Noodles have long been a staple food in Asia and in parts of Europe (Poland and Hungary for example have a wide variety of noodles both egg and flour/egg flour potatoes noodles served with roasts, stews, sauces, soups).
These days, their meal-in-minutes value has boosted their popularity – serving noodles with fish, chicken, tofu or lean meat and plenty of vegetables gives you a speedy meal with a healthy balance of carbs, fats and proteins plus some fibre and essential vitamins and minerals.
As it’s all too easy to slurp, gulp, twirl and overeat noodles, keep those portion sizes moderate. While some noodles are a lower GI choice, eating a huge amount will have a marked effect on your blood glucose.
To cook noodles, follow the instructions on the packet as times vary depending on types and thickness. Some only need swirling under running warm water to separate, or soaking in hot (but not boiling) water to soften before you serve them or add to stir-fries. Others need to be boiled. Like pasta, they are usually best just tender, almost al dente.