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April 2014 Perspectives

Update with Dr Alan Barclay

Dr Alan Barclay Making healthy choices, easy choices.   For our overall health and wellbeing, our bodies need a wide...
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April 2014 Q&A

Q&A with Jennie Brand-Miller

Prof Jennie Brand-Miller answers your questions.  I want to make my own hot cross buns this year, which flour has...
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April 2014 Copyright

Copyright and Permission

Copyright This website and all information, data, documents, pages and images it contains is copyright under the Copyright Act 1968...
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March 2014

GI News—March 2014

New GI value for corn syrup;    Why high fibre foods are not necessarily low GI;   Indigenous health and...
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Food for thought March 2014

Food for Thought

Fathoming the calorie.  ‘I have some trouble fathoming our constant questioning of the calorie: Is a calorie really a calorie?...
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March 2014 What's new?

What’s new?

Diabetes: We are in it together.  Living in a household implies sharing duties and responsibilities but it could also imply...
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March 2014 Taste of health

Nicole’s Taste of Health

Apples “She’ll be apples” is a quaint Australian turn of phrase meaning everything will be all right, and it appears...
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In the GI News Kitchen
Good carbs kitchen March 2014

In the GI News Kitchen

Family Baking, Anneka Manning, author of Bake Eat Love. Learn to Bake in 3 Simple Steps and founder of Sydney’s...
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March 2014 Physical activity

Putting the Fun Back into Fitness

Pilates I began Pilates training when I was sixteen. Ballet dancers often do. It becomes apparent, around that age, that...
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March 2014 Perspectives

Update with Dr Alan Barclay

Dr Alan Barclay The low down on dietary fibre (part 2) How do we know a food is high in...
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March 2014 Q&A

Q&A with Jennie Brand-Miller

Prof Jennie Brand-Miller answers your questions.  I really want to get my figure back and get into my favourite jeans....
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Copyright March 2014

Copyright and Permission

Copyright This website and all information, data, documents, pages and images it contains is copyright under the Copyright Act 1968...
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February 2014

GI News—February 2014

Jennie Brand-Miller checks out maple water;    New GI value for rice syrup from SUGiRS;   Soft drinks: making the...
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February 2014 Food for thought

Food for Thought

The devastating effects of diabetes on Indigenous health in Australia.   “It has become obvious that the situation is urgent...
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February 2014 What's new?

News and Reviews

Soft drinks: making the healthy choice the cheaper choice.  Prof. Jack Winkler and his co-authors suggest a new strategy for...
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February 2014 Taste of health

Nicole’s Taste of Health

Donta be lasta for pasta Pasta generates such varied responses nowadays. I’m not sure how this humble food went from...
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February 2014 Good carbs kitchen

In the GI News Kitchen

Family Baking, Anneka Manning, author of Bake Eat Love. Learn to Bake in 3 Simple Steps and founder of Sydney’s...
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February 2014 Physical activity

Putting the Fun Back into Fitness

Breathe easy when swimming – it makes a difference.    When summer approaches, my heart lifts. I can get back...
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February 2014 Perspectives

GI Symbol News with Dr Alan Barclay

Dr Alan Barclay The low down on dietary fibre We hear lots about dietary fibre these days – in particular...
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February 2014 Q&A

Q&A with Jennie Brand-Miller

Prof Jennie Brand-Miller answers your questions.  I find coconut water refreshing. But I have recently come across maple water. What...
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