GI News—February 2008

In this issue of GI News Debunking the carrot myth The blood-glucose-reducing pucker power of vinegar The Low GI Family Cookbook hits the stands Are chia seeds a magic food? Exercise builds brain health What’s on the menu when it comes to food for love? We have the power to change the shape of things …

Food for Thought

Debunking the carrot myth Raw or cooked, carrots are good for you and they won’t send your blood glucose on a roller coaster ride. End of story. Why? Well, not only are they a low GI food (41), they have very few carbs. In fact, to get a hefty portion of carbs from carrots you’d …

News Briefs

Lower GI diet cuts inflammation even in well-controlled diabetes One hundred and sixty two adults with well-managed diabetes took part in a Canadian study reported in AJCN (January 2008) to see if a low GI diet could offer any additional benefits. The authors found that the best measure of blood glucose control (glycated hemoglobin or …

Food of the Month

Vinegar: More than pucker power Several research findings over the last decade have shown that having a realistic amount of vinegar or lemon juice in the form of a salad dressing with a mixed meal has significant blood glucose-lowering effects. In fact, as little as 4 teaspoons of vinegar in a vinaigrette dressing (4 teaspoons …

Low GI Recipes of the Month

Our chef Kate Hemphill develops deliciously simple recipes for GI News that showcase seasonal ingredients and make it easy for you to cook healthy, low GI meals and snacks. For more of Kate’s fabulous fare, check out: For now, prepare and share good food with family and friends. Kate Hemphill Mango, passion fruit and …

Busting Food Myths with Nicole Senior

Myth: Some foods are aphrodisiacs. Nicole Senior Fact: If aphrodisiac foods are those which get you in the mood for love (improve your libido), then the hype surrounding foods such as oysters may be more folklore and fun rather than scientific fact. Human desire is rather more psychological than nutritional. It is probably the care …

Dr David’s Tips for Raising Healthy Kids

We have the power to choose the shape of things to come Here’s how Patty Nolan made a difference. Patty works at Warren Point Elementary School in Fair Lawn New Jersey. Noticing a rapid increase in the number of overweight kids, she launched a novel health and fitness program along with school nurse Kathy Szabo. …

Move It & Lose It with Prof Trim

Exercise builds brain health In a recent review that would take slightly more space to do it justice than the paragraph devoted to it here, University of California-Irvine brain researchers have concluded that exercise is not just good for the body, but can also be good for the brain. It does this by allowing the …

Your Questions Answered

What’s the difference between GI, GL and ‘low glycemic’? Which should I use and does it really matter? We are often asked this question. Hermin Halim who recently graduated MNutriDiet from the University of Sydney sorts out the confusion. Hermin Halim Many people’s lives have been better off with the low GI diet as the …

Your Success Stories

‘This is such the right way to go! I am a completely different person now.’ – Adriana I have tried everything in the past – you mention it and I have done it from high protein regimens to eating pineapple + tuna every day or simply starving. I did not understand what was happening in …