Putting the Fun Back into Fitness with Emma Sandall

Yoga.  Yoga is something different to everyone and people come to yoga at different stages in life. They move in and out of it – although certain practitioners and teachers are dogmatic about consistency! Trikonosana I first came across yoga through a beautiful school in North Bondi, called Dharma Shala. This initial experience has stayed …

Putting the Fun Back into Fitness with Emma Sandall

Walking.  Spring is here in Sydney. It seems to bestow on us all a bright energy, just like the flowers coming into bloom. My friends and I decided that this is the year of exploring more of the city we live in: getting to know all its nooks and crannies; its beautiful coastlines and public …

Putting the Fun Back into Fitness with Emma Sandall

Skateboarding.  It is not unusual for boys to come to dance and ballet technique later in life, often in their mid- to-late teens. This year I have been teaching a range of wonderful young men from many different backgrounds. What is refreshing is their determination and discipline, as well as mature understanding of themselves gained …

Putting the Fun Back into Fitness with Emma Sandall

Personal training. In this past year I have been discovering the simple pleasure of a gym workout – pulling and pushing exercises, which give you the chance to focus on training and recruiting specific muscles, thereby building strength and endurance. With weight training you are not only increasing strength, you are also increasing your basal …

Putting the Fun Back into Fitness

Walking is a surprisingly effective form of exercise for people with diabetes or those trying to prevent it. It doesn’t really matter who you are or what type of diabetes you have, if you want to be around and in good shape to enjoy your life, your family and your friends, you have to get …

Emma Sandall Looks at Putting the Fun Back into Fitness

IKO Goju Ryo karate: A complete mind-body workout.  Recently I met and filmed Sydney-based karate teacher Pete McGuire. It was a fascinating experience for me, an ex-dancer, because the movements and training are so familiar – except that their purpose is fundamentally different. Where dancers learn and practice patterns of movement to entertain an audience, …

Emma Sandall Looks at Putting the Fun Back into Fitness

How to have some fun while meeting your fitness goals. When it comes to fitness, many of us find that having a goal, something to work towards, not only keeps us on track and motivated but gives us an idea of how well we are going. of how well they are doing. This month I talk …

Putting the Fun Back into Fitness

Cycling stretches. I have recently had great fun cycling in the English countryside with my brother and his friends. My brother is a keen cyclist and it’s his favourite way to get away from it all and get exercise and stay fit. I have been introducing him to the benefits of Pilates stretches specifically designed …

Putting the Fun Back into Fitness

Let’s Go Surfing! Ever wanted to try surfing but been too intimidated by waves, other surfers, or a general lack of know how? Don’t be! There are a great number of excellent surf schools out there and wonderful, passionate surfing instructors who know exactly how to get you into the water and standing on the …

Putting the Fun Back into Fitness

Pilates I began Pilates training when I was sixteen. Ballet dancers often do. It becomes apparent, around that age, that if you want to have a successful career, and avoid injury, you need more than a ballet class a day – you need all the help you can get. During my long dancing career I …