Your Success Stories

‘I am so pleased with the results of a low GI diet I want to share my experience’ – Robert
You may think I am being premature in writing like this but I am writing to say thank you for the existence of the low GI diet and all the researchers and others who have made it accessible through the books you publish and the database you provide.


I had been unwell for some time and in the week of 27th June I was hit by what I call a ‘metabolic storm.’ I was admitted to hospital with a BGL in excess of 33.3 mg/L and was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, although I was on an insulin drip followed by insulin injections for most of my hospital stay. While I was in hospital my wife obtained The New Glucose Revolution and The Low GI Diet Cookbook, which I read avidly.

When I left hospital I was on Gliclazide plus the usual dietary control. My endocrinologist suggested that given this was likely to have been a long-term problem BGL in the range 6–10 would be a good range for me. I accessed your website, signed up for the newsletter and browsed the database. The two books became my food bibles and I followed the suggested regime ruthlessly. Within two weeks I was in trouble with my BGL being driven too low, I got down to a BGL of 3.1 and frankly anything below about 5 did and does tend to give me a bad case of the shakes. So, Gliclazide was stopped and from then on I have relied entirely on dietary control. My endocrinologist says I only really need to check my BGL several times a week or if I suspect there is a problem, but part of my regime is consistency, meals at a regular time, plan ahead, check what is happening. Following is some data to illustrate the results:

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I firmly believe this has been achieved by the resources that you provide, and that I would not be where I am today without them.

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