News Briefs
News Briefs includes four fructose studies published in the last year (three of them in recent weeks). We didn’t intend to focus on fructose this issue, but with all the heated debate about sugars (and in particular fructose) and obesity at present, we felt made the decision to run them all, as we felt that …
News Briefs
What does ‘eat mostly wholegrain cereals’ mean? Consume more wholegrains is enshrined in dietary guidelines around the globe and is something of a mantra with doctors, dietitians and nutritionists. Australia’s new draft dietary guidelines released in December 2011 urge us to eat mostly wholegrain’ cereals. So, how much is ‘mostly’ and how strong is the …
News Briefs
Fuelling willpower with glucose. At a time of year when many people are resolving to go on a diet, we thought we’d remind readers that willpower seems to be affected by the brain’s glucose supplies – so don’t skip meals. Self-control requires a certain amount of glucose to operate unimpaired. Writing in the Journal of …
News Briefs
Low GI diet, with or without a change in weight, is good for overall health A randomised controlled trial from the Diogenes study published in Circulation indicates that eating a low GI diet, with or without a change in weight, is good for your overall health and will help prevent the diseases that are linked …
News Briefs
Babies and blood glucose In a review in The British Journal of Nutrition of the current literature on maternal glycemia and the role of the dietary GI and its impact on pregnancy outcomes, the authors conclude: ‘Data from clinical studies in healthy pregnant women have documented that consuming a low-GI diet during pregnancy reduces peaks …
News Briefs
Free eye examination for people at risk of AMD, diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma The Centre for Eye Health in Sydney (Australia), an initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales, provides state-of-the-art eye imaging and visual system diagnostic services to the general community, at no charge. A major goal of CFEH …
News Briefs
Muscle up and reduce your risk of prediabetes A recent study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism shows that higher muscle mass (relative to body size) is associated with better insulin sensitivity and a lower risk of diabetes and prediabetes. Although previous studies have shown that very low muscle mass is a …
News Briefs
Potato, sugary drinks and meat linked to long-term weight gain ‘An average adult (in the US) gains about one pound (0.5 kg) per year. Because the weight gain is so gradual and occurs over many years, it has been difficult for scientists and for individuals themselves to understand the specific factors that may be responsible,’ …
News Briefs
Little evidence that increasing soy improves BGLs In a meta-analysis in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition evaluating the effects of soy foods and supplements on glycemic control Dr Suzanne Ho and colleagues conclude that: ‘there was not a significant overall effect of soy intake on improvements of fasting glucose and insulin concentrations; however, a …
News Briefs
Gaining weight? It might be your job that’s the problem US researchers report in a study published online that the US obesity epidemic has been largely caused by a decline in jobs requiring people to be active. They delved into statistics and studies about the calories Americans consume and how much they exercise outside of …