The golden glow of oranges in the midst of a grey winter lift spirits. It’s not just colour. Their sweet acidity makes them a versatile ingredient in the kitchen (variety doesn’t matter so much, although some recipes specify blood oranges or Seville oranges for colour or flavour). Whole oranges (skin and all), segments, juice and zest are used in every category of cooking from salads, soups, sauces, meat, fish, poultry to desserts and baking.

As citrus fruit does not ripen further once it has been picked, choose ripe oranges that smell like oranges with no hint of fermenting aromas. Heavy fruits with fine-grained skin are juiciest. Avoid soft, bruised or wrinkled fruit as well as spongy soft ones. They keep for up to two weeks in the refrigerator and almost as well at room temperature. They also yield more juice at room temperature. Their sturdy peel protects them and they require no further wrapping.

Oranges nutrition facts
 Source: The Good Carbs Cookbook