GI News—March 2011

Low carb and low GI are not the same Low GI diets do increase satiety Download Pulse Canada’s gluten-free book Low GI porridge for brekkie – new GI values The scoop on nuts with Emma Stirling The new ‘Half-Your-Plate’ approach in the 2010 American Dietary Guidelines wants to make mealtimes easier by dispensing with measuring …

Food for Thought

Making a real meal deal of it If you asked your Mum or Dad or grandparents what’s a meal or what’s for dinner, they’d probably say something like meat and three veg one of which would be potato – and here in Australia the other two might be carrots and peas/beans/broccoli. Life’s not like that …

News Briefs

‘Glycemic index may not affect appetite: Unilever study.’ The story was published in an online newsletter called ‘Food Navigator’ that’s widely read by the food industry and dietitians etc. We don’t know who wrote it, but it is misleading (to put it mildly) as we discovered when we asked Dr Alan Barclay to check it …

Get the Scoop with Emma Stirling

The scoop on nuts Emma Stirling APD Nuts have made a come-back in recent years with compelling research from around the world showing that regular nibblers may dramatically boost their heart health and manage their weight and BGLs. Here’s the scoop. Nut-rient know how Tree nuts – almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, chestnuts, hazelnuts, macadamias, pecans, …

In the GI News Kitchen

Bircher muesli with mixed nuts Lisa Yates from Nuts for Life shares her favourite nut and oat breakfast recipe that will really keep you on the ball until lunchtime. This bircher muesli with crunch keeps in the fridge for a couple of days. There’s about 30g (1oz) nuts per serving, equivalent to the recommended small …

Busting Food Myths with Nicole Senior

Myth: When it comes to food, fresh is always best. Nicole Senior Fact: Fresh food is great but our lifestyles no longer permit eating only fresh food. ‘Processed’ food can make a significant contribution toward health, convenience and enjoyment. I get a bit annoyed at those holier-than-thou health nutters who say we should avoid all …

GI Symbol News with Dr Alan Barclay

Dr Alan Barclay Low GI and low carb are NOT the same There are a growing number of foods and beverages on supermarket shelves with packaging claims which are designed to encourage us to believe they will have a minimal impact on our blood glucose levels. Typical claims include ‘low carb’, ‘low glycemic’ and of …

GI Update

Professor Jennie Brand-Miller answers your questions ‘I like to eat a wide variety of vegetables. In fact I love having a rainbow on my plate. But some of my favourites like pumpkin seem to have moderate or even high GI values. Does that mean people with diabetes shouldn’t eat them?’ People with diabetes can happily …

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