CONFUSED ABOUT BOOZE? With Christmas just around the corner, there is a sleigh full of alcohol myths (and hopes) flying about. Don’t be confused about booze. Here, we answer common questions to ensure you’re armed with the facts this party season. Do alcohol calories really count? Some people believe that because alcohol is toxic, the …


PROCESSED VEGAN FOODS  The vegan diet is exclusively plant-based and excludes meat, fish, eggs, dairy products and honey. People choose to follow a vegan diet typically do so for a combination of reasons: ethical (not killing animals), environmental (a smaller environmental footprint), and health (a plant-only diet is better for you). Fruits, vegetables, legumes, wholegrains, …


GLUTEN-FREE In August, the Medical Journal of Australia published an article questioning the existence of non-coeliac gluten or wheat sensitivity. The article was hot media fodder, with most stories including a medical expert suggesting that most people avoiding gluten without being diagnosed with celiac disease didn’t need to do so. The article also concluded that …


THE FAUX MEAT PHENOMENON  Faux (fake) meats have progressed in leaps and bounds since the days of Tofurky roasts. Even devoted meat lovers are being drawn over to the veggie side of life by convincingly tasty ‘not-meats’. Is facon better than bacon? Or are we better off sticking with the real deal? What’s in them? …


CAN YOUR BREAKFAST CLEANSE YOUR LIVER? Remember the lemon detox diet – that tear-jerking lemon, cayenne pepper and sugar water concoction? Or those liver cleansing diet books? No matter how often you gently and persistently point out that detoxing your body is what the liver and kidneys do (it’s their job), the notion that you …


ARE RAW DESSERTS HEALTHIER?  Raw food diet followers say that cooking foods destroys nutrients and enzymes; raw food marketers claim their products are better for you. Raw desserts are selling like hotcakes (so to speak), as consumers concerned about their health seek to satisfy their basic instincts for sweet pleasure. Are raw desserts nutritionally superior? …


ARE ANCIENT GRAINS BETTER? Ancient grains lost popularity in the 1700s following the surge in wheat, oats and barley cultivation. Nowadays we can thank novelty-seeking, health conscious consumers for the revival of grains such as spelt, chia, amaranth and quinoa, and their often premium pricing. Clever marketing aims to convince us that these ancient grains …


Nicole Senior pulls the plug on hype and marketing spin to provide reliable, practical advice on food for health and enjoyment. DAIRY, DAIRY QUITE CONTRARY For years, health professionals have recommended reduced-fat dairy products over their full-fat counterparts as a more heart-friendly option. Yet recent studies are showing that saturated fats in full-fat dairy products …


Nicole Senior pulls the plug on hype and marketing spin to provide reliable, practical advice on food for health and enjoyment. SUGAR-FREE CHOCOLATE Easter is the season that will test the New Year’s resolutions of many. You will be quietly going about your grocery shopping and the chocolate bunnies will literally hop right into your …