GI News—February 2013

Jamie’s low GI 15-minute pesto spaghetti with lemon steamed fish;   Not all refined carbs are high GI;  Cooking food ups calorie counts;   Why iodine deficiency is such a big problem;   Cooking helped to make us human;  Why it’s time to redefine ‘wholegrains’.  With another series of MasterChef hitting screens, we thought we …

Food for Thought

Prof Richard Wrangham on why cooked food provides a lot more energy than eating the same food raw.  Photograph: Stephanie Mitchell/Harvard News Office ‘Whether we are talking about plants or meat, eating cooked food provides more calories than eating the same food raw. And that means that the calorie counts we’ve grown so used to …

What’s New?

Why ‘whole grain’ is not always healthy.  Current standards for classifying foods as ‘whole grain’ are inconsistent and, in some cases, misleading, according to a new study in Public Health Nutrition by Harvard School of Public Health researchers. One of the most widely used industry standards, the Whole Grain Stamp, actually identified grain products that …

Get the Scoop

The scoop on redefining wholegrains with Prof Jennie Brand-Miller.  ‘Consume more wholegrains is enshrined in dietary guidelines around the globe and has become something of a mantra by doctors, dietitians and nutritionists’ says Prof Jennie Brand-Miller. ‘But does the science stack up to scrutiny? When you see wholegrains on a pack, do you assume it’s …

In the GI News Kitchen

American dietitian and author of Good Carbs, Bad Carbs, Johanna Burani, shares favourite recipes with a low or moderate GI from her Italian kitchen. For more information, check out Johanna’s website. The photographs are by Sergio Burani. His food, travel and wine photography website is Tiziana’s roasted peppers.   Tiziana is my amazing sister-in-law. …

We Are What We Ate

How cooking helped to make us human.  ‘You are what you eat.’ Can these pithy words explain the evolution of the human species? Yes, says Richard Wrangham of Harvard University, who argues in his book, Catching Fire, that the invention of cooking – even more than agriculture, the eating of meat, or the advent of …

GI Symbol News with Dr Alan Barclay

Dr Alan Barclay Not all refined carbs are high GI. Despite frequently being used interchangeably in the media and scientific reports ‘refined carbohydrate’ and ‘high GI’ are not the same thing. In fact using them as if they were may have adverse effects on some people’s health as some refined carb foods (like pasta) have …

GI Update with Prof Jennie Brand-Miller

Prof Jennie Brand-Miller answers your questions.  I read an article in the Sydney Morning Herald suggesting iodine deficiency could be why Australian children lag behind at school. Can you tell me more about iodine and how much we need and where we can get it naturally.  Iodine is a naturally occurring mineral that is needed …

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