GI Symbol News with Dr Alan Barclay
Dr Alan Barclay New health claim legislation for Australia and New Zealand includes provisions for GI. Food Standards Australia and New Zealand’s (FSANZ) draft food standard to regulate nutrition content claims and health claims on food labels and in advertisements was recently approved by the Legislative and Governance Forum on Food Regulation clearing the way …
GI Symbol News with Dr Alan Barclay
Dr Alan Barclay Put your money where your mouth is This is a popular challenge in a variety of situations, but I have rarely heard it in the context of what we actually do put in our mouths. As Dr David Katz points out in Food for Thought ‘We respect how money will affect the …
GI Symbol News with Dr Alan Barclay
Dr Alan Barclay Better heart health with a low GI diet These days, most people are aware of the importance of cutting back the saturated fat and choosing the good fats for heart health. What they are much less aware of is that being choosy about the carbs they eat can also help prevent heart …
GI Symbol News with Dr Alan Barclay
Dr Alan Barclay A diet of unintended consequences. Whatever your health problem (being overweight/obese, or having type 2 diabetes or heart disease), what many fad diet solutions have in common, is advising you to severely limit or completely avoid the nutrient that is supposedly responsible for it. Turning the clock back, carbohydrate was THE nutrient …
GI Symbol News with Dr Alan Barclay
Dr Alan Barclay The winning edge: using the GI to maximise performance. Optimising the amount and type of carbohydrate you consume before, during and after an event can provide you with that winning edge. For most forms of physical activity, our muscles preferred source of fuel is glucose. This is because the carbohydrate we eat …
GI Symbol News with Dr Alan Barclay
Dr Alan Barclay Diabetes and cardiovascular disease: check out the common ground. Did you know that healthy eating to prevent and manage diabetes will also help decrease the risk of heart disease, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases? This is because these diseases share a number of common risk factors including central obesity, high blood fats, …
GI Symbol News with Dr Alan Barclay
Dr Alan Barclay Why you don’t need special ‘diabetic foods’ Browse through your average diabetes magazine and you will find a special range of biscuits and cookies, cakes, ice cream, chocolate, lollies and candies that are sugar free or have no added sugar prominently advertised for people with diabetes. As our stalwart myth-buster Nicole Senior …
GI Symbol News with Dr Alan Barclay
Dr Alan Barclay What, no potato? While it is the popular whipping boy of many a fad diet, the humble spud has been enjoyed by humans for many millennia. In fact, in many nations today, it is the most popular vegetable in the pantry. In Australia, for example, potatoes account for one third of all …
GI Symbol News with Dr Alan Barclay
Dr Alan Barclay Build yourself up with high quality low GI foods. With the constant focus on overweight/obesity in the media it is easy to forget that in many parts of the world – including the developed world – there are people living amongst us that are either malnourished and/or underweight. For example, a recent …
GI Symbol News with Dr Alan Barclay
Dr Alan Barclay Easter treats With a little forward planning and by making the right food choices you can enjoy Easter like any other festivity and still look after yourself. Chocolate treats Chocolate eggs, bunnies, chicks and the like are one of the most exciting things about Easter for both young and old. Although most …