GI News—November 2009

Mediterranean diet and diabetes management Health headlines: don’t believe all you read Don’t eat when you should be sleeping Why the humble Greek salad is a winner Why not the Australian Aboriginal diet for health and weight loss? Discover low GI pearl couscous ‘Eat for Goals [a new book] shows young players and football fans …

Food for Thought

How to read articles about health and healthcare By Dr Alicia White ‘If you’ve just read a health-related headline that’s caused you to spit out your morning coffee (“Coffee causes cancer” usually does the trick) it’s always best to follow the Blitz slogan: “Keep Calm and Carry On”. On reading further you’ll often find the …

News Briefs

Mediterranean diet and managing diabetes Consuming a Mediterranean style diet is more effective for diabetes management than a low-fat diet, reports a new study published in Annals of Internal Medicine. ‘Participants assigned to the Mediterranean-style diet lost more weight and experienced greater improvements in some glycemic control and coronary risk measures than did those assigned …

Foodwatch with Catherine Saxelby

In search of the ultimate Greek salad … and purslane On holiday in the sunny Greek islands in peak season, the Greek salad turned out to be my best option for getting my daily fix of greens and providing the perfect counterfoil to our meals of barbecued octopus, lamb souvlaki or grilled fish. It was …

In the GI News Kitchen

American dietitian and author of Good Carbs, Bad Carbs, Johanna Burani, shares favourite recipes with a low or moderate GI from her Italian kitchen. For more information, check out Johanna’s website. The photographs are by Sergio Burani. His food, travel and wine photography website is HERE. Matteo’s chickpea soup My son, Matteo, who lives in …

Busting Food Myths with Nicole Senior

Myth: The Mediterranean diet is healthy because of the olive oil. Nicole Senior Fact: The Mediterranean diet is healthy because it contains of variety of protective foods. Everybody has heard good things about the Mediterranean diet. Typically we hear it’s good for the heart, and this is true as evidenced by the lower rates of …

Talking Turkey with Prof Trim

Why not the Australian Aboriginal diet for health and weight loss? The Mediterranean diet; a mixture of fruit, nuts, vegetables, seafood, pasta and olive oil has been sold so much as the healthy diet by nutritionists and the medical profession in recent years, that many people think they have to move to Crete or Italy …

Your Success Stories

‘Who would have thought beans and legumes could be a base foodstuff in so many dishes … even desserts!’ – Libby ‘My husband has type 2 diabetes and in the honeymoon period of the six months after our wedding, the two of us gained so much weight because we were enjoying lots of meals out …

GI Symbol News with Alan Barclay

Alan Barclay Low GI pearl couscous Blu Gourmet Pearl Couscous (GI 52) now carries the GI Symbol. Unlike traditional couscous, pearl couscous which takes its name from its pearl-like shape and size is often described as a ‘toasted pasta specialty’. Like regular pasta, it is made from hard (durum) wheat and water. But instead of …

GI Update

GI Q&A with Prof Jennie Brand-Miller ‘I have seen numerous studies stating that chewing food completely (20–30 times) is beneficial in suppressing appetite. However, if we chew an apple before swallowing, is the GI value that of an apple or of apple juice?’ – Norm Hi Norm, the GI of a food (or beverage) is …