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May 2013 Q&A

GI Update with Prof Jennie Brand-Miller

Prof Jennie Brand-Miller answers your questions.  What’s wrong with a low carb diet?  Recent studies show that low carb diets...
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Copyright May 2013

Copyright and Permission

Copyright This website and all information, data, documents, pages and images it contains is copyright under the Copyright Act 1968...
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April 2013

GI News—April 2013

Fats AND carbs count when it comes to your cholesterol;   Even our hunter-gatherer ancestors had clogged arteries;   What our...
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April 2013 Food for thought

Food for Thought

Would viewing food as ‘a cocktail of hormones’ deliver a better diet for weight loss and health?   The search for...
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April 2013 What's new?

What’s New?

Even our hunter-gatherer ancestors had clogged arteries.  In the last century, atherosclerotic vascular disease has replaced infectious disease as the...
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April 2013 Get the scoop

Get the Scoop

The scoop on bulgur (GI 48).  Bulgur (also spelled bulgar, bulghur, burghul and bourghul) is a versatile, nutty-tasting, wholegrain cracked...
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April 2013 Good carbs kitchen

In the GI News Kitchen

American dietitian and author of Good Carbs, Bad Carbs, Johanna Burani, shares favourite recipes with a low or moderate GI...
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April 2013 We are what we ate

We Are What We Ate

What our teeth tell us about our diet.  DNA from tartar (calcified dental plaque) on human teeth reveals the changes...
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April 2013 Perspectives

GI Symbol News with Dr Alan Barclay

Dr Alan Barclay When it comes to blood cholesterol, both fats and carbohydrates count.  For many years, dietary advice to...
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April 2013 Q&A

GI Update with Prof Jennie Brand-Miller

Prof Jennie Brand-Miller answers your questions.  When I give talks, I am regularly asked if chronic disease such as heart...
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April 2013 Copyright

Copyright and Permission

Copyright This website and all information, data, documents, pages and images it contains is copyright under the Copyright Act 1968...
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March 2013

GI News—March 2013

Jamie’s low GI 15-minute Falafel wraps/grilled veg & salsa;   Take that (glycemic) load off your diet and reduce your...
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Food for thought March 2013

Food for Thought

What’s irisin? Glenn Cardwell brings us up to speed on this interesting hormone.   Glenn Cardwell ‘Don’t you like to be...
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March 2013 What's new?

What’s New?

Fat facts and fat fiction.   Dietary advice about fat is always controversial, and even experts disagree about what recommendations...
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Get the scoop March 2013

Get the Scoop

The scoop on pearl couscous.  Unlike traditional couscous, pearl couscous which takes its name from its pearl-like shape and size...
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Good carbs kitchen March 2013

In the GI News Kitchen

American dietitian and author of Good Carbs, Bad Carbs, Johanna Burani, shares favourite recipes with a low or moderate GI...
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March 2013 We are what we ate

We Are What We Ate

Was ancient man a vegetarian? Robb Dunn reviews the evidence.  First published in Scientific American. This edited and updated extract...
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March 2013 Perspectives

GI Symbol News with Dr Alan Barclay

Dr Alan Barclay Reduce that load and reduce your risk.  A-grade research (think Olympic gold level) from around the world...
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March 2013 Q&A

GI Update with Prof Jennie Brand-Miller

Prof Jennie Brand-Miller answers your questions.  I have never been much of a meat eater and have decided to go...
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Copyright March 2013

Copyright and Permission

Copyright This website and all information, data, documents, pages and images it contains is copyright under the Copyright Act 1968...
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