GI News—May 2006
In This Issue:
- Food for Thought
—Eating for Your Eyesight; 8 Tips for Making Your Eyesight Last - GI News Briefs
—Slimmer But Not Healthier; What You Should Know About Low Carb Diets and Ketosis
—Going with the Grain
—By Bread Alone - GI Values Updates
—Flour Power - Low GI Food of the Month
—Dining Downunder™ Chef Vic Cherikoff Talks About Wattleseeds - Low GI Recipe of the Month
—Vic Cherikoff’s Sweet Potato and Wattleseed Pudding - Success Stories
—Cliff Shares His Secrets for Maintaining Tight Glycemic Control and Weight Loss - Profile
—Dr Tom Wolever: ‘Research on the GI is very exciting; the more we explore, the more we discover. The health benefits are far-reaching: from diabetes risk reduction and management to long-term cardiovascular health …’ - Feedback—Your FAQs Answered
—‘I have been low carbing (not excluding carbs all together, just switching to healthier ones) for over 3 years and have dropped my weight, cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure, etc. I appreciate that you don’t advocate a low carb diet – but where do you draw the line? How much carb is high, medium and low?’

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GI News Editor: Philippa Sandall
Web Design and Management: Scott Dickinson