GI News—May 2013

Why some of us can digest milk – and others can’t;   Milk and yoghurt: nutritious, inexpensive and low GI foods for the whole family;  As our waistlines have expanded, so have those of our pets;  Cuba: how an economic downturn led to a health upturn;   Low carb diets don’t help women with gestational diabetes;  The …

Food for Thought

Even our pets are fat …  I took a sneak peak at our much loved and seriously plump puss some years ago when I read ‘even our pets are fat’ in the first chapter of Prof Jennie Brand-Miller’s original manuscript for The Low GI Diet. Today our much loved Silkie is a rather streamlined 6kg. …

What’s New?

Canada’s new diabetes guidelines recommend low GI carbs.  The online release the Canadian Diabetes Association includes the full text of all 38 chapters and an appendix. Each chapter comes with a slide set and a brief video highlighting the key recommendations. There are also accompanying tools for health care providers and resources for patients. Here …

Get the Scoop

The scoop on potassium. Last year in GI News, dietitian Emma Stirling gave us the scoop on a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that investigated links between potassium levels and incidence of diabetes. That study found that as potassium levels went up, the incidence of diabetes went down. The African Americans …

In the GI News Kitchen

American dietitian and author of Good Carbs, Bad Carbs, Johanna Burani, shares favourite recipes with a low or moderate GI from her Italian kitchen. For more information, check out Johanna’s website. The photographs are by Sergio Burani. His food, travel and wine photography website is Sergio’s eggs ‘al tegamino’. My husband, Sergio, grew up …

We Are What We Ate

Milk – poster child for rapid evolution in humans.   Marlene Zuk, a professor of ecology, evolution, and behavior at the University of Minnesota, describes milk – or more accurately the ability to digest it – as ‘the poster child for rapid evolution in humans.’ In Paleofantasy she explains how this ability came about, what it …

GI Symbol News with Dr Alan Barclay

Dr Alan Barclay Milk and yoghurt: nutritious and inexpensive low GI foods for the whole family.  Dairy foods like milk and yoghurt are great sources of essential nutrients like calcium, magnesium, zinc, vitamin A, riboflavin (B2), B12, protein and low GI carbs. Generally we recommend reduced or low fat varieties for most people over the …

GI Update with Prof Jennie Brand-Miller

Prof Jennie Brand-Miller answers your questions.  What’s wrong with a low carb diet?  Recent studies show that low carb diets can produce faster rates of weight loss than conventional low fat diets. The probable mechanism is lower day-long insulin levels – allowing greater use of fat as the source of fuel – the same mechanism …

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