Nicole’s Taste of Health

Donta be lasta for pasta Pasta generates such varied responses nowadays. I’m not sure how this humble food went from a much-loved traditional staple to eliciting fear and loathing for its carb content, but such is our whacky, affluent Western, diet-obsessed world. The origin of pasta is an age-old argument between the Chinese and the …

Nicole’s Taste of Health

Raspberries to that  Ever wondered where the term ‘blowing a raspberry’ came from? It’s kinda obvious in a way because the shape of your mouth when you blow a raspberry looks a bit like a raspberry, but the real low-brow humour comes from the English rhyming slang ‘raspberry tart’ for fart- the noise blowing a …

Nicole’s Taste of Health

Say Cheese!  It’s no wonder ‘cheese’ is the word most often used to make us smile for photographs: even the thought of it makes us happy. The story of cheese as a preservation method for milk through to artisanal masterpieces and myriad types, flavours, textures and culinary uses today, is a fascinating one. The favoured …

Nicole’s Taste of Health

Tomato magic. ‘Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in fruit salad.’  This is one of my favourite quotable quotes and refers to one of the many botanical versus culinary inconsistencies in the world of food. Olives and avocadoes are the other obvious examples of fruits that we usually …

Nicole’s Taste of Health

Almond amore.   I love almonds (and nuts in general actually) but I’m not the only one as these crunchy little numbers have been a delicacy throughout history. They originated in China before spreading throughout Europe. And speaking of loving almonds, the ancient Romans would give newlyweds almonds as a fertility charm. Even now sugar-coated …

Nicole’s Taste of Health

Carrot tops.  We’ve just planted some winter veg and the crop I’m most looking forward to harvesting is the Dutch carrots. Even though we usually buy carrots nude from the supermarket, I confess I love the look of the green tops – and they’re a great indicator of freshness. And they make harvesting fun too: …

Nicole’s Taste of Health

Going bananas!  Ever wondered where this came from? According to Wiki, we can trace it back to monkeys becoming somewhat intoxicated after feasting on fermented bananas that had fallen onto the forest floor and going crazy … You could call it a natural banana daiquiri! But, it’s not just monkeys who love bananas, fermented or …

Nicole’s Taste of Health

Baby cakes. What we feed babies is important for their growth and development but we are finding out it is also important for the development of their future food habits. The food we offer is priming their tastebuds for later life. This idea was sensationally brought to the world’s attention when the results of study …