Food for Thought

Why count the foods you love In business there’s a saying: ‘you can’t manage what you don’t measure.’ Dietitian Dr Penny Small has come up with a really simple way to help us apply this golden rule and measure and manage our total food intake and energy expenditure. ‘By keeping track of the food you …

Food for Thought

Making a real meal deal of it If you asked your Mum or Dad or grandparents what’s a meal or what’s for dinner, they’d probably say something like meat and three veg one of which would be potato – and here in Australia the other two might be carrots and peas/beans/broccoli. Life’s not like that …

Food for Thought

Our top 10 picks for your low GI emergency pantry The take-home message of the last few months, with the catastrophic earthquake and aftershocks in Christchurch (NZ), the big freeze in Europe, blizzards in the US and disastrous floods in Australia, Brazil and Sri Lanka, is that preparing for an emergency is the smart thing …

Food for Thought

‘Just tell me what to eat’ Dr Joanna McMillan Price ‘The most common request I receive from women, ‘writes Dr Joanna, ‘is just tell me what to eat. If we want to look and feel our best, we have to consider what we put in our mouths. The right combination of food and drink can …

Food for Thought

Water is unique ‘Most beverages can support hydration, but water is unique in its capacity to do this without adding sugars or many other compounds to the diet,’ write Prof. Barry Popkin and Melissa Daniels in a recent systematic review looking at the impact of water on energy intake and weight. They point out that …

Food for Thought

Science and the low GI concept The number of papers with ‘GI’ in their title published in peer-reviewed scientific journals has increased exponentially over the last 10 years. In an interview with FoodIngredientsfirst Jennie talked about how science is developing around the GI concept. We reprint an extract here. Prof Jennie Brand-Miller ‘Science has always …

Food for Thought

Redefining wholegrains According to market research organization Mintel, 2010 is set to be the biggest year ever for wholegrain product launches with 651 wholegrain products launched in the US. We asked Prof Jennie Brand-Miller if it was time to take a closer look at the definition of ‘wholegrains’ for product labelling. Prof Jennie Brand-Miller ‘Consume …

Food for Thought

It’s time to raise the bar and lower the GI cut-offs for fast foods and convenience meals The GI was introduced back in 1981 to rate the glycemic character of the carbohydrate in individual foods like bread, breakfast cereal, rice, pasta, apples etc. The purpose was to exchange one carbohydrate source with another for snacks …

Food for Thought

Don’t sweat the small stuff when counting carbs Pediatric dietitian Carmel Smart Most people with type 1 diabetes on conventional insulin regimens (twice daily injections) need to eat similar amounts of carbohydrate-containing foods, at regular times over the day. For those on intensive insulin regimens, while it is still important to maintain a regular eating …

Food for Thought

7 steps to better blood glucose 1. Eat more regularly whether you have three meals a day or have three smaller meals plus snacks. If you use insulin or take medication that stimulates insulin production from your pancreas, it is helpful if you can maintain some consistency in the times you eat your meals. Make …