FOODS THAT MAY CAUSE GAS  The International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (a non-profit) is a handy website to head over to if you are looking for reliable digestive health knowledge, support, and assistance about functional gastrointestinal (GI) and motility disorders (FGIMDs). Here’s a slightly edited version of what they say about the foods that …


NOT ALL PLANT-BASED DIETS ARE CREATED EQUAL While plant-based diets are recommended to reduce the risk of heart disease, some are associated with a higher risk of heart disease, according to a study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. The Harvard researchers created three versions of a plant-based diet: an overall …


HONEY LABELLING – AND MISLEADING LABELLING  Winnie the Pooh had no problems when he wanted a jar of honey. The jar very clearly said “HUNNY” (spelling wasn’t his strong suit), and that is exactly what was in it. These days many jars on supermarket shelves might say “honey” on the label, but what’s inside is …


FOUR LANDMARK STUDIES  WHAT MAKES MICE FAT?  Since food consists of fat, protein and carbs, it has proven difficult to pinpoint exactly what aspect of the typical diet leads to weight gain. Part of the problem is that it is very difficult to do studies on humans where what they eat is controlled for long …


YOUR BABY’S THYROID GLAND PLAYS A CRITICAL ROLE IN BRAIN DEVELOPMENT Adequate concentrations of maternal and neonatal thyroid hormones are essential for fetal neural development and play a key part in regulating fetal growth, brain development, and metabolism. Fetal thyroid function begins at 12–14 weeks gestation; however, maternal transfer of thyroid hormones continues until full-term …


KIDS IN THE KITCHEN  Dr Jennifer Utter is an associate professor in public health nutrition at the University of Auckland’s School of Population Health. Her main research interests are in adolescent eating behaviours, weight control, and obesity prevention. In recent years she has co-authored a number of papers on cooking skills and cooking programs. #1 …


SUPPLEMENTS MAY DO MORE HARM THAN GOOD  The most commonly consumed vitamin and mineral supplements provide no consistent health benefit or harm, suggests a new study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology led by researchers at St. Michael’s Hospital and the University of Toronto. “We were surprised to find so few …


WHO ADDED ALL THAT SUGAR TO MAPLE SYRUP?  Who knew that we could weave such a tangled web when we practice not to deceive, but to inform? Ted Kyle of ConscienHealth reports on Vermont maple producers and legislators protesting an FDA requirement to label all the sugar in maple syrup as added sugar.   Vermonters …


DIABETES IN CATS  Diabetes in cats resembles type 2 diabetes in people. The causes aren’t fully understood, but both genetic and environmental factors are believed to contribute. However, for those quick to point the wagging finger at “sugar” causing obesity and diabetes, cats don’t eat sugar. They don’t have a sweet tooth. A small Swedish …


VEG OR MED FOR WEIGHTLOSS AND HEART HEALTH?  Take your pick! According to research published in the American Heart Association’s journal Circulation, vegetarian and Mediterranean diets are likely equally effective in reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke. The study included 107 healthy but overweight participants, ages 18–75, who were randomly assigned to follow …