GI News—May 2008

Eating the Okinawan way Low GI benefits for type 1 diabetes Bitter melons and blood glucose Should you be eating eggs? Prof. Trim on skin and sin The real deal on ‘lite’ foods For over 10 years, Bradley and Craig Willcox have been studying the people of Okinawa, Japan, the longest living (800 centenarians out …

Food for Thought

Hara hachi bu – eat only until you are 80% full ‘Far off in the East China Sea, between the main islands of Japan and Taiwan, is an archipelago of 161 beautiful, lush green islands known as Okinawa. The beaches are a dazzling powdery white; the waters are crystal turquoise, and the pristine subtropical rainforests …

News Briefs

Low GI benefits for young people with type 1 diabetes ‘A low GI diet may reduce glucose excursions and improve glycemic control in children with type 1 diabetes,’ says Dr Tonja Nansel from the US National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, commenting on her pilot study published in Diabetes Care in April. She …

Food of the Month

Go nuts for life Dietitian and Nuts for Life program manager says: ‘Bring back the Waldorf Salad – lettuce, apple, walnuts and dressing.’ We asked why. ‘Well, nuts are among the superheros of the modern day diet just as they were in Paleolithic times’ says Lisa. ‘They are a source of good fats, healthy protein …

Low GI Recipes of the Month

Our chef Kate Hemphill develops deliciously simple recipes for GI News that showcase seasonal ingredients and make it easy for you to cook healthy, low GI meals and snacks. For more of Kate’s fabulous fare, check out her website: For now, prepare and share good food with family and friends. Kate Hemphill We thought …

Busting Food Myths with Nicole Senior

Myth: Eggs are bad for the heart. Nicole Senior Fact: Ever wondered why egg-white omelettes became so popular? Lord knows it wasn’t for the flavour! It’s a classic case of food egg-stremism resulting in the poor old egg copping a bad wrap. Eggs were shunned because of their cholesterol content, but looking a little deeper …

Dr David’s Tips for Raising Healthy Kids

Are your kids fussy eaters, or are they really full when they say they are? There’s no question about it, parents like to see clean plates at the end of dinner. And that’s not surprising considering the effort that goes into preparing the meal and wanting to nourish your family. A recent report published in …

Move It & Lose It with Prof Trim

Skin and Sin Did you know that being fat can affect your skin as well as your gut? Excess body weight has been found to be associated with a form of low-level inflammation in blood vessels and cells throughout the body. It is this, which seems to be the link between obesity and certain forms …

Your Questions Answered

We are often asked about reduced fat foods. Here, dietitian and nutritionist Catherine Saxelby explains when to opt for ‘light’ and when to be wary of the low fat claims on the packet. I’m trying to lose a little weight, so should I be buying light foods? Low fat or ‘light’ food products are very …

Your Success Stories

‘I am going for it and will achieve the 82 kg goal.’ – Greg I am 64 year old RAAF veteran, ex aviation then mine fire fighter and mine rescue officer with a total of 38 years in the profession. I suffer with PTSD, RLS, sleep apnoea, and my blood pressure, weight (102.5 kg / …