GI News—February 2010

Better breads for blood glucose How to pick a low GI bread Why ‘wholegrain’ and ‘low GI’ are not the same Does gluten cause your symptoms? Does sugar make kids hyper? Nicole Senior investigates Coffee, tea and diabetes risk: what you need to know A simple ‘this for that’ swap is all it takes to …

Food for Thought

Better breads for blood glucose However you slice it, bread is truly a staple food. It’s not particularly fattening (a typical slice has around 300 kJ/70 cals) so long as you watch what you spread on it, and it’s an affordable convenience food. However, most breads on supermarket shelves – and that includes most English …

News Briefs

Bread: This for that #1 The simple change from regular white bread to a low GI bread could reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes according to Australian researchers from the Cancer Council of Victoria. The study published in Diabetes Care looked at the diets and health records of more than 36,000 men and women …

Renovate your Recipes

Renovate your recipes – tips for reducing the amount and improving the quality of fat Kaye Foster-Powell The problem with fat is the amount we eat, sometimes without realising it. Fat provides more calories per gram (9 cals or 37 kJ) than protein or carbs (4 cals per gram each), which is why fat is …

In the GI News Kitchen

American dietitian and author of Good Carbs, Bad Carbs, Johanna Burani, shares favourite recipes with a low or moderate GI from her Italian kitchen. For more information, check out Johanna’s website. The photographs are by Sergio Burani. His food, travel and wine photography website is Orecchiette and broccoli alla Franca I’ve known Franca almost …

Busting Food Myths with Nicole Senior

Myth: Sugar causes hyperactivity in children. Nicole Senior Fact: Food is not a big causal factor in hyperactivity, and sugar is not the culprit. The scientific jury is in – sugar is not to blame for hyperactivity in children. There is no good evidence and no plausible mechanism, however food may still play a part– …

Body Work with Dr Joanna McMillan Price

Get with the strength: the upper body workout As I said in January GI News, strength training with resistance exercise is arguably the best means we have of really changing the shape of our bodies and it keeps us looking younger by maintaining a strong posture and frame. You need an exercise band for the …

GI Symbol News with Dr Alan Barclay

Dr Alan Barclay Finding a low GI bread For many of us, bread is the number one source of glycemic carbohydrate in our diet. This is partly because it is such a versatile product – we can eat it for breakfast with our favourite spread, use it to make sandwiches for lunch, and serve it …

GI Update

GI Q&A with Prof Jennie Brand-Miller I always pick a healthy wholegrain bread like a wholemeal sandwich bread, but a friend told me it wasn’t low GI which might be why I am having trouble managing my sugar. Is that true? There are countless reasons to include more whole grains in your diet, but it’s …