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Nutritional analysis To analyse Australian foods, beverages,
processed products and recipes, we use FoodWorks which contains the
AusNut and Nuttab databases. If necessary, this is supplemented with
data from www.calorieking.com.au or http://ndb.nal.usda.gov/ndb/search.
Disclaimer GI News endeavours to check the veracity of news
stories cited in this free e-newsletter by referring to the primary
source, but cannot be held responsible for inaccuracies in the articles
so published. GI News provides links to other World Wide Web sites as a
convenience to users, but cannot be held responsible for the content or
availability of these sites. All recipes that are included within GI
News have been analysed however they have not been tested for their
glycemic index properties by an accredited laboratory according to the
ISO standards.
© ®™ The University of Sydney, Australia