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Making the Most of GI News

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Food for thought June 2011

Food for Thought

Fit people come in all shapes and sizes University of South Carolina Arnold School of Public Health Professor Steven Blair...
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June 2011

GI News—June 2011

This for that – how to ‘swap it, don’t stop it’, the low GI way The scoop on low GI...
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June 2011 What's new?

News Briefs

Gaining weight? It might be your job that’s the problem US researchers report in a study published online that the...
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Get the scoop June 2011

Get the Scoop with Emma Stirling

The scoop on low GI winter fruit Emma Stirling APD As we gear up for winter in the southern hemisphere,...
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Good carbs kitchen June 2011

In the GI News Kitchen

American dietitian and author of Good Carbs, Bad Carbs, Johanna Burani, shares favourite recipes with a low or moderate GI...
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Food myths June 2011

Busting Food Myths with Nicole Senior

Myth: Thin people are healthier. Nicole Senior Fact: Thin people can still carry fat around their organs and this is...
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June 2011 Perspectives

GI Symbol News with Dr Alan Barclay

Dr Alan Barclay ‘Swap it. Don’t stop it.’ What does it mean? ‘It just means swapping some of the things...
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June 2011 Q&A

GI Update

Professor Jennie Brand-Miller answers your questions ‘What is the latest research on low GI carbs for exercise? Is the intensity...
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Making the Most of GI News

Subscribe - it's free! To subscribe to GI News, simply click on the SUBSCRIBE link in the top right-hand column....
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May 2011

GI News—May 2011

Jennie Brand-Miller on why gestational diabetes numbers are doubling Child obesity – from the get-go, it’s Mum and Dad who...
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Food for thought May 2011

Food for Thought

Jennie Brand-Miller on why gestational diabetes numbers will double ‘Apart from re-living ‘The Sound of Music’ at the 6th International...
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May 2011 What's new?

News Briefs

New link between mother’s pregnancy diet and offspring’s chances of obesity An international study published in Diabetes has shown for...
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Get the scoop May 2011

Get the Scoop with Emma Stirling

The scoop on sweet treats Emma Stirling APD Feel strongly that anyone watching their weight or who has diabetes, should...
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Good carbs kitchen May 2011

In the GI News Kitchen

New Idea’s low GI potato salad with lemon yoghurt dressing You can whip up this tasty low GI potato salad...
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Food myths May 2011

Busting Food Myths with Nicole Senior

Myth: People with diabetes shouldn’t eat sugar Nicole Senior Fact: People with diabetes can enjoy sugar in moderation as part...
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May 2011 Perspectives

GI Symbol News with Dr Alan Barclay

Dr Alan Barclay Eat foods, not nutrients In his NYT piece Unhappy Meals Michael Pollan documents the ‘shift from eating...
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May 2011 Q&A

GI Update

Professor Jennie Brand-Miller answers your questions Isn’t the insulin response more important than the GI value? Wouldn’t it be better...
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Copyright May 2011

Making the Most of GI News

Subscribe - it's free! To subscribe to GI News, simply click on the SUBSCRIBE link in the top right-hand column....
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April 2011

GI News—April 2011

GL outperforms carb content in predicting BGLs and insulin levels The scoop on the FODMAP diet for IBS Kellogg's join...
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