Food for Thought

Embrace health as a kind of wealth.    Heading into the festive season, we are bombarded with ideas for a ‘cracking’ Christmas feast which mostly seems to involve spending a lot of time, money and calories on a day’s good cheer. We thought that it might be timely to ponder Dr David Katz’s comment that …

Food for Thought

The gut microbiota – a new piece of the obesity puzzle?  Our GI (gastrointestinal) tract is home to a diverse collection of bacteria, viruses and archaea, collectively known as the gut microbiota. Patricia Lopez-Legarrea from the University of Navarra, Spain and Nicholas Fuller from The Boden Institute, The University of Sydney bring us up to …

Food for Thought

Tea and coffee break. ‘Whether hot or cold, strong or weak, black or green, sweet or smoky, oolong or pekoe, with milk or lemon, bag or leaf, tea is the universal drink of countless millions.’ – Tea: A global history, Reaktion Books. We asked Glenn Cardwell to bring us up to date on recent studies …

Food for Thought

Why sports and exercise are barely relevant and what really counts is occupational and household activity. Guest contributor Prof Arya Sharma discusses a paper that suggests why attempts to encourage recreational physical activity are largely doomed to fail. Prof. Arya Sharma There is no doubt that reducing sedentariness and increasing physical activity can have enormous …

Food for Thought

Why maintaining healthy blood glucose should be a lifelong goal. High blood glucose levels pose a threat to your health even if you don’t have diabetes. In fact, elevated blood glucose levels within the ‘normal’ range can damage the blood vessels and circulatory system, increasing the risk of a heart attack, type 2 diabetes, weight …

Food for Thought

Perils of a Sugar-coated Scapegoat. It has been some time since Dr. Robert Lustig emerged as the messianic nemesis of added sugar – or perhaps specifically fructose. It has been some time since his meme took hold, engaging high-profile adherents and apostles. And it has been some time since I first started expressing my opposition …

Food for Thought

It pays to be picky with vegetables says cooking guru Harold McGee. ‘Vegetables aren’t sweet and soft and easy to love the way fruits are. It takes a cook to make tubers, stalks, and leaves lovable. That’s because plants not only didn’t design them to be delicious as they did fruits, many tried to protect …

Food for Thought

Why blood glucose levels matter in pregnancy.    Prof Jennie Brand-Miller and colleagues Dr Kate Marsh and Prof Robert Moses have just published a book called The Bump to Baby Diet – a low GI eating plan for conception, pregnancy and beyond to share the latest science and help women enjoy a healthy pregnancy while …

Food for Thought

The joy of cooking. Food and cooking are back in fashion, but are we eating any healthier? There are so many stories of children being inspired to cook by watching ‘Masterchef’ on TV, and families becoming inspired to cook more at home. Certainly, supermarkets report that ingredients used on episodes of ‘Masterchef’ experience massive sales …

Food for Thought

Why banning sugar will not solve obesity. Guest contributor, Dr Arya M. Sharma, takes issue both with the recent proposal to tax and ban sugar as well as the rather simplistic causal linking of sugar to the obesity epidemic. Here is why. Dr Arya M. Sharma My main criticism is that, as so often, the …