GI News – August 2019

GI News is published online every month by the University of Sydney, School of Life and Environmental Sciences and the Charles Perkins Centre, and delivered to the mailboxes of our 97,000 subscribers. Our goal is to help people choose the high-quality carbs that are digested at a rate that our bodies can comfortably accommodate and …


GOOD CARBS: THE ORIGINAL PLANT-BASED DIET In some quarters, carbs get an undeserved bad rap. But students of human evolution know that dietary carbohydrates (fruits, berries and tubers) played an instrumental role throughout our long 3-million-year journey from a small upright walking ape (Lucy, Australopithicus afarensis) to the tall, smooth-skinned creature with a very large …


THE HUMBLE GLYCEMIC INDEX MARKS GLOBAL DIABETES RISK ConscienHealth’s Ted Kyle reports on a systematic review and meta-analysis of glycemic index, glycemic load, and type 2 diabetes risk published in Nutrients by an impressive global group of nutrition scientists. Their conclusions are simple and powerful he says. Glycemic index and glycemic load are important markers …


PLANT-BASED BURGERS A recent post in Refinery29 (“a modern woman’s destination for how to live a stylish, well-rounded life”) says “grilling up a good time doesn’t have to mean meat-based burgers for all. In fact, these days there are a lot of meatless burger alternatives on the market. From veggie and plant protein patties to …


BURGERS Since everyone seems to be talking (and eating) burgers, we thought it would be interesting to compare a regular lean beef patty that just contains lean beef, with a meatless patty (we chose the top-seller Beyond Meat Beyond Burger™) and a homemade chickpea patty (the recipe is from The Low GI Vegetarian Cookbook). The …


LOW CARB? Low carb diets are still very popular in many parts of the world. The problem is, many people do not seem to really understand what “carbs” actually are. Consumer research in Europe, for example, has found that only 51% of consumers can correctly identify a carbohydrate. This is not really surprising, because carbohydrates …


SWEET CORN It’s hard to beat the juicy burst of sweet corn kernels straight from the cob. Peel back the husk of a fresh ear of corn (stripping away the silk) and we are munching through the neat rows of yellow or white kernels of a very big grass seed head that was cultivated in …


It’s all about corn this month with Barbecued Corn with Avocado Cream from Dr Alan Barclay’s book, Reversing DiabetesThe Good Carbs CookbookMoney Saving Meals series we ran in 2010. BARBECUED CORN WITH AVOCADO CREAM The avocado cream can also be used as a creamy topping for jacket potatoes or as a spread for toast or …


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