GI News – October 2019
GI News is published online every month by the University of Sydney, School of Life and Environmental Sciences and the Charles Perkins Centre, and delivered to the mailboxes of our 97,000 subscribers. Our goal is to help people choose the high-quality carbs that are digested at a rate that our bodies can comfortably accommodate and …
FIVE THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT PROCESSED FOODS These days, processed food seems to be associated with either “junk food” or food additives – things that many people would rather avoid if they could. Prof Jennie Brand-Miller reminds us that food processing is nothing new. It’s something our paleolithic (stone age) ancestors were doing long …
PLANT PROTEIN LINKED TO LONGER LIFE Greater consumption of plant-based proteins such as those found in cereals and legumes is associated with lower mortality risk, according to an observational study in JAMA Internal Medicine. Roughly 70,000 people aged 40 to 69 in Japan completed food frequency questionnaires. During a mean 18 years’ follow-up, 18% died. …
FIVE THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT EDIBLE SEAWEEDS Two books about edible seaweeds recently arrived on the editor’s desk. Ocean Greens by Lisette Kreischer and Marcel Schuttelaar (The Experiment) explores the world of edible seaweed and sea vegetables and includes 50 vegan recipes. Bren Smith’s Eat Like a Fish (Murdoch Books) is more of …
FOOD SAFETY: A VITAL INGREDIENT FOR LONGEVITY While we tend to focus on the importance of eating healthy foods, meals and diets for longevity, and for the prevention of lifestyle-related diseases like certain kinds of cancer (e.g., bowel), diabetes (type 2), heart disease and stroke, food safety is an extremely important issue that is often …
WILD RICE A distant cousin of regular rice, wild rice (Zinzania palustris) is a cool climate water grass that traditionally grew in shallow lakes and marshes in the Great Lakes area and upper Minnesota (it’s Minnesota’s official state grain). For at least 2500 years, Native Americans harvested its seeds in canoes powered by long poles, …
WILD AND BROWN RICE PILAF WITH MUSHROOMS AND ALMONDS 0:20 Prep • 1:15 Cook • 8 Servings • Nourishing • Main meal • Gluten-free• Vegetarian INGREDIENTS 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 tablespoon butter 1 small onion, very finely chopped 1 small carrot, scraped, finely chopped 1 small stick of celery, finely chopped 2 garlic cloves, …
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GI News – September 2019
GI News is published online every month by the University of Sydney, School of Life and Environmental Sciences and the Charles Perkins Centre, and delivered to the mailboxes of our 97,000 subscribers. Our goal is to help people choose the high-quality carbs that are digested at a rate that our bodies can comfortably accommodate and …
4 STEPS TO BETTER BGLs FOR POTATO LOVERS STEP 1: KEEP PORTIONS MODERATE. Why? Potatoes are carb rich. A typical medium potato (150g/5oz) has around 20g carbohydrate to help power your day. They are what we call good carbs – they put a lot of really good stuff on your dinner plate like dietary fibre …