We’re all about being gentle on your blood glucose levels here at GI News. There are a variety of dietary strategies to achieve this, and one way is to follow a low carb diet however this can have down-sides for your overall health because it requires restricting healthy, nutritious plant-based foods such as wholegrains, legumes, …


Are you bamboozled by the variety of milks available in your local supermarket? Have you noticed coffee orders have become even more complicated as the number of milk alternatives has grown? In the “West”, we are absolutely spoiled for choice when it comes to both dairy milk and plant-based milk alternatives, but how do you …


Everybody knows reducing salt consumption can lower blood pressure, but the eating pattern you follow can enhance the blood pressure lowering effect for even better results. Globally, the DASH (Dietary Approached to Stop Hypertension) diet is one of the better-known blood pressure lowering diets, but the good old Mediterranean Diet is just as good, if …


Gut health is very topical, both in nutrition research and marketing. We are understanding just how important it is to keep our gut and its tiny microbes healthy and happy for both physical and mental health. Fermented dairy foods such as yoghurt can help, and they are delicious to boot. The story of how yogurt …


The yearning for sweet is real and dates offer a wholesome, plant-based, sweet-fix with real goodness and satisfaction. Their dietary fibre and phytonutrients bring gut health benefits as well. Dates are the fruit from palm trees native to the Middle East (Phoenix dactylifera). Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics include date palms, and they are known as the …


Soybeans are a nutritious and versatile legume that gives back nitrogen to the soil. Just edged out of the ‘big four’ global crops by maize, rice, wheat and potatoes, they are one of the fastest expanding crops in the world. Soybeans are grown as a protein-rich staple and for oil. Soybeans are exceptional in being …


Orange juice (OJ) is an iconic healthy breakfast drink. Every TV show I ever watched with scenes over a breakfast table featured a glass of OJ. Juice was natural and wholesome, much like the TV families depicted. Then came the juice bar phenomenon in which you could order bespoke blends of fruit and vegetable juices, …


  Pears are nice to eat, and the word ‘pear’ is nice to say, don’t you think? Pears fit neatly in your hand and they have a very maternal shape, triggering all sorts of primal emotions of comfort and safety. Although apples have assumed iconic status within the world of fruit, pears closely follow being …


Wholegrains provide a wide variety of health benefits, including for heart health. The Heart Foundation (Australia) says eating wholegrains can reduce the risk of heart disease and replacing refined grains with wholegrains can improve heart health. While fruits and vegetables attract a lot of good press for disease prevention, wholegrains can hold their (seed) heads …


All seeds contain everything required to germinate a new plant and they’re full of energy (kilojoules / Calories) and nutrition for us too. Research suggests seeds have earned their place in nutritious diet for health and longevity. And while seeds contain very little available carbohydrate, they’re high in fibre and healthy fats and have protein …