Busting Food Myths with Nicole Senior

Nicole Senior Myth: You need to eat meat to get protein Fact: There’s plenty of protein in plant foods It’s a popular view that you need to eat meat to obtain protein, however this is far from the truth. Protein exists in many plant-based foods and in appreciable quantities. How much do protein do we …

Busting Food Myths with Nicole Senior

Nicole Senior Myth: Festive overeating is harmless. Fact: Festive overeating can have adverse health consequences. It’s time to outsmart our primitive instincts and engage higher order thinking about how much we eat during the holidays. The holiday season is rapidly approaching and chief cooks in households around the world are starting to think about what …

Busting Food Myths with Nicole Senior

Nicole Senior Myth: Taking vitamin supplements make you healthier Fact: Supplements are only helpful to cover deficiencies and only paper over the cracks of a poor diet. There are some health risks attached to popping nutrient pills. This month’s topic came about after a study was published in the well-respected journal Archives of Internal Medicine …

Busting Food Myths with Nicole Senior

Nicole Senior Myth: Canola oil and margarines cause macular degeneration. Fact: Good fats – including canola oil and trans-free unsaturated spreads are probably protective against AMD. One of worst things about food myths is the – albeit unintentional – harm they can cause. Such as was the case a few years back in Australia when …

Busting Food Myths with Nicole Senior

Myth: A big belly isn’t that bad Fact: A big belly – while very common, especially in men – is bad news for your health. There are a lot of folks struggling to wrap their arms around their special someone, and a lot of special someones struggling to tie their own shoelaces because of a …

Busting Food Myths with Nicole Senior

Myth: Sustainable food is only a greenie’s issue. Fact: Sustainable food should be on everyone’s shopping list if we want quality of life for our children and grandchildren. World population is exploding and we’re starting to run out of the raw materials to grow food: land, soil, water, fossil fuel and fertiliser. Farming We’ve done …

Busting Food Myths with Nicole Senior

Myth: Fat people are unhealthy. Nicole Senior Fact: You can be ‘fit and fat’. No matter what your weight, you can improve your health and reduce your risk of disease by being physically active and eating a healthy diet. Last month we heard from Professor Steven Blair about his research showing even obese people can …

Busting Food Myths with Nicole Senior

Myth: Thin people are healthier. Nicole Senior Fact: Thin people can still carry fat around their organs and this is places them at increased risk of chronic disease. There’s now a new name for this thin AND fat state: ‘metabolically obese.’ How many times have you thought or heard, ‘he/she is thin so they can …

Busting Food Myths with Nicole Senior

Myth: People with diabetes shouldn’t eat sugar Nicole Senior Fact: People with diabetes can enjoy sugar in moderation as part of a healthy diet. Do you believe that all chocolate and candy or lollies cause a rapid spike and then crash in blood glucose levels? You’re not alone. If you ask anyone walking down the …

Busting Food Myths with Nicole Senior

Myth: You need to eat every few hours to lose weight Nicole Senior Fact: To lose weight you need to eat less over the day and constant snacking may impede your efforts I’ve read many websites, books and diet programs that say you must eat every few hours or the body will go into ‘starvation …