GI News – May 2017

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GI News

Dr Darren Curnoe looks at why humans are so unusual compared to all other life? The key to he says in food for thought, lies in explaining the evolution of our large brains and exceptional intelligence. Other stories range from eating fruit reduces diabetes risk and busting the five big obesity myths to Dr Alan Barclay on why fruit matters, Dr Nick Fuller on detoxing and Nicole Senior on the good stuff in dairy foods. Keep Good Carbs tucks into good carbs and good soup and the GI News Kitchen features Sian Redgrave’s Minestrone and Kate Hemphill’s Mexican Carrot Soup.

GI News is published by the University of Sydney, School of Life and Environmental Sciences and the Charles Perkins Centre.

Professor Jennie Brand-Miller, AM, PhD, FAIFST, FNSA
Editor: Philippa Sandall
Scientific Editor/Managing Editor: Alan Barclay, PhD
Contact GI News:

Sydney University Glycemic Index Research Service
Manager: Fiona Atkinson, PhD

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