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Ending the Food Fight
Guide your child to a healthy weight in a fast food/fake food world

By David Ludwig, MD, PhD with Suzanne Rostler, M.S., R.D.


Dr David Ludwig, Director of the Optimal Weight for Life (OWL) Program at Children’s Hospital Boston shares his 9-week low-glycemic plan for families with overweight children to give parents the tools they need to win the food fight. We thought that you’d enjoy a snippet from Week 1 – ‘The Clean Sweep,’ where he shows us how we can work together and have fun turning our homes into a nutritional safe zone filled with an abundance of real food.

  • Right after breakfast, assemble the family in the kitchen and explain the plan for the day.
  • Go through cupboards, cabinets, refrigerator and pantry and other food storage areas. Remove all sugary drinks, chips, cookies, candy, ice-cream, refined crackers, and other fake food that doesn’t support your family’s health. Throw them away. Just for today, don’t worry about being wasteful: the health costs of eating those factory products are far greater than their purchase price.
  • Take the family to lunch at a restaurant that serves healthy food, go see a matinee, or do both.
  • After lunch, go shopping together for real food to replace the fake food you tossed. Stock your home with fresh and dried fruits, vegetables, nuts, nut butters, beans, wholegrain bread and crackers, brown rice, lean protein, and health snacks.

For more information, check out David’s website at: