten in the Caribbean and the effects of boiling v. crushing. British Journal of Nutrition, 2004. 91(6): p. 971-7.Normal 2h62003
Dasheen, peeled, boiled 30 min, uncrushed (whole), refrigerated, reheated for 1 min #75VegetablesCanada2015Ramdath, D.D., et al., Glycaemic index of selected staples commonly eaten in the Caribbean and the effects of boiling v. crushing. British Journal of Nutrition, 2004. 91(6): p. 971-7.Normal 2h62003
Yam, peeled, boiled #25VegetablesNew Zealand205Perry, T., et al., Glycaemic index of New Zealand foods. New Zealand Medical Journal, 2000. 113(1108): p. 140-2.Type 2 3h132000
Yam, boiled in water with 2 g salt #51VegetablesCanada2010Jenkins, D.J., et al., Glycemic index of foods: a physiological basis for carbohydrate exchange. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(3): p. 362-6.Normal 2h51981
Yam (Dioscorea spp.), boiled #74VegetablesNigeria2015Akanji, A.O., et al., Dietary salt and the glycaemic response to meals of different fibre content. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1989. 43(10): p. 699-703.Normal 3h6101989
Yam (Dioscorea spp.), boiled, consumed with 4.24 g salt #74VegetablesNigeria2015Akanji, A.O., et al., Dietary salt and the glycaemic response to meals of different fibre content. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1989. 43(10): p. 699-703.Normal 3h6101989
Agidi, maize (Zea mays), powdered, prepared with hot water and consumed as a solid paste #92Regional or Traditional FoodsNigeria3532Omoregie, E.S. and A.U. Osagie, Glycemic indices and glycemic load of some Nigerian foods. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2008. 7(5): p. 710-716.Normal 3h52008
Amala, prepared from browned yam flour (elubo), smooth paste consistency, eaten with 30 mL vegetable stew and 35 g beef #37Regional or Traditional FoodsNigeria3513Jimoh, A.K., et al., Effect of food processing on glycemic response to white yam (Dioscorea rotunda) meals. Diabetologia Croatica, 2008. 37(3): p. 67-72.Normal 2h82008
Amala, white yam (Dioscorea rotundata), powdered, prepared with hot water and consumed as a solid paste #84Regional or Traditional FoodsNigeria3529Omoregie, E.S. and A.U. Osagie, Glycemic indices and glycemic load of some Nigerian foods. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2008. 7(5): p. 710-716.Normal 3h52008
Ayaraya ji, coarsely mashed yam and pigeon pea #56Regional or Traditional FoodsNigeria3520Davidson, G.I., et al., Nutritional composition and glycaemic index of standardized traditional bambara nut, corn and yam-based dishes consumed in the nsukka local government area of Enugu State, Nigeria. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 18(7): p. 677-685.Normal 2h122018
Banku, prepared from corn dough (80%) and cassava dough (20%), stirred in hot water to form a pulp, eaten with 110 g light soup and salmon #73Regional or Traditional FoodsGhana3526Eli?Cophie, D., J.K. Agbenorhevi, and R.A. Annan, Glycemic index of some local staples in Ghana. Food Science & Nutrition, 2017. 5(1): p. 131-138.Normal 2h102015
Cassava starch (Manihot utilisima), powdered, prepared with hot water and consumed as a solid paste #99Regional or Traditional FoodsNigeria3535Omoregie, E.S. and A.U. Osagie, Glycemic indices and glycemic load of some Nigerian foods. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2008. 7(5): p. 710-716.Normal 3h52008
FooFoo corn (Zea mays) and ndolè (vegetable soup) #34Regional or Traditional FoodsCameroon3512Mbanya, J.C.N., et al., Metabolic and hormonal effects of five common African diets eaten as mixed meals: the Cameroon Study. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(4): p. 580-585.Normal 3h102002
FooFoo corn (Zea mays), consumed with okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) sauce #23Regional or Traditional FoodsCameroon358Kamwa, V., et al., Metabolic effects of Foofoo corn on healthy volunteers: Influence of some traditional Cameroonian sauces. Clinical Diabetes and Endocrinology, 2015. 1(1): p. 13.Normal 3h102015
FooFoo corn (Zea mays), consumed with pistachio (Pistacia vera) sauce #12Regional or Traditional FoodsCameroon354Kamwa, V., et al., Metabolic effects of Foofoo corn on healthy volunteers: Influence of some traditional Cameroonian sauces. Clinical Diabetes and Endocrinology, 2015. 1(1): p. 13.Normal 3h102015
FooFoo corn (Zea mays), consumed with ndolè (Vernonia amygdalima) #20Regional or Traditional FoodsCameroon357Kamwa, V., et al., Metabolic effects of Foofoo corn on healthy volunteers: Influence of some traditional Cameroonian sauces. Clinical Diabetes and Endocrinology, 2015. 1(1): p. 13.Normal 3h102015
FooFoo corn (Zea mays), consumed with yellow sauce (Elaeis guinensis) #13Regional or Traditional FoodsCameroon355Kamwa, V., et al., Metabolic effects of Foofoo corn on healthy volunteers: Influence of some traditional Cameroonian sauces. Clinical Diabetes and Endocrinology, 2015. 1(1): p. 13.Normal 3h102015
FooFoo corn (Zea mays), consumed with cabbage (Brassica oleracea) #23Regional or Traditional FoodsCameroon358Kamwa, V., et al., Metabolic effects of Foofoo corn on healthy volunteers: Influence of some traditional Cameroonian sauces. Clinical Diabetes and Endocrinology, 2015. 1(1): p. 13.Normal 3h102015
FooFoo corn (Zea mays), consumed with nkui (Triumpheta pentandra) #5Regional or Traditional FoodsCameroon352Kamwa, V., et al., Metabolic effects of Foofoo corn on healthy volunteers: Influence of some traditional Cameroonian sauces. Clinical Diabetes and Endocrinology, 2015. 1(1): p. 13.Normal 3h102015
FooFoo (fufu), prepared from freshly pounded plantain (80%) and cassava (20%), eaten with 110 g light soup and salmon #55Regional or Traditional FoodsGhana3519Eli?Cophie, D., J.K. Agbenorhevi, and R.A. Annan, Glycemic index of some local staples in Ghana. Food Science & Nutrition, 2017. 5(1): p. 131-138.Normal 2h102015
FooFoo (fufu), prepared from processed powder of plantain, cassava and potato, eaten with 110 g light soup and salmon #31Regional or Traditional FoodsGhana3511Eli?Cophie, D., J.K. Agbenorhevi, and R.A. Annan, Glycemic index of some local staples in Ghana. Food Science & Nutrition, 2017. 5(1): p. 131-138.Normal 2h102015
Fried plantain (Musa paradisiaca) and beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), cooked for 60 min meal #24Regional or Traditional FoodsNigeria358Omage, K. and S.O. Omage, Evaluation of the glycemic indices of three commonly eaten mixed meals in Okada, Edo State. Food Science & Nutrition, 2018. 6(1): p. 220-228.Normal-802017
Ga kenkey, prepared from fermented corn dough, eaten with 110 g light soup and salmon #41Regional or Traditional FoodsGhana3514Eli?Cophie, D., J.K. Agbenorhevi, and R.A. Annan, Glycemic index of some local staples in Ghana. Food Science & Nutrition, 2017. 5(1): p. 131-138.Normal 2h102015
Ga kenkey, prepared from fermented cornmeal (Zea mays) eaten with fish, tomato and onion sauce #12Regional or Traditional FoodsGhana354Brakohiapa, L.A., et al., Blood glucose responses to mixed Ghanaian diets in healthy adult males. West African Journal of Medicine, 1997. 16(3): p. 170-3.Normal 2h101997
Ga kenkey, prepared from fermented cornmeal (Zea mays), eaten with fish, tomato, and onion sauce #44Regional or Traditional FoodsGhana3515Quaye, I.K., et al., Acute effects of five Ghanaian carbohydrate diets on serum glucose, triglyceride and insulin in NIDDM. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1999. 8(1): p. 32-5.Type 2 2h91999
Garri, roasted cassava dough (Manihot utilissima), eaten with fish, tomato, and onion sauce #49Regional or Traditional FoodsGhana3517Quaye, I.K., et al., Acute effects of five Ghanaian carbohydrate diets on serum glucose, triglyceride and insulin in NIDDM. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1999. 8(1): p. 32-5.Type 2 2h91999
Garri, roasted cassava dough (Manihot utilissima) eaten with fish, tomato and onion sauce #56Regional or Traditional FoodsGhana3520Brakohiapa, L.A., et al., Blood glucose responses to mixed Ghanaian diets in healthy adult males. West African Journal of Medicine, 1997. 16(3): p. 170-3.Normal 2h101997
Garri, made from cassava (Manihot utilissima) which had been fermented for 24 h and dried into granules #62Regional or Traditional FoodsNigeria3522Ihediohanma, N.C., Determination of the glycemic indices of three different cassava granules (garri) and the effect of fermentation period on their glycemic responses. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2011. 10(1): p. 6-9.Normal 2h62011
Garri, made from cassava (Manihot utilissima) which had been fermented for 48 h and dried into granules #67Regional or Traditional FoodsNigeria3523Ihediohanma, N.C., Determination of the glycemic indices of three different cassava granules (garri) and the effect of fermentation period on their glycemic responses. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2011. 10(1): p. 6-9.Normal 2h62011
Garri, made from cassava (Manihot utilissima) which had been fermented for 72 h and dried into granules #73Regional or Traditional FoodsNigeria3526Ihediohanma, N.C., Determination of the glycemic indices of three different cassava granules (garri) and the effect of fermentation period on their glycemic responses. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2011. 10(1): p. 6-9.Normal 2h62011
Garri/Eba, cassava (Manihot utilissima), grated, dried, shallow-fried, then prepared with hot water and consumed as a solid paste #82Regional or Traditional FoodsNigeria3529Omoregie, E.S. and A.U. Osagie, Glycemic indices and glycemic load of some Nigerian foods. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2008. 7(5): p. 710-716.Normal 3h52008
Green plantain (Musa paradisiaca), boiled, eaten with fish, tomato, and onion sauce #41Regional or Traditional FoodsGhana3514Quaye, I.K., et al., Acute effects of five Ghanaian carbohydrate diets on serum glucose, triglyceride and insulin in NIDDM. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1999. 8(1): p. 32-5.Type 2 2h91999
Igbangwu, corn pudding #51Regional or Traditional FoodsNigeria3518Davidson, G.I., et al., Nutritional composition and glycaemic index of standardized traditional bambara nut, corn and yam-based dishes consumed in the nsukka local government area of Enugu State, Nigeria. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 18(7): p. 677-685.Normal 2h122018
Kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) stew and plantain (Musa paradisiaca) #48Regional or Traditional FoodsCameroon3517Mbanya, J.C.N., et al., Metabolic and hormonal effects of five common African diets eaten as mixed meals: the Cameroon Study. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(4): p. 580-585.Normal 3h102002
Koki beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) and cassava (Manihot esculenta) #52Regional or Traditional FoodsCameroon3518Mbanya, J.C.N., et al., Metabolic and hormonal effects of five common African diets eaten as mixed meals: the Cameroon Study. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(4): p. 580-585.Normal 3h102002
Maize meal porridge, unrefined, maize-meal:water = 1:3, cooked for 20-30 min, tested in young adults (17-18 y) #71Regional or Traditional FoodsSouth Africa3525Walker, A.R. and B.F. Walker, Glycaemic index of South African foods determined in rural blacks--a population at low risk of diabetes. Human Nutrition. Clinical Nutrition, 1984. 38(3): p. 215-22.Normal 2h81984
Maize meal porridge, refined, maize-meal:water = 1:3, cooked for 20-30 min, tested in young adults (17-18 y) #74Regional or Traditional FoodsSouth Africa3526Walker, A.R. and B.F. Walker, Glycaemic index of South African foods determined in rural blacks--a population at low risk of diabetes. Human Nutrition. Clinical Nutrition, 1984. 38(3): p. 215-22.Normal 2h81984
Maize meal porridge/gruel, prepared with water #111Regional or Traditional FoodsKenya3539Ayuo, P.O. and G.A. Ettyang, Glycaemic responses after ingestion of some local foods by non-insulin dependent diabetic subjects. East African Medical Journal, 1996. 73(12): p. 782-5.Type 2 2.5h131996
M'fino/Morogo, wild greens, boiled in water with 2 g salt, tested in young adults (17-18 y) #68Regional or Traditional FoodsSouth Africa3524Walker, A.R. and B.F. Walker, Glycaemic index of South African foods determined in rural blacks--a population at low risk of diabetes. Human Nutrition. Clinical Nutrition, 1984. 38(3): p. 215-22.Normal 2h61984
Millet flour porridge, prepared with water #109Regional or Traditional FoodsKenya3538Ayuo, P.O. and G.A. Ettyang, Glycaemic responses after ingestion of some local foods by non-insulin dependent diabetic subjects. East African Medical Journal, 1996. 73(12): p. 782-5.Type 2 2.5h131996
Okpa, Bambara nut pudding #54Regional or Traditional FoodsNigeria3519Davidson, G.I., et al., Nutritional composition and glycaemic index of standardized traditional bambara nut, corn and yam-based dishes consumed in the nsukka local government area of Enugu State, Nigeria. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 18(7): p. 677-685.Normal 2h122018
Pap, corn flour porridge #72Regional or Traditional FoodsNigeria3525Dada, A., et al., Glycaemic responses to corn meals in type 2 diabetics and non-diabetic controls. 2015. 19(3): p. 79-82.Normal 2h162015
Rice (Oryzae sativa) and tomato soup #46Regional or Traditional FoodsCameroon3516Mbanya, J.C.N., et al., Metabolic and hormonal effects of five common African diets eaten as mixed meals: the Cameroon Study. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(4): p. 580-585.Normal 3h102002
Rice (Oryzae sativa), boiled for 40 min, and beans8 (Phaseolus vulgaris), cooked for 60 min meal #36Regional or Traditional FoodsNigeria3513Omage, K. and S.O. Omage, Evaluation of the glycemic indices of three commonly eaten mixed meals in Okada, Edo State. Food Science & Nutrition, 2018. 6(1): p. 220-228.Normal-802017
Rice (Oryzae sativa), boiled for 40 min, and fried plantain (Musa paradisiaca) meal #56Regional or Traditional FoodsNigeria3520Omage, K. and S.O. Omage, Evaluation of the glycemic indices of three commonly eaten mixed meals in Okada, Edo State. Food Science & Nutrition, 2018. 6(1): p. 220-228.Normal-802017
Semolina, wheat (Triticum aestivum), powdered, prepared with hot water and consumed as a solid paste #95Regional or Traditional FoodsNigeria3533Omoregie, E.S. and A.U. Osagie, Glycemic indices and glycemic load of some Nigerian foods. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2008. 7(5): p. 710-716.Normal 3h52008
Semovita, wheat (Triticum aestivum), powdered + 10% corn supplement, prepared with hot water and consumed as a solid paste #96Regional or Traditional FoodsNigeria3534Omoregie, E.S. and A.U. Osagie, Glycemic indices and glycemic load of some Nigerian foods. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2008. 7(5): p. 710-716.Normal 3h52008
Three-leaved yam (Dioscorea domentroum), peeled, washed, cut into 5cm2 cubes, boiled with minimal water for 30 min, consumed with a fish-vegetable soup #50Regional or Traditional FoodsNigeria3518Ihediohanma, N.C., et al., A comparative study and determination of glycemic indices of three yam cultivars (Dioscorea rotundata, Dioscorea alata and Dioscorea domentorum). Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 11(6): p. 547-552.Normal 2h52011
Tuo Zaafi, prepared from unfermented maize flour stirred in hot water to form a pulp, eaten with 110 g light soup and salmon #68Regional or Traditional FoodsGhana3524Eli?Cophie, D., J.K. Agbenorhevi, and R.A. Annan, Glycemic index of some local staples in Ghana. Food Science & Nutrition, 2017. 5(1): p. 131-138.Normal 2h102015
Tuwo Dawa, sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench), powdered, prepared with hot water and consumed as a solid paste #85Regional or Traditional FoodsNigeria3530Omoregie, E.S. and A.U. Osagie, Glycemic indices and glycemic load of some Nigerian foods. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2008. 7(5): p. 710-716.Normal 3h52008
Tuwo Gero, millet grains (Pennisetum typhoides), powdered, prepared with hot water and consumed as a solid paste #94Regional or Traditional FoodsNigeria3533Omoregie, E.S. and A.U. Osagie, Glycemic indices and glycemic load of some Nigerian foods. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2008. 7(5): p. 710-716.Normal 3h52008
Tuwo Masara, maize seeds (Zea mays), powdered, prepared with hot water and consumed as a solid paste #87Regional or Traditional FoodsNigeria3530Omoregie, E.S. and A.U. Osagie, Glycemic indices and glycemic load of some Nigerian foods. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2008. 7(5): p. 710-716.Normal 3h52008
Tuwo Shinkafa, rice (Oryza sativa), powdered, prepared with hot water and consumed as a solid paste #95Regional or Traditional FoodsNigeria3533Omoregie, E.S. and A.U. Osagie, Glycemic indices and glycemic load of some Nigerian foods. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2008. 7(5): p. 710-716.Normal 3h52008
Unripe plantain (Musa paradisiaca) eaten with fish, tomato and onion sauce #40Regional or Traditional FoodsGhana3514Brakohiapa, L.A., et al., Blood glucose responses to mixed Ghanaian diets in healthy adult males. West African Journal of Medicine, 1997. 16(3): p. 170-3.Normal 2h101997
White rice (Oryza sativa), boiled, eaten with fish, tomato, and onion sauce #40Regional or Traditional FoodsGhana3514Quaye, I.K., et al., Acute effects of five Ghanaian carbohydrate diets on serum glucose, triglyceride and insulin in NIDDM. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1999. 8(1): p. 32-5.Type 2 2h91999
White rice (Oryza sativa), boiled, eaten with fish, tomato and onion sauce #34Regional or Traditional FoodsGhana3512Brakohiapa, L.A., et al., Blood glucose responses to mixed Ghanaian diets in healthy adult males. West African Journal of Medicine, 1997. 16(3): p. 170-3.Normal 2h101997
White yam (Dioscorea species), eaten with fish, tomato, and onion sauce #65Regional or Traditional FoodsGhana3523Quaye, I.K., et al., Acute effects of five Ghanaian carbohydrate diets on serum glucose, triglyceride and insulin in NIDDM. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1999. 8(1): p. 32-5.Type 2 2h91999
Water yam (Dioscorea alata), peeled, washed, cut into 5cm2 cubes, boiled with minimal water for 30 min, consumed with a fish-vegetable soup #31Regional or Traditional FoodsNigeria3511Ihediohanma, N.C., et al., A comparative study and determination of glycemic indices of three yam cultivars (Dioscorea rotundata, Dioscorea alata and Dioscorea domentorum). Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 11(6): p. 547-552.Normal 2h52011
White yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir), peeled, washed, cut into 5cm2 cubes, boiled with minimal water for 30 min, consumed with a fish-vegetable soup #67Regional or Traditional FoodsNigeria3523Ihediohanma, N.C., et al., A comparative study and determination of glycemic indices of three yam cultivars (Dioscorea rotundata, Dioscorea alata and Dioscorea domentorum). Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2012. 11(6): p. 547-552.Normal 2h52011
Yam (Dioscorea species) eaten with fish, tomato and onion sauce #66Regional or Traditional FoodsGhana3523Brakohiapa, L.A., et al., Blood glucose responses to mixed Ghanaian diets in healthy adult males. West African Journal of Medicine, 1997. 16(3): p. 170-3.Normal 2h101997
Yam (Dioscorea species) and groundnut Arachis hypogaea) soup #50Regional or Traditional FoodsCameroon3518Mbanya, J.C.N., et al., Metabolic and hormonal effects of five common African diets eaten as mixed meals: the Cameroon Study. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(4): p. 580-585.Normal 3h102002
Yam (D. rotunda), sliced, boiled, eaten with 30mL vegetable stew and 35 g beef #53Regional or Traditional FoodsNigeria3519Jimoh, A.K., et al., Effect of food processing on glycemic response to white yam (Dioscorea rotunda) meals. Diabetologia Croatica, 2008. 37(3): p. 67-72.Normal 2h82008
Yam (D. rotunda), sliced, boiled, pounded to smooth dough consistency, eaten with 30 mL vegetable stew and 35 g beef #82Regional or Traditional FoodsNigeria3529Jimoh, A.K., et al., Effect of food processing on glycemic response to white yam (Dioscorea rotunda) meals. Diabetologia Croatica, 2008. 37(3): p. 67-72.Normal 2h82008
Awama, deep fried dough balls soaked in syrup #81Regional or Traditional FoodsQatar3528Hassan, A., et al., Glycemic index of selected carbohydrate-based foods consumed in Qatar. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2010. 61(5): p. 512-8.Normal 2h192010
Bourgoul a Banadoura, bulgur wheat with onions, tomato and vegetable stock #50Regional or Traditional FoodsLebanon3518Farhat, A.G., et al., Glycemic index of commonly consumed Lebanese mixed meals and desserts. Asian Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 2010. 2(2): p. 48-57.Normal 2h122008-2009
Dates, Khalas variety (Tamer, dark brown commercial) (59.7 g), eaten with full-fat plain yoghurt (125 g) #29Regional or Traditional FoodsUAE3510Miller, C.J., E.V. Dunn, and I.B. Hashim, The glycaemic index of dates and date/yoghurt mixed meals. Are dates ‘the candy that grows on trees’? European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(3): p. 427-430.Normal 2h82002
Dates, Khalas (Rutab, soft early ripened) (90 g), eaten with full-fat plain yoghurt (125 g) #37Regional or Traditional FoodsUAE3513Miller, C.J., E.V. Dunn, and I.B. Hashim, The glycaemic index of dates and date/yoghurt mixed meals. Are dates ‘the candy that grows on trees’? European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(3): p. 427-430.Normal 2h92002
Dates, Khalas, Tamer stage (Al Saad Date factory, Al Ain, UAE) consumed with 100 mL Arabic black coffee #42Regional or Traditional FoodsUAE3515Alkaabi, J., et al., Effect of traditional Arabic coffee consumption on the glycemic index of Khalas dates tested in healthy and diabetic subjects. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2013. 22(4): p. 565-73.Type 2 3h102010
Fatayer pastry, stuffed with halloumi cheese, baked at 180°C for 30 min #80Regional or Traditional FoodsQatar3528Hassan, A., et al., Glycemic index of selected carbohydrate-based foods consumed in Qatar. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2010. 61(5): p. 512-8.Normal 2h192010
Fatayer pastry, topped with Zaatar, baked at 180°C for 30 min #80Regional or Traditional FoodsQatar3528Hassan, A., et al., Glycemic index of selected carbohydrate-based foods consumed in Qatar. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2010. 61(5): p. 512-8.Normal 2h192010
Fatayer pastry, stuffed with spinach, lemon juice and spices, baked at 180°C for 30 min #78Regional or Traditional FoodsQatar3527Hassan, A., et al., Glycemic index of selected carbohydrate-based foods consumed in Qatar. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2010. 61(5): p. 512-8.Normal 2h192010
Fattit hommos, made from chickpeas, white bread, yoghurt, pine nuts, oil and garlic #37Regional or Traditional FoodsLebanon3513Farhat, A.G., et al., Glycemic index of commonly consumed Lebanese mixed meals and desserts. Asian Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 2010. 2(2): p. 48-57.Normal 2h122008-2009
Hummus (chickpea salad dip) #6Regional or Traditional FoodsLebanon352Mehio, Z. and N.H. Hwalla Baba, Z., Glycemic and Insulinemic Responses of Normal Subjects to Selected Meals Commonly Consumed in the Middle East. Journal of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine, 1997. 7(4): p. 275-286.Normal 2h121997
Kibbeh saynieh (made with lamb and burghul) #61Regional or Traditional FoodsLebanon3521Mehio, Z. and N.H. Hwalla Baba, Z., Glycemic and Insulinemic Responses of Normal Subjects to Selected Meals Commonly Consumed in the Middle East. Journal of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine, 1997. 7(4): p. 275-286.Normal 2h121997
Lebanese bread (white, unleavened), hummus, falafel and tabbouleh #86Regional or Traditional FoodsAustralia3530Chew, I., et al., Application of glycemic index to mixed meals. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1988. 47(1): p. 53-6.Normal 2h81986
Loubieh Bzet, made from French beans, tomato, and onions, cooked for 35 min #13Regional or Traditional FoodsLebanon355Farhat, A.G., et al., Glycemic index of commonly consumed Lebanese mixed meals and desserts. Asian Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 2010. 2(2): p. 48-57.Normal 2h122008-2009
Majadra (Syrian dish of lentils and rice) #24Regional or Traditional FoodsIsrael358Indar-Brown, K., C. Noreberg, and Z. Madar, Glycemic and insulinemic responses after ingestion of ethnic foods by NIDDM and healthy subjects. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1992. 55(1): p. 89-95.Type 2 & Normal 3h9 & 91990
Meghleh, pudding made from sugar, water, powdered rice and spices #50Regional or Traditional FoodsLebanon3518Farhat, A.G., et al., Glycemic index of commonly consumed Lebanese mixed meals and desserts. Asian Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 2010. 2(2): p. 48-57.Normal 2h122008-2009
Middle Eastern flatbread #97Regional or Traditional FoodsLebanon3534Mehio, Z. and N.H. Hwalla Baba, Z., Glycemic and Insulinemic Responses of Normal Subjects to Selected Meals Commonly Consumed in the Middle East. Journal of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine, 1997. 7(4): p. 275-286.Normal 2h121997
Mihshe Malfouf, made from cabbage, short grain rice and beef, cooked for 40 min #68Regional or Traditional FoodsLebanon3524Farhat, A.G., et al., Glycemic index of commonly consumed Lebanese mixed meals and desserts. Asian Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 2010. 2(2): p. 48-57.Normal 2h122008-2009
Moroccan couscous (stew of semolina, chickpeas, vegetables) #58Regional or Traditional FoodsIsrael3520Indar-Brown, K., C. Noreberg, and Z. Madar, Glycemic and insulinemic responses after ingestion of ethnic foods by NIDDM and healthy subjects. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1992. 55(1): p. 89-95.Type 2 & Normal 3h8 & 81990
Muhalabea, made with rice, sugar and whole milk, boiled to thick consistency #83Regional or Traditional FoodsQatar3529Hassan, A., et al., Glycemic index of selected carbohydrate-based foods consumed in Qatar. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2010. 61(5): p. 512-8.Normal 2h192010
Omani Halva, black #52Regional or Traditional FoodsOman3518Ali, A., et al., Chemical composition, fatty acids content and glycemic index of two different types of Omani Halwa. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2013. 12(8): p. 753-760.Normal 3h102013
Omani Halva, white #55Regional or Traditional FoodsOman3519Ali, A., et al., Chemical composition, fatty acids content and glycemic index of two different types of Omani Halwa. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2013. 12(8): p. 753-760.Normal 3h102013
Pizza, wheat dough with tomato, onion, mozzarella and ham, baked #56Regional or Traditional FoodsLebanon3520Farhat, A.G., et al., Glycemic index of commonly consumed Lebanese mixed meals and desserts. Asian Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 2010. 2(2): p. 48-57.Normal 2h122008-2009
Qurs Aquili, enriched sweet dough, baked for 15 min #83Regional or Traditional FoodsQatar3529Hassan, A., et al., Glycemic index of selected carbohydrate-based foods consumed in Qatar. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2010. 61(5): p. 512-8.Normal 2h192010
Riz a Dgeg, made from basmati rice, chicken and seasoned ground meat #57Regional or Traditional FoodsLebanon3520Farhat, A.G., et al., Glycemic index of commonly consumed Lebanese mixed meals and desserts. Asian Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 2010. 2(2): p. 48-57.Normal 2h122008-2009
Riz Bi Halib, pudding made from short grain rice, skim milk powder, sugar and corn flour #57Regional or Traditional FoodsLebanon3520Farhat, A.G., et al., Glycemic index of commonly consumed Lebanese mixed meals and desserts. Asian Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 2010. 2(2): p. 48-57.Normal 2h122008-2009
Sago, with added sugar, cooked at low temperature to a jelly consistency #80Regional or Traditional FoodsQatar3528Hassan, A., et al., Glycemic index of selected carbohydrate-based foods consumed in Qatar. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2010. 61(5): p. 512-8.Normal 2h192010
Sfouf, dough made from white flour, sugar and saffron, baked at 350oC for 35 min #49Regional or Traditional FoodsLebanon3517Farhat, A.G., et al., Glycemic index of commonly consumed Lebanese mixed meals and desserts. Asian Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 2010. 2(2): p. 48-57.Normal 2h122008-2009
Shearia (thinly threaded pasta-like durum wheat), shallow fried and boiled, sweetened with sugar #84Regional or Traditional FoodsQatar3529Hassan, A., et al., Glycemic index of selected carbohydrate-based foods consumed in Qatar. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2010. 61(5): p. 512-8.Normal 2h192010
Siyadieh, fried fish fillet, with basmati rice, onions and nuts #15Regional or Traditional FoodsLebanon355Farhat, A.G., et al., Glycemic index of commonly consumed Lebanese mixed meals and desserts. Asian Journal of Clinical Nutriiton, 2010. 2(2): p. 48-57.Normal 2h122008-2009
Stuffed grapevine leaves (rice and lamb stuffing with tomato sauce) #30Regional or Traditional FoodsLebanon3511Mehio, Z. and N.H. Hwalla Baba, Z., Glycemic and Insulinemic Responses of Normal Subjects to Selected Meals Commonly Consumed in the Middle East. Journal of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine, 1997. 7(4): p. 275-286.Normal 2h121997
Tarhana soup (wheat flour, yoghurt, tomato, green pepper) #20Regional or Traditional FoodsTurkey357Donduran, S., et al., Glycaemic index of different kinds of carbohydrates in type 2 diabetes. Eat Weight Disord, 1999. 4(4): p. 203-6.Type 2 & Normal 2h52 & 311998
Tanour white bread, unleavened, baked in tanour oven #81Regional or Traditional FoodsQatar3528Hassan, A., et al., Glycemic index of selected carbohydrate-based foods consumed in Qatar. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2010. 61(5): p. 512-8.Normal 2h192010
Turkish bread, white wheat flour #87Regional or Traditional FoodsTurkey3530Donduran, S., et al., Glycaemic index of different kinds of carbohydrates in type 2 diabetes. Eat Weight Disord, 1999. 4(4): p. 203-6.Type 2 & Normal 2h52 & 311998
Turkish bread, whole wheat #49Regional or Traditional FoodsTurkey3517Donduran, S., et al., Glycaemic index of different kinds of carbohydrates in type 2 diabetes. Eat Weight Disord, 1999. 4(4): p. 203-6.Type 2 & Normal 2h52 & 311998
Turkish noodle soup #34Regional or Traditional FoodsTurkey3512Donduran, S., et al., Glycaemic index of different kinds of carbohydrates in type 2 diabetes. Eat Weight Disord, 1999. 4(4): p. 203-6.Type 2 & Normal 2h52 & 311998
Bubur mandao #54Regional or Traditional FoodsIndonesia3519Hakimah, N., et al., Nutritional composition, glycemic index and glycemic load on Indonesian local package menus. Food Research, 2020. 4(3): p. 722-730.Normal 2h102019
Bubur mandao #57Regional or Traditional FoodsIndonesia3520Hakimah, N., et al., Nutritional composition, glycemic index and glycemic load on Indonesian local package menus. Food Research, 2020. 4(3): p. 722-730.Type 2 2h102019
Cake, cushaw and potato #108Regional or Traditional FoodsChina3538Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h82005
Coconut milk rice, made from Serendit™ rice, coconut milk, shallots, ginger and pandan (Pandanus amaryllifolius) leaves, cooked in rice cooker for 25-30 min, served with chili sauce and fried anchovies #49Regional or Traditional FoodsMalaysia3517Robert, S.D. and A.A.-S. Ismail, Glycemic responses of patients with type 2 diabetes to individual carbohydrate-rich foods and mixed meals. Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism, 2012. 60(1): p. 27-32.Type 2 3h102011
Cwiemie #66Regional or Traditional FoodsIndonesia3523Hakimah, N., et al., Nutritional composition, glycemic index and glycemic load on Indonesian local package menus. Food Research, 2020. 4(3): p. 722-730.Normal 2h102019
Cwiemie #60Regional or Traditional FoodsIndonesia3521Hakimah, N., et al., Nutritional composition, glycemic index and glycemic load on Indonesian local package menus. Food Research, 2020. 4(3): p. 722-730.Type 2 2h102019
Dried Lily bulb (Lilium brownii var. viridulum Baker), pre-soaked at 4oC for 12 h, steamed for 30 min #83Regional or Traditional FoodsChina3529Zhu, R., et al., Acute Effects of Three Cooked Non-Cereal Starchy Foods on Postprandial Glycemic Responses and in Vitro Carbohydrate Digestion in Comparison with Whole Grains: A Randomized Trial. Nutrients, 2019. 11(3).Normal 2h102019
Dried Lily bulb (Lilium brownii var. viridulum Baker), pre-soaked at 4oC for 12 h, steamed for 60 min #85Regional or Traditional FoodsChina3530Zhu, R., et al., Acute Effects of Three Cooked Non-Cereal Starchy Foods on Postprandial Glycemic Responses and in Vitro Carbohydrate Digestion in Comparison with Whole Grains: A Randomized Trial. Nutrients, 2019. 11(3).Normal 2h102019
Gayam (Inocarfus fagifer Forst.) seed, boiled at 100°C for 15 min, peeled, dried for 48 h, ground to form flour #75Regional or Traditional FoodsIndonesia3526Wijanarka, A., et al., Changes in resistant starch content and glycemic index of pre-gelatinized gayam (Lnocarfus fagifer Forst.) Flour. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2016. 15(7): p. 649-654.Normal 2h102016
Gayam (Inocarfus fagifer Forst.) seed, boiled at 100oC for 30 min, peeled, dried for 48 h, ground to form flour #61Regional or Traditional FoodsIndonesia3521Wijanarka, A., et al., Changes in resistant starch content and glycemic index of pre-gelatinized gayam (Lnocarfus fagifer Forst.) Flour. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2016. 15(7): p. 649-654.Normal 2h102016
Gayam (Inocarfus fagifer Forst.) seed, boiled at 100oC for 45 min, peeled, dried for 48 h, ground to form flour #57Regional or Traditional FoodsIndonesia3520Wijanarka, A., et al., Changes in resistant starch content and glycemic index of pre-gelatinized gayam (Lnocarfus fagifer Forst.) Flour. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2016. 15(7): p. 649-654.Normal 2h102016
Gayam (Inocarfus fagifer Forst.) seed, peeled, dried for 48 h, ground to form flour #74Regional or Traditional FoodsIndonesia3526Wijanarka, A., et al., Changes in resistant starch content and glycemic index of pre-gelatinized gayam (Lnocarfus fagifer Forst.) Flour. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2016. 15(7): p. 649-654.Normal 2h102016
Glutinous rice, type NS (Esubi Shokuhin, Japan) #86Regional or Traditional FoodsJapan3530Sugiyama, M., et al., Glycemic index of single and mixed meal foods among common Japanese foods with white rice as a reference food. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(6): p. 743-752.Normal 2h62003
Glutinous rice cake with 1 g dried sea algae #83Regional or Traditional FoodsJapan3529Sugiyama, M., et al., Glycemic index of single and mixed meal foods among common Japanese foods with white rice as a reference food. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(6): p. 743-752.Normal 2h82003
Lacy pancake, made from wheat flour #49Regional or Traditional FoodsMalaysia3517Robert, S.D. and A.A.-S. Ismail, Glycemic responses of patients with type 2 diabetes to individual carbohydrate-rich foods and mixed meals. Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism, 2012. 60(1): p. 27-32.Type 2 3h102011
Lacy pancake, made from wheat flour, consumed with chicken curry containing potatoes and coconut milk #81Regional or Traditional FoodsMalaysia3528Robert, S.D. and A.A.-S. Ismail, Glycemic responses of patients with type 2 diabetes to individual carbohydrate-rich foods and mixed meals. Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism, 2012. 60(1): p. 27-32.Type 2 3h102011
Lontong gado-gado #54Regional or Traditional FoodsIndonesia3519Hakimah, N., et al., Nutritional composition, glycemic index and glycemic load on Indonesian local package menus. Food Research, 2020. 4(3): p. 722-730.Normal 2h102019
Lontong gado-gado #39Regional or Traditional FoodsIndonesia3514Hakimah, N., et al., Nutritional composition, glycemic index and glycemic load on Indonesian local package menus. Food Research, 2020. 4(3): p. 722-730.Type 2 2h102019
Lotus root powder #33Regional or Traditional FoodsChina3512Yang, Y.X., et al., Glycemic index of cereals and tubers produced in China. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006. 12(21): p. 3430-3.Normal 2h82005
Lotus seed (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.), pre-soaked at 4oC for 12 h, steamed for 30 min #45Regional or Traditional FoodsChina3516Zhu, R., et al., Acute Effects of Three Cooked Non-Cereal Starchy Foods on Postprandial Glycemic Responses and in Vitro Carbohydrate Digestion in Comparison with Whole Grains: A Randomized Trial. Nutrients, 2019. 11(3).Normal 2h102019
Lotus seed (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.), pre-soaked at 4oC for 12 h, steamed for 60 min #51Regional or Traditional FoodsChina3518Zhu, R., et al., Acute Effects of Three Cooked Non-Cereal Starchy Foods on Postprandial Glycemic Responses and in Vitro Carbohydrate Digestion in Comparison with Whole Grains: A Randomized Trial. Nutrients, 2019. 11(3).Normal 2h102019
Lungkow bean thread (National Cereals, Oils & Foodstuffs, Qingdao & Guangdong, China) #26Regional or Traditional FoodsChina359Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h91984-1992
Nasi bakar #55Regional or Traditional FoodsIndonesia3519Hakimah, N., et al., Nutritional composition, glycemic index and glycemic load on Indonesian local package menus. Food Research, 2020. 4(3): p. 722-730.Normal 2h102019
Nasi bakar #49Regional or Traditional FoodsIndonesia3517Hakimah, N., et al., Nutritional composition, glycemic index and glycemic load on Indonesian local package menus. Food Research, 2020. 4(3): p. 722-730.Type 2 2h102019
Nasi goreng #45Regional or Traditional FoodsIndonesia3516Hakimah, N., et al., Nutritional composition, glycemic index and glycemic load on Indonesian local package menus. Food Research, 2020. 4(3): p. 722-730.Normal 2h102019
Nasi goreng #29Regional or Traditional FoodsIndonesia3510Hakimah, N., et al., Nutritional composition, glycemic index and glycemic load on Indonesian local package menus. Food Research, 2020. 4(3): p. 722-730.Type 2 2h102019
Nasi liwet #24Regional or Traditional FoodsIndonesia358Hakimah, N., et al., Nutritional composition, glycemic index and glycemic load on Indonesian local package menus. Food Research, 2020. 4(3): p. 722-730.Normal 2h102019
Nasi liwet #18Regional or Traditional FoodsIndonesia356Hakimah, N., et al., Nutritional composition, glycemic index and glycemic load on Indonesian local package menus. Food Research, 2020. 4(3): p. 722-730.Type 2 2h102019
Non-glutaminous rice flour, served warm with drink Yamato Nousan, Japan) #68Regional or Traditional FoodsJapan3524Sugiyama, M., et al., Glycemic index of single and mixed meal foods among common Japanese foods with white rice as a reference food. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(6): p. 743-752.Normal 2h82003
Noodles, buckwheat, boiled in water and served with 160 mL anchovy broth #60Regional or Traditional FoodsSouth Korea3521Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h132018
Noodles, fine, made from wheat flour, boiled in water and served with 160 mL anchovy broth #49Regional or Traditional FoodsSouth Korea3517Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h132018
Noodles, wheat, fresh, boiled in water and served with 160 mL anchovy broth #48Regional or Traditional FoodsSouth Korea3517Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h132018
Noodles, wheat, hand-pulled, boiled in water and served with 160 mL anchovy broth #50Regional or Traditional FoodsSouth Korea3518Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h142018
Noodles, Sampan™ brand, fried with chicken, prawns, cabbage, bean sprouts and tomato #55Regional or Traditional FoodsMalaysia3519Robert, S.D. and A.A.-S. Ismail, Glycemic responses of patients with type 2 diabetes to individual carbohydrate-rich foods and mixed meals. Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism, 2012. 60(1): p. 27-32.Type 2 3h102011
Rice vermicelli, Kongmoon (National Cereals, China) #59Regional or Traditional FoodsChina3521Wolever, T.M.S., et al., Glycaemic index of 102 complex carbohydrate foods in patients with diabetes. Nutrition Research, 1994. 14(5): p. 651-669.Type 1 & Type 2 3h91984-1992
Rice, white, gruel, simmered over low heat with water for 45 min #93Regional or Traditional FoodsSouth Korea3533Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h102018
Salted rice ball (Satou Co Ltd., Japan) #80Regional or Traditional FoodsJapan3528Sugiyama, M., et al., Glycemic index of single and mixed meal foods among common Japanese foods with white rice as a reference food. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(6): p. 743-752.Normal 2h72003
Starch jelly, Acorn #72Regional or Traditional FoodsSouth Korea3525Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h122018
Starch jelly, Buckwheat #55Regional or Traditional FoodsSouth Korea3519Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h142018
Starch jelly, Green bean #66Regional or Traditional FoodsSouth Korea3523Kim, D.-Y., Y. Kim, and H. Lim, Glycaemic indices and glycaemic loads of common Korean carbohydrate-rich foods. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 121(4): p. 416-425.Normal 2h132018
Stir-fried vegetables with chicken and boiled white rice, home made #73Regional or Traditional FoodsAustralia3526Chew, I., et al., Application of glycemic index to mixed meals. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1988. 47(1): p. 53-6.Normal 2h81986
Sushi, roasted sea algae, vinegar and rice #55Regional or Traditional FoodsJapan3519Sugiyama, M., et al., Glycemic index of single and mixed meal foods among common Japanese foods with white rice as a reference food. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(6): p. 743-752.Normal 2h82003
White rice with 1 g dried fish strip (okaka) #79Regional or Traditional FoodsJapan3528Sugiyama, M., et al., Glycemic index of single and mixed meal foods among common Japanese foods with white rice as a reference food. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(6): p. 743-752.Normal 2h62003
White rice topped with 60 g raw egg and 2 g soy sauce #72Regional or Traditional FoodsJapan3525Sugiyama, M., et al., Glycemic index of single and mixed meal foods among common Japanese foods with white rice as a reference food. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(6): p. 743-752.Normal 2h62003
White rice with 2 g sea algae rolled in sheet of 1 g toasted sea algae #77Regional or Traditional FoodsJapan3527Sugiyama, M., et al., Glycemic index of single and mixed meal foods among common Japanese foods with white rice as a reference food. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(6): p. 743-752.Normal 2h72003
Amaranth (Amaranthus esculentum) popped, eaten with 150 mL milk and non-nutritive sweetener #97Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3534Chaturvedi, A., et al., Glycemic index of grain amaranth, wheat and rice in NIDDM subjects. Plant Foods Human Nutrition, 1997. 50(2): p. 171-8.Type 2 3h61995
Appam (thin pancake made from fermented rice flour batter with tender coconut) eaten with Bengal gram curry #90Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3532Vijayan, L. and S. Sumathi, Glycaemic response to selected Kerala breakfast items in people with diabetes. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1997. 6(2): p. 80-83.Type 2 2h61997
Arrowroot (Canna indica), peeled, cut into pieces, boiled for 20-40 min, served with 45 g scraped coconut #78Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3527Senavirathna, R.M.I.S.K., et al., Proximate composition, glycemic indices, and some factors affecting glycemic indices of underutilized tubers. Starch ? Stärke, 2014. 66(11-12): p. 1041-1048.Normal 2h102014
Arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea), peeled, cut into pieces, boiled for 20-40 min, served with 45 g scraped coconut #58Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3520Senavirathna, R.M.I.S.K., et al., Proximate composition, glycemic indices, and some factors affecting glycemic indices of underutilized tubers. Starch ? Stärke, 2014. 66(11-12): p. 1041-1048.Normal 2h102014
Bajra (Penniseteum typhoideum), eaten as roasted bread made from bajra flour #55Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3519Mani, U.V., et al., Glycaemic index of some commonly consumed foods in western India. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1993. 2(3): p. 111-4.Type 2 2h61993
Basmati rice, cooked in microwave, consumed with 20 g coconut sambol #56Regional or Traditional FoodsPakistan3520Gunathilaka, M.D.T.L. and S. Ekanayake, Effect of different cooking methods on glycaemic index of Indian and Pakistani basmati rice varieties. The Ceylon Medical Journal, 2015. 60(2): p. 57-61.Normal 2h102014
Basmati rice, cooked in microwave, consumed with 20 g coconut sambol #43Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3515Gunathilaka, M.D.T.L. and S. Ekanayake, Effect of different cooking methods on glycaemic index of Indian and Pakistani basmati rice varieties. The Ceylon Medical Journal, 2015. 60(2): p. 57-61.Normal 2h102014
Basmati rice, cooked in rice cooker, consumed with 20 g coconut sambal #64Regional or Traditional FoodsPakistan3522Gunathilaka, M.D.T.L. and S. Ekanayake, Effect of different cooking methods on glycaemic index of Indian and Pakistani basmati rice varieties. The Ceylon Medical Journal, 2015. 60(2): p. 57-61.Normal 2h102014
Basmati rice, cooked in rice cooker, consumed with 20 g coconut sambol #54Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3519Gunathilaka, M.D.T.L. and S. Ekanayake, Effect of different cooking methods on glycaemic index of Indian and Pakistani basmati rice varieties. The Ceylon Medical Journal, 2015. 60(2): p. 57-61.Normal 2h102014
Broken wheat upma, made from broken wheat and whole green gram, served with chutney #39Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3514Krishnamoorthy, G., A.S. Pande, and N.D. Moulick, Traditional Indian snacks modified to attain low glycaemic index and confirmed suitable to be consumed without hyperglycaemic effect in type 2 diabetics. Journal of the Indian Medical Association, 2011. 109(4): p. 222-9.Normal 2h102011
Chapatti, baisen #28Regional or Traditional FoodsPakistan3510Rahman, M., M.A. Malik, and S. al Mubarak, Glycaemic index of Pakistani staple foods in mixed meals for diabetics. Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 1992. 42(3): p. 60-2.Type 2 3h111992
Chapatti, made from bajra (Penniseteum typhoideum) flour #49Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3517Shukla, K., et al., Glycaemic response to maize, bajra and barley. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 1991. 35(4): p. 249-54.Normal 3h41991
Chapatti, made from bajra (Penniseteum typhoideum) flour #68Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3524Shukla, K., et al., Glycaemic response to maize, bajra and barley. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 1991. 35(4): p. 249-54.Type 2 3h61991
Chapatti, made from barley (Hordeum vulgare) flour #49Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3517Shukla, K., et al., Glycaemic response to maize, bajra and barley. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 1991. 35(4): p. 249-54.Normal 3h81991
Chapatti, made from barley (Hordeum vulgare) flour #37Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3513Shukla, K., et al., Glycaemic response to maize, bajra and barley. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 1991. 35(4): p. 249-54.Type 2 3h61991
Chapatti, maize (Zea mays) #60Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3521Shukla, K., et al., Glycaemic response to maize, bajra and barley. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 1991. 35(4): p. 249-54.Normal 3h61991
Chapatti, maize (Zea mays) #65Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3523Shukla, K., et al., Glycaemic response to maize, bajra and barley. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 1991. 35(4): p. 249-54.Type 2 3h21991
Chapatti, wheat #63Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3522Dilawari, J.B., et al., Reduction of postprandial plasma glucose by Bengal gram dal (Cicer arietinum) and rajmah (Phaseolus vulgaris). The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(11): p. 2450-3.Normal 2h951981
Chapatti, amaranth-wheat (25:75) composite flour, served with bottle gourd and tomato curry #66Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3523Chaturvedi, A., et al., Glycemic index of grain amaranth, wheat and rice in NIDDM subjects. Plant Foods Human Nutrition, 1997. 50(2): p. 171-8.Type 2 3h61995
Chapatti, amaranth-wheat (50:50) composite flour, served with bottle gourd and tomato curry #76Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3527Chaturvedi, A., et al., Glycemic index of grain amaranth, wheat and rice in NIDDM subjects. Plant Foods Human Nutrition, 1997. 50(2): p. 171-8.Type 2 3h61995
Chapatti, flour from malted wheat, moth bean (Phaseolus aconitifolius) and bengal gram (Cicer arietinum), consumed with sugar-free jam #66Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3523Sumathi, A., et al., Glycemic response to malted, popped and roller dried wheat-legume based foods in normal subjects. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 1997. 48(2): p. 103-7.Normal 2h71997
Chapatti, flour made from popped wheat, moth bean and bengal gram, consumed with sugar-free jam #40Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3514Sumathi, A., et al., Glycemic response to malted, popped and roller dried wheat-legume based foods in normal subjects. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 1997. 48(2): p. 103-7.Normal 2h71997
Chapatti, flour from roller dried wheat, moth bean and bengal gram, consumed with sugar-free jam #60Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3521Sumathi, A., et al., Glycemic response to malted, popped and roller dried wheat-legume based foods in normal subjects. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 1997. 48(2): p. 103-7.Normal 2h71997
Chapatti, wheat, served with bottle gourd and tomato curry #66Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3523Chaturvedi, A., et al., Glycemic index of grain amaranth, wheat and rice in NIDDM subjects. Plant Foods Human Nutrition, 1997. 50(2): p. 171-8.Type 2 3h61995
Chapatti, wheat flour, thin, with green gram (Phaseolus aureus) dhal #44Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3515Urooj, A. and S. Puttaraj, Glycaemic responses to cereal-based Indian food preparations in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and normal subjects. British Journal of Nutrition, 2000. 83(5): p. 483-8.Normal 2h111998
Chapatti, wheat flour, thin, with green gram (Phaseolus aureus) dhal #81Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3528Urooj, A. and S. Puttaraj, Glycaemic responses to cereal-based Indian food preparations in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and normal subjects. British Journal of Nutrition, 2000. 83(5): p. 483-8.Type 2 2h81998
Cheela, bengal gram (Cicer arietinum) #42Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3515Batra, M., S. Sharma, and V. Seth, The glycaemic index of fermented and non-fermented legume-based snack food. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1994. 3(4): p. 151-4.Normal 2h151994
Cheela, bengal gram (Cicer arietinum), fermented batter #45Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3516Batra, M., S. Sharma, and V. Seth, The glycaemic index of fermented and non-fermented legume-based snack food. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1994. 3(4): p. 151-4.Normal 2h151994
Cheela, green gram (Phaseolus aureus) #36Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3513Batra, M., S. Sharma, and V. Seth, The glycaemic index of fermented and non-fermented legume-based snack food. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1994. 3(4): p. 151-4.Normal 2h151994
Cheela, green gram (Phaseolus aureus), fermented batter #38Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3513Batra, M., S. Sharma, and V. Seth, The glycaemic index of fermented and non-fermented legume-based snack food. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1994. 3(4): p. 151-4.Normal 2h151994
Dhokla, leavened, fermented, steamed cake; dehusked chickpea and wheat semolina #35Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3512Pathak, P., S. Srivastava, and S. Grover, Development of food products based on millets, legumes and fenugreek seeds and their suitability in the diabetic diet. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2000. 51(5): p. 409-14.Normal 2.5h52000
Dhokla, leavened, fermented, steamed cake; dehusked chickpea and wheat semolina #31Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3511Pathak, P., S. Srivastava, and S. Grover, Development of food products based on millets, legumes and fenugreek seeds and their suitability in the diabetic diet. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2000. 51(5): p. 409-14.Type 2 2.5h52000
Dhokla, made from parboiled rice, Bengal gram (Cicer arietinum) dhal and green gram (Phaseolus aureus) dhal, served with chutney #37Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3513Krishnamoorthy, G., A.S. Pande, and N.D. Moulick, Traditional Indian snacks modified to attain low glycaemic index and confirmed suitable to be consumed without hyperglycaemic effect in type 2 diabetics. Journal of the Indian Medical Association, 2011. 109(4): p. 222-9.Normal 2h102011
Dosa, made from germinated whole finger millet (Eleusine coracana) flour and black gram dhal, cooked in fry pan, served with 30 g Bengal gram chutney #71Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3525Lakshmi Kumari, P. and S. Sumathi, Effect of consumption of finger millet on hyperglycemia in non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) subjects. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 2002. 57(3/4): p. 205-213.Type 2 2h62000
Dosa, made from whole finger millet (Eleusine coracana) flour and black gram dhal, cooked in fry pan, served with 30 g Bengal gram chutney #62Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3522Lakshmi Kumari, P. and S. Sumathi, Effect of consumption of finger millet on hyperglycemia in non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) subjects. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 2002. 57(3/4): p. 205-213.Type 2 2h62000
Dosa, made from foxtail millet and black gram dhal #42Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3515Narayanan, J., et al., Postprandial glycaemic response of foxtail millet dosa in comparison to a rice dosa in patients with type 2 diabetes. Indian Journal of Medical Research, 2016. 144(5): p. 712-717.Normal 2h102015
Dosa, made from rice and black gram dhal #55Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3519Narayanan, J., et al., Postprandial glycaemic response of foxtail millet dosa in comparison to a rice dosa in patients with type 2 diabetes. Indian Journal of Medical Research, 2016. 144(5): p. 712-717.Normal 2h102015
Dosa, made from rice flour and black gram dhal, cooked in fry pan, served with 30 g Bengal gram chutney #82Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3529Lakshmi Kumari, P. and S. Sumathi, Effect of consumption of finger millet on hyperglycemia in non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) subjects. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 2002. 57(3/4): p. 205-213.Type 2 2h62000
Dosai (parboiled and raw rice, soaked, ground, fermented and fried) with chutney #55Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3519Urooj, A. and S. Puttaraj, Glycaemic responses to cereal-based Indian food preparations in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and normal subjects. British Journal of Nutrition, 2000. 83(5): p. 483-8.Normal 2h61998
Dosai (parboiled and raw rice, soaked, ground, fermented and fried) with chutney #77Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3527Urooj, A. and S. Puttaraj, Glycaemic responses to cereal-based Indian food preparations in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and normal subjects. British Journal of Nutrition, 2000. 83(5): p. 483-8.Type 2 2h91998
Flatbread, Lazat™ brand, consumed with yellow dhal curry #69Regional or Traditional FoodsMalaysia3524Robert, S.D. and A.A.-S. Ismail, Glycemic responses of patients with type 2 diabetes to individual carbohydrate-rich foods and mixed meals. Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism, 2012. 60(1): p. 27-32.Type 2 3h102011
Idiappam (steamed rice flour dough with tender coconut) eaten with Bengal gram curry #86Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3530Vijayan, L. and S. Sumathi, Glycaemic response to selected Kerala breakfast items in people with diabetes. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1997. 6(2): p. 80-83.Type 2 2h61997
Idli, brown, made with parboiled rice and black gram (Phaseolus mungo) dhal, served with sambar #48Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3517Krishnamoorthy, G., A.S. Pande, and N.D. Moulick, Traditional Indian snacks modified to attain low glycaemic index and confirmed suitable to be consumed without hyperglycaemic effect in type 2 diabetics. Journal of the Indian Medical Association, 2011. 109(4): p. 222-9.Normal 2h102011
Idli (parboiled and raw rice with black dhal, soaked, ground, fermented, steamed) with chutney #60Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3521Urooj, A. and S. Puttaraj, Glycaemic responses to cereal-based Indian food preparations in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and normal subjects. British Journal of Nutrition, 2000. 83(5): p. 483-8.Normal 2h111998
Idli (parboiled and raw rice + black dhal, soaked, ground, fermented, steamed) with chutney #77Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3527Urooj, A. and S. Puttaraj, Glycaemic responses to cereal-based Indian food preparations in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and normal subjects. British Journal of Nutrition, 2000. 83(5): p. 483-8.Type 2 2h101998
Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus), flesh (400 g) and seeds (10 g), boiled with water, consumed with 25 g coconut scrapings and 10 g onion sambal #53Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3519Hettiaratchi, U.P.K., S. Ekanayake, and J. Welihinda, Nutritional assessment of a jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) meal. The Ceylon Medical Journal, 2011. 56(2): p. 54-8.Normal 2h102010
Jowar, roasted bread made from Jowar flour (Sorghum vulgare) #77Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3527Mani, U.V., et al., Glycaemic index of some commonly consumed foods in western India. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1993. 2(3): p. 111-4.Type 2 2h61993
Laddu (popped amaranth, foxtail millet, roasted legume powder, fenugreek seeds) in hot sweet syrup #24Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia358Pathak, P., S. Srivastava, and S. Grover, Development of food products based on millets, legumes and fenugreek seeds and their suitability in the diabetic diet. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2000. 51(5): p. 409-14.Normal 2.5h52000
Laddu (popped amaranth, foxtail millet, roasted legume powder, fenugreek seeds) in hot sweet syrup #29Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3510Pathak, P., S. Srivastava, and S. Grover, Development of food products based on millets, legumes and fenugreek seeds and their suitability in the diabetic diet. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2000. 51(5): p. 409-14.Type 2 2.5h52000
Lentil and cauliflower curry with rice #60Regional or Traditional FoodsAustralia3521Chew, I., et al., Application of glycemic index to mixed meals. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1988. 47(1): p. 53-6.Normal 2h81986
Lentil (Lens culinaris medic, S. massoor parippu) curry consumed with wholemeal bread #61Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3521Hettiaratchi, U.P.K., S. Ekanayake, and J. Welihinda, Glycaemic indices of three Sri Lankan wheat bread varieties and a bread-lentil meal. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009. 60 Suppl 4: p. 21-30.Normal 2h102009
Lentils, Mothbean, sprouted and cooked in buttermilk #30Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3511Krishnamoorthy, G., A.S. Pande, and N.D. Moulick, Traditional Indian snacks modified to attain low glycaemic index and confirmed suitable to be consumed without hyperglycaemic effect in type 2 diabetics. Journal of the Indian Medical Association, 2011. 109(4): p. 222-9.Normal 2h102011
Manioc (cassava), consumed with 25 g coconut sambol #85Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3530Hettiaratchi, U.P.K., S. Ekanayake, and J. Welihinda, Do Sri Lankan meals help decrease blood glucose response? The Ceylon Medical Journal, 2009. 54(2): p. 39-43.Normal 2h102008
Millet/Ragi (Eleucine coracana), eaten with a traditional Indian meal #84Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3529Kavita, M.S. and L. Prema, Glycaemic Response to Selected Cereal-based South Indian Meals in Non-insulin-dependent Diabetics. Journal of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine, 1997. 7(4): p. 287-293.Type 2 2h9201997
Millet/Ragi (Eleucine coracana) flour eaten as roasted bread #104Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3536Mani, U.V., et al., Glycaemic index of some commonly consumed foods in western India. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1993. 2(3): p. 111-4.Type 2 2h61993
Parantha, radish, made from wheat, mothbean and Bengal gram (Cicer arietinum) dhal flours, served with curd #41Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3514Krishnamoorthy, G., A.S. Pande, and N.D. Moulick, Traditional Indian snacks modified to attain low glycaemic index and confirmed suitable to be consumed without hyperglycaemic effect in type 2 diabetics. Journal of the Indian Medical Association, 2011. 109(4): p. 222-9.Normal 2h102011
Parboiled rice, eaten with a traditional Indian meal #99Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3535Kavita, M.S. and L. Prema, Glycaemic Response to Selected Cereal-based South Indian Meals in Non-insulin-dependent Diabetics. Journal of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine, 1997. 7(4): p. 287-293.Type 2 2h9201997
Poha, made from rice flakes and ground nuts, consumed lemon tea #43Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3515Krishnamoorthy, G., A.S. Pande, and N.D. Moulick, Traditional Indian snacks modified to attain low glycaemic index and confirmed suitable to be consumed without hyperglycaemic effect in type 2 diabetics. Journal of the Indian Medical Association, 2011. 109(4): p. 222-9.Normal 2h102011
Pongal (rice and roasted green gram dhal, pressure cooked) #45Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3516Urooj, A. and S. Puttaraj, Glycaemic responses to cereal-based Indian food preparations in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and normal subjects. British Journal of Nutrition, 2000. 83(5): p. 483-8.Normal 2h81998
Pongal (rice and roasted green gram dhal, pressure cooked) #90Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3532Urooj, A. and S. Puttaraj, Glycaemic responses to cereal-based Indian food preparations in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and normal subjects. British Journal of Nutrition, 2000. 83(5): p. 483-8.Type 2 2h101998
Poori (deep-fried wheat flour dough) with potato palya (mashed potato) #57Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3520Urooj, A. and S. Puttaraj, Glycaemic responses to cereal-based Indian food preparations in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and normal subjects. British Journal of Nutrition, 2000. 83(5): p. 483-8.Normal 2h81998
Poori (deep-fried wheat flour dough) with potato palya (mashed potato) #82Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3529Urooj, A. and S. Puttaraj, Glycaemic responses to cereal-based Indian food preparations in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and normal subjects. British Journal of Nutrition, 2000. 83(5): p. 483-8.Type 2 2h81998
Porridge, made from scoured wheat, consumed with Bengal gram, green gram and black gram #39Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3514Shobana, S., et al., Glycemic response of rice, wheat and finger millet based diabetic food formulations in normoglycemic subjects. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2007. 58(5): p. 363-372.Normal 2.5h82007
Porridge, made from decorticated finger millet, eaten with Bengal gram, green gram and black gram #66Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3523Shobana, S., et al., Glycemic response of rice, wheat and finger millet based diabetic food formulations in normoglycemic subjects. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2007. 58(5): p. 363-372.Normal 2.5h82007
Porridge, made from popped rice (aralu), consumed with Bengal gram, green gram and black gram #77Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3527Shobana, S., et al., Glycemic response of rice, wheat and finger millet based diabetic food formulations in normoglycemic subjects. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2007. 58(5): p. 363-372.Normal 2.5h82007
Porridge, made from expanded rice (puri), consumed with Bengal gram, green gram and black gram #75Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3526Shobana, S., et al., Glycemic response of rice, wheat and finger millet based diabetic food formulations in normoglycemic subjects. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2007. 58(5): p. 363-372.Normal 2.5h82007
Puttu/Pittu (rice flour, steamed with tender coconut) eaten with Bengal gram curry #79Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3528Vijayan, L. and S. Sumathi, Glycaemic response to selected Kerala breakfast items in people with diabetes. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1997. 6(2): p. 80-83.Type 2 2h61997
Puttu/Pittu, made from industrially-milled finger millet (Eucenea coracana) flour #79Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3528Jayasinghe, M.A., S. Ekanayake, and D.B. Nugegoda, Effect of different milling methods on glycaemic response of foods made with finger millet (Eucenea coracana) flour. The Ceylon Medical Journal, 2013. 58(4): p. 148-52.Normal 2h112013
Puttu/Pittu, made from stone-ground finger millet (Eucenea coracana) flour #67Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3523Jayasinghe, M.A., S. Ekanayake, and D.B. Nugegoda, Effect of different milling methods on glycaemic response of foods made with finger millet (Eucenea coracana) flour. The Ceylon Medical Journal, 2013. 58(4): p. 148-52.Normal 2h112013
Pittu, made from 75% rice flour and 25% soy flour #36Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3513Perera, M.P.M.S.H., et al., Effect of vegetable mixed curry on glycaemic index and glycaemic load of soy flour incorporated traditional sri lankan breakfast foods in healthy adults. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2014. 13(11): p. 616-621.Normal 2h132014
Pittu, made from 75% rice flour and 25% soy flour, consumed with mixed vegetable curry #30Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3511Perera, M.P.M.S.H., et al., Effect of vegetable mixed curry on glycaemic index and glycaemic load of soy flour incorporated traditional sri lankan breakfast foods in healthy adults. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2014. 13(11): p. 616-621.Normal 2h132014
Rajmah (Phaseolus vulgaris), boiled #19Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia357Dilawari, J.B., et al., Reduction of postprandial plasma glucose by Bengal gram dal (Cicer arietinum) and rajmah (Phaseolus vulgaris). The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1981. 34(11): p. 2450-3.Normal 2h961981
Red rice, served with 75 g lentil curry, 25 g gotukola salad, boiled egg, and 30 mL kirihodi coconut gravy #43Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3515Hettiaratchi, U.P.K., S. Ekanayake, and J. Welihinda, Do Sri Lankan meals help decrease blood glucose response? The Ceylon Medical Journal, 2009. 54(2): p. 39-43.Normal 2h102008
Red rice, served with 30 mL coconut gravy (kirihodi) #70Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3525Hettiaratchi, U.P.K., S. Ekanayake, and J. Welihinda, Do Sri Lankan meals help decrease blood glucose response? The Ceylon Medical Journal, 2009. 54(2): p. 39-43.Normal 2h102008
Red rice, consumed with 75 g lentil curry, boiled egg, 25 g Gotukola salad, 30 mL coconut gravy (kirihodi) #45Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3516Hettiaratchi, U.P.K., S. Ekanayake, and J. Welihinda, Sri Lankan rice mixed meals: effect on glycaemic index and contribution to daily dietary fibre requirement. Malaysian Journal of Nutrition, 2011. 17(1): p. 97-104.Normal 2h122011
Red rice, consumed with 75 g lentil curry, boiled egg, 25 g Lasia spinosa (kohila) salad, 30 mL coconut gravy (kirihodi) #40Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3514Hettiaratchi, U.P.K., S. Ekanayake, and J. Welihinda, Sri Lankan rice mixed meals: effect on glycaemic index and contribution to daily dietary fibre requirement. Malaysian Journal of Nutrition, 2011. 17(1): p. 97-104.Normal 2h122011
Red rice, consumed with 75 g lentil curry, boiled egg, 25 g snake gourd (Trichosanthes cucumerina) salad, 30 mL coconut gravy (kirihodi) #43Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3515Hettiaratchi, U.P.K., S. Ekanayake, and J. Welihinda, Sri Lankan rice mixed meals: effect on glycaemic index and contribution to daily dietary fibre requirement. Malaysian Journal of Nutrition, 2011. 17(1): p. 97-104.Normal 2h122011
Rice (Oryza Sativa), boiled served with bottle gourd and tomato curry #69Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3524Chaturvedi, A., et al., Glycemic index of grain amaranth, wheat and rice in NIDDM subjects. Plant Foods Human Nutrition, 1997. 50(2): p. 171-8.Type 2 3h61995
Porridge, made from rice and water #46Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3516Anuruddhika Subhashinie Senadheera, S.P. and S. Ekanayake, Green leafy porridges: how good are they in controlling glycaemic response? International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2013. 64(2): p. 169-74.Normal 2h102012
Porridge, made from coconut (Cocos nucifera) milk and rice #31Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3511Anuruddhika Subhashinie Senadheera, S.P. and S. Ekanayake, Green leafy porridges: how good are they in controlling glycaemic response? International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2013. 64(2): p. 169-74.Normal 2h102012
Porridge, made from Karapincha (Murraya koenigii spreung) green leaf extract, coconut milk, and rice #44Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3515Anuruddhika Subhashinie Senadheera, S.P. and S. Ekanayake, Green leafy porridges: how good are they in controlling glycaemic response? International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2013. 64(2): p. 169-74.Normal 2h102012
Porridge, made from Iramusu (Hemidesmus indicus) green leaf extract, coconut milk, and rice #40Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3514Anuruddhika Subhashinie Senadheera, S.P. and S. Ekanayake, Green leafy porridges: how good are they in controlling glycaemic response? International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2013. 64(2): p. 169-74.Normal 2h102012
Porridge, made from Beli (Aegle marmelos) green leaf extract, coconut milk, and rice #50Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3518Anuruddhika Subhashinie Senadheera, S.P. and S. Ekanayake, Green leafy porridges: how good are they in controlling glycaemic response? International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2013. 64(2): p. 169-74.Normal 2h102012
Porridge, made from Ranawara (Cassia auriculata Linn.) green leaf extract, and coconut milk, and rice #77Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3527Anuruddhika Subhashinie Senadheera, S.P. and S. Ekanayake, Green leafy porridges: how good are they in controlling glycaemic response? International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2013. 64(2): p. 169-74.Normal 2h102012
Porridge, made from Ela katarolu (Clitoria ternatea Linn.) green leaf extract, coconut milk, and rice #53Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3519Anuruddhika Subhashinie Senadheera, S.P. and S. Ekanayake, Green leafy porridges: how good are they in controlling glycaemic response? International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2013. 64(2): p. 169-74.Normal 2h102012
Porridge, made from Yaki narang (Atlantia zeylanica) green leaf extract, coconut milk, and rice #52Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3518Anuruddhika Subhashinie Senadheera, S.P. and S. Ekanayake, Green leafy porridges: how good are they in controlling glycaemic response? International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2013. 64(2): p. 169-74.Normal 2h102012
Porridge, made from Kowakka (Cephalandra indica) green leaf extract, coconut milk, and rice #49Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3517Anuruddhika Subhashinie Senadheera, S.P. and S. Ekanayake, Green leafy porridges: how good are they in controlling glycaemic response? International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2013. 64(2): p. 169-74.Normal 2h102012
Porridge, made from Heen bovitiya (Osbeckia ocrandra) green leaf extract, coconut milk, and rice #55Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3519Anuruddhika Subhashinie Senadheera, S.P. and S. Ekanayake, Green leafy porridges: how good are they in controlling glycaemic response? International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2013. 64(2): p. 169-74.Normal 2h102012
Porridge, made from Polpala (Aerva lanata) green leaf extract, coconut milk, and rice #32Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3511Anuruddhika Subhashinie Senadheera, S.P. and S. Ekanayake, Green leafy porridges: how good are they in controlling glycaemic response? International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2013. 64(2): p. 169-74.Normal 2h102012
Porridge, made from Haathawaariya (Asparagus racemosus) green leaf extract, coconut milk, and rice #37Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3513Anuruddhika Subhashinie Senadheera, S.P. and S. Ekanayake, Green leafy porridges: how good are they in controlling glycaemic response? International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2013. 64(2): p. 169-74.Normal 2h102012
Porridge, made from Wal koththamalli (Scoparia dulcis) green leaf extract, coconut milk, and rice #39Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3514Anuruddhika Subhashinie Senadheera, S.P. and S. Ekanayake, Green leafy porridges: how good are they in controlling glycaemic response? International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2013. 64(2): p. 169-74.Normal 2h102012
Porridge, made from Wel Penela (Cardiospermum halicacabum) green leaf extract, coconut milk, and rice #46Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3516Anuruddhika Subhashinie Senadheera, S.P. and S. Ekanayake, Green leafy porridges: how good are they in controlling glycaemic response? International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2013. 64(2): p. 169-74.Normal 2h102012
Roti, made from germinated whole finger millet (Eleusine coracana) flour, cooked on hot griddle, served with 34 g Bengal gram curry #61Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3521Lakshmi Kumari, P. and S. Sumathi, Effect of consumption of finger millet on hyperglycemia in non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) subjects. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 2002. 57(3/4): p. 205-213.Type 2 2h62000
Roti, made from whole finger millet (Eleusine coracana) flour, cooked on hot griddle, served with 34 g Bengal gram chutney #58Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3520Lakshmi Kumari, P. and S. Sumathi, Effect of consumption of finger millet on hyperglycemia in non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) subjects. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 2002. 57(3/4): p. 205-213.Type 2 2h62000
Roti, made from wheat flour, cooked on hot griddle, served with 34 g Bengal gram chutney #69Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3524Lakshmi Kumari, P. and S. Sumathi, Effect of consumption of finger millet on hyperglycemia in non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) subjects. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 2002. 57(3/4): p. 205-213.Type 2 2h62000
Roti, made from 75% rice flour and 25% soy flour #36Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3513Perera, M.P.M.S.H., et al., Effect of vegetable mixed curry on glycaemic index and glycaemic load of soy flour incorporated traditional sri lankan breakfast foods in healthy adults. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2014. 13(11): p. 616-621.Normal 2h132014
Roti, made from 75% rice flour and 25% soy flour, consumed with mixed vegetable curry #31Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3511Perera, M.P.M.S.H., et al., Effect of vegetable mixed curry on glycaemic index and glycaemic load of soy flour incorporated traditional sri lankan breakfast foods in healthy adults. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2014. 13(11): p. 616-621.Normal 2h132014
Semolina (Triticum aestivum), steamed and gelatinized, with 5 g groundnut oil #55Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3519Mani, U.V., et al., Glycaemic index of conventional carbohydrate meals. British Journal of Nutrition, 1992. 68(2): p. 445-50.Type 2 2h61991
Semolina (Triticum aestivum), roasted at 105°C then gelatinized with water, with 5 g groundnut oil #76Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3527Mani, U.V., et al., Glycaemic index of conventional carbohydrate meals. British Journal of Nutrition, 1992. 68(2): p. 445-50.Type 2 2h61991
Semolina (Triticum aestivum) with fermented black gram dhal (Phaseolus mungo), with 5 g groundnut oil #46Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3516Mani, U.V., et al., Glycaemic index of conventional carbohydrate meals. British Journal of Nutrition, 1992. 68(2): p. 445-50.Type 2 2h61991
Semolina (Triticum aestivum) with fermented green gram dhal (Phaseolus aureus), with 5 g groundnut oil #62Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3522Mani, U.V., et al., Glycaemic index of conventional carbohydrate meals. British Journal of Nutrition, 1992. 68(2): p. 445-50.Type 2 2h61991
Semolina (Triticum aestivum) with fermented bengal gram dhal (Cicer arietum), with 5 g groundnut oil #54Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3519Mani, U.V., et al., Glycaemic index of conventional carbohydrate meals. British Journal of Nutrition, 1992. 68(2): p. 445-50.Type 2 2h61991
Stringhoppers, prepared with red rice flour, consumed with 25 g coconut sambol, boiled egg and 30 mL kirihodi coconut gravy #73Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3526Hettiaratchi, U.P.K., S. Ekanayake, and J. Welihinda, Do Sri Lankan meals help decrease blood glucose response? The Ceylon Medical Journal, 2009. 54(2): p. 39-43.Normal 2h102008
Stringhoppers, prepared with wheat flour, consumed with 25 g coconut sambol, boiled egg, and 30 mL kirihodi coconut gravy #74Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3526Hettiaratchi, U.P.K., S. Ekanayake, and J. Welihinda, Do Sri Lankan meals help decrease blood glucose response? The Ceylon Medical Journal, 2009. 54(2): p. 39-43.Normal 2h102008
Stringhoppers, made from 75% rice flour and 25% soy flour #45Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3516Perera, M.P.M.S.H., et al., Effect of vegetable mixed curry on glycaemic index and glycaemic load of soy flour incorporated traditional sri lankan breakfast foods in healthy adults. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2014. 13(11): p. 616-621.Normal 2h132014
Stringhoppers, made from 75% rice flour and 25% soy flour consumed with mixed vegetable curry #38Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3513Perera, M.P.M.S.H., et al., Effect of vegetable mixed curry on glycaemic index and glycaemic load of soy flour incorporated traditional sri lankan breakfast foods in healthy adults. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2014. 13(11): p. 616-621.Normal 2h132014
Tahlipeeth, made from wheat flour, bengal gram dhal flour, green gram dhal flour, served with chutney #31Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3511Krishnamoorthy, G., A.S. Pande, and N.D. Moulick, Traditional Indian snacks modified to attain low glycaemic index and confirmed suitable to be consumed without hyperglycaemic effect in type 2 diabetics. Journal of the Indian Medical Association, 2011. 109(4): p. 222-9.Normal 2h102011
Thosai, made from 75% rice flour and 25% soy flour #47Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3516Perera, M.P.M.S.H., et al., Effect of vegetable mixed curry on glycaemic index and glycaemic load of soy flour incorporated traditional sri lankan breakfast foods in healthy adults. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2014. 13(11): p. 616-621.Normal 2h132014
Thosai, made from 75% rice flour and 25% soy flour, consumed with mixed vegetable curry #44Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3515Perera, M.P.M.S.H., et al., Effect of vegetable mixed curry on glycaemic index and glycaemic load of soy flour incorporated traditional sri lankan breakfast foods in healthy adults. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2014. 13(11): p. 616-621.Normal 2h132014
Varagu (Paspalum scorbiculatum), pressure cooked15lb 12-15 min #68Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3524Mani, U.V., et al., Glycaemic index of some commonly consumed foods in western India. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1993. 2(3): p. 111-4.Type 2 2h61993
Varagu (Paspalum scorbiculatum), pressure cooked15lb 12-15 min, consumed with green gram dhal (Phaseolus aureus Roxb) #78Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3527Mani, U.V., et al., Glycaemic index of some commonly consumed foods in western India. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1993. 2(3): p. 111-4.Type 2 2h61993
Varagu (Paspalum scorbiculatum), pressure cooked 15 lb 12-15 min, consumed with whole green gram (Phaseolus aureus Roxb) #57Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3520Mani, U.V., et al., Glycaemic index of some commonly consumed foods in western India. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1993. 2(3): p. 111-4.Type 2 2h61993
Upittu (roasted semolina and onions, cooked in water) #69Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3524Urooj, A. and S. Puttaraj, Glycaemic responses to cereal-based Indian food preparations in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and normal subjects. British Journal of Nutrition, 2000. 83(5): p. 483-8.Normal 2h111998
Upittu (roasted semolina and onions, cooked in water) #67Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3523Urooj, A. and S. Puttaraj, Glycaemic responses to cereal-based Indian food preparations in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and normal subjects. British Journal of Nutrition, 2000. 83(5): p. 483-8.Type 2 2h121998
Uppuma kedgeree (millet, legumes, fenugreek seeds; roasted and cooked in water) #18Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia356Pathak, P., S. Srivastava, and S. Grover, Development of food products based on millets, legumes and fenugreek seeds and their suitability in the diabetic diet. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2000. 51(5): p. 409-14.Normal 2.5h52000
Uppuma kedgeree (millet, legumes, fenugreek seeds; roasted and cooked in water) #19Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia357Pathak, P., S. Srivastava, and S. Grover, Development of food products based on millets, legumes and fenugreek seeds and their suitability in the diabetic diet. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2000. 51(5): p. 409-14.Type 2 2.5h52000
Wandu, made from 75% rice flour and 25% soy flour #43Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3515Perera, M.P.M.S.H., et al., Effect of vegetable mixed curry on glycaemic index and glycaemic load of soy flour incorporated traditional sri lankan breakfast foods in healthy adults. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2014. 13(11): p. 616-621.Normal 2h132014
Wandu, made from 75% rice flour and 25% soy flour #36Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3513Perera, M.P.M.S.H., et al., Effect of vegetable mixed curry on glycaemic index and glycaemic load of soy flour incorporated traditional sri lankan breakfast foods in healthy adults. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2014. 13(11): p. 616-621.Normal 2h132014
Wheat, cooked, eaten as part of a traditional Indian meal #90Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3532Kavita, M.S. and L. Prema, Glycaemic Response to Selected Cereal-based South Indian Meals in Non-insulin-dependent Diabetics. Journal of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine, 1997. 7(4): p. 287-293.Type 2 2h9201997
Yam (Dioscorea alata), purple, peeled, cut into pieces, boiled for 20-40 min, served with 45 g scraped coconut #45Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3516Senavirathna, R.M.I.S.K., et al., Proximate composition, glycemic indices, and some factors affecting glycemic indices of underutilized tubers. Starch ? Stärke, 2014. 66(11-12): p. 1041-1048.Normal 2h102014
Yam (Dioscorea alata), white, peeled, cut into pieces, boiled for 20-40 min, served with 45 g scraped coconut #49Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3517Senavirathna, R.M.I.S.K., et al., Proximate composition, glycemic indices, and some factors affecting glycemic indices of underutilized tubers. Starch ? Stärke, 2014. 66(11-12): p. 1041-1048.Normal 2h102014
Acacia aneura (mulga seed) roasted, wet ground to paste #8Regional or Traditional FoodsAustralia353Thorburn, A., Digestion and absorption of carbohydrate in Australian Aboriginal, Pacific Island and Western Foods., in Human Nutrition Unit. 1986, University of Sydney: Australia.Normal 3h71986
Acacia coriacea, desert oat seed bread #46Regional or Traditional FoodsAustralia3516Thorburn, A., Digestion and absorption of carbohydrate in Australian Aboriginal, Pacific Island and Western Foods., in Human Nutrition Unit. 1986, University of Sydney: Australia.Normal 3h61986
Araucaria bidwillii (bunya tree nut), baked 10 min #47Regional or Traditional FoodsAustralia3516Thorburn, A., Digestion and absorption of carbohydrate in Australian Aboriginal, Pacific Island and Western Foods., in Human Nutrition Unit. 1986, University of Sydney: Australia.Normal 3h71986
Bush honey, sugar bag #43Regional or Traditional FoodsAustralia3515Thorburn, A., Digestion and absorption of carbohydrate in Australian Aboriginal, Pacific Island and Western Foods., in Human Nutrition Unit. 1986, University of Sydney: Australia.Normal 3h71986
Castanospermum australe (blackbean seed), sliced, soaked 1 wk, pounded and baked #8Regional or Traditional FoodsAustralia353Thorburn, A., Digestion and absorption of carbohydrate in Australian Aboriginal, Pacific Island and Western Foods., in Human Nutrition Unit. 1986, University of Sydney: Australia.Normal 3h71986
Dioscorea bulbifera (cheeky yam), peeled, sliced, soaked 2 d, baked 15 min #34Regional or Traditional FoodsAustralia3512Thorburn, A., Digestion and absorption of carbohydrate in Australian Aboriginal, Pacific Island and Western Foods., in Human Nutrition Unit. 1986, University of Sydney: Australia.Normal 3h71986
Macrozamia communis (cycad palm seed), sliced, soaked 1 wk, pounded, baked #40Regional or Traditional FoodsAustralia3514Fitz-Henry, A., In vitro and in vivo rates of carbohydrates digestion in Aboriginal bushfoods and contemporary Western Foods., in Human Nutrition Unit. 1982, University of Sydney: Australia.Normal 2h71982
Pancakes, made with wheat flour and a curd cheese filling, fried in butter for 50 s on each side, sprinkled with icing sugar #43Regional or Traditional FoodsPoland3515Raczkowska, E. and M. Bronkowska, The Effect of the Body Mass Indexes of Young Healthy Individuals on the Glyacemic Indexes of Traditional and Modified Vegetarian Meals. Nutrients, 2019. 11(10).Normal (BMI <18.5) 2h102019
Pancakes, made with wheat flour and a curd cheese filling, fried in butter for 50 s on each side, sprinkled with icing sugar #53Regional or Traditional FoodsPoland3519Raczkowska, E. and M. Bronkowska, The Effect of the Body Mass Indexes of Young Healthy Individuals on the Glyacemic Indexes of Traditional and Modified Vegetarian Meals. Nutrients, 2019. 11(10).Normal 2h122019
Pancakes, made with wheat flour and a curd cheese filling, fried in butter for 50 s on each side, sprinkled with icing sugar #39Regional or Traditional FoodsPoland3514Raczkowska, E. and M. Bronkowska, The Effect of the Body Mass Indexes of Young Healthy Individuals on the Glyacemic Indexes of Traditional and Modified Vegetarian Meals. Nutrients, 2019. 11(10).Normal (BMI ?25) 2h152019
Pancakes, made with wholegrain wheat flour and a curd cheese filling, fried in butter for 50 s on each side, sprinkled with icing sugar #23Regional or Traditional FoodsPoland358Raczkowska, E. and M. Bronkowska, The Effect of the Body Mass Indexes of Young Healthy Individuals on the Glyacemic Indexes of Traditional and Modified Vegetarian Meals. Nutrients, 2019. 11(10).Normal (BMI <18.5) 2h102019
Pancakes, made with wholegrain wheat flour and a curd cheese filling, fried in butter for 50 s on each side, sprinkled with icing sugar #41Regional or Traditional FoodsPoland3514Raczkowska, E. and M. Bronkowska, The Effect of the Body Mass Indexes of Young Healthy Individuals on the Glyacemic Indexes of Traditional and Modified Vegetarian Meals. Nutrients, 2019. 11(10).Normal 2h122019
Pancakes, made with wholegrain wheat flour and a curd cheese filling, fried in butter for 50 s on each side, sprinkled with icing sugar #37Regional or Traditional FoodsPoland3513Raczkowska, E. and M. Bronkowska, The Effect of the Body Mass Indexes of Young Healthy Individuals on the Glyacemic Indexes of Traditional and Modified Vegetarian Meals. Nutrients, 2019. 11(10).Normal (BMI ?25) 2h152019
Pierogi, wheat flour and cheese curd dumplings, boiled in water for 4 min #42Regional or Traditional FoodsPoland3515Raczkowska, E. and M. Bronkowska, The Effect of the Body Mass Indexes of Young Healthy Individuals on the Glyacemic Indexes of Traditional and Modified Vegetarian Meals. Nutrients, 2019. 11(10).Normal (BMI <18.5) 2h122019
Pierogi, wheat flour and cheese curd dumplings, boiled in water for 4 min #61Regional or Traditional FoodsPoland3521Raczkowska, E. and M. Bronkowska, The Effect of the Body Mass Indexes of Young Healthy Individuals on the Glyacemic Indexes of Traditional and Modified Vegetarian Meals. Nutrients, 2019. 11(10).Normal 2h122019
Pierogi, wheat flour and cheese curd dumplings, boiled in water for 4 min #45Regional or Traditional FoodsPoland3516Raczkowska, E. and M. Bronkowska, The Effect of the Body Mass Indexes of Young Healthy Individuals on the Glyacemic Indexes of Traditional and Modified Vegetarian Meals. Nutrients, 2019. 11(10).Normal (BMI ?25) 2h112019
Pierogi, wholegrain wheat flour and cheese curd dumplings, boiled in water for 4 min #25Regional or Traditional FoodsPoland359Raczkowska, E. and M. Bronkowska, The Effect of the Body Mass Indexes of Young Healthy Individuals on the Glyacemic Indexes of Traditional and Modified Vegetarian Meals. Nutrients, 2019. 11(10).Normal (BMI <18.5) 2h122019
Pierogi, wholegrain wheat flour and cheese curd dumplings, boiled in water for 4 min #34Regional or Traditional FoodsPoland3512Raczkowska, E. and M. Bronkowska, The Effect of the Body Mass Indexes of Young Healthy Individuals on the Glyacemic Indexes of Traditional and Modified Vegetarian Meals. Nutrients, 2019. 11(10).Normal 2h122019
Pierogi, wholegrain wheat flour and cheese curd dumplings, boiled in water for 4 min #34Regional or Traditional FoodsPoland3512Raczkowska, E. and M. Bronkowska, The Effect of the Body Mass Indexes of Young Healthy Individuals on the Glyacemic Indexes of Traditional and Modified Vegetarian Meals. Nutrients, 2019. 11(10).Normal (BMI ?25) 2h112019
Pierogi, dumplings with wheat flour, potato and cheese curd stuffing, boiled in water for 4 min #56Regional or Traditional FoodsPoland3520Raczkowska, E. and M. Bronkowska, The Effect of the Body Mass Indexes of Young Healthy Individuals on the Glyacemic Indexes of Traditional and Modified Vegetarian Meals. Nutrients, 2019. 11(10).Normal (BMI <18.5) 2h102019
Pierogi, dumplings with wheat flour, potato and cheese curd stuffing, boiled in water for 4 min #52Regional or Traditional FoodsPoland3518Raczkowska, E. and M. Bronkowska, The Effect of the Body Mass Indexes of Young Healthy Individuals on the Glyacemic Indexes of Traditional and Modified Vegetarian Meals. Nutrients, 2019. 11(10).Normal 2h102019
Pierogi, dumplings with wheat flour, potato and cheese curd stuffing, boiled in water for 4 min #44Regional or Traditional FoodsPoland3515Raczkowska, E. and M. Bronkowska, The Effect of the Body Mass Indexes of Young Healthy Individuals on the Glyacemic Indexes of Traditional and Modified Vegetarian Meals. Nutrients, 2019. 11(10).Normal (BMI?25) 2h132019
Pierogi, dumplings with wholegrain wheat flour, potato and cheese curd stuffing, boiled in water for 4 min #22Regional or Traditional FoodsPoland358Raczkowska, E. and M. Bronkowska, The Effect of the Body Mass Indexes of Young Healthy Individuals on the Glyacemic Indexes of Traditional and Modified Vegetarian Meals. Nutrients, 2019. 11(10).Normal (BMI<18.5) 2h102019
Pierogi, dumplings with wholegrain wheat flour, potato and cheese curd stuffing, boiled in water for 4 min #47Regional or Traditional FoodsPoland3516Raczkowska, E. and M. Bronkowska, The Effect of the Body Mass Indexes of Young Healthy Individuals on the Glyacemic Indexes of Traditional and Modified Vegetarian Meals. Nutrients, 2019. 11(10).Normal 2h102019
Pierogi, dumplings with wholegrain wheat flour, potato and cheese curd stuffing, boiled in water for 4 min #39Regional or Traditional FoodsPoland3514Raczkowska, E. and M. Bronkowska, The Effect of the Body Mass Indexes of Young Healthy Individuals on the Glyacemic Indexes of Traditional and Modified Vegetarian Meals. Nutrients, 2019. 11(10).Normal (BMI?25) 2h132019
Vegetable moussaka (Sunday’s Catering, Steniotis Bros Ltd, Greece) #35Regional or Traditional FoodsGreece3512Manios, Y., et al., Postprandial glucose and insulin levels in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients after consumption of ready-to-eat mixed meals. European Journal of Nutrition, 2017. 56(3): p. 1359-1367.Type 2 2h242013
Wild greens pie (Sunday’s Catering, Steniotis Bros Ltd, Greece) #43Regional or Traditional FoodsGreece3515Manios, Y., et al., Postprandial glucose and insulin levels in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients after consumption of ready-to-eat mixed meals. European Journal of Nutrition, 2017. 56(3): p. 1359-1367.Type 2 2h242013
Melawach (dough made from white wheat flour and butter, fried) #61Regional or Traditional FoodsIsrael3521Indar-Brown, K., C. Noreberg, and Z. Madar, Glycemic and insulinemic responses after ingestion of ethnic foods by NIDDM and healthy subjects. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1992. 55(1): p. 89-95.Type 2 & Normal 3h9 & 91990
Melawach, fried wheat dough #71Regional or Traditional FoodsIsrael3525Feldman, N., et al., Enrichment of an Israeli ethnic food with fibres and their effects on the glycaemic and insulinaemic responses in subjects with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. British Journal of Nutrition, 1995. 74(5): p. 681-8.Type 2 3h141994
Melawach + 15 g locust bean (Ceratonia siliqua) fiber (soluble fiber) #31Regional or Traditional FoodsIsrael3511Feldman, N., et al., Enrichment of an Israeli ethnic food with fibres and their effects on the glycaemic and insulinaemic responses in subjects with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. British Journal of Nutrition, 1995. 74(5): p. 681-8.Type 2 3h91994
Melawach + 15 g lupin (Lupinus albus) fiber #72Regional or Traditional FoodsIsrael3525Feldman, N., et al., Enrichment of an Israeli ethnic food with fibres and their effects on the glycaemic and insulinaemic responses in subjects with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. British Journal of Nutrition, 1995. 74(5): p. 681-8.Type 2 3h101994
Melawach + 15 g maize cob fiber (insoluble fiber) #59Regional or Traditional FoodsIsrael3521Feldman, N., et al., Enrichment of an Israeli ethnic food with fibres and their effects on the glycaemic and insulinaemic responses in subjects with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. British Journal of Nutrition, 1995. 74(5): p. 681-8.Type 2 3h91994
Acorns (Quercus emoryi), stewed with venison #16Regional or Traditional FoodsUSA356Brand, J.C., et al., Plasma glucose and insulin responses to traditional Pima Indian meals. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1990. 51(3): p. 416-420.Normal 2h81988
Cactus jam (Stenocereus thurberi) #92Regional or Traditional FoodsUSA3532Payne, Y., The glycaemic index of six foods traditionally consumed by the Pima Indian tribe., in Human Nutrition Unit. 1992, University of Sydney: Australia.Normal 2h81992
Corn hominy (Zea mays) #40Regional or Traditional FoodsUSA3514Brand, J.C., et al., Plasma glucose and insulin responses to traditional Pima Indian meals. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1990. 51(3): p. 416-420.Normal 2h81988
Fruit Leather (Stenocereus thurberi) #71Regional or Traditional FoodsUSA3525Payne, Y., The glycaemic index of six foods traditionally consumed by the Pima Indian tribe., in Human Nutrition Unit. 1992, University of Sydney: Australia.Normal 2h81992
Lima beans broth (Phaseolus lunatus) #36Regional or Traditional FoodsUSA3513Brand, J.C., et al., Plasma glucose and insulin responses to traditional Pima Indian meals. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1990. 51(3): p. 416-420.Normal 2h81988
Mesquite cakes (Prosopis velutina) #25Regional or Traditional FoodsUSA359Brand, J.C., et al., Plasma glucose and insulin responses to traditional Pima Indian meals. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1990. 51(3): p. 416-420.Normal 2h41988
Tortilla, blend of nixtamal cornmeal (Zea mays) and ironwood seed meal (Olneya tesota), ratio 3:1 #38Regional or Traditional FoodsUSA3513Payne, Y., The glycaemic index of six foods traditionally consumed by the Pima Indian tribe., in Human Nutrition Unit. 1992, University of Sydney: Australia.Normal 2h81992
White teparies broth (Phaseolus acutifolius) #31Regional or Traditional FoodsUSA3511Brand, J.C., et al., Plasma glucose and insulin responses to traditional Pima Indian meals. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1990. 51(3): p. 416-420.Normal 2h81988
Yellow teparies broth (Phaseolus acutifolius) #29Regional or Traditional FoodsUSA3510Brand, J.C., et al., Plasma glucose and insulin responses to traditional Pima Indian meals. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1990. 51(3): p. 416-420.Normal 2h81988
Arepa, corn bread cake, made with corn flour #72Regional or Traditional FoodsMexico3525Semprún Fereira, M., et al., Glycemic index and insulin response to ingestion of precooked corn flour in form of arepa in healthy individuals. Investigacion Clinica, 1994. 35(3): p. 131-142.Normal 4h61994
Arepa, made from white corn meal flour16 #55Regional or Traditional FoodsVenezuela3519Schnell, M., D. Emperatriz Pacheco de, and M. Yudistira, Metabolic Responses to Venezuelan Corn Meal and Rice Bran Supplemented Arepas (Breads). Cereal Chemistry, 2005. 82(1): p. 77-80.Normal 2h102004
Arepa, made from white corn meal flour, supplemented with 20% stabilized rice bran #61Regional or Traditional FoodsVenezuela3521Schnell, M., D. Emperatriz Pacheco de, and M. Yudistira, Metabolic Responses to Venezuelan Corn Meal and Rice Bran Supplemented Arepas (Breads). Cereal Chemistry, 2005. 82(1): p. 77-80.Normal 2h102004
Arepa, made from ordinary dehulled dent corn flour (25% amylose) #81Regional or Traditional FoodsUSA3528Granfeldt, Y., A. Drews, and I. Björck, Arepas made from high amylose corn flour produce favorably low glucose and insulin responses in healthy humans. The Journal of Nutrition, 1995. 125(3): p. 459-65.Normal 2h91993
Arepa, made from dehulled high-amylose (70%) corn flour #44Regional or Traditional FoodsUSA3515Granfeldt, Y., A. Drews, and I. Björck, Arepas made from high amylose corn flour produce favorably low glucose and insulin responses in healthy humans. The Journal of Nutrition, 1995. 125(3): p. 459-65.Normal 2h91993
Burrito (made from scrambled eggs, tomato, onions, vegetable oil, boiled pinto beans and flour tortilla) #37Regional or Traditional FoodsMexico3513Bacardi-Gascon, M., D. Dueñas-Mena, and A. Jimenez-Cruz, Lowering effect on postprandial glycemic response of nopales added to Mexican breakfasts. Diabetes Care, 2007. 30(5): p. 1264-5.Type 2 2h92006
Burrito (made from scrambled eggs, tomato, onions, vegetable oil, boiled pinto beans and flour tortilla) consumed with nopales (prickly pear cactus) #29Regional or Traditional FoodsMexico3510Bacardi-Gascon, M., D. Dueñas-Mena, and A. Jimenez-Cruz, Lowering effect on postprandial glycemic response of nopales added to Mexican breakfasts. Diabetes Care, 2007. 30(5): p. 1264-5.Type 2 2h92006
Chilaquiles (casserole made from corn tortilla, vegetable oil, tomato sauce, cheese, boiled pinto beans) #51Regional or Traditional FoodsMexico3518Bacardi-Gascon, M., D. Dueñas-Mena, and A. Jimenez-Cruz, Lowering effect on postprandial glycemic response of nopales added to Mexican breakfasts. Diabetes Care, 2007. 30(5): p. 1264-5.Type 2 2h112006
Chilaquiles (casserole made from corn tortilla, vegetable oil, tomato sauce, cheese, boiled pinto beans), consumed with nopales (prickly pear cactus) #35Regional or Traditional FoodsMexico3512Bacardi-Gascon, M., D. Dueñas-Mena, and A. Jimenez-Cruz, Lowering effect on postprandial glycemic response of nopales added to Mexican breakfasts. Diabetes Care, 2007. 30(5): p. 1264-5.Type 2 2h112006
Corn tortilla, nixtamal process #52Regional or Traditional FoodsMexico3518Noriega, E., L. Rivera, and E. Peralta, Glycaemic and insulinaemic indices of Mexican foods high in complex carbohydrates. Diabetes, Nutrition & Metabolism, 2000. 13(1): p. 13-9.Normal 3.5h81999
Corn tortilla, made from lime-treated whole corn meal, nixtamalization process #60Regional or Traditional FoodsMexico3521Noriega, E., et al., Glycaemic and insulinaemic indices of Mexican foods high in complex carbohydrates in Type 2 diabetic subjects. Diabetes, Nutrition & Metabolism, 2001. 14(1): p. 43-50.Type 2 3.5h72000
Corn tortilla bean taco, corn tortilla served with refried mashed pinto beans and tomato sauce #52Regional or Traditional FoodsMexico3518Noriega, E., et al., Glycaemic and insulinaemic indices of Mexican foods high in complex carbohydrates in Type 2 diabetic subjects. Diabetes, Nutrition & Metabolism, 2001. 14(1): p. 43-50.Type 2 3.5h72000
Corn tortilla, served with refried mashed pinto beans and tomato sauce #40Regional or Traditional FoodsMexico3514Noriega, E., L. Rivera, and E. Peralta, Glycaemic and insulinaemic indices of Mexican foods high in complex carbohydrates. Diabetes, Nutrition & Metabolism, 2000. 13(1): p. 13-9.Normal 3.5h81999
Corn tortilla, fried, with mashed potato, fresh tomato and lettuce #79Regional or Traditional FoodsMexico3528Noriega, E., L. Rivera, and E. Peralta, Glycaemic and insulinaemic indices of Mexican foods high in complex carbohydrates. Diabetes, Nutrition & Metabolism, 2000. 13(1): p. 13-9.Normal 3.5h81999
Corn tortilla potato taco, corn tortilla served with mashed potato, lettuce and tomato #86Regional or Traditional FoodsMexico3530Noriega, E., et al., Glycaemic and insulinaemic indices of Mexican foods high in complex carbohydrates in Type 2 diabetic subjects. Diabetes, Nutrition & Metabolism, 2001. 14(1): p. 43-50.Type 2 3.5h72000
Ground beef served with rice and an orange #22Regional or Traditional FoodsChile358Araya, H., et al., A comparison between an in vitro method to determine carbohydrate digestion rate and the glycemic response in young men. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2002. 56(8): p. 735-739.Normal 2h102001
Ground beef served with mashed potatoes and an orange #36Regional or Traditional FoodsChile3513Araya, H., et al., A comparison between an in vitro method to determine carbohydrate digestion rate and the glycemic response in young men. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2002. 56(8): p. 735-739.Normal 2h102001
Lentil soup, pureed, consumed with an orange #35Regional or Traditional FoodsChile3512Araya, H., et al., A comparison between an in vitro method to determine carbohydrate digestion rate and the glycemic response in young men. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2002. 56(8): p. 735-739.Normal 2h102001
Molletes (Terea white bread, mayocoba refried beans, manchego cheese) #81Regional or Traditional FoodsMexico3528Pardo-Buitimea, N.Y., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load of three traditional Mexican dishes. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2012. 63(1): p. 114-6.Normal 2h122010
Mole (chicken, Dõna Maria mole sauce, corn tortilla, fried long grain rice) #66Regional or Traditional FoodsMexico3523Pardo-Buitimea, N.Y., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load of three traditional Mexican dishes. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2012. 63(1): p. 114-6.Normal 2h122010
Nopal (Opuntia ficus indica), dehydrated for 48 h at 55°C #33Regional or Traditional FoodsMexico3512Lopez-Romero, P., et al., The effect of nopal (Opuntia ficus indica) on postprandial blood glucose, incretins, and antioxidant activity in Mexican patients with type 2 diabetes after consumption of two different composition breakfasts. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 2014. 114(11): p. 1811-8.Normal 2h72014
Nopales (prickly pear cactus) #7Regional or Traditional FoodsMexico352Frati-Munari, A.C., et al., The glycemic index of some foods common in Mexico. Gaceta medica de Mexico, 1991. 127(2): p. 163-70; discussion 170-1.Type 2 & Normal 3h27 & 211991
Pinhao, Brazilian Parana Pine seeds (Araucaria angustifolia) with coat, cooked for 1.5 h in 1 L of water #47Regional or Traditional FoodsBrazil3516Cordenunsi, B.R., et al., Chemical composition and glycemic index of Brazilian pine (Araucaria angustifolia) seeds. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 2004. 52(11): p. 3412-6.Normal 2h62003
Pinhao, without coat, cooked for 1h in 1L of water #43Regional or Traditional FoodsBrazil3515Cordenunsi, B.R., et al., Chemical composition and glycemic index of Brazilian pine (Araucaria angustifolia) seeds. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 2004. 52(11): p. 3412-6.Normal 2h62003
Potato and vegetable soup, consumed with breakfast cereal #58Regional or Traditional FoodsChile3520Araya, H., et al., A comparison between an in vitro method to determine carbohydrate digestion rate and the glycemic response in young men. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2002. 56(8): p. 735-739.Normal 2h102001
Pozole (Corn tostada, white hominy, pork, pasilla pepper, Guajilo pepper, lettuce) #66Regional or Traditional FoodsMexico3523Pardo-Buitimea, N.Y., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load of three traditional Mexican dishes. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2012. 63(1): p. 114-6.Normal 2h122010
Quesadillas (made from low-fat cheese, avocado, boiled pinto beans and flour tortilla) #36Regional or Traditional FoodsMexico3513Bacardi-Gascon, M., D. Dueñas-Mena, and A. Jimenez-Cruz, Lowering effect on postprandial glycemic response of nopales added to Mexican breakfasts. Diabetes Care, 2007. 30(5): p. 1264-5.Type 2 2h92006
Quesadillas (made from low-fat cheese, avocado, boiled pinto beans and flour tortilla) consumed with nopales (prickly pear cactus) #25Regional or Traditional FoodsMexico359Bacardi-Gascon, M., D. Dueñas-Mena, and A. Jimenez-Cruz, Lowering effect on postprandial glycemic response of nopales added to Mexican breakfasts. Diabetes Care, 2007. 30(5): p. 1264-5.Type 2 2h92006
Spaghetti served with beef tomato sauce and an orange #30Regional or Traditional FoodsChile3511Araya, H., et al., A comparison between an in vitro method to determine carbohydrate digestion rate and the glycemic response in young men. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2002. 56(8): p. 735-739.Normal 2h102001
Spaghetti served with pressure-cooked white beans and an orange #55Regional or Traditional FoodsChile3519Araya, H., et al., A comparison between an in vitro method to determine carbohydrate digestion rate and the glycemic response in young men. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2002. 56(8): p. 735-739.Normal 2h102001
Tamales, made from maize (Zea mays var. Huimilpan) flour prepared using the traditional nixtamalization process with water and calcium hydroxide, steamed for 1.5 h #82Regional or Traditional FoodsMexico5029Mariscal-Moreno, R.M., et al., Nixtamalization Process Affects Resistant Starch Formation and Glycemic Index of Tamales. Journal of Food Science, 2017. 82(5): p. 1110-1115.Normal 2h102016
Tamales, made from maize (Zea mays var. Huimilpan) flour prepared using the ecological nixtamalization process with water and calcium carbonate, steamed for 1.5 h #60Regional or Traditional FoodsMexico5021Mariscal-Moreno, R.M., et al., Nixtamalization Process Affects Resistant Starch Formation and Glycemic Index of Tamales. Journal of Food Science, 2017. 82(5): p. 1110-1115.Normal 2h102016
Tamales, made from maize (Zea mays var. Huimilpan) flour prepared using the classical nixtamalization process with water and wood ash, steamed for 1.5 h #73Regional or Traditional FoodsMexico5026Mariscal-Moreno, R.M., et al., Nixtamalization Process Affects Resistant Starch Formation and Glycemic Index of Tamales. Journal of Food Science, 2017. 82(5): p. 1110-1115.Normal 2h102016
Tamales, made from maize (Zea mays var. Huimilpan) flour prepared using the classical nixtamalization process with water, steamed for 1.5 h #73Regional or Traditional FoodsMexico5026Mariscal-Moreno, R.M., et al., Nixtamalization Process Affects Resistant Starch Formation and Glycemic Index of Tamales. Journal of Food Science, 2017. 82(5): p. 1110-1115.Normal 2h102016
Wheat tortilla served with refried pinto beans and tomato sauce #28Regional or Traditional FoodsMexico5010Noriega, E., L. Rivera, and E. Peralta, Glycaemic and insulinaemic indices of Mexican foods high in complex carbohydrates. Diabetes, Nutrition & Metabolism, 2000. 13(1): p. 13-9.Normal 3.5h81999
Wheat tortilla bean taco, wheat tortilla served with refried pinto beans and tomato sauce #51Regional or Traditional FoodsMexico5018Noriega, E., et al., Glycaemic and insulinaemic indices of Mexican foods high in complex carbohydrates in Type 2 diabetic subjects. Diabetes, Nutrition & Metabolism, 2001. 14(1): p. 43-50.Type 2 3.5h72000
Glucose Support 1.2 Vanilla18Kate Farms, Inc.Nutrition Support Products305INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102020
Renal Support 1.8 Vanilla42Kate Farms, Inc.Nutrition Support Products3013INQUIS Clinical Research (formerly GI Labs Ltd.) (Toronto, Canada), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102020
SOYJOY® Almond Chocolate #20PT. Amerta Indah Otsuka, JakartaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryIndonesia255Nurdin, N. M., Navratilova, H. F., Ekawidyani, K. R., Pratiwi, D., & Kurniawan, M. Y. Soy Flour-Based Snack Bar as Potential Snack Alternative for Diabetes Mellitus. Jurnal Gizi dan Pangan, 2020, 15(3), 125-132.Normal2h2019
SOYJOY® Raisin Almond #7PT. Amerta Indah Otsuka, JakartaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryIndonesia252Nurdin, N. M., Navratilova, H. F., Ekawidyani, K. R., Pratiwi, D., & Kurniawan, M. Y. Soy Flour-Based Snack Bar as Potential Snack Alternative for Diabetes Mellitus. Jurnal Gizi dan Pangan, 2020, 15(3), 125-132.Normal2h2019
SOYJOY® Banana #37PT. Amerta Indah Otsuka, JakartaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryIndonesia259Nurdin, N. M., Navratilova, H. F., Ekawidyani, K. R., Pratiwi, D., & Kurniawan, M. Y. Soy Flour-Based Snack Bar as Potential Snack Alternative for Diabetes Mellitus. Jurnal Gizi dan Pangan, 2020, 15(3), 125-132.Normal2h2019
SOYJOY® Strawberry #26PT. Amerta Indah Otsuka, JakartaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryIndonesia256Nurdin, N. M., Navratilova, H. F., Ekawidyani, K. R., Pratiwi, D., & Kurniawan, M. Y. Soy Flour-Based Snack Bar as Potential Snack Alternative for Diabetes Mellitus. Jurnal Gizi dan Pangan, 2020, 15(3), 125-132.Normal2h2019
SOYJOY® Crispy Vanilla #30PT. Amerta Indah Otsuka, JakartaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryIndonesia257Nurdin, N. M., Navratilova, H. F., Ekawidyani, K. R., Pratiwi, D., & Kurniawan, M. Y. Soy Flour-Based Snack Bar as Potential Snack Alternative for Diabetes Mellitus. Jurnal Gizi dan Pangan, 2020, 15(3), 125-132.Normal2h2019
SOYJOY® Crispy White Chocolate Macadamia #36PT. Amerta Indah Otsuka, JakartaSnack Foods and ConfectioneryIndonesia259Nurdin, N. M., Navratilova, H. F., Ekawidyani, K. R., Pratiwi, D., & Kurniawan, M. Y. Soy Flour-Based Snack Bar as Potential Snack Alternative for Diabetes Mellitus. Jurnal Gizi dan Pangan, 2020, 15(3), 125-132.Normal2h2019
Chocolate Kouka Almond33Meiji Co. Ltd, JapanSnack Foods and ConfectioneryJapan258Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal2h102021
Chocolate Kouka Macadamia25Meiji Co. Ltd, JapanSnack Foods and ConfectioneryJapan256Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal2h102021
Herman Brot Complete Protein Bread39Herman Brot Pty Ltd, AustraliaBreadsAustralia156Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal2h102021
Sweet Chilli Grain Waves 49Smith’s Snackfood Company Pty Limited.Snack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2512Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102021
Caramelised Onion & Balsamic Grain Waves 49Smith’s Snackfood Company Pty Limited.Snack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2512Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal 2h102021
Sea Salt Sunbites52Smith’s Snackfood Company Pty Limited.Snack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2513Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal2h102021
Caramelised Onion & Balsamic Sunbites52Smith’s Snackfood Company Pty Limited.Snack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2513Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal2h102021
Cheddar & Chives Sunbites54Smith’s Snackfood Company Pty Limited.Snack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2514Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal2h102021
Sweet Chilli & Sour Cream Sunbites54Smith’s Snackfood Company Pty Limited.Snack Foods and ConfectioneryAustralia2514Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal2h102021
Bestore Probiotics Daily Nuts36Bestore Nutrition Food Co., Ltd. NutsChina52Beijing Key Laboratory of the Innovative Development of Functional Staple and the Nutritional Intervention for Chronic Disease, CNRIFFI (Bejing, China), unpublished observations.Normal2h122021
Highland Barley Oats Biscuit 48Jiang Zhong Diet Therapy Thechnology Co.,Ltd.CookiesChina2010Beijing Key Laboratory of the Innovative Development of Functional Staple and the Nutritional Intervention for Chronic Disease, CNRIFFI (Bejing, China), unpublished observations.Normal2h122021
Mixed Nuts Cranberry Protein Bar 42LVSHOU HEALTH INDUSTRY GROUP Co., LTD.Meal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsChina208Beijing Key Laboratory of the Innovative Development of Functional Staple and the Nutritional Intervention for Chronic Disease, CNRIFFI (Bejing, China), unpublished observations.Normal2h122021
Quinoa High Fiber Porridge45LVSHOU HEALTH INDUSTRY GROUP Co., LTD.Meal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsChina209Beijing Key Laboratory of the Innovative Development of Functional Staple and the Nutritional Intervention for Chronic Disease, CNRIFFI (Bejing, China), unpublished observations.Normal2h122021
SEIMEI ONE Pro46Seimei (Beijing) Limited.Meal Replacement & Weight Management ProductsChina209Beijing Key Laboratory of the Innovative Development of Functional Staple and the Nutritional Intervention for Chronic Disease, CNRIFFI (Bejing, China), unpublished observations.Normal2h122022
Tian Jian Jun Light Rice Vermicelli 54Chengdu Tianjianjun Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd.Pasta and NoodlesChina4022Beijing Key Laboratory of the Innovative Development of Functional Staple and the Nutritional Intervention for Chronic Disease, CNRIFFI (Bejing, China), unpublished observations.Normal2h122021
ZANHUO/ManaGI Strawberry Energy Balls43Hangzhou Dingxiang Health Management Co., Ltd.Snack Foods and ConfectioneryChina2511Beijing Key Laboratory of the Innovative Development of Functional Staple and the Nutritional Intervention for Chronic Disease, CNRIFFI (Bejing, China), unpublished observations.Normal2h122021
ZANHUO/ManaGI Chocolate Energy Balls53Hangzhou Dingxiang Health Management Co., Ltd.Snack Foods and ConfectioneryChina2513Beijing Key Laboratory of the Innovative Development of Functional Staple and the Nutritional Intervention for Chronic Disease, CNRIFFI (Bejing, China), unpublished observations.Normal2h122021
ZANHUO/ManaGI Milky Crispbread 53Hangzhou Dingxiang Health Management Co., Ltd.Snack Foods and ConfectioneryChina158Beijing Key Laboratory of the Innovative Development of Functional Staple and the Nutritional Intervention for Chronic Disease, CNRIFFI (Bejing, China), unpublished observations.Normal2h122021
ZANHUO/ManaGI Multi-grain Instant Noodles46Hangzhou Dingxiang Health Management Co., Ltd.Pasta and NoodlesChina4018Beijing Key Laboratory of the Innovative Development of Functional Staple and the Nutritional Intervention for Chronic Disease, CNRIFFI (Bejing, China), unpublished observations.Normal2h122022
Herman Brot Low Carb Muffin, Blueberry13Herman Brot Pty Ltd, AustraliaBakery ProductsAustralia304Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), unpublished observations.Normal2h102022
Sponge cake, castilla #64Bakery ProductsJapan3019Oku, T., et al., Consideration of the validity of glycemic index using blood glucose and insulin levels and breath hydrogen excretion in healthy subjects. International Journal of Diabetes Mellitus, 2010. 2(2): p. 88-94.Normal2h122009
Beverage, made from coconut inflorescence sap (COCOZENª) powder52BeveragesIndia2513Mammen, R., et al., Safety and influence of a novel powder form of coconut inflorescence sap on glycemic index and lipid profile. Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre, 2020. 23: 100217.Normal2h152019
Glucose drink with 5.6 g added whey protein and whey peptide blend powder (Glandia)92BeveragesCanada2523Petersen, B.L. et al., A whey protein supplement decreases post-prandial glycemia. Nutrition Journal, 2009. 8:47.Normal2h102009
Glucose drink with 11.2 g added whey protein and whey peptide blend powder (Glandia)85BeveragesCanada2521Petersen, B.L. et al., A whey protein supplement decreases post-prandial glycemia. Nutrition Journal, 2009. 8:47.Normal2h102009
Glucose drink with 22.5g added whey protein and whey peptide blend powder (Glandia)60BeveragesCanada2515Petersen, B.L. et al., A whey protein supplement decreases post-prandial glycemia. Nutrition Journal, 2009. 8:47.Normal2h102009
Gatorade, lemon-lime flavour65BeveragesUSA2516Whelan, W.J., et al., The glycemic response is a personal attribute. IUBMB Life, 2010. 62(8): p. 637-641.Normal2h102010
White wheat bread51BreadsEthiopia158Dereje, N., et al., Glycemic Index and Load of Selected Ethiopian Foods: An Experimental Study. Journal of Diabetes Research, 2019. 2019: 8564879.Normal2h102019
Bread, wholegrain, made from higher amylose (38%) wheat, baked at pumpernikel conditions (20 h, 120oC) #58BreadsSweden159Hallstrom, E., et al., A novel wheat variety with elevated content of amylose increases resistant starch formation and may beneficially influence glycaemia in healthy subjects. Food and Nutrition Research, 2011. 55: 7074.Normal2h142010
Bread, wholegrain, made from higher amylose (38%) wheat, with added lactic acid, baked at pumpernikel conditions (20 h, 120oC) #50BreadsSweden158Hallstrom, E., et al., A novel wheat variety with elevated content of amylose increases resistant starch formation and may beneficially influence glycaemia in healthy subjects. Food and Nutrition Research, 2011. 55: 7074.Normal2h142010
Bread, wholegrain wheat, baked at pumpernikel conditions (20 h, 120oC) #63BreadsSweden159Hallstrom, E., et al., A novel wheat variety with elevated content of amylose increases resistant starch formation and may beneficially influence glycaemia in healthy subjects. Food and Nutrition Research, 2011. 55: 7074.Normal2h142010
White wheat bread, enriched with guar gum (15% dry weight basis) #32BreadsSweden155Nilsson, A. et al., Effects on cognitive performance of modulating the postprandial blood glucose profile at breakfast. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2012. 66(9): p. 1039-43.Normal2h202011
Sourdough bread, made with wholemeal wheat flour and prepared with Lactobacillus brevis combined with Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. chevalieri starter50BreadsCroatia158Novotni, D., et al., Glycemic index and phenolics of partially-baked frozen bread with sourdough. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2011. 62(1): p. 26-33.Normal2h102010
Sourdough bread, made with wholemeal wheat flour and prepared with Lactobacillus fermentum starter56BreadsCroatia158Novotni, D., et al., Glycemic index and phenolics of partially-baked frozen bread with sourdough. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2011. 62(1): p. 26-33.Normal2h102010
Sourdough bread, made with wholemeal wheat flour and prepared with Lactobacillus fermentum with phytase starter56BreadsCroatia158Novotni, D., et al., Glycemic index and phenolics of partially-baked frozen bread with sourdough. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2011. 62(1): p. 26-33.Normal2h102010
Sourdough bread, made with wholemeal wheat flour and prepared with Lactobacillus plantarum starter60BreadsCroatia159Novotni, D., et al., Glycemic index and phenolics of partially-baked frozen bread with sourdough. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2011. 62(1): p. 26-33.Normal2h102010
Wholemeal wheat flour bread70BreadsCroatia1511Novotni, D., et al., Glycemic index and phenolics of partially-baked frozen bread with sourdough. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2011. 62(1): p. 26-33.Normal2h102010
White wheat bread, Yamazaki #58BreadsJapan159Oku, T., et al., Consideration of the validity of glycemic index using blood glucose and insulin levels and breath hydrogen excretion in healthy subjects. International Journal of Diabetes Mellitus, 2010. 2(2): p. 88-94.Normal2h122009
Bread, white81BreadsNew Zealand1512Williams, S., et al., Another approach to estimating the reliability of glycaemic index. British Journal of Nutrition, 2008. 100(2): p. 364-372.Normal2h202007
Rice, white, NS, boiled for 45-60 min on mild heat #73Cereal GrainsIran4533Hajifaraji, M., et al., Glycemic indices of three commonly consumed foods: A clinical trial in Iranian healthy adults. Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2012. 5(3): p. 253-257.Normal2h122011
Oat (Avena sativa L.) flakes, mixed with water, convection heated for 7 min #76MelvitCereal GrainsPoland4534Harasym, J., Oledzki R., Comparison of Conventional and Microwave Assisted Heating on Carbohydrate Content, Antioxidant Capacity and Postprandial Glycemic Response in Oat Meals. Nutrients, 2018. 10(2): 207.Normal3h122017
Oat (Avena sativa L.) flakes, mixed with water, cooked in microwave for 3 min #62MelvitCereal GrainsPoland4528Harasym, J., Oledzki R., Comparison of Conventional and Microwave Assisted Heating on Carbohydrate Content, Antioxidant Capacity and Postprandial Glycemic Response in Oat Meals. Nutrients, 2018. 10(2): 207.Normal3h122017
Oat (Avena sativa L.) flakes, mixed with water, cooked in microwave for 5 min #75MelvitCereal GrainsPoland4534Harasym, J., Oledzki R., Comparison of Conventional and Microwave Assisted Heating on Carbohydrate Content, Antioxidant Capacity and Postprandial Glycemic Response in Oat Meals. Nutrients, 2018. 10(2): 207.Normal3h122017
Oat (Avena sativa L.) bran, mixed with water, convection heated for 7 min min #62SanteCereal GrainsPoland4528Harasym, J., Oledzki R., Comparison of Conventional and Microwave Assisted Heating on Carbohydrate Content, Antioxidant Capacity and Postprandial Glycemic Response in Oat Meals. Nutrients, 2018. 10(2): 207.Normal3h122017
Oat (Avena sativa L.) bran, mixed with water, cooked in microwave for 3 min #49SanteCereal GrainsPoland4522Harasym, J., Oledzki R., Comparison of Conventional and Microwave Assisted Heating on Carbohydrate Content, Antioxidant Capacity and Postprandial Glycemic Response in Oat Meals. Nutrients, 2018. 10(2): 207.Normal3h122017
Oat (Avena sativa L.) bran, mixed with water, cooked in microwave for 5 min #66SanteCereal GrainsPoland4530Harasym, J., Oledzki R., Comparison of Conventional and Microwave Assisted Heating on Carbohydrate Content, Antioxidant Capacity and Postprandial Glycemic Response in Oat Meals. Nutrients, 2018. 10(2): 207.Normal3h122017
Rice, white, Sato-no-gohan, cooked in an electric rice cooker #71Cereal GrainsJapan4532Oku, T., et al., Consideration of the validity of glycemic index using blood glucose and insulin levels and breath hydrogen excretion in healthy subjects. International Journal of Diabetes Mellitus, 2010. 2(2): p. 88-94.Normal2h122009
Rice, white, Nihonbare, cooked in an electric rice cooker #69Cereal GrainsJapan4531Oku, T., et al., Consideration of the validity of glycemic index using blood glucose and insulin levels and breath hydrogen excretion in healthy subjects. International Journal of Diabetes Mellitus, 2010. 2(2): p. 88-94.Normal2h122009
Rice, white, Hinohikari, cooked in an electric rice cooker #74Cereal GrainsJapan4533Oku, T., et al., Consideration of the validity of glycemic index using blood glucose and insulin levels and breath hydrogen excretion in healthy subjects. International Journal of Diabetes Mellitus, 2010. 2(2): p. 88-94.Normal2h122009
Rice, white, Koshihikari, cooked in an electric rice cooker #75Cereal GrainsJapan4534Oku, T., et al., Consideration of the validity of glycemic index using blood glucose and insulin levels and breath hydrogen excretion in healthy subjects. International Journal of Diabetes Mellitus, 2010. 2(2): p. 88-94.Normal2h122009
Rice, DRRH-3, boiled78Cereal GrainsIndia4535Prasad, V.S.S., et al., Nutritional composition in relation to glycemic potential of popular Indian rice varieties. Food Chemistry, 2018. 238: p. 29-34.Normal2h122016
Rice, Jaya, boiled76Cereal GrainsIndia4534Prasad, V.S.S., et al., Nutritional composition in relation to glycemic potential of popular Indian rice varieties. Food Chemistry, 2018. 238: p. 29-34.Normal2h122016
Rice, Lalat, boiled50Cereal GrainsIndia4523Prasad, V.S.S., et al., Nutritional composition in relation to glycemic potential of popular Indian rice varieties. Food Chemistry, 2018. 238: p. 29-34.Normal2h122016
Rice, NDR-97, boiled78Cereal GrainsIndia4535Prasad, V.S.S., et al., Nutritional composition in relation to glycemic potential of popular Indian rice varieties. Food Chemistry, 2018. 238: p. 29-34.Normal2h122016
Rice, PR-113, boiled77Cereal GrainsIndia4535Prasad, V.S.S., et al., Nutritional composition in relation to glycemic potential of popular Indian rice varieties. Food Chemistry, 2018. 238: p. 29-34.Normal2h122016
Rice, Salivahana, boiled80Cereal GrainsIndia4536Prasad, V.S.S., et al., Nutritional composition in relation to glycemic potential of popular Indian rice varieties. Food Chemistry, 2018. 238: p. 29-34.Normal2h122016
Rice, Sasyasree, boiled76Cereal GrainsIndia4534Prasad, V.S.S., et al., Nutritional composition in relation to glycemic potential of popular Indian rice varieties. Food Chemistry, 2018. 238: p. 29-34.Normal2h122016
Rice, Savithri, boiled70Cereal GrainsIndia4532Prasad, V.S.S., et al., Nutritional composition in relation to glycemic potential of popular Indian rice varieties. Food Chemistry, 2018. 238: p. 29-34.Normal2h122016
Rice, TellaHamsa, boiled77Cereal GrainsIndia4535Prasad, V.S.S., et al., Nutritional composition in relation to glycemic potential of popular Indian rice varieties. Food Chemistry, 2018. 238: p. 29-34.Normal2h122016
Rice, Triguna, boiled79Cereal GrainsIndia4536Prasad, V.S.S., et al., Nutritional composition in relation to glycemic potential of popular Indian rice varieties. Food Chemistry, 2018. 238: p. 29-34.Normal2h122016
Rice, Varalu, boiled78Cereal GrainsIndia4535Prasad, V.S.S., et al., Nutritional composition in relation to glycemic potential of popular Indian rice varieties. Food Chemistry, 2018. 238: p. 29-34.Normal2h122016
Rice, red, UKMRC9, dehusked, cooked for 44 min in an electric rice cooker with 1:2 (w/w) rice-to-water ratio46Cereal GrainsMalaysia4521Se, C-H., et al., Evaluating Crossbred Red Rice Variants for Postprandial Glucometabolic Responses: A Comparison with Commercial Varieties. Nutrients, 2016. 8: 308.Normal3h122016
Rice, red, UKMRC10, dehusked, cooked for 45 min in an electric rice cooker with 1:2 (w/w) rice-to-water ratio59Cereal GrainsMalaysia4527Se, C-H., et al., Evaluating Crossbred Red Rice Variants for Postprandial Glucometabolic Responses: A Comparison with Commercial Varieties. Nutrients, 2016. 8: 308.Normal3h122016
Rice, red, UKMRC11, dehusked, cooked for 41 min in an electric rice cooker with 1:2 (w/w) rice-to-water ratio63Cereal GrainsMalaysia4528Se, C-H., et al., Evaluating Crossbred Red Rice Variants for Postprandial Glucometabolic Responses: A Comparison with Commercial Varieties. Nutrients, 2016. 8: 308.Normal3h122016
Rice, red, Thailand (Nutririce, Jasmine Food Corp Pte Ltd, Malaysia), dehusked, cooked for 40 min in an electric rice cooker with 1:2 (w/w) rice-to-water ratio55Cereal GrainsMalaysia4525Se, C-H., et al., Evaluating Crossbred Red Rice Variants for Postprandial Glucometabolic Responses: A Comparison with Commercial Varieties. Nutrients, 2016. 8: 308.Normal3h122016
Rice, white, Basmati (IndiaGate, KRBL Ltd., India), polished, cooked for 26 min in an electric rice cooker with 1:2 (w/w) rice-to-water ratio50Cereal GrainsIndia4523Se, C-H., et al., Evaluating Crossbred Red Rice Variants for Postprandial Glucometabolic Responses: A Comparison with Commercial Varieties. Nutrients, 2016. 8: 308.Normal3h122016
Rice, white, Jasmine (Rambutan AAA, Jasmine Food Corp Pte Ltd, Malaysia), polished, cooked for 32 min in an electric rice cooker with 1:2 (w/w) rice-to-water ratio77Cereal GrainsMalaysia4535Se, C-H., et al., Evaluating Crossbred Red Rice Variants for Postprandial Glucometabolic Responses: A Comparison with Commercial Varieties. Nutrients, 2016. 8: 308.Normal3h122016
Rice, Basmati, thermally treated, cooked in an electric rice cooker using a rice:water ratio of 1:1.555Marico, LtdCereal GrainsIndia4525Srinivasa, D., et al., Glycaemic index (GI) of an Indian branded thermally treated basmati rice variety: a multi centric study. The Journal of the Association of Physicians of India, 2013. 61(10): p. 716-20.Normal2h702012
Green banana flour, consumed suspended in 250 mL water #15Cereal GrainsBrazil457Tavares da Silva, S., et al., Women with metabolic syndrome improve antrophometric and biochemical parameters with green banana flour consumption. Nutricion Hospitalaria, 2014. 29(5): p.1070-1080.Normal2h102014
Rice, white, IMS 2, milled, cooked in an electric rice cooker63Cereal GrainsPhilippines4528Trinidad, T.P. et al., The effect of apparent amylose content and dietary fibre on the glycemic response of different varieties of cooked milled and brown rice. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2013. 64(1): p. 89-93.Normal2h 9-102013
Rice, white, Sinandomeng, milled, cooked in an electric rice cooker75Cereal GrainsPhilippines4534Trinidad, T.P. et al., The effect of apparent amylose content and dietary fibre on the glycemic response of different varieties of cooked milled and brown rice. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2013. 64(1): p. 89-93.Normal2h 9-102013
Rice, white, NSIC Rc160, milled, cooked in an electric rice cooker70Cereal GrainsPhilippines4532Trinidad, T.P. et al., The effect of apparent amylose content and dietary fibre on the glycemic response of different varieties of cooked milled and brown rice. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2013. 64(1): p. 89-93.Normal2h 9-102013
Rice, white, PSB Rc18, milled, cooked in an electric rice cooker59Cereal GrainsPhilippines4527Trinidad, T.P. et al., The effect of apparent amylose content and dietary fibre on the glycemic response of different varieties of cooked milled and brown rice. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2013. 64(1): p. 89-93.Normal2h 9-102013
Rice, white, IR64, milled, cooked in an electric rice cooker57Cereal GrainsPhilippines4526Trinidad, T.P. et al., The effect of apparent amylose content and dietary fibre on the glycemic response of different varieties of cooked milled and brown rice. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2013. 64(1): p. 89-93.Normal2h 9-102013
Rice, white, PSB Rc12, milled, cooked in an electric rice cooker63Cereal GrainsPhilippines4528Trinidad, T.P. et al., The effect of apparent amylose content and dietary fibre on the glycemic response of different varieties of cooked milled and brown rice. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2013. 64(1): p. 89-93.Normal2h 9-102013
Rice, white, PSB Rc10, milled, cooked in an electric rice cooker50Cereal GrainsPhilippines4523Trinidad, T.P. et al., The effect of apparent amylose content and dietary fibre on the glycemic response of different varieties of cooked milled and brown rice. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2013. 64(1): p. 89-93.Normal2h 9-102013
Rice, brown, Sinandomeng, presoaked for 30 min then cooked in an electric rice cooker55Cereal GrainsPhilippines4525Trinidad, T.P. et al., The effect of apparent amylose content and dietary fibre on the glycemic response of different varieties of cooked milled and brown rice. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2013. 64(1): p. 89-93.Normal2h 9-102013
Rice, brown, IR64, presoaked for 30 min then cooked in an electric rice cooker51Cereal GrainsPhilippines4523Trinidad, T.P. et al., The effect of apparent amylose content and dietary fibre on the glycemic response of different varieties of cooked milled and brown rice. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2013. 64(1): p. 89-93.Normal2h 9-102013
Oats (Avena nuda L.), whole grain, full-bran, cooked with water under normal pressure for 50 min #51Cereal GrainsChina4523Zhu, R. et al., A comparison between whole grain and pearled oats: acute postprandial glycaemic responses and in vitro carbohydrate digestion in healthy subjects. European Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 59: p. 2345-2355.Normal2h102019
Oats (Avena nuda L.), whole grain, full-bran, cooked with water under high 70 kPa pressure for 20 min #52Cereal GrainsChina4523Zhu, R. et al., A comparison between whole grain and pearled oats: acute postprandial glycaemic responses and in vitro carbohydrate digestion in healthy subjects. European Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 59: p. 2345-2355.Normal2h102019
Oats (Avena nuda L.), pearled, cooked with water under normal pressure for 50 min #51Cereal GrainsChina4523Zhu, R. et al., A comparison between whole grain and pearled oats: acute postprandial glycaemic responses and in vitro carbohydrate digestion in healthy subjects. European Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 59: p. 2345-2355.Normal2h102019
Oats (Avena nuda L.), pearled, cooked with water under high 70 kPa pressure for 20 min #58Cereal GrainsChina4526Zhu, R. et al., A comparison between whole grain and pearled oats: acute postprandial glycaemic responses and in vitro carbohydrate digestion in healthy subjects. European Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 59: p. 2345-2355.Normal2h102019
Rice, Japonica, white, steamed for 50 min #84Cereal GrainsChina4538Zhu, R. et al., A comparison between whole grain and pearled oats: acute postprandial glycaemic responses and in vitro carbohydrate digestion in healthy subjects. European Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 59: p. 2345-2355.Normal2h102019
Meal containing 50% whole grain oats and 50% Japonica rice, cooked under normal pressure for 50 min #59Cereal GrainsChina4527Zhu, R. et al., A comparison between whole grain and pearled oats: acute postprandial glycaemic responses and in vitro carbohydrate digestion in healthy subjects. European Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 59: p. 2345-2355.Normal2h102019
Meal containing 50% whole grain oats and 50% Japonica rice, cooked under high 70 kPa pressure pressure for 20 min #64Cereal GrainsChina4529Zhu, R. et al., A comparison between whole grain and pearled oats: acute postprandial glycaemic responses and in vitro carbohydrate digestion in healthy subjects. European Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 59: p. 2345-2355.Normal2h102019
Meal containing 50% pearled oats and 50% Japonica rice, cooked under normal pressure for 50 min #65Cereal GrainsChina4529Zhu, R. et al., A comparison between whole grain and pearled oats: acute postprandial glycaemic responses and in vitro carbohydrate digestion in healthy subjects. European Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 59: p. 2345-2355.Normal2h102019
Meal containing 50% pearled oats and 50% Japonica rice, cooked under high 70 kPa pressure pressure for 20 min #70Cereal GrainsChina4532Zhu, R. et al., A comparison between whole grain and pearled oats: acute postprandial glycaemic responses and in vitro carbohydrate digestion in healthy subjects. European Journal of Nutrition, 2019. 59: p. 2345-2355.Normal2h102019
Biscuit, plain, NS57CookiesMalaysia2011Ng, S.H., et al., Incorporation of dietary fibre-rich oyster mushroom (Pleurotus sajor-caju) powder improves postprandial glycaemic response by interfering with starch granule structure and starch digestibility of biscuit. Food Chemistry, 2017. 227: p. 358-368.Normal2h112016
Biscuit, plain, containing 4% Pleurotus sajor-caju powder52CookiesMalaysia2010Ng, S.H., et al., Incorporation of dietary fibre-rich oyster mushroom (Pleurotus sajor-caju) powder improves postprandial glycaemic response by interfering with starch granule structure and starch digestibility of biscuit. Food Chemistry, 2017. 227: p. 358-368.Normal2h112016
Biscuit, plain, containing 8% Pleurotus sajor-caju powder49CookiesMalaysia2010Ng, S.H., et al., Incorporation of dietary fibre-rich oyster mushroom (Pleurotus sajor-caju) powder improves postprandial glycaemic response by interfering with starch granule structure and starch digestibility of biscuit. Food Chemistry, 2017. 227: p. 358-368.Normal2h112016
Biscuit, plain, containing 12% Pleurotus sajor-caju powder47CookiesMalaysia209Ng, S.H., et al., Incorporation of dietary fibre-rich oyster mushroom (Pleurotus sajor-caju) powder improves postprandial glycaemic response by interfering with starch granule structure and starch digestibility of biscuit. Food Chemistry, 2017. 227: p. 358-368.Normal2h112016
Chocolate cookie78CookiesGreece2016Papakonstantinou, E., et al., Short-term effects of a low glycemic index carob-containing snack on energy intake, satiety, and glycemic response in normal-weight, healthy adults: Results from two randomized trials. Nutrition, 2017. 42: p. 12-19.Normal2h102017
Biscuits, made from sorghum54CookiesIndia2011Prasad, M.P.R., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load of sorghum products. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2015. 95(8): p. 1626-30.Normal2h102014
Biscuits, made from wheat flour57CookiesIndia2011Prasad, M.P.R., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load of sorghum products. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2015. 95(8): p. 1626-30.Normal2h102014
Biscuits, made with 40% oat flakes and maltitol #33CookiesGreece207Stamataki N.S., et al., Evaluation of a high nutritional quality snack based on oat flakes and inulin: effects on postprandial glucose, insulin and ghrelin responses of healthy subjects. Food & Function, 2016. 7(7): p. 3295-3303.Normal2h112016
Biscuits, made with 40% oat flakes, maltitol and 4% inulin #46CookiesGreece209Stamataki N.S., et al., Evaluation of a high nutritional quality snack based on oat flakes and inulin: effects on postprandial glucose, insulin and ghrelin responses of healthy subjects. Food & Function, 2016. 7(7): p. 3295-3303.Normal2h112016
Strawberry jam, containing sugar #51Fruit and Fruit ProductsJapan158Kurotobi, T. et al., Glycemic index and postprandial blood glucose response to Japanese strawberry jam in normal adults. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology, 2010. 56(3): p. 198-202.Normal2h302009
Strawberry jam, containing corn syrup and sugar #76Fruit and Fruit ProductsJapan1511Kurotobi, T. et al., Glycemic index and postprandial blood glucose response to Japanese strawberry jam in normal adults. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology, 2010. 56(3): p. 198-202.Normal2h302009
Strawberry jam, containing sugar and glucose #70Fruit and Fruit ProductsJapan1511Kurotobi, T. et al., Glycemic index and postprandial blood glucose response to Japanese strawberry jam in normal adults. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology, 2010. 56(3): p. 198-202.Normal2h302009
Strawberry jam, containing apple juice #47Fruit and Fruit ProductsJapan157Kurotobi, T. et al., Glycemic index and postprandial blood glucose response to Japanese strawberry jam in normal adults. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology, 2010. 56(3): p. 198-202.Normal2h302009
Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis), peeled, cubed, boiled for 45 min, served with 20 g coconut scrapings #51Fruit and Fruit ProductsSri Lanka158Widanagamage, R.D., et al., Carbohydrate-rich foods: glycaemic indices and the effect of constituent macronutrients. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009. 60(Suppl 4): p.215-223.Normal2h102009
Roasted morama beans59LegumesBotswana159Mahgoub, S.O., et al., Glycaemic index of selected staple carbohydrate-rich foods commonly consumed in Botswana. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2013. 26(4): p. 182-187.Normal2h102013
Chickpea, dried, soaked overnight, boiled for 40 min #23LegumesSri Lanka153Widanagamage, R.D., et al., Carbohydrate-rich foods: glycaemic indices and the effect of constituent macronutrients. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009. 60(Suppl 4): p.215-223.Normal2h102009
Mungbean, dried, soaked overnight, boiled for 35 min #45LegumesSri Lanka157Widanagamage, R.D., et al., Carbohydrate-rich foods: glycaemic indices and the effect of constituent macronutrients. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009. 60(Suppl 4): p.215-223.Normal2h102009
Cowpea, dried, soaked overnight, boiled for 60 min, served with 20 g coconut scrapings #39LegumesSri Lanka156Widanagamage, R.D., et al., Carbohydrate-rich foods: glycaemic indices and the effect of constituent macronutrients. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009. 60(Suppl 4): p.215-223.Normal2h102009
Chickpeas28LegumesNew Zealand154Williams, S., et al., Another approach to estimating the reliability of glycaemic index. British Journal of Nutrition, 2008. 100(2): p. 364-372.Normal2h202007
Nutritional formula, containing lactose, isomaltulose and slowly digested starch, designed as a meal replacement product for pregnant women #30Nutritional Support ProductsSingapore309Shafaeizadeh, S., et al., Macronutrient Composition and Food Form Affect Glucose and Insulin Responses in Humans. Nutrients, 2018. 10: 188.Normal2h142017
Nutritional formula, commercial, containing lactose and sucrose, designed for pregnant women #26Nutritional Support ProductsSingapore308Shafaeizadeh, S., et al., Macronutrient Composition and Food Form Affect Glucose and Insulin Responses in Humans. Nutrients, 2018. 10: 188.Normal2h142017
Spaghetti, durum wheat, boiled in salted water for 10 min52Pasta and NoodlesFrance4021Greffeuille, V., et al., Enrichment of pasta with faba bean does not impact glycemic or insulin response but can enhance satiety feeling and digestive comfort when dried at very high temperature. Food & Function, 2015. 6(9): p. 2996-3005.Normal3h142015
Spaghetti, durum wheat, enriched with 35% faba bean flour, dried at a low temperature, boiled in salted water for 10.5 min42Pasta and NoodlesFrance4017Greffeuille, V., et al., Enrichment of pasta with faba bean does not impact glycemic or insulin response but can enhance satiety feeling and digestive comfort when dried at very high temperature. Food & Function, 2015. 6(9): p. 2996-3005.Normal3h152015
Spaghetti, durum wheat, enriched with 35% faba bean flour, dried at a high temperature, boiled in salted water for 13.5 min49Pasta and NoodlesFrance4020Greffeuille, V., et al., Enrichment of pasta with faba bean does not impact glycemic or insulin response but can enhance satiety feeling and digestive comfort when dried at very high temperature. Food & Function, 2015. 6(9): p. 2996-3005.Normal3h152015
Pasta, made from nol (common wheat) flour, boiled for 12-15 min #68Zar Macaron Co., IranPasta and NoodlesIran4027Hajifaraji, M., et al., Glycemic indices of three commonly consumed foods: A clinical trial in Iranian healthy adults. Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2012. 5(3): p. 253-257.Normal2h122011
Pasta, made from durum wheat semolina, boiled for 12-15 min #47Zar Macaron Co., IranPasta and NoodlesIran4019Hajifaraji, M., et al., Glycemic indices of three commonly consumed foods: A clinical trial in Iranian healthy adults. Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2012. 5(3): p. 253-257.Normal2h122011
Pasta, made from infused nol (common wheat) flour, boiled for 12-15 min #60Zar Macaron Co., IranPasta and NoodlesIran4024Hajifaraji, M., et al., Glycemic indices of three commonly consumed foods: A clinical trial in Iranian healthy adults. Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2012. 5(3): p. 253-257.Normal2h122011
Pasta, made from infused durum wheat semolina, boiled for 12-15 min #63Zar Macaron Co., IranPasta and NoodlesIran4025Hajifaraji, M., et al., Glycemic indices of three commonly consumed foods: A clinical trial in Iranian healthy adults. Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2012. 5(3): p. 253-257.Normal2h122011
Noolde, Simabara-udon, boiled #62Pasta and NoodlesJapan4025Oku, T., et al., Consideration of the validity of glycemic index using blood glucose and insulin levels and breath hydrogen excretion in healthy subjects. International Journal of Diabetes Mellitus, 2010. 2(2): p. 88-94.Normal2h122009
Noodle, Goto-udon, boiled #38Pasta and NoodlesJapan4015Oku, T., et al., Consideration of the validity of glycemic index using blood glucose and insulin levels and breath hydrogen excretion in healthy subjects. International Journal of Diabetes Mellitus, 2010. 2(2): p. 88-94.Normal2h122009
Noodle, Katokichi-udon, boiled #55Pasta and NoodlesJapan4022Oku, T., et al., Consideration of the validity of glycemic index using blood glucose and insulin levels and breath hydrogen excretion in healthy subjects. International Journal of Diabetes Mellitus, 2010. 2(2): p. 88-94.Normal2h122009
Pasta, made from 100% red lentil flour, boiled in unsalted water for 8 min22NatturaPasta and NoodlesItaly409Turco, I., et al., Polyphenols and the glycaemic index of legume pasta. Food & Function, 2019. 10(9): p. 5931-5938.Normal2h152019
Pasta, made from 100% pea flour, boiled in unsalted water for 6 min23NatturaPasta and NoodlesItaly409Turco, I., et al., Polyphenols and the glycaemic index of legume pasta. Food & Function, 2019. 10(9): p. 5931-5938.Normal2h152019
Pasta, made from 60% grass pea flour and 40% chickpea flour, boiled in unsalted water for 7 min20La Bona UsanzaPasta and NoodlesItaly408Turco, I., et al., Polyphenols and the glycaemic index of legume pasta. Food & Function, 2019. 10(9): p. 5931-5938.Normal2h152019
Pasta, made from 100% durum wheat semolina, boiled in unsalted water53BarillaPasta and NoodlesItaly4021Turco, I., et al., Polyphenols and the glycaemic index of legume pasta. Food & Function, 2019. 10(9): p. 5931-5938.Normal2h152019
Achicha with vegetables #69Regional or Traditional FoodsNigeria3524Davidson, G.I., et al., Variations in nutrient composition and glycemic index of standardized traditional cocoyam and corn-based dishes consumed in Nsukka Local Government Area of Enugu State, Nigeria. Progress in Nutrition, 2019. 21(3): p. 641-651.Normal2h122019
Achicha with fresh akidi (fresh cowpeas in pod) #49Regional or Traditional FoodsNigeria3517Davidson, G.I., et al., Variations in nutrient composition and glycemic index of standardized traditional cocoyam and corn-based dishes consumed in Nsukka Local Government Area of Enugu State, Nigeria. Progress in Nutrition, 2019. 21(3): p. 641-651.Normal2h122019
Achicha with pigeon pea #47Regional or Traditional FoodsNigeria3516Davidson, G.I., et al., Variations in nutrient composition and glycemic index of standardized traditional cocoyam and corn-based dishes consumed in Nsukka Local Government Area of Enugu State, Nigeria. Progress in Nutrition, 2019. 21(3): p. 641-651.Normal2h122019
Teff inerja (flatbread)36Regional or Traditional FoodsEthiopia3513Dereje, N., et al., Glycemic Index and Load of Selected Ethiopian Foods: An Experimental Study. Journal of Diabetes Research, 2019. 2019: 8564879.Normal2h102019
Corn injera (flatbread97Regional or Traditional FoodsEthiopia3534Dereje, N., et al., Glycemic Index and Load of Selected Ethiopian Foods: An Experimental Study. Journal of Diabetes Research, 2019. 2019: 8564879.Normal2h102019
Attieke/agbodjama, fermented cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) couscous63Regional or Traditional FoodsCote d-Ivorie3522Kouame, A.C., et al., Glycaemic index and load values tested in normoglycemic adults for five staple foodstuffs: pounded yam, pounded cassava-plantain, placali, attieke and maize meal stiff porridge. Nutrients, 2015. 7(2): p. 1267-1281.Normal2h102014
Foutou d'igname (pounded white yam, Dioscorea cayenensis-rotundata; variety Kponan)85Regional or Traditional FoodsCote d-Ivorie3530Kouame, A.C., et al., Glycaemic index and load values tested in normoglycemic adults for five staple foodstuffs: pounded yam, pounded cassava-plantain, placali, attieke and maize meal stiff porridge. Nutrients, 2015. 7(2): p. 1267-1281.Normal2h102014
Placali, cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) paste fermented106Regional or Traditional FoodsCote d-Ivorie3537Kouame, A.C., et al., Glycaemic index and load values tested in normoglycemic adults for five staple foodstuffs: pounded yam, pounded cassava-plantain, placali, attieke and maize meal stiff porridge. Nutrients, 2015. 7(2): p. 1267-1281.Normal2h102014
Foutou de banane, pounded plantain (Musa paradisiaca L.; variety ameletia)91Regional or Traditional FoodsCote d-Ivorie3532Kouame, A.C., et al., Glycaemic index and load values tested in normoglycemic adults for five staple foodstuffs: pounded yam, pounded cassava-plantain, placali, attieke and maize meal stiff porridge. Nutrients, 2015. 7(2): p. 1267-1281.Normal2h102014
Cabato_h, maize (Zea mays L.) meal porridge74Regional or Traditional FoodsCote d-Ivorie3526Kouame, A.C., et al., Glycaemic index and load values tested in normoglycemic adults for five staple foodstuffs: pounded yam, pounded cassava-plantain, placali, attieke and maize meal stiff porridge. Nutrients, 2015. 7(2): p. 1267-1281.Normal2h102014
Morama and sorghum porridge, dried morama beans and wholegrain sorghum flour, mixed with water and boiled63Regional or Traditional FoodsBotswana3522Mahgoub, S.O., et al., Glycaemic index of selected staple carbohydrate-rich foods commonly consumed in Botswana. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2013. 26(4): p. 182-187.Normal2h102013
Morama and maize porridge, dried morama beans and wholegrain maize flour, mixed with water and boiled62Regional or Traditional FoodsBotswana3522Mahgoub, S.O., et al., Glycaemic index of selected staple carbohydrate-rich foods commonly consumed in Botswana. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2013. 26(4): p. 182-187.Normal2h102013
Fat cakes, white wheat flour mised with water to make a dough, deep fried in sunflower oil71Regional or Traditional FoodsBotswana3525Mahgoub, S.O., et al., Glycaemic index of selected staple carbohydrate-rich foods commonly consumed in Botswana. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2013. 26(4): p. 182-187.Normal2h102013
Diphaphatha (flat cakes), white wheat flour mixed with water to make dough, cooked uncovered over a hot metal surface66Regional or Traditional FoodsBotswana3523Mahgoub, S.O., et al., Glycaemic index of selected staple carbohydrate-rich foods commonly consumed in Botswana. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2013. 26(4): p. 182-187.Normal2h102013
Dumplings: white wheat flour mixed with water to make dough balls and boiled in water73Regional or Traditional FoodsBotswana3526Mahgoub, S.O., et al., Glycaemic index of selected staple carbohydrate-rich foods commonly consumed in Botswana. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2013. 26(4): p. 182-187.Normal2h102013
Mapakiwa (baked bread), white wheat flour mixed with water to make dough, baked in an oven79Regional or Traditional FoodsBotswana3528Mahgoub, S.O., et al., Glycaemic index of selected staple carbohydrate-rich foods commonly consumed in Botswana. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2013. 26(4): p. 182-187.Normal2h102013
Mpsapsa (letshotlho) with beans, parboiled maize and dried whole grain maize mixed with white beans and boiled in water67Regional or Traditional FoodsBotswana3523Mahgoub, S.O., et al., Glycaemic index of selected staple carbohydrate-rich foods commonly consumed in Botswana. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2013. 26(4): p. 182-187.Normal2h102013
Maize meal stiff porridge, mealie meal mixed with boiling water to a thick consistency and left to cook slowly64Regional or Traditional FoodsBotswana3522Mahgoub, S.O., et al., Glycaemic index of selected staple carbohydrate-rich foods commonly consumed in Botswana. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2013. 26(4): p. 182-187.Normal2h102013
Samp (corn kernels) cooked slowly in boiling water65Regional or Traditional FoodsBotswana3523Mahgoub, S.O., et al., Glycaemic index of selected staple carbohydrate-rich foods commonly consumed in Botswana. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2013. 26(4): p. 182-187.Normal2h102013
Samp and beans, samp mixed with white beans and slowly cooked in boiling water63Regional or Traditional FoodsBotswana3522Mahgoub, S.O., et al., Glycaemic index of selected staple carbohydrate-rich foods commonly consumed in Botswana. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2013. 26(4): p. 182-187.Normal2h102013
Millet stiff porridge (mosoko), millet flour mixed with water and cooked to a stiff-consistency porridge66Regional or Traditional FoodsBotswana3523Mahgoub, S.O., et al., Glycaemic index of selected staple carbohydrate-rich foods commonly consumed in Botswana. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2013. 26(4): p. 182-187.Normal2h102013
Bogobe jwa lerotse, millet flour boiled in melon juice or mash66Regional or Traditional FoodsBotswana3523Mahgoub, S.O., et al., Glycaemic index of selected staple carbohydrate-rich foods commonly consumed in Botswana. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2013. 26(4): p. 182-187.Normal2h102013
Soft porridge with milk, millet meal boiled in water to a soft consistency and served with pasteurised full-cream milk72Regional or Traditional FoodsBotswana3525Mahgoub, S.O., et al., Glycaemic index of selected staple carbohydrate-rich foods commonly consumed in Botswana. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2013. 26(4): p. 182-187.Normal2h102013
Plain soft porridge, millet flour boiled in water to a soft-consistency porridge66Regional or Traditional FoodsBotswana3523Mahgoub, S.O., et al., Glycaemic index of selected staple carbohydrate-rich foods commonly consumed in Botswana. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2013. 26(4): p. 182-187.Normal2h102013
Bogobe jwa madila, sorghum flour boiled in water to a medium-consistency porridge and served with fermented or sour milk64Regional or Traditional FoodsBotswana3522Mahgoub, S.O., et al., Glycaemic index of selected staple carbohydrate-rich foods commonly consumed in Botswana. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2013. 26(4): p. 182-187.Normal2h102013
Fermented soft porridge, sorghum flour fermented by mixing it with warm water and leaving it to stand for a few days before it is cooked in boiling water66Regional or Traditional FoodsBotswana3523Mahgoub, S.O., et al., Glycaemic index of selected staple carbohydrate-rich foods commonly consumed in Botswana. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2013. 26(4): p. 182-187.Normal2h102013
Soft porridge with milk, sorghum flour boiled in water to a soft consistency and served with pasteurised full-cream milk65Regional or Traditional FoodsBotswana3523Mahgoub, S.O., et al., Glycaemic index of selected staple carbohydrate-rich foods commonly consumed in Botswana. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2013. 26(4): p. 182-187.Normal2h102013
Upma, made from coarse sorghum (1.18 mm particle size), Bengal gram dhal, onion, and spices53Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3519Prasad, M.P.R., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load of sorghum products. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2015. 95(8): p. 1626-30.Normal2h102014
Upma, made from fine sorghum (0.6 mm particle size), Bengal gram dhal, onion, and spices56Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3520Prasad, M.P.R., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load of sorghum products. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2015. 95(8): p. 1626-30.Normal2h102014
Poha, made from sorghum flakes, with onion and spices45Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3516Prasad, M.P.R., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load of sorghum products. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2015. 95(8): p. 1626-30.Normal2h102014
Pasta, made from sorghum, boiled, served with tomatoes, onions and spices 46Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3516Prasad, M.P.R., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load of sorghum products. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2015. 95(8): p. 1626-30.Normal2h102014
Upma, made from coarse wheat semolina, Bengal gram dhal, onion, and spices58Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3520Prasad, M.P.R., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load of sorghum products. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2015. 95(8): p. 1626-30.Normal2h102014
Upma, made from fine wheat semolina, Bengal gram dhal, onion, and spices67Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3523Prasad, M.P.R., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load of sorghum products. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2015. 95(8): p. 1626-30.Normal2h102014
Poha, made from rice flakes, with onion and spices74Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3526Prasad, M.P.R., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load of sorghum products. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2015. 95(8): p. 1626-30.Normal2h102014
Pasta, made from wheat, boiled, served with tomatoes, onions and spices 72Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3525Prasad, M.P.R., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load of sorghum products. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2015. 95(8): p. 1626-30.Normal2h102014
Baked barbecued pork puff, instant55Hoixe Cake Shop, H.K.Regional or Traditional FoodsChina3519Sun, F-H., et al., Evaluation of a glucose meter in determining the glycemic index of Chinese traditional foods. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, 2010. 12(3): p. 193-199.Normal2h152010
Barbecue pork bun, instant67Maxim's MX, H.K.Regional or Traditional FoodsChina3523Sun, F-H., et al., Evaluation of a glucose meter in determining the glycemic index of Chinese traditional foods. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, 2010. 12(3): p. 193-199.Normal2h152010
Egg tart, instant, freshly prepared in the morning52Maxim's MX, H.K.Regional or Traditional FoodsChina3518Sun, F-H., et al., Evaluation of a glucose meter in determining the glycemic index of Chinese traditional foods. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, 2010. 12(3): p. 193-199.Normal2h152010
Fried fritter, instant66Ocean Empire International Ltd., H.K.Regional or Traditional FoodsChina3523Sun, F-H., et al., Evaluation of a glucose meter in determining the glycemic index of Chinese traditional foods. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, 2010. 12(3): p. 193-199.Normal2h152010
Fried rice in Yangzhou-style, instant76Sailing Boat Catering Management Ltd, H.K.Regional or Traditional FoodsChina3527Sun, F-H., et al., Evaluation of a glucose meter in determining the glycemic index of Chinese traditional foods. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, 2010. 12(3): p. 193-199.Normal2h152010
Glutinous rice ball, boiled 67Lee Chun Brand, Lee Chun Food Ltd., H.K.Regional or Traditional FoodsChina3523Sun, F-H., et al., Evaluation of a glucose meter in determining the glycemic index of Chinese traditional foods. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, 2010. 12(3): p. 193-199.Normal2h152010
Green bean dessert, instant59NISSIN Brand, Nissin Foods Co., Ltd.Regional or Traditional FoodsChina3521Sun, F-H., et al., Evaluation of a glucose meter in determining the glycemic index of Chinese traditional foods. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, 2010. 12(3): p. 193-199.Normal2h152010
"Mai-Lai" cake, instant, prepared freshly in the morning55Sailing Boat Catering Management Ltd, H.K.Regional or Traditional FoodsChina3519Sun, F-H., et al., Evaluation of a glucose meter in determining the glycemic index of Chinese traditional foods. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, 2010. 12(3): p. 193-199.Normal2h152010
Moon cakes, instant, prepared freshly in the morning62Kee Wah Bakery Shop, H.K.Regional or Traditional FoodsChina3522Sun, F-H., et al., Evaluation of a glucose meter in determining the glycemic index of Chinese traditional foods. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, 2010. 12(3): p. 193-199.Normal2h152010
Plain steamed vermicelli roll, instant93Regional or Traditional FoodsChina3533Sun, F-H., et al., Evaluation of a glucose meter in determining the glycemic index of Chinese traditional foods. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, 2010. 12(3): p. 193-199.Normal2h152010
Red bean dessert, instant73NISSIN Brand, Nissin Foods Co., Ltd.Regional or Traditional FoodsChina3526Sun, F-H., et al., Evaluation of a glucose meter in determining the glycemic index of Chinese traditional foods. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, 2010. 12(3): p. 193-199.Normal2h152010
Pittu, made with wheat flour and coconut scrapings, steamed for 10 min #80Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3528Widanagamage, R.D., et al., Carbohydrate-rich foods: glycaemic indices and the effect of constituent macronutrients. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009. 60(Suppl 4): p.215-223.Normal2h102009
Pittu, made with red rice flour and coconut scrapings, steamed for 10 min #81Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3528Widanagamage, R.D., et al., Carbohydrate-rich foods: glycaemic indices and the effect of constituent macronutrients. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009. 60(Suppl 4): p.215-223.Normal2h102009
Pittu, made with finger millet flour and coconut scrapings, steamed for 10 min #67Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3523Widanagamage, R.D., et al., Carbohydrate-rich foods: glycaemic indices and the effect of constituent macronutrients. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009. 60(Suppl 4): p.215-223.Normal2h102009
Hoppers, made with red rice flour, coconut water, coconut milk, and salt, cooked for 5 min #95Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3533Widanagamage, R.D., et al., Carbohydrate-rich foods: glycaemic indices and the effect of constituent macronutrients. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009. 60(Suppl 4): p.215-223.Normal2h102009
Olu-milk rice; olu (water lily) rice, soaked overnight, boiled for 75 min, prepared with coconut milk #72Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3525Widanagamage, R.D., et al., Carbohydrate-rich foods: glycaemic indices and the effect of constituent macronutrients. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009. 60(Suppl 4): p.215-223.Normal2h102009
Roti, made from multigrain sorghum flour68Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3524Prasad, M.P.R., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load of sorghum products. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2015. 95(8): p. 1626-30.Normal2h102014
Roti, made from wheat flour64Regional or Traditional FoodsIndia3522Prasad, M.P.R., et al., Glycaemic index and glycaemic load of sorghum products. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2015. 95(8): p. 1626-30.Normal2h102014
Roti, made with wheat flour and coconut scrapings, cooked for 8-10 min #57Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3520Widanagamage, R.D., et al., Carbohydrate-rich foods: glycaemic indices and the effect of constituent macronutrients. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009. 60(Suppl 4): p.215-223.Normal2h102009
Roti, made with rice flour and coconut scrapings, cooked for 8-10 min #55Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3519Widanagamage, R.D., et al., Carbohydrate-rich foods: glycaemic indices and the effect of constituent macronutrients. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009. 60(Suppl 4): p.215-223.Normal2h102009
Roti, made with finger millet flour and coconut scrapings, cooked for 8-10 min #55Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3519Widanagamage, R.D., et al., Carbohydrate-rich foods: glycaemic indices and the effect of constituent macronutrients. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009. 60(Suppl 4): p.215-223.Normal2h102009
Roti, made with atta flour made with coconut scrapings, cooked for 8-10 min #53Regional or Traditional FoodsSri Lanka3519Widanagamage, R.D., et al., Carbohydrate-rich foods: glycaemic indices and the effect of constituent macronutrients. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2009. 60(Suppl 4): p.215-223.Normal2h102009
Mosutlhane, de-husked sorghum grains boiled in water66Regional or Traditional FoodsBotswana3523Mahgoub, S.O., et al., Glycaemic index of selected staple carbohydrate-rich foods commonly consumed in Botswana. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2013. 26(4): p. 182-187.Normal2h102013
Carob (Ceratonia siliqua) snack40Snack Foods and ConfectioneryGreece2510Papakonstantinou, E., et al., Short-term effects of a low glycemic index carob-containing snack on energy intake, satiety, and glycemic response in normal-weight, healthy adults: Results from two randomized trials. Nutrition, 2017. 42: p. 12-19.Normal2h102017
Extruded snack made from buckwheat flour and 30% Jerusalem artichoke powder #64Snack Foods and ConfectionerySerbia2516Radovanovic, A., et al., The use of dry Jerusalem artichoke as a functional nutrient in developing extruded food with low glycaemic index. Food Chemistry, 2015. 177: p. 81-88.Normal2h102014
Extruded snack made from buckwheat flour and 60% Jerusalem artichoke powder #57Snack Foods and ConfectionerySerbia2514Radovanovic, A., et al., The use of dry Jerusalem artichoke as a functional nutrient in developing extruded food with low glycaemic index. Food Chemistry, 2015. 177: p. 81-88.Normal2h102014
Extruded snack made from buckwheat flour and 80% Jerusalem artichoke powder #40Snack Foods and ConfectionerySerbia2510Radovanovic, A., et al., The use of dry Jerusalem artichoke as a functional nutrient in developing extruded food with low glycaemic index. Food Chemistry, 2015. 177: p. 81-88.Normal2h102014
Extruded snack made from buckwheat flour70Snack Foods and ConfectionerySerbia2518Radovanovic, A., et al., The use of dry Jerusalem artichoke as a functional nutrient in developing extruded food with low glycaemic index. Food Chemistry, 2015. 177: p. 81-88.Normal2h102014
Barley vegetable soup, containing 40% barley and 60% pigmented vegetables #36SoupsItaly207Bacchetti, T., et al., Effect of a barley-vegetable soup on plasma carotenoids and biomarkers of cardiovascular disease. Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, 2015. 57(1): p. 66-73.Normal2h102012
Sucromalt, blend of sucrose and corn syrup49Sugars and SyrupsCanada52Grysman, A., et al., Effects of sucromalt on postprandial responses in human subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2008. 62(12): p. 1364-1371.Normal2h202007
High fructose corn syrup (42% fructose)81Sugars and SyrupsCanada54Grysman, A., et al., Effects of sucromalt on postprandial responses in human subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2008. 62(12): p. 1364-1371.Normal2h202007
Yellow yam (Dioscorea cayenensis-rotundata), Kponan variety, peeled, cut into 18 mm slices, boiled in water for 10 min #53VegetablesCote d-Ivorie2011Kouassi, N.K., et al., Influence of the variety and cooking method on glycemic index of yam. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2009. 8(7):, p.993-999.Normal2h102009
Yellow yam (Dioscorea cayenensis-rotundata), Kponan variety, peeled, cut into 18 mm slices, cooked at 210oC for 20 min #51VegetablesCote d-Ivorie2010Kouassi, N.K., et al., Influence of the variety and cooking method on glycemic index of yam. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2009. 8(7):, p.993-999.Normal2h102009
Yellow yam (Dioscorea cayenensis-rotundata), Assawa variety, peeled, cut into 18 mm slices, boiled in water for 10 min #56VegetablesCote d-Ivorie2011Kouassi, N.K., et al., Influence of the variety and cooking method on glycemic index of yam. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2009. 8(7):, p.993-999.Normal2h102009
Yellow yam (Dioscorea cayenensis-rotundata), Assawa variety, peeled, cut into 18 mm slices, cooked at 210oC for 20 min #54VegetablesCote d-Ivorie2011Kouassi, N.K., et al., Influence of the variety and cooking method on glycemic index of yam. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2009. 8(7):, p.993-999.Normal2h102009
Yellow yam (Dioscorea cayenensis-rotundata), Kangba variety, peeled, cut into 18 mm slices, boiled in water for 10 min #66VegetablesCote d-Ivorie2013Kouassi, N.K., et al., Influence of the variety and cooking method on glycemic index of yam. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2009. 8(7):, p.993-999.Normal2h102009
Yellow yam (Dioscorea cayenensis-rotundata), Kangba variety, peeled, cut into 18 mm slices, cooked at 210oC for 20 min #60VegetablesCote d-Ivorie2012Kouassi, N.K., et al., Influence of the variety and cooking method on glycemic index of yam. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2009. 8(7):, p.993-999.Normal2h102009
Yellow yam (Dioscorea cayenensis-rotundata), Yaobadou variety, peeled, cut into 18 mm slices, boiled in water for 10 min #70VegetablesCote d-Ivorie2014Kouassi, N.K., et al., Influence of the variety and cooking method on glycemic index of yam. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2009. 8(7):, p.993-999.Normal2h102009
Yellow yam (Dioscorea cayenensis-rotundata), Yaobadou variety, peeled, cut into 18 mm slices, cooked at 210oC for 20 min #67VegetablesCote d-Ivorie2013Kouassi, N.K., et al., Influence of the variety and cooking method on glycemic index of yam. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2009. 8(7):, p.993-999.Normal2h102009
Potato, Nishiyutaka variety, cut into 1.3 cm3 cubes and cooked in microwave for 90 sec #64VegetablesJapan2013Oku, T., et al., Consideration of the validity of glycemic index using blood glucose and insulin levels and breath hydrogen excretion in healthy subjects. International Journal of Diabetes Mellitus, 2010. 2(2): p. 88-94.Normal2h122009
Potato, Ainoaka variety, cut into 1.3 cm3 cubes and cooked in microwave for 90 sec #63VegetablesJapan2013Oku, T., et al., Consideration of the validity of glycemic index using blood glucose and insulin levels and breath hydrogen excretion in healthy subjects. International Journal of Diabetes Mellitus, 2010. 2(2): p. 88-94.Normal2h122009
Potato, Deijama variety, cut into 1.3 cm3 cubes and cooked in microwave for 90 sec #54VegetablesJapan2011Oku, T., et al., Consideration of the validity of glycemic index using blood glucose and insulin levels and breath hydrogen excretion in healthy subjects. International Journal of Diabetes Mellitus, 2010. 2(2): p. 88-94.Normal2h122009
Plantain, unripe (full green, stage 2), boiled for 20 min in lightly salted water45VegetablesUK209Oladele, E-O. and Williamson, G., Impact of resistant starch in three plantain (Musa AAB) products on glycaemic response of healthy volunteers. European Journal of Nutrition, 2016. 55(1): p. 75-81. Normal2h102014
Plantain crisps, unripe (full green, stage 2), boiled for 20 min in lightly salted water, cooled at room temperature for 10 min, cut into 2 mm thick slices and freeze-dried55VegetablesUK2011Oladele, E-O. and Williamson, G., Impact of resistant starch in three plantain (Musa AAB) products on glycaemic response of healthy volunteers. European Journal of Nutrition, 2016. 55(1): p. 75-81. Normal2h102014
Plantain, ripe (yellow, stage 6), raw, peeled38VegetablesUK208Oladele, E-O. and Williamson, G., Impact of resistant starch in three plantain (Musa AAB) products on glycaemic response of healthy volunteers. European Journal of Nutrition, 2016. 55(1): p. 75-81. Normal2h102014
Potato, instant mashed87VegetablesNew Zealand2017Williams, S., et al., Another approach to estimating the reliability of glycaemic index. British Journal of Nutrition, 2008. 100(2): p. 364-372.Normal2h202007
Wholemeal bread (85 g), consumed with boiled egg (35 g) and skim milk #55Regional or Traditional FoodsSingapore3519Shafaeizadeh, S., et al., Macronutrient Composition and Food Form Affect Glucose and Insulin Responses in Humans. Nutrients, 2018. 10: 188.Normal2h142017
ZANHUO/ManaGI Egg Yolk Pastry28Hangzhou Yuzhong Health Technology Co., LTD.Bakery ProductsChina308Beijing Key Laboratory of the Innovative Development of Functional Staple and the Nutritional Intervention for Chronic Disease, CNRIFFI (Bejing, China), unpublished observations.Normal2h122022
ZANHUO/ManaGI Matcha Crispbread53Hangzhou Yuzhong Health Technology Co., LTDCrackersChina158Beijing Key Laboratory of the Innovative Development of Functional Staple and the Nutritional Intervention for Chronic Disease, CNRIFFI (Bejing, China), unpublished observations.Normal2h142022
ZANHUO/ManaGI Oat Bread (Americano Flavor)42Hangzhou Yuzhong Health Technology Co., LTDCrackersChina156Beijing Key Laboratory of the Innovative Development of Functional Staple and the Nutritional Intervention for Chronic Disease, CNRIFFI (Bejing, China), unpublished observations.Normal2h122022
ZANHUO/ManaGI Oat Bread (Original Flavor)52Hangzhou Yuzhong Health Technology Co., LTDCrackersChina158Beijing Key Laboratory of the Innovative Development of Functional Staple and the Nutritional Intervention for Chronic Disease, CNRIFFI (Bejing, China), unpublished observations.Normal2h122022
SEIMEI ONE37Seimei (Beijing) LimitedNutritional Support ProductsChina3011Beijing Key Laboratory of the Innovative Development of Functional Staple and the Nutritional Intervention for Chronic Disease, CNRIFFI (Bejing, China), unpublished observations.Normal2h122023
Complex prebiotic protein powder48Inner Mongolia YanGuFang Whole Grain Industry Development Co., Ltd.Nutritional Support ProductsChina3014Beijing Key Laboratory of the Innovative Development of Functional Staple and the Nutritional Intervention for Chronic Disease, CNRIFFI (Bejing, China), unpublished observations.Normal2h122023
Oat biscuit46Inner Mongolia YanGuFang Whole Grain Industry Development Co., Ltd.CrackersChina209Beijing Key Laboratory of the Innovative Development of Functional Staple and the Nutritional Intervention for Chronic Disease, CNRIFFI (Bejing, China), unpublished observations.Normal2h122023
Oat noodles50Inner Mongolia YanGuFang Whole Grain Industry Development Co., Ltd.Pasta and NoodlesChina4020Beijing Key Laboratory of the Innovative Development of Functional Staple and the Nutritional Intervention for Chronic Disease, CNRIFFI (Bejing, China), unpublished observations.Normal2h122023
Oat milk49Inner Mongolia YanGuFang Whole Grain Industry Development Co., Ltd.BeveragesChina2512Beijing Key Laboratory of the Innovative Development of Functional Staple and the Nutritional Intervention for Chronic Disease, CNRIFFI (Bejing, China), unpublished observations.Normal2h122023
Jarrah Platinum Honey46Forest FreshSugars and SyrupsAustralia15115Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), 2023 unpublished observations.Normal2h102023
Aged Care Complete Nutritional Milk Powder26BTNature Pty LtdBeveragesAustralia4020.45Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), 2023 unpublished observations.Normal2h102023
Lactose Free Instant Full Cream Milk Powder48BTNature Pty LtdBeveragesAustralia3513.77Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), 2023 unpublished observations.Normal2h102023
Glucare Gold Ready-to-drink Nutrition12Nutricare Nutrition Joint Stock
BeveragesVietnam180 mL182Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), 2023 unpublished observations.Normal2h102023
Leanmax Mom Ready-to-mix Nutrition32Nutricare Nutrition Joint Stock
BeveragesVietnam40217Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), 2023 unpublished observations.Normal2h102023
Leanpro Glulevel Ready-to-mix Nutrition26Nutricare Nutrition Joint Stock
BeveragesVietnam4015.44Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), 2023 unpublished observations.Normal2h10
Leanpro Peptizer Ready-to-mix Nutrition18Nutricare Nutrition Joint Stock
BeveragesVietnam4726.65Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), 2023 unpublished observations.Normal2h10
BenoGold Ready-to-mix Nutrition54Nutricare Nutrition Joint Stock
BeveragesVietnam104.52Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), 2023 unpublished observations.Normal2h10
Leanmax Rena Gold 1 Ready-to-mix Nutrition42Nutricare Nutrition Joint Stock
BeveragesVietnam4012.25Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), 2023 unpublished observations.Normal2h10
Leanmax Rena Gold 2 Ready-to-mix Nutrition32Nutricare Nutrition Joint Stock
BeveragesVietnam4010.43Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), 2023 unpublished observations.Normal2h10
Herman Brot Complete Protein Buns38Herman Brot Pty Ltd, AustraliaBreadsAustralia60g62Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), 2023 unpublished observations.Normal2h162024
Avani SA Formula20Blue Lake Dairy Group Pty LtdDairy Products and AlternativesAustralia30g17.43Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), 2023 unpublished observations.Normal2h102024
AF-BRAVO fibre powder( prepared with water)19Alchemy Foodtech Pte LtdSingapore5g2.70.5Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), 2023 unpublished observations.Normal2h102021
AF-FAB fibre powder (prepared with water)27Alchemy Foodtech Pte LtdSingapore5g2.20.6Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), 2023 unpublished observations.Normal2h102021
AF-RISE fibre powder (prepared with water)20Alchemy Foodtech Pte LtdSingapore5g0.70.1Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), 2023 unpublished observations.Normal2h102021
AF-WITTY fibre powder (prepared with water)16Alchemy Foodtech Pte LtdSingapore5g2.90.5Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), 2023 unpublished observations.Normal2h102021
Burger Bun (made from LC Bread Mix)52Alchemy Foodtech Pte LtdSingapore59g24.113Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), 2023 unpublished observations.Normal2h102022
High Fibre High Protein Noodle (made from HFP Noodle Mix)43Alchemy Foodtech Pte LtdSingaporeSydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), 2023 unpublished observations.Normal2h92022
Japonica Rice + 10% AF-RISE powder49Alchemy Foodtech Pte LtdSingapore125g50.125Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), 2023 unpublished observations.Normal2h102021
Jasmine Rice + 10% AF-RISE powder65Alchemy Foodtech Pte LtdSingapore125g49.232Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), 2023 unpublished observations.Normal2h102021
No Sugar Added Brownie Premix37Alchemy Foodtech Pte LtdSingaporeSydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), 2023 unpublished observations.Normal2h92021
No Sugar Added Cookie Premix41Alchemy Foodtech Pte LtdSingaporeSydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), 2023 unpublished observations.Normal2h92021
No Sugar Added Muffin Premix47Alchemy Foodtech Pte LtdSingaporeSydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), 2023 unpublished observations.Normal2h92021
No Sugar Added Pancake Premix60Alchemy Foodtech Pte LtdSingaporeSydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), 2023 unpublished observations.Normal2h92022
Oz Farm Aged Care Formula32Oz Farm Royal Pty LtdNutrition Support ProductsAustralia53g279Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), 2023 unpublished observations.Normal2h102024
Oz Farm Aged Care Plus Nutritional Milk Formula19Oz Farm Royal Pty LtdNutrition Support ProductsAustralia35g204Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), 2023 unpublished observations.Normal2h102024
Oz Farm SleepWell™ Nutritional Milk Formula22Oz Farm Royal Pty LtdNutrition Support ProductsAustralia35g204Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), 2023 unpublished observations.Normal2h102024
Oz Farm Pregnant Mother Formula21Oz Farm Royal Pty LtdNutrition Support ProductsAustralia33.3g163Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), 2023 unpublished observations.Normal2h102020
Palm Sugar48HESED Agriculture Trading Co. LtdSugars and SyrupsCambodia5g4.62Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), 2023 unpublished observations.Normal2h102020
Lipid Pro Nutritional Milk Powder17Whealthy Group Pty LimitedNutrition Support ProductsAustralia35.2g173Sydney University's Glycemic Index Research Service (Sydney, Australia), 2023 unpublished observations.Normal2h102022
GI Pasta38POL-MAK S.A. Homemade Pasta FactoryNutrition Support ProductsPoland100g208University of Life Sciences in Lublin, PolandNormal2h112024

# = Glycemic index (GI) values and glycemic load (GL) values determined in studies with method deviations from ISO 26642:2010 or values showing wide variability. 

Low GI foods and drinks have a GI value less than or equal to 55 and are characterised by a smaller rise and fall in blood glucose.

High GI foods and drinks have a GI value greater than or equal to 70 and are characterised by faster and higher peaks and troughs in blood glucose levels.

Medium GI foods and drinks have a GI value between 56 and 69.