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June 2009 Your stories

Your Success Stories

'My experience so far has ensured a life time of lower GI eating for myself and my family.' - Fiona...
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GI Foundation News June 2009

GI Symbol News with Alan Barclay Alan Barclay The GI Symbol Program website has had a complete facelift. Designed to be helpful for consumers, health...
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GI values June 2009

New GI Values with Fiona Atkinson

GI database updated The database at has been updated with the latest GI values based on the 2008 International...
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Copyright June 2009

Making the Most of GI News

Subscribe - it's free! To subscribe to GI News, simply click on the SUBSCRIBE link in the top right-hand column....
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May 2009

GI News—May 2009

Taxing soft drinks Low GI diet halves women with gestational diabetes needing insulin Sweetening with stevia ‘GI the most critical...
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Food for thought May 2009

Food for Thought

Our drink problem ‘How we drink and what we drink today is the result of major advances in food processing,...
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May 2009 What's new?

News Briefs

Why low GI foods make you feel full Researchers at the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics at King’s College London...
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Foodwatch May 2009

Foodwatch with Catherine Saxelby

Stevia to the rescue in the noncaloric beverage business Catherine Saxelby Zero-calorie sweetener, stevia (Stevia rebaudiana) hit the headlines in...
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Good carbs kitchen May 2009

Low GI Recipes of the Month

American dietitian, Johanna Burani invites GI News readers to try recipes from her Italian kitchen (photographed by Sergio Burani). Johanna...
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Food myths May 2009

Busting Food Myths with Nicole Senior

Myth: Heart attack is a men’s problem Nicole Senior Fact: Heart disease is the leading cause of death in women...
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May 2009 Physical activity

Move It & Lose It with Prof Trim

Vitamin D deficiency: a lack of sunlight or something else? Vitamin D is a pro-hormone, which comes from sunlight, or...
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May 2009 Q&A

Curly Questions

What’s the GI and GL of raw wheat bran. We have a brand here in the UK called Jordans Wheat...
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May 2009 Your stories

Your Success Stories

‘We found the GI the most critical tool in managing our children’s diabetes.’ – Margie 'I have two type 1...
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GI Foundation News May 2009

GI Symbol News with Alan Barclay

LoGicane™: your questions answered Alan Barclay The launch of the low GI sweetener LoGicane™ in Australia in March sparked immense...
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GI values May 2009

New GI Values with Fiona Atkinson

Lychees Fresh lychees (B3 variety, Australian grown) GI 57 Serve size 8 lychees (about 100 g or 3 1/2 oz);...
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Copyright May 2009

Making the Most of GI News

Subscribe - it's free! To subscribe to GI News, simply click on the SUBSCRIBE link in the top right-hand column....
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April 2009

GI News—April 2009

Sweeten your life with low GI sugar (GI 50) Can cinnamon reduce the blood glucose rise after eating? Lupin -...
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April 2009 Foodwatch

Foodwatch with Catherine Saxelby

Lupin – dream ingredient or allergy nightmare? Catherine Saxelby I have to say right up front, lupin looks promising but...
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April 2009 What's new?

News Briefs

Is it finally the end of fad diet wars? It’s not the type of diet that makes a difference it’s...
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April 2009 Food for thought

Food for Thought

Can cinnamon reduce the blood glucose rise after eating? In recent years, lab research has suggested that CASSIA cinnamon, which...
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